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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeller för restidsuppskattning baserat på Floating Car Data / Models for travel time estimation based on Floating Car Data

Westman, Freddie January 2002 (has links)
<p>I storstadsregionerna blir trafikläget allt mer ansträngt för vart år som går. Inflyttningen fortsätter i oförändrad takt och fler människor måste försöka samsas om samma utrymme. Situationen på vägarna börjar bli ohållbar och det måste till att dessa problem löses snart för att utvecklingen i regionerna inte ska stagnera. Möjligheter för ytterligare utbyignationer finns dock i en begränsad grad och man måste börja se till andra lösningar. Inom området för intelligenta transportsystem(ITS) erbjuds många nya tillämpningar där man med ny teknik försöker hitta lösningar till dagens trafikproblem. Ett led i detta är att samla in och distribuera information om restider på vägarna, för att försöka fördela trafiken mer jämt över hela vägnätet. Det finns olika metoder för att hämta in den här typen av information, men den här rapporten fokuserar sig vid att beskriva system baserat på Floating Car Data(FCD). </p><p>Arbetet som beskrivs i rapporten har i huvudsak analyserat fyra olika restidsuppskattnings-modeller och jämfört dessa med varandra. Modellerna baserar sina beräkningar på observationer från oidentifierade fordon, dvs att observationerna inte har någon identitetsstämpel som kan kopplas till ett specifikt fordon. Två av modellerna betraktar länkarna som en helhet och utför beräkningarna med detta som grund, medan de två andra delar upp varje länk i mindre segment vilket skapar möjlighet för en större noggrannhet. Modellerna testades inledningsvis på simulerad data baserat på trafikmätningar i Göteborgstrakten. Alla beräkningar begränsades ner till länknivå och inte hela vägnät. Detta p.g.a. att det initialt var för komplicerat att skapa en map- matchingmetod som skulle krävas för genomföra beräkningar på olika länkar samtidigt. </p><p>Efter genomförda tester på simulerad data prövades modellerna även på en reella datamängd hämtad från projektet Probe i Stockholmsområdet. Resultaten från de utförda testerna visar på att det inte skiljer sig nämnvärt i restidsuppskattningarna mellan de olika modellerna. Sträckan som valdes att analyseras i de simulerade fallen, påverkades inte av några större störningar eller flödesvariationer. Det resulterade i att alla modellerna genererade likvärdiga restider. Även i fallet med den reella datamängden, som innehöll större flödesvariationer över tiden, kunde de olika modellernas uppskattningar inte skiljas åt nämnvärt. </p><p>Slutsatsen är att trafiken i allmänhet inte har så kraftiga förändringar i flödet över tiden, att det krävs särskilt avancerade modeller för att beräkna restider på länknivå. I alla fall inte om man bortser från incidenter. De framräknade restiderna och den information som dessa ger, bör främst användas för direkt trafikstyrning för att uppnå önskat resultat. Människor förlitar sig mer till sina egna erfarenheter i kända områden, så information av den här typen lämpar sig mer som hjälpmedel för den enskilde individen vid resor i okänd trafik.</p>

Precisionsbaserad analys av trafikprediktion med säsongsbaserad ARIMA-modellering. / Precision-based analysis of traffic prediction with seasonal ARIMA modeling.

