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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abrupt Holocene climate change: Evidence from a new suite of ice cores from Nevado Coropuna, southwestern Peru and recently exposed vegetation from the Quelccaya Ice Cap, southeastern Peru

Buffen, Aron Maurice 11 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Flux de 10Be en Antarctique durant les 800 000 dernières années et interprétation / 10Be flux in Antarctica during the last 800 000 years and interpretation

Cauquoin, Alexandre 07 October 2013 (has links)
Les glaces polaires, en plus d'améliorer notre compréhension du climat, donnent accès aux retombées de béryllium-10 (10Be), isotope d'origine cosmogénique formé par l'interaction du rayonnement cosmique et des hautes couches de l'atmosphère. Son taux de production dépend de l'intensité du rayonnement cosmique primaire, qui est modulé par l'activité solaire et le champ magnétique terrestre. Le 10Be contient donc des informations sur ces deux paramètres. Il a permis, entre autres, l'amélioration des chronologies des carottes de glace grâce à des marqueurs stratigraphiques absolus liés à des évènements remarquables du champ géomagnétique comme l'excursion de Laschamp ou l'inversion de Brunhes-Matuyama.EPICA Dome C (75° 06' S, 123° 21' E) est une carotte de glace de 3270 m de long forée en Antarctique Est. Elle offre un enregistrement climatique complet durant les 800 000 dernières années (kyr BP). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, 2200 échantillons de 10Be ont été mesurés entre 2384 m (269 kyr BP) et 2627 m (355 kyr BP) de profondeur. Cette séquence continue offre, d'une part, la possibilité d'étudier l'activité solaire durant la période interglaciaire du Stade Isotopique Marin (MIS) 9.3, où la résolution atteint ~20 ans. Nos résultats contrastent avec ceux durant l'Holocène, avec l'absence remarquée du cycle de de Vries (210 ans) dans notre profil de 10Be. D'autre part, cette séquence nous a permis de vérifier que l'estimation classique de l'accumulation de neige obtenue par les modèles de datation de carottes de glace est correcte à 20% près lors de la succession des cycles glaciaires – interglaciaires.Ces mesures ont été combinées avec celles précédemment effectuées sous la responsabilité de Grant Raisbeck (publication en préparation). Ceci permet de disposer d'un profil continu et détaillé (résolution de 20 à 250 ans) entre 200 et 800 kyr BP sur la carotte de glace EPICA Dome C. Les variations de flux de 10Be observées se comparent bien aux changements d'intensité du champ géomagnétique enregistrés dans les sédiments marins. À partir de cette observation, il est possible de proposer une synchronisation de ces profils afin de les placer sur une échelle d'âge commune. Les déphasages observés entre l'augmentation de température en Antarctique (augmentation du D à EDC) et la hausse du niveau marin global (baisse du 18O marin des archives sédimentaires) n'excèdent pas 3200 ans excepté à la Terminaison VII. La faible résolution des enregistrements de 18O dans les sédiments marins rend l'analyse des déphasages délicate. Les résultats obtenus encouragent à analyser des périodes plus récentes autour de la Terminaison II, incluant les excursions géomagnétiques de Blake et d'Iceland Basin. Ceci permettrait en effet de contraindre plus fortement la synchronisation entre le signal paléomagnétique dans les sédiments marins et le flux de 10Be à EDC. / The polar ice cores, in addition to improving our understanding of the climate, give access to beryllium-10 (10Be) fallout, an isotope of cosmogenic origin created by the interaction of Galactic Cosmic Rays with the upper atmosphere. Its production rate depends on the intensity of the primary cosmic rays, which are modulated by solar activity and the Earth's magnetic field. 10Be therefore provides information on these two parameters. It has allowed, among others, the improvement of ice cores chronologies thanks to absolute stratigraphic markers linked to remarkable events of the geomagnetic field as the Laschamp excursion or the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal.EPICA Dome C (75° 06' S, 123° 21' E) is a 3270~m ice core drilled in East Antarctica. It offers a complete climate record over the last 800 000 years (kyr BP). In the framework of the PhD, 2200 10Be samples were measured between 2384 m (269 kyr BP) and 2627 m (355 kyr BP) deep. This continuous sequence provides, on the one hand, the opportunity to study the solar activity during the interglacial period of the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9.3, where the resolution reaches ~20 years. Our results contrast with those during the Holocene, with the noted absence of the de Vries cycle (210 years) in our 10Be profile. On the other hand, this sequence allowed us to verify that the classical estimate of snow accumulation obtained by the dating models of ice cores is correct to within 20% during the succession of glacial – interglacial cycles.These measurements were combined with those previously performed under the responsibility of Grant Raisbeck (publication in preparation). This allows to dispose of a continuous and detailed profile (resolution: 20 to 250 years) between 200 and 800 kyr BP on the EPICA Dome C ice core. The observed 10Be flux variations compare well with changes in the intensity of the geomagnetic field recorded in marine sediments. From this observation, it is possible to propose a synchronization of these profiles in order to place them on a common age scale. The observed phase shifts between the rise of temperature in Antarctica (increase of D at EDC) and the rise of global sea level (decrease of marine 18O from marine sediments) do not exceed 3200, except at the Termination VII. The low resolution of the 18O records from marine sediments makes it difficult to analyze the phase shifts. The obtained results encourage to analyze more recent periods around Termination II, including the Blake and Iceland Basin geomagnetic excursions. Indeed, this would allow to constrain more strongly the synchronization between the paleomagnetic signal in marine sediments and the 10Be flux at EDC.

