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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensaios sobre o impossível na transmissão : educação, pscicanálise e literatura

Kierniew, Janniny Gautério January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho é composto por três ensaios que buscam investigar, por meio de textos literários, elementos sobre a transmissão de um saber-fazer-com o impossível, na interface entre educação e psicanálise. Os ensaios decantam das experiências com o Armazém de Histórias Ambulantes e o Setor de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição em Porto Alegre (RS). O primeiro ensaio aborda os livros que compõem o projeto O Bairro, de Gonçalo M. Tavares, e traz a noção de errância para estabelecer uma proposição metodológica. O segundo ensaio retoma a obra de Herman Melville, Bartleby, o escrevente: uma história de Wall Street, articulando a ideia de paragem como um espaço que suspende um tempo e uma urgência no fazer, interrompendo a consequência antecipada e deixando surgir o que é contingente. Já o terceiro ensaio atualiza elementos da obra A desumanização, do escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe, e tem a alteridade como chave de leitura, alteridade que imanta um campo onde emerge a possibilidade de inventar um saber-fazer-com. Esses ensaios operam como um laboratório de experiências em que a ficção, o ato e a criação seguem na direção de pensar a literatura como um modo de transmissão de um saber- -fazer-com diante do impossível. / This work consists of three essays that seek to investigate, through literary texts, elements that can transmit a know-how-with the impossible, at the interface between education and psychoanalysis. The essays enhance from experiences with the Itinerant Stories Warehouse and the palliative care sector of Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre – RS. The first essay explores the books that compose the project The Neighborhood, by Gonçalo M Tavares, and explores the notion of wandering to establish a methodological proposition. The second incorporates the work of Herman Melville, Bartleby, the scribe: a story of Wall Street, to articulate the idea of stopping time as a space-time that suspends the time and the urgency in doing, interrupting the early consequence and letting arise what is contingent. The third explores elements in Valter Hugo´s The dehumanization, and suggests the otherness as a key reading; otherness that connects to the field where emerges the possibility of inventing a know-how-with. These essays operate as a laboratory of experiments in which the fiction, the act and creation, follow in the direction of thinking about the literature as a way of transmitting a know-how-with towards the impossible.

Ensaios sobre o impossível na transmissão : educação, pscicanálise e literatura

Kierniew, Janniny Gautério January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho é composto por três ensaios que buscam investigar, por meio de textos literários, elementos sobre a transmissão de um saber-fazer-com o impossível, na interface entre educação e psicanálise. Os ensaios decantam das experiências com o Armazém de Histórias Ambulantes e o Setor de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição em Porto Alegre (RS). O primeiro ensaio aborda os livros que compõem o projeto O Bairro, de Gonçalo M. Tavares, e traz a noção de errância para estabelecer uma proposição metodológica. O segundo ensaio retoma a obra de Herman Melville, Bartleby, o escrevente: uma história de Wall Street, articulando a ideia de paragem como um espaço que suspende um tempo e uma urgência no fazer, interrompendo a consequência antecipada e deixando surgir o que é contingente. Já o terceiro ensaio atualiza elementos da obra A desumanização, do escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe, e tem a alteridade como chave de leitura, alteridade que imanta um campo onde emerge a possibilidade de inventar um saber-fazer-com. Esses ensaios operam como um laboratório de experiências em que a ficção, o ato e a criação seguem na direção de pensar a literatura como um modo de transmissão de um saber- -fazer-com diante do impossível. / This work consists of three essays that seek to investigate, through literary texts, elements that can transmit a know-how-with the impossible, at the interface between education and psychoanalysis. The essays enhance from experiences with the Itinerant Stories Warehouse and the palliative care sector of Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre – RS. The first essay explores the books that compose the project The Neighborhood, by Gonçalo M Tavares, and explores the notion of wandering to establish a methodological proposition. The second incorporates the work of Herman Melville, Bartleby, the scribe: a story of Wall Street, to articulate the idea of stopping time as a space-time that suspends the time and the urgency in doing, interrupting the early consequence and letting arise what is contingent. The third explores elements in Valter Hugo´s The dehumanization, and suggests the otherness as a key reading; otherness that connects to the field where emerges the possibility of inventing a know-how-with. These essays operate as a laboratory of experiments in which the fiction, the act and creation, follow in the direction of thinking about the literature as a way of transmitting a know-how-with towards the impossible.