Landström, Johan, Linderoth, Patric January 2018 (has links)
Intelligenta Transportsystem (ITS) utgör idag en central del i arbetet att försöka höja kvaliteten i transportnätverken, genom att exempelvis ge stöd i arbetet att leda trafik i realtid och att ge trafikanter större möjlighet att ta informerade beslut gällandes sin körning. Kortsiktig prediktion av trafikdata, däribland trafikvolym, spelar en central roll för de tjänster ITS-systemen levererar. Den starka teknologiska utvecklingen de senaste decennierna har bidragit till en ökad möjlighet till att använda datadriven modellering för att utföra kortsiktiga prediktioner av trafikdata. Säsongsbaserad ARIMA (SARIMA) är en av de vanligaste datadrivna modellerna för modellering och predicering av trafikdata, vilken använder mönster i historisk data för att predicera framtida värden. Vid modellering med SARIMA behöver en mängd beslut tas gällandes de data som används till modelleringen. Exempel på sådana beslut är hur stor mängd träningsdata som ska användas, vilka dagar som ska ingå i träningsmängden och vilket aggregationsintervall som ska användas. Därtill utförs nästintill enbart enstegsprediktioner i tidigare studier av SARIMA-modellering av trafikdata, trots att modellen stödjer predicering av flera steg in i framtiden. Besluten gällandes de parametrar som nämnts saknar ofta teoretisk motivering i tidigare studier, samtidigt som det är högst troligt att dessa beslut påverkar träffsäkerheten i prediktionerna. Därför syftar den här studien till att utföra en känslighetsanalys av dessa parametrar, för att undersöka hur olika värden påverkar precisionen vid prediktion av trafikvolym. I studien utvecklades en modell, med vilken data kunde importeras, preprocesseras och sedan modelleras med hjälp av SARIMA. Studien använde trafikvolymdata som insamlats under januari och februari 2014, med hjälp av kameror placerade på riksväg 40 i utkanten av Göteborg. Efter differentiering av data används såväl autokorrelations- och partiell autokorrelationsgrafer som informationskriterier för att definiera lämpliga SARIMA-modeller, med vilka prediktioner kunde göras. Med definierade modeller genomfördes ett experiment, där åtta unika scenarion testades för att undersöka hur prediktionsprecisionen av trafikvolym påverkades av olika mängder träningsdata, vilka dagar som ingick i träningsdata, längden på aggregationsintervallen och hur många tidssteg in i framtiden som predicerades. För utvärdering av träffsäkerheten i prediktionerna användes MAPE, RMSE och MAE. Resultaten som experimentet visar är att definierade SARIMA-modeller klarar att predicera aktuell data med god precision oavsett vilka värden som sattes för de variabler som studerades. Resultaten visade dock indikationer på att en träningsvolym omfattande fem dagar kan generera en modell som ger mer träffsäkra prediktioner än när volymer om 15 eller 30 dagar används, något som kan ha stor praktisk betydelse vid realtidsanalys. Därtill indikerar resultaten att samtliga veckodagar bör ingå i träningsdatasetet när dygnsvis säsongslängd används, att SARIMA-modelleringen hanterar aggregationsintervall om 60 minuter bättre än 30 eller 15 minuter samt att enstegsprediktioner är mer träffsäkra än när horisonter om en eller två dagar används. Studien har enbart fokuserat på inverkan av de fyra parametrarna var för sig och inte om en kombinerad effekt finns att hitta. Det är något som föreslås för framtida studier, liksom att vidare utreda huruvida en mindre träningsvolym kan fortsätta att generera mer träffsäkra prediktioner även för andra perioder under året. / Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) today are a key part of the effort to try to improve the quality of transport networks, for example by supporting the real-time traffic management and giving road users greater opportunity to take informed decisions regarding their driving. Short-term prediction of traffic data, including traffic volume, plays a central role in the services delivered by ITS systems. The strong technological development has contributed to an increased opportunity to use data-driven modeling to perform short-term predictions of traffic data. Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) is one of the most common models for modeling and predicting traffic data, which uses patterns in historical data to predict future values. When modeling with SARIMA, a variety of decisions are required regarding he data used. Examples of such decisions are the amount of training data to be used, the days to be included in training data and the aggregation interval to be used. In addition, one-step predictions are performed most often in previous studies of SARIMA modeling of traffic data, although the model supports multi-step prediction into the future. Often, in previous studies, decisions are made concerning mentioned variables without theoretical motivation, while it is highly probable that these decisions affect the accuracy of the predictions. Therefore, this study aims at performing a sensitivity analysis of these parameters to investigate how different values affect the accuracy of traffic volume prediction. The study developed a model with which data could be imported, preprocessed and then modeled using a SARIMA model. Traffic volume data was used, which was collected during January and February 2014, using cameras located on highway 40 on the outskirts of Gothenburg. After differentiation of data, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation graphs as well as information criteria are used to define appropriate SARIMA models, with which predictions could be made. With defined models, an experiment was conducted in which eight unique scenarios were tested to investigate how the prediction accuracy of traffic volume was influenced by different amount of exercise data, what days was included in training data, length of aggregation intervals, and how many steps into the future were predicted. To evaluate the accuracy of the predictions, MAPE, RMSE and MAE were used. The results of the experiment show that developed SARIMA models are able to predict current data with good precision no matter what values were set for the variables studied. However, the results showed indications that a training volume of five days can generate a model that provides more accurate predictions than when using 15 or 30-day volumes, which can be of great practical importance in real-time analysis. In addition, the results indicate that all weekdays should be included in the training data set when daily seasonality is used, SARIMA modeling handles aggregation intervals of 60 minutes better than 30 or 15 minutes, and that one-step predictions are more accurate than when one or two days horizons are used. The study has focused only on the impact of the four parameters separately and not if a combined effect could be found. Further research is proposed for investigating if combined effects could be found, as well as further investigating whether a lesser training volume can continue to generate more accurate predictions even for other periods of the year.