Methane stable carbon isotope dynamics spanning the Last Deglaciation

Melton, Joe R. 05 March 2010 (has links)
Polar ice core records reveal atmospheric methane mixing ratios ([CH4]) changing slowly over time scales the length of glacial-interglacial cycles, and also rapidly over a few decades. Measurement of the δ13CH4 value of gases entrained in glacial ice can help identify the sources of the observed [CH4] changes. To facilitate these measurements, an improved on-line extraction and continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS) method was developed. Samples of outcropping ablation-zone ice from Påkitsoq, Greenland were measured for δ13CH4 over the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Preboreal period (PB). CF-IRMS measurement of the Påkitsoq samples revealed an irregular, spot contamination consisting of elevated [CH4] in the interstitial air, likely due to in-situ methanogenesis. All samples were then filtered to reject contaminated samples by comparison against contemporaneous [CH4] from the GISP2 ice core. The filtered samples show more 13C-enriched δ13CH4 values during cold climatic periods, as well as a potential shift to more 13C-enriched δ13CH4 values across the densely sampled Younger Dryas termination. Interpretation of the stable time periods of the filtered record is aided by a data-constrained 4-box steady-state atmospheric CH4 model run in Monte Carlo mode. From the box model results, tropical wetlands show relatively consistent CH4 flux across all time periods except the YD. The cold, dry climates of the LGM and YD decreased wetland CH4 flux, however the LGM flux is likely compensated (increased) by the additional wetland area available on the exposed continental shelves. Boreal wetlands are an important source of 13C-depleted CH4 during warm periods, and their flux is likely predominantly from thermokarst lakes. Biomass burning CH4 flux increases throughout the deglaciation with fluxes in the Preboreal comparable to present-day. Gas hydrate releases indicate terrestrial hydrates are potentially more important than marine hydrates during the deglaciation. The Påkitsoq δ13CH4 record of the abrupt YD termination suggests that the primary sources responsible for the initial [CH4] increase were a mixture of biomass burning (~40‰) and a boreal wetlands source (~60‰), most likely thermokarst lakes. Perhaps surprisingly, this analysis found no important role for biogenic gas hydrates, or tropical wetlands, in the YD termination [CH4] increase.

Características biogeoquímicas da interação atmosfera criosfera na Antártica ocidental / Biogeochemical characteristics of the atmosphere - cryosphere interaction on ocidental Antarctic

