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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de un modelo de gestión del proceso de compras e inventarios para la reducción de artículos inmovilizados del almacén de una empresa comercializadora de productos de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación

Diaz Maldonado, Iván Augusto, Ramírez Bonilla, Alexander Solio Isaac 18 October 2021 (has links)
En la presente tesis se propone la implementación de un sistema de gestión de compras a inventarios para una empresa comercializadora de productos de tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Esto se debe a que su principal problema reside en los productos inmovilizados que presentan en el almacén. En el primer capítulo se apreciarán los conceptos relacionados a la administración y gestión de inventarios partiendo de la cadena de suministro y logística. A su vez el comportamiento de la demanda de estos. En el segundo capítulo se abarcará el diagnóstico del presente caso de estudio ya que para generar una propuesta se debe analizar primero dónde reside el problema dónde sus causas raíces significan que no hay pronósticos certeros y una cultura de orden en el almacén por lo que los productos no se ubican. Eso dará hincapié al tercer capítulo el cuál detallará cómo solucionar la problemática por medio de un análisis de un modelo de pronóstico más eficiente, en este caso el Syntetos y Boyland y como la metodología 5S de forma innovadora en sintonía con un modelo de Kanban con enfoque adaptativo a almacén permite ordenar esta situación y establecer un procedimiento de seguimiento a la mercadería. Esto se validará por un Piloto en el cuarto capítulo, realizado en dos meses, dónde se evidencian mejoras del índice de rotación de inventario y los costos logísticos asociados. Esto se reflejará en un impacto económico positivo de aumento al 66.26% de la utilidad neta diagnosticada. / In this thesis, the implementation of an inventory purchasing management system for a company that markets information and communication technology products is proposed. This is because their main problem resides in the immobilized products that they present in the warehouse. In the first chapter the concepts related to the administration and management of inventories starting from the supply chain and logistics will be appreciated. In turn, the behavior of the demand for these. In the second chapter, the diagnosis of the present case study will be covered, since to generate a proposal you must first analyze where the problem lies, where its root causes mean that there are no accurate forecasts and a culture of order in the warehouse, so the products are not located. That will emphasize the third chapter which will detail how to solve the problem through an analysis of a more efficient forecasting model, in this case the Syntetos and Boyland and how the 5S methodology is innovatively in tune with a Kanban model with focus Adaptive to warehouse allows to order this situation and establish a procedure for monitoring the merchandise. This will be validated by a Pilot in the fourth chapter, carried out in two months, where improvements in the inventory turnover rate and associated logistics costs are evident. This will be reflected in a positive economic impact of an increase to 66.26% of the diagnosed net profit. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Řízení nákupu a zásob / Purchasing and Inventory Management

Bartošková, Sylvie January 2013 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to create strategies based on market analyses for optimized inventory management in area of small batch production and enforce meaning of the supply chain marketing within KLM company. This thesis providing ABC analysis, new system developed for efficient identification of the parts and suppliers. Based on these analyses new quotation system for spare parts management has been proposed.

Studie logistiky opatřování se zaměřením na nákup / The Study of Logistics Procurement with a View to Purchase

Hřebíček, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis entitled “The study of Logistics procurement with a view to Purchase” is aimed at reducing costs in relation to obtaining, storing and maintaining material resources. The first part of this thesis introduces the company's production program and material standards. After which the relating processes are analyzed and by using theoretical approaches, measures to ensure savings are then proposed. The final part offers a summary of the benefits of the proposed solutions.

Využití Soft Computingu v rámci řízení objednávkového cyklu / The Utilization of Soft Computing in Ordering Cycle Management

Šustrová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with possibilities of using advanced methods of decision-making - Soft Computing, in company’s ordering cycle management. The main aim of the thesis is to propose an artificial neural network model with an optimal architecture for ordering cycle management within the supply chain management. The proposed model will be employed in an organization involved in retailing to ensure smooth material flow. A design and verification of artificial neural networks model for sales prediction is also part of this doctoral thesis as well as a comparison of results and usability with standard and commonly used statistical methods. Furthermore, the thesis deals with finding a suitable artificial neural network model with architecture capable of solving the lot-size problem according to specified inputs. Methods of statistical data processing, economical modelling and advanced decision-making (Soft Computing) were utilized during the model designing process.

