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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exportní příležitosti českých firem na trzích Pobaltských zemí / Export opportunities of Czech companies in the markets of the Baltic states

Wagnerová, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on export opportunities of Czech companies in the markets of the Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The first part is devoted to basic political and economic characteristics of these countries, especially after the course and consequences of the recent economic crisis in these markets. Following chapters deal with the analysis of the business environment of the Baltic states by PEST analysis and foreign trade of these countries with the Czech Republic for the past 10 years. Gathered information together with defined comparative advantages of the Czech Republic are used to identify export opportunities of Czech companies in the markets of the Baltic countries. The final part deals with more detailed analysis of these opportunities with regard to the predicted economic development in the region, presents suitable procedure to enter the markets of the Baltic States and the examples of successful exports of Czech companies.

Mozarts Musik in Litauen: einige Akzente

Bruveris, Jonas January 1997 (has links)
Wann Mozarts Musik Litauen erreicht hat, kann man nicht genau feststellen. Schon zu seinen Lebzeiten begann sich das öffentliche professionelle Musikleben in Litauen zu formieren. Die Hauptzentren der Musikaufführung waren die Kirche und die Schlösser der Aristokratie.

Muzikinis Gyvenimas Mažojoje Lietuvoje ir Klaipėdos krašte iki 1940m. : Lietuviu̜ ir Vokieičiu̜ kultūru̜ sa̜veika [The musical life in Lithuania Minor and the region of Klaipėda before 1940 : the interaction of Lithuanian and German cultures], Diss., Vilnius 1998 [Zusammenfassung]: Muzikinis Gyvenimas Mažojoje Lietuvoje ir Klaipėdos krašte iki 1940m. :Lietuviu̜ ir Vokieičiu̜ kultūru̜ sa̜veika [The musical life in Lithuania Minorand the region of Klaipėda before 1940 : the interaction of Lithuanian and German cultures], Diss., Vilnius 1998 [Zusammenfassung]

Kšanienė, Daiva January 1999 (has links)
Zusammenfassung der Autorin zur 1998 an der Universität von Vilnius eingereichten Dissertation

The dissemination of monastic culture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the impact thereof on the local musical repertoire in the seventeenth century

Pister, Aleksandra 06 May 2020 (has links)
The dissemination of monastic culture int he Grand Duchy of Lithuania had a profound effect on the country’s cultural life. By the seventeenth century quite a few Christian religious orders had sent their members to settle here. Since the Christianization of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1387 monastics became instrumental in creating, preserving and enhancing the institutions of religious and secular learning and in transmitting Western cultural goods, artefacts, and intellectual skills. When the first Franciscan and Dominican friars settled in the territory of pagan Lithuania in the beginning of the thirteenth century, they sought acceptance within the local society and laid foundation for the arrival of Roman Catholic Church in theselands. The official Christianization of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania led to even more active expansion of monastic networks and activities. The latter extended to various domains of culture and social life, catering to theneedsofdifferentclasses. Living in isolated communities, some of them under a strict rule,monks and mendicant friars were harbingers of Western civilization in many areas of the country’s life (like medicine, agronomy, gastronomy) and social domains, including learning and arts.

Hikes, Huts and Houses: A Study of Hiking Community’s and Derelict Building Owners’ Perceptions towards a Potential Establishment of Travelers’ Huts Network in Lithuania

Zelve, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
This paper presents a master’s thesis research project that aimed to explore the attitudes of members of Lithuanian hiking community and derelict building owners towards the possibility of adapting country’s abandoned rural buildings into a network of recreational ‘travelers’ huts’. Participants’ opinion on the need of such network as well as their management, location, building age, type, and other preferences were considered. During the two-phase mixed methods research project data was gathered through online questionnaire filled in by 624 members of Lithuanian hiking community and 10 in-depth interviews with derelict building owners, members of country’s hiking community and caretakers of two already operational travelers’ huts. The findings indicate that majority of research participants support the implementation of such project in Lithuania, preferring potential locations of huts in more remote and natural areas. Regarding type of buildings, it was given less significance than the location aspect, however a potential renovation of old wooden huts of traditional vernacular architecture was preferred slightly more than that of modern or Soviet-era buildings. Findings of the study also highlighted rather strong participants’ concerns regarding a diverse spectrum of issues: lack of history and ‘heritage’ of hiking and hutting in Lithuania, potential maintenance and management of the huts, safety, vandalism, privacy, and other. Qualitative data analysis provided evidence that many of those concern can be linked to low levels of social capital within Lithuanian society. Questions of huts’ management approaches, especially those of openness and accessibility of such buildings, showed rather unanimous opinions, suggesting a network of differently managed huts to cater divergent hikers’ needs might be a reasonable solution in Lithuania.

