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Člověk jako klíčový prvek bezpečnosti ISGrznár, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá pozicí lidí v bezpečnosti informačních systémů. První část se zaměřuje na běžné uživatele a přináší rozbor toho, jaké nejčastější nebezpečí jim hrozí. Velká část je věnována představení nejčastějších typů hackerských útoků jako phishingu, sociotechnice a nebo malwaru. Čtenáři jsou pak prezentovány možné opatření, které je možné udělat, aby se dopady hackerských útoků snížily. Druhá část práce pak přináší manažerský pohled na bezpečnost lidských zdrojů. V práci jsou ukázány styčné plochy a možnosti řízení této oblasti z pohledu ITIL Security Managementu, ČSN ISO/IEC 13335 a ČSN ISO/IEC 27001. Výsledkem je pak souhrn doporučení, které může management společnosti v oblasti bezpečnosti lidských zdrojů přijmout. Opatření jsou koncipována tak, aby je bylo možné přijmout bez ohledu na to, jaká norma a nebo standard se používá k řízení bezpečnosti v podniku.
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Úloha a implementace EDI v řízení výroby podniku působícího v automobilovém průmysluRoudný, Michal January 2007 (has links)
Práce shrnuje moderní přístupy v řízení výroby a jejich nároky na využití informačních systémů a technologií. Zejména se pak zaměřuje na téma elektronické výměny dat jako mimořádně významného prostředku pro vytvoření spolehlivé integrované infrastruktury komunikace s obchodními partnery. Cílem praktické části je navrhnout proces implementace EDI v řízení výroby daného podniku včetně ekonomického zhodnocení investice a doporučení pro management.
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Unravelling methodologies: a theory building approachAbdallah, Salam January 2005 (has links)
Problem solving methodologies in IS are numerous, varied in objectives and scope, and commonly suffer consequences of deviation and rejection. This research investigates the essence of methodologies in order to understand and to address these consequences. In this thesis, methodologies are treated in a broad sense in order to arrive at a generalisable solution. An integrated research framework was constructed to pursue the solution. The framework is based on my adopted ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions. The research is considered as an interpretivist single case study using qualitative research methods. A holistic Information Security Methodology was selected for in-depth study. Data were collected from various sources, but primarily from focus groups using 18 participants representing 11 organisations. Data were also collected from the developer of the methodology and two other organisations who were implementing it. Data analysis was based on a grounded approach to arrive at a substantive theory representing a conception of an ideal methodology as perceived by these practitioners. The use of the Hermeneutic circle and the purposely constructed Interrogative Framework were the essential tools for analysis. This conception is believed to hold some of the key factors for reducing the common problems of deviation and rejection of methodologies. The proposed theory is the main contribution of this research, which can be used as a foundation theory to construct and evaluate methodologies. The theory also has been used to propose extensions to existing theories. The core theory consists of basic elements and attributes. Other constructs were also developed to be used as contexts to the theory. In totality these findings provide a rich sphere to examine and understand methodologies.
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IS project evaluation in practice: an actor-network theory accountNagm, Fouad, Information Systems, Technology & Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The dominant view in the information systems (IS) and software engineering literature is that the application of a rigorous pre-investment evaluation methodology is the key to ensuring the selection of the best IS projects ?? that is those with the highest expected value for the organisation and with the highest probability of success. While the literature is replete with methodologies that take a narrow view of IS evaluation, there is insufficient attention given to the evaluation process itself and to what constitutes successful IS evaluation. Whilst some within IS argue that the development of more elaborate evaluation methodologies, especially calculations of costs and benefits, is necessary for the advancement of the field, many report that it is not methodologies as such that need improvement. What is missing is an understanding of IS evaluation processes in practice and how organisations can adopt and apply evaluation methodologies so as to improve these processes. This thesis aims to provide in-depth knowledge of IS evaluation processes in practice and re-conceptualise the notion of the IS project proposal, the evaluation process and evaluation methodology that reflect the needs and critical issues in practice. These aims are achieved by conducting an in-depth case study of IS project evaluation processes in a company with a history of high success rates of its IS projects ($3 billion worth of successfully delivered IS projects in the past few years). By adopting Actor-Network Theory as a philosophy, approach and theoretical lens to the investigation of IS project evaluation processes in the case company the thesis demonstrates that: a) IS project proposals are dynamic, evolving and relational entities that become ??focal?? objects around which the actor-networks of aligned interest