Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1mpact."" "subject:"compact.""
1061 |
An assessment of ballistic hazard and risk from Upper Te Maari, Tongariro, New ZealandFitzgerald, Rebecca Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Explosive volcanic eruptions frequently expel ballistic projectiles, producing a significant proximal hazard to people, buildings, infrastructure and the environment from their high kinetic and thermal energies. Ballistic hazard assessments are undertaken as a risk mitigation measure, to determine probabilities of eruptions occurring that may produce ballistics, identify areas and elements likely to be impacted by ballistics, and the potential vulnerabilities of elements to ballistics.
The 6 August, 2012 hydrothermal eruption of Upper Te Maari Crater, Tongariro, New Zealand ejected blocks over a 6 km2 area, impacting ~2.6 km of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing (TAC), a walking track hiked by ~80,000 people a year, and damaging an overnight hut along the track. In this thesis ballistic hazard and risk from Upper Te Maari Crater are assessed through a review of its eruptive history, field and orthophoto mapping of the 6 August ballistic impact distribution, forward modelling and analysis of possible future eruption scenarios using a calibrated 3D ballistic trajectory model, and analysis of the vulnerability of hikers along the impacted Tongariro Alpine Crossing.
Orthophoto mapping of the 6 August ballistic impact crater distribution revealed 3,587 impact craters with a mean diameter of 2.4 m. However, field mapping of accessible regions indicated an average of at least four times more observable impact craters and a smaller mean crater diameter of 1.2 m. By combining the orthophoto and ground-truthed impact frequency and size distribution data, it is estimated that approximately 13,200 ballistic projectiles were generated during the eruption.
Ballistic impact distribution was used to calibrate a 3D ballistic trajectory model for the 6 August eruption. The 3D ballistic trajectory model and a series of inverse models were used to constrain the eruption directions, angles and velocities. When combined with eruption observations and geophysical observations and compared to the mapped distribution, the model indicated that the blocks were ejected in five variously directed eruption pulses, in total lasting 19 seconds. The model successfully reproduced the mapped impact distribution using a mean initial particle velocity of 200 m/s with an accompanying average gas flow velocity over a 400 m radius of 150 m/s.
Assessment of the vulnerability of hikers to ballistics from the August eruption along the TAC utilised the modelled spatial density of impacts and an assumption that an average ballistic impact will cause serious injury or death (casualty) over an 8 m2 area. It is estimated that the probability of casualty ranged from 1% to 16% along the affected track (assuming an eruption during the time of exposure). Future ballistic hazard and vulnerability along the TAC are also assessed through application of the calibrated model. A magnitude larger eruption (than the 6 August) in which 10x more particles were ejected, doubled the affected length of the TAC and illustrated that the probability of casualty could reach 100% in localised areas of the track. In contrast, ballistics ejected from a smaller eruption did not reach the track as was the case with the 21 November 2012 eruption. The calibrated ballistic model can therefore be used to improve management of ballistic hazards both at Tongariro and also, once recalibrated, to other volcanoes worldwide.
1062 |
HELIUM (e, 2e) COPLANAR AND OUT-OF-PLANE EXPERIMENTSdeHarak, Bruno A. 01 January 2007 (has links)
The detection of sound sources with microphone arrays can be enhanced through processing individual microphone signals prior to the delay and sum operation. One method in particular, the Phase Transform (PHAT) has demonstrated improvement in sound source location images, especially in reverberant and noisy environments. Recent work proposed a modification to the PHAT transform that allows varying degrees of spectral whitening through a single parameter, andamp;acirc;, which has shown positive improvement in target detection in simulation results. This work focuses on experimental evaluation of the modified SRP-PHAT algorithm. Performance results are computed from actual experimental setup of an 8-element perimeter array with a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for detecting sound sources. The results verified simulation results of PHAT- andamp;acirc; in improving target detection probabilities. The ROC analysis demonstrated the relationships between various target types (narrowband and broadband), room reverberation levels (high and low) and noise levels (different SNR) with respect to optimal andamp;acirc;. Results from experiment strongly agree with those of simulations on the effect of PHAT in significantly improving detection performance for narrowband and broadband signals especially at low SNR and in the presence of high levels of reverberation.
