Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inclination"" "subject:"lnclination""
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Entreprenörskapsstudenters val att inte starta eget företag efter avslutade studier : The choice of Entrepreneurship students not to establish a private enterprise after graduationLövgren, Kristin January 2008 (has links)
Problemdiskussion: Entreprenörskap slår kraftigt in i det svenska utbildningssystemet. Merparten av svenska universitet och högskolor har sedan flera år tillbaka både kurser och program inom inriktningen entreprenörskap. En rapport från Global Entrepreneurship Monitor visar att under 2005 var den entreprenöriella aktiviteten låg i Sverige. Däremot har det visat sig att ungas intresse för företagande har ökat under 2005. Denna ökning avser dock inte högutbildade studenter, däribland entreprenörskapsstudenter. En undersökning av högutbildade studenter visar att studenten efter avslutade studier helst vill ha en anställning framför företagandet. Problemformulering: Vilka är de bakomliggande faktorerna till att entreprenörskapsstudenter inte väljer att starta eget företag efter sin examen? Syfte: att analysera entreprenörskapsstudenters entreprenöriella benägenhet. Teori: Det finns olika förklaringar till varför vissa individer tenderar att bli entreprenörer. Däremot har ingen enhetlig entreprenörskapsprofil kunnat fastställas. Vad forskare är eniga om är att den entreprenöriella benägenheten påverkas av etnisk bakgrund, ålder, uppväxt/familjebakgrund, utbildning och erfarenhet samt riskbenägenhet vilket är uppsatsens teoretiska referensram. Metod: Datainsamlingsmetoden som använts är postenkäter via e-mail där två enkäter har skickats ut till studenter som studerat på Entreprenörskapsprogrammet på Södertörns högskola. Den första enkäten skickades ut till de 56 studenter som tillhör den första urvalsgruppen. Den andra enkäten skickades ut till de 16 respondenter som valts ut subjektivt från den första urvalsgruppen. Syftet med Enkät 1 var att få kvantitativ kunskap om respondenternas sysselsättning för att vidare kunna särskilja de med eget företag och de med anställning och på så vis genomföra Enkät 2. Enkät 2 genomfördes med syfte att erhålla kvalitativ data om variablerna som återfinns i den teoretiska referensramen: etnicitet, ålder, uppväxt och familjebakgrund, utbildning och erfarenhet samt riskbenägenhet. Resultat: Ett mönster kan urskiljas gällande den entreprenöriella benägenheten beroende på om respondenten har en anställning eller är egenföretagare. Den entreprenöriella benägenheten hos egenföretagarna är stor medan det varierar för de med anställning. Dessa kan delas upp i två olika grupper, där den ena gruppen och som i framtiden vill starta eget företag har högre entreprenöriell benägenhet än de som har en anställning och som inte vill starta eget företag. Slutsatser: Uppsatsen talar för att entreprenörskapsstudenter inte väljer att starta eget företag efter avslutade studier i den utsträckning som önskas på grund av viss avsaknad av den entreprenöriella benägenheten. Dock har det visat sig att endast vissa delar av teorin om entreprenöriell benägenhet är bakomliggande faktorer till varför entreprenörskapsstudenter inte väljer att starta eget företag efter avslutade studier. Det tyder på att de bakomliggande faktorerna till varför entreprenörskapsstudenter inte väljer att starta eget företag efter avslutade studier är åldern, utbildning och erfarenhet samt riskbenägenhet. Åldern, utbildning och erfarenhet samt riskbenägenhet är relaterade till varandra. Utbildningen är inte tillräcklig vilket förklarar varför entreprenörskapsstudenter vill få större erfarenhet innan företagsetablering vilket förklarar varför riskbenägenheten är liten. Detta kan även relateras till åldern där större erfarenhet ökar chanserna till företagsetablering vilket ökar riskbenägenheten. / Problem description: Entrepreneurship is an important factor in the Swedish education system. Most of the Swedish universities and other high school educations have, since a number of years, courses and programs within the area of entrepreneurship. A report from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor shows a low activity of entrepreneurship in Sweden during 2005. In spite of that, there is a study showing an increasing interest for free enterprising during 2005 among younger persons. However, this case is not referring to high educated students including Entrepreneurship students. A study of high educated students shows a preference for employment rather than free enterprising after graduation. Problem formulation: What are the underlying factors that makes the students of Entrepreneurship deicide not to start private enterprises after graduation? Purpose: To analyse the inclination of Entrepreneurship students to start free enterprises. Theory: There are different explanations to why certain individuals become entrepreneurs, but no general profile has yet been established. What