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Characterization of novel ZCa-based variants to investigate calcium dependent target interactionRossi, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
ZCa is an engineered three-helical affinity protein that through replacement of the loop between helix two and three with an EF-hand motif has a calcium-dependent binding to its target. By using the difference of calcium concentration in the plasma and the cell along with the favorable properties of ZCa, the interest in creating therapeutics toward different diseases based on the ZCa scaffold has come about. In this project novel variants from a phage display library based on the ZCa scaffold are characterized and their ability to bind to their intended target is evaluated. The targets used in this project are IgE for its involvement in allergic reactions and IL-23 for its ability to cause autoimmune diseases. Through several different analysis methods this project shows that novel variants towards different targets are capable of calcium-dependent target binding.
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Prostaglandin E2-induced IL-23p19 is regulated by CREB and C/EBP beta in bone marrow derived dendritic cellsKocieda, Virginia Polonia January 2013 (has links)
We reported previously that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) upregulates IL-23 in vitro in bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC), and in vivo in models of collagen-induced arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, leading to preferential Th17 development and activity. There is very little information on the molecular mechanisms involved in the PGE2-induced upregulation of Il23a gene expression. In the present study we investigated the signaling pathways and transcription factors involved in the stimulatory effect of PGE2. Although PGE2 does not induce IL-23p19 expression by itself, it synergizes with both extra- and intracellular TLR ligands and with inflammatory cytokines such as TNFα. We established that the effect of PGE2 in conjunction with either LPS or TNFα is mediated through the EP4 receptor and the cAMP-dependent activation of both PKA and EPAC. Using the EP4 agonist PGE1OH in conjunction with TNFα, we found that PKA-induced PCREB and EPAC-induced PC/EBPβ mediate the stimulatory effect of PGE2 on IL-23p19 expression. This is the first report of CREB and C/EBPβ involvement in Il23a promoter activation. Mutation within the putative CREB and C/EBP sites combined with in vivo DNA binding (ChIP) assays identified the distal CREB site (-1125) and the two proximal C/EBP sites (-274 and -232) as essential for PKA-activated CREB and EPAC-activated C/EBPβ induced IL-23p19 expression. / Microbiology and Immunology
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Mecanismos moleculares da ação dos glicocorticóides endógenos e da anexina-A1 sobre o tráfego de neutrófilos: caracterização da ação sobre os eixos SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF / Molecular mechanisms of endogenous glucocorticoid and annexin-a1 actions on neutrophil traffic: characterization of this action on the SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL23/G-CSF axisMachado, Isabel Daufenback 17 December 2013 (has links)
O tráfego de leucócitos é um processo complexo, dependente da ação de inúmeras substâncias químicas, além da perfeita interação celular. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ação dos GCe e da ANXA1 sobre o eixo SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF e sobre a expressão de moléculas de adesão CD18, CD49d e CD62L. Foram utilizados camundongos machos Balb/C selvagens (WT) ou ANXA1-/-. As avaliações foram realizadas em condições basais, na presença de altas concentrações de GCe e na vigência de processo inflamatório, induzidos pela administração de ACTH (5 µg/animal, i.p.) ou pela injeção de LPS (100 µg/kg, i.p.), respectivamente, ou na ausência da ação dos GCe, pela ação do RU 38486 (RU, 10 mg/kg, i.p.). A participação da ANXA1 e do receptor FPR2 foi avaliada pelo pré-tratamento com Ac2-26 (1 mg/Kg, i.p.) ou com BOC2 (10 µg/animal, i.p.) durante 4 dias, 1 vez ao dia. A quantificação total e diferencial das células foi realizada em câmara de Neubauer e em esfregaços corados por May-Grunwald ou citometria de fluxo. As quantificações de CXCR2, CXCR4, FPR2, CD18, CD49d, CD62L e maturação granulocítica (CD11b/Ly6G) em células da medula e da circulação foram realizadas por citometria de fluxo. A expressão de ANXA1 nos tecidos do estomago e do baço foi realizada por western blotting e nas células da medula óssea e sangue circulante foi realizada por imunofluorescência. As quantificações de IL-17, IL-23, G-CSF, SDF-1α e corticosterona foram realizadas por ELISA. A quimiotaxia de neutrófilos da medula óssea e sangue periférico foi ensaiada na placa de quimiotaxia com filtro de poro de 8 µm. A fagocitose de neutrófilos apoptóticos por macrófagos da medula óssea foi avaliada por ensaio in vitro. Para verificar os efeitos do ACTH na migração de neutrófilos no processo inflamatório, foi empregado o modelo de bolsa de ar (100 µg/mL; LPS); e o comportamento dos leucócitos circulantes de animais tratados com ACTH foi avaliado pela técnica de microscopia intravital. Os resultados obtidos, que estão apresentados em quatro temáticas, mostraram que: 1) neutrófilos da medula óssea e sangue periférico expressam ANXA1 no citoplasma e membrana, bem como o receptor FPR2, constitutivamente, e a expressão de ambos é regulada pelos GCe. A ANXA1, via receptor FPR2 expresso em células da medula óssea, controlam a maturação neutrofílica e o tráfego destas células da medula óssea para o sangue. A ANXA1, via interação ao FPR2, controla o clearance de neutrófilos do sangue para a medula óssea, modulando o eixo SDF-1α/CXCR4; 2) A administração do ACTH causa neutrofilia e os neutrófilos circulantes são ANXA1+, CD18+, CD49d+, CD62L+, mostrando que injeção do ACTH in vivo altera o fenótipo destas células na circulação. Estas modificações alteram o comportamento dos neutrófilos na circulação, bem como a migração para a bolsa de ar na vigência de inflamação e para os tecidos de clearance. Estes efeitos podem ser dependentes, pelo menos em parte, da inibição de migração orientada, já que quimiotaxia frente ao fMLP ou ao SDF-1α estavam reduzidas. Ainda, o clearance de neutrófilos é reduzido em animais tratados com o ACTH pela menor atividade fagocítica e secretora dos macrófagos medulares; 3) Animais tratados com RU 38486 e ANXA1-/- mobilizam granulócitos da medula óssea para o sangue circulante e, deste compartimento para o foco de inflamação com maior intensidade que o observado em animais controles. O eixo IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF parece estar envolvido na granulopoiese e na mobilização de neutrófilos para o sangue durante a inflamação, mas não é alvo de ação da ANXA1 e o GCe nesta etapa do processo inflamatório. Adicionalmente, foi observado que na vigência de peritonite, as moléculas de adesão, CD49d e CD62L estão envolvidas no processo de migração de neutrófilos da medula óssea para o sangue. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitem concluir que os GCe e a ANXA1 são relevantes para granulopoiese e tráfego dos neutrófilos da medula óssea em condições fisiológicas e na vigência de processo inflamatório. Ainda, em conjunto com os dados da literatura, os nossos resultados podem sugerir a participação da ANXA1 dos GCe na plasticidade fenotípica dos neutrófilos de acordo com os estímulos a que são submetidos, e podem auxiliar na compreensão dos novos conceitos sobre a produção, tempo de vida, localização e funções de neutrófilos. / The traffic leukocytes is a complex process dependent on the action of severals chemical mediators, in addition to perfect cell interaction. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of GCe and ANXA1 on SDF-1α/CXCR4 and IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF and on the expression of adhesion molecules CD18, CD49d and CD62L. Balb/C wild type and ANXA1-/- male mice were employed. The analysis were performed at physiological conditions, in the presence of high concentrations of GCe and during of inflammatory process induced by ACTH administration (5 µg/animal, i.p.) or LPS injection (100 µg/kg, i.p.), respectively or in the absence of GCe action, by the action of RU 38486 (RU, 10 mg/kg , i.p.). The involvement of the receptor FPR2 and ANXA1 was assessed by pre-treatment with Ac2-26 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or BOC2 (10 µg/animal, i.p.) for 4 days, once a day. The quantification of total and differential cell was performed in a Neubauer chamber and stained smears by May-Grunwald and flow cytometry. Quantification of expression of CXCR2, CXCR4, FPR2, CD18, CD49d, CD62L and granulocytic maturation (CD11b/Ly6G) in the bone marrow and circulation were performed by flow cytometry. The expression of ANXA1 on tissues was performed by western blotting and on cells from bone marrow and blood by immunocytochemistry. Quantification of IL-17, IL-23, G-CSF, SDF-1α and corticosterone were performed by ELISA. The chemotaxis of neutrophils from the bone marrow and blood was tested in the chemotaxis chamber with filter pore of 8 microns. The phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils by bone marrow macrophages was assessed by in vitro assay. To investigate the effects of ACTH in the migration of neutrophils in the inflammatory process, the model employed was air pouch (100 µg/ ml, LPS), and the behavior of circulating leukocytes from animals treated with ACTH were evaluated by intravital microscopy. The results obtained, which are presented in three sections, showed that: 1) neutrophils from the bone marrow and blood expressed ANXA1 in the cytoplasm and membrane, as well as FPR2, constitutively and the expression of both is regulated by GCe. The ANXA1 via FPR2 receptor expressed in bone marrow cells, controls the neutrophilic maturation and traffic of these cells from the bone marrow into the blood. The ANXA1 via interaction to FPR2 controls the clearance of neutrophils from the blood to the bone marrow by modulating the SDF-1α/CXCR4 axis; 2) the administration of ACTH induces neutrophilia and the circulating neutrophils are ANXA1+, CD18+, CD49d+ and CD62L+, showing that the injection of ACTH in vivo alters the phenotype of these cells in the blood. These modifications alter the behavior of neutrophils in the blood, as well as the migration to the air pouch in the presence of inflammation and to the tissue clearance, and these effects may be dependent, at least in part, on inhibition of migration oriented events, as chemotaxis in response to fMLP or SDF-1α were reduced. Further, the clearance of neutrophils is reduced in animals treated with ACTH due to the lower phagocytic and secretory activity of medullary macrophages; 3) Animals treated with RU 38486 and ANXA1-/- mobilize granulocytes from bone marrow into the blood, and from this compartment to the focus of inflammation with higher intensity than that observed in the control group. The axis IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF seems to be involved in granulopoiesis and mobilization of neutrophils into the blood during inflammation, but it is not the target of action of ANXA1 and GCe at this step of inflammatory process. Additionally, it was observed that in the presence of peritonitis, the adhesion molecules, CD49d and CD62L are involved in the migration of neutrophils from the bone marrow into the blood. The results obtained allow concluding that the GCe and ANXA1 are relevant to the granulopoiesis and the traffic of neutrophils from bone marrow under physiological conditions and in the presence of inflammation. Furthermore, together with literature data, the data presented here may suggest the involvement of ANXA1 the GCe in phenotypic plasticity of neutrophils according to the stimuli that are submitted, and may support to understand the new concepts of production, half-life, location and function of neutrophils.
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Mecanismos moleculares da ação dos glicocorticóides endógenos e da anexina-A1 sobre o tráfego de neutrófilos: caracterização da ação sobre os eixos SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF / Molecular mechanisms of endogenous glucocorticoid and annexin-a1 actions on neutrophil traffic: characterization of this action on the SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL23/G-CSF axisIsabel Daufenback Machado 17 December 2013 (has links)
O tráfego de leucócitos é um processo complexo, dependente da ação de inúmeras substâncias químicas, além da perfeita interação celular. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ação dos GCe e da ANXA1 sobre o eixo SDF-1α/CXCR4 e IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF e sobre a expressão de moléculas de adesão CD18, CD49d e CD62L. Foram utilizados camundongos machos Balb/C selvagens (WT) ou ANXA1-/-. As avaliações foram realizadas em condições basais, na presença de altas concentrações de GCe e na vigência de processo inflamatório, induzidos pela administração de ACTH (5 µg/animal, i.p.) ou pela injeção de LPS (100 µg/kg, i.p.), respectivamente, ou na ausência da ação dos GCe, pela ação do RU 38486 (RU, 10 mg/kg, i.p.). A participação da ANXA1 e do receptor FPR2 foi avaliada pelo pré-tratamento com Ac2-26 (1 mg/Kg, i.p.) ou com BOC2 (10 µg/animal, i.p.) durante 4 dias, 1 vez ao dia. A quantificação total e diferencial das células foi realizada em câmara de Neubauer e em esfregaços corados por May-Grunwald ou citometria de fluxo. As quantificações de CXCR2, CXCR4, FPR2, CD18, CD49d, CD62L e maturação granulocítica (CD11b/Ly6G) em células da medula e da circulação foram realizadas por citometria de fluxo. A expressão de ANXA1 nos tecidos do estomago e do baço foi realizada por western blotting e nas células da medula óssea e sangue circulante foi realizada por imunofluorescência. As quantificações de IL-17, IL-23, G-CSF, SDF-1α e corticosterona foram realizadas por ELISA. A quimiotaxia de neutrófilos da medula óssea e sangue periférico foi ensaiada na placa de quimiotaxia com filtro de poro de 8 µm. A fagocitose