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Tesis por compendio / Aunque el uso de altos niveles de fuentes de proteína vegetal en piensos para doradas de engorde se ha alcanzado con éxito en cuanto al crecimiento, estas dietas todavía están asociadas a efectos negativos en la eficiencia nutricional y en la capacidad inmunitaria. El intestino es el órgano donde se produce la primera interacción entre el pez, los nutrientes y las bacterias del medio, y desarrolla un papel crucial en la digestión de los nutrientes y la respuesta infamatoria e inmune. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el impacto de distintas dietas con altos niveles de proteína vegetal, y especialmente, en la evaluación del estatus intestinal de las doradas de engorde alimentadas con altos niveles de sustitución de la harina de pescado durante un periodo largo de tiempo.
Los cambios observados en el intestino se caracterizaron mediante el uso de distintas estrategias, como el análisis de la digestibilidad y la retención de amino ácidos, de la excreción de amonio, de la actividad de enzimas digestivos, de los cambios histológico o de la expresión de genes relacionados con la función y el mantenimiento de la arquitectura intestinal, así como técnicas ómicas para el análisis del proteoma y de la microbiota intestinal. Se ensayaron distintos niveles de sustitución de harina de pescado, pero el impacto de las dietas con una sustitución completa, bien complementada con subproductos de origen marino o suplementada con aminoácidos libres sintéticos, recibió mayor atención.
La sustitución completa de la harina de pescado provocó una reducción, aunque ligera, del crecimiento y de la eficiencia digestiva y nutritiva de la dorada de engorde, aunque el impacto sobre el crecimiento era mayor cuando los peces eran alimentados desde la época de juveniles con estas dietas. La digestibilidad y el nivel de síntesis de proteína se vio alterada, aunque no se observaron diferencias significativas en la actividad enzimática digestiva. No obstante, el impacto de las fuentes vegetales cuando no había fuentes de proteína marina en la dieta era especialmente crítico para la supervivencia de los peces. En el intestino de estos peces solo se observaron diferencias menores relacionadas con la inflamación a nivel histológico, pero también se observó una disminución en la expresión génica de genes involucrados en la inflamación y la respuesta inmune. El análisis de la microbiota intestinal reveló cambios significativos en la composición de su composición, especialmente en el intestino posterior, sugiriendo una posible falta de capacidad de regular la respuesta inmune y de modular la colonización de bacterias patógenas tras un largo periodo de alimentación con esta dieta. Por otro lado, el análisis del proteoma de la mucosa intestinal también mostró un claro impacto sobre distintos procesos biológicos relacionados con el mantenimiento del homeostasis intestinal y de la integridad epitelial. Por el contrario, no se observó un impacto de la sustitución de la harina de pescado a nivel de expresión génica o del proteoma cuando se incorporaba a la dieta una fuente de proteína marina complementaria, aunque sí que se observaron algunos signos menores de inflamación.
Por último, se desarrolló un sistema ex vivo para estudiar la respuesta inflamatoria e inmune de la mucosa intestinal a la presencia de distintas bacterias, y se realizó un ensayo preliminar en dorada para evaluar el efecto de la dieta sobre esta respuesta.
En resumen, en este trabajo se ha realizado una evaluación extensa y detallada de los efectos a nivel intestinal de la inclusión de altos niveles de proteína vegetal en la dieta para doradas de engorde. Los resultados indican que las alteraciones en la capacidad inmune, la homeostasis y la microbiota intestinal aparecían solo cuando la proteína procedía exclusivamente de fuentes vegetales, y podrían explicar la mayor mortalidad registrada con esta dieta. / Malgrat que la utilització d'alts nivells de proteïna vegetal en pinsos per a dorades en la fase d'engreixament s'ha aconseguit amb èxit en quan al creixement, aquestes dietes encara s'associen amb freqüència amb efectes negatius en l'eficiència nutricional i la capacitat immunitària. L'intestí és l'òrgan on es produeix la primera interacció entre el peix, els nutrients de la dieta i les bactèries de l'ambient, i juga un paper fonamental en la digestió dels nutrients i en la resposta inflamatòria i immune. Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en l'impacte de diferents dietes experimentals amb un alt nivell de proteïna vegetal, i especialment, en l'avaluació de l'estat de l'intestí de les dorades d'engreixament alimentades durant un llarg període amb alts nivells de substitució de farina de peix.