1063 |
Does CEO Leadership Style Impact on Adoption of the Marketing Concept?Cooper, Kristen Jane January 2007 (has links)
An exploratory investigation using a case study approach was undertaken in five organisations in different sectors, to explore whether there is any connection between CEO leadership style and adoption of the marketing concept by the organisation. Findings emerged on several levels. The market orientation and marketing concept, beyond the level of customer focus, is not well understood in organisations. The integration of market orientation and marketing effort across the organisation presents as the most problematic component of the marketing concept, as well as the one where CEO leadership style has the most potential to impact. The language of leadership theory is not actively assumed by people working in the case study organisations. The way people experience leadership style is ultimately personal, interpersonal and difficult to describe. Leadership attributes are valued differently in different organisations. Highly regarded leadership strengths result in perceived weaknesses being forgiven. In relation to the main research question, intuitively most people believed there is a connection between CEO leadership style and adoption of the marketing concept, but this was difficult to test at an organisational level due to small sample sizes and because each case study business presented with relatively high market orientations and CEOs with appropriate leadership styles. The CEO leadership themes commonly determined to be relevant were people focus (in terms of customers and staff), vision, change orientation, and passion/enthusiasm for the business. Survey data at the individual level was aggregated across the five organisations and analysed. Results showed the above attributes, and others associated with transformational leadership approaches, were related to perceptions of market orientation. While these results cannot be statistically generalisable because of the small and unrepresentative sample used, the findings suggest that the link between individual organisation members' perceptions of market orientation and CEO leadership would be worthy of a larger study.
1064 |
System level drop-impact simulation and validation of handheld radio devices.Barclay, Edward Andrew January 2015 (has links)
This project was concerned with the development of a finite element model capable of simulating a drop-impact event of handheld radio devices. Handheld radios call for exceptional robustness and reliability due to their deployment in critical applications. The development of a drop-impact finite element model aims to provide greater understanding of impact behaviours, this insight would ultimately be used to develop more robust and optimised handheld electronic products. Before such analysis tools can be introduced into the product development cycle an understanding of finite element methods, of setup parameters for the finite element solver and the accuracy of simulation results must be considered. Experimental results were used throughout the project to validate the finite element models developed. A drop-impact test rig was designed and constructed to control both impact orientation and velocity of the handheld radios tested. Drop-impact modelling of a handheld radio is extremely challenging because of the complex interaction of the contacting surfaces, the complex stress-strain and damping characteristics of the materials, and the excitation of the high frequency modes. For this reason, the finite element model was developed in two stages: a simplified radio was used to develop the understanding of the above complexities and then the understanding implemented in a more detailed radio model. The mesh size of the finite elements, the elastic and the damping characteristics of the materials and the contact conditions for the simplified radio model were varied to understand their influence on the simulation results. The finite element input settings and parameters were altered to give better agreement with the experimental results of the simplified radio model. The detailed radio was subsequently modelled. The lessons learnt from the simplified radio model were applied to the analysis of the detailed radio assembly. Despite general agreements, there were some differences between the finite element and experimental results which was attributed to the high complexity of the model. The project delivered a workable finite element model capable of analysing the drop-impact event of handheld radio devices. Suggestions have been provided that would further improve the quality of the model.
1065 |
Electrifying the construction process : Replacing diesel engines with electric motorsWillerström, Jakob, Linde, Adam, Fagrell, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Diesel engines are commonly used in construction machines, for example excavators. In a diesel engine, the combustion of diesel is a process with a considerable environmental impact, with high amounts of emitted greenhouse gases. The bachelor thesis creates a model that investigates the potential of decreasing the environmental impact when replacing diesel engines with electric motors in the construction phase of the construction process of buildings. The model was made in three steps. In the first step the electric motors’ energy consumption were compared with the diesel engines’ energy consumption. Secondly, the results of the comparison were contrasted against the results of an implemented example as to determine the relevancy of the model. Finally, the carbon dioxide equivalent values of the diesel engines and the electric motors were calculated and compared. The result shows that there is a big potential of decreasing the environmental impact. The reduction is in the order of 63%-99% and it is shown that the share of renewable energy sources in the electricity mix is vital as to make the potential as large as possible.
