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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Switch from LIBOR to OIS Discounting / The Switch from LIBOR to OIS Discounting

Kotálová, Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
The main contribution of the diploma thesis is to give a comprehensive picture of the switch from LIBOR to OIS discounting. Prior to the global financial crisis, LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) represented an approximation of the risk-free rate in the valuation of interest rate derivatives. The collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 resulted in sharp widening of the LIBOR-OIS spread, an indicator of the interbank market stress. Many derivative practitioners have become concerned about the choice of an appropriate risk-free rate. Traditional valuation approaches using LIBOR discounting have been reviewed. Meanwhile, the OIS (Overnight Indexed Swap) rate has become a better proxy for the risk-free rate, at least for collateralized or centrally cleared transactions. Firstly, the research aims to discover the divergences between LIBOR rates, popular pre-crisis proxies for the riskfree rate, and OIS rates, their post-crisis alternatives. Secondly, it covers the interbank lending market, and analyzes individual LIBOR-OIS spreads for the USD, EUR, GBP and CZK currency. Thirdly, it explores the transition to OIS discounting in connection with an influence on a wide spectrum of interest rate derivatives. Therefore, any potential effects are demonstrated on numerical valuation examples of interest rate swaps in the USD, EUR, and GBP currency. Finally, the diploma thesis addresses a topic of collateral management and clarifies different approaches using LIBOR or OIS rates for collateralized or non-collateralized transactions.

Význam referenčních úrokových sazeb a manipulace s úrokovou sazbou LIBOR / Importance of reference interest rates and LIBOR manipulation

Kolář, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a role of reference interest rates in developed market economies. There are described interest rate transmission mechanism and discussed factors, which led to manipulation of the LIBOR. How the manipulation was done and what reactions of supervisory authorities it induced. There are also listed proposed recommendations to ensure transparent reference indicators. This work also includes analysis of reference interest rates used in the Czech Republic. At the end of the thesis can be found application of a reference rate fixing process in a game theory model as well as application of Benford´s law as an indicator of the manipulation.

ANALÝZA FAKTORŮ PŮSOBÍCÍCH NA TRH HYPOTEČNÍCH ÚVĚRŮ V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Analysis of factors influencing the mortgage market in the Czech Republic

Král, Šimon January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the factors influencing the mortgage market in the Czech Republic. The first part explains the basic terms related to the mortgage loan. Then follow characteristics of different mortgage loans which a client is able to get on the local market. Next there is a description of the history of mortgage lending in the Czech Republic and its development to the present day. The first chapter of the analytical part defines the factors which has influence on the development of the mortgage market. In the next chapter these macroeconomic factors are analyzed and evaluated. The objective of the work is to create a simplified model describing the interaction of macroeconomic variables and the mortgage market, used to estimate the future development and managing banking risk.

El efecto del tamaño de la economía informal sobre el riesgo soberano en los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico entre 1991 y 2017 / The effect of the size of the informal economy on sovereign risk in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance between 1991 and 2017

Biagioni Casafranca, Fabrizio Giulio 18 June 2021 (has links)
El presente documento investiga el impacto que tiene el tamaño de la economía informal en el riesgo soberano de los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico, cuyas economías presentan características similares y niveles altos de informalidad. De esta manera, se pretende analizar un factor que no ha sido estudiado ampliamente como determinante del riesgo soberano en países emergentes latinoamericanos. Para cumplir con el objetivo, se realiza una estimación econométrica de datos panel con efectos fijos donde se encuentra que el tamaño de la informalidad es un determinante significativo de mayores niveles en la tasa de interés real, el diferencial entre las tasas de interés activa y pasiva de las economías, el diferencial entre el rendimiento de los bonos soberanos nacionales frente a los bonos estadounidenses y el endeudamiento público, lo que se traslada en un incremento del riesgo soberano a través de un perjuicio en la política fiscal y estabilidad financiera de los países. / This document investigates the impact of the size of the informal economy on the sovereign risk of the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, whose economies have similar characteristics and high levels of informality. In this way, it is intended to analyze a factor that has not been widely studied as a determinant of sovereign risk in emerging Latin American countries. To meet the objective, an econometric estimation of panel data with fixed effects is carried out, where it is found that the size of informality is a significant determinant of higher levels in the real interest rate, the differential between the active and passive interest rates of economies, the differential between the yield of national sovereign bonds compared to US bonds and public indebtedness, which translates into an increase in sovereign risk through damage to the fiscal policy and financial stability of the countries. / Trabajo de investigación

Tasa de política de monetaria de la Fed y tipo de cambio en una economía pequeña y abierta: El caso peruano