Els distints canvis observats a nivell intestinal es van descriure mitjançant l'ús de distintes estratègies, com l'anàlisi de la digestibilitat i la retenció dels aminoàcids, de l'excreció d'amoni i de l'activitat enzimàtica, dels canvis histològic o de l'expressió de gens relacionats amb la funció i el manteniment de l'estructura intestinal, així com tècniques òmiques per a l'anàlisi del proteoma i de la microbiota intestinal. Es van assatjar diferents nivells de substitució de farina de peix, però l'impacte de les dietes amb substitució completa, bé complementada amb subproductes d'origen marí o suplementada amb aminoàcids lliures sintètics, va rebre major atenció.
La substitució completa de la farina de peix va tenir un efecte lleugerament negatiu sobre el creixement i l'eficiència digestiva i nutritiva de la dorada d'engreixament, encara que l'impacte era major quan els peixos eren alimentats des de la fase de juvenils amb aquesta dieta. La digestibilitat i el nivell de síntesis de proteïna es va veure alterada, encara que no s'observaren diferències significatives en l'activitat dels enzims digestius. No obstant, l'impacte de les fonts vegetals quan s'eliminaven per complet les fonts de proteïna marina de la dieta era especialment crític en la supervivència dels peixos. En l'intestí d'aquests peixos sols s'observaren xicotets indicis d'inflamació a nivell histològic, però també es va observar una disminució l'expressió de gens involucrats amb el procés inflamatori i la resposta immune. L'estudi de la microbiota intestinal va revelar canvis significatius en la composició, especialment a l'intestí posterior, suggerint una possible falta de capacitat de regular la resposta immunitària i de modular la colonització per part de patògens després d'un llarg període d'alimentació amb aquesta dieta. D'altra banda, l'anàlisi del proteoma de la mucosa intestinal també va mostrar un impacte clar sobre diferents processos biològics relacionats amb el manteniment de l'homeòstasi intestinal i de la integritat de l'epiteli. Per contra, no es van observar un impacte de la substitució de la farina de peix a nivell d'expressió gènica o proteoma quan s'incloïa a la dieta una font complementària de proteïna d'origen marí, encara que sí que s'observaven alguns signes d'inflamació.
Per últim, es va desenvolupar un sistema ex vivo per avaluar la resposta inflamatòria i immune de la mucosa intestinal davant la presència de diferents bactèries, i es va realitzar un assaig preliminar per determinar l'efecte de la dieta sobre aquesta resposta.
En resum, en aquest treball s'ha realitzat una avaluació extensa i detallada dels efectes a nivell intestinal de la inclusió d'alts nivells de fonts de proteïna vegetal a les dieta per a les dorades d'engreixament. Els resultats indiquen que les alteracions en la capacitat immunitària, l'homeòstasi i la microbiota intestinal eren observades solament quan la proteïna era exclusivament obtinguda de fonts vegetals, i podrien explicar la major mortalitat observada amb aquesta dieta. / Although the inclusion of plant protein sources at high levels in aquafeeds for on-growing gilthead seabream has been successfully achieved on gilthead seabream in terms of growth, these diets are still associated to detrimental effects in feed efficiency and immune capacity. The intestine is the organ where takes place the first interaction of the host with dietary antigen or environmental bacteria, and plays a major role in the digestion of nutrients and the inflammatory and the immune response. The present PhD thesis focus on the impact of classical formulated high plant protein diets on fish performance, but especially, on evaluation of the intestinal status in on-growing fish long-term fed with high levels of fishmeal replacement.
Changes at intestinal level were characterized by using different approaches, including protein and amino acid digestibility and retention and ammonia excretion, digestive enzyme activity, histology, expression of genes related with inflammation, immunity, structure and digestion, but also using whole tissue-level techniques for the analysis of the impact on proteome and gut microbiota. Different levels of fishmeal replacement were assayed, although the impact of diets with total replacement, complemented by inclusion of alternative marine by-products or supplemented by free amino acids, received greater attention.