tend to emerge; b) that the evaluation process both creates an IS project proposal and its assessment within a core actor-network within which multiple business realities are enacted and continually negotiated; c) the evaluation methodology plays an important role of an actant (a non-human actor) by acting from a periphery of the core actor-network of an IS project proposal evaluation d) the evaluation methodology acts on behalf of management to regulate communication within actor-networks, ensure that company strategy is effectively implemented and that different IS Project Proposals are consistently presented in a mutually comparable manner; e) by defining a series of processes (steps), inscription aids (inscription forms, norms and rules) and mandated checkpoints the evaluation methodology engenders the evaluation process as ??science??; f) by allowing a degree of freedom in conducting the evaluation processes the methodology is also enabling the evaluation processes to emerge as ??art?? thus stimulating creativity and innovation, and finally, g) by balancing the science and the art of IS project proposal evaluation, the methodology is enabling, assisting and inspiring numerous actors in taking on ??journeys?? of IS project proposals and evaluation and thereby making a difference in their business environments. The thesis makes important contributions to knowledge in the IS discipline. Theoretically, the adoption and use of ANT revealed that the IS Project Proposal is not dormant but rather active, and key to the IS evaluation effort. The IS Project Proposal has thus been re-conceptualised as emerging, relational and dynamic. This thesis also makes a contribution to the re-conceptualisation of the evaluation methodology as being multi-purpose and active as it defines the ??science?? and enables the ??art?? in IS evaluation. The thesis also makes a number of contributions to practice, firstly by showing that documents in IS evaluation are not simply ??outputs?? that are archived away, but are active and are used to attract the right stakeholders. Secondly, it reveals that the ultimate success of the IS Proposal relies on finding a balance between the science and the art in IS evaluation and that the evaluation methodology can play a key role in promoting this balance.
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VERSUS THE VOX POPULI Reflections on the practice of art as a quest for liberationHeine, Martin January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation is an attempt to define the constellation of circumstances and ideas, which has determined my strategy in the paintings and performances submitted for examination. Unlike many artists I do not accept the fact of postmodernity. On the contrary, art and life remain suspended between the future and the past, the essential modernist condition. I argue for this in the introduction and the first two chapters, through a description of the performance work of Joseph Beuys and on my reaction to it in a performance in which I attempted to examine the practical paradoxes of art making in late modernity. I take my position largely from the Frankfurt school and succeeding debates about their work up to Zizek. For, while we remain in modernity we cannot regard it simply as an unfinished project. It is no longer possible to adopt an avant-garde position in one�s practice. The central section of the thesis contains a series of studies of the careers of major artists who have faced up to the paradoxes of modernity from Picasso to Richter and Parr. Through their successes, failures and sometimes duplicity, a practical profile emerges � a guide to the limits of contemporary practice. The last chapter concerns my paintings as a response to this profile.
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ERP Systems - Fully Integrated Solution or a Transactional Platform? / ERP system - Fullt integrerad lösning eller en plattform för transaktioner?Sandberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper addresses the question of how to make use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in companies in the process industry were there is a pervasive need of process standardization. ERP systems have the potential to contribute with standardization and integration of organizational data through an of-the-shelf solution. In practice results of ERP systems implementation has varied greatly. Considering their implications on business processes and the complexity of the systems this should not come as a surprise. ERP systems do not only imply standardization of data but also standardization of key processes in the company. The consequences on the individual organization are therefore hard to predict. Making strategic choices between different degrees of in-house developed systems, integration of solutions from many different suppliers or to only rely on the ERP systems consultants and their proposed implementation of solutions, can be a troublesome balance act. This paper describes a case study of the Swedish diary company Norrmejerier and the implementation of the ERP system IFS analyzed from a perspective of complex system and standardization. The use of IFS at Norrmejerier can be characterized as a loosely coupled integration with the ERP system as a central integration facilitator. This solution allowed the company to make use of standardization benefits, filling the need of special functionality and at the same time limiting the negative unexpected consequences such as decreased activity support and increased complexity. The key contributions of this paper are that it shows how ERP´s can contribute to standardization and integration efforts in IT environments with peculiar demands on functionality. Secondly it demonstrates how negative side effects related to implementation of ERP systems can be managed and limited.</p>