Arpita Jaqui, Josue Edgar 30 June 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo tiene el propósito de estudiar el efecto de la tasa de política monetaria de la Fed sobre el tipo de cambio en una pequeña economía y abierta como la peruana. Para ello, se desarrolló un modelo de Vectores Autorregresivos (VAR). En este documento usamos el modelo general que consta en la combinación del de Frenkel-Bilson (Chicago) y Dornbusch (keynesiano). Además, que se enfatiza el papel de las expectativas y el rápido ajuste en los mercados de capitales. Respecto al modelo de Frenkel-Bilson se analiza el equilibrio monetario a largo plazo. Una expansión de la tasa de la política monetaria de la Fed se espera que la moneda nacional se devalúe a través de la inflación. La depreciación instantánea de la demanda de la moneda nacional es causada ya que, cae en relación con la moneda extranjera. Debido a un aumento del tipo de cambio, explicado como el precio de la moneda extranjera. De ese modo, el tipo de cambio y el diferencial de interés nominal tendrán una relación positiva. Por otro lado, en el modelo de Dornbusch (keynesiano) se considera que los precios fijos en el mercado de bienes provoca una diferencia entre el corto y el largo plazo. Si la tasa de interés nominal es baja en relación con la tasa de inflación esperada, entonces la economía nacional es muy líquida. La salida de capital genera que la moneda pierda valor, y se esperara que las expectativas de apreciación futura sean lo suficiente para compensar la baja tasa de interés. El tipo de cambio se encontrara por encima del valor de equilibrio en una cantidad cercana al diferencial de interés real. En los resultados del modelo estimado, se observa que el cambio (incremento) en la tasa de la Fed tendría un efecto muy leve sobre el tipo de cambio local, además que los efectos sobre la variación porcentual del tipo de cambio sean ligeramente negativos, los cuales luego de un periodo breve vuelve a su normalidad. Para obtener estos resultados el estudio que se desarrolla en este documento hace uso de una metodología del tipo estadístico – descriptivo y cuantitativo. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo econométrico VAR a partir del cual se busca poner a prueba las hipótesis planteadas. / The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of the Fed's monetary policy rate on the exchange rate in a small open economy such as the Peruvian economy. For this purpose, a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model was developed. In this paper we use the general model consisting of a combination of the Frenkel-Bilson (Chicago) and Dornbusch (Keynesian) models. In addition, we emphasize the role of expectations and rapid adjustment in capital markets. Regarding the Frenkel-Bilson model, the long-term monetary equilibrium is analyzed. An expansion of the Fed's monetary policy rate is expected to devalue the national currency through inflation. The instantaneous depreciation of the demand for the national currency is caused as it falls relative to the foreign currency. Due to an increase in the exchange rate, explained as the price of foreign currency. In this way, the exchange rate and the nominal interest differential will have a positive relationship. On the other hand, in the Dornbusch (Keynesian) model it is considered that fixed prices in the goods market causes a difference between the short and long term. If the nominal interest rate is low relative to the expected inflation rate, then the national economy is very liquid. The capital outflow causes the currency to lose value, and expectations of future appreciation are expected to be sufficient to offset the low interest rate. The exchange rate will be above the equilibrium value by an amount close to the real interest differential. In the results of the estimated model, it is observed that the change (increase) in the Fed rate would have a very slight effect on the local exchange rate, in addition to the effects on the percentage variation of the exchange rate being slightly negative, which after a short period returns to normal. In order to obtain these results, the study developed in this document makes use of a statistical - descriptive and quantitative methodology. For this purpose, an econometric VAR model is developed to test the hypotheses proposed. / Trabajo de investigación

Finanční zdroje na pořízení nemovitosti z pohledu investora / Financial resources for the purchase of real estate from the investor's point of view

Štěrbová, Nikol January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the assessment of financial resources for the acquisition of real estate. Specifically, the thesis deals with the issue of purchasing an apartment using a mortgage loan. In this case, the investor is a young married couple. The diploma thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part deals with housing, the real estate market, real estate valuation and real estate financing sources in its chapters. The practical part primarily focuses on the choice of the banking institution, which will provide the couple with a mortgage loan, and also the banking institutions, which will provide the consumer with a consumer credit for financing the remaining necessary amount of the flat price.

Uplatnění matematických a statistických metod v řízení podniku / Application of Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Company Management

Ondrašíková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Ondrašíková, K. Application of Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Business Management. Thesis. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2019. This thesis deals with the analysis of the mortgage market and the identification of factors that influence its growth. The thesis proposes using the available mathematical and statistical methods of measures for the bank at the level of mortgage sales based on the market analysis.

