Spelling suggestions: "subject:"implicit selfesteem"" "subject:"implicit selfsteem""
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Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem, Narcissism, Risk, and Psychopathy in a Forensic PopulationKostiuk, Nicole E Unknown Date
No description available.
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Explaining Variance in Counterfactual-Seeking BehaviorTrask-Tolbert, Amanda R. 28 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Problematika sebehodnocení u klientů s úzkostnou poruchou / An inquiry into self-esteem within a given range of clients with anxiety disordersNajbrtová, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of self-esteem in clients diagnosed with anxiety disorders. While this condition belongs to the most common mental illnesses, the role of the patient's self-esteem has not been sufficiently researched. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the relation between anxiety and self-esteem, and to examine whether clients with so called Other Anxiety Disorder manifest specific differences in their level of self-esteem. In the theoretical part we summarize the key findings in the domain of anxiety disorder research; we further compare the different psychological approaches to the issue of self-esteem. There is a particular focus on authors who explore the possible causes and features of self-esteem deviations in patients with anxiety disorders, and who propose hypotheses regarding the nature and origins of this linkage. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of the explicit and implicit self-esteem level in clients with anxiety disorder. For the purpose of measuring explicit self-esteem we have used foreign questionnaires, namely the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the SLSC-R. For implicit self-esteem evaluation we have used the Rorschach test. The research outcomes indicate that clients with anxiety disorders display...
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Changed for the Worse: Subjective Change in Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Individuals with Current, Past, and No Posttraumatic Stress DisorderRoth, Jenny, Steffens, Melanie C., Morina, Nexhmedin, Stangier, Ulrich 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Determinante iluzija samopoboljšanja u situaciji doživljenog neuspeha / Determinants of self-enhancement in the situation of failureBodroža Bojana 30 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Dinamika reagovanja na evaluaciju ličnosti rezultat je uticaja potrebe da se održi pozitivna slika o sebi – tj. motiva samopoboljšanja, i potrebe da se održi postojeća slika o sebi – tj. motiva samopotvrđivanja. Savremena istraživanja pokazuju da, pored nivoa eksplicitnog samopoštovanja, i kvalitativne razlike u samopoštovanju – razlike u nivou implicitnog i uslovnog samopoštovanja, utiču intenzitet i način ispoljavanja ovih motiva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li implicitno i uslovno samopoštovanje dovode do razlika u samopoboljšavajućem i samopotvrđujućem reagovanju kod osoba sa niskim i sa visokim samopoštovanjem, kao i da li neki drugi faktori utiču na ispoljavanje ovih motiva.<br />Na uzorku od 341 studenta psihologije sproveden je eksperiment u kom je testiran uticaj povratne informacije o postignuću na testovima sposobnosti na način afektivnog i kognitivnog reagovanja na to postignuće. Polovina ispitanika je bila uverena da se informacija o postignuću odnosi na sposobnosti koje su važne u svakodnevnom životu, a druga polovina je bila uverena da su testirane sposobnosti irelevantne.<br />Među osobama kongruentnog i inkongruentnog niskog samopoštovanja dobijene su značajne razlike u samopoboljšavajućoj i samopotvrđujućoj motivaciji. Pokazalo se da osobe sa inkongruentnim niskim samopoštovanjem na adaptivniji način uspevaju da zavodolje potrebe za samopoboljšanjem i samopotvrđivanjem, nego osobe sa kongruentnim niskim samopoštovanjem. Osobe sa kongruentnim i inkongruentnim visokim samopoštovanjem uglavnom se ne razlikuju u načinu reagovanja na (ne)uspeh, mada neki rezultati sugerišu da osobe sa inkongruentnim visokim samopoštovanjem imaju intenzivniju potrebu za samopoboljšanjem. Uslovno samopoštovanje uglavnom u interakciji sa eksplicitnim samopoštovanjem nije imalo velikog uticaja na reakcije na evaluaciju, ali jeste samostalno. Poređenje rezultata dobijenih pomoću implicitnog samopoštovanja i uslovnog samopoštovanja sugeriše da se radi o potpuno različitim aspektima kvaliteta samopoštovanja, koji na različit način utiču na dinamiku samopoboljšanja i samopotvrđivanja.</p> / <p>Individuals’ reactions to evaluation of their personality are the result of the need to maintain positive self-image – i.e. self-enhancement motive, and the need to confirm the existing self-image – i.e. self-verification motive. Contemporary research showed that, aside from explicit self-esteem, the expression of these motives is influenced by qualitative differences in self-esteem – i.e. the levels of implicit and contingent self-esteem. The aim of this research was to determine whether implicit and contingent self-esteem lead to different self-enhancing and self-verifying reactions among individuals with high and low explicit self-esteem, as well as to examine some other factors that might influence these motives.<br />Three hundred and forty one students took part in the experimental study in which they received bogus feedback on two ability tests. The feedback was either positive, negative or no feedback was provided. Half of the participants from all three groups were made to believe that the tests are measuring very important abilities, whereas others were made to believe that the tests are measuring mostly irrelevant abilities. Participants’ affective (depressiveness, anxiety, and anger) and cognitive reactions (internal and external attributions, perceived change between ideal and actual self-concept) were measured following feedback on the tests.