1066 |
CRM som källa för idéer till utveckling av nya tjänsterSalzmann, Erik, Kirkevold, Torbjörn January 2014 (has links)
Titel: CRM som källa för idéer till utveckling av nya tjänster Nivå: Kandidatexamen, C-uppsats Författare: Erik Salzmann & Torbjörn Kirkevold Handledare: Sarah Philipson Datum: 1/9-14 Syfte: Syftet men denna studie är att undersöka hur CRM-system används som verktyg för tjänsteutveckling i svenska tjänsteföretag. Från detta formulerades undersökningens forskningsfråga: Hur skapar tjänsteföretag nya innovativa tjänster med hjälp av Costumer Relationship Management? Metod: Undersökningen är gjord med hjälp kvalitativ metod. Telefonintervjuer har legat som grund för datainsamling genom tio respondenter som är aktiva CRM-användare. Respondenterna är valda via ett bekvämlighetsurval. Vi har tillämpat abduktiv metod i granskning av material. Empirin redovisas i form av en matris där vi visar upp likheter mellan respondenternas svar. Resultat & slutsats: Alla lagrar inte lika mycket information, men majoriteten gör det på något sätt. Det finns en koppling mellan teori och praktik i svenska tjänsteföretag. Företag använder sig av kundernas input via CRM-system som underlag för att utveckla och skapa nya innovativa tjänster. Förslag för fortsatt forskning: Vi föreslår att framtida forskare fördjupar sig hur det ser ut i en specifik bransch eller att undersöka kundernas perspektiv. Undersöka skillnader mellan stora respektive små tjänsteföretag. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen ger en inblick i hur svenska tjänsteföretag använder sig av CRM i utvecklingen och skapandet av nya tjänster. / Title: CRM as a source for ideas to developing new services Level: BBA thesis Author: Erik Salzmann & Torbjörn Kirkevold Supervisor: Sarah Philipson Date: 1/9-14 Aim: The aim with this study is to investigate how CRM-systems are used as a tool for service development in Swedish service companies. After this the research question was formulated: How are service companies creating new innovative services using Costumer Relationship Management. Method: The research was conducted using qualitative methods. Telephone interviews have been the basis for data collection by ten respondents who are active CRM users. The respondents where selected using a convenience sample. We have applied the abductive aproach in reviewing the material. The empircal data presented in the form of a matrix where we show the similarities’ between the respondents’ answers. Results & Conclusion: All companies using CRM does not store equally amount of information but the majority does it in some way. There is a link between theory and practice in Swedish service companies. Companies use customer input via the CRM system as a basis for developing and creating new innovative services. Suggestion for further research: We suggest that future researcher immerse in a specifik industry or investigate customers’ perspective. Research on the differences of small versus large service companies. Contribution of the thesis: The thesis contributes to an insight of Swedish service companies that uses CRM in the development and creation of new services.