Lucion, Fernanda Bortoluzzi 13 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The chemical profile of a fermented product depends upon the raw basic material and the fermentative microbiota. The yeast microbiota is responsible for fermentation and contributes to fermented product aroma by several mechanisms. The study of this microbiota is relevant because the microorganisms utilize the constituents of the raw basic material and transform them into aroma or flavour impacting components. Autochthonous yeasts belonging to the blueberry microbiota of two different cultivars, Florida M and Climax, were investigated by analyzing the fermentative capacity, the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) production, the film-forming ability, killer feature, sensitivity and neutrality to killer factor. Three methods employed to distinguish autochthonous yeast species were used: MALDI-TOF MS, PCR and PCR-RFLP of ITS region of rRNA gene and, if necessary, genetic sequencing of the D1/D2 26S rRNA region. The species Hanseniaspora uvarum, Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Candida sorboxylosa, Metschnikovia kunwiensis, Candida bentonensis, Candida oleophila/Candida railenesis and Candida quercitrusa were found on the surface of Florida M. Hanseniaspora uvarum, Issatchenkia terricola, Candida sorboxylosa, Candida asiatica, Candida oleophila/railenensis, Issatchenkia hanoiensis and Kazachstania intestinalis were of berries of Climax variety. Only three species were found in both varieties: H. uvarum, C. sorboxylosa and C. oleophila/railenensis. The species H. uvarum was the predominant in both cultivars, representing 70.4% and 78% of yeasts isolated from the surface of the Florida M and Climax, respectively. The killer feature was not detected in any strain isolated from Florida M. From strains isolated from Climax, only one strain C. asiatica 133 MCMCF/14 was killer against the 26B. Moreover, the K. intestinalis 91 MCMCF/14 was the only sensitive when tested against both the patterns killer S. cerevisiae K1 (Lallemand), EMBRAPA 1B, EMBRAPA 91B and the killer yeast C. asiatica 133 MCMCF/14. All strains showed low fermentative capacity and all of them were non-Saccharomyces yeasts. All yeasts isolated from Florida M produced H2S. Only four strains from Climax did not produce H2S. The highest evolution of H2S was observed with the genus Issatchenkia and with the majority strains of C. sorboxylosa. The species C. oleophila/C. railenensis showed low production of this parameter. The fermentation process of fermented products from blueberries of both Florida and Climax can be severely affected by this kind of autochthonous yeasts. / O perfil químico de um produto fermentado depende da matéria prima de base e da microbiota que participam do processo fermentativo. No presente estudo, leveduras pertencentes à microbiota do mirtilo foram investigadas, isolando-se estes micro-organismos da superfície de duas diferentes cultivares de mirtilo, Florida M e Climax. Foram avaliadas a capacidade fermentativa, produção de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S), formação de filme, característica killer, sensibilidade e neutralidade a este fator. Três metodologias para identificação foram empregadas: espectrometria de massas MALDI-TOF, análise da região ITS do gene rRNA por PCR-RFLP e, quando necessário, sequenciamento genético da região D1/D2 do 26S do gene rRNA. A cultivar Florida M apresentou em sua superfície as espécies Hanseniaspora uvarum, Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Candida sorboxylosa, Metschnikovia kunwiensis, Candida bentonensis, Candida oleophila/Candida railenensis e Candida quercitrusa. Na cultivar Climax, foram encontradas as espécies Hanseniaspora uvarum, Issatchenkia terricola, Candida sorboxylosa, Candida asiatica, Candida oleophila/Candida railenesis, Issatchenkia hanoiensis e Kazachstania intestinalis. Apenas três espécies foram comuns as duas cultivares, sendo elas H. uvarum, C. sorboxylosa, Candida oleophila/Candida railenesis. H. uvarum foi a espécie predominante em ambas cultivares, representando 70,4% e 78% do total de leveduras isoladas da cv. Florida M e Climax, respectivamente. A característica killer não foi detectada em nenhuma linhagem isolada da cv. Florida M. Na cv. Climax, apenas a linhagem C. asiatica 133 MCMCF/14 se comportou como killer. A linhagem K. intestinalis 91 MCMCF/14 foi a única que demonstrou sensibilidade em relação a todas as linhagens killer padrão K1 (Lallemand), EMBRAPA 1B, EMBRAPA 91B. Esta mesma linhagem se mostrou sensível também à linhagem isolada da cultivar Climax C. asiatica 133 MCMCF/14. Todas as linhagens isoladas de ambas cultivares apresentaram baixa capacidade fermentativa e todas elas foram identificadas como sendo não-Saccharomyces. Houve de moderada a alta produção de H2S em 21 e 34% nas linhagens isoladas das cultivares Florida M e Climax, respectivamente. A produção máxima de H2S se destacou principalmente em linhagens das espécies I. terricola e C. sorboxylosa. A maioria das linhagens de leveduras da espécie C. oleophila/C. railenensis apresentaram baixa produção deste gás. O processo de produção de fermentados de mirtilo tanto da cultivar Florida M como da cultivar Climax pode ser severamente afetado por este tipo de leveduras autóctones.