<br />Significant differences in reactions to evaluative feedback were found between individuals with congruent and incongruent low self-esteem. Individuals with incongruent low self-esteem use more adaptive ways to satisfy needs for self-enhancement and self-verification than individuals with congruent low self-esteem. No differences in reactions to success and failure were found between individuals with congruent and incongruent high self-esteem, although some results suggest that persons with incongruent high self-esteem have more intensive need for self-enhancement. Interaction of contingent and explicit self-esteem did not influence reactions to evaluation to a large extent, but contingent self-esteem alone did. The comparison of results obtained with implicit and contingent self-esteem suggests that these are completely different and independent aspects of quality of self-esteem and that they influence the dynamics of self-enhancement and self-verification in a different manner.</p>
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Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem: Measurement Issues and Relations to Health and DefensivenessSchröder-Abé, Michela 11 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation besteht aus einem Einleitungsteil sowie drei empirischen Zeitschriftenartikeln. Die Einleitung liefert den theoretischen Hintergrund, integriert die drei Zeitschriftenartikel und geht auf anknüpfende Forschungsfragen ein. Der erste Artikel befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen indirekten Messverfahren zur Erfassung impliziter Selbstwertschätzung und untersucht deren Reliabilität sowie konvergente und diskriminante Validität. Der zweite Artikel untersucht, wie Diskrepanzen zwischen impliziter und expliziter Selbstwertschätzung mit defensiven Reaktionen auf soziales Feedback zusammenhängen. Der dritte Artikel untersucht schließlich Zusammenhänge zwischen Selbstwertdiskrepanzen und Indikatoren psychischer und physischer Gesundheit. / The dissertation consists of an introduction and three empirical journal articles. The introduction gives the theoretical background, integrates the three journal articles, and elaborates on future research questions. The first article investigates the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of implicit self-esteem measures. The second article examines, how discrepancies between implicit and explicit self-esteem are connected to defensive reactions to social feedback. The third article investigates the relationship of self-esteem discrepancies to indicators of mental and physical health.
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內隱自尊與外顯自尊之落差對憂鬱的影響 / The Effects of Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem on Depression王馥亭, Wang, Fu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關心多探討內隱自尊之下,內隱自尊與外顯自尊之落差對憂鬱的影響。近代憂鬱心理病理研究,大多支持憂鬱症患者具有低外顯自尊,然而自尊是多重面向的構念,根據認知雙元模式,自尊依據能否透過意識覺察分為內隱與外顯兩層面,本研究期望以過去自尊與憂鬱相關理論及實徵研究為基礎,進一步探討除了外顯自尊,內隱與外顯自尊之落差對憂鬱的影響,由此更全面地瞭解自尊在憂鬱心理病理的作用。由於內隱自尊是不受意識控制的潛在歷程,受到外在壓力事件促發而彰顯,因此本研究會納入壓力作為探討內外自尊落差影響憂鬱之考量,另,探索內外自尊落差對憂鬱的預測性也是本研究的主要目的。故本研究欲了解在壓力事件下是否彰顯自尊落差對憂鬱脆弱性的預測效果,並控制外顯自尊與壓力的作用以得知自尊落差對憂鬱是否具有獨特貢獻性。研究對象採用120位的大學生,測量憂鬱、外顯自尊程度和進行內隱自尊測量,並追蹤一個月所經歷生活壓力事件程度及憂鬱程度。研究結果有幾項主要的發現:(1)外顯自尊與壓力的交互作用對憂鬱有顯著預測性;(2)控制外顯自尊與壓力的交互作用後,內隱與外顯自尊之落差和壓力的交互作用對憂鬱具有預測性。研究貢獻在於支持內隱與外顯自尊的落差在壓力事件下對憂鬱具有增益效度。 / The main purpose of the study was to examine the predictive effect of the discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem with stressful life events on depression. Explicit self-esteem has claimed to be an important factor in the development and maintenance of depression. Recently, it has suggested that implicit self-esteem, and the discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem, could also relate to depression. There were several theories about the effects of explicit and implicit self-esteem on depression. First, the dysfunctional self-attitudes underlying depression operate in an implicit fashion, and the implicit negative cognitive styles increase one’s risk for depression following stressful life events. Second, the discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem reflects on the nature of self-discrepancy and self-esteem instability, which is relate to cognitive vulnerability to depression. In addition, the effect of implicit self-esteem on depression was still indistinct. Accordingly, we hope to consider the effect of implicit self-esteem and more clearly present the theoretical importance of the effect of the relationship between implicit and explicit self-esteem on depression. Participants were 120 college students. Implicit self-esteem was assessed using the Implicit Association Test, whereas explicit self-esteem was measured using a self-reporting questionnaire: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The Beck Depression Inventory were completed to measure symptoms of depression, and the Life Events Scale for College Students was to measure the stress they have undergone four weeks follow-up. The results indicated that explicit self-esteem interacted with life stress to predict prospective changes in depression. Furthermore, after controlling the effect of explicit self-esteem and life stress, and the interaction of explicit self-esteem with life stress , the size of the discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem interacted with life stress to remain a unique predictor of depression over the four-week prospective interval. Together, these findings provide new insights into the relationship of implicit and explicit self-esteem with depression.