Ensaios sobre o impossível na transmissão : educação, pscicanálise e literatura

Kierniew, Janniny Gautério January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho é composto por três ensaios que buscam investigar, por meio de textos literários, elementos sobre a transmissão de um saber-fazer-com o impossível, na interface entre educação e psicanálise. Os ensaios decantam das experiências com o Armazém de Histórias Ambulantes e o Setor de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição em Porto Alegre (RS). O primeiro ensaio aborda os livros que compõem o projeto O Bairro, de Gonçalo M. Tavares, e traz a noção de errância para estabelecer uma proposição metodológica. O segundo ensaio retoma a obra de Herman Melville, Bartleby, o escrevente: uma história de Wall Street, articulando a ideia de paragem como um espaço que suspende um tempo e uma urgência no fazer, interrompendo a consequência antecipada e deixando surgir o que é contingente. Já o terceiro ensaio atualiza elementos da obra A desumanização, do escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe, e tem a alteridade como chave de leitura, alteridade que imanta um campo onde emerge a possibilidade de inventar um saber-fazer-com. Esses ensaios operam como um laboratório de experiências em que a ficção, o ato e a criação seguem na direção de pensar a literatura como um modo de transmissão de um saber- -fazer-com diante do impossível. / This work consists of three essays that seek to investigate, through literary texts, elements that can transmit a know-how-with the impossible, at the interface between education and psychoanalysis. The essays enhance from experiences with the Itinerant Stories Warehouse and the palliative care sector of Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre – RS. The first essay explores the books that compose the project The Neighborhood, by Gonçalo M Tavares, and explores the notion of wandering to establish a methodological proposition. The second incorporates the work of Herman Melville, Bartleby, the scribe: a story of Wall Street, to articulate the idea of stopping time as a space-time that suspends the time and the urgency in doing, interrupting the early consequence and letting arise what is contingent. The third explores elements in Valter Hugo´s The dehumanization, and suggests the otherness as a key reading; otherness that connects to the field where emerges the possibility of inventing a know-how-with. These essays operate as a laboratory of experiments in which the fiction, the act and creation, follow in the direction of thinking about the literature as a way of transmitting a know-how-with towards the impossible.

The Impossible Thought of Georges Bataille: A Consciousness That Laughs and Cries

Wright, Drew M 03 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis labors to unpack Georges Bataille’s enigmatic statement, “to laugh is to think”, treating this “impossible thought” as a paradigmatic expression of Bataille’s self-characterized “philosophy of laughter.” Overall, this thesis interrogates Bataille’s “philosophy of laughter” as an attempt to stimulate an “awakening” of consciousness to the dissolution of consciousness. En route, this thesis argues that such an “awakening” evokes a privileged expression of the movement of “communication” around which Bataille’s theoretical writing is structured, positing the “philosophy of laughter” as an effort to solder the movement of “communication” through the domain of epistemology itself.

Ecriture et barbarie postmoderne. Lecture poétique de la disgrâce dans « Disgrace » et « Waiting for the Barbarians » de J.M. Coetzee, « Les Ecailles du ciel » et « L’Aîné des orphelins » de Tierno Monénembo et « L’Aube » et « Le cas Sonderberg » d’Elie Wiesel

Mbanda Bakolosso, Davy Gildas 02 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’impuissance de l’ambition littéraire à transcrire fidèlement la barbarie absolue. A partir de la poétique de la disgrâce, elle interroge d’abord le rapport entre écriture et expérience extrême puis, met en exergue les stratégies narratives régissant les récits qui tentent une littérarisation d’expériences jugées indicibles. Elle est ensuite une réflexion sur le statut même de la littérature contemporaine. L’analyse poétique conduit à affirmer dans une première partie que les récits de la catastrophe sont construits autour d’un dilemme : l’indicible, fondé sur l’impuissance du langage rationnel à la nommer, et la nécessité malgré tout de dépasser les frontières de « l’impossible à dire ». Et c’est le renversement de l’écriture de la disgrâce en disgrâce de l’écriture comme procédé esthétique qui permet ce dépassement. La deuxième partie permet de constater la récurrence de certains invariants se présentant comme éléments pertinents de littérarité. C’est notamment le cas du recours à la désacralisation de l’écriture. Celle-ci engendre une littérature du vide, de l’incertitude. C’est ensuite la notion de fragmentation du sujet qui place véritablement nos œuvres tantôt dans la littérature postmoderne occidentale ou bien dans littérature de la postcolonie africaine. / This thesis deals with the unability of literary ambition to faithfully transcribe absolute barbarism. Using the poetics of disgrace, it questions the relationship between writing and extreme experience on the one hand, and brings out the narrative strategies governing the stories attempting a novelization of experiences judged unspeakable on the other. It is then a reflection on the very status of contemporary literature.The poetic analysis leads us to affirm in a first part that tales of catastrophe are built on a dilemma: the unspeakable; based on the powerlessness of rational language to name it and the necessity, despite it all, to transcend the frontiers of the “impossible to say”. And it is the reversal of the writing of disgrace into the disgrace of writing as an aesthetical means which allows this transcendence. The second part allows us to see the recurrence of some invariants presenting themselves as pertinent elements of writing. This engenders a literature of the void, of uncertainty. It is then the notion of the subject’s fragmentation which truly places our works either in western postmodern literature or in African postcolonial literature.

