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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktory přispívající k fungování sociální inkluze na školách / Factors contributing to Social Inclusion Education at Schools

Jandová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
ANOTATION This work deals with factors which contribute to social inclusion in education. Research is aimed at one of the basic schools, which has been selected according to the previously set criteria. In the theoretical part the most important concepts linked to social education have been discussed with respect to research question. The vital factors I focus on are school culture, which may consists of the right environment, norms and values or forms of communication and cooperation with the partners of the school, who I consider to be mainly the parents. Further on, I focus on the practices which the school sets to establish relations with the NGOs which provide assistance in order to support social inclusion at schools. With respect to the objectives of this thesis qualitative strategy has been selected. The research pattern was formed from three types of actors who have been somehow connected to school. The data collection was carried out via in-depth interviews with the actors chosen based on the snowball method. Each group has been then analysed separately with the aim to create the most important categories. In the final part the most vital discoveries from analysis are compared in order to draw inferences with connection to the research questions. Key words: social inclusion in education,...

Role vzdělávacího procesu v integraci osob s mentálním postižením / Role of educational system in integration of people with mental retardation

Calábková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analysis of educational system during the process of integration of mental disabled pupils - especialy during basic education at primary schools in mainstreaming. Characteristics of the educational system and its opportunities, considering the specification of mental disability, is the main intention of this dissertation. Another accents are put on main problems in educational system for mentaly disabled people as well as designing the ways that lead to improvement of attainment of pupils with special needs.There are used methods of expert investigation - especially of interviews with principal actors and question-forms. Basis for this are: rights of everyone to recieve education, premise that everyone is educatable and theory of streel level-byrocracy. Detailed look is focused on terms 'integration' and 'inclusion' plus its explanation in terms of matters that is related to education of mental disabled pupils. Issue is incorporated to the wider international and juridical connection. Considering Czech Republic I joined a special characteristic of general problems in the field of professional preparation, financing and attitude. I have mentioned how good examples in foreign countries could be the true kind of inspiration that leads to improvement of actual educational statement for...

Mainstream teachers' perceptions toward inclusion of learners with special needs in Kgakotlou Circuit in Limpopo Province

Raphadu, Matome Johannah January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The purpose of this study was to identify teachers’ perceptions towards learners with special needs, using rural schools, Kgakotlou Circuit in Limpopo Province. The study made use of the qualitative research approach where a case study design was adopted. The population of the study was formed by teachers from five rural schools in Kgakotlou Circuit. For instance: All five schools, sampled through purposive sampling technique, participated in semi-structured and two schools participated in focus-group interview. All nine teachers were able to participate in semi-structured interview whereas only four teachers took part in the focus-group interview. From the in-depth interview a lot of information regarding areas that seem to influence teachers’ perceptions was gathered. The data provided insights to the way teachers understand inclusion, and the supports that they require in practice and how they meet classroom challenges in practice. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study revealed that teachers’ negative and positive perceptions on inclusion of learners with special needs have a significant effect on their education. The results also showed that negative perceptions influence learners’ academic performance. The study recommends that the department of education should organise an in-service training for teachers on inclusion. Keywords: inclusion in education, teachers’ perceptions, learners with special needs

Могућности и ограничења инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у редовне основне школе / Mogućnosti i ograničenja inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u redovne osnovne škole / The possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary schools