Über die musikwissenschaftliche Konferenz anlässlich des Jubiläums zum 100-jährigen Geburtstag von Balys Dvarionas: Vilnius, 16. bis 18. März 2004

Z̆ukienė, Judita 09 August 2017 (has links)
Das Thema der Konferenz, Balys Dvarionas. Aspekte seiner Biographie und seines Schaffens, regte dazu an, nochmals an die Vielfalt der Tätigkeit Dvarionas' und an das kulturelle Milieu seiner Zeit zu erinnern.

Bioarchaeological assessment of diet and changes in femoral and humeral stable isotopic values among subadults at Medieval Alytus, Lithuania.

Page, Katherine 01 January 2014 (has links)
Establishing a chronology of variation in isotopic values can reveal frailty associated with biological and social age, as well as highlight individuals who vary from typical patterns. Although general dietary characteristics and infant feeding practices were previously unknown for subadults excavated from the cemetery at Alytus, Lithuania (14th-18th centuries), previous research concludes that Alytus' subadults experienced high rates of physiological, metabolic, non-specific stress, in addition to specific diseases like tuberculosis. To investigate nuanced relationships between diet and mortality, nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes from the femoral and humeral midshaft diaphyses of 70 subadults (32 weeks gestation to16 years) were analyzed. Dietary reconstruction reveals that on average, exclusive breastfeeding continued until around 2 years of age when enriched ?13C (-19.6‰) and ?15N values (12.7‰) begin to deplete suggesting introduction of C3 grain gruels and potential weaning-associated infirmity. Nitrogen values remained slightly elevated in children (3-5 years, 11.2‰) until the beginning of juvenility (5-8 years, 10.3‰) when ?15N more closely mirrored adult values (16 years, 10.2‰), consistent with predominant consumption of terrestrial animal protein, possibly with riverine influence. The difference between femoral to humeral ? F-H 13C (-0.05 ±0.25‰, 1?) and ? F-H 15N (- 0.01±0.45‰, 1?) was not significant, though humeral values were on average more enriched. Enrichments in humeral nitrogen and carbon coincided with estimated weaning age. Cohorts experiencing childhood and adolescent growth spurts experienced higher femoral ?13C and ?15N values. Examining dietary experience and physiological changes contributes a holistic understanding of subadult morbidity and mortality experiences in Medieval Lithuania.

Santuokos kaip vertybės silpnėjimas (Ukmergės rajono atvejis) / Marriage as a weakening of values (Ukmerge district case)

Uzdrienė, Jolita 29 June 2009 (has links)
Pagrindinė šio darbo koncepcija ir tikslas – nagrinėti šeimos ir santuokos klausimus per vertybių prizmę. Nagrinėjant santuokos kaip vertybės silpnėjimą buvo apsiribota keturiais pagrindiniais veiksniais: pripažinimu ir įtvirtinimu naujų gyvenimo kartu formų, asmens saviraiškos svarba, karjeros ir tvirti materialinio pagrindo siekimu bei įpareigojimų ir atsakomybės vengimu. / The main concept of this work and the aim - to examine the family and marriage issues through the prism of values. The examination of marriage as the values decline was confined to four major factors: the recognition and establishment of new life forms, to express the importance of personal, career and solid material basis for the achievement of the obligations and liability avoidance.

