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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ICTs and development : a capability perspective of Nigeria's experience with the National Identity Project

Maiye, Ariyo January 2012 (has links)
This study is about the impact of information and communications technologies (ICT) in developing countries, in light of development expectations in healthcare, education, commerce, government services, and other activities that can improve the lives of citizens. However, the deployment of these ICTs have not always resulted in the anticipated ends i.e. development outcomes. Also, expectations and deployment experiences vary amongst developing countries - indicating a need to understand what is locally relevant, meaningful and achievable within development initiatives. These ideas are explored within this study, with intent to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of ICTs and Development. The study is particularly concerned with the current efforts at deploying a National Identity system in Nigeria, in light of failed attempts over the past 34 years. This is an essential initiative due to the lack of a secure, reliable, or cost effective system of identification within the country (e.g. international passports and drivers’ licenses). The case is explored using Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) to development, which advocates the expansion of people’s freedoms (and opportunities) to engage in valued activities that improve lives. The unique application of the CA for a comprehensive study of the deployment and outcomes of the National Identity system constitutes a theoretical contribution (amongst others) to research - in light of previous applications which only evaluate the latter. Also, the findings reveal deep seated socio-cultural issues (such as corruption and tribalism) as sources of commonly reported technical and managerial problems within IS projects. These offer useful insights and advice for both policy makers and practitioners involved with the ICTs and Development agenda.

A Study of Targeted Information System Accessibility and Usage by Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore

Boesch, Sandra 01 January 2012 (has links)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have had a remarkable influence on society. Many argue that the impact of ICTs, either positive or negative, affects all of humanity. Acceptance, usability, and accessibility are key for ICTs to make a positive impact on society. Previous research states that Information Technology (IT) can lead to higher salaries, better communication, and more rapid advancements from emerging to developed nations. Additionally, information technology has demonstrated the potential to improve society's effectiveness and productivity by establishing a means to circulate knowledge, increase knowledge sharing, and provide knowledge accumulation and internalization. Therefore, if information technology can improve knowledge and productivity in society, why are the indigent not leveraging technology to a higher degree? This formal research provides a benchmark analysis of a set of female Foreign Domestic Workers that have been hired as household maids. This study provides baseline insights of how these women who share low levels of skill, low wages, and to whom English, the worldwide language of the Internet is a second language, interact with technology. This study also contributes research data that can help improve development, design, and implementation of future Information Systems. It can be concluded that FDWs do have availability of technology as shown in the study results. Yet, these women are not visiting websites designed for their use, such as government portals providing information and services. The study shows that the current Information Systems developed for this segment of the population may not be providing the Design, Quality of information, nor the User Acceptance needed to make these tools successful as compared to social media sites which are being visited by FDWs. The results demonstrate that Foreign Domestic Worker's interaction with technology is still not integrated in their culture or every day activities although they have the advantage of living and working in Singapore, where infrastructure, technology and communications top ICT's charts and tables as one of the most advanced countries in the world.

A influência da tecnologia da informação e da comunicação sobre o vínculo avós e netos, na contemporaneidade: uma contribuição da psicanálise vincular / The influence of information and communication technology on the bond grandparents and grandchildren, in the contemporary: a contribution of links psychoanalysis