Thinking the Impossible: Counterfactual Conditionals, Impossible Cases, and Thought Experiments

Dohutia, Poonam 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis I present an account of the formal semantics of counterfactuals that systematically deals with impossible antecedents. This, in turn, allows us to gain a richer understanding of what makes certain thought experiments informative in spite of the impossibility of the situations they consider. In Chapter II, I argue that there are major shortcomings in the leading theories of counterfactuals. The leading theories of counterfactuals (based on classical two-valued logic) are unable to account for counterfactuals with impossible antecedents. In such accounts, everything and anything follows from an impossible antecedent. In Chapter III, I examine some crucial notions such as conceivability, imaginability, and possibility. Herein I argue that there is a distinction to be made between the notions of conceiving and imagining. Conceivability, it turns out, is a sufficient condition for being a case. Recent literature on the semantics for relevance logic have made some use of the notion of a “state”, which differs from a world in that contradictions are true in some states; what is not done in that literature is to clarify how the notion of a state differs from an arbitrary collection of claims. I use the notion of a case as a (modal) tool to analyze counterfactuals with impossible antecedents, one for which, unlike the notion of states, it is clear why arbitrary collections of claims do not count. In Chapter IV, I propose a new account of counterfactuals. This involves modifying existing possible worlds accounts of counterfactuals by replacing possible worlds by the “cases” identified in Chapter III. This theory discerns counterfactuals such as: “If Dave squared the circle, he would be more famous than Gödel” which seems true, from others like: “If Dave squared the circle, the sun would explode”, which seems false. In Chapter V I discuss one of the main pay offs of having an account of counterfactuals that deals systematically with counterfactuals with impossible antecedents. To apply the new account of counterfactual to thought experiments, first we have to transform the thought experiment in question into a series of counterfactuals. I show how this is to be done, in Chapter V. There are two advantages of such an account when we apply it to thought experiments: First, for thought experiments with impossible scenarios, our new account can explain how such thought experiments can still be informative. Secondly, for thought experiments like the Chinese Room, where it is not clear whether there is a subtle impossibility in the scenario or not, this new account with its continuous treatment of possible and impossible cases makes clear why the debate about such thought experiments looks the way it does. The crucial question is not whether there is such an impossibility, but what is the "nearest" situation in which there is a Chinese Room (whether it is impossible or not) and what we would say there (about the intentionality of the room). On traditional accounts, it becomes paramount to deal with the possibility question, because if it is an impossible scenario the lessons we learn are very different from the ones we learn if it is possible. There are no available theories of thought experiments that account for thought experiments with impossible/incomplete scenarios. With the new account of counterfactual and by applying it to thought experiments we over come this difficulty.

Thinking the Impossible: Counterfactual Conditionals, Impossible Cases, and Thought Experiments

Dohutia, Poonam 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis I present an account of the formal semantics of counterfactuals that systematically deals with impossible antecedents. This, in turn, allows us to gain a richer understanding of what makes certain thought experiments informative in spite of the impossibility of the situations they consider. In Chapter II, I argue that there are major shortcomings in the leading theories of counterfactuals. The leading theories of counterfactuals (based on classical two-valued logic) are unable to account for counterfactuals with impossible antecedents. In such accounts, everything and anything follows from an impossible antecedent. In Chapter III, I examine some crucial notions such as conceivability, imaginability, and possibility. Herein I argue that there is a distinction to be made between the notions of conceiving and imagining. Conceivability, it turns out, is a sufficient condition for being a case. Recent literature on the semantics for relevance logic have made some use of the notion of a “state”, which differs from a world in that contradictions are true in some states; what is not done in that literature is to clarify how the notion of a state differs from an arbitrary collection of claims. I use the notion of a case as a (modal) tool to analyze counterfactuals with impossible antecedents, one for which, unlike the notion of states, it is clear why arbitrary collections of claims do not count. In Chapter IV, I propose a new account of counterfactuals. This involves modifying existing possible worlds accounts of counterfactuals by replacing possible worlds by the “cases” identified in Chapter III. This theory discerns counterfactuals such as: “If Dave squared the circle, he would be more famous than Gödel” which seems true, from others like: “If Dave squared the circle, the sun would explode”, which seems false. In Chapter V I discuss one of the main pay offs of having an account of counterfactuals that deals systematically with counterfactuals with impossible antecedents. To apply the new account of counterfactual to thought experiments, first we have to transform the thought experiment in question into a series of counterfactuals. I show how this is to be done, in Chapter V. There are two advantages of such an account when we apply it to thought experiments: First, for thought experiments with impossible scenarios, our new account can explain how such thought experiments can still be informative. Secondly, for thought experiments like the Chinese Room, where it is not clear whether there is a subtle impossibility in the scenario or not, this new account with its continuous treatment of possible and impossible cases makes clear why the debate about such thought experiments looks the way it does. The crucial question is not whether there is such an impossibility, but what is the "nearest" situation in which there is a Chinese Room (whether it is impossible or not) and what we would say there (about the intentionality of the room). On traditional accounts, it becomes paramount to deal with the possibility question, because if it is an impossible scenario the lessons we learn are very different from the ones we learn if it is possible. There are no available theories of thought experiments that account for thought experiments with impossible/incomplete scenarios. With the new account of counterfactual and by applying it to thought experiments we over come this difficulty.