Variação intragenômica de rDNA em Carapichea ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae): evolução em concerto incompleta e pseudogenes / Intragenomic variability of rDNA in Carapichea ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae): incompleted concerted evolution and pseudogenes

Queiroz, Camila de Sousa 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1200564 bytes, checksum: 7a0f61b430c00f9ecb6c3820735aa8e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The investigation of intra-individual variation of the rDNA cistron ITS in Carapichea ipecacuanha was made from direct sequencing of 26 individuals and from sequencing of 240 clones, representing another 51 individuals. The secondary structures of 5.8S and ITS2 regions show the typical configurations present in angiosperms respectively for 20 and 48 haplotypes. The comparison with the conserved motifs in angiosperms and the secondary structures obtained for the 5.8S region, the most reliable markers of functional sequences in C. ipecacuanha, allowed the identification of 13 pseudogenes among 26 haplotypes of 5.8S. The analysis of the secondary structure of ITS2 added one haplotype to the set of pseudogenes. The loss of functionality in some haplotypes has occurred prior to the others copies due to the accumulation of a larger number of substitutions and the formation of groups of pseudogenes that belong to distinct populations. / A investigação da variação intra-individual do cistron de rDNA ITS em Carapichea ipecacuanha foi realizada a partir de seqüenciamento direto de fragmentos de PCR de 26 indivíduos e do seqüenciamento de 240 clones, representando outros 51 indivíduos. As estruturas secundárias das regiões 5.8S e ITS2 apresentam as configurações típicas presentes em angiospermas respectivamente em 20 e 48 haplótipos encontrados. A comparação com os motivos conservados em angiospermas e as estruturas secundárias obtidas para a região 5.8S, indicadores mais confiáveis da funcionalidade das seqüências em C. ipecacuanha, permitiram a identificação de 13 pseudogenes entre os 26 haplótipos de 5.8S encontrados. A análise da estrutura secundária do ITS2 adicionou um haplótipo ao conjunto de pseudogenes. A perda de funcionalidade em alguns haplótipos deve ser mais antiga do que em outros em razão do acúmulo de maior número de substituições e da formação de grupos de pseudogenes pertencentes a populações distintas.

Pohled na různé podoby současného dětství / Different forms of contemporary childhood

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the present forms of childhood and with issues that influence them in positive or negative ways. First, the thesis describes the term childhood, further it analyses factors with the highest influence on its final form. These are the child itself, its development, family and its home environment and of course its upbringing {--} the treatment and education the child receives. The proces of becoming socialized, socialization, is also essential. The factors that have negative influence on our childhood are divorces, violence in a family, syndrome CAN, alcohol and drugs.

Diversidade de espécies de macroalgas associadas ao Manguezal da Ilha Barnabé, Baixada Santista, SP, Brasil, com base em \"DNA Barcode\" / Diversity of macroalgae species associated with the mangrove of Barnabé Island, Baixada Santista, SP, Brazil, based on \"DNA barcode\"