Total fish replacement produced a negative but minor impact on the growth and nutritive and digestive performance of on-growing gilthead seabream. Nevertheless, when fish were fed from juvenile stage with plant protein based diets, a higher negative impact in growth terms was noticed. Digestibility and metabolic use of amino acids was altered, but no differences were observed in the digestive enzyme activities. Nonetheless, feeding fish with total dietary fishmeal replacement by plant protein without any marine protein source was especially critical for survival rate. In these fish, gut histological assessment only revealed minor alterations related with an inflammatory response, but gene expression assay showed a down-regulation of several genes involved in the inflammatory and immune response. Moreover, a drastic change in the microbiota composition was observed, especially at the hindgut, revealing a possible lack of capacity to regulate a defensive response and to face with pathogen colonisation after a long-term coupling with these diet. Likewise, gut mucosa proteome analysis also suggests an impact on biological processes related with the maintenance of gut homeostasis and the epithelial integrity. In contrast, total fishmeal replacement did not induce alterations at transcript or proteomic level when diet was complemented with marine ingredients, although some minor inflammatory signs were reported.
On the other hand, an ex vivo system to study the inflammatory and immune response of the gut mucosa to the presence of different bacteria was developed, and a preliminary assay evaluating the impact of the diet on this response was performed.
To sum up, present works represents a wide assessment at intestinal level of the effects of including plant protein sources at high levels in aqua feeds for on-growing gilthead seabream. Results indicate that alterations in the immune capacity, the gut homeostasis and the microbiota were observed when protein was exclusively provided by plant sources, and could explain the higher mortality reported with this diet. / Estruch Cucarella, G. (2018). ASSESSMENT OF THE LONG-TERM IMPACT OF HIGH PLANT PROTEIN DIETS ON THE INTESTINAL STATUS OF THE ON-GROWING GILTHEAD SEA BREAM (Sparus aurata, L.) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113063 / Compendio
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Ocorrência e distribuição de BanLec em cultivares de banana e avaliação da sua atividade imunomoduladora in vivo / Occurrence and distribution of BanLec in banana cultivars and evaluation of its immunomodulatory activity in vivoSansone, Ana Claudia Miranda Brito 16 December 2014 (has links)
Lectinas são proteínas cuja principal característica é a de se ligar específica e reversivelmente a carboidratos. BanLec é a lectina presente na polpa de bananas, que se liga especificamente a manose e glicose, e é capaz de induzir a proliferação de células T, podendo estimular a resposta imune. Existem indícios de que o teor de BanLec pode variar dependendo do estádio de amadurecimento e do tipo de cultivar, o que pode afetar a quantidade de BanLec existente na fruta quando consumida in natura e a possível resposta imune frente ao consumo de banana. Por este motivo, um dos objetivos desse trabalho foi determinar os teores e a atividade hemaglutinante de BanLec em extratos de farinha de banana verde, além de bananas das cultivares Pacovan, Figo, Terra, Mysore e Nanicão, nos estádios de maturação verde e maduro, e submetidas a tratamento com 1-MCP e baixa temperatura (para cv. Nanicão). Com vista a atender ao objetivo de avaliar seus efeitos imunomoduladores in vivo, a BanLec foi purificada da cultivar Nanicão e administrada por via oral a camundongos BALB/c. Os ensaios de atividade hemaglutinante dos extratos de banana apontaram para maior quantidade de BanLec no fruto maduro, quando comparado ao verde, e ausência dessa proteína na cultivar Figo. Os parâmetros imunológicos analisados após administração de BanLec aos camundongos demonstram que a resposta imune gerada após ingestão de BanLec é dose dependente, além disso, a administração de 50 µg de BanLec aos animais foi capaz de modular citocinas importantes na resposta imunológica, provavelmente causando um efeito que pode ser interpretado como mais protetor do que patogênico. Com base nos resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que existem diferenças nos teores de BanLec dependendo da cultivar e estádio de maturação analisado, sendo que essa proteína não está presente na polpa de todas as variedades de banana e finalmente, que ela tem grande potencial imunomodulador in vivo, uma vez que ativou citocinas de resposta anti-inflamatória. / Lectins are proteins which bind specifically and reversibly to carbohydrates. BanLec is the lectin present in banana pulp, and it binds to mannose and glucose, being capable of inducing T-cell proliferation, and to stimulate the immune response. There are some evidence that the amount of BanLec may vary depending on the maturation stage of the fruit and the cultivar (cv.), which may affect the amount of BanLec and the possible immune response after consumption of banana. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the amount of BanLec and its hemagglutinating activity in crude extracts of bananas from cultivars Pacovan, Figo, Terra, Mysore and Nanicão, in both unripe and ripe maturation stage, and also fruits which were treated with 1-MCP and low temperature. In addition, in order to access their immunomodulatory effects in vivo, BanLec was purified by affinity chromatography and administered orally to BALB/c mice. The hemagglutinating activity assays indicate higher amount of BanLec in ripe fruit. Moreover, the possible was undetectable in the pulp of banana Figo. The immunological parameters of mice orally fed with BanLec showed that the immunological response is dependent on the amount of protein administrated, in agreement to previous in vitro studies. Besides, 50 µg of BanLec, were able to modulate some cytokines in immune response, causing an effect that seems to be more protective than pathogenic. We conclude that there are important differences in amount of BanLec depending on the cultivar and the maturation stage, and BanLec has a dose-dependent immunomodulatory effect in vivo.
