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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immunogenität und immunmodulatorische Eigenschaften von autologen und allogenen parenchymalen Nierenzellen differenziert aus humanen induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen

Roßbach, Bella Andreasowna 27 February 2020 (has links)
Chronisches Nierenversagen kann zu einem endgültigen Funktionsverlust der Nieren führen. Nierenersatztherapien bleiben dabei die einzigen lebensrettenden Behandlungsmaßnahmen. Der globale Bedarf an Nierenorganen übersteigt jedoch bei weitem die Anzahl verfügbarer Spenderorgane. Humane induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen (hiPSC) stellen eine vielversprechende Quelle für die Generierung funktioneller Nierenzellen dar. Die hiPSC-abgeleiteten Nierenzellen könnten zukünftig für zelluläre Ersatztherapien verwendet werden. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit sollten die aus hiPSC-abgeleiteten Nierenzellen auf ihre Immunogenität überprüft werden. Dafür wurden hiPSC-Linien, reprogrammiert aus primären Urinzellen gesunder Spender, generiert. Die hiPSC wurden daraufhin in renale Vorläuferzellen (IM-Zellen) und proximale Tubuluszellen (PT-Zellen) differenziert. Die immunphänotypische Analyse ergab eine generell verminderte Expression immun-relevanter Gene verglichen zu adulten Urinzellen. Für die Immunigenitätsbestimmung wurden die Nierenzellen jeweils mit autologen oder allogenen Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMCs) kokultiviert. Die IM- sowie PT-Zell-Kokulturen mit PBMC gesunder Spender sowie von Patienten mit diabetischer Nephropathie ergaben keine Proliferation autoreaktiver sowie allogener T-Zellen, im Vergleich zu primäre Urinzellen mit gleichen HLA-Merkmalen. Des Weiteren wiesen IM- und PT-Zellen aktive immunsupprimierende Eigenschaften auf. Diese konnten in langzeit-kultivierten PT-Zellen nicht mehr beobachtet werden. Zusätzlich zeigten die hiPSC-abgeleiteten Nierenzellen eine Anfälligkeit gegenüber autologe sowie allogene natürliche Killerzellen (NK-Zellen). Diese Studie ergab erstmalig Einblicke in die Dynamiken der T- und NK-Zell-Antworten renal differenzierter hiPSC. Die hier gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können für die Entwicklung zukünftiger Therapien beitragen, um eine sichere Transplantation von hiPSC-abgeleiteten Nierenzellen, selbst im allogenen System, zu ermöglichen. / Kidneys are essential for numerous vital processes. Chronic damage can lead to end stage renal disease with the requirement of kidney replacement therapies. Kidneys are nowadays the most frequently transplanted human organs, however, the transplant demand is far exceeding the number of available donations. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) represent a promising alternative approach for the generation of functional renal differentiated cells suitable for autologous cell replacement therapies (CRT). Yet, the immunogenic potential of hiPSC and their progenies are among the major concerns. This study aimed to analyze immunogenic effects of hiPSC-derived renal cells in autologous and allogeneic settings in vitro. Therefor, primary urinary cells (pUC) from healthy donors were reprogrammed into hiPSC, which were differentiated into renal progenitors (IMC) and into proximal tubular cells (PTC). Immune-phenotypic characterization revealed overall reduced expression of immune-relevant genes in hiPSC and renal derivatives compared to pUC. Co-culture experiments of IMC or PTC with either autologous or allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy donors or patients with diabetic nephropathy revealed no induction of T cell proliferation in comparison to pUC cells with the same HLA-types. IMC and PTC showed immunomodulatory effects on allogeneic T cell proliferation. These immunosuppressive capacities were lost in long-term cultivated PTC. hiPSC-derived renal cells showed to elicit autologous as well as for allogeneic natural killer cells (NK cells). This study provided insights about the immunogenic properties of hiPSC-derived renal cells. In vitro experiments revealed new hints about the dynamics of T- and NK cell responses dependent on the differentiation status of hiPSC-derived renal cells. These data show translational potential for the development of future CRT strategies aiming safe transplantation of hiPSC-derived renal cells across HLA barriers.