Effektivisering av lagerhantering hos ett distribuerande företag : En fallstudie på Postnord / Efficient Inventory Management at distribution centers : A case study at Postnord

Karlsson, Hanna, Bergström, Ottilia January 2021 (has links)
Högre krav ställs på effektivitet och optimering av flödet hos distribuerande företag för att kunna möta det ökade antalet varor som hanteras. För att möta detta krav krävs ledtidsreducering i form av att minska icke värdeskapande tid samt att fokusera på arbetsmiljö för medarbetarna, i form av ergonomi. Ett stort fokus ligger även på att tillfredsställa kund i form av att leverera rätt kvalitet i rätt tid. Syftet med arbetet är att få en förståelse för effektiviseringsmöjligheter inom lagerhantering på ett distribuerande företag och utveckla ett arbetssätt som minskar ledtiden och förbättrar arbetsmiljön med fokus på ergonomi. Målet med studien är att ta fram ett effektivare arbetssätt i form av minskad ledtid och bättre arbetsmiljö, där fokus är ergonomi. Frågeställningar som tagits fram för att uppnå syftet berör hur ett distribuerande företag kan hantera lager på ett effektivare sätt i form av minskad ledtid samt hur lagerhanteringen kan förbättras med avseende på arbetsmiljön och dess ergonomiska aspekter. En värdeflödesanalys har tagits fram baserat på observationer och mätningar. I värdeflödesanalysen framgick det att processerna för inregistrering av paket och plock av paket hade förbättringsmöjligheter. Tester har utförts för att undersöka om olika förbättringsförslag medfört minskad ledtid och förbättrad arbetsmiljö i form av ergonomi. Resultatet visar att ett nytt arbetssätt tillsammans med en ny layout minskar ledtiden samtidigt som arbetsmiljön förbättras då personalen rör sig mindre. Slutsatsen är att ett effektivare och mer ergonomiskt arbetssätt gynnar företaget, medarbetare och kunder. / Higher demands are placed on efficiency and optimization of the flow of distribution centers due to the higher amount of products they are handling. To meet this requirement, lead time reduction is required to reduce non-value-adding time and focus on the work environment for a better ergonomics. Another important thing is to satisfy the customer in order to deliver the right quality on the right time. The purpose of the work is to gain an understanding of efficiency opportunities in warehouse management at a distributing company and to develop a working method that reduces lead time and improves the work environment with a focus on ergonomics. The aim of the study is to develop a more efficient way of working to reduce lead time and develop a better work environment, where the focus is on ergonomics. Issues that were developed to achieve the purpose of this case study concern how a distribution company can handle inventory in a more efficient way in the form of reduced lead time and how inventory management can be improved regarding work environment and ergonomic aspects. A value flow analysis was created based on observations and measurements. The value flow analysis showed that two different processes had opportunities for improvement. Tests have been performed to investigate if different improvements could reduce lead time and improve the work environment. The results showed that a new way of working together with a new layout reduced lead time. The conclusion shows that a more efficient and ergonomic way of working benefits the company, the employees, and the customer.

Assessment of medicine supply management at primary health care facilities in a rural district of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Matema, Shingirai Trymore January 2020 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / The introduction of National Health Insurance (NHI) and the Ideal Clinic Monitoring System have highlighted gaps and challenges with regard to medicine supply management (MSM) at primary health care (PHC) facilities. PHC facilities are the first point of contact communities have for their health needs, however, frequent stock-outs of medicines at PHC facilities in uMkhanyakude district, a rural district in KwaZulu-Natal, and have raised questions as to how medicine stock is managed at these facilities.

Diseño de un sistema de control de inventarios para la reducción de productos defectuosos en Pymes Peruanas de Panificación