Daró, Beatriz Rall 29 June 2018 (has links)
A contemporaneidade tem como uma de suas principais marcas o excesso de individualismo ou narcisismo. Além disso, traz consigo uma série de transformações nos níveis subjetivo, intersubjetivo, familiar e social, dentre os quais destacamos aqueles sentidos na esfera familiar. O atual avanço tecnocientífico é apontado como um fator de peso nessas transformações, desde o surgimento da televisão até o das mais recentes tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs). Apesar de haver divergências na literatura, frequentemente a população idosa é apontada como prejudicada por esse avanço tecnológico e considerada excluída digital. Ao mesmo tempo, vivenciamos um aumento dessa população e da expectativa de vida, o que levou também a mudanças na função dos avós na família, numa diversidade de possibilidades. Diferentemente da psicanálise tradicional, que teve como foco as dinâmicas envolvidas entre pais e filhos, a psicanálise vincular, referencial aqui elegido, enfatiza aquelas implicadas na dimensão do entre, o que significa uma compreensão sobre a família mais ampla. Investigar se e como a TIC poderia estar influindo sobre o vínculo avós-netos na atualidade, partindo do pressuposto da transmissão psíquica geracional, foi o objetivo desta pesquisa. Para tanto, foi adotado o método clínico-qualitativo e realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com quatro duplas de avós idosos e netos adolescentes que apresentassem algum contato virtual entre si, totalizando oito participantes; a forma de análise dos dados seguiu o método de estudo de caso. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que cada dupla fazia um determinado uso da TIC entre si, ainda que tenha havido aspectos em comum entre todas ou algumas delas. A inversão geracional e certa desconfiança na comunicação virtual foram duas constantes; bem como a constatação de que o uso que era feito da tecnologia se relacionava com determinadas características da dinâmica de funcionamento psíquico dos sujeitos, do vínculo entre eles ou mesmo da família. Em três duplas observou-se a geração de um efeito paradoxal causado pela interferência da tecnologia, qual seja, o fato de ela propiciar a aproximação entre as partes quando estavam distantes, mas seu afastamento quando estavam juntas, devido ao uso excessivo dela feito pelos netos, que então passavam a dispensar menos atenção aos respectivos avós. Nas duplas entrevistadas, a presença da tecnologia não pareceu comprometer o papel dos avós, uma vez que eles tinham uma posição bastante importante para os seus netos. Para alguns destes últimos, o papel dos avós ainda era visto relativamente a um lugar de saber e de superioridade. Em suma, pôde-se perceber que, em algumas situações, a TIC facilitava o vínculo das duplas e em outras o subtraía, e em outras ainda ela não passava de um mero complemento. Mesmo assim, observou-se que sua influência não tinha mais poder do que o vínculo em si mesmo, este, sim, fator suficiente e determinante para ditar a qualidade da relação da dupla, pelo menos no que se referiu a avós e netos / Contemporaneity has as one of its main brands the excess of individualism or narcissism. In addition, it brought several transformations on the subjective, intersubjective, family and social levels, among which we highlight those taking place in the family sphere. The current techno-scientific progress is key in these transformations, from the beginning of television to the recent information and communication technologies (ICTs). Although literature may differ, often the elderly population is seen as precluded by this technological advance and considered digitally excluded. On the same token, we experienced an increase in this population and a rise in life expectancy, leading to changes in the role of grandparents in the family, in a diversity of possibilities. Unlike traditional psychoanalysis, which focused on the dynamics between parents and children, the links psychoanalysis, referential chosen for this work, emphasizes the dynamics involved in the \"between\" dimension, implying a broader understanding about the family. The objective of this research was to investigate whether and how ICT could be influencing the link between grandparents and grandchildren in the current generation, based on the theory of the generational psychic transmission. For this purpose, the clinical-qualitative method was applied and semi-structured interviews were done with eight participants, consisting of four pairs of elderly grandparents and their adolescent grandchildren, both having virtual contact between them; the form of data analysis followed the case study method. The results showed that each pair made a particular use of ICT among themselves, although there have been aspects in common among all or some of them. The inversion of generations and a lack of trust in virtual communication were two constants, as well as the finding that the use of technology was related to certain characteristics of the subjects\' psychic dynamics, the relation between themselves or even the family. In three of the pairs a \"paradoxical effect\" was observed, being caused by the interference of technology, as it would bring the parties closer when they were distant, but set them apart when they were together, due to the excessive use of it by the grandchildren, who then paid less attention to their grandparents. For the interviewed pairs, the presence of technology did not seem to jeopardize the role of grandparents, since they held a very important position for their grandchildren. For some of the latter, the role of the grandparents was still seen as one of knowledge and superiority. In short, it was possible to perceive that in some situations ICT facilitated the bonding process between the pairs, while for others it would prejudice it, and even for some it was only a mere complement. Even so, it was noted that their influence had no more power than the bond in itself, factor sufficient and determinant to dictate the quality of the relationship between the pairs, at least when it comes to grandparents and grandchildren

