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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the environmental impact statement of the Warm Springs Dam Project

Curtis, Cassie Susan, 1951- January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Impact-Induced Hydrothermal Activity on Earth and Mars

Abramov, Oleg January 2006 (has links)
While several lines of evidence strongly hint at the biological importance of impact-induced hydrothermal systems during the impact cataclysm at ~3.9 Ga, these systems are not well understood. There is unambiguous evidence of hydrothermal activity at many terrestrial craters, but the available samples represent a very limited number of crater diameters and locations within the crater. Therefore, computer models are crucial for learning how impact-induced hydrothermal systems work, how long they last, and whether they provide suitable environments for thermophilic microorganisms. This dissertation presents detailed simulations of hydrothermal activity at the terrestrial craters Chicxulub and Sudbury, as well as at range of crater sizes on early Mars. A well-established computer code HYDROTHERM was used. The models for terrestrial craters were constrained by seismic, magnetic, and gravity surveys, as well as petrological, mineralogical, and chemical analyses of samples (by others).Sudbury crater is ~180 km in diameter, and 1.85 Ga. Simulation results indicate that a hydrothermal system at Sudbury crater remained active for several hundred thousand to several million years, depending on assumed permeability, and produced habitable volumes of up to ~20,000 km^3.Chicxulub crater is also ~180-km in diameter, but only 65 Ma. The lifetime of the hydrothermal system ranges from 1.5 Ma to 2.3 Ma depending on assumed permeability. The temperatures and fluxes observed in the model are consistent with alteration patterns observed by others in borehole samples.Another set of simulations modeled post-impact cooling of hypothetical craters with diameters of 30, 100, and 180 km in an early Martian environment. System lifetimes, averaged for all permeability cases examined, were 67,000 years for the 30-km crater, 290,000 years for the 100-km crater, and 380,000 for the 180-km crater. Also, an ap-proximation of the thermal evolution of a Hellas-sized basin (~2000 km) suggests poten-tial for hydrothermal activity for ~10 Myr after the impact. The habitable volume reached a maximum of ~6,000 km^3 in the 180-km crater model.Possible morphological and mineralogical signs of hydrothermal activity in Martian craters were observed, both in this work and by others. These observations, while by no means definitive, are generally consistent with model predictions.

From Lancents to Laboratories: Medical Schools, Physicians, and Healthcare in the United States from 1870 to 1940

Treber, Jaret Scott January 2005 (has links)
Healthcare in the United States experienced a remarkable transformation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While this transformation is well documented in descriptive historical accounts there are few empirical studies investigating the mechanisms through which reform was disseminated or the affects of the reform on healthcare. To this end, this dissertation examines four issues related to changes in the American healthcare industry during the early 1900's.Chapter 2 examines changes in medical education. This chapter provides a qualitative analysis of motivations behind the medical education reforms in America and an empirical analysis of the shakeout of medical schools that occurred from 1905 to 1920. Licensing laws and medical school reviews were found to have influenced exiting decisions of many medical schools. Reform of medical education in America was followed by a disproportionate decline of physician supply in rural areas. Along these lines, Chapter 3 provides a case study of the geographic distribution of physicians during the early 20th Century. Data on individual physicians was compiled to analyze variation in physician counts across counties and to investigate out-migration of rural county physicians. This analysis indicates physicians were drawn more and more to areas offering better financial opportunities, greater access to medical facilities, and more opportunity for professional contact.It is unclear to what extent patients initially benefited from the changes in medicine. Chapters 4 and 5 focus on one aspect of this issue by examining the impact of physicians on mortality rates. Chapter 4 utilizes the individual physician data from Chapter 3 to assess whether variation in physician counts explain variation in infant and non-infant mortality rates across counties. Estimates indicate that physicians were still unable to reduce mortality in the early 1920's. Chapter 5 focuses on the impact on maternal mortality resulting from the transition of childbirth during the first half of the 20th Century from the home to the hospital setting. Using hospital beds as a proxy for medical inputs, regression analysis revealed that the transition may have contributed to more maternal deaths until the introduction of sulfa drugs in the late 1930's.