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Changed for the Worse: Subjective Change in Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Individuals with Current, Past, and No Posttraumatic Stress DisorderRoth, Jenny, Steffens, Melanie C., Morina, Nexhmedin, Stangier, Ulrich January 2012 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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外顯內隱自尊的落差現象與自我設限 / Discrepancies between explicit and implicit self esteem: Implication on self handicapping張玉萍, Chang, Yu Pin Unknown Date (has links)
自我設限是指人們因為害怕失敗帶來傷害,或想要在成功時更顯得自己特別優異的方法。本研究主要探討不同類型自尊者使用不同自我設限行為的狀況。受試者接收數學能力的正向評價回饋後,即接受壓力或練習效果對測驗表現是否有影響的操弄指導語,在4組(策略暗示:宣稱、行為、宣稱與行為,控制組)實驗設計中,研究者測量所有受試者的宣稱策略使用程度、練習時間與練習題數,研究進行中亦錄影其非口語焦慮行為。研究結果有六大發現:(1)內隱自尊與外顯自尊無關,表示它們是不同的構念;(2)情境對宣稱式自我設限有主要效果:接受宣稱式自我設限會影響表現訊息的人,他們的宣稱策略使用程度明顯比無接受訊息者來得高;(3)外顯自尊與情境對行為式自我設限有交互作用效果:當暗示其練習效果會影響表現時,高外顯自尊者比低外顯自尊者有較少的練習行為,會比較容易有行為式自我設限的表現出現;(4)內隱自尊對宣稱式自我設限亦有主要效果:低內隱自尊者比高內隱自者會比較傾向使用宣稱性自我設限,容易表達出他注意力不集中、有壓力等口語訊息;(5)外顯與內隱自尊對宣稱式自我設限有交互作用效果:高外顯/低內隱自尊者(威脅性自尊者)比高外顯/高內隱自尊者(安全性自尊者)容易使用宣稱式的自我設限策略;(6) 外顯與內隱自尊對非口語焦慮行為頻率有交互作用效果:高外顯/低內隱自尊者(威脅性自尊者)比高外顯/高內隱自尊者(安全性自尊者)表現出更多的不安、緊張等臉部與行為的表情。研究中亦嘗試討論情境、內隱自尊、外顯自尊對宣稱式自我設限的三因子交互作用,與兩類自尊各自在不同情境中的主要效果。
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Implicit cognitive processes in binge-eating disorder and obesityBrauhardt, Anne, Rudolph, Almut, Hilbert, Anja 13 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: Binge-eating disorder (BED) is characterized by recurrent binge eating episodes, associated eating disorder and general psychopathology, and commonly occurs in obese individuals. Explicit self-esteem and explicit weight bias have been linked to BED, while little is known about implicit cognitive processes such as implicit self-esteem and implicit weight bias.
Methods: Obese participants with BED and an individually matched obese only group (OB) and normal weight control group (CG; each N = 26) were recruited from the community to examine group differences and associations in explicit and implicit self-esteem and weight bias, as well as the impact of implicit cognitive processes on global eating disorder psychopathology. Implicit cognitive processes were assessed using the Implicit Association Test.
Results: Significantly lower explicit self-esteem, as well as higher exposure to explicit weight bias, compared to CG and OB was found in the BED group. All groups showed positive implicit self-esteem, however, it was significantly lower in BED when compared to CG. BED and CG demonstrated equally high implicit weight bias whereas OB did not. Explicit and implicit measures were not significantly correlated. Global eating disorder psychopathology was predicted by explicit and implicit self-esteem.
Conclusions: The results of the present study add to the importance of implicit self-esteem and implicit weight bias beyond explicit measures in BED, while both were previously shown to be associated with onset and maintenance of BED. In conclusion, implicit cognitive processes should be focused on in interventions for BED to investigate their impact on psychological treatments.
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