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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rayabilité des verres Silico-Sodo-Calciques

Le Houerou, Vincent 18 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse traite de la résistance au rayage des verres silico-sodo-calciques (notés SLS) en fonction de considérations environnementales, de leur composition chimique, de l'histoire du chargement, des contraintes résiduelles et de la géométrie de l'indenteur.<br />Une étude phénoménologique détaillée permet d'identifier les fissures et les régimes d'endommagement mis en œuvre pendant le rayage des verres considérés. L'influence de la composition chimique est discutée à la lumière de considérations structurales et d'observations fractographiques à l'échelle microscopique. La notion de compétition densification/cisaillement dans la déformation de ces verres semble être le paramètre clé pour comprendre leur comportement à l'indentation/rayure.<br />Un modèle mécanique a alors été envisagé pour prédire les endommagements identifiés pendant les essais expérimentaux. L'approche de Ahn* donnant une solution analytique au problème du rayage par un indenteur conique (dérivé de celui de Yoffe° pour une indentation statique) est dans cette étude généralisée. Le développement réside en deux extensions principales: i) l'extension à la géométrie de l'indenteur Vickers grâce à un modèle par éléments finis 3D de l'indentation statique par un Vickers et ii) l'extension aux verres de la famille SLS en étudiant la compétition densification/cisaillement (par des considérations expérimentales couplées à des mesures par AFM) qui contrôle principalement leur comportement à l'indentation.<br />Les résultats du modèle sont corrélés par les résultats phénoménologiques et les observations expérimentales. Le comportement à la rayure des différents verres au regard de leur caractère normal/anormal est également discriminé par le modèle.<br />_______________________<br />* Y Ahn, Deformation about sliding indentation in ceramics and its application to lapping. 1992, Perdue University: (USA).<br />° E.H. Yoffe, Elastic stress field caused by indenting brittle materials, Philosophical Magazine A, 46 (4), (1982), p. 617-628.

Computational and Experimental Models for the Prediction of Intestinal Drug Solubility and Absorption

Bergström, Christel A. S. January 2003 (has links)
<p>New effective experimental techniques in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology have resulted in a vast increase in the number of pharmacologically interesting compounds. However, the number of new drugs undergoing clinical trial has not augmented at the same pace, which in part has been attributed to poor absorption of the compounds.</p><p>The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether computer-based models devised from calculated molecular descriptors can be used to predict aqueous drug solubility, an important property influencing the absorption process. For this purpose, both experimental and computational studies were performed. A new small-scale shake flask method for experimental solubility determination of crystalline compounds was devised. This method was used to experimentally determine solubility values used for the computational model development and to investigate the pH-dependent solubility of drugs. In the computer-based studies, rapidly calculated molecular descriptors were used to predict aqueous solubility and the melting point, a solid state characteristic of importance for the solubility. To predict the absorption process, drug permeability across the intestinal epithelium was also modeled.</p><p>The results show that high quality solubility data of crystalline compounds can be obtained by the small-scale shake flask method in a microtiter plate format. The experimentally determined pH-dependent solubility profiles deviated largely from the profiles predicted by a traditionally used relationship, highlighting the risk of data extrapolation. The <i>in silico</i> solubility models identified the non-polar surface area and partitioned total surface areas as potential new molecular descriptors for solubility. General solubility models of high accuracy were obtained when combining the surface area descriptors with descriptors for electron distribution, connectivity, flexibility and polarity. The used descriptors proved to be related to the solvation of the molecule rather than to solid state properties. The surface area descriptors were also valid for permeability predictions, and the use of the solubility and permeability models in concert resulted in an excellent theoretical absorption classification. To summarize, the experimental and computational models devised in this thesis are improved absorption screening tools applicable to the lead optimization in the drug discovery process. </p>

Computational and Experimental Models for the Prediction of Intestinal Drug Solubility and Absorption