Marcio Cataldo Gomes da Silva 29 April 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O manto polar antártico retêm informação paleoclimatologica por entres suas camadas de neve e gelo. O gelo antártico tem revelado a base de dados paleoclimática de maior resolução para os últimos 800 mil anos. Os padrões de transporte atmosférico refletem a composição e a fonte do particulado encontrado na neve e no gelo do continente Antártico. Estando relacionado a processos climáticos, as características desse transporte alteram em quantidade e qualidade as espécies químicas que se depositam sobre o manto de gelo. Dessa forma, o estudo dos depósitos de particulado ao longo das camadas de neve/gelo na Antártica pode sugerir mudanças nos padrões de transporte atmosférico. Atualmente a comunidade científica discute as diferenças de padrões climáticos entre o leste e o oeste antártico. Enquanto de forma geral observa-se instabilidade no setor oeste, o clima da antártica oriental demonstra relativa estabilidade climática. Neste estudo, analisamos dois testemunhos de gelo recente de duas regiões com características climáticas diferentes do continente Antártico. No Platô Detroit situado na Península Antártica (6410′S/0600′O), analisamos a variabilidade de Black Carbon (BC) ao longo de 20 metros de neve. O BC encontrado na Península Antártica apresentou baixas concentrações comparáveis as encontradas no gelo do Artico período pré-industrial. Nossos resultados sugerem que sua variabiliade corresponde à sazonalidade dos períodos de queimada nos continentes do Hemisfério Sul. No interior do continente Antártico, analisamos o particulado em geral por um processo de microanálise ao longo de um testemunho de 40 metros extraído em Mont Johns (79o55′S/09423′O). Encontramos uma tendência negativa na deposição de poeira mineral (AlSi) entre 1967 e 2007. Nossos resultados sugerem que esta tendência seja resultado de um crescente isolamento atmosférico da região central do continente antártico pelo aumento da intensidade dos ventos ao redor da Antártica. Este aumento na intensidade dos ventos reflete por sua vez o resfriamento da alta atmosfera no centro antártico causado pela depleção da camada de ozônio na região. Adicionalmente, amostras de diferentes microambientes de Patriot Hills (8018′S/08121′O) foram coletadas de maneira asséptica para análise microbiológica. As amostras foram cultivadas em meio R2 e paralelamente o DNA total extraído foi sequenciado pela técnica de pirosequenciamento. Os resultados preliminares desta analise mostram grande riqueza de espécies dos mais variados grupos. Os resultados deste trabalho caracterizam três diferentes parâmetros relacionados a deposição atmosférica em duas áreas pouco exploradas e de grande interesse científico do continente antártico. / The antarctic ice cap stores paleoclimatological information within layers of snow and ice. Antarctic ice has revealed the higher resolution paleoclimactic database for the last 800 kyr. Atmospheric transport plays a fundamental role on the composition and sources of particulate matter found in the Antarctic ice. It has been related to several climatic processes that changes the quantity and quality of exogenous aerosols reaching Antarctica. Therefore, studies of the particulate matter deposits along the snow/ice layers may suggest changes on atmospheric transport patterns. This work, analyze two recent ice cores from two climatic distinct regions of the Antarctic continent. One retrieved from Detroit Plateau/Antarctic Peninsula (6410′S/0600′W), in which we have analyze Black Carbon (BC) deposition and variability along 20 meters of snow. BC found in the Antarctic Peninsula showed low concentrations (varing between 0,014 and 3,733ppb), comparable to the concentrations found on Arctic ice dated from before the industrial revolution period. Our results suggest that peaks of BC detected correspond, mostly, to biomass burning seasons in the South Hemisphere, not speficically from South America. The second one, of 40 m, was retrieved from Central-West Antarctica, Mont Johns (79o55′S/094 23′W), in which we analyzed the mineral dust abundance thought M.E.V. E.D.X. technique. In this study we found negative trends in mineral dust (inferred from Fe, Ti and AlSi) deposition between 1967 and 2007, in contrast to similar works in Sub-antarctic regions. We demonstrate that this trend is a consequence of the persistent atmospheric isolation that encloses the Central and East Antarctic regions due to the increasing winds around Antarctica within this period. It has been documented that westerlies intensification reflect the upper atmosphere cooling above Central Antarctica caused by the stratospherical ozone layer depletion. As part of the polar site characterization, we additionally have performed sampling for microbiological purpose from distinct microenvironments at Patriot Hills (8018′S/08121′W). Samples were cultivated on R2 media and at the same time total DNA on samples was extracted and sent to a pyrosequencing analysis. Preliminary results show richness and diversity of bacterial species distributed on five phyla.

Características biogeoquímicas da interação atmosfera criosfera na Antártica ocidental / Biogeochemical characteristics of the atmosphere - cryosphere interaction on ocidental Antarctic