Fernando Santos de Sena 08 April 2016 (has links)
Estudos sobre a diversidade de macroalgas de manguezais no Brasil tem-se baseado apenas em abordagens morfológicas, nas quais os caracteres empregados são instáveis e pouco informativos para a identificação e delimitação de espécies. Neste contexto, macroalgas de manguezais foram investigadas pela primeira vez no litoral brasileiro usando uma abordagem molecular, tendo como alvo de estudo o manguezal da Ilha Barnabé, Baixada Santista, São Paulo. Foram utilizados marcadores moleculares do tipo Barcode, UPA e COI-5P, além do rbcL, amplamente empregado para inferências filogenéticas, e o SSU rDNA. Além desses, os marcadores ITS e tufA foram empregados exclusivamente para as algas verdes, este último sem sucesso. Quinze espécies foram registradas para a área estudada, sendo dez Rhodophyta e cinco Chlorophyta. Destas, duas não novas ocorrências para o Estado de São Paulo, Caloglossa apomeiotica e Boodleopsis vaucherioidea. Das quatro espécies do gênero Bostrychia identificadas neste estudo: \"Bostrychia calliptera\", B. montagnei, B. moritziana e B. radicans, apenas B. montagnei revelou-se uma espécie molecular e morfologicamente bem definida. As demais formaram complexos de espécies com linhagens moleculares distintas. Para B. radicans e B. moritziana as análises relevaram três e duas linhagens moleculares, respectivamente, das sete identificadas para o complexo B. radicans/B. moritziana na literatura. O táxon identificado como \"B. calliptera\" mostrou alta divergência molecular com sequências de B. calliptera do Brasil, apresentando morfologia \"B. pinnata\", um táxon atualmente reduzido a sinônimo de B. calliptera. Espécies do gênero Caloglossa, excetuando C. ogasawaraensis, são de difícil identificação morfológica devido aos tênues caracteres considerados de valor diagnóstico e a sua considerável plasticidade fenotípica. Caloglossa apomeiotica, C. confusa e C. leprieurii foram identificadas essencialmente com o emprego de marcadores moleculares. Caloglossa apomeiotica pode ser segregada das demais pela presença de biesporângios, o que impossibilita uma identificação morfológica segura quando coletados talos inférteis, enquanto C. confusa possui nós fortemente contritos. Os dados moleculares obtidos para Catenella caespitosa a partir de sequências de SSU sugerem que as citações dessa espécie para o litoral brasileiro podem estar equivocadas já que apresentam alta divergência intraespecífica com C. caespitosa do banco de dados. A falta de sequências da localidade tipo, de sequências com marcadores do tipo Barcode e de uma maior amostragem molecular das espécies de Catenella nos bancos de dados, nos impossibilitaram chegar a um resultado conclusivo. A obtenção de sequências para as algas verdes foi extremamente problemática, inviabilizando uma comparação mais ampla entres as espécies coletadas. Das duas espécies coletadas de Boodleopsis foram obtidas apenas duas sequências parciais de rbcL para B. vaucherioidea e nenhuma para B. pusilla. A comparação com a única sequência de Boodleopsis depositada nos bancos de dados, uma sequência parcial de rbcL de B. pusilla, revelou baixa divergência molecular com as nossas sequências de B. vaucherioidea. Além da necessidade de obtenção de sequências completas de rbcL de ambas espécies da área estudada para comparação, uma maior amostragem e o emprego de outros marcadores moleculares são necessários para esclarecer o posicionamento taxonômicos desses dois táxons, cuja coespecificidade não pode ser descartada. Morfologicamente, \"Cladophoropsis membranacea\" é uma espécie facilmente identificada, entretanto sequências de ITS obtidas neste estudo são não comparáveis a nenhuma sequência dessa espécie depositada nos bancos de dados, incluindo sequências da localidade tipo. Reconhecidamente Chadophoropsis é um gênero polifilético e integra o complexo Boodlea que inclui diferentes gêneros de Boodleaceae. A obtenção de sequências de outros marcadores como o SSU rDNA e LSU rDNA assim como uma maior amostragem podem ser informativas para esclarecer a posição das \"C. membranacea\" brasileiras dentro das Cladophorales. Mesmo após inúmeras tentativas não foi possível obter sequências para as duas espécies de Rhizoclonium encontradas, R. africanum e R. riparium, cuja identificação foi feita com base em caracteres morfológicos tradicionais / Studies on the diversity of macroalgae from mangroves in Brazil have been based only on morphological approaches, in which characters used are unstable and uninformative for the species identification and delimitation. In this context, macroalgae of mangroves were investigated for the first time in the Brazilian coast using a molecular approach, having as target of our study the mangrove of the Barnabé Island, Santos, São Paulo. DNA Barcode markers UPA and COI-5P were used, besides the rbcL, largely used for phylogenetic inferences, and also SSU rDNA. In addition to these, the ITS and tufA markers were used exclusively for the green algae, the latter unsuccessfully. Fifteen species were recorded for the studied area, ten Rhodophyta and five Chlorophyta. Of these, two are new records for the State of São Paulo, Caloglossa apomeiotica e Boodleopsis vaucherioidea. Of the four species of the genus Bostrychia identified in this study: \"Bostrychia calliptera\", B. montagnei, B. moritziana and B. radicans, only B. montagnei proved to be a molecular and morphologically well-defined species. The other species formed complexes with different molecular lineages. For B. radicans and B. moritziana, the analyses showed three and two molecular lineages, respectively, of the seven identified for the B. radicans/B. moritziana complex in the literature. The taxon identified as \"B. calliptera\" showed high molecular divergence with sequences of B. calliptera from Brazil, presenting morphology \"B. pinnata\", a taxon currently reduced to a synonym of B. calliptera. Caloglossa species, except C. ogasawaraensis, are difficult to identify due to the subtle morphological characters considered of diagnostic value, and their considerable phenotypic plasticity. Caloglossa apomeiotica, C. confusa and C. leprieurii were identified primarily by the use of molecular markers. Caloglossa apomeiotica can be segregated from the others by the presence of bisporangia, which makes unreliable morphological identification when collected infertile thalli, while C. confusa has strongly constricted thallus nodes. The molecular data obtained for Catenella caespitosa from SSU sequences suggest that the citations of this species for the Brazilian coast may be misleading since they have high intraspecific divergence with C. caespitosa from database. Due to the lack of sequences from the type locality, sequences of DNA barcode markers, and a major molecular sampling of Catenella species in databases, became impossible to reach a conclusive result. The obtaining of sequences for green algae was extremely problematic, making impracticable a broader comparison between the collected species. Of the two collected species of Boodleopsis, only two partial sequences of rbcL were obtained for B. vaucherioidea and none for B. pusilla. The comparison with the unique sequence of Boodleopsis deposited in databases, a partial rbcL sequence of B. pusilla, revealed low molecular divergence with our sequences of B. vaucherioidea. Besides the need to obtain complete sequences of rbcL from both species from the studied area for comparison, an increased sampling and the use of other molecular markers are needed to clarify the taxonomic position of these two taxa, whose conspecificity cannot be disregarded. Morphologically, \"Cladophoropsis membranacea\" is an easily identified species, however, ITS sequences obtained in this study are not comparable to any sequence of this species deposited in databases, including sequences from the type locality. Admittedly. Chadophoropsis is a polyphyletic genus and integrates the Boodlea complex that includes different genera of Boodleaceae. The obtaining of sequences from other markers, such as SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA, well as a larger sampling, may be informative to clarify the taxonomic position of \"C. membranacea\" within the Brazilian Cladophorales. Even after numerous attempts we could not get sequences for the two Rhizoclonium species found in the studied area: R. africanum and R. riparium, whose identification was made based on traditional morphological characters