Jurado Muñoz, Nadia Cecilia, Fernández Paredes, Ismael Ángel 07 October 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, en la industria de alimentos se ha diagnosticado un exponencial crecimiento en la demanda, en todos los rubros pertenecientes a este sector. Uno de estos es la industria de panificación, en la que el principal motivo de desarrollo, crecimiento y cambio son las exigencias de los clientes vinculados a criterios como precios reducidos, aumento de la calidad, variedad de productos entre otras variables que una empresa debe tener en cuenta para ser competitiva en el sector, y a su vez mantener un nivel de rentabilidad y margen de contribución. Para ello, es indispensable tener una correcta planificación de cada proceso considerando con igual importancia tanto al proceso de producción como a los adyacentes a este. Dichos procesos se vinculan a la compra de las materias primas en calidad, precio o tiempos de recepción, el cálculo preciso del pronóstico de la demanda y la correcta gestión de inventarios que son indispensables para asegurar un producto final de calidad al alcance del cliente. El presente artículo propone un nuevo modelo que se basa en el uso del enfoque lean y técnicas combinadas para lograr un competitivo manejo de los procesos mencionados anteriormente. Para ello, se plantea el uso conjunto de herramientas tales como la homologación de proveedores, MRP, lote económico de compra de materiales (EOQ) y estandarización de proceso de trabajo, para mejorar los problemas relacionados a una producción defectuosa por una mala gestión de materiales que asciende a un índice actual de 11.43%. Luego de la implementación de la propuesta se obtuvo una reducción de aproximadamente el 58% de ella como sustento de la efectividad del método y su corroboración a la mejora continua con una simulación llegando a verificar los resultados. / Currently, an exponential growth in demand has been diagnosed in the food industry, in all items belonging to this sector. One of these is the baking industry, in which the main reason for development, growth and change are the demands of customers linked to criteria such as reduced prices, increased quality, variety of products, among other variables that a company must have. in account to be competitive in the sector, and in turn maintain a level of profitability and contribution margin. For this, it is essential to have a correct planning of each process considering with equal importance both the production process and those adjacent to it. These processes are linked to the purchase of raw materials in quality, price or reception times, the precise calculation of the demand forecast and the correct inventory management that are essential to ensure a quality final product available to the customer. This article proposes a new model that is based on the use of the lean approach and combined techniques to achieve a competitive management of the processes mentioned above. For this, the joint use of tools such as supplier approval, MRP, economic materials purchase lot (EOQ) and standardization of the work process is proposed, to improve the problems related to defective production due to poor material management which amounts to a current rate of 11.43%. After the implementation of the proposal, a reduction of approximately 58% was obtained in support of the effectiveness of the method and its corroboration to continuous improvement with a simulation, verifying the results. / Trabajo de investigación

Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de inventarios de producto terminado en una pyme del sector calzado de cuero en Lima utilizando CPFR y pronóstico Arima

Angulo Baca, Alejandra, Bernal Bazalar, Michael Salomon 24 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se elabora a partir de la necesidad de reducir los niveles de inventario de producto terminado en la empresa Calzatura Moreyka, lo cual representa dinero inmovilizado, que posteriormente se convertirán en costos. Por ello, se trabajará en la disminución de estos inventarios como tema principal, buscando optimizar la gestión de inventarios que existe actualmente. Para lograr dicho objetivo, se propone la utilización de la metodología Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) junto con los pronósticos ARIMA, mejorando la gestión de inventarios e implementando la predicción del comportamiento de la demanda. Esta mejora se obtendrá a través de la mejora de los procesos como de los correctos pronósticos a realizarse. El proyecto está dividido en 4 capítulos. Durante el capítulo 1 se formulará el problema principal de acuerdo con los antecedentes presentes en el sector, los objetivos y la propuesta de solución que abarcan las posibles técnicas a utilizar para atacar las causas que originan el problema. Asimismo, se realizará el marco teórico y el estado del arte explicando casos de éxito sobre la utilización de las técnicas de solución planteadas. En el capítulo 2 se realizará el diagnóstico sobre la situación actual de la organización identificando los procesos de la empresa, el impacto y el análisis de las causas del problema. En el capítulo 3 se desarrollará todo lo correspondiente a la propuesta buscando que la hipótesis planteada pueda reducir el problema. Finalmente, el capítulo 4 consiste en la aplicación y validación evaluando el impacto que se obtuvo de la propuesta planteada. / This research work is developed from the need to reduce the inventory levels of finished product in the Calzatura Moreyka Company, which represents immobilized money, which will later be converted into costs. For this reason, work will be done on reducing these inventories as the main issue, seeking to optimize the inventory management that currently exists. To achieve this objective, the use of the Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) methodology is proposed together with the ARIMA forecasts, improving inventory management and implementing the prediction of demand behavior. This improvement will be obtained through the improvement of the processes and the correct forecasts to be made. The project is divided into 4 chapters. During Chapter 1, the main problem will be formulated according to the antecedents present in the sector, the objectives and the proposed solution that includes the possible techniques to be used to attack the causes that originate the problem. Likewise, the theoretical framework and the state of the art will be carried out, explaining success stories about the use of the proposed solution techniques. In chapter 2 the diagnosis of the current situation of the organization will be carried out, identifying the company's processes, the impact and the analysis of the causes of the problem. In chapter 3 everything corresponding to the proposal will be developed, seeking that the hypothesis proposed can reduce the problem. Finally, chapter 4 consists of the application and validation evaluating the impact obtained from the proposed proposal. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Lagra produktionskapacitet i rätt produkter : Simulering av lageruppbyggnad där produkter väljs utifrån en ny klassificeringsmodell med multipla kriterier / Store production capacity in the right products : Simulation of stock build-up where products are selected based on a new multi criteria classification model