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Samråd i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningarför projekt : En studie av dess historiska och nuvarandefunktion samt en inblick i hur dessfunktion skulle kunna se ut i framtidenBengtsson, Anneli January 2014 (has links)
Forskare argumenterar för att det krävs mer deliberativa kvaliteter i dagensdemokratiska Sverige för att vi dels ska kunna kallas oss för en fungerande demokratioch dels för att vi ska ha en chans att kunna nå något vi nästan alla strävar efter idag –hållbar utveckling. En lagstadgad och därmed vanlig metod som används idag för attutreda en planerad verksamhets miljökonsekvenser är att upprätta enmiljökonsekvensbeskrivning (MKB). Samrådsprocessen i MKB:s för projekt är ettmedel att göra processen mer demokratisk. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärderadetta demokratiska medel för att kunna dra slutsatser kring om det fyller sin funktionoch hur det skulle gå att förbättra för att generera fler positiva utfall. Syftet harbesvarats med hjälp av två litteraturstudier, sex djupintervjuer och enenkätundersökning som alla har kopplats till studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter. En delav uppsatsens teori är relevant bakgrund (d.v.s. avsnitt Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar)medan andra delar är vetenskapliga och har som syfte att jämföras med resultaten (d.v.s.avsnitt Samtalsdemokrati). Det viktigaste resultatet från de två litteraturstudierna var att kapitlet om MKB imiljöbalken inte har genomgått någon större förändring från det att det skapades tillsidag och att det behövs andra metoder (ex. intervjuer och observationer) för att kunnaavgöra om det som kommer fram på samrådet tas hänsyn till i MKB:n. Det mestframträdande resultatet från intervjuer och enkätundersökning var dels att denvanligaste formen på samråd är antingen skriftligt eller ett stormöte och dels attupplägget på stormöten ofta inleds med att verksamhetsutövaren håller en långpresentation och i slutet blir det en kort frågestund. Resultatet visar också att det verkarvara form och upplägg på samrådsprocessen som skapar de största problemen för att videls ska få ut de kvaliteter som konsulter och verksamhetsutövare själva anser ärviktigast, nämligen synpunkter och dels för att kunna säkra att detta verktyg för att ökademokratin, som samråd just är, inte bara gör det i teorin utan också i praktiken. Det ärkring detta som diskussionen till största del har kretsat och det är detta som äruppsatsens viktigaste slutsats. Resultatet visar också att konsulter ochverksamhetsutövare är medvetna om att de vanligaste formerna för samråd inte äroptimala för att leverera de synpunkter de så gärna vill ha, ändå finns en motvilja till attändra och utveckla formen. Ett förslag för vidare utredning är att gå djupare in på vaddetta beror på för att på sikt kanske finna nyckeln till hur man kan ändra på dennamotvilja att utveckla form och upplägg på samrådsförfarandet. / Researchers argue that it takes more deliberative qualities in today's democratic Swedenboth that we should be able to call us for a functioning democracy but also for us tohave a chance to achieve something we almost all endeavors today - sustainabledevelopment. A statutory and thus a common method used today to investigate whatenvironmental impact a planned activity may cause is to establish an EnvironmentalImpact Assessment (EIA). The consultation process in EIA:s for projects is a means tomake the process more democratic. The purpose of this study is to evaluate thisdemocratic means in order to draw conclusions about whether it fulfills its function andwhether it would be possible to improve in order to generate more positive outcomes.The aim has been answered with the help of two literary studies, six in-depth interviewsand a survey which has been linked to the study's theoretical points. Part of the thesis isrelevant background theory (i.e the Environmental Impact Assessments section) whileother parts are scientific and are intended to be compared with the results (i.e thedeliberative democracy section).The most important result from the two literature studies was that the chapter on EIA inthe environmental code has not undergone any major change from the time it wascreated until today and the need for other methods (e.g. interviews and observations) todetermine whether the comments during the consultation will be considered in the EIA. The most striking result from the interviews and survey were that the most commonform of consultation is either writing or a public meeting and partly that the layup atlarge meetings often begin with the operator holding a long presentation and in the endit will be a short question and answer session. The result also shows that it seems to bethe form and structure of the consultation process that creates the biggest problems forus both to get out the qualities that consultants and operators themselves consider mostimportant, namely observations, and partly to ensure that this tool can enhancedemocracy, which consultation is about, not just in theory but also in practice. It is onthis that the discussion mainly revolved around, and it is this that is the essay's mainconclusion. The result also shows that consultants and operators are aware that the mostcommon forms of consultation are not optimal to deliver the comments they want sobadly, yet there is a reluctance to change and develop shape of the consultation process.A proposal for further investigation is to go deeper into what causes this to be able toeventually find the key to how to change this reluctance to develop the form andstructure of the consultation process.