Hipóteses filogenéticas de espécies sul americanas do gênero Lippia Spp. (Verbenacea) com base em sequências nucleotídicas

Sampaio, Fernanda 13 February 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-23T19:08:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandasampaio.pdf: 1013409 bytes, checksum: a971117fc3bdd9c19272fe04cac30974 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-24T12:55:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandasampaio.pdf: 1013409 bytes, checksum: a971117fc3bdd9c19272fe04cac30974 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T12:55:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandasampaio.pdf: 1013409 bytes, checksum: a971117fc3bdd9c19272fe04cac30974 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-13 / O gênero Lippia é um dos principais da família Verbenaceae e em sua maior parte está concentrado no Brasil, México, Paraguai e Argentina com poucas espécies endêmicas na África. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a construção de uma hipótese filogenética para 39 espécies do gênero Lippia ocorrentes no Brasil, Argentina, Bolívia, Paraguai e Uruguai com base em dados moleculares das regiões ITS, Waxy, TrnL-F e trnQ-rps16. As sequências foram amplificadas e purificadas para posterior seqüenciamento. As análises foram feitas utilizando-se Máxima Verossimilhança e Inferência Bayesiana. O presente trabalho revelou, pela primeira vez, aspectos filogenéticos de espécies do gênero Lippia com base em caracteres moleculares. De modo geral, as árvores filogenéticas baseadas nas diferentes regiões gênicas estudadas revelaram questões importantes como é o caso do monofiletismo da seção Goniostachyum. Outro ponto importante envolve a falta de resolução das seções Dipterocalix, Rhodolippia e Zapania. Dentre elas destaca-se a seção Zapania que constitui em vários aspectos estudados, a seção mais diversa. Embora o presente trabalho tenha mostrado aspectos inéditos com relação à organização filogenética de espécies e seções do gênero Lippia, a questão da especiação no gênero permanece em aberto. É possível que para resolver este problema sejam necessários estudos populacionais e filogeográficos, embasados por uma análise filogenética com maior número de genes e principalmente, envolvendo um maior número de espécies. / Lippia is one of the most important genus of the Verbenaceae family. It is mainly concentrated in Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina with few endemic species in Africa. The present study was done in order to construct a phylogenetic hypothesis for 39 species of the genus Lippia from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay based on molecular data of regions ITS, Waxy, TrnL-F and rps16-trnQ. The sequences were amplified and purified for subsequent sequencing. The phylogenetic analyses were done using the Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference. It was possible to show for the first time, phylogenetic aspects of the genus Lippia based on molecular data. In general, the phylogenetic trees based on different gene regions revealed important points such as the monophyly of Goniostachyum section. Another important point involves the lack of resolution of the sections Dipterocalix, Rhodolippia and mainly Zapania which is the most diverse among them. Although this work has shown new aspects about the phylogenetic organization of sections and species of the genus Lippia, the speciation process of the genus remains an open question. To resolve this problem, additional studies using phylogeographic and population genetics approaches, based on a phylogenetic analysis with greater numbers of genes and mainly involving a great number of species should be necessary.

Système coopératif de perception et de communication pour la protection des usagers vulnérables / Cooperative perception and communication system for the protection of vulnerable road users