Nilsson, Andreas, Olsson, Pierre January 2017 (has links)
En metod som används för lagerstyrning, och som fått ökat intresse inom forskningen de senaste åren, är klassificering med multipla kriterier (MCABC). Däremot har forskningen hittills tenderat att koncentrera sig på utveckling av klassificeringsmodeller snarare än på vägledning för tillämpning av modellerna. Studien påvisade med en litteraturstudie att forskningsområdet klassificering med multipla kriterier hade en begränsad mängd vägledning för tillämpning relativt mängden klassificeringsmodeller som utformats. Därför undersökte studien en modifierad lagerstyrningsstrategi. Syftet med studien var att finna produkter som lämpar sig för lagring av produktionskapacitet och att undersöka effekterna på färdigvarulagret om dessa produkter används för lageruppbyggnad inför säsongen. För att finna sådana produkter utformades en klassificeringsmodell med multipla kriterier, GTS-modellen (Good to Store). Modellen testades genom att ett antal scenarier simulerades på ett urval av produkter av det egentillverkade sortimentet i en fabrik. Detta gjordes i en fallstudie av ett företag inom processindustrin vars sortiment har säsongsvariationer. Resultatet av simuleringarna visade att lageruppbyggnad med GTS-modellen inför säsongen innebar att det genomsnittliga lagervärdet och antalet omställningar för det egentillverkade sortimentet minskade med ungefär 14 % vardera, jämfört med nuläget. Samtidigt kunde servicenivån bibehållas på i princip identisk nivå. Görs motsvarande jämförelse enbart på den simulerade delen av sortimentet blir minskningarna ungefär 35 % vardera. / Multi criteria classification (MCABC) is a method used for inventory management which has gained interest in research in recent years. However, research has tended to focus on the development of classification models rather than guidance on the application of the models. This study demonstrated, using a literature review, that the multi criteria classification field had a limited amount of guidance for application compared to the amount of classification models that were developed. Therefore, this study examined a modified inventory management strategy. The purpose of the study was to find products suitable for storing production capacity and to examine the effects on the finished goods inventory if these products are used for stock build-up prior to the season. A multi criteria classification model, the GTS (Good to Store) model, was developed to find such products. The model was tested by simulating several scenarios on a selection of products from the factory-made range. This was conducted in a case study regarding a company in the process industry whose range has seasonal variations. The simulations showed that stock build-up with the GTS model prior to the season resulted in an approximately 14 % decrease in average inventory value and number of setups for the factory-made range, compared to the current situation. At the same time, the service level was almost completely maintained. If the comparison is made exclusively on the simulated part of the assortment, the decrease will be approximately 35 %.

Совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами (запасами) производственного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the working capital (inventory) management system of a manufacturing enterprise

Кривова, О. С., Krivova, O. S. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке методического инструментария, направленного на совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами на предприятии. В качестве научной новизны выявлена обратно-пропорциональная корреляция между рентабельностью оборотных активов и оборачиваемостью запасов предприятия, а также установлена обратно-пропорциональная зависимость между инфляцией и оборачиваемостью запасов. Автором предложен методический подход к определению потребности в запасах материалов на основе календарного плана-графика, разработаны методические основы для внедрения категорийного подхода к управлению закупками на предприятии. Полученные результаты и рекомендации могут использоваться специалистами предприятий при разработке тактических и стратегических мероприятий по управлению оборотными средствами. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of methodological tools aimed at improving the working capital management system at the enterprise. As a scientific novelty, an inversely proportional correlation between the profitability of current assets and the turnover of stocks of the enterprise was revealed, and an inversely proportional relationship between the turnover of stocks and inflation was also established. The author has proposed a methodological approach to determining the need for stocks of materials based on a calendar schedule, developed methodological foundations for introduction of a categorical approach to procurement management at enterprise. The obtained results and recommendations can be used by specialists of enterprises in the development of tactical and strategic management measures for working capital.

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