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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo descritivo das intoxicações notificadas ao Centro de Controle de Intoxicações da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo no período de 1998 a 2002 e propostas de ações preventivas (OU) Centros de Controle de Intoxicação, ações estratégicas para o controle e prevenção das intoxicações em regiões metropolitanas / Poison Control Centers, strategic actions to control and prevent poisonings in metropolitan regions

Edna Maria Miello Hernandez 10 September 2004 (has links)
Foi feito um estudo a partir dos dados provenientes das fichas de notificação do atendimento Centro de Controle de Intoxicações da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, CCI-SP no período de 1998 a 2002 com o objetivo de avaliar as intoxicações na população. Crianças de 1 a 4 anos foi o grupo mais exposto, com 38,8% seguido pelos adultos de 20 a 29 anos, com 14,4% do total dos atendimentos. A circunstância acidental foi a principal razão das exposições, especialmente para crianças de 1 a 4 anos, com 66,4% das ocorrências. A tentativa de suicídio foi a circunstância mais freqüente nas faixas etárias de 15 a 19 anos (20,9%) e de 20 a 29 anos (32,4%). Os medicamentos (43,4%), liderados pelos psicofármacos, foram os agentes mais freqüentes nas exposições, seguidos pelos produtos químicos de uso domiciliar (16,5%), especialmente produtos a base de hipoclorito de sódio. Ações de prevenção e educação da população frente ao risco das intoxicações foram sugeridas. / Data collected from Poison Control Center of Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo registration sheets reporting from 1998 to 2002 were used in order to evaluate the poisoning among the population. The study shows that children aged 1-4, corresponding to 38,8%, followed by the adults (20-29 years old) corresponding to 14,4%, were the main affected groups from the total cases of poisoning exposures. The accidental circumstance was the major cause of the exposures, especially in the 1-4 age group with corresponding to 66,4% of poisoning cases. The suicide attempts are higher among adolescents between ages from 15 to 19 (20,9%) and adults from 20 to 29 (32,4%). The medicine drugs represent 43,4% of all poisoning cases, with psychotropics ranking followed by household products (16,5%), in special solutions of sodium hypochlorite. The study suggests preventive actions and public education to reduce risks of poisoning.

Identidade, discriminação e saúde mental em estudantes universitários / Identity, discrimination and mental health in undergraduate students