Scientists do agree on is that the capability of entrepreneurship depends on: ethnical background, age, upbringing/family background, education, experiences and the tendency for risk taking, this is the theoretical reference for this report. Method: The collection of data has been performed through questionnaires sent by e-mail. Two types of questionnaires have been sent to previous students from the Entrepreneurship Program at Södertörns Högskola. Questionnarie number one was sent to 56 former students selected for the original group. The second questionnaire was sent to 16 of the respondents randomly selected from the first group. The purpose of questionnaire number one was to receive a quantitative knowledge about the professional occupation of the respondents, to be able to separate those running a company of their own from those employed. The result of the first questionnaire was the base of the second questionnaire. The purpose of questionnaire number two was to collect qualitative data about the variables in the theory references above: ethnical background, age, upbringing/family background, education, experiences and the tendency for risk taking. Result: There is a pattern showing the capability of entrepreneurship depending if the respondents are employed or running a company of their own. Those running a company are usually very competent in entrepreneurship while the compentence varies amongst those employed. These respondents can be devided into two groups where the group who wants to start a company in the future have a higher capability of entrepreneurship that those employed with no wish to start a company of their own. Conclusions: The conclusion of this report is that fewer of the Entrepreneurship students than expected choose to start a company of their own after graduation. The reason for this is lack of capability in entrepreneurship. The study shows that only some of the references of the theory about entrepreneur capability are the reason why students from entrepreneurship studies don’t start their own companies after graduation. The reasons why entrepreneurship students don’t choose to start their own businesses after graduation seems to be related to age, education, experience and tendencies of risk taking. All these criterias are related. The education is not relevant enough and that is an explanation why the entrepreneurship students wants to get more experience before they start a company and this is also an explanation why the tendency of risk taking is low. There is also a relation to age since a longer experience will increase the chance for a successful free enterprise and also increases the tendency to take risks.
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Study of The Effect of The Policy of Industry¡¦s Heading West to China on The Inclination to Retain for Oversea Dispatching Staff - - To Take C Company as An ExampleLin, Shih-wei 19 August 2007 (has links)
In terms of global TFT-LCD industry, the most important competitors for Taiwan TFT-LCD industry are Korean Samsung & LG Philips (LPL) at present. To compete with them, it becomes one of the important strategies to work with Mainland China as working partners. The development of ¡§strategy of heading west to China¡¨ becomes the most direct way to reduce cost & maintain business. When managers prudently evaluate industry¡¦s heading west to China, how to reduce the conflict faced by the enterprise & employees is becoming one of the important issues for experts & enterprises recently.
Referring to the interimportance & the interdependence of the criteria items that the experts selected in evaluation of the inclination to detain for oversea dispatching staff, AHP was applied to compare the interimportance of the clusters, and then ANP was applied to compare the interdependence of the clusters, and the expert questionnaires were collected. The interimportance of the questionnaires was calculated through AHP, and the interdependence was calculated through ANP in order to construct the weighting system of the inclination to detain for oversea dispatching staff, as the reference to the policy of oversea dispatch for the subject company. It can increase the scientific factors for human decisions.
Data of C Company was analyzed through ANP & the findings were as follows.
1. The weight of all the criteria items for the effect of the policy of heading west to China on the inclination to detain for oversea dispatching staff.
Criteria Item Weight
Individual Factor Working Pressure 9.54% 59.82%
Career Development 28.13%
Individual Inclination 22.15%
Organizational Factor Leadership 12.27% 40.18%
Dispatch System 10.73%
Supporting System 13.36%
Organizational Culture 3.81%
Total 100.00%
2. The Company should put primary stress on employees¡¦ career development.
3. In terms of increase in individual inclination, it becomes the primary consideration for supporting the policy of oversea dispatch that the company assists the employee family.