Politique, médias et développement : l'usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans le cas du Gabon en Afrique centrale / Politics, media and development : The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the case of Gabon in Central Africa

Ditengou, Rockaya 08 December 2016 (has links)
La Gabon, pays d’Afrique centrale, compte une population d’environ 1 500 000 habitants.L’économie gabonaise repose principalement sur ses ressources en matières premières.Ouvert à l’environnement international le Gabon est depuis le tournant des années 1990 inscrit dans une logique de développement visant une diversification de ses secteurs économiques. C’est dans ce contexte que le pays s’intéresse aux TIC et à leur insertion dans son processus de développement. Ces TIC posent pourtant un triple défi : celui du savoir-faire ; du savoir-être ; et celui du maintien de l’intérêt général. Néanmoins, comme dans d’autres Etats africains francophones (notamment le Maroc, le Sénégal), les dirigeants gabonais ont perçu l’enjeu stratégique que constituent les TIC pour l’avenir du pays. En effet, l’usage et l’appropriation des TIC peuvent, s’ils sont maîtrisés et accompagnés par une politique publique clairvoyante, être une formidable chance de cohésion et d’intégration sociale. Ou, au contraire, en cas d’échec, un moment occasionnant une fracture sociale supplémentaire. Car si l’environnement défini par les TIC est celui de l’évolution accélérée et de la performance structurante, les difficultés restent importantes quant à l’adaptation et l’appropriation de ces outils par le plus grand nombre. Cette recherche s’intéresse précisément aux conditions d’une réelle cohésion sociale qui serait induite par les TIC. Celle-ci nécessite un contexte politique capable de favoriser l’accès à l’information au sens le plus large du terme. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse interroge l’exercice du pouvoir au Gabon et en Afrique centrale, les projets initiés par les acteurs étatiques et non étatiques, ainsi que divers mécanismes d’appropriation pouvant faciliter ou ralentir une intégration efficace de ces nouvelles technologies. / Gabon, a country of central Africa, has a population of about 1 500 000 inhabitants. TheGabonese economy relies mainly on its natural resources. Since the begining of 1990, this countryhas chosen a development plan, aiming at the diversification of its economic sectors. It is in thisperspective that the country pays a particular attention to ICT (Information and CommunicationTechnology) and to its intergration in the process of development. However, ICT poses a triplechallenge: that of know-how; social skills; and that of the preservation of the general interest. Asin the other french-speaking countries, Gabonese leaders have understood the strategic importanceof ICT in the future of Gabon. The fact remains that the use and appropriation of ICT can bebeneficial, if they are mastered and guided by a farsighted public policy,which is a greatopportunity for social cohesion and intergration. On the other hand, when this fails, it can bringabout additional inequalities. As a matter of fact, if the environment defined by ICT is that ofaccelerating change and structural performance, the difficulties are significant when it comes tothe adaptation and the appropriation of these tools by many people. This research is interested inthe conditions of a real social cohesion which would be fostered by ICT. This requires a politicalcontext which favours access to Information Technology in the largest sense. We are thereforefocusing our attention on the political structures.