Bergström, Christel A. S. January 2003 (has links)
New effective experimental techniques in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology have resulted in a vast increase in the number of pharmacologically interesting compounds. However, the number of new drugs undergoing clinical trial has not augmented at the same pace, which in part has been attributed to poor absorption of the compounds. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether computer-based models devised from calculated molecular descriptors can be used to predict aqueous drug solubility, an important property influencing the absorption process. For this purpose, both experimental and computational studies were performed. A new small-scale shake flask method for experimental solubility determination of crystalline compounds was devised. This method was used to experimentally determine solubility values used for the computational model development and to investigate the pH-dependent solubility of drugs. In the computer-based studies, rapidly calculated molecular descriptors were used to predict aqueous solubility and the melting point, a solid state characteristic of importance for the solubility. To predict the absorption process, drug permeability across the intestinal epithelium was also modeled. The results show that high quality solubility data of crystalline compounds can be obtained by the small-scale shake flask method in a microtiter plate format. The experimentally determined pH-dependent solubility profiles deviated largely from the profiles predicted by a traditionally used relationship, highlighting the risk of data extrapolation. The in silico solubility models identified the non-polar surface area and partitioned total surface areas as potential new molecular descriptors for solubility. General solubility models of high accuracy were obtained when combining the surface area descriptors with descriptors for electron distribution, connectivity, flexibility and polarity. The used descriptors proved to be related to the solvation of the molecule rather than to solid state properties. The surface area descriptors were also valid for permeability predictions, and the use of the solubility and permeability models in concert resulted in an excellent theoretical absorption classification. To summarize, the experimental and computational models devised in this thesis are improved absorption screening tools applicable to the lead optimization in the drug discovery process.

Génomique et post-génomique du parasite intestinal Blastocystis sp. sous-type 7. Evaluation de son pouvoir pathogène

Wawrzyniak, Ivan, Wawrzyniak, Ivan 03 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Blastocystis spp. est un Straménopile parasite anaérobie fréquemment rencontré dans le tractus gastro-intestinal de l'homme et de divers animaux. Ce parasite est associé à des troubles gastro‐intestinaux aspécifiques, et semble impliqué dans des désordres fonctionnels tels que le syndrome de l'intestin irritable (IBS). Ce travail de thèse s'appuie sur le séquençage du génome de Blastocystis sp. ST7 réalisé en collaboration avec le Génoscope d'Evry, l'Université Nationale de Singapour, l'Institut Pasteur de Lille et l'Université de Provence. Ce génome est constitué d'un génome nucléaire de 18,8 Mpb pour 6020 gènes, et d'un génome mitochondrial de 29 kpb localisé dans des organites apparentés aux mitochondries. L'analyse de ce génome apporte des informations au niveau de l'évolution de ce microorganisme, de son adaptation à l'environnement intestinal et de ces facteurs de virulence potentiels. En effet, les analyses in silico de ce génome ont montré que Blastocystis sp. ST7 possède plusieurs gènes codant des protéines pouvant agir à l'interface entre l'hôte et le parasite et connues chez d'autres protozoaires pour être impliquées dans des phénomènes de pathogénie. Ce sont en particulier des PKS, des NRPS, et des hydrolases dont des protéases. D'autre part, des activités protéolytiques ont été mises en évidence expérimentalement dans les surnageants de culture du parasite. Deux protéases à cystéines (une cathepsine B et une légumaïne) pouvant être impliquées dans la physiopathologie du parasite, ont été identifiées et caractérisées dans les surnageants, confirmant ainsi nos analyses in silico. Ce travail ouvre de nombreuses pistes intéressantes à explorer pour évaluer l'impact de ce parasite en santé humaine.

In silico tools in risk assessment : of industrial chemicals in general and non-dioxin-like PCBs in particular

