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中共「紀律檢查委員會」之研究 / A Study of PRC'S Commission for Discipline Inspection林明昌, Lin, Ming Chang Unknown Date (has links)
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En jämförelse av SIRE - inspektioner och hamnstatskontroller / A comparison of SIRE - inspections and Port State controlsAndersson, Daniella, Beyersdorf, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
<p>Vi har valt att undersöka om oljebolagens krav är högre än hamnstatens eftersom vi under vår tid till sjöss har kommit i kontakt med ämnet ett flertal gånger. Ombord i fartygen pratas det mycket om inspektioner och de anses många gånger vara onödigt petiga.</p><p>Resultatet i vår studie har visat att inspektionerna medför en ökning av säkerheten och medvetenheten av risker som kan föreligga. Vi redogör även för om det finns en möjlighet att slå samman inspektionerna för att reducera påfrestningen hos besättningen.</p><p>För att få en inblick i organisationernas arbete har vi valt att göra en kvalitativ studie, grundad på strukturerade intervjufrågor som har ställts till oljebolag, ombordbefäl och inspektörer från Transportstyrelsen.</p><p>Vid framställningen av resultatet transkriberade vi intervjuerna och delade sedan upp materialet i kategorier för att läsaren på ett enkelt sätt skall kunna följa studien från början till slut.</p> / <p>We have chosen to investigate if the oil companies requirements are higher than the Port States. During our time at sea as cadets we have been in contact with inspections several times. The crew members are often talking about these inspections and experience them as to critical.</p><p>The results of our study has shown that the inspections are increasing the safety and awareness of risks that may exist. We will also describe wether there is a possibility to merge the inspections to reduce fatigue among the crew.</p><p>To get an insight in the activities of the organisations we have decided to found our study based on interviews with oil companies, officers onboard and inspectors from Transportstyrelsen.</p><p>During the process to complete the result we transcribed the interview material and divided it into categories, this will make it easier for the reader to follow our study.</p>
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Konceptframtagning av inspektionspluggar till flygmotorerRoskvist, Jimmy, Rydell, Richard January 2009 (has links)
<p>This report describes the results of the project "Concept development of jet engine inspection plugs" carried out in the spring of 2008. The work was done at the department of product definition at the company Volvo Aero in Trollhättan. The objective of the work was to develop concepts for a "Volvo-unique" inspection plug. The work is part of Volvo Aero's focus on proprietary (self-developed) technologies. Inspection plugs can be found on virtually all aircraft engines and gas turbines. They are used during inspections with fiber optics done at regular intervals during engine operation. Since the inspection plugs are screwed in and out many times during the life of an engine, it is important that the handling (the assembly and disassembly) is simple. It is also very important that the plugs are properly fixed in position to prevent them from coming off during operation. The focus of the work was to develop proposals on how the assembly and fixing of plugs could be designed to simplify the handling and have adequate and simple function. The procedure during the work was to first study relevant theory and methods that could be used. Then development was carried out according to the first steps of the systematic design methods. These steps include product specifications, concept generation, evaluation and selection of concepts, and development of selected concept. During the implementation, a number of tools and methods, including QFD, FMEA and decision matrices were used. Out of 14 developed concepts, two were chosen for comparison with a leading rival. Both developed concepts turned out to outscore the competitor and the main difference was the cost of production. One of the concepts was considered to have advantages over the other and was consequently chosen for further development. Geometry, manufacturing, materials, sealing and misalignment were the focus areas of the development. CAD models were made of the various design ideas that were identified and one principal inspection plug was recommended for further development.</p>
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Automated Program RecognitionWills, Linda M. 01 February 1987 (has links)
The key to understanding a program is recognizing familiar algorithmic fragments and data structures in it. Automating this recognition process will make it easier to perform many tasks which require program understanding, e.g., maintenance, modification, and debugging. This report describes a recognition system, called the Recognizer, which automatically identifies occurrences of stereotyped computational fragments and data structures in programs. The Recognizer is able to identify these familiar fragments and structures, even though they may be expressed in a wide range of syntactic forms. It does so systematically and efficiently by using a parsing technique. Two important advances have made this possible. The first is a language-independent graphical representation for programs and programming structures which canonicalizes many syntactic features of programs. The second is an efficient graph parsing algorithm.