Capacidades estatais na coprodução de TICs governamentais de participação / State Capacities in the co-production of government participation ICTs

Parra Filho, Henrique Carlos Parra 26 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa lança mão do conceito de Capacidades de Governo Relacionadas a Utilização de TICs em Processos de Participação Social (CGTPS) e investiga o caso de produção do aplicativo digital da 3a. Conferencia Nacional de Juventude para compreender quais capacidades estatais foram demandadas pelo Estado e como foram mobilizadas da Sociedade, contribuindo para o debate sobre capacidades estatais e governança digital para a coprodução de tecnologias governamentais digitais / This research makes use of the concept of Government Capabilities Related to the Use of ICTs in Social Participation Processes (CGTPS) and investigates the case of production of the 3rd National Youth Conference\'s digital application to understand what state capacities were demanded by the state and how they were mobilized from the Society, contributing to the debate on state capabilities and digital governance for the co-production of digital government technologies

Tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) na educação: professores - mediadores - mentores / Information and communication technologies (ICT) in education: teachers - mediators - mentors

Barros, Thaís Helena de Camargo 31 October 2011 (has links)
Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo geral analisar a relação professor - aluno na cultura digital, identificando os possíveis lugares que o professor passa a ocupar neste contexto no qual os laços sociais vêm sendo re-configurados. No mundo globalizado, ou pós-moderno, a criação de conhecimento adquire lugar central na estrutura social e cultural e, em particular, nas instituições, com destaque para empresas e escolas. Novas maneiras de produzir, aprender, ensinar, consumir e relacionar-se têm sido permanentemente criadas. Um mundo em transformação no qual a inserção das tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs) é intensa, porém, não é o centro da discussão, como muitas vezes se afirma - ou critica - mas coloca o questionamento sobre como as pessoas incorporam esse novo modo de interação para sustentar tais mudanças. Os processos de aprendizagem ganham um destaque que se reflete em investimentos para gerar cenários que incentivem o conhecimento e a inovação e se apropriam cada vez mais de mídias audiovisuais que proporcionam ações pedagógicas mais criativas e amplas. Nas empresas a gestão de pessoas adquire maior complexidade, especialmente no aprimoramento dos processos de educação corporativa. Paralelamente, nas escolas a preparação para o mercado de trabalho é potencializada. A aproximação entre estes universos, adotada na presente pesquisa, tem caráter inovador, e provocador, na medida em que propõe a reflexão sobre a Educação - e mais especificamente a escola - na perspectiva da cultura organizacional, e não sob a ótica das teorias e práticas pedagógicas. Tal abordagem buscou sustentação teórica nos campos da Educomunicação, da Economia da Informação e da Psicanálise. Um dos princípios que norteia o estudo é o conceito de mentoring, processo que visa inspirar e provocar as pessoas na direção do desenvolvimento de suas potencialidades; sustentado pela troca, sem hierarquização de saberes, valoriza o aprendizado, a experimentação e a criação do conhecimento. Inserido desde o século XVIII no ambiente educacional, foi incorporado pelas empresas no século XX. Para discutir o lugar que o professor ocupa na cibercultura recorremos ao princípio de semblante, presente na psicanálise lacaniana, que fala da maneira pela qual o sujeito se mostra; aparência de que lança mão na tessitura do laço social. O estudo desdobrou-se em uma pesquisa de campo realizada em escolas da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo, através de observações do cotidiano das instituições e entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com professores e alunos. A pesquisa possibilitou constatar que a inserção das TICs nas escolas da rede pública está fortemente voltada à realização de atividades básicas, muitas delas, de gestão, e ocorre de maneira pontual. A questão relacional mantém-se no centro das atenções, e das expectativas, tanto de professores quanto de alunos. No cenário da cultura digital, o professor ainda se vê - e é visto - a partir do modelo há tempos estabelecido. Resultados que apontam para a importância da reflexão sobre os usos das TICs e, sobretudo, sobre possibilidades e necessidades de investimentos na formação de gestores e professores. / The overall objective of this dissertation is to analyze the teacher/student relationship in the digital culture, identifying the possible roles teachers are beginning to play in this context where social bonds are being reconfigured. In the globalized or post-modern world, the creation of knowledge has acquired a major place in the social and cultural structure, especially in institutions, among which companies and schools prevail. New ways of producing, learning, teaching, consuming and relating are being constantly created. A world undergoing transformation, in which the inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is intense, however, is not at the center of discussions, as many times stated--or criticized. The question here is how people incorporate this new way of interacting to sustain such changes. Learning processes have won a distinct notability. This is reflected in investments to generate scenarios that stimulate knowledge and innovation and increasingly make use of audiovisual media, which provides for more creative and encompassing pedagogical actions. In companies, people management is becoming more complex, especially when it comes to corporate education processes. At the same time, at schools, the training for the job market is being potentialized. The approximation of these two universes, adopted in this research, has an innovative and provoking character to the extent that it proposes a reflection about Education--more specifically about school--under the perspective of the organizational culture, and not under the point of view of pedagogical theories and practices. This approach relied on theoretical bases in the fields of Educommunication, Information Economics and Psychoanalysis. One of the principles that guide the study is the concept of mentoring, a process which aims at inspiring and prompting people to develop their potentials. It is sustained by exchange with no hierarchization of knowledge, and values learning, experimenting and creating knowledge. Inserted into the educational environment back in the 18th century, this concept was incorporated by companies in the 20th century. In order to discuss the role of teachers in cyberculture, we based ourselves on the principle of likeness, present in lacanian psychoanalysis. This precept addresses how individuals show themselves, an appearance on which they rely when weaving social bonds. The study unfolded into a field research developed at public schools of the State of São Paulo, which observed the everyday life of the institutions, and conducted in-depth interviews with teachers and students. The research allowed verifying that the inclusion of ICTs at the schools of the public system frequently includes basic activities, many of which related to management, and occurs sporadically. The issue of relationship remains the center of attention, being some of the highest expectations of both teachers and students. In the scenario of digital culture, teachers still see themselves--and are seen--from the perspective of the long-established model. We obtained results that point at the importance of reflecting about the uses of ICTs, and, above all, the possibilities and the necessity of investing in the training of managers and teachers.