Marcio Cataldo Gomes da Silva 29 April 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O manto polar antártico retêm informação paleoclimatologica por entres suas camadas de neve e gelo. O gelo antártico tem revelado a base de dados paleoclimática de maior resolução para os últimos 800 mil anos. Os padrões de transporte atmosférico refletem a composição e a fonte do particulado encontrado na neve e no gelo do continente Antártico. Estando relacionado a processos climáticos, as características desse transporte alteram em quantidade e qualidade as espécies químicas que se depositam sobre o manto de gelo. Dessa forma, o estudo dos depósitos de particulado ao longo das camadas de neve/gelo na Antártica pode sugerir mudanças nos padrões de transporte atmosférico. Atualmente a comunidade científica discute as diferenças de padrões climáticos entre o leste e o oeste antártico. Enquanto de forma geral observa-se instabilidade no setor oeste, o clima da antártica oriental demonstra relativa estabilidade climática. Neste estudo, analisamos dois testemunhos de gelo recente de duas regiões com características climáticas diferentes do continente Antártico. No Platô Detroit situado na Península Antártica (6410′S/0600′O), analisamos a variabilidade de Black Carbon (BC) ao longo de 20 metros de neve. O BC encontrado na Península Antártica apresentou baixas concentrações comparáveis as encontradas no gelo do Artico período pré-industrial. Nossos resultados sugerem que sua variabiliade corresponde à sazonalidade dos períodos de queimada nos continentes do Hemisfério Sul. No interior do continente Antártico, analisamos o particulado em geral por um processo de microanálise ao longo de um testemunho de 40 metros extraído em Mont Johns (79o55′S/09423′O). Encontramos uma tendência negativa na deposição de poeira mineral (AlSi) entre 1967 e 2007. Nossos resultados sugerem que esta tendência seja resultado de um crescente isolamento atmosférico da região central do continente antártico pelo aumento da intensidade dos ventos ao redor da Antártica. Este aumento na intensidade dos ventos reflete por sua vez o resfriamento da alta atmosfera no centro antártico causado pela depleção da camada de ozônio na região. Adicionalmente, amostras de diferentes microambientes de Patriot Hills (8018′S/08121′O) foram coletadas de maneira asséptica para análise microbiológica. As amostras foram cultivadas em meio R2 e paralelamente o DNA total extraído foi sequenciado pela técnica de pirosequenciamento. Os resultados preliminares desta analise mostram grande riqueza de espécies dos mais variados grupos. Os resultados deste trabalho caracterizam três diferentes parâmetros relacionados a deposição atmosférica em duas áreas pouco exploradas e de grande interesse científico do continente antártico. / The antarctic ice cap stores paleoclimatological information within layers of snow and ice. Antarctic ice has revealed the higher resolution paleoclimactic database for the last 800 kyr. Atmospheric transport plays a fundamental role on the composition and sources of particulate matter found in the Antarctic ice. It has been related to several climatic processes that changes the quantity and quality of exogenous aerosols reaching Antarctica. Therefore, studies of the particulate matter deposits along the snow/ice layers may suggest changes on atmospheric transport patterns. This work, analyze two recent ice cores from two climatic distinct regions of the Antarctic continent. One retrieved from Detroit Plateau/Antarctic Peninsula (6410′S/0600′W), in which we have analyze Black Carbon (BC) deposition and variability along 20 meters of snow. BC found in the Antarctic Peninsula showed low concentrations (varing between 0,014 and 3,733ppb), comparable to the concentrations found on Arctic ice dated from before the industrial revolution period. Our results suggest that peaks of BC detected correspond, mostly, to biomass burning seasons in the South Hemisphere, not speficically from South America. The second one, of 40 m, was retrieved from Central-West Antarctica, Mont Johns (79o55′S/094 23′W), in which we analyzed the mineral dust abundance thought M.E.V. E.D.X. technique. In this study we found negative trends in mineral dust (inferred from Fe, Ti and AlSi) deposition between 1967 and 2007, in contrast to similar works in Sub-antarctic regions. We demonstrate that this trend is a consequence of the persistent atmospheric isolation that encloses the Central and East Antarctic regions due to the increasing winds around Antarctica within this period. It has been documented that westerlies intensification reflect the upper atmosphere cooling above Central Antarctica caused by the stratospherical ozone layer depletion. As part of the polar site characterization, we additionally have performed sampling for microbiological purpose from distinct microenvironments at Patriot Hills (8018′S/08121′W). Samples were cultivated on R2 media and at the same time total DNA on samples was extracted and sent to a pyrosequencing analysis. Preliminary results show richness and diversity of bacterial species distributed on five phyla.