DNA Origami as a Drug Delivery Vehicle for in vitro and in vivo Applications

Halley, Patrick D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Uncovering Novel Immuno-metabolic Profiles in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis:From Vaccine Development to Analgesic Mechanisms

Volpedo, Greta 09 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Protektion humaner endothelialer Vorläuferzellen durch die Koapplikation mit Mesenchymalen Stamm-/Vorläuferzellen

Souidi, Naima 14 December 2017 (has links)
Endothelzell-basierte Therapien vermitteln regenerative Effekte hinsichtlich der Revaskularisierung von ischämischen Geweben. Doch ist die Verfügbarkeit von autologen Endothelzellen aufgrund einer krankheitsbedingt reduzierten Frequenz im peripheren Blut oder einer verminderten Integrität der endogenen Endothelzell-Populationen eingeschränkt. Hingegen ist es möglich, allogene endotheliale Vorläuferzellen aus der Nabelschnur in zelltherapeutisch relevanten Mengen zu isolieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zunächst die Eigenschaften allogener humaner Nabelschnur (NS)-abgeleiteter sog. Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells (ECFCs) mit denen von venösen NS-abgeleiteten Endothelzellen verglichen. Aufgrund der nachgewiesenen Immunogenität von allogenen ECFCs wurde eine weiterführende Strategie zur Reduktion dieser immunogenen Eigenschaften durch die Koapplikation mit Mesenchymalen Vorläuferzellen (MSCs) verfolgt. Humane ECFCs wurden mit MSCs desselben Spenders kombiniert und in funktionellen in vitro- und in vivo-Assays untersucht. Dadurch konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass IFNγ-stimulierte ECFC/MSC-Kokulturen eine reduzierte Expression von HLA-Molekülen zeigen. Entsprechend induzierten spezifische CD8+ T-Zellen eine reduzierte Lyse der kokultivierten ECFCs und MSCs. Die Kokultur von ECFCs und MSCs mit allogenen Immunzellen führte zu einer nahezu vollständigen Inhibition der T-Zell-Proliferation. Um die reduzierte Immunogenität von ECFC und MSC in vivo zu verifizieren, wurden die Zellen in immundefiziente Mäuse injiziert, welche nachfolgend mit humanen PBMCs rekonstituiert wurden. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Koapplikation von ECFCs und MSCs nicht nur die Entstehung von stabilen Gefäßnetzwerken begünstigt, sondern zudem in den Transplantaten zu einer verringerten Immunzell-Infiltration führte. Die Koapplikation von ECFCs mit MSCs könnte daher eine klinische Nutzung dieser allogenen Quelle für die therapeutische Unterstützung der Vaskularisierung ermöglichen. / Endothelial cell-based therapies promote tissue regeneration and vascularization after ischemic damage. The availability of autologous endothelial progenitor cells is restricted in diseased patients, however therapeutically relevant numbers of allogeneic Endothelial Progenitor Cells can be isolated from an umbilical cord (UC). In the present study, the immunogenic properties of these Endothelial Colony Forming Cells (ECFCs) were first compared to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Both cytokine-treated endothelial cells induced CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation after coculture with allogeneic immune cells. So far, the potential interactions between ECFCs and Mesenchymal Stem/Progenitor Cells (MSCs) concerning their immunological features is poorly understood, but we hypothesize that MSCs might improve the immune compatibility and vessel building characteristics of ECFCs. Therefore, human UC-derived ECFC and MSC cocultures from the same donor were analyzed using various functional in vitro and in vivo assays. Stimulation of these cocultures with IFNγ caused strongly reduced expression levels of HLA-molecules compared to ECFC monocultures. The decreased molecular density on the cocultured ECFCs resulted in reduced cytotoxic CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis. Further, during IFNγ stimulation, the combination of ECFCs with MSCs prevented initiation of allogeneic T cell proliferation. To verify this concept in vivo, ECFCs and MSCs were co-transplanted in a humanized allograft mouse model in immunodeficient mice in order to effectively induce stable microvessels. These experiments demonstrate that when MSCs are co-applied with ECFCs, they not only support the formation of stable blood vessels, but also lead to fewer HLA-DR+ human vascular structures and fewer infiltrating human leukocytes. The data presented indicate that crosstalk between UC-derived ECFCs and MSCs might lower the risk of allogeneic ECFC rejection.