SAVAIMINIŲ DEKORATYVIŲJŲ AUGALŲ PAPLITIMAS PIETŲ LIETUVOS ŽELDYNUOSE / Distribution of native ornamental plants in greeneries of South Lithuania

Patinskas, Vaidas 03 January 2011 (has links)
Savaiminiai dekoratyvūs augalai nėra labai plačiai auginami gėlynuose, nes dauguma jų nėra tokie išvaizdūs ir dekoratyvūs kaip įvežtiniai augalai. Tačiau savaiminių dekoratyviųjų augalų prisitaikymas prie mūsų gamtinių sąlygų, jų teigiamos savybės, dekoratyvumas leidžia juos auginti įvairiuose gėlynuose bei praplėsti gėlynų panaudojimą. Dėl vis besikeičiančio visuomenės požiūrio į aplinkos ekologinius veiksnius keičiasi ir veisiami želdiniai, tad tenka pripažinti, kad didžiojoje dalyje Pietų Lietuvos želdynuose nebeauginama arba labai mažai auginami savaiminiai dekoratyvūs augalai. Ir nykimo tendencija kasmet vis labiau didėja. Tikslas – įvertinti savaiminių žolinių dekoratyviųjų augalų paplitimą ir panaudojimo galimybes Pietų Lietuvos želdynuose. Įgyvendinant šio darbo tikslą buvo sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: ištirti savaiminių ir introdukuotų dekoratyvinių augalų rūšių įvairovę Pietų Lietuvos želdynuose, nustatyti dažniausiai želdynuose pasitaikančias augalų rūšis, įvertinti savaiminių dekoratyviųjų augalų paplitimo želdynuose ypatumus. Siekiant ištirti pietų Lietuvos želdynus tyrimas buvo atliekamas tokiose Pietų Lietuvos vietovėse: Alytaus mieste, Pivašiūnų miestelyje, Dusmenų miestelyje ir Dusmenėlių kaime. Buvo pasirinkta ištirti tokie objektai: vieši gėlynai (ištirti 10 gėlynų), sodybos (ištirti 15 sodybų), senosios kapinės (ištirti 10 kapaviečių), naujosios (ištirti 10 kapaviečių) ir mažo kaimelio kapinės (ištirti 10 kapaviečių). Iš viso buvo pasirinkta ištirti 55... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Native ornamental plants are rather rarely grown in flower gardens as most of them, though some of them are as nice as introduced ornamental plants. However, adaptability to local climatic conditions, their biological and ornamental characteristics make native ornamental plants possible to be grown in various flower gardens. Due to constant changes of point of wiew of the society to ecological problems, estimation of green plantations also changes. Unfortunately, in most South Lithuanian green plantations native ornamental plants are very rarely grown. They are on the verge of extinction in ornamental plantations. The aim was to estimate distribution of native ornamental plants and possibility of their using in South Lithuanian green plantations. To achieve the aim such tasks were solved: 1) to investigate the diversity of native ant introduced ornamental plants in South Lithuanian green plantations, 2) to reveal the most common native and introduced species of plants, 3) to estimate the peculiarities of usage of native ornamental plants in green plantations. The research was carried out in four localities of South Lithuania: Alytus, the towns of Pivašiūnai and Dusmenys and Dusmenėliai village. The following objects were selected for research: public flower gardens (10), housing estates (15), old graveyards (10), new graveyards (10), a graveyard of a little village (10 graves). Totally, 55 objects of green plantation were investigated. During investigation 95 species of... [to full text]

Leonidas Melnikas, C. Ph. E. Bachas ir PabaItijys. Apie brolius Grotthusslls [Co Ph. E. Bach und das BaItikum. Über die Brüder Grotthuß], Vilnius 1997 [Rezension]

Ottenberg, Hans-Günter 24 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Den Schwerpunkt der zweisprachig (deutsch-litauisch) geschriebenen Abhandlung bilden Aussagen zur Freundschaft und zum Umgang der Brüder Grotthuß mit C. Ph. E. Bach. Melnikas wertet dabei die mehrfach den Namen Grotthuß aufweisenden Bachschen Pränumerantenlisten ebenso aus, wie er auf D. E. von Grotthuß\' Kollekteurstätigkeit in diesem Zusammenhang eingeht.

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