de neutrófilos apoptóticos por macrófagos da medula óssea foi avaliada por ensaio in vitro. Para verificar os efeitos do ACTH na migração de neutrófilos no processo inflamatório, foi empregado o modelo de bolsa de ar (100 µg/mL; LPS); e o comportamento dos leucócitos circulantes de animais tratados com ACTH foi avaliado pela técnica de microscopia intravital. Os resultados obtidos, que estão apresentados em quatro temáticas, mostraram que: 1) neutrófilos da medula óssea e sangue periférico expressam ANXA1 no citoplasma e membrana, bem como o receptor FPR2, constitutivamente, e a expressão de ambos é regulada pelos GCe. A ANXA1, via receptor FPR2 expresso em células da medula óssea, controlam a maturação neutrofílica e o tráfego destas células da medula óssea para o sangue. A ANXA1, via interação ao FPR2, controla o clearance de neutrófilos do sangue para a medula óssea, modulando o eixo SDF-1α/CXCR4; 2) A administração do ACTH causa neutrofilia e os neutrófilos circulantes são ANXA1+, CD18+, CD49d+, CD62L+, mostrando que injeção do ACTH in vivo altera o fenótipo destas células na circulação. Estas modificações alteram o comportamento dos neutrófilos na circulação, bem como a migração para a bolsa de ar na vigência de inflamação e para os tecidos de clearance. Estes efeitos podem ser dependentes, pelo menos em parte, da inibição de migração orientada, já que quimiotaxia frente ao fMLP ou ao SDF-1α estavam reduzidas. Ainda, o clearance de neutrófilos é reduzido em animais tratados com o ACTH pela menor atividade fagocítica e secretora dos macrófagos medulares; 3) Animais tratados com RU 38486 e ANXA1-/- mobilizam granulócitos da medula óssea para o sangue circulante e, deste compartimento para o foco de inflamação com maior intensidade que o observado em animais controles. O eixo IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF parece estar envolvido na granulopoiese e na mobilização de neutrófilos para o sangue durante a inflamação, mas não é alvo de ação da ANXA1 e o GCe nesta etapa do processo inflamatório. Adicionalmente, foi observado que na vigência de peritonite, as moléculas de adesão, CD49d e CD62L estão envolvidas no processo de migração de neutrófilos da medula óssea para o sangue. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitem concluir que os GCe e a ANXA1 são relevantes para granulopoiese e tráfego dos neutrófilos da medula óssea em condições fisiológicas e na vigência de processo inflamatório. Ainda, em conjunto com os dados da literatura, os nossos resultados podem sugerir a participação da ANXA1 dos GCe na plasticidade fenotípica dos neutrófilos de acordo com os estímulos a que são submetidos, e podem auxiliar na compreensão dos novos conceitos sobre a produção, tempo de vida, localização e funções de neutrófilos. / The traffic leukocytes is a complex process dependent on the action of severals chemical mediators, in addition to perfect cell interaction. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of GCe and ANXA1 on SDF-1α/CXCR4 and IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF and on the expression of adhesion molecules CD18, CD49d and CD62L. Balb/C wild type and ANXA1-/- male mice were employed. The analysis were performed at physiological conditions, in the presence of high concentrations of GCe and during of inflammatory process induced by ACTH administration (5 µg/animal, i.p.) or LPS injection (100 µg/kg, i.p.), respectively or in the absence of GCe action, by the action of RU 38486 (RU, 10 mg/kg , i.p.). The involvement of the receptor FPR2 and ANXA1 was assessed by pre-treatment with Ac2-26 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or BOC2 (10 µg/animal, i.p.) for 4 days, once a day. The quantification of total and differential cell was performed in a Neubauer chamber and stained smears by May-Grunwald and flow cytometry. Quantification of expression of CXCR2, CXCR4, FPR2, CD18, CD49d, CD62L and granulocytic maturation (CD11b/Ly6G) in the bone marrow and circulation were performed by flow cytometry. The expression of ANXA1 on tissues was performed by western blotting and on cells from bone marrow and blood by immunocytochemistry. Quantification of IL-17, IL-23, G-CSF, SDF-1α and corticosterone were performed by ELISA. The chemotaxis of neutrophils from the bone marrow and blood was tested in the chemotaxis chamber with filter pore of 8 microns. The phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils by bone marrow macrophages was assessed by in vitro assay. To investigate the effects of ACTH in the migration of neutrophils in the inflammatory process, the model employed was air pouch (100 µg/ ml, LPS), and the behavior of circulating leukocytes from animals treated with ACTH were evaluated by intravital microscopy. The results obtained, which are presented in three sections, showed that: 1) neutrophils from the bone marrow and blood expressed ANXA1 in the cytoplasm and membrane, as well as FPR2, constitutively and the expression of both is regulated by GCe. The ANXA1 via FPR2 receptor expressed in bone marrow cells, controls the neutrophilic maturation and traffic of these cells from the bone marrow into the blood. The ANXA1 via interaction to FPR2 controls the clearance of neutrophils from the blood to the bone marrow by modulating the SDF-1α/CXCR4 axis; 2) the administration of ACTH induces neutrophilia and the circulating neutrophils are ANXA1+, CD18+, CD49d+ and CD62L+, showing that the injection of ACTH in vivo alters the phenotype of these cells in the blood. These modifications alter the behavior of neutrophils in the blood, as well as the migration to the air pouch in the presence of inflammation and to the tissue clearance, and these effects may be dependent, at least in part, on inhibition of migration oriented events, as chemotaxis in response to fMLP or SDF-1α were reduced. Further, the clearance of neutrophils is reduced in animals treated with ACTH due to the lower phagocytic and secretory activity of medullary macrophages; 3) Animals treated with RU 38486 and ANXA1-/- mobilize granulocytes from bone marrow into the blood, and from this compartment to the focus of inflammation with higher intensity than that observed in the control group. The axis IL-17/IL-23/G-CSF seems to be involved in granulopoiesis and mobilization of neutrophils into the blood during inflammation, but it is not the target of action of ANXA1 and GCe at this step of inflammatory process. Additionally, it was observed that in the presence of peritonitis, the adhesion molecules, CD49d and CD62L are involved in the migration of neutrophils from the bone marrow into the blood. The results obtained allow concluding that the GCe and ANXA1 are relevant to the granulopoiesis and the traffic of neutrophils from bone marrow under physiological conditions and in the presence of inflammation. Furthermore, together with literature data, the data presented here may suggest the involvement of ANXA1 the GCe in phenotypic plasticity of neutrophils according to the stimuli that are submitted, and may support to understand the new concepts of production, half-life, location and function of neutrophils.