Exploring the use of e-government/online social network in the Government of Oman

Al Bulushi, Ali Salim January 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs) in the 21st century has changed society at all levels: individual, group, company and government. As a result, there has been a significant rise in the availability of ICTs and related technologies around the globe, including in developing countries. ICTs include internet infrastructure such as the use of mobile devices, the internet connection and the affiliated platforms of online social networks (OSNs). The provision of online products and services by the government is known as electronic e-government. From a theoretical literature review it was found that research emphasising the use of OSNs in e-government and OSNs in Oman was scarce. Further, studies investigating and explaining the use of OSNs in the public sector and government were few. This motivated the researcher to explore and understand this issue, leading to the formation of the aim of this research: To explore and understand the use of e-government/OSNs in a public sector organisation in a developing country, in this case, government organisations in Oman. To achieve this, a comprehensive and detailed literature review of e-government/OSN research in developed, developing and Gulf countries was completed. Additionally, related theories on ICT diffusion and adoption, institutional theory and culture theory were used as a lens through which a better understanding of e-government/OSNs would be provided and to develop the initial conceptual framework that was then applied in practice. To acquire the data for this research a qualitative research approach involving the use of a case study was employed. The data collection techniques used included observations, interviews and a review of related archival documents. A total of 44 people were interviewed and an additional 37 participants assisted with the observational part of this study. The research results revealed that government organisations adopted OSNs to explore the use of the technology and to cope with the increasing public demands of government. The study revealed many benefits for government organisations after OSNs were adopted, including greater public interaction and participation, increased information transparency, better understanding and increased public awareness of government services, leading to better work efficiency and effectiveness. Further, public interaction and participation was noted to be important for the government as it helped government employees be more responsible and accountable for their work actions. Additionally, due to the application of OSNs, organisational and national cultural changes were identified that led to government work process and procedures being amended such that there was more public participation and interaction. This led to an influence of government policies and decision-making with regards to public services. After the applied part of this study, the initial conceptual framework was revised to reflect the practical aspects of this research. The contributions of this study are: for e-government research, it will add to the increasing body of knowledge in this area. For Omani theoretical literature, it will widen the boundaries of knowledge and OSN use, particularly for the Omani government and other governments in developing countries that seek to use e-government solutions. In countries where cultural aspects are important, this study can provide insights that may not have been considered before. Further, this study has shown that understanding organisational changes and the cultural contexts with respect to e-government and OSN use is important; therefore, more knowledge in this area can be provided by this study. For policymakers, the contribution of this research is the provision of an understanding of a wide range of issues surrounding the adoption of new technologies. In turn, this can assist policymakers with policy-formation such that their institutional purposes and roles can be fulfilled. This study contributes to private sector organisations including internet and OSN providers by explaining and illustrating the benefits of using OSNs in a developing country with an autocratic regime that seeks to provide citizen benefits.