Santos Júnior, Amilton dos, 1983- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Dalgalarrondo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T11:23:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SantosJunior_Amiltondos_M.pdf: 13683671 bytes, checksum: f0c8ea50d3f16860abe2649a14841e96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Objetivos: Pesquisar, em uma amostra de estudantes de graduação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, se relatos de diferentes tipos de experiências de se sentir discriminado podem se relacionar a piores indicadores de qualidade de vida e a repercussões psicopatológicas, identificando possíveis fatores sociais, étnicos, demográficos e culturais com possível modulação sobre essas percepções. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal, entre outubro de 2.005 a novembro de 2.006, incluindo estudantes de ambos os sexos, regularmente matriculados em diversos cursos dos períodos diurno e noturno e dos campi Barão Geraldo (Campinas) e Limeira, no qual foram analisadas respostas a um questionário anônimo, de autopreenchimento, aplicado em sala de aula, utilizando-se um tipo de amostra proporcional por áreas dos cursos de graduação. Foram utilizados instrumentos quantitativos para a avaliação de qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-Bref: World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment - forma abreviada), saúde mental (M.I.N.I.: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview); uso de risco de álcool (AUDIT: The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test); e uso de outras substâncias psicoativas (questionário baseado no método do Centro Brasileiro de Informação sobre Drogas Psicotrópicas - CEBRID). Respostas quantitativas de estudantes brancos, negros e pardos foram comparadas por análise bivariada simples e respostas abertas de perguntas aplicadas apenas a negros/pardos foram estudadas por grupamentos temáticos. Seguiu-se um pareamento do banco de dados primário em dois subgrupos: "brancos" e "negros/pardos", estratificados de acordo com características socioeconômicas deste último e analisados tanto descritivamente quanto por testes não paramétricos (qui quadrado e Mann-Whitney) e modelos de regressão linear e logística (univariadas e multivariadas). O nível de significância adotado para a análise estatística foi de 5%. Resultados: 1.174 alunos foram incluídos no banco de dados primário (89,8% dos respondedores, sendo 1.001 brancos, 144 pardos e 29 negros) e 346 no banco secundário, pareado. Negros/pardos foram o grupo com mais desvantagens socioeconômicas, pior qualidade de vida e com diferenças internas em termos de assunção de identidade étnica ou racial, com negros referindo mais discriminação, porém demonstrando mais orgulho e exploração da cultura afro que pardos. Nos dois grupos, em conjunto, houve predomínio de alunos menores de 26 anos, do sexo feminino e provenientes de famílias de baixo e médio nível socioeconômico. Indicadores de possíveis transtornos mentais e relatos de experiências de discriminação foram frequentes, principalmente os ligados à aparência física e ao nível socioeconômico. Houve correlações entre determinadas características sociodemográficas, tipos referidos de discriminação e respectivas influências sobre qualidade de vida, grupamentos de queixas psicopatológicas e uso potencialmente de risco de substâncias psicoativas. Conclusões: Categorias de discriminação e características pessoais sugestivas de mais sentimentos de inferioridade se relacionaram predominantemente a queixas psicopatológicas afetivas, internalizadas, e a pior qualidade de vida, enquanto aquelas sugestivas de sentimentos de estar à parte da maioria, por características pessoais específicas, relacionaram-se mais a queixas ansiosas e a potencial uso de risco de álcool e de outras substâncias psicoativas / Abstract: Objectives: To research, on a sample of undergraduate students from the University of Campinas, if reports of different kinds of experiences of feeling discriminated can be related to worse indicators of quality of life and to psychopathological repercussions, identifying possible social, ethnic, demographic and cultural factors which can exert modulation on these perceptions. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with data collected from October 2,005 to November 2,006, including students of both genders, regularly enrolled in various courses of daytime and nighttime periods from the campuses of Barão Geraldo (Campinas) and Limeira, in which there were analyzed answers to an anonymous self-administered questionnaire, applied in the classroom. Sample was proportional to the areas of the courses. Quantitative instruments were used to assess quality of life (WHOQOL-Bref: abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment), mental health (M.I.N.I.: Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview); potentially hazardous use of alcohol (AUDIT: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), and use of other psychoactive substances (an inventory based on the method of the Brazilian Center for Information on Psychotropic Drugs - CEBRID). Quantitative answers of White, Black and Brown students were compared by simple bivariate analysis and open answers to questions applied only to Black/Brown students were analyzed by thematic groupings. Secondly, it was performed a sample pairing procedure, with two groups ("Whites" and "Blacks/Browns"), matched according to socioeconomic characteristics of the latter. Subsequent analysis consisted of descriptive frequencies, non-parametric tests (chi-square and Mann-Whitney) and linear and logistic regressions models (both univariate and multivariate). The level of significance for the statistical analysis was 5%. Results: 1,174 students were included in the initial sample (89.8% of the respondents: 1,001 Whites, 144 Browns and 29 Blacks), and 346 in the matched sample. Black/Brown students were the group with more socioeconomic disadvantages, less quality of life and with internal differences in terms of assumption of ethnic or racial identity, with Blacks reporting more discrimination, but showing more pride and exploration of Afro culture than Browns. Considering the two groups together, there was a predominance of under than 26 year-old students, females and individuals from families of low and middle socioeconomic income. Indicators of possible mental health disorders and experiences of discrimination were common, mostly those related to physical appearance and to socioeconomic status. There were correlations between certain social and demographic characteristics, specific reports of discrimination and influences on quality of life, on groups of psychological complaints and on potentially hazardous use of psychoactive substances. Conclusions: Categories of discrimination and personal characteristics suggestive of feelings of inferiority were mainly correlated to affective and internalized psychological complaints and to worse quality of life, while those suggestive of being apart from the mainstream, by specific personal characteristics, were more related to anxious complaints and potentially hazardous use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Ciências

Vliv hyperbarického prostředí na jemnou motoriku / Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skills