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Ocorrência e distribuição de BanLec em cultivares de banana e avaliação da sua atividade imunomoduladora in vivo / Occurrence and distribution of BanLec in banana cultivars and evaluation of its immunomodulatory activity in vivoAna Claudia Miranda Brito Sansone 16 December 2014 (has links)
Lectinas são proteínas cuja principal característica é a de se ligar específica e reversivelmente a carboidratos. BanLec é a lectina presente na polpa de bananas, que se liga especificamente a manose e glicose, e é capaz de induzir a proliferação de células T, podendo estimular a resposta imune. Existem indícios de que o teor de BanLec pode variar dependendo do estádio de amadurecimento e do tipo de cultivar, o que pode afetar a quantidade de BanLec existente na fruta quando consumida in natura e a possível resposta imune frente ao consumo de banana. Por este motivo, um dos objetivos desse trabalho foi determinar os teores e a atividade hemaglutinante de BanLec em extratos de farinha de banana verde, além de bananas das cultivares Pacovan, Figo, Terra, Mysore e Nanicão, nos estádios de maturação verde e maduro, e submetidas a tratamento com 1-MCP e baixa temperatura (para cv. Nanicão). Com vista a atender ao objetivo de avaliar seus efeitos imunomoduladores in vivo, a BanLec foi purificada da cultivar Nanicão e administrada por via oral a camundongos BALB/c. Os ensaios de atividade hemaglutinante dos extratos de banana apontaram para maior quantidade de BanLec no fruto maduro, quando comparado ao verde, e ausência dessa proteína na cultivar Figo. Os parâmetros imunológicos analisados após administração de BanLec aos camundongos demonstram que a resposta imune gerada após ingestão de BanLec é dose dependente, além disso, a administração de 50 µg de BanLec aos animais foi capaz de modular citocinas importantes na resposta imunológica, provavelmente causando um efeito que pode ser interpretado como mais protetor do que patogênico. Com base nos resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que existem diferenças nos teores de BanLec dependendo da cultivar e estádio de maturação analisado, sendo que essa proteína não está presente na polpa de todas as variedades de banana e finalmente, que ela tem grande potencial imunomodulador in vivo, uma vez que ativou citocinas de resposta anti-inflamatória. / Lectins are proteins which bind specifically and reversibly to carbohydrates. BanLec is the lectin present in banana pulp, and it binds to mannose and glucose, being capable of inducing T-cell proliferation, and to stimulate the immune response. There are some evidence that the amount of BanLec may vary depending on the maturation stage of the fruit and the cultivar (cv.), which may affect the amount of BanLec and the possible immune response after consumption of banana. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the amount of BanLec and its hemagglutinating activity in crude extracts of bananas from cultivars Pacovan, Figo, Terra, Mysore and Nanicão, in both unripe and ripe maturation stage, and also fruits which were treated with 1-MCP and low temperature. In addition, in order to access their immunomodulatory effects in vivo, BanLec was purified by affinity chromatography and administered orally to BALB/c mice. The hemagglutinating activity assays indicate higher amount of BanLec in ripe fruit. Moreover, the possible was undetectable in the pulp of banana Figo. The immunological parameters of mice orally fed with BanLec showed that the immunological response is dependent on the amount of protein administrated, in agreement to previous in vitro studies. Besides, 50 µg of BanLec, were able to modulate some cytokines in immune response, causing an effect that seems to be more protective than pathogenic. We conclude that there are important differences in amount of BanLec depending on the cultivar and the maturation stage, and BanLec has a dose-dependent immunomodulatory effect in vivo.