Gestão estratégica de negócio e as tecnologias de informação : o caso do gerenciador financeiro do Banco do Brasil /

Almeida Filho, Orlando de. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim / Banca: José Osvaldo de Sordi / Banca: Bárbara Fadel / Resumo: A presente pesquisa investiga e analisa o fluxo de informação entre o Banco do Brasil (agência Vivendas da cidade de Campo Grande, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul) e seus clientes pessoa jurídica, a fim de identificar o alinhamento estratégico entre a gestão de negócio e as tecnologias de informação (TIs), através da utilização do aplicativo Gerenciador Financeiro (GEFIN). As questões focos deste estudo consistem em analisar se: O setor bancário, que aplica o conceito de planejamento estratégico de forma efetiva, utiliza de maneira articulada as TIs com a estratégia de negócio? De que forma os sujeitos usuários dessas tecnologias utilizam a informação para obter maior efetividade aos seus planos de negócio? Nesse sentido, como visão de processo de investigação científica adotou-se a estratégia qualitativa. O método de pesquisa para atingir os objetivos propostos foi o estudo de caso. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados aplicaram-se um questionário junto aos clientes PJ que utilizam o aplicativo GEFIN e uma entrevista aos membros da carteira PJ (Posto Efetivo, Assistente de Negócio e Gerente de Contas). A idéia central foi comparar de forma clara e precisa essas, a fim de constatar se realmente a ferramenta tecnológica GEFIN possibilita de forma harmoniosa o diálogo entre esses clientes e Banco do Brasil. Os resultados da pesquisa possibilitaram visualizar que é imperativo ao Banco do Brasil, que compõe um setor extremamente competitivo e dinâmico, buscar não somente em sua plataforma tecnológica, mas também em outras ferramentas organizacionais, como a gestão estratégica da informação, o planejamento estratégico de negócios deve estar alinhada às tecnologias de informação e às melhores práticas em inteligência competitiva organizacional, buscando assim novas maneiras de pensar a gestão estratégica de negócio de uma maneira mais ampla. / Abstract: This study investigates and analyzes the flow of information between the Bank of Brazil (Agency Houses of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul) and their corporate clients to identify strategic alignment between business management and information technology (IT), using the Application Manager service (GEFIN). The issues focus of this study are to examine whether: The banking sector, which employs the concept of strategic planning effectively, using a comprehensive approach to IT with the business strategy? How the subjects users of these technologies use the information to obtain greater efficiency to their business plans? Accordingly, my view of the research process we adopted the strategy on quality. The research method to achieve the proposed objectives was the case study. As instruments of data collection were applied a questionnaire to the customers who use the PJ GEFIN application and interview members of the portfolio PJ (Actual Position, Assistant Business Manager and Accounts). The central idea was to compare and clearly need these to see if indeed the technological tool allows GEFIN smoothly dialogue between the customer and the Bank of Brazil. The survey results made it possible to see that it is imperative to the Bank of Brazil, which make up a sector highly competitive and dynamic, seeking not only in its technology platform, but also in other organizational tools such as strategic information management, strategic planning business should be aligned to information technologies and best practices in competitive intelligence organization, guided by new ways of thinking about strategic management of business more broadly. / Mestre