Les, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skills Objectives: The aim of study is to assess the changes fine motor skills due to hyperbaric environment in preparation for selected tests of fine motor skills. Methods: The first method was used empirically - research. Then the method chosen of compilation of the information obtained. The basic method to work was the experimental measurement method specially constructed tests on fine motor skills. All measured values were statistically processed as follows. Results: The results were formulated as a percentage, graphs and tables. Recording was carried out by recording the time data. Their percentage of the overall approach to the exercise time mastering fine motor skills in different environments. All results obtained were processed and evaluated. Keywords: depth intoxication, fine motor skills, hyperbaric environment, hyperbaric chambers, diving

Orgánové změny po perkutánní expozici sirnému yperitu / Changes of internal organs after percutaneous exposure to sulfur mustard

Šulová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Veronika Šulová Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. External supervisor: pplk. doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Pejchal, Ph.D. et Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Changes of internal organs after percutaneous exposure to sulfur mustard Sulfur mustard is a chemical warfare agent belonging to the group of blistering agents. The theoretical section of the thesis is mainly focused on the description of acute toxic effects, the mechanism of action, and deals with the current possibilities of poisoning therapy. The experimental section is focused on monitoring the effect of sulfur mustard poisoning in the liver, lung, and kidney of female C57BL/6J mice after the percutaneous administration. This work aimed to evaluate markers of oxidative stress and histopathological changes of the selected organs at 3, 5, and 7 days after the poisoning. Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) methods were used to determine markers of oxidative stress. Histopathological changes were evaluated microscopically using the hematoxylin-eosin staining method. The airness of the lung parenchyma was also assessed by computer image analysis. First, the LD50 of sulfur mustard was...

Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Molecular Targets for Alcoholism and Ethanol Reward: A Dissertation

Hendrickson, Linzy M 28 January 2011 (has links)
While it is clear that most drugs of abuse act to increase extracellular dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), the molecular mechanisms mediating this process vary depending on the molecular target each drug acts on. The rewarding properties of most drugs of abuse including cocaine, amphetamine, and heroin have been well established for some time; however, the molecular mechanisms by which ethanol acts to mediate reward have not been fully elucidated. In this thesis, I have examined the role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), known molecular targets for nicotine addiction, in mediating the initial rewarding properties of alcohol. Using a mouse model of voluntary ethanol consumption called Drinking in the Dark (DID), in combination with nAChR pharmacology and mouse genetics, we have provided further evidence for the role of nAChRs in mediating the initial rewardingproperties of ethanol. Because of the vast number of possible functional nAChR subtypes present in the brain, I sought to investigate which subtype of nAChR may be responsible for ethanol reinforcement. To accomplish this, I used twocomplementary nAChR mouse models. The first is a knock-out line that does not express the α4 subunit (α4 KO) and the second is a knock-in line that expresses α4* nAChRs that are hypersensitive to agonist (Leu9′Ala). We have also shown, for the first time, that a specific nAChR subtype, those that contain the α4 subunit (α4*), mediate voluntary ethanol consumption and reward. Next, I examined the role of α4* nAChRs in modulating voluntary ethanol consumption after systemic administration of the FDA approved smoking cessation drug varenicline, a partial agonist of α4* nAChRs. We showed that varenicline and nicotine both reduced acute ethanol consumption in an α4* nAChR dependent mechanism. Taken together, our data indicate that activation of α4* nAChRs is necessary and sufficient for reduction of ethanol consumption and further supports the hypothesis that α4* nAChRs are molecular targets for alcohol cessation therapies.

Generell metod för analys av pesticider med HS-SPME i kombination med GC-MS : Möjligheten att identifiera pesticider i känd lösning och i förgiftningsfall