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Optimisation of Chemotherapy Treatment in Advanced Colorectal CancerBerglund, Åke January 2002 (has links)
<p>Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases in Sweden – more than 5000 new cases are diagnosed each year. The overall five-year survival is about 60% and in cases of recurrence the prognosis is poor.</p><p>In a phase III study in advanced colorectal cancer the response rate was doubled when 5-FU was given as a bolus injection versus as a short infusion. The toxicity was similar and time to progression was longer in the injection group. However, overall survival was not significantly different. Dose-effect relationships of 5-FU were studied in another phase III study recruiting 312 patients. A decrease from 500 mg/m<sup>2</sup> to 400 mg/m<sup>2</sup> worsened the treatment results. A low incidence of severe toxicity was seen in both groups. An increase to 600 mg/m<sup>2</sup> worsened the toxicity without any improvement of the results.</p><p>A cytotoxic drug sensitivity test in different tumour types, mainly gastrointestinal cancer, poorly predicted treatment outcome in a phase II study.</p><p>The conventional Nordic Flv regimen was split in a phase I/II trial. An escalation of dose was possible and the response rate was 20%.</p><p>Thymidylate synthase (TS) and the gene expression of p53 were investigated by immunohistochemical technique in the primary tumours of 132 patients. None of the markers predicted the later palliative chemotherapy result. However, TS significantly predicted time to recurrence.</p><p>Serum markers were analysed before and during FLv treatment to early predict outcomes among 87 patients. TPS is promising, both as a predictive marker before start of treatment and after a short period of treatment. In the same setting, CEA had lower predictive value. S-VEGF and S-bFGF did not yield any prognostic information of later outcome. In all studies B-haemoglobin values, performance status and subjective response were strong markers, both for prediction of objective response and for survival.</p>
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Optimisation of Chemotherapy Treatment in Advanced Colorectal CancerBerglund, Åke January 2002 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases in Sweden – more than 5000 new cases are diagnosed each year. The overall five-year survival is about 60% and in cases of recurrence the prognosis is poor. In a phase III study in advanced colorectal cancer the response rate was doubled when 5-FU was given as a bolus injection versus as a short infusion. The toxicity was similar and time to progression was longer in the injection group. However, overall survival was not significantly different. Dose-effect relationships of 5-FU were studied in another phase III study recruiting 312 patients. A decrease from 500 mg/m2 to 400 mg/m2 worsened the treatment results. A low incidence of severe toxicity was seen in both groups. An increase to 600 mg/m2 worsened the toxicity without any improvement of the results. A cytotoxic drug sensitivity test in different tumour types, mainly gastrointestinal cancer, poorly predicted treatment outcome in a phase II study. The conventional Nordic Flv regimen was split in a phase I/II trial. An escalation of dose was possible and the response rate was 20%. Thymidylate synthase (TS) and the gene expression of p53 were investigated by immunohistochemical technique in the primary tumours of 132 patients. None of the markers predicted the later palliative chemotherapy result. However, TS significantly predicted time to recurrence. Serum markers were analysed before and during FLv treatment to early predict outcomes among 87 patients. TPS is promising, both as a predictive marker before start of treatment and after a short period of treatment. In the same setting, CEA had lower predictive value. S-VEGF and S-bFGF did not yield any prognostic information of later outcome. In all studies B-haemoglobin values, performance status and subjective response were strong markers, both for prediction of objective response and for survival.