An Interdisciplinary Study on Farm Based Biogas Production in Southern Brazil

Hjort, Anders, Norin, Simon January 2008 (has links)
Today the use of anaerobic digestion technique emerges as an alternative to the conventional treatment method of pig slurry to the pig producers in Brazil because of the energy demanding intensive pig production and the negative environmental impact that arises during storage and use. The end products of AD technique are biogas as an energy source and digestate that can be used as a fertilizer. The study took place at two pig producers in southern Brazil in order to evaluate the biogas production in the area, its applications and environmental impact. The visited pig producers run a confined animal production system where the slurry that is used in the anaerobic digesters is diluted. The studied digesters are covered with an air tight flexible plastic membrane that takes the shape of a balloon where each digester has the volume of 620 m3. Sedimentation occurs inside each reactor where the temperature also fluctuates. The produced biogas is conveyed to a torch where the biogas is combusted. The results of this study show that the digesters are working properly but there is a need for mixing and constant temperature in order to optimize the process. Biogas is primarily suited for heat production and the digestate can be used as a fertilizer. Biogas production is considered to have a positive environmental impact if the biogas is used or combusted in a torch. There is also a need to apply a cover over the digestate during the storage time to avoid ammonia emissions. The approximated biogas potential for Rio Grande do Sul is nearly 100 GWh/year. For an approximated biogas potential of more consideration it is found that further studies of the housing systems in Rio Grande do Sul are needed. This is due to a greatly varying amount of degradable materials in the pig slurry from one ranch to another.

Impact loading of reinforced concrete model portal frames.

Dunn, William James. January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

Effets d'un abaissement de la thermocline sur la dynamique des communautés de zooplancton

Gauthier, Joanna 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
La stratification thermique, caractérisée par la présence d'une thermocline, est un facteur clé structurant les communautés de plancton dans la zone pélagique des lacs. Les changements climatiques (vents forts, orages fréquents, sécheresses intenses) et les activités anthropiques près des lacs (déforestation) pourraient occasionner un abaissement de la thermocline dans les lacs tempérés. Les effets d'un tel abaissement sur la phénologie, la biomasse totale et la taille des individus du zooplancton dans le temps ont été évalués. La thermocline d'un bassin du Lac Croche (constitué de trois bassins), Québec, Canada, a été abaissée par mélange à l'aide d'une éolienne aquatique. L'échantillonnage a eu lieu sur une année contrôle (sans manipulation) et deux années expérimentales (avec abaissement). Le protocole statistique BACI a permis d'évaluer les effets de trois traitements différents, soit l'abaissement, l'abaissement+mélange et le mélange. Au printemps, certains effets des traitements ont été discernés indirectement par le réchauffement des sédiments, mais le climat semblait avoir une grande influence sur la dynamique des communautés de crustacés. Pendant l'été, les changements de la communauté de crustacés étaient principalement influencés par la profondeur de la thermocline. De plus, la biomasse de chlorophylle et celle des crustacées ont augmenté face aux traitements pendant l'été. Tropocyclops prasinus et Bosmina longirostris étaient plus abondantes lors de l'abaissement de la thermocline pendant l'été, ce qui a réduit significativement la taille individuelle de la communauté des crustacés. Les assemblages de rotifères étaient dominés par des espèces ayant des caractéristiques pour les protéger de la prédation. Cette étude suggère qu'un abaissement de la thermocline dans les lacs tempérés pourrait mener à une augmentation des productions primaire et secondaire, mais également à une réduction des proies zooplanctoniques pour les poissons suite à un changement dans la composition et la taille individuelle de la communauté. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : abaissement de la thermocline, zooplancton, phénologie, taille individuelle, biomasse totale, structure des communautés