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their roles for narrowing the development gaps in rural and remote areas in Thailand

Nanudorn, Paisal, nanu0002@flinders.edu.au January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes a case study of a rural sub district in Thailand, develops a network model for development and makes policy suggestions that stress the importance of participatory governance processes. The aim of this thesis is to learn from a limited case study and explore the extent to which ICT could bridge the gaps in rural and remote areas and thus aid development and empower those who are marginalized by virtue of gender inequality, poverty, lack of education and limited access to resources. The thesis: - Investigates how a case study of rural and remote communities, particularly in North Eastern Thailand, can gain more capacity to: i.) harness and obtain the potential advantages of information and communication technologies and ii.) promote the interconnectedness and network partnership across public, private and community sectors. - Describes the lack of connection across public, private and community sectors and argues for the need to develop and promote the capacity of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions in these rural areas. In this limited case study, the lack of capacity leads to an inability to use ICT in many sectors that could support community development goals in Thailand. Without access to or the ability to share new information and knowledge across the remote and more developed regions, it is difficult to create success in development projects for individuals and institutions and to mobilize and allocate tangible and intangible resources from the workplace, family, and community. Amidst the flood of information and knowledge globally, including within a nation itself, partnerships among public and private sectors and other stakeholders both inside and outside a community can play a substantial role in harnessing the new technologies to pool information and knowledge, in order to develop the community's capacity and people's capability to achieve their goals sustainably. - Argues that the development gaps in these rural and remote areas could be reduced if the people there are promoted and empowered to be significant and active partners equally able to share and contribute information and knowledge to others outside their communities. The focus of the research is on the powerful knowledge brokers in the society such as the monks, the village leaders, local government officials and the school teachers who know about ICTs. The research focus is not the powerless who (in this case) may not have access to ICT. The thesis points out the way in which the powerful view the shortcomings and barriers to ordinary people having access to computers. As such 'the gaze' (in the sense used by Foucault is upwards at the powerful, not downwards at the powerless. 'Power and knowledge are linked' (Foucault), according to Foucault and this thesis looks only at the way in which the powerful see themselves. Although I argue for participatory governance, my thesis only looks at the powerful. This is in part as a result of my being a member of the knowledge broker stakeholders as I am training to be a Buddhist monk and live in the temple. My thesis makes a contribution, by studying the powerful knowledge brokers, instead of researching the powerless. I have researched issues with the powerful as I was able to access them, in my role as a trainee monk and because of my position in and connections within the community. There are usually two areas in research in Thailand that are not discussed; they are religion and the role of the state. This thesis addresses some causes or sources of difficulties or conflicts that have occurred as a part of the obstacles for the development in selected case study areas, in order to understand what significantly lies underneath the difficulties. This thesis does not engage in a discussion on the diverse needs of the Southern region. Muslims, who live in the five southern provinces adjacent to Malaysia, see themselves as second class citizens compared to others (in particular Buddhists who make up about 95% of the population). This is supported by international criticism of the handling of separatist movements. This thesis is written from the perspective of a Buddhist monk -to- be who lives and works in the Northern area and who is concerned with his case study area. I have been in training to become a monk my entire life as I was brought up in the Buddhist temple. I acknowledge that my experiences contribute to the way that I see the world but that I have tried to be as reflexive as possible. Much of the research draws on my role and position in the society in which I live. I have strived to understand the wider world. To that end, I was trained in the private and public sector in leadership skills in Bangkok Life Insurance Company and in Bangkok Business Administration School including in Naluang Temple, Udorn Thani province. I have been trained to work with the community leaders such as schools and local government officers with a view to help with community development as the temple representative. This thesis does not argue that information and communication technologies (ICTs), in and of themselves, are the means to achieving social justice and socioeconomic being. Instead it argues that they can support and enable the stakeholders to participate in decision making and greater access to information and resources amongst and across local stakeholders - village, school, temple and local government - in the rural areas. I stress that if there is no political willingness and community spirit (social capital) to support this, then information and communication technologies (ICTs) are of no value. 