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Akkumulation infiltrierender 6-sulfo LacNAc+ dendritischer Zellen im KolonkarzinomGeyer, Elisabeth 13 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das kolorektale Karzinom (KRK) zählt zu den immunogenen Tumoren und zeichnet sich durch eine ausgeprägte Infiltration von verschiedenen Immunzell-Populationen aus. Dabei scheinen insbesondere CD8+ T-Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen Typ 1 das Tumorwachstum zu beeinflussen und spielen somit eine zunehmende Rolle als prognostische Marker. Dementsprechend ergaben sich mehrere Hinweise, dass eine hohe Frequenz dieser beiden T-Zell-Populationen in KRK-Geweben mit einer erhöhten Überlebensrate assoziiert ist. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse könnten zukünftig in die Klassifikation des KRKs einfließen und therapeutische Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Im Gegensatz zu Tumor-infiltrierenden T-Zellen ist jedoch über die Frequenz und die Eigenschaften von nativen humanen dendritischen Zellen (DCs) in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und deren mögliche Rolle in der immunologischen Abwehr von Tumoren nur sehr wenig bekannt. Als professionelle antigenpräsentierende Zellen spielen DCs eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Induktion und Aufrechterhaltung einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort und können dadurch die Tumorentwicklung wesentlich beeinflussen. Daher wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation erstmalig Frequenz, Verteilung, Reifestatus und Zytokinexpression von 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan) DCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben sowie in korrespondierenden tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben untersucht. SlanDCs stellen eine große Subpopulation von humanen Blut-DCs dar, die nach Aktivierung hohe Konzentrationen von verschiedenen proinflammatorischen Zytokinen sezernieren. Darüber hinaus sind sie effizient in der Lage, die antitumoralen Eigenschaften von CD8+ T-Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen sowie von Natürlichen Killer-Zellen zu fördern. Ausgehend von diesen Eigenschaften könnten slanDCs einen Beitrag zur Immunabwehr des Kolonkarzinoms leisten und somit das Tumorwachstum beeinflussen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zunächst mit Hilfe immunhistochemischer Färbungen der Nachweis von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben erbracht. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte eine höhere Frequenz von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben (Mittelwert: 16,69 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) im Vergleich zu den korrespondierenden tumorfreien Geweben (Mittelwert: 9,25 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) detektiert werden. Des Weiteren wurde eine höhere Dichte von infiltrierenden slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Gewebeproben (Mittelwert: 18,85 slanDCs/mm2, n=20) im Vergleich zu plasmazytoiden DCs (Mittelwert: 4,86 pDCs/mm2, n=20), welche eine andere Subpopulation von humanen DCs im Blut repräsentieren, nachgewiesen. Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgten verschiedene Immunfluoreszenzfärbungen zur Untersuchung des Reifestatus und der Zytokinexpression der Kolonkarzinom-infiltrierenden slanDCs. Dabei konnten in allen zehn untersuchten Tumorgeweben CD83-exprimierende slanDCs detektiert werden (Mittelwert: 46,7 % CD83+ slanDCs), was auf einen reifen Phänotyp dieser DCs hinweist. Zudem erfolgte der Nachweis einer Interleukin (IL)-23-Expression in variabler Ausprägung durch infiltrierende slanDCs in zehn von elf analysierten Kolonkarzinom-Geweben (Mittelwert: 33,8 % IL-23+ slanDCs). Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass slanDCs einen wesentlichen Anteil der IL-23-exprimierenden Zellen in einigen untersuchten Gewebeproben darstellen. Eine Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch Kolonkarzinom-infiltrierende slanDCs wurde hingegen nur in einer geringen Frequenz detektiert. Weitere Untersuchungen identifizierten slanDCs als neue zelluläre Komponente der T-Zell-Zone von tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen (TLS) der Tumorumgebung des Kolonkarzinoms. Darüber hinaus wies ein deutlicher Anteil der dort lokalisierten slanDCs einen reifen Phänotyp oder eine Expression von IL-23 auf.
Ausgehend von diesen neuen Ergebnissen könnten die infiltrierenden slanDCs an der Modulation einer adaptiven Immunantwort in der T-Zell-Zone Kolonkarzinom-assoziierter TLS beteiligt sein und einen Einfluss auf das Tumorwachstum ausüben. Weiterhin könnte die Expression des proinflammatorischen Zytokins IL-23 durch slanDCs im Tumor-umgebenden Stroma und in den TLS eine Induktion IL-17-produzierender Zellen fördern und damit auf eine Beteiligung der slanDCs an einem entzündungsbedingten Fortschreiten der Tumorerkrankung über die IL-23/IL-17-Achse hindeuten. Insgesamt leisten die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Rolle von humanen nativen DCs im Kolonkarzinom und könnten die Entwicklung neuer immuntherapeutischer Strategien in der Behandlung dieser Tumorerkrankung fördern. / Colorectal cancer as an immunogenic tumor is characterized by a marked infiltration of different immune cell populations. Especially CD8+ T-lymphocytes and CD4+ T helper cells type 1 seem to influence tumor growth and therefore play an increasing role as prognostic markers. Thus, it has been shown that high densities of these T cell subsets are associated with improved survival of colorectal cancer patients. These new insights could become part of the classification of colorectal cancer and influence therapeutic decisions. Despite these studies, little is known about the frequency and properties of native human dendritic cells (DCs) in colon cancer tissues and their potential role in antitumor immunity. DCs as professional antigen-presenting cells are critical for the induction and maintenance of antitumor immunity and can essentially influence tumor progression. Thus, the frequency, distribution, maturation, and cytokine expression of 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan) DCs in colon cancer tissues as well as in corresponding tumor-free colon specimens were investigated. SlanDCs represent a subset of human blood DCs that secrete large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines upon activation. Furthermore slanDCs are able to efficiently activate CD4+ T cells, tumor-reactive CD8 + T cells, and natural killer cells. Due to these functional properties, slanDCs may contribute to antitumor immunity and may influence tumor growth.
Within this doctoral thesis the presence of slanDCs in primary colon cancer samples was immunohistochemically verified. In this context, a higher frequency of slanDCs in colon cancer tissues (mean: 16,69 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) in comparison to the corresponding tumor-free specimens (mean: 9,25 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) could be detected. Moreover, higher frequencies of infiltrating slanDCs in colon cancer tissues (mean: 18,85 slanDCs/mm2, n=20) were detectable compared to plasmacytoid DCs (mean: 4,86 pDCs/mm2, n=20), representing another human blood DC-subset. Based on these results, various immunofluorescence stainings were performed to investigate maturation and cytokine expression of the infiltrating slanDCs. SlanDCs expressing the maturation marker CD83 were detected in all 10 analyzed colon cancer tissues (mean: 46,7% CD83+ slanDCs). In addition, IL-23-expressing slanDCs were present at varying percentages in 10 of 11 evaluated colon cancer samples (mean: 33,8% IL-23+ slanDCs). Interestingly, in several tissues slanDCs represented a marked proportion of all IL-23-expressing cells. However, slanDCs expressing tumor necrosis factor could only be detected in low frequencies in the analyzed colon cancer specimens. Further studies revealed that slanDCs are a novel component of the T-cell zone of colon cancer-associated tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS). A proportion of these TLS-associated slanDCs displays a mature phenotype or express IL-23.