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Estimating the Effect of Penalties on Regulatory ComplianceAdrison, Vid 13 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation has two main objectives. First, we investigate the effectiveness of penalties and other enforcement tools on regulatory compliance, and comprehensively address problems that exist in previous regulatory compliance studies. Second, we develop a model that explains why most empirical studies of regulatory compliance yield results that seem to be inconsistent with the theoretical predictions of Harrington’s (1988) seminal article on regulatory compliance. Thus the dissertation comprises two essays. In Essay One, we estimate facility compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA) by comprehensively addressing the problems that exist in previous studies. The first problem is the failure to take into account undetected violations. To address this problem, we employ Detection Controlled Estimation (DCE) model, developed by Feinstein (1990). The DCE variant that we use is the two-sided expectation simultaneity version. We use this version because we assume that potential violators will react to what the regulator would do, and vice versa. The second problem that we address is in the measurement of regulatory penalties. Previous studies use dummy variables, but using a continuous measure of penalty enables us to differentiate the responses of minor from substantial violators, and avoid measurement error. Finally, we use a richer set of covariates. We include variables that were found to be statistically and economically significant in different previous studies, but which have never been estimated jointly. The results in Essay One indicate that facilities do respond to penalties, but the effect is economically insignificant. We argue that the small effect of penalties in reducing noncompliance comes from the way regulators enforce the regulations: penalties are rarely imposed on detected violators, or if imposed, the amount is usually negligible. The policy implication that arises from our findings is that if regulators want to see a substantial increase in the probability of compliance, it should consider imposing more frequent and severe penalties. The positive effects of more stringent enforcement on compliance rates come from three sources: (1) through specific deterrence effect; (2) through general deterrence effect; and (3) through an increase in the probability of self-reported violations, which allows for more efficient use of inspection budgets. In Essay Two, we extend Harrington’s (1988) theoretical model by (1) introducing an imperfect detection parameter, and (2) relaxing the movement between the groups, as in Friesen (2003). The extended model shows that when detection is imperfect, the zone for the “always-violate” strategy expands. This expansion has two implications. First, when firms are uniformly distributed in cost space, the number of firms that choose the “always-violate” strategy increases. Second, any empirical study that uses major facilities will be more likely to confirm “always-violate” strategy, but fail to confirm the other two strategies discussed in Harrington (1988). We also discuss other possibilities that can contribute to the difference between empirical results and theoretical predictions.
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Architecture And Disaster: A Holistic And Risk-based Building Inspection Professional Training Model For Practicing Architects In TurkeyOzden, Ali Tolga 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Interaction of human-induced factors with natural hazards results in diverse uncertainties and risks among the built environment. Impacts of disaster events experienced in Turkey have revealed the vulnerability of the social, economic, and physical environments along with the various insufficiencies of awareness, legislation, practice and building inspection concepts. The shift towards risk-based disasters policy among the international agenda influences the national disaster policies and efforts. Parallel to this, it is expected from practicing architects to enhance their capacities through disaster risk-based professional training programs in order to develop disaster resilient built environments.
Building Inspection System (BIS) is one of the important components of risk reduction approach which ensures the safety of built environment and occupants. The effective BIS has important gaps and deficiencies within the administrative, legal, and technical structures which results in failure of building production process in Turkey. Among the other problems, the main concern related to the ongoing BIS is its fragmented and missing risk-based understanding.
The critical analysis indicates the deficient points of administrative and technical issues within the BIS conducted with the certification and professional training model which are not consistent with shifting comprehensive disasters policy and risk-based understanding in Turkey, and proposing a holistic and risk-based certification and training model for practicing architects in Turkey which focuses on disaster resilient built environment development through the comparison of some international best-practiced training model examples with Turkish context.
The proposed professional training model has a three-step knowledge acquisition levels (awareness-detailed knowledge-advanced knowledge) which aims to approach to the architectural built environment problems, develop awareness, build-up knowledge and support practice through the holistic disaster risk reduction understanding, and in addition to attend on the complementary and supportive strategies (such as building and environment, building and material, structure and construction contexts) between related issues.
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Konceptframtagning av inspektionspluggar till flygmotorerRoskvist, Jimmy, Rydell, Richard January 2009 (has links)
This report describes the results of the project "Concept development of jet engine inspection plugs" carried out in the spring of 2008. The work was done at the department of product definition at the company Volvo Aero in Trollhättan. The objective of the work was to develop concepts for a "Volvo-unique" inspection plug. The work is part of Volvo Aero's focus on proprietary (self-developed) technologies. Inspection plugs can be found on virtually all aircraft engines and gas turbines. They are used during inspections with fiber optics done at regular intervals during engine operation. Since the inspection plugs are screwed in and out many times during the life of an engine, it is important that the handling (the assembly and disassembly) is simple. It is also very important that the plugs are properly fixed in position to prevent them from coming off during operation. The focus of the work was to develop proposals on how the assembly and fixing of plugs could be designed to simplify the handling and have adequate and simple function. The procedure during the work was to first study relevant theory and methods that could be used. Then development was carried out according to the first steps of the systematic design methods. These steps include product specifications, concept generation, evaluation and selection of concepts, and development of selected concept. During the implementation, a number of tools and methods, including QFD, FMEA and decision matrices were used. Out of 14 developed concepts, two were chosen for comparison with a leading rival. Both developed concepts turned out to outscore the competitor and the main difference was the cost of production. One of the concepts was considered to have advantages over the other and was consequently chosen for further development. Geometry, manufacturing, materials, sealing and misalignment were the focus areas of the development. CAD models were made of the various design ideas that were identified and one principal inspection plug was recommended for further development.