Time Loss Due to Oral Health Issues in the Canadian Population

Hayes, Alyssa 20 November 2012 (has links)
Objectives: 1. To determine the proportion of people reporting time loss from work, school, or normal activities due to oral health issues. 2. To determine how much time is being lost. 3. To establish predictors of this time loss. 4. To determine the productivity losses. Methods: Data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007-2009) were used. Linear and logistic regressions were employed to determine which variables were predictive of hours lost and reporting time loss. Productivity losses were determined using the lost wages approach. Results: Time loss is more likely among privately insured, high income earners. Experiencing oral pain is the best predictor of reporting time loss. Productivity losses are comparable to those of some musculoskeletal conditions. Conclusions: Participants with higher incomes report time loss more frequently while the total amount of time lost is greatest for those with the lowest incomes. Productivity losses are substantial at the societal level.

Time Loss Due to Oral Health Issues in the Canadian Population

Hayes, Alyssa 20 November 2012 (has links)
Objectives: 1. To determine the proportion of people reporting time loss from work, school, or normal activities due to oral health issues. 2. To determine how much time is being lost. 3. To establish predictors of this time loss. 4. To determine the productivity losses. Methods: Data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007-2009) were used. Linear and logistic regressions were employed to determine which variables were predictive of hours lost and reporting time loss. Productivity losses were determined using the lost wages approach. Results: Time loss is more likely among privately insured, high income earners. Experiencing oral pain is the best predictor of reporting time loss. Productivity losses are comparable to those of some musculoskeletal conditions. Conclusions: Participants with higher incomes report time loss more frequently while the total amount of time lost is greatest for those with the lowest incomes. Productivity losses are substantial at the societal level.

Performances of Curved Steel Bridge Railing Using the Numerical Analysis

Itoh, Yoshito, Le, Thanh 09 1900 (has links)
9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, September 10-11, 2012, Kyoto, JAPAN (GJBS09)

Europos Sąjungos transporto politikos poveikis Lietuvos kelių transporto sektoriui / The impact of the European Union Transport policy on the Lithuanian road transport sector

Aliukonis, Mantas 16 June 2010 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamas Europos Sąjungos transporto politikos poveikis Lietuvos kelių transporto sektoriui,remiantis racionalaus pasirinkimo institucionalizmo teoriniu modeliu. Iškeliama prielaida, kad Bendrijos transporto politika prisideda prie Lietuvos kelių transporto sektoriaus integracijos į bendrąją rinką, skatindama keturių judėjimo laisvių įgyvendinimą. Europos Sąjungos transporto politikos teisinis ir ekonominis poveikis Lietuvos kelių transporto sektoriuje pasireiškia teigiamu bei neigiamu aspektais. Teigiamai jį veikia Europos regioninės plėtros ir Sanglaudos fondų finansinė parama, skirta nacionalinės transporto infrastruktūros vystymui, o neigiamai - griežtas europinės teisės reguliavimas, reglamentuojantis šalies kelių transporto sektoriaus veiklą. Apibendrinant darbą, teigiama, kad ES transporto politika veikia Lietuvos kelių transporto sektorių, užtikrina jo integravimąsi į bendrąją rinką ir judėjimo laisves nacionaliniu bei europiniu mastu. / In this study the impact of the European Union on Lithuanian road transport sector is analysed in the light of the rational choice institutionalism. It is argued that the Transport policy of the European Community affects the integration process of the Lithuanian road transport sector into the European single market, promoting the four freedoms of movement. The impact of the European Union Transport policy on the national road transport sector consists of important – legislative and economic as well as positive and negative – aspects. The positive impact of the European Transport policy on the Lithuanian road transport sector is related to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund financial contribution for the transport infrastructure development in Lithuania. The negative impact of the European Union Transport policy on the national road transport sector is related to the strict regulation of the European law. Summarizing the analysis done in the thesis it can be concluded that the Transport policy of the European Community affects Lithuanian road transport sector, ensures its integration into the EU single market and gives the four freedoms of movement at the national and European level.

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