Stenberg, Mia January 2012 (has links)
Industrial chemicals in European Union produced or imported in volumes above 1 tonne annually, necessitate a registration within REACH. A common problem, concerning these chemicals, is deficient information and lack of data for assessing the hazards posed to human health and the environment. Animal studies for the type of toxicological information needed are both expensive and time consuming, and to that an ethical aspect is added. Alternative methods to animal testing are thereby requested. REACH have called for an increased use of in silico tools for non-testing data as structure-activity relationships (SARs), quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs), and read-across. The main objective of the studies underlying this thesis is related to explore and refine the use of in silico tools in a risk assessment context of industrial chemicals. In particular, try to relate properties of the molecular structure to the toxic effect of the chemical substance, by using principles and methods of computational chemistry. The initial study was a survey of all industrial chemicals; the Industrial chemical map was created. A part of this map was identified including chemicals of potential concern. Secondly, the environmental pollutants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were examined and in particular the non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs). A set of 20 NDL-PCBs was selected to represent the 178 PCB congeners with three to seven chlorine substituents. The selection procedure was a combined process including statistical molecular design for a representative selection and expert judgements to be able to include congeners of specific interest. The 20 selected congeners were tested in vitro in as much as 17 different assays. The data from the screening process was turned into interpretable toxicity profiles with multivariate methods, used for investigation of potential classes of NDL-PCBs. It was shown that NDL-PCBs cannot be treated as one group of substances with similar mechanisms of action. Two groups of congeners were identified. A group including in general lower chlorinated congeners with a higher degree of ortho substitution showed a higher potency in more assays (including all neurotoxic assays). A second group included abundant congeners with a similar toxic profile that might contribute to a common toxic burden. To investigate the structure-activity pattern of PCBs effect on DAT in rat striatal synaptosomes, ten additional congeners were selected and tested in vitro. NDL-PCBs were shown to be potent inhibitors of DAT binding. The congeners with highest DAT inhibiting potency were tetra- and penta-chlorinated with 2-3 chlorine atoms in ortho-position. The model was not able to distinguish the congeners with activities in the lower μM range, which could be explained by a relatively unspecific response for the lower ortho chlorinated PCBs. / Den europeiska kemikalielagstiftningen REACH har fastställt att kemikalier som produceras eller importeras i en mängd över 1 ton per år, måste registreras och riskbedömmas. En uppskattad siffra är att detta gäller för 30 000 kemikalier. Problemet är dock att data och information ofta är otillräcklig för en riskbedömning. Till stor del har djurförsök använts för effektdata, men djurförsök är både kostsamt och tidskrävande, dessutom kommer den etiska aspekten in. REACH har därför efterfrågat en undersökning av möjligheten att använda in silico verktyg för att bidra med efterfrågad data och information. In silico har en ungefärlig betydelse av i datorn, och innebär beräkningsmodeller och metoder som används för att få information om kemikaliers egenskaper och toxicitet. Avhandlingens syfte är att utforska möjligheten och förfina användningen av in silico verktyg för att skapa information för riskbedömning av industrikemikalier. Avhandlingen beskriver kvantitativa modeller framtagna med kemometriska metoder för att prediktera, dvs förutsäga specifika kemikaliers toxiska effekt. I den första studien (I) undersöktes 56 072 organiska industrikemikalier. Med multivariata metoder skapades en karta över industrikemikalierna som beskrev dess kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaper. Kartan användes för jämförelser med kända och potentiella miljöfarliga kemikalier. De mest kända miljöföroreningarna visade sig ha liknande principal egenskaper och grupperade i kartan. Genom att specialstudera den delen av kartan skulle man kunna identifiera fler potentiellt farliga kemiska substanser. I studie två till fyra (II-IV) specialstuderades miljögiftet PCB. Tjugo PCBs valdes ut så att de strukturellt och fysiokemiskt representerade de 178 PCB kongenerna med tre till sju klorsubstituenter. Den toxikologiska effekten hos dessa 20 PCBs undersöktes i 17 olika in vitro assays. De toxikologiska profilerna för de 20 testade kongenerna fastställdes, dvs vilka som har liknande skadliga effekter och vilka som skiljer sig åt. De toxicologiska profilerna användes för klassificering av PCBs. Kvantitativa modeller utvecklades för prediktioner, dvs att förutbestämma effekter hos ännu icke testade PCBs, och för att få ytterligare kunskap om strukturella egenskaper som ger icke önskvärda effekter i människa och natur. Information som kan användas vid en framtida riskbedömning av icke-dioxinlika PCBs. Den sista studien (IV) är en struktur-aktivitets studie som undersöker de icke-dioxinlika PCBernas hämmande effekt av signalsubstansen dopamin i hjärnan.

Investigation and Prediction of Small Intestinal Precipitation of Poorly Soluble Drugs : a Study Involving in silico, in vitro and in vivo Assessment

Carlert, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The main objectives of the present project were to increase the understanding of small intestinal precipitation of poorly soluble pharmaceutical drugs, investigate occurrence of crystalline small intestinal precipitation and effects of precipitation on absorption. The aim was to create and evaluate methods of predicting crystalline small intestinal drug precipitation using in vivo, in vitro and in silico models. In vivo small intestinal precipitation from highly supersaturated solutions of two weakly basic model drugs, AZD0865 and mebendazole, was investigated in humans and canine models. Potential precipitation of AZD0865 was investigated by examining dose dependent increases in human maximum plasma concentration and total exposure, which turned out to be dose linear over the range investigated, indicating no significant in vivo precipitation. The small intestinal precipitation of mebendazole was investigated from drug concentrations and amount of solid drug present in dog jejunum as well as through the bioavailability after direct duodenal administration in dogs. It was concluded that mebendazole small intestinal precipitation was limited, and that intestinal supersaturation was measurable for up to 90 minutes. In vitro precipitation methods utilizing simulated or real fasted gastric and intestinal fluids were developed in order to simulate the in vivo precipitation rate. The methods overpredicted in vivo precipitation when absorption of drug was not simulated. An in vitro-in silico approach was therefore developed, where the in vitro method was used for determining the interfacial tension (γ), necessary for describing crystallization in Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT). CNT was evaluated using a third model drug, bicalutamide, and could successfully describe different parts of the crystallization process of the drug. CNT was then integrated into an in silico absorption model. The in vivo precipitation results of AZD0865 and mebendazole were well predicted by the model, but only by allowing the fundamental constant γ to vary with concentration. Thus, the in vitro-in silico approach could be used for small intestinal precipitation prediction if the in vitro concentration closely matched in vivo small intestinal concentrations.