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Chemical biology studies of neuroregenerative small molecules using Caenorhabditis elegansZlotkowski, Katherine Hannah 03 September 2015 (has links)
The debilitating effects of spinal cord injury can be attributed to a lack of regeneration in the central nervous system. Identification of growth-promoting pathways, particularly ones that can be controlled by small molecules, could provide significant advancements in regenerative science and lead to potential treatments for spinal cord injury. The biological investigations of neuroregenerative small molecules, specifically the natural products clovanemagnolol and vinaxanthone, have been expanded to a whole organism context using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) as a tool for these studies. A straightforward assay using C. elegans was developed to screen for compounds that promote neuronal outgrowth in vivo. This outgrowth assay was then used to guide the design of chemically edited analogs of clovanemagnolol that maintained biological activity while possessing structures amenable to further modification for mechanism of action studies. Pull-down experiments using affinity reagents synthesized from a neuroactive structural derivative, clovanebisphenol, and the C. elegans proteome combined with mass spectrometry-based protein identification and genetic recapitulation using mutant C. elegans identified the putative protein target of the small molecule as a kinesin light chain, KLC-1. Furthermore, the small molecule-promoted regeneration of injured neurons in vivo was studied using laser microsurgery to cut specific axons in C. elegans followed by treatment with a library of analogs of the growth-promoting natural product vinaxanthone. Enhanced axonal regeneration was observed following small molecule treatment and the results were used to determine the structure-activity relationship of vinaxanthone, which may guide future development of potential drug candidates for the treatment of spinal cord injury. / text
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Atividade anticâncer de quercetina, narigina, morina e acetoxi DMU no tratamentos terapêutico de ratos inoculados com carcinossarcoma de Walker 256 / Anticancer activity of quercetin, naringenin, and morin Acetoxy DMU in the therapeutic treatment of rats inoculated with Walker 256 carcinosarcomaCamargo, Camila de Andrade, 1980- 08 August 2011 (has links)
Orientadores: Hiroshi Aoyama / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T03:25:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Camargo_CamiladeAndrade_D.pdf: 5871656 bytes, checksum: 08f82cc2064fb3997898335664c62806 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Atualmente o câncer é um problema de saúde pública mundial, em virtude do aumento de sua incidência. A anorexia e a perda de peso involuntária são comuns em pacientes oncológicos. Esta condição, também conhecida como caquexia, afeta a capacidade funcional, a resposta ao tratamento, a qualidade de vida e a sobrevida do paciente. Estima-se que aproximadamente dois milhões de pessoas no mundo morrem anualmente devido às conseqüências da via câncer/caquexia. O modelo estudado neste trabalho é o carcinossarcoma de Walker 256 (W256), que tem como característica principal o desenvolvimento da caquexia nos animais portadores, devido ao seu comportamento biológico agressivo, crescimento invasivo e alto potencial de metástase. Os flavonóides, fitocompostos polifenólicos encontrados em plantas, apresentam diversas atividades biológicas, principalmente, devido as suas propriedades antioxidantes e habilidades em modular diversas enzimas ou receptores celulares. Estes compostos possuem efeitos protetores contra doenças relacionadas ao sistema cardiovascular, certas etiologias de câncer, doenças provocadas pela fotossensibilidade e envelhecimento, dentre outras. A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos dos flavonóides quercetina, narigina, morina e do composto acetoxi DMU (um derivado sintético do resveratrol e do DMU-212), na prevenção/atenuação da caquexia e inibição do crescimento do tumor em ratos portadores de W256, num estudo pré-clínico. Ratos machos sadios foram inoculados subcutaneamente, no flanco direito, com as células tumorais e tratados com diferentes doses dos compostos (10, 25 e 35mg/kg), via intraperitoneal, 5 dias consecutivos por semana, durante 50 dias ou até o óbito. A administração de 10mg/kg de quercetina e de 25mg/kg de narigina, morina e do composto acetoxi DMU inibiram cerca de 50% o crescimento do tumor (ED50) quando comparado com os animais controle inoculados com tumor, sem tratamento (grupo Tumor). A ED50 para os tratamentos com quercetina, narigina, morina e acetoxi DMU foi responsável por um aumento de 30, 70, 60 e 70%, respectivamente, na sobrevida dos ratos tratados (p < 0,05) em contraste aos 100% de mortalidade observada no grupo Tumor. Outra conseqüência da administração da ED50 foi a ocorrência de regressão tumoral em 2, 5, 2 e 3 animais, respectivamente, para os tratamentos com quercetina, narigina, morina e acetoxi DMU (n=10). O tratamento com os compostos também foi eficiente em manter os níveis das citocinas TNF-? e IL-6 (no tecido hepático e tumoral do hospedeiro), mediadores do processo caquético, semelhantes aos encontrados nos ratos controle sem tumor (grupo Controle). Já os ratos do grupo Tumor apresentaram altos níveis destas