Aberrations in Cytokine Signaling in Leukemia: Variations in Phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation

Tomic, Jelena 31 August 2012 (has links)
Tumor-induced immunosuppression can occur by multiple mechanisms, each posing a significant obstacle to immunotherapy. Evidence presented in this dissertation suggests that aberrant cytokine signaling, as a result of altered metabolism of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) cells, confers a selective advantage for tumor survival and growth. Cells from CLL patients with aggressive disease (as indicated by high-risk cytogenetics) were found to exhibit prolongation in Interferon (IFN)-induced STAT3 phosphorylation, and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these cells reflected these signaling processes. Changes in the relative balance of phospho-STAT3 and phospho-STAT1 levels, in response to combinations of IL-2 + Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 agonist + phorbol esters, as well as IFN, were associated with the immunosuppressive and immunogenic states of CLL cells. In addition, immunosuppressive leukemic cells were found to express high levels of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications, due to increased metabolic activity through the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway (HBP), which caused impaired intracellular signaling responses and affected disease progression. A conclusion of the studies presented here is that the intrinsic immunosuppressive properties of leukemic cells may be overcome by agents such as Resveratrol that target metabolic pathways of these cells.

Aberrations in Cytokine Signaling in Leukemia: Variations in Phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation

Tomic, Jelena 31 August 2012 (has links)
Tumor-induced immunosuppression can occur by multiple mechanisms, each posing a significant obstacle to immunotherapy. Evidence presented in this dissertation suggests that aberrant cytokine signaling, as a result of altered metabolism of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) cells, confers a selective advantage for tumor survival and growth. Cells from CLL patients with aggressive disease (as indicated by high-risk cytogenetics) were found to exhibit prolongation in Interferon (IFN)-induced STAT3 phosphorylation, and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in these cells reflected these signaling processes. Changes in the relative balance of phospho-STAT3 and phospho-STAT1 levels, in response to combinations of IL-2 + Toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 agonist + phorbol esters, as well as IFN, were associated with the immunosuppressive and immunogenic states of CLL cells. In addition, immunosuppressive leukemic cells were found to express high levels of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) modifications, due to increased metabolic activity through the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway (HBP), which caused impaired intracellular signaling responses and affected disease progression. A conclusion of the studies presented here is that the intrinsic immunosuppressive properties of leukemic cells may be overcome by agents such as Resveratrol that target metabolic pathways of these cells.

Comparing Immune Responses to Inactivated Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 Between People Living With HIV and HIV-Negative Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study in China

Huang, Xiaojie, Yan, Ying, Su, Bin, Xiao, Dong, Yu, Maohe, Jin, Xia, Duan, Junyi, Zhang, Xiangjun, Zheng, Shimin, Fang, Yuan, Zhang, Tong, Tang, Weiming, Wang, Lunan, Wang, Zixin, Xu, Junjie 28 January 2022 (has links)
This study compared the immunogenicity of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines between people living with HIV (PLWH) and HIV-negative individuals. We recruited 120 PLWH and 53 HIV-negative individuals aged 18-59 years who had received an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in two Chinese cities between April and June 2021. Blood samples were tested for immunogenicity of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The prevalence and severity of adverse events associated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were similar between PLWH and HIV-negative individuals. The seropositivity of neutralizing activity against authentic SARS-CoV-2, of the total amount of antibody (total antibody) and of S-IgG were 71.3%, 81.9%, and 92.6%, respectively, among fully vaccinated PLWH. Among all participants, PLWH had lower neutralizing activity, total antibody, S-IgG, and T-cell-specific immune response levels, compared to HIV-negative individuals, after controlling for types of vaccine, time interval between first and second dose, time after receiving the second dose, and sociodemographic factors. PLWH with a longer interval since HIV diagnosis, who received their second dose 15-28 days prior to study commencement, and who had an interval of ≥21 days between first and second dose had higher neutralizing activity levels. The immunogenicity of the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines was lower among PLWH as compared to HIV-negative individuals. Vaccination guideline specific for PLWH should be developed.

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