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Hur retusch påverkar skönhetsannonsers attraktion : En studie om målgruppens åsikter och köplust / The effect of retouch on beauty advertising effectiveness : A study of the target group's opinions and desire to buyMatsson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Tidigare studier som gjorts inom området visade att kvinnor anser att kvinnors skönhet inte är värderad enligt rimliga normer i vårt samhälle. Hård retuschering motarbetas på många håll, bland annat genom att organisationer som ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) och politiska partier som Liberaldemokraterna i Storbritannien arbetar för att missledande retuschering ska försvinna. En studie har visat att det, för att öka annonsers attraktionskraft, är viktigt att den ökade skönheten hos en modell är relevant för produktens användningsområde, då betraktaren anstränger sig intellektuellt vid betraktandet av bilden. Det finns dock inga tidigare studier som bevisar om en retuscherad modell faktiskt ökar målgruppens köplust av skönhetsprodukter vid rådande samhällsattityder och skönhetsideal. Två enkätundersökningar gjordes därför med sammanlagt 1480 deltagare. Produkten i studien var en fiktiv hudkräm. Genom att i den ena undersökningen låta betraktaren möta modellbilden i en situation som efterliknade verkligheten, på så sätt att de inte fick veta om den var retuscherad, kunde studien svara på om retuschering ökade köplusten. Bilder med bortretuscherade skönhetsfläckar och utväxt prefererades. Att retuschera bort flyghår ökade inte köplusten. I den andra jämförande undersökningen kunde betraktaren jämföra den retuscherade med den oretuscherade modellbilden. Resultaten visade att skönhetsfläckar och flyghår tillåts och prefereras borttagna, men inte utväxt. I intervjuer med fem kvinnor hördes målgruppens attityder om vad som ansågs var tillåtet att retuschera. Svaren tydde på att en relevant och försiktig retuschering prefererades. Att lämna några födelsemärken ökade trovärdigheten. / This study aims to answer whether retouching of models in beauty ads increases the desire to buy in the target group and the attitudes held about what is allowed to retouch. Two surveys with 1,408 participants was made. In one the participant was shown a beauty ad in a situation imitating the reality where the participant did not know if the picture was retouched. The study showed that the participant preferred that the model's beauty spots and outgrowth were removed. To remove stray hair did not increase the desire to buy. A second study in which participants could compare the retouched picture to the unretouched showed that blemishes and stray hair was preferred and allowed to be removed. Removing outgrowth did not increase the desire to buy the skin cream. Interviews with five women revealed that a prudent and relevant retouching, such as removing blemishes, but to leave some birthmarks, increased the reliability in the ad.
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Manufacturing of Gradient Mechanical Properties Materials Using Hot Extrusion ProcessesHuang, Tze-hui 02 September 2011 (has links)
This study focused on analysis and experiment of hot extrusion of aluminum and magnesium alloys, an extrusion die with an inclination angle leads to non- uniform velocity distribution at the cross-section of the die, and results in different strain and strain rate distributions. This kind of design can make the grain size at the material surface smaller and get a material with larger surface hardness. This study aims to conduct hot extrusion with different die inclination angles, and obtain a material with gradient micro-structures. At first, die with different inclination angles are designed, and the temperature at the die exit and effective strain, effective strain rate distributions are discussed using the finite element analysis. At last, aluminum and magnesium extrusion experiments are conducted and the micro-structures of the materials are observed to understand the effects of the die inclination angles at 15 degrees on the grain size distribution and hardness test at the cross-section of the material. The grain size is about 17.2£gm at around center of the cross-section and hardness is about 68.2HV. The smallest grain size is 4.1£gm at the edge of the cross-section and the highest hardness is 83.8HV.
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Numerical And Experimental Investigation Of Forced Filmwise Condensation Over Bundle Of Tubes In The Presence Of Noncondensable GasesRamadan, Abdulghani 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The problem of the forced film condensation heat transfer of pure steam and steam-air mixture flowing downward a tier of horizontal cylinders is investigated numerically and experimentally. Liquid and vapor-air mixture boundary layers were solved by an implicit finite difference scheme. The effects of the free stream non-condensable gas (air) concentration, free stream velocity (Reynolds number), cylinder diameter, temperature difference and angle of inclination on the condensation heat transfer are analyzed. Inline and staggered tubes arrangements are considered. The mathematical model takes into account the effect of staggering of the cylinders and how condensation is affected at the lower cylinders when condensate does not fall on to the center line of the cylinders. An experimental setup was also manufactured and mounted at METU workshop. A set of experiments were conducted to observe the condensation heat transfer phenomenon and to verify the theoretical results.