These novel findings indicate that slanDCs may modulate adaptive immune responses in the T-cell zone of colon cancer-associated TLS and may contribute to the regulation of tumor progression. Furthermore the IL-23-expressing slanDCs in the tumor-surrounding stroma and the TLS may promote the generation of IL-17-producing cells and may participate in inflammation-related cancer progression mediated by the IL-23/IL-17 axis. These novel observations can help to decipher the role of human native DCs in colon cancer and may have implications for the design of therapeutic strategies against this tumor entity.
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Akkumulation infiltrierender 6-sulfo LacNAc+ dendritischer Zellen im KolonkarzinomGeyer, Elisabeth 16 May 2017 (has links)
Das kolorektale Karzinom (KRK) zählt zu den immunogenen Tumoren und zeichnet sich durch eine ausgeprägte Infiltration von verschiedenen Immunzell-Populationen aus. Dabei scheinen insbesondere CD8+ T-Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen Typ 1 das Tumorwachstum zu beeinflussen und spielen somit eine zunehmende Rolle als prognostische Marker. Dementsprechend ergaben sich mehrere Hinweise, dass eine hohe Frequenz dieser beiden T-Zell-Populationen in KRK-Geweben mit einer erhöhten Überlebensrate assoziiert ist. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse könnten zukünftig in die Klassifikation des KRKs einfließen und therapeutische Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Im Gegensatz zu Tumor-infiltrierenden T-Zellen ist jedoch über die Frequenz und die Eigenschaften von nativen humanen dendritischen Zellen (DCs) in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und deren mögliche Rolle in der immunologischen Abwehr von Tumoren nur sehr wenig bekannt. Als professionelle antigenpräsentierende Zellen spielen DCs eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Induktion und Aufrechterhaltung einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort und können dadurch die Tumorentwicklung wesentlich beeinflussen. Daher wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation erstmalig Frequenz, Verteilung, Reifestatus und Zytokinexpression von 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan) DCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben sowie in korrespondierenden tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben untersucht. SlanDCs stellen eine große Subpopulation von humanen Blut-DCs dar, die nach Aktivierung hohe Konzentrationen von verschiedenen proinflammatorischen Zytokinen sezernieren. Darüber hinaus sind sie effizient in der Lage, die antitumoralen Eigenschaften von CD8+ T-Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen sowie von Natürlichen Killer-Zellen zu fördern. Ausgehend von diesen Eigenschaften könnten slanDCs einen Beitrag zur Immunabwehr des Kolonkarzinoms leisten und somit das Tumorwachstum beeinflussen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zunächst mit Hilfe immunhistochemischer Färbungen der Nachweis von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben erbracht. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte eine höhere Frequenz von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben (Mittelwert: 16,69 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) im Vergleich zu den korrespondierenden tumorfreien Geweben (Mittelwert: 9,25 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) detektiert werden. Des Weiteren wurde eine höhere Dichte von infiltrierenden slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Gewebeproben (Mittelwert: 18,85 slanDCs/mm2, n=20) im Vergleich zu plasmazytoiden DCs (Mittelwert: 4,86 pDCs/mm2, n=20), welche eine andere Subpopulation von humanen DCs im Blut repräsentieren, nachgewiesen. Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgten verschiedene Immunfluoreszenzfärbungen zur Untersuchung des Reifestatus und der Zytokinexpression der Kolonkarzinom-infiltrierenden slanDCs. Dabei konnten in allen zehn untersuchten Tumorgeweben CD83-exprimierende slanDCs detektiert werden (Mittelwert: 46,7 % CD83+ slanDCs), was auf einen reifen Phänotyp dieser DCs hinweist. Zudem erfolgte der Nachweis einer Interleukin (IL)-23-Expression in variabler Ausprägung durch infiltrierende slanDCs in zehn von elf analysierten Kolonkarzinom-Geweben (Mittelwert: 33,8 % IL-23+ slanDCs). Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass slanDCs einen wesentlichen Anteil der IL-23-exprimierenden Zellen in einigen untersuchten Gewebeproben darstellen. Eine Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch Kolonkarzinom-infiltrierende slanDCs wurde hingegen nur in einer geringen Frequenz detektiert. Weitere Untersuchungen identifizierten slanDCs als neue zelluläre Komponente der T-Zell-Zone von tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen (TLS) der Tumorumgebung des Kolonkarzinoms. Darüber hinaus wies ein deutlicher Anteil der dort lokalisierten slanDCs einen reifen Phänotyp oder eine Expression von IL-23 auf.
Ausgehend von diesen neuen Ergebnissen könnten die infiltrierenden slanDCs an der Modulation einer adaptiven Immunantwort in der T-Zell-Zone Kolonkarzinom-assoziierter TLS beteiligt sein und einen Einfluss auf das Tumorwachstum ausüben. Weiterhin könnte die Expression des proinflammatorischen Zytokins IL-23 durch slanDCs im Tumor-umgebenden Stroma und in den TLS eine Induktion IL-17-produzierender Zellen fördern und damit auf eine Beteiligung der slanDCs an einem entzündungsbedingten Fortschreiten der Tumorerkrankung über die IL-23/IL-17-Achse hindeuten. Insgesamt leisten die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Rolle von humanen nativen DCs im Kolonkarzinom und könnten die Entwicklung neuer immuntherapeutischer Strategien in der Behandlung dieser Tumorerkrankung fördern.:Abbildungsverzeichnis IV
Tabellenverzeichnis VI
Abkürzungsverzeichnis VII
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Das humane Immunsystem 1
1.2 Dendritische Zellen 2
1.2.1 Phänotyp und Funktion dendritischer Zellen 3
1.2.2 Aktivierung von T-Lymphozyten durch dendritische Zellen 4
1.2.3 Subpopulationen humaner dendritischer Zellen 6
1.3 Interaktion von Immunsystem und Tumor 8
1.4 Infiltration von Tumoren durch Immunzellen 10
1.5 Kolonkarzinome 11
1.5.1 Entwicklung, Charakteristika und Klassifikation kolorektaler Karzinome 12
1.5.2 Therapieansätze des Kolonkarzinoms 14
1.6 Zielstellung 17
2 Material und Methoden 19
2.1 Material 19
2.1.1 Chemikalien und Reagenzien 19
2.1.2 Lösungen und Puffer 19
2.1.3 Testkitsysteme 19
2.1.4 Antikörper zur Detektion von Oberflächenmolekülen 20
2.1.5 Seren 20
2.1.6 Geräte 21
2.1.7 Sonstige Materialien 21
2.1.8 Gewebeproben 21
2.2 Methoden 23
2.2.1 Vorbereitung der Gewebeproben zur Immunmarkierung 23
2.2.2 Immunhistochemischer Nachweis von slanDCs und pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben 24
2.2.3 Untersuchung der Zytokinexpression von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben mit Fluoreszenzfärbungen 25
2.2.4 Nachweis der Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben mit einer Fluoreszenzfärbung 26