Variations climatiques et variations du cycle hydrologique aux basses latitudes au cours du Quaternaire : une approche combinant modèle et données / Climate and low latitude water cycle variations during the Quaternary : a model-data approach

Extier, Thomas 18 October 2019 (has links)
Le climat du Quaternaire est défini par une succession de périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires enregistrées dans les archives climatiques à différentes latitudes. La carotte de glace d’EPICA Dome C fournit un enregistrement haute résolution sur les derniers 800 ka du δ18Oatm (i.e. δ18O de la molécule d’oxygène de l’air) qui combine les variations passées du cycle hydrologique des basses latitudes et de la productivité de la biosphère. En l’absence du comptage des couches annuelles, ce proxy peut être utilisé comme méthode de datation orbitale des carottes de glace, en lien avec l’insolation au 21 juin à 65°N. Cependant, un décalage de 6 ka entre le δ18Oatm et l’insolation, généralement observé lors des terminaisons glaciaires-interglaciaires, est appliqué sur l’ensemble de l’enregistrement lors de la construction de l’échelle d’âge. Ce décalage et la complexité du signal du δ18Oatm expliquent l’incertitude élevée de 6 ka des carottes de glace, ce qui limite leur interprétation en termes de variations climatiques et environnementales conjointement à d’autres archives. J’ai donc développé une nouvelle chronologie pour les carottes de glace, basée sur le lien entre le δ18Oatm et le δ18Ocalcite des spéléothèmes est-asiatiques, à partir de nouvelles mesures isotopiques permettant d’avoir pour la première fois un enregistrement complet sur les derniers 800 ka à Dome C. Cette nouvelle chronologie permet de réduire les incertitudes par rapport à la chronologie actuelle et d’avoir une meilleure séquence des évènements entre les hautes et basses latitudes. J’ai ensuite développé un modèle simulant la composition isotopique de l’oxygène atmosphérique afin de répondre au manque d’interprétations quantitatives de ce proxy ainsi que pour vérifier son lien avec le δ18Ocalcite sur plusieurs cycles climatiques. Pour modéliser le δ18Oatm nous avons dû coupler le modèle climatique de complexité intermédiaire iLOVECLIM avec le modèle de végétation CARAIB. Le δ18Oatm simulé par le modèle couplé sur plusieurs dizaines de milliers d’années confirme que ses variations sont en phase avec celles de l’insolation de l’hémisphère Nord (hormis lors d’évènements de Heinrich) et avec celles du δ18Ocalcite via des modifications du cycle hydrologique des basses latitudes, impactant la composition isotopique de l’eau de pluie utilisée par la biosphère terrestre lors de la photosynthèse. / Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles are recorded in various climatic archives from high to low latitudes. The EPICA Dome C ice core provides a high-resolution record over the last 800 ka of δ18Oatm (i.e. δ18O of atmospheric O2) which combines past variations of the low latitude water cycle and of the biosphere productivity. In absence of annual layer counting, this proxy can be used for orbital dating in association with the June 21st insolation at 65°N to build an ice core chronology. However a lag of 6 ka between the δ18Oatm and the insolation, classically observed during glacial-interglacial terminations, is applied to the entire record during the chronology construction. This lag and the complexity of the δ18Oatm signal are the main reasons why the ice core chronology presents a high 6 ka uncertainty which limits their interpretation, jointly with other paleoclimate archives, in terms of past climate and environmental variations. To solve this issue I have developed a new ice core chronology based on the relation between the δ18Oatm and the δ18Ocalcite of east-asian speleothems, using new isotope measurements allowing for the first time a complete record over the last 800 ka at Dome C. This new chronology reduces the uncertainties compared to the actual ice core chronology strongly based on δ18Oatm and shows a better sequence of events between the high and low latitudes records. Then, I have developed a model to reproduce the isotopic composition of atmospheric O2 to address the lack of quantitative interpretations of this proxy and to check our assumption of synchronicity with the δ18Ocalcite over several climatic cycles. To reproduce the variations of the δ18Oatm, it was necessary to couple the intermediate complexity climate model iLOVECLIM and the vegetation model CARAIB. Finally, the δ18Oatm variations simulated with the new coupled model over several thousand years are in phase with the insolation of the Northern hemisphere (except during Heinrich events) and with low latitudes δ18Ocalcite variations. This can be explained by changes in the low latitude water cycle related to changes in the isotopic composition of meteoric water used by the terrestrial biosphere during photosynthesis.

Post-Depositional Effects Modifying the Relationships between Stable Isotopes and Air Temperature in an Alpine Ice Core

Ihle, Alexander C. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

An Investigation into the Causes of d18O Variations in the Dasuopu Ice Core, Central Himalayas, using Coral Composites and Instrumental Data

Philippoff, Karl Steven 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Decadal Scale Climate Variability During The Last Millennium As Recorded By The Bona Churchill And Quelccaya Ice Cores

Urmann, David 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Climate, Precipitation Isotopic Composition and Tropical Ice Core Analysis of Papua, Indonesia

Permana, Donaldi Sukma 19 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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