Condensation heat transfer results are available in ranges from (U& / #61605 / = 1 - 30 m/s) for free stream velocity, (m1,& / #61605 / = 0.01 -0.8) for free stream air mass fraction, (d = 12.7 -50.8 mm) for cylinder diameter and (T& / #61605 / -Tw =10-40 K) for temperature difference. Results show that / a remarked reduction in the vapor side heat transfer coefficient is noticed when very small amounts of air mass fractions present in the vapor. In addition, it decreases by increasing in the cylinder diameter and the temperature difference. On the other hand, it increases by increasing the free stream velocity (Reynolds number). Average heat transfer coefficient at the middle and the bottom cylinders increases by increasing the angle of inclination, whereas, no significant change is observed for that of the upper cylinder. Although some discrepancies are noticed, the present study results are inline and in a reasonable agreement with the theory and experiment in the literature.
Down the bank, a rapid decrease in the vapor side heat transfer coefficient is noticed. It may be resulted from the combined effects of inundation, decrease in the vapor velocity and increase in the non-condensable gas (air) at the bottom cylinders in the bank.
Differences between the present study results and the theoretical and the experimental data may be resulted from the errors in the numerical schemes used. These errors include truncation and round off errors, approximations in the numerical differentiation for interfacial fluxes at the vapor-liquid interface, constant properties assumption and approximations in the initial profiles. Mixing and re-circulation in the steam-air mixture at the lower tubes may be the other reasons for these deviations.
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Filmwise Condensation Over A Tier Of SphereCobanoglu, Tamer 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to determine the mean heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate and to analyse the effect of inclination angles,the effect of subcooling temperatures and the effect of vapour velocity for laminar
filmwise condensation of water vapour on a vertical tier of spheres experimentaly and analyticaly. For this purpose, the experimental aparatus were designed and manufactured. In the free condensation experimental study Ø / 50mm and Ø / 60 mm O.D. spheres were used to analyse the diameter effect . In the experimental studies of free and forced condensation
Ø / 60mm O.D. spheres on which vapour flows at 2,75 bars were used to analyse the effect of vapour velocity. For the experimental study of the annular condensation in the
concentric spheres the effect of vapour velocity was studied by forcing the vapour to flow in the area between two concentric spheres.
In the free condensation experiments it is observed that at smaller diameters the heat flux and mean heat transfer coefficients for sphere is higher. In the free and forced condensation experiments increasing the velocity of vapour
increases the mean heat transfer coefficient. At the experiments with annular condensation between the concentric spheres high mean heat transfer coefficient values have been obtained compared to the free and forced condansation over the surface of spheres experimental studies.
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The Study on the employees¡¦ upward political behaviors have significantly influences on work satisfaction and leave inclination.- ¥H¤¤¿³«O¥þªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q¬°¨ÒLan, Yi-Lin 09 August 2002 (has links)
The integration and coordination process across organizational functional levels are crucial for firms to formulate their corporate and functional strategies.
However, most related studies have been focusing on a rational and analytical process, which is the reaction of the ¡©economic rationality¡ªof managers and organizations. What have been always neglected by researchers were the upward political process of the organization, the exercises of power, conflicts, and the communication process involved.
This study has attempted to investigate the upward political behaviors, to understand their influences on organization¡¦s subordinates. We adopt both experimental design and questionnaire survey to achieve higher credibility and validity.
The results of our experimental design showed that upward political behaviors have significantly influences on work satisfaction and leave inclination.
Key Words¡GMicro-Political Behavior¡BPower¡BStaff Satisfaction¡BLeave Inclination¡BJob Satisfaction¡BUpward Political Behavior
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Studies on the Election Factors of the Voters Comparison between Kaohsiung Mayor Elections in 2002 and 2006Yu, Shu-Chen 25 August 2008 (has links)
Election is the fundamental system to maintain one¡¦s political leadership a democratic country.Election will decide the development of political system and fulfill the spirit of democracy.This is a study about Kaohsiung City mayor voter votes factor of the choice in the 2002 and 2006 Election.