Eliasson Heino, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on a general method that has been developed for the identification of both polar- and nonpolar pesticidespolar pesticides in a known solution from EPA 8151 Herbicide acid mix by Merck including the ordered non-polar pesticide Prosulfocarb. The EPA-solution contains 16 analytes that has been completely identified when derivatized and spiked in acetone. The solution has also been spiked in blood samples, resulting in five calibration solutions in the range of 0,01 – 2,5 µg/g, followed by quantification. Identification of dinoseb and bentazone, spiked in blood, failed whereas the remaining 145 analytes were identified. The method uses headspace (HS) solid phase microextraction (SPME) in combination with gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometry (MS) in both scan and selected ion monitoring mode. A standard extraction- and derivatization procedure has been performed for the analysis of alcohols, phenols, and carboxylic acids with help from a protocol regarding the analysis of ethylene glycol in blood. Samples were introduced on the column with splitless injection where 1 µl were injected with an injector temperature of 250oC. Effective separations were achieved by using GS-GasPro PLOT-column (30 m x i.d. 320 µm x df 0 µm) in combination with a temperature programme that started at an initial temperature of 80oC (1 min) that increased by 10oC/min up to 280oC (1 min). The limit of detection (LOD) for the pesticides, spiked blood, were 0,01 – 2,5 µg/g where the lowest limit of 0,01 µg/g meant difficult identification whereas a greater identification was made at 0,05 µg/g. No identification was succeeded for the most polar substances in the forms of amines and amides in combination with carboxylic acid. Identification was however made for the less polar pesticides in the forms of alcohols, phenols, and carboxylic acids. The method must be further developed to identify the highly polar pesticides in different chemical classes. The current method can be used in occurring intoxications and in autopsy cases.

Calcinosis in Alpaca Crias (Vicugna pacos) Due to Vitamin D Intoxication—Clinical, Laboratory and Pathological Findings with a Focus on Kidney Function

Wagener, Matthias Gerhard, Helmer, Carina, Kammeyer, Patricia, Kleinschmidt, Sven, Punsmann, Teresa Maria, Meilwes, Johanna Maria, Schwennen, Cornelia, von Altrock, Alexandra, Wilkens, Mirja, Schwert, Barbara, von Keyserlingk-Eberius, Nicole, Ganter, Martin 24 April 2023 (has links)
Alpacas kept in Central Europe are often deficient in vitamin D3, which is supplemented orally or by injection by the owners or veterinarians. Vitamin D3 can be specified in two different units (IU and µg), which differ by a factor of 40. By mixing up these units, an overdosage can be induced. In this study, three alpaca crias were examined after vitamin D3 intoxication, with particular reference to kidney function. All three animals developed non-specific clinical alterations 1–2 weeks after a vitamin D3 overdose of approximately 40 times. Plasma of the animals revealed several alterations. The main findings were severe azotemia, hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, 15 days after treatment. Kidney function analysis (endogenous creatinine clearance) in two of the crias revealed severe glomerular damage. All crias died despite intensive treatment within 23 days after vitamin D3 treatment. Necropsy revealed calcification in different organs, mainly the kidneys, lungs and liver. Since nine other crias in the same group were treated with comparable doses of vitamin D3 and no clinical signs were observed in these animals, it is concluded that individual animals show different levels of sensitivity to vitamin D3.

<b>Leveraging Whole Brain Imaging to Identify Brain Regions Involved in Alcohol Frontloading</b>

Cherish Elizabeth Ardinger (9706763) 03 January 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Frontloading is an alcohol drinking pattern where intake is skewed toward the onset of access. The goal of the current study was to identify brain regions involved in frontloading using whole brain imaging. 63 C57Bl/6J (32 female and 31 male) mice underwent 8 days of binge drinking using drinking-in-the-dark (DID). Three hours into the dark cycle, mice received 20% (v/v) alcohol or water for two hours on days 1-7. Intake was measured in 1-minute bins using volumetric sippers, which facilitated analyses of drinking patterns. Mice were perfused 80 minutes into the day 8 DID session and brains were extracted and processed for iDISCO clearing and c-fos immunohistochemistry. For brain network analyses, day 8 drinking patterns were used to characterize mice as frontloaders or non-frontloaders using a change-point analysis described in our recent ACER publication (Ardinger et al., 2022). Groups were female frontloaders (n = 20), female non-frontloaders (n = 2), male frontloaders (n = 13) and male non-frontloaders (n = 8). There were no differences in total alcohol intake as a function of frontloading status. Water drinkers had an n of 10 for each sex. As only two female mice were characterized as non-frontloaders, it was not possible to construct a functional correlation network for this group. Following light sheet imaging, ClearMap2.1 was used to register brains to the Allen Brain Atlas and detect fos+ cells. Functional correlation matrices were calculated for each group from log<sub>10</sub> c-fos values. Euclidean distances were calculated from these R values and hierarchical clustering was used to determine modules (highly connected groups of brain regions) at a tree-cut height of 50%. In males, alcohol access decreased modularity (3 modules in both frontloaders and non-frontloaders) as compared to water drinkers (7 modules). In females, an opposite effect was observed. Alcohol access (9 modules) increased modularity as compared to water drinkers (5 modules). These results suggest sex differences in how alcohol consumption reorganizes the functional architecture of networks. Next, key brain regions in each network were identified. Connector hubs, which primarily facilitate communication between modules, and provincial hubs, which facilitate communication within modules, were of specific interest for their important and differing roles. In males, 4 connector hubs and 17 provincial hubs were uniquely identified in frontloaders (i.e., were brain regions that did not have this status in male non-frontloaders or water drinkers). These represented a group of hindbrain regions (e.g., locus coeruleus and the pontine gray) connected to striatal/cortical regions (e.g., cortical amygdalar area) by the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. In females, 16 connector and 17 provincial hubs were uniquely identified which were distributed across 8 of the 9 modules in the female alcohol drinker network. Only one brain region (the nucleus raphe pontis) was a connector hub in both sexes, suggesting that frontloading in males and females may be driven by different brain regions. In conclusion, alcohol consumption led to fewer, but more densely connected, groups of brain regions in males but not females, and recruited different hub brain regions between the sexes. These results suggest target brain regions for future studies to try to manipulate frontloading behavior and more broadly contribute to the literature on alcohol’s effect on neural networks.</p>