2.2.5 Analyse einer Kolokalisation von slanDCs und CD3+ T-Lymphozyten in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 26
2.2.6 Detektion von slanDCs in tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 26
2.2.7 Nachweis der Expression von CD83 und Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 28
2.2.8 Auswertung der immunhistochemischen Färbungen von slanDCs und pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und in tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben 29
2.2.9 Statistik 30
3 Ergebnisse 31
3.1 Nachweis von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 31
3.2 Assoziation der ermittelten Frequenz infiltrierender slanDCs mit der TNM-Klassifikation des Kolonkarzinoms 37
3.3 Nachweis von pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 39
3.4 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 42
3.5 Expression von Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 44
3.6 Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 47
3.7 Kolokalisation von slanDCs und CD3+ T-Lymphozyten in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 50
3.8 Detektion von slanDCs in tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 51
3.9 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 54
3.10 Expression von IL-23 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 56
4 Diskussion 57
4.1 DCs als zentrale Mediatoren einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort 57
4.2 DCs als Komponente des Immunzellinfiltrats im Kolonkarzinom 58
4.2.1 Immunhistochemischer Nachweis von DCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 58
4.2.2 Zielstrukturen eingesetzter Antikörper in immunhistochemischen Färbungen von DCs 60
4.2.3 SlanDCs als DC-Subpopulation in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 61
4.3 Phänotyp infiltrierender slanDCs im Kolonkarzinom 64
4.3.1 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs 64
4.3.2 Expression von Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs 67
4.3.3 Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch slanDCs 69
4.4 SlanDCs als Komponente von tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen im Kolonkarzinom 71
5 Zusammenfassung 75
6 Summary 77
7 Literaturverzeichnis 79
Anlage 1 91
Anlage 2 92
Danksagung 93 / Colorectal cancer as an immunogenic tumor is characterized by a marked infiltration of different immune cell populations. Especially CD8+ T-lymphocytes and CD4+ T helper cells type 1 seem to influence tumor growth and therefore play an increasing role as prognostic markers. Thus, it has been shown that high densities of these T cell subsets are associated with improved survival of colorectal cancer patients. These new insights could become part of the classification of colorectal cancer and influence therapeutic decisions. Despite these studies, little is known about the frequency and properties of native human dendritic cells (DCs) in colon cancer tissues and their potential role in antitumor immunity. DCs as professional antigen-presenting cells are critical for the induction and maintenance of antitumor immunity and can essentially influence tumor progression. Thus, the frequency, distribution, maturation, and cytokine expression of 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan) DCs in colon cancer tissues as well as in corresponding tumor-free colon specimens were investigated. SlanDCs represent a subset of human blood DCs that secrete large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines upon activation. Furthermore slanDCs are able to efficiently activate CD4+ T cells, tumor-reactive CD8 + T cells, and natural killer cells. Due to these functional properties, slanDCs may contribute to antitumor immunity and may influence tumor growth.
Within this doctoral thesis the presence of slanDCs in primary colon cancer samples was immunohistochemically verified. In this context, a higher frequency of slanDCs in colon cancer tissues (mean: 16,69 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) in comparison to the corresponding tumor-free specimens (mean: 9,25 slanDCs/mm2, n=38) could be detected. Moreover, higher frequencies of infiltrating slanDCs in colon cancer tissues (mean: 18,85 slanDCs/mm2, n=20) were detectable compared to plasmacytoid DCs (mean: 4,86 pDCs/mm2, n=20), representing another human blood DC-subset. Based on these results, various immunofluorescence stainings were performed to investigate maturation and cytokine expression of the infiltrating slanDCs. SlanDCs expressing the maturation marker CD83 were detected in all 10 analyzed colon cancer tissues (mean: 46,7% CD83+ slanDCs). In addition, IL-23-expressing slanDCs were present at varying percentages in 10 of 11 evaluated colon cancer samples (mean: 33,8% IL-23+ slanDCs). Interestingly, in several tissues slanDCs represented a marked proportion of all IL-23-expressing cells. However, slanDCs expressing tumor necrosis factor could only be detected in low frequencies in the analyzed colon cancer specimens. Further studies revealed that slanDCs are a novel component of the T-cell zone of colon cancer-associated tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS). A proportion of these TLS-associated slanDCs displays a mature phenotype or express IL-23.
These novel findings indicate that slanDCs may modulate adaptive immune responses in the T-cell zone of colon cancer-associated TLS and may contribute to the regulation of tumor progression. Furthermore the IL-23-expressing slanDCs in the tumor-surrounding stroma and the TLS may promote the generation of IL-17-producing cells and may participate in inflammation-related cancer progression mediated by the IL-23/IL-17 axis. These novel observations can help to decipher the role of human native DCs in colon cancer and may have implications for the design of therapeutic strategies against this tumor entity.:Abbildungsverzeichnis IV
Tabellenverzeichnis VI
Abkürzungsverzeichnis VII
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Das humane Immunsystem 1
1.2 Dendritische Zellen 2
1.2.1 Phänotyp und Funktion dendritischer Zellen 3
1.2.2 Aktivierung von T-Lymphozyten durch dendritische Zellen 4
1.2.3 Subpopulationen humaner dendritischer Zellen 6
1.3 Interaktion von Immunsystem und Tumor 8
1.4 Infiltration von Tumoren durch Immunzellen 10
1.5 Kolonkarzinome 11
1.5.1 Entwicklung, Charakteristika und Klassifikation kolorektaler Karzinome 12
1.5.2 Therapieansätze des Kolonkarzinoms 14
1.6 Zielstellung 17
2 Material und Methoden 19
2.1 Material 19
2.1.1 Chemikalien und Reagenzien 19
2.1.2 Lösungen und Puffer 19
2.1.3 Testkitsysteme 19
2.1.4 Antikörper zur Detektion von Oberflächenmolekülen 20
2.1.5 Seren 20
2.1.6 Geräte 21
2.1.7 Sonstige Materialien 21
2.1.8 Gewebeproben 21
2.2 Methoden 23
2.2.1 Vorbereitung der Gewebeproben zur Immunmarkierung 23
2.2.2 Immunhistochemischer Nachweis von slanDCs und pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben 24
2.2.3 Untersuchung der Zytokinexpression von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben mit Fluoreszenzfärbungen 25
2.2.4 Nachweis der Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben mit einer Fluoreszenzfärbung 26