OMXS30 på genomresa i en lågräntemiljö : En studie om drivande faktorer för P/E-multipeln på OMXS30 / The OMXS30 on transit in a low interest environment

Rosander, Carl, Johansson, Harald January 2021 (has links)
Titel: OMXS30 på genomresa i en lågräntemiljö Författare: Harald Johansson & Carl Rosander Handledare: Øystein Fredriksen Bakgrund och problem: En tillgångs pris kan beskrivas som en funktion av vinsten som tillgången genererar samt hur mycket en investerare är villig att betala för en andel av den vinsten. Tidigare studier har presenterat motsägande resultat huruvida det främst är variation i multipeln eller om det är förändring i vinsttillväxten som driver aktiepriser. Från år 2010 till år 2019 har OMXS30 kännetecknats av en stark prisuppgång på 84,2 % under perioden. Författarna vill analysera om det är en multipelexpansion eller stigande vinster som har drivit prisuppgången för OMXS30, samt analysera drivande faktorer för indexets P/E-multipel. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera vad som drivit prisutvecklingen av OMXS30 från år 2010 till år 2019. Studien syftar även till att analysera hur de utvalda faktorerna har påverkat P/E-multipeln på OMXS30 under denna period. Metod: I Uppsatsen appliceras ett kvantitativt och deduktivt tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå studiens syfte. Författarna har använt sig av enkla och multipla regressioner som analysmetod för att analysera de utvalda faktorernas påverkan på P/E-multipeln för OMXS30 under tidsperioder om fem och tio år från år 2010 till år 2019. Slutsats: Trots att OMXS30 visat på en stark prisuppgång har ingen betydande multipelexpansion skett eftersom vinsttillväxten utvecklats likvärdigt med priset. Räntans starka korrelation och signifikans med P/E-multipeln på OMXS30 är i linje med både teori och resultatet från tidigare studier, vilket innebär att sambandet även gäller i den lågräntemiljö som studiens tidsperiod präglats av. Även skuldsättningsgradens samband med P/E-multipeln uppvisade statistisk signifikans på 1 % under studiens tidsperiod, vilket kan ses som en ny värdedrivare att ta hänsyn till när P/E-multipeln analyseras eftersom dess frekvens i tidigare studier varit begränsad. / Background and problem: The price of an asset can be described as a function of the profit it generates, as well as how much investors are willing to pay for that profit. Prior studies have presented contradicting results regarding if it is the variation in the valuation multiple that drives stock prices,or if it is changes in the growth rate of the profits. Between 2010-2019, the Swedish stock index OMXS30 has been characterized by its strong development of 84,2 %, and the authors want to analyze if the strong development of OMXS30 has been driven by a multiple expansion or profit growth. Theauthors will also analyze value drivers of the P/E ratio for the entire index. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze what has driven the price development of OMXS30 between year 2010 to year 2019. Furthermore, the study aims to analyze how the chosen value drivers have contributed to the development of the index during the chosen time period. Methodology: The study applies a quantitative and deductive approach to fulfill the purpose of the study. The authors have applied both simple and multiple regressions as method of analysis during periods of five and ten years, in order to analyze how the chosen value drivers impacts the P/E ratio of the OMXS30. Conclusion:The strong price development of the OMXS30 has not resulted in a significant multiple expansion,which can be derived to the fact the profit growth has had an equally strong development on theindex. The statistically significant and highly correlated relationship between the interest rate andthe P/E ratio of the OMXS30 is in line with both theory and previous studies on the topic, which implies that the relationship remains true in the low interest environment that has been present during the chosen time period. The relationship between the debt to equity ratio and the P/E ratiowas statistically significant at 1 % during the chosen time period, which makes the ratio a new value driver to consider when the P/E ratio is analyzed, especially since the mentioning of the debt to equity ratio as a value driver for the P/E ratio has been limited in both theory and previous studies.

Činnost finančního poradce při zajišťování bydlení klientovi / Methods of financial advisor solution client´s housing

Vrtíková, Pavla January 2007 (has links)
This master´s thesis analyses the importance of living in own property, the possibilities of financing, especially construction saving loans and mortgages. I mention the current situation on the market of loans and mortgages and the estate market. In second part i describe the work of financial advisor and i include offered products, i suggest to clients the best possibilities of how to finance their property. I suggest options, compare them and recommend the most convenient one.

Návrh financování bydlení v nové bytové výstavbě / The proposal of finance of habitation in new housing quarters

Procházka, Štěpán January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of available forms of financing of housing in Czech Republic. The attention is basicly concentrated on mortages and loans provided by building society, including bridging loans. There are also mentioned different types of prospects for financing, concretely loans and backing provided by government. The application example shows financial demands of various products and their possible combinations.

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