Case analyses of adolescents who were sexually abused while being intoxicated / Siniko Madikizela

Madikizela, Siniko January 2013 (has links)
South Africa is faced with a high rate of substance use and sexual abuse among both sexes of adolescents from a wide range of social backgrounds. So many cases have been reported in the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes in Port St Johns. This article shows that the patterns of alcohol use among South African adolescents is cause for concern. The use of substance by adolescents is associated with a range of negative consequences, including the risk of being sexual abused. Many adolescents from the areas surrounding Port St Johns use substances, and as a result they end up engaging in risky sexual activities. Older people take advantage of them, so that many of these adolescents become victims of sexual abuse. Some of them become school drop-outs. As a result, the following effects can develop in these adolescents. * Isolation * Self-blame * Embarrassment The aim of the study was to do case analysis in order to identify adolescents who were sexually abused while being intoxicated so that the social workers can construct empowering programmes to prevent the abuse of substances and also the sexual abuse of these adolescents. Data collection took place by means of case analysis of 15 adolescents. Documents of the adolescents from the case loads of social workers in the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes were used to gain a detailed picture of the themes emerging from adolescents who were sexually abused after the abuse of substances. The results indicated that many adolescents from the areas surrounding Port St Johns use substances and as a result they end up engaging in risky sexual activities. Older people take advantage of them while they are under the influence of a substance, and these adolescents become victims of sexual abuse. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Case analyses of adolescents who were sexually abused while being intoxicated / Siniko Madikizela

Madikizela, Siniko January 2013 (has links)
South Africa is faced with a high rate of substance use and sexual abuse among both sexes of adolescents from a wide range of social backgrounds. So many cases have been reported in the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes in Port St Johns. This article shows that the patterns of alcohol use among South African adolescents is cause for concern. The use of substance by adolescents is associated with a range of negative consequences, including the risk of being sexual abused. Many adolescents from the areas surrounding Port St Johns use substances, and as a result they end up engaging in risky sexual activities. Older people take advantage of them, so that many of these adolescents become victims of sexual abuse. Some of them become school drop-outs. As a result, the following effects can develop in these adolescents. * Isolation * Self-blame * Embarrassment The aim of the study was to do case analysis in order to identify adolescents who were sexually abused while being intoxicated so that the social workers can construct empowering programmes to prevent the abuse of substances and also the sexual abuse of these adolescents. Data collection took place by means of case analysis of 15 adolescents. Documents of the adolescents from the case loads of social workers in the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes were used to gain a detailed picture of the themes emerging from adolescents who were sexually abused after the abuse of substances. The results indicated that many adolescents from the areas surrounding Port St Johns use substances and as a result they end up engaging in risky sexual activities. Older people take advantage of them while they are under the influence of a substance, and these adolescents become victims of sexual abuse. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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