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Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Förskolechefens roll och betydelse i pedagogernas arbete med att uppfylla kunskapsmålen inom naturvetenskap. / Natural Science in Preschools : The role of the preschool leader in relation to the educators efforts in achieving the learning objectives in the area of natural science.Olsson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka förskolechefens påverkan på förskolans pedagoger, i deras arbete med att uppfylla läroplanens mål (lpfö98) inom naturvetenskap. I förskolans reviderade läroplan (2010) har naturvetenskapens roll förstärkts och det finns ett antal mål som ska uppfyllas. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer med förskolechefer och genom att pedagoger har besvarat enkäter. Av resultatet framgår det, att förskolechefen är med och påverkar pedagogerna genom bland annat sin närvaro, diskussioner och kompetensutveckling. Detta sker då i olika omfattning beroende på hur nära de har till pedagogerna i förskolan. Pedagogerna som har sin förskolechef på plats i verksamheten anser sig ha ett större stöd av sin förskolechef och de får med det en mer diskuterande miljö på den förskolan. Kompentensutveckling är något som både förskolechefer och pedagoger ser som en viktig del, för att målen inom naturvetenskap ska uppnås på bästa sätt. / Thepurpose of the study has been to investigate the impact that the preschool’sleaders have on the educators and the educator’s work regarding meeting thenational curriculums (lpfö98) goals in the area of the natural sciences. In therevised curriculum (2010) the role of natural science has been emphasized, andthere are a number of goals to attain. The study has been conducted throughinterviews with leaders of preschools and by written questionnaires answered byeducators. The result of the study is that the leaders of the preschools havean impact on the educators, among other things through their presence, byinitiating discussions and by further developing the educator’s competences.This takes place in varying degrees, depending on where the leaders have theiroffices in relation to the educators workplace. The educators which have theirleader on place feel that they have a greater amount of support by theirleader, and the environment overall is one of open discussion. Developingcompetences is something that both leaders and educators saw as essential, inorder for the goals of natural science to be achieved in the best mannerpossible.
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Miljöredovisning : En studie kring varför börsnoterade företag som associeras med en betydande miljöpåverkan väljer att redovisa på ett visst sätt / Environmental reporting : A study of why Swedish listed companies associated with significant environmental impacts choose to environmental report in a certain wayDe La Barra, Anders, Zekkari, Joseph January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Miljöredovisningen är ett sätt för företagen att beskriva sitt miljöarbete. Den har fått allt större betydelse för företagen i takt med att miljöfrågorna blivit allt viktigare hos intressenter och allmänheten. Det gäller för företagen att visa att man tar ett miljö- och samhällsansvar för att skapa trovärdighet och förtroende i samhället. Syfte: Att ge läsaren en bild över hur och varför miljöredovisningen ser ut som den gör och vad företagen, som associeras med betydande miljöpåverkan, väljer att fokusera på i sina miljöredovisningar. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som grundar sig i legitimitetsteorin och institutionell teori har utförts. Vi har undersökt litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar, miljöredovisningar samt fört intervjuer med personer som har behörig kompetens. Slutsats: Studien visar på hur viktig miljöredovisningen är för företagen som associeras med betydande miljöpåverkan. Företagen belyser det viktiga i att kunna vara transparent och visa intressenter och allmänheten att man tar miljöfrågor på största allvar. Studien visar även på hur yttre faktorer påverkar utformningen av miljöredovisningen så som förväntningar och institutionella tryck. Studien visar även på vad företagen fokuserar på i sina miljöredovisningar så som; energieffektivisering, minskning av utsläpp, miljökostnader, miljöinvesteringar, upprättandet av miljömål, miljöstrategier och miljöaktiviteter. / Background: The environmental reports are a way for companies to describe their environmental efforts. The environmental reports have become increasingly important for the companies, as the environmental issues have become a priority issue to the general population. Companies now have to show that they can take an environmental and social responsibility in order to build credibility and trust of the society. Purpose: In order to give the reader a picture of how and why environmental reports looks like they do and what companies associated with a negative impact on the environment, chooses to focus on in their environmental reports. Method: A qualitative study based on the legitimacy theory and the institutional theory is conducted in this thesis. A review and examination of literature, scientific articles, environmental reports and engaging interviews with people who have qualified skills in the subject was made. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the importance of the environmental reports for the companies associated with significant environmental impacts. It highlights the importance of being transparent and demonstrates to stakeholders and the public the importance of taking environmental issues seriously. The study also shows how external factors like expectations and institutional pressures affects the general design of the environmental reports. The study also shows what companies are focusing on in their environmental reports such as; energy efficiency, emission reduction, environmental costs and the establishment of environmental goals and strategies.