Development of a computational consensus model for the in silico prediction of the skin sensitising potential of organic chemicals in the context of REACH

Hillebrand, Marcus 27 September 2018 (has links)
Die Hautsensibilisierung (Typ 4 Hautallergie) nimmt in der Toxizitätsbewertung einen wichtigen Stellenwert ein, was u.a. daran zu sehen ist, dass sie unter dem europäischen Chemikaliengesetz REACH schon sehr früh, d.h. ab einer Jahrestonne, abgeprüft werden soll. Die Dissertation untersucht, ob die derzeit im Tierversuch stattfindende Toxizitätsprüfung durch computerchemische Methoden ersetzt werden kann. Dazu wurde eine Datenbank aus über 2000 Stoffen erstellt, aus der wichtige Unterschiede zwischen den eingesetzten Tiermodellen herausgelesen werden konnten. In den Untersuchungen trat auch zu Tage, dass – entgegen vorheriger Annahmen – die Bioverfügbarkeit, d.h. die Aufnahme von Substanzen über die Haut, im Tierversuch nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Zudem ist eine Abschätzung des hautsensibilisierenden Effekts von Stoffen anhand eines Read-across (Interpolation aus strukturähnlichen Verbindungen) und von Strukturalarmen (Substruktur­elemente als Indikatoren für einen bestimmten Effekt) möglich. Wenn beide Ansätze im Rahmen einer Konsens­modellierung miteinander verschränkt werden, ergibt sich sogar eine gute Vorhersagestatistik. / Skin sensitisation (type 4 skin allergy) is an important parameter in the toxicity assessment of chemicals, which is underlined by the fact that it is evaluated even at the lowest tonnage (1 t/a), which can be registered under the european chemicals regulation (REACH). In this thesis it was investigated if the currently used animal models can be replace or refined with computational (in silico toxicological) methods. In this regard a data base consisting of about 2000 substances was build. With its data important differences between the currently applied animal tests could be derived. Furthermore, the investigation found that – in contrast to previous assumptions – the bioavailability of a chemical compound, i.e. the uptake via the skin, has only a minor impact on the test result of the evaluated animal models. Moreover, it was demonstated that the skin sensitising potential of chemicals can be predicted by read-across (interpolation with structurally similar substances) and with structural alerts (substructural elements which indicate a particular effect). Combining both prediction methods with consensus modelling lead to a good prediction regarding the question whether a particular chemical compound is a sensitiser or not.

The Implementation and Evaluation of Bioinformatics Algorithms for the Classification of Arabinogalactan-Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

Yerardi, Jason T. 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Recherche de médicaments in silico sur grilles de calcul contre des maladies négligées et émergentes

Jacq, N. 12 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les grilles de calcul sont une nouvelle Technologie de l'Information permettant la collecte et le partage de l'information, la mise en réseau d'experts et la mobilisation de ressources en routine ou en urgence. Elles ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de réduction des coûts et d'accélération de la recherche in silico de médicaments contre les maladies négligées et émergentes. Dans ce contexte, la première partie de la thèse a porté sur la conception de services bio-informatiques sur grille. Ils facilitent le déploiement et la mise à jour sur la grille RUGBI de logiciels et de bases de données. La seconde partie a vu le déploiement d'expériences de criblage virtuel à haut débit sur l'infrastructure de grille EGEE. Les expériences ont démontré que les grilles collaboratives ont la capacité à mobiliser d'importantes ressources de calcul dans des buts bien définis pendant une période de temps significative, et qu'elles produisent des résultats biologiques pertinents.

Searching for novel protein-protein specificities using a combined approach of sequence co-evolution and local structural equilibration

Nordesjö, Olle January 2016 (has links)
Greater understanding of how we can use protein simulations and statistical characteristics of biomolecular interfaces as proxies for biological function will make manifest major advances in protein engineering. Here we show how to use calculated change in binding affinity and coevolutionary scores to predict the functional effect of mutations in the interface between a Histidine Kinase and a Response Regulator. These proteins participate in the Two-Component Regulatory system, a system for intracellular signalling found in bacteria. We find that both scores work as proxies for functional mutants and demonstrate a ~30 fold improvement in initial positive predictive value compared with choosing randomly from a sequence space of 160 000 variants in the top 20 mutants. We also demonstrate qualitative differences in the predictions of the two scores, primarily a tendency for the coevolutionary score to miss out on one class of functional mutants with enriched frequency of the amino acid threonine in one position.

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