Vujačić Milja 01 February 2010 (has links)
<p>У раду се разматра проблем инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у<br />редовне основне школе, кроз сагледавање основних могућности и ограничења за<br />овај процес у нашим основним школама. У теоријском делу рада бавили смо се<br />теоријским полазиштима истраживања, појмовним одређењима, терминологијом и<br />класификацијом деце са тешкоћама у развоју и њиховим положајем у друштву. Дат<br />је приказ различитих модела образовања ове деце и правних докумената који<br />подржавају инклузију. Посебно је размотрен проблем инклузивног образовања и<br />приказано је стање у нашој земљи у погледу образовања ове деце. Анализирани су<br />основни аспекти инклузивног образовања: ставовско-вредносне орјентације према<br />овој деци, улоге наставника и специфичности наставе, интеракције деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју и вршњака и партнерство школе и родитеља деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју. Дат је приказ сродних истраживања обављених у нашој<br />земљи и окружењу. У другом делу рада приказано је истраживања које је за циљ<br />имало утвђивање могућности и ограничења укључивања деце са тешкоћама у<br />развоју у редовне основне школе на основу испитивања ставова, искустава и<br />мишљења учитеља, наставника, директора, стручних сарадника и родитеља остале<br />деце о овом процесу, имплицитних педагогија наставника и процена фактора који<br />могу да олакшају или отежају овај процес. Зависне варијабле истраживања су<br />доведене у везу са реализацијом пилот-пројекта инклузивног образовања,<br />образовним профилом, дужином радног стажа и образовним нивоом родитеља.<br />Указано је на кључне могућности и ограничења за укључивање деце са тешкоћама<br />у развоју у нашим школама. Резултати указују на то да је пилот-пројекат<br />инклузивног образовања имао позитиван утицај на ставове наставника и родитеља<br />према овом процесу. Дате су препоруке за припрему школа и наставника као и<br />смернице за даља истраживања у овој области. Главне практичне импликације<br />истраживања односе се на иницијално образовање наставника и њихово даље<br />стручно усавршавање у овој области.</p> / <p>U radu se razmatra problem inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u<br />redovne osnovne škole, kroz sagledavanje osnovnih mogućnosti i ograničenja za<br />ovaj proces u našim osnovnim školama. U teorijskom delu rada bavili smo se<br />teorijskim polazištima istraživanja, pojmovnim određenjima, terminologijom i<br />klasifikacijom dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i njihovim položajem u društvu. Dat<br />je prikaz različitih modela obrazovanja ove dece i pravnih dokumenata koji<br />podržavaju inkluziju. Posebno je razmotren problem inkluzivnog obrazovanja i<br />prikazano je stanje u našoj zemlji u pogledu obrazovanja ove dece. Analizirani su<br />osnovni aspekti inkluzivnog obrazovanja: stavovsko-vrednosne orjentacije prema<br />ovoj deci, uloge nastavnika i specifičnosti nastave, interakcije dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju i vršnjaka i partnerstvo škole i roditelja dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju. Dat je prikaz srodnih istraživanja obavljenih u našoj<br />zemlji i okruženju. U drugom delu rada prikazano je istraživanja koje je za cilj<br />imalo utvđivanje mogućnosti i ograničenja uključivanja dece sa teškoćama u<br />razvoju u redovne osnovne škole na osnovu ispitivanja stavova, iskustava i<br />mišljenja učitelja, nastavnika, direktora, stručnih saradnika i roditelja ostale<br />dece o ovom procesu, implicitnih pedagogija nastavnika i procena faktora koji<br />mogu da olakšaju ili otežaju ovaj proces. Zavisne varijable istraživanja su<br />dovedene u vezu sa realizacijom pilot-projekta inkluzivnog obrazovanja,<br />obrazovnim profilom, dužinom radnog staža i obrazovnim nivoom roditelja.<br />Ukazano je na ključne mogućnosti i ograničenja za uključivanje dece sa teškoćama<br />u razvoju u našim školama. Rezultati ukazuju na to da je pilot-projekat<br />inkluzivnog obrazovanja imao pozitivan uticaj na stavove nastavnika i roditelja<br />prema ovom procesu. Date su preporuke za pripremu škola i nastavnika kao i<br />smernice za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Glavne praktične implikacije<br />istraživanja odnose se na inicijalno obrazovanje nastavnika i njihovo dalje<br />stručno usavršavanje u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the problem of inclusion of children with developmental<br />difficulties in regular primary schools through obtaining an insight into basic possibilities<br />and limitations of this process in our primary schools. In theoretical part of the paper, we<br />dealt with theoretical starting points for the research, definition of concepts, terminology<br />and classification of children with developmental difficulties and their position in the<br />society. We provided an