The results of the research are as follows:--
1. In 2002, there are three causes that make a voter to change his decision in choosing a candidate. They are the age of a voter, the education level of the voter, and his personal racial group in the society. These three causes influence a voter¡¦s recognition of another racial group in the society, his stand on the problem of Taiwan being united or divided from one China, his point of view on how much support a candidate will get from his party and other parties, a voter¡¦s evaluation of a candidate¡¦s behavior and conduct. We found that the difference between a voter and another voter shows very distinct or extremely distinct in making a decision.In 2006, there are two causes that make a voter to change his mind in choosing a candidate. They are the education level of the voter, and his personal racial group in the society. These two causes influence a voter¡¦s recognition of another racial group, his stand on the problem of Taiwan being united or divided from China, his point of view on how much support a candidate will get from his party and other parties, a voter¡¦s evaluation of a candidate¡¦s behavior and conduct. We found that the difference between voters and voters showed very distinct different or extremely distinct different in making a decision.Briefly speaking, a voter¡¦s individual personality and his living social background, are the reasons that really related to his stand on the problem of Taiwan being separated from China or not. And we found that a voter¡¦s personality related to his stand point on the problem of Taiwan being separated or not from one China, apparently influence a voter¡¦s decision more in the election of 2002 than in that of 2006.
2. Both in the study of the election in 2002 and 2006, we found it made no difference in making a choice of a candidate if the voter is female or male. The result does not achieve the standard of difference level(P¡Ö00.5). .
Besides the voters¡¦ age related to the choice of a candidate appeared ¡§rather difference¡¨, the voters¡¦ personal education level, their racial group, and their income, with their individual social background were the reasons that influenced a voter¡¦s decision when making a choice of a candidate.
These reasons related to a voter¡¦s decision ¡§appear apparently different and extremely different.¡¨
3. In the research of both the election in 2002 and in 2006, except that people¡¦s evaluation of Huang Tian-Shang related to the voters¡¦ decision of making a choice, did not apparently achieve the standard of difference level (P¡Ö00.5), that is, except that the variety factors related to the voters¡¦ decision , did not appear apparently difference level , other variety factors related to the voters¡¦ decision in making a choice, ¡§apparently appeared difference level .¡¨
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Inclination to Join Farming among College Students in Southern TaiwanChen, Wei-Fu 11 February 2009 (has links)
Since recent years, while issues of environmental protection and green industries have been discussed globally, Taiwan¡¦s agricultural industry has attracted much attention. The local and central governments alike began to promote many agri-facilitating strategies and measures, such as agri-tourism, green technology, and renovation of rural villages. However, on the other hand, the farming population keep on declining through the years, as percentage which youngsters choose farming as an occupation remain significantly low. The current research explored the contemporary Taiwanese college student¡¦s perception of farm living, cognition of agricultural industries, their intentions to choose farming career in various situations, and factors influencing their occupation decisions. The theoretic constructs involved in the present study included: perception of rural living, attitude toward agriculture, knowledge of agricultural industries, values of occupation and intention to join farming. In addition, family supports and understanding of government¡¦s promotion for farming were included also as two practical considerations. The valid empirical sample of the study are 543 college students randomly collected from five public or private universities in southern Taiwan. Data analysis revealed that the reliability and validity of the measuring scales all reached adequate standards, showing good quality of the data. In the research results, regarding the interactive relationship among the main variables, most of the hypothesis obtained supports from the data with statistically significance. Yet, only a few clues could be seen vis-à-vis the higher level of variable relationships, due to the limitation of the applied analysis tool of regression.
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Analysis of Billet Surface-Permeation and Extrusion Die Shape Design During Rod Extrusion ProcessesChen, Jian-Ming 01 September 2009 (has links)
During a rod extrusion process, the oxidation layer and the segregation layer at the billet surface are possibly drawn inside the billet and become one part of the product, which portion with surface-permeation has to be cut off and results in a low productivity of the extrusion process. In this paper, the mechanism of permeation of the oxidation and segregation layers at the billet surface is explored using a finite element analysis. The effects of various extrusion conditions, such as extrusion ratio, inclination angle, billet length, the thickness of oxidation layer, etc., on the length of the portion with surface permeation are discussed systematically. Optimal inclination angles for a free surface-permeation product under different extrusion ratios are found out. An empirical equation for the optimal inclination angles is also proposed. Finally, experiments of extrusion of aluminum rods are conducted to validate the analytical model proposed.
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