citocinas, tanto nas amostras de fígado como nas de tumor. Os tratamentos promoveram também um alto potencial anti-angiogênico, mostrado através da diminuição na expressão de VEGF e nas atividades das MMP-2 presentes nas amostras de fígado e tumor. Os níveis de VEGF encontrados nos fígados dos ratos do grupo Tumor foram significantemente maiores que os do grupo Controle. Outro efeito do tratamento com os compostos foi uma diminuição significativa na expressão da proteína tirosina fosfatase de baixa massa molecular (nas amostras de fígado e tumor), que havia sido super-expressa em animais do grupo Tumor. As análises dos pesos dos testículos e órgãos reprodutivos acessórios (epidídimo, vesícula seminal, glândula de coagulação e próstata) foram feitas para os animais tratados com narigina e acetoxi DMU. Os resultados indicaram uma redução significativa nos órgãos dos animais do grupo Tumor em comparação com o grupo Controle. Pelo contrário, o tratamento terapêutico de ratos com tumor com a narigina e o acetoxi DMU se mostrou eficaz em proteger a morfologia destes órgãos e inibir esta redução. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o melhor tratamento foi obtido com o acetoxi DMU. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho confirmam o efeito dos flavonóides e de acetoxi DMU em diminuir os sintomas da caquexia no modelo tumoral utilizado para experimentação e em inibir o crescimento tumoral, contribuindo, assim, para uma melhor compreensão da ação in vivo destes compostos, tanto no organismo sadio como na presença do tumor / Abstract: Currently, cancer is a public health problem worldwide in virtue of the increase in incidence. Anorexia and involuntary weight loss are common in cancer patients. This condition, also known as cachexia, affects the functional capacity, response to treatment, quality of life and patient survival. It is estimated that approximately two million people worldwide die annually because of cancer cachexia consequences. In this work the Walker 256 carcinosarcoma (W256) is used as an experimental model to establish cancer cachexia in infected animals. Furthermore, it presents an aggressive biological behavior, local invasive growth and high metastasis potential. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds with several biological activities mainly due to its antioxidant properties and ability to modulate several enzymes or cellular receptors. These characteristics are associated with the protective effect attributed to these compounds against cardiovascular system diseases, some causes of cancer, diseases caused by photosensitivity and aging, among other. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the flavonoids quercetin, naringin and morin and the compound acetoxy DMU (a synthetic derivative of resveratrol and DMU-212) in the cachexia prevention/attenuation and inhibition of tumor growth in rats bearing W256, in a preclinical study. Healthy male rats were inoculated with tumor cells and treated with different doses of quercetin, naringin, morin and acetoxy DMU (10, 25 and 35mg/kg) intraperitoneally administered, 5 consecutive times a week, during 50 days or until death. The administration of 10 mg/kg quercetin and 25mg/kg naringin, morin and acetoxy DMU inhibited about 50% of tumor growth (ED50) compared with Tumor group (untreated). The ED50 values for the treatment with quercetin, naringin, morin and acetoxy DMU were responsible for a survival increase about 30, 50, 40 and 60%, respectively, in contrast to 100% mortality observed in the tumor group. Another consequence of the ED50 administration was the tumor regression in 2, 5, 2 and 3 animals, respectively, for treatment with quercetin, naringin, morin and acetoxy DMU (n=10). The effect of treatment with these compounds on cytokines mediators of the cachectic process (in liver and tumor tissue) was efficient in maintaining the TNF-? and IL-6 levels similar to those found in control rats (Control group). Tumor group presented high levels of these cytokines in both liver and tumor samples. The treatments also promoted a high potential anti-angiogenic, shown by the decrease in VEGF expression and MMP-2 activity of liver and tumor samples. The VEGF levels found in Tumor group (liver samples) were significantly higher than the Control group. Another effect of treatment with the compounds was a significant decrease in the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase expression (in liver and tumor tissue), which had been over-expressed in Tumor group. Analyses of testes and accessory reproductive organs weights (epididymis, seminal vesicle, coagulating gland and prostate) were made for animals treated with narigina and acetoxy DMU. The results indicated a significant reduction in Tumor group organs compared with the Control group. On the other hand, the naringin and acetoxi DMU therapeutic treatments of rats with tumor have been proven effective in protecting the morphology of these organs and inhibiting its reduction. According to the results, the best treatment was obtained with the acetoxy DMU. The results of this work confirm the effect of these flavonoids and acetoxi DMU on reducing the cachexia symptoms and tumor growth inhibition, contributing to a better understanding of the action of these compounds in vivo, both in healthy and in tumor organisms / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
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