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Vettinginspektion en utredning om vettinginspektioner leder till ökad arbetsbelastning ombordKarlsson, Therese January 2011 (has links)
Abstrakt Jag har tittat på hur arbetsbelastningen ser ut idag ombord på svenska tankfartyg. Arbetet har belyst inställningen till och respondenternas upplevda känslor vid tiden för vettinginspektionen, men också vad det skulle kunna leda till. Under praktiktiden genomfördes personliga intervjuer samt intervjuer via mejl, och har även använt mig av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa undersökningar. Utredningen har visat att respondenternas goda inställning till vettinginspektioner, mest oro före vettinginspektionen, förberedelserna väl genomförda, hur inspektörens agerande påverkar besättningen. Samt resultatet av utredningen har även visat att det existerar en viss övertid runt en vettinginspektion. / Abstract I have looked at how the workloads are today onboard Swedish tankers. This work has shown the attitude to and the respondents experienced emotions by the time of the vetting inspection but also what this could lead to. During my on board training interviews were made including interviews by mail and for the investigation has also the usage of qualitative and quantitative methods. The investigation has shown that the respondents good attitude to vetting inspections, mostly worrying before the vetting inspection, well preparations, how the vetting inspector actions effects the respondents. The result of the investigation has also shown that it exists some overtime by the time of the vetting inspection.
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Controlling an autonomous underwater vehicle through tunnels with a behavior-based control strategy / Styrning av en autonom undervattensfarkost genom tunnlar med en beteendebaserad reglerstrategiAxelsson, Olle January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the master’s thesis work is to investigate how an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) should act in an underwater tunnel environment. The thesis proposes sensors, control strategies, mission statement, among others, required for tunnel assignments. A behavior-based control (BBC) strategy has been developed to control the AUV. The BBC is used in the middle level of the vehicle control, i.e. the reactive control system which describes how the AUV navigates through a tunnel, while other events are considered. The control strategy has also been separated into two parts, and these are: controlling the AUV’s heading and controlling the AUV to a desired distance from the tunnel wall. To be able to evaluate the performance of the system, a graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed. The GUI enables the operator to change control settings during simulations. Two proposed control strategies are presented with simulated results. / Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur en autonom undervattensfarkost (AUV) bör agera i en undervattenstunnel miljö. Avhandlingen föreslår sensorer, reglerstrategier, uppdragsbeskrivning med mera som krävs för tunneluppdrag. En beteendebaserad (behavior-based) reglerstrategi har utvecklats för att styra AUV:n. Reglerstrategin används i mellersta nivån i farkostens reglering, det vill säga den reaktiva regleringen som beskriver hur farkosten ska styra genom en tunnel samtidigt som andra händelser beaktas. Reglerstrategin har även delats upp i två delar: reglering av AUV:ns kurs och reglering av AUV:n till ett önskat avstånd från tunnelns vägg. För att kunna verifiera funktionaliteten av systemet så har även ett grafiskt användargränssnitt utvecklats. Gränssnittet möjliggör att man kan ändra reglerparametrar under en simulering. Två föreslagna reglerstrategier presenteras med tillhörande resultat.
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Machine vision for the automatic classification of images acquired from Non-destructive testsGutta, Gayatri January 2007 (has links)
This project is based on Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and Digital Image processing (I.P) for automatic condition monitoring of sleepers in the railway track. Rail inspection is a very important task in railway maintenance for traffic safety issues and in preventing dangerous situations. Monitoring railway track infrastructure is an important aspect in which the periodical inspection of rail rolling plane is required.Up to the present days the inspection of the railroad is operated manually by trained personnel. A human operator walks along the railway track searching for sleeper anomalies. This monitoring way is not more acceptable for its slowness and subjectivity. Hence, it is desired to automate such intuitive human skills for the development of more robust and reliable testing methods. Images of wooden sleepers have been used as data for my project. The aim of this project is to present a vision based technique for inspecting railway sleepers (wooden planks under the railway track) by automatic interpretation of Non Destructive Test (NDT) data using A.I. techniques in determining the results of inspection.
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