Merdrignac, Pierre 16 October 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes de transports intelligents coopératifs (C-ITS) offrent des opportunités pour améliorer la sécurité routière et particulièrement la sécurité des usagers vulnérables (VRU), e.g., piétons et cyclistes. La principale source d'accidents provient de l'incapacité des usagers, véhicules et VRUs, à détecter le danger avant qu'une collision soit inévitable. Nous introduisons un système de perception qui s'appuie sur les données des capteurs laser et caméra pour estimer l'état des VRUs entourant le véhicule. Une technique de classification multi-classes des obstacles routiers à partir de données laser a été développée en utilisant une méthode d'apprentissage statistique et une estimation bayésienne. Nous proposons une architecture de communication véhicules-piétons (V2P) qui prend en compte les faibles ressources énergétiques des smartphones transportés par les piétons. Notre solution s'appuie sur les standards définis dans l'architecture de communication véhiculaire ETSI ITS et propose une dissémination géographique pour la communication V2P. Un système coopératif perception/communication a le potentiel de gérer des scénarios de plus en plus complexes en combinant la capacité de la perception à estimer l'état dynamique des obstacles détectés et la capacité de la communication à échanger un contenu riche entre des usagers éloignés. Nous introduisons une fusion multi-hypothèses entre les informations de perception et de communication et une application pour smartphone destinée à protéger les VRUs des dangers de la route. Les solutions proposées au cours de la thèse sont évaluées sur des données réelles. Nous avons mené des expérimentations sur le campus d'INRIA démontrant les atouts d'un système coopératif de protection des usagers vulnérables. / Cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) have the opportunity to enhance road safety, especially the safety of vulnerable road users (VRU), e.g., pedestrians and cyclists. Road accidents are mainly due to vehicles' and VRUs' inability to detect the danger before a collision cannot be avoided.We introduce a perception system based on laser and camera sensors to estimate the state of VRUs located around the vehicle. A multi-class classification of road obstacles based on laser data has been developed using statistical machine learning and Bayesian estimation.We propose an architecture for vehicles-to-pedestrians (V2P) communication which considers the weak energy resources of the devices carried by pedestrians such as smartphones. Our solution is relying on the standards defined by ETSI ITS architecture for vehicular communication and proposes geographical dissemination for V2P communication.A cooperative perception/communication system can deal with scenarios which are becoming more and more complex by combining the ability of perception to estimate the dynamic state of detected obstacles and the ability of communication to exchange a rich content between distant users. We introduce a multi-hypotheses fusion between perception and communication information and a smartphone application dedicated to protect VRUs from road danger.The solutions proposed during this thesis are evaluated on real data. We carried out real experiments on INRIA campus demonstrating the assets of a cooperative system for the protection of vulnerable road users.

Pour une meilleure caractérisation du registre fossile pélagique : diversité morphologique, biogéographie et écologie des espèces cryptiques de foraminifères planctoniques / For a better characterization of the fossil pelagic record : molecular, biogeographical and ecological diversity of planctonic foraminifers cryptic species

Morard, Raphaël 09 November 2010 (has links)
L’utilisation des coquilles carbonatées de foraminifères planctoniques comme marqueurs paléocéanographiques repose sur l’hypothèse fondamentale que chaque espèce morphologique correspond à une espèce biologique caractéristique d’un habitat spécifique. Cette relation empirique a été récemment remise en cause par des analyses moléculaires qui ont révélé la présence systématique de plusieurs espèces génétiques (espèces cryptiques) au sein des morpho-espèces actuelles. Il a été suggéré que ces espèces cryptiques ou génotypes, présentaient (1) des préférences biogéographiques et écologiques restreintes par rapport à leur morpho-espèce respective et (2) des différences morphologiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé la diversité génétique, morphologique et écologique de 4 morpho-espèces clefs de la paléocéanographie, i.e. Orbulina universa, Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata et Globigerina bulloides. Cette étude repose sur le développement d’un protocole d’extraction ADN non destructif pour la coquille calcaire, permettant l’analyse conjointe de la variabilité génétique et morphologique d’un même individu. Les variations de forme ou de porosité de chacun des génotypes des morphoespèces ont été quantifiées. Il apparaît que le fort degré de plasticité morphologique largement documenté chez les foraminifères planctonique et jusqu’alors interprété comme écophénotypique, est au moins en partie la conséquence du regroupement de plusieurs génotypes présentant des morphologies et préférences écologique particulières. Sur la base de ces observations, des modèles de reconnaissance morphologique permettant d’identifier les génotypes à partir de la morphologie de la coquille, utilisables à l’échelle populationnelle, ont été développés. Afin de quantifier l’impact de l’intégration de la diversité cryptique dans les reconstitutions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques, les fonctions de transfert couramment utilisées ont été re-calibrées en intégrant les distributions restreintes des génotypes d’O. universa, T. truncatulinoides, G. inflata et G. bulloides. Ces re-calibrations conduisent à un degré de précision jusqu’alors jamais atteint dans les reconstructions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques. / The usefulness of calcareous shells of planktonic foraminifera as a paleoceanographic proxy relies on the key hypothesis that each morphospecies corresponds to a biological species with a specific habitat. This empirical relationship has been challenged since molecular analyses have revealed a significant level of cryptic genetic diversity among modern morphospecies of planktonic foraminifera. Previous workers have suggested that the cryptic species or genotypes (1) display narrower biogeographic and ecological ranges than their related morphospecies, and (2) exhibit shell morphological differences. In this work, we have characterized the genetic, morphological and ecological diversity among four planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies of significance in paleoceanography, i.e. Orbulina universa, Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata and Globigerina bulloides. Our study relies on the development of a new single-cell DNA extraction protocol that retains the shell, allowing direct morpho-genetic comparisons. Shape or porosity variations within each genotype have been quantified. It appears that the high degree of morphological plasticity widely documented in planktonic foraminifera and classically seen as ecophenotypy, is at least partly the spurious consequence of lumping several genotypes that display morphological and environmental preferences. Based on these observations, we developed several population-scale models, which allow recognition of the cryptic species based on their shell morphology. Finally, in order to quantify the impact of integrating cryptic diversity in assemblage-based aleoceanographic reconstructions, we have re-calibrated transfer functions based on the ecological ranges of the genotypes of O. universa, T. truncatulinoides, G. inflata and G. bulloides in the southern oceans. Such recalibrations led to a great, previously never reached improvement in the accuracy of the assemblage-based paleoceanographic reconstructions.