2.2.5 Analyse einer Kolokalisation von slanDCs und CD3+ T-Lymphozyten in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 26
2.2.6 Detektion von slanDCs in tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 26
2.2.7 Nachweis der Expression von CD83 und Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 28
2.2.8 Auswertung der immunhistochemischen Färbungen von slanDCs und pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben und in tumorfreien Kolon-Geweben 29
2.2.9 Statistik 30
3 Ergebnisse 31
3.1 Nachweis von slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 31
3.2 Assoziation der ermittelten Frequenz infiltrierender slanDCs mit der TNM-Klassifikation des Kolonkarzinoms 37
3.3 Nachweis von pDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 39
3.4 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 42
3.5 Expression von Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 44
3.6 Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch slanDCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 47
3.7 Kolokalisation von slanDCs und CD3+ T-Lymphozyten in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 50
3.8 Detektion von slanDCs in tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 51
3.9 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 54
3.10 Expression von IL-23 durch slanDCs in TLS von Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 56
4 Diskussion 57
4.1 DCs als zentrale Mediatoren einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort 57
4.2 DCs als Komponente des Immunzellinfiltrats im Kolonkarzinom 58
4.2.1 Immunhistochemischer Nachweis von DCs in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 58
4.2.2 Zielstrukturen eingesetzter Antikörper in immunhistochemischen Färbungen von DCs 60
4.2.3 SlanDCs als DC-Subpopulation in Kolonkarzinom-Geweben 61
4.3 Phänotyp infiltrierender slanDCs im Kolonkarzinom 64
4.3.1 Expression von CD83 durch slanDCs 64
4.3.2 Expression von Interleukin-23 durch slanDCs 67
4.3.3 Expression von Tumornekrosefaktor durch slanDCs 69
4.4 SlanDCs als Komponente von tertiären lymphoiden Strukturen im Kolonkarzinom 71
5 Zusammenfassung 75
6 Summary 77
7 Literaturverzeichnis 79
Anlage 1 91
Anlage 2 92
Danksagung 93
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The Effects of HIV on the Regulation of IL-12 Family Cytokines, IL-12, IL-23, and IL-27 Production in Human Monocyte-derived MacrophagesO'Hara, Shifawn R.K. 29 August 2012 (has links)
IL-12 family cytokines IL-23 and IL-27 play an important role linking innate and adaptive immunity, and regulating T-cell responses. The production of IL-12, a structurally similar cytokine, is decreased in chronic HIV infection; therefore IL-23 and IL-27 may also be influenced by HIV infection. I hypothesized that HIV inhibits LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in human MDMs by suppressing the activation of signalling pathways regulating their expression. In vitro HIV-infection of MDMs did not have any effect on basal secretion of IL-23 or IL-27; however, HIV inhibited LPS-induced production of IL-12/23 p40 and IL-23 p19, and IL-27 EBI3 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression, and IL-23, IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 secretion. In order to evaluate the molecular mechanisms by which HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 in LPS-stimulated MDMs, the signalling pathways regulating their expression were evaluated. The PI3K, p38 MAPK, and JNK MAPK pathways were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-27 secretion. Interestingly, in vitro HIV infection inhibited LPS-induced p38 and JNK MAPK activation in MDMs. In summary, I have shown that HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 production in LPS-stimulated MDMs and that HIV may inhibit LPS-induced IL-27 production through the inhibition of p38 and JNK MAPK activation. It is currently unknown whether PKCs regulate LPS-induced IL-23 or IL-27 in human monocytes/macrophages. I demonstrated that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 secretion within THP-1 cells, primary monocytes, and MDMs. Classical PKCs were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-12/23 p40, IL-23, and IL-27 secretion in primary human monocytes. Similarly, the classical PKCs were found to positively regulate IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-27 secretion in THP-1 cells. However, classical PKCs did not regulate LPS-induced IL-27 production in MDMs, or LPS-induced IL-23 production in THP-1 cells. Overall, this demonstrates that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in different myeloid cells.
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The Effects of HIV on the Regulation of IL-12 Family Cytokines, IL-12, IL-23, and IL-27 Production in Human Monocyte-derived MacrophagesO'Hara, Shifawn R.K. 29 August 2012 (has links)
IL-12 family cytokines IL-23 and IL-27 play an important role linking innate and adaptive immunity, and regulating T-cell responses. The production of IL-12, a structurally similar cytokine, is decreased in chronic HIV infection; therefore IL-23 and IL-27 may also be influenced by HIV infection. I hypothesized that HIV inhibits LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in human MDMs by suppressing the activation of signalling pathways regulating their expression. In vitro HIV-infection of MDMs did not have any effect on basal secretion of IL-23 or IL-27; however, HIV inhibited LPS-induced production of IL-12/23 p40 and IL-23 p19, and IL-27 EBI3 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression, and IL-23, IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 secretion. In order to evaluate the molecular mechanisms by which HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 in LPS-stimulated MDMs, the signalling pathways regulating their expression were evaluated. The PI3K, p38 MAPK, and JNK MAPK pathways were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-27 secretion. Interestingly, in vitro HIV infection inhibited LPS-induced p38 and JNK MAPK activation in MDMs. In summary, I have shown that HIV inhibits IL-23 and IL-27 production in LPS-stimulated MDMs and that HIV may inhibit LPS-induced IL-27 production through the inhibition of p38 and JNK MAPK activation. It is currently unknown whether PKCs regulate LPS-induced IL-23 or IL-27 in human monocytes/macrophages. I demonstrated that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 secretion within THP-1 cells, primary monocytes, and MDMs. Classical PKCs were found to positively regulate LPS-induced IL-12/23 p40 and IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-12/23 p40, IL-23, and IL-27 secretion in primary human monocytes. Similarly, the classical PKCs were found to positively regulate IL-27 p28 mRNA expression and IL-27 secretion in THP-1 cells. However, classical PKCs did not regulate LPS-induced IL-27 production in MDMs, or LPS-induced IL-23 production in THP-1 cells. Overall, this demonstrates that classical PKCs differentially regulate LPS-induced IL-23 and IL-27 production in different myeloid cells.