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Isnavigering : Finns behovet av vidareutbildning hos svenskt nautiskt befäl?Hallman, Mattias, Hanner, Tony January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna undersökning har vi tittat på aktiva svenska nautiska befäls erfarenheter och åsikter om isnavigering i Östersjön. Vi har genom en kvantitativ undersökning försökt bilda oss en uppfattning om hur deras kompetensnivå är i denna speciella miljö, hur de anser attisvintrarna i Östersjön har påverkat deras arbete och om det finns ett behov av en vidareutbildning i isnavigering, samt i så fall vilka moment en sådan kurs skulle behövainnefatta. Vi har även undersökt om de anser att en renodlad isnavigeringskurs borde ingå idagens sjökaptensutbildning i Sverige.</p><p>Undersökningen visar en varierande egenupplevd kompetens utifrån respondenternas erfarenhet av isvintrar. Undersökningen visar även att de som genomgått en kurs i isnavigering, oberoende av befattning och tidigare erfarenhet, anser sin kompetens vara tillräcklig. Behovet och viljan att genomgå en isnavigeringskurs är högt enligt respondenterna. Mer än hälften av de tillfrågade ville se en renodlad isnavigeringskurs redan under sjökaptensutbildningen.</p> / <p>The aim for this research has been to find out Swedish nautical officers’ thoughts of and their personal opinions on their competence when navigating in ice infested waters in the Baltic Sea. Through a quantitative research method we have tried to build us an understanding on how the nautical officer appreciates his or her competence in this very special environment, how they think that earlier ice winters have effected their duties at work as well as if there is a need for further training in ice navigation and which elements should be included in such training. We have also wanted to investigate active nautical officers’ opinion on including an ice navigation course, in full scale, at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden.</p><p>The results show that nautical officers’ appreciation of their competence varies on the basis of their experience in years but also that attending a course in ice navigation gives officers, with little experience the appreciation of high competence in navigating ice infested waters.</p><p>The will and need for a course in ice navigation, according to the results, is relatively high as well as the officers’ opinion on adding a ice navigation course to the curriculum at the Master Mariner Program in Sweden.</p>
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Idrottssällskapet Halmia vs : Halmstad Bollklubb. -En analys av varför Halmstad BK blev den ledande fotbollsföreningen i Halmstad.Nilsson, André January 2007 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen handlar om varför Halmstad Bollklubb blev den ledande fotbollsföreningen i Halmstad. Perioden i fokus är mellan 1960-1980. Frågorna som besvaras är varför den ekonomiska skillnaden mellan Halmstad Bollklubb och IS Halmia blev så påtaglig? Hur föreningarna hanterade avskaffandet av amatörreglerna, 1967? Samt vilka orsaker låg bakom föreningarnas olika utveckling? Det material som använts är framförallt arkivmaterial från folkrörelsearkivet i Halmstad. Vidare används böckerna Leken som blev allvar och Vem vinner i längden som teoretiska utgångspunkter. I uppsatsen används en hermeneutisk metod för att tolka arkivmaterialet. De slutsatser som framkommer är att skillnaderna mellan Halmstad Bollklubb och IS Halmia är väldigt små och föreningarna följer varandra under hela perioden. Halmstad Bollklubb lyckas dock bättre sportligt, medan IS Halmia genom en rad olyckliga omständigheter inte lyckas bibehålla sin positiva ekonomisk utveckling under slutet av 1970-talet. Detta ledde till att Halmstad Bollklubb i slutet av perioden hade etablerat sig som den ledande i Halmstad.</p>
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Varumärkeskapital för en elitidrottsklubb : En fallstudie av Almtuna ISEriksson, David, Erlandsson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Idrottssällskapet Halmia vs : Halmstad Bollklubb. -En analys av varför Halmstad BK blev den ledande fotbollsföreningen i Halmstad.Nilsson, André January 2007 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om varför Halmstad Bollklubb blev den ledande fotbollsföreningen i Halmstad. Perioden i fokus är mellan 1960-1980. Frågorna som besvaras är varför den ekonomiska skillnaden mellan Halmstad Bollklubb och IS Halmia blev så påtaglig? Hur föreningarna hanterade avskaffandet av amatörreglerna, 1967? Samt vilka orsaker låg bakom föreningarnas olika utveckling? Det material som använts är framförallt arkivmaterial från folkrörelsearkivet i Halmstad. Vidare används böckerna Leken som blev allvar och Vem vinner i längden som teoretiska utgångspunkter. I uppsatsen används en hermeneutisk metod för att tolka arkivmaterialet. De slutsatser som framkommer är att skillnaderna mellan Halmstad Bollklubb och IS Halmia är väldigt små och föreningarna följer varandra under hela perioden. Halmstad Bollklubb lyckas dock bättre sportligt, medan IS Halmia genom en rad olyckliga omständigheter inte lyckas bibehålla sin positiva ekonomisk utveckling under slutet av 1970-talet. Detta ledde till att Halmstad Bollklubb i slutet av perioden hade etablerat sig som den ledande i Halmstad.
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