Diverzitet makrogljiva i njihova uloga u monitoringu stanja šumskih ekosistema Srbije / Diversity of macrofungi and their role in the monitoring of forest ecosystems in Serbia

Rakić Milana 28 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; vr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je istraživanje&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; makrogljiva&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; 5 &scaron;umskih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; na&nbsp; Vidliču,&nbsp; Kopaoniku&nbsp; i&nbsp; Tari. Ispitivan&nbsp; je&nbsp; mikodiverzitet&nbsp; sa&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kog, funkcionalnog i genetskog stanovi&scaron;ta. U istraživanju morolo&scaron;kog&nbsp; i&nbsp; funkcionalnog&nbsp; diverziteta,&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćene su&nbsp; različite&nbsp; klasične&nbsp; metode&nbsp; čiji&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su<br />omogućili procenu stanja posmatranih mikocenoza, kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; samih&nbsp; &scaron;umskih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; sastava vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; mikocenoza,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; uticaja abiotičkih faktora na brojnost i sastav vrsta u okviru različitih funkcionalnih grupa, kori&scaron;ćeno je nekoliko<br />statističkih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; (PCA,&nbsp; PLS,&nbsp; CA&nbsp; i&nbsp; CCA).&nbsp; Osam vrsta,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; pripadale&nbsp; najrasprostranjenijim&nbsp; i najzastupljenijim&nbsp; vrstama&nbsp; su&nbsp; odabrane&nbsp; za molekularne&nbsp; analize,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; podrazumevale sekvenciranje&nbsp; ITS&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; rDNK,&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; njihovih<br />polimorfizama&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; filogenetske&nbsp; analize&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru vrste/roda.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; procene&nbsp; zagađenja&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; u plodnim telima makrogljiva i njihovom supstratu je određen&nbsp; sadržaj&nbsp; metala&nbsp; (atomskom&nbsp; apsorpcionom spektrofotometrijom)&nbsp; i&nbsp; radionuklida<br />(gamaspektrometrijom).&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ukazuju na&nbsp; to&nbsp; da&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; makrogljiva&nbsp; oslikava&nbsp; stanje samog&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; da&nbsp; dugoročnim&nbsp; monitoringom mogu ukazati na promene u njemu.</p> / <p>Within the framework of this doctoral dissertation, monitoring&nbsp; of&nbsp; macrofungal&nbsp; communities,&nbsp; within&nbsp; 5 forest habitats on&nbsp; Vidlič, Kopaonik and Tara, was done. &nbsp; Mycodiversity&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; from&nbsp; the morphological,&nbsp; functional&nbsp; and&nbsp; genetic&nbsp; point&nbsp; of view. Various classical methods&nbsp; used,&nbsp; enabled the assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; condition&nbsp; of&nbsp; macrofungal communities,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; observed&nbsp; forest habitats. &nbsp; Several&nbsp; statistical&nbsp; methods&nbsp; (PCA,&nbsp; PLS, CA&nbsp; and&nbsp; CCA)&nbsp; were&nbsp; used&nbsp; to&nbsp; analyze&nbsp; the composition of&nbsp; species within the&nbsp; mycocenosis, as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp; abiotic factors&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; species&nbsp; richness&nbsp; and&nbsp; species composition&nbsp; within&nbsp; different&nbsp; functional&nbsp; groups.Some&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; represented&nbsp; species&nbsp; have&nbsp; been selected&nbsp; for&nbsp; molecular&nbsp; analyzes,&nbsp; which&nbsp; includedsequencing&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; ITS&nbsp; region,&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of polymorphisms,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; phylogenetic&nbsp; analyzes within&nbsp; the&nbsp; species/genus.&nbsp; In&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; assess&nbsp; the pollution of habitats, the content of metals (atomic absorption&nbsp; spectrophotometry)&nbsp; and&nbsp; radionuclides (gamma&nbsp; spectrometry)&nbsp; was&nbsp; determined&nbsp; in&nbsp; the sporocarps&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; macrofungi&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; substrate.&nbsp; The obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; indicate&nbsp; that&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; of macrofungi&nbsp; reflects&nbsp; the&nbsp; state&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; itself and that long-term monitoring can indicate changes in it.</p>

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