'Thick democracy', in the sense used by Edgar, is dependent on better communication with all the stakeholders. Knowledge management is not about technology alone it is about pooling and sharing ideas so that development opportunities can be developed. Technology is the means to achieve joined-up government. It is not an end in itself. My thesis shows how the lack of ability to work together, and lack of willingness to cooperate amongst some players, undermine the potential of people to access information and resources. I argue that the geographical isolation of rural areas nowadays can be theoretically bridged by investing in telecommunication infrastructure. It is debatable if the state could achieve this alone. Local institutions cannot serve, help and work in partnership with other organizations. They need to be able to work collaboratively, in order to deal with the complexity of problems. Some temples, for instance, lack capacity to apply the local, tacit knowledge of people that is needed for balanced development in the community. A consequence of the isolation of local institutions, in this case study, is that it can lead to insufficient co-operation across community, public and private sectors. Also, it can reduce and demote institutional and social capacity necessary for working together effectively. The aim of this thesis was to establish to what extent ICT can bridge the gaps in rural and remote areas and thus aid development and empower those who are marginalized by virtue of gender inequality, poverty, lack of education and limited access to resources. At the outset the limitations of the small sample are acknowledge and the analysis is limited to the discussion of themes that could have potential relevance, but nevertheless the thesis aims to - Explore the issue of capacity building (by means of a small purposive sample) drawn from 7 rural communities, in North Eastern Thailand; - Consider the themes from the purposive sample to explore the potential development role for information and communication technologies; - Consider the extent to which the technologies (as part of a development process) could support the creation of networks and partnership across public, private and community sectors; and - Describe the themes that emerge in the small sample about the lack of connection across (public, private and community) sectors and argue for the need to develop and promote the capacity of individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions in this purposive sample. The lack of capacity in this small sample indicated that in these communities there is limited capacity to use ICT in many sectors that could support community development goals in this part of Thailand. Perhaps the themes that are evident in this sample could be explored further to assess their more general relevance. It is possible that without access to or the ability to share new information and knowledge across the remote and more developed regions, it is difficult to create success in development projects for individuals and institutions and to mobilize and allocate tangible and intangible resources from the workplace, family, and community. Amidst the flood of information and knowledge globally, including within a nation itself, partnerships among public and private sectors and other stakeholders both inside and outside a community can play a substantial role in harnessing the new technologies to pool information and knowledge, in order to develop the community's capacity and people's capability to achieve their goals sustainably. I argue that the development gaps in these rural and remote areas could be reduced if the people there are promoted and empowered to be significant and active partners equally able to share and contribute information and knowledge to others outside their communities.

Toward a Sustainable African Information Society in 2010: An Analysis of the Global Influence on the African Information Society Initiative (AISI)

Tokunbo Bamidele Ojo Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis examines the interaction in the network of international and regional organizations in setting the norms, rules and strategic directions for international development and governance of global information society. Situated within the theoretical framework of international regime theory and Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, it uses the “Africa Information Society Initiative (AISI): An action framework to build ICT infrastructure in Africa” as its case study. Based on the empirical evidences gathered from the historical policy document analysis and qualitative semi-structured interviews, it provides a critical analysis of how the diffusion of global neoliberal agenda through the international organizations shaped the AISI policy prescriptions. It analyzes the challenges confronting the AISI implementation and ICTs for development agenda in Africa. In view of the inherent contradictions between the transnational character of the AISI and the national characters of the region, it examines the implication of these problems and suggests potential ways of addressing them. It concludes by stressing the importance of contextual local institutional forces and cultural ethos in the ICT policies and development process in Africa.

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