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Nouveaux phénotypes immunologiques et cliniques liés au déficit de la chaîne IL-12Rβ1Ganne De Beaucoudrey, Ludovic 17 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'axe IL-12-IFN-γ joue un rôle important dans l'immunité anti-mycobactérienne. J'ai identifié et étudié une cohorte de 137 patients présentant un déficit autosomique récessif complet d'IL12RB1 qui code la sous-unité β1 des récepteurs de l'IL-12 et de l'IL-23. Ces patients sont issus de 101 familles provenant de 30 pays. Ils présentent une grande diversité génétique avec 52 allèles mutants différents. Le phénotype cellulaire avec un défaut complet de réponse à l'IL-12 est homogène chez tous les patients. Les phénotypes cliniques sont eux très hétérogènes allant de l'absence d'infection jusqu'au décès. Il s'agit en grande majorité d'infections mycobactériennes (BCG, mycobactéries environnementales et tuberculose) et/ou à salmonelles. La candidose est aussi retrouvée associée à ce défaut chez un grand nombre de patients. L'axe IL-23-IL-17 participe à la différentiation et à l'activation des lymphocytes T CD4+ dits de type Th17. les cytokines et les mécanismes contrôlant la différentiation de ces cellules sont peu connus. J'ai étudié le développement des lymphocytes producteurs d'IL-17 chez des patients porteurs de défauts génétiques affectant la voie du TGF-β (patients TGFBR1, TGFBR2 et TGFB1), de l'IL-1β (patients IRAK4 et MYD88), de l'IL-6 (patients STAT3) et de l'IL-23 (patients IL12B et IL12RB1). Pour cela, j'ai quantifié la production et la sécrétion d'IL-17 dans deux modèles expérimentaux ex vivo et in vitro. Les patients IL12B-/- et IL12RB1-/-, et de façon plus drastique les patients STAT3-/- présentent une diminution des lymphocytes producteurs d'IL-17, ce qui suggère l'importance de ces molécules dans la différentiation et l'expansion des cellules Th17 in vivo
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Von Interleukin-12 zur p40-Zytokinfamilie: Interleukin-12-unabhängige Wirkungen von p40-Zytokinen in der Infekt- und TumorabwehrWerner, Christoph 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Interleukin-12 (IL-12) ist ein zentrales Zytokin in der Entwicklung einer protektiven, zellulären Typ 1-Immunantwort. Es ist aus einer p40- und einer p35-Untereinheit aufgebaut. Es stimuliert NK- und T-Zellen zur Ausschüttung großer Mengen IFN-gamma und setzt so eine Typ 1-Immunantwort in Gang. Die p40-Untereinheit des IL-12 kommt auch in anderen biologisch wirksamen Verbindungen wie beispielsweise als Monomer, Homodimer oder als IL-23 (in Verbindung mit einer p19-Untereinheit) vor. Während das Homodimer in der vorliegenden Arbeit als reiner Antagonist zu IL-12 zu wirken scheint, wurden für IL-23 bereits zu IL-12 agonistische Wirkungen demonstriert. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit stand die Erarbeitung p40-abhängiger Wirkungen unter Ausschluß der Effekte von IL-12, d. h. möglicherweise IL-23-abhängiger Effekte. In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurde mit gendeletierten Mäusen gearbeitet, so dass IL-12 in diesen Systemen keine Rolle spielen kann sondern nur die p40-Proteine außer IL-12. Im Infektionsmodell mit Salmonella Enteritidis wurden p35-gendeletierte (p35-/--) und p40-/--Mäuse verwendet. Durch eine Induktion der p40-Expression waren Unterschiede auf die Wirkung der p40-Proteine zurückzuführen. Es zeigte sich, dass p40-Proteine durch die Induktion einer IFN-gamma Produktion eine Verbesserung der Abtötung intrazellulärer Pathogene bewirkten. Dadurch gelang in den p35-/--Mäusen die Eindämmung der systemischen Infektion besser und diese Mäuse überlebten länger als die p40-/--Mäuse. In Tumormodellen mit dem Lewis-Lungenkarzinom und dem Melanom B16 wurden p35/40-/--Mäuse, welche keine p40-Proteine bilden können, mit der für p40 kodierenden DNA gentherapiert. Durch diese lokale Gentherapie kam es zu einer Reduktion des Tumorwachstums. In immunhistologischen Untersuchungen war eine Rekrutierung von Makrophagen und eine Hemmung der Angiogenese im Tumorbereich sichtbar. Lokale und systemische Proteintherapien mit dem Homodimer oder IL-23 hatten keinen Effekt auf das Wachstum des Tumors, was auf die Existenz eines weiteren noch unbekannten heterodimeren p40-Proteins hindeutet. In vitro konnte gezeigt werden, dass IL-23 die IFN-gamma-Produktion durch Splenozyten induziert und dieser Effekt durch das Homodimer antagonisiert werden kann. Interessanterweise kann es in primären Milzzellkulturen auch IL-12 antagonisieren. Eine In-vitro-Infektion führte zu einer p40-abhängigen IFN-gamma-Produktion, die auch durch das Homodimer antagonisiert werden konnte. Während die Effekte der p40-Proteine im Infektionsmodell möglicherweise auf IL-23 zurückgeführt werden können und diese Effekte auch durch In-vitro-Untersuchungen gestützt werden, muss nach den Ergebnissen im Tumormodell auf die Existenz eines weiteren, bisher unbekannten p40-Proteines, p40-x, geschlossen werden. / Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a key cytokine in the development of a protective cellular Th1 immune response. It consists of a p40 and a p35 subunit. Following stimulation with IL-12, NK and T cells produce large amounts of IFN-gamma resulting in a type 1 immune response. The p40 subunit of IL-12 is also part of other biologically active proteins such as monomeric or homodimeric p40 or the heterodimeric IL-23 (in combination with a p19 subunit). While in this study the homodimeric p40 appears to antagonize IL-12, IL-23 was demonstrated to have agonistic effects. The aim of this study was to investigate p40-dependent effects which can be observed independently of IL-12, i.e. potential effects mediated by IL-23. For the experiments mutant mice were used so that IL-12 dependent mechanisms could not play a role but only p40-dependent proteins excluding IL-12. In a Salmonella Enteritidis infection model p35-gene deleted (p35-/-) and p40-/- mice were used. As the expression of p40 is induced by bacterial antigen, differences between the strains were caused by the p40 protein. During the infection p40 proteins induced IFN-gamma production thus improving the killing of intracellular pathogens. This resulted in a better control of the systemic infection and longer survival periods of the p35-/- mice as compared to p40-/- mice. For the experiments in the tumor model using the Lewis-Lung carcinoma and the Melanoma B16 as tumors, p35/40-/- mice which are unable to produce any p40 proteins, received gene therapy with DNA encoding for p40. This local gene therapy resulted in a reduced tumor growth. Immunohistochemical examination revealed an infiltration of the tumor tissue with macrophages and a reduced neoangiogenesis within the tumor. This effect could not be achieved by local administration of IL-23 or the p40-homodimer as a protein, indicating the existence of an as yet unknown heterodimeric p40 protein. In vitro experiments showed that IL-23 induces IFN-gamma production by splenocytes and this effect can be antagonized by the homodimer. Interestingly, IL-23 is also able to antagonize IL-12 in primary splenocyte cultures. In vitro infection with Salmonella resulted in an p40-dependent IFN-gamma production that could also be antagonized by the homodimer. The protective effects in the infection model might be caused by IL-23, which is supported by the in vitro results. On the other hand, in the tumor model IL-23 does not seem to be the player and it must be concluded that the protective effects are caused by an other as yet unknown p40-dependent protein p40-x.
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