Measuring the Impossible Trinity: Lessons for Developing Countries

Ying, Zheng 01 January 2018 (has links)
While the Impossible Trinity Theory (also known as the trilemma) has been widely recognized, due to its descriptive nature, very little has been done to test its validity empirically. This paper starts by comparing several recent constructions with regard to this matter and, after making some adjustments to the trilemma index invented by Aizenman et al. (2008), proves the validity of the Impossible Trinity Theory for developing countries. This paper then studies the empirical relationship between a country’s deviation from the average trilemma index and its economic performance. Empirical results find that while the overall deviation does not affect a country’s economic performance, individual deviations as well as regional factors are significant in determining unemployment and the real GDP growth rate.

Im/Possibility: On the Production, Distribution, and Articulation of the Possible and the Impossible

Büscher-Ulbrich, Dennis, Casper, Cord-Christian, Kugland, Emmanuel Tristan, Lieber, Marlon 01 February 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Propriétés différentielles des permutations et application en cryptographie symétrique / Differential properties of permutations and application to symmetric cryptography

Suder, Valentin 05 November 2014 (has links)
Les travaux exposés dans cette thèse se situent à l’interface des mathématiques discrètes, des corps finis et de la cryptographie symétrique.Les 'boîtes-S’ sont des fonctions non-linéaires de petites tailles qui constituent souvent la partie de confusion, indispensable, des chiffrements par blocs ou des fonctions de hachages.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la construction de boîtes-S bijectives résistantes aux attaques différentielle. Nous étudions l’inverse pour la composition des monômes de permutations optimaux vis-à-vis du critère différentiel. Nous explorons ensuite des classes spécifiques de polynômes creux. Enfin, nous construisons des boîtes-S à partir de leurs dérivées discrètes.Dans la deuxième partie, nous portons notre attention sur la cryptanalyse différentielle impossible. Cette cryptanalyse à clairs choisis très performante pour attaquer des chiffrements par blocs itératifs, exploite la connaissance d’une différentielle de probabilité zéro pour écarter les clés candidates. Elle est très technique, et de nombreuses erreurs ont été repérées dans des travaux passés, invalidant certaines attaques. Le but de ces travaux est de formaliser et d’automatiser l’évaluation des complexités d’une telle attaque afin d’unifier et d’optimiser les résultats obtenus. Nous proposons aussi de nouvelles techniques réduisant les complexités cette cryptanalyse. Nous démontrons enfin l’efficacité de notre approche en fournissant les meilleures cryptanalyses différentielles impossibles contre les chiffrements CLEFIA, Camellia, LBlock et Simon. / The work I have carried out in this thesis lie between discrete mathematics, finite fields theory and symmetric cryptography. In block ciphers, as well as in hash functions, SBoxes are small non-linear and necessary functions working as confusion layer.In the first part of this document, we are interesting in the design of bijective SBoxes that have the best resistance to differential attacks. We study the compositional inverse of the so-called Almost Perfect Nonlinear power functions. Then, we extensively study a class of sparse permutation polynomials with low differential uniformity. Finally, we build functions, over finite fields, from their discrete derivatives.In the second part, we realize an automatic study of a certain class of differential attacks: impossible differential cryptanalysis. This known plaintexts attack has been shown to be very efficient against iterative block ciphers. It exploits the knowledge of a differential with probability zero to occur. However this cryptanalysis is very technical and many flaws have been discovered, thus invalidating many attacks realized in the past. Our goal is to formalize, to improve and to automatize the complexity evaluation in order to optimize the results one can obtain. We also propose new techniques that aims at reducing necessary data and time complexities. We finally prove the efficiency of our method by providing some of the best impossible differential cryptanalysis against Feistel oriented block ciphers CLEFIA, Camellia, LBlock and Simon.

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