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Lauko reklamos poveikis vartotojų poreikių suvokimui / The impact of outdoor advertising for consumers needs perceptionŽak, Inga 26 June 2014 (has links)
DARBO SANTRAUKA Nors lauko reklama, laikoma viena seniausių reklamos skleidimo būdų, tačiau Lietuvoje, sparčiai ėmė plėtotis, tik pastarąjį dešimtmetį. Iki 1994 metų, kai susikūrė pirmosios lauko reklamos įmonės, šioje srityje verslu užsiėmė tik pavieniai, privatūs asmenys, dažnai net nelegaliai. Tik per pastarąjį dešimtį metų visuomenė ir valstybinės struktūros šiam verslui ėmė skirti daugiau dėmesio. Taigi suvokiant šios gana naujos ekonomikos šakos svarbą ir naudą buvo pasirinkta, nagrinėti lauko reklamos poveikį vartotojų poreikių suvokimui. Suvokimas yra labai subjektyvus. Daugelio žmonių suvokimas apie ta patį dalyką gali skirtis, dėl to, kad ir patys žmonės yra skirtingi. Kiekvienas vartotojas gaudamas reklaminę žinutę interpretuoja ir ją suvokia remdamasis asmeninėmis charakteristikomis, vidiniais bei išoriniais veiksniais. Darbo objektas – lauko reklama ir vartotojų poreikiai. Darbo tikslas – teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai patikrinti lauko reklamos poveikį vartotojų poreikių suvokimui. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti poreikių suvokimą vartotojų elgsenoje; 2. Teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti vartotojų poreikių suvokimą; 3. Pagrįsti reklamos poveikį vartotojams; 4. Išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti lauko reklamos konceptualiąją esmę; 5. Parengti lauko reklamos poveikio vartotojų poreikių suvokimui tyrimo metodologiją; 6. Remiantis apibendrintomis metodologinėmis nuostatomis, atlikti lauko reklamos poveikio vartotojų poreikių suvokimui; 7. Atlikus empirinį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Although outdoor advertisement is considered to be as one of the oldest ways of advertising, however, in Lithuania its rapid development can only be observed only in the last decade. Only separate private entities (mostly illegal) were working in this business untill 1994, when the first outdoor advertisement companies were established. It was only the last decade when the society and public institutions paid more attention to this business. Thus, considering the importance and benefits of this this rather new field of business, the impact of outdoor advertisement on the perception of consumer needs has been selected as the object of analysis. The concept of perception is very subjective. The perception of the same object of majority of people may differ due to the reason that people themselves are different. Every consumer has his/her own interpretation of a message and the perception is based on individual characteristics, internal and external factors. Research Object– outdoor advertisement and consumer needs. Research Goal – theoretical basis and empirical verification of outdoor advertisement impact on the perception of consumer neeeds. Research Tasks: 1. Analysis of the perception of consumer needs in their behaviour; 2. Analysis and summary of the perception of consumer needs at theoretical level; 3. Reasoning of advertisement impact on consumers; 4. Analysis and summary of the conceptual essence of outdoor advertisement; 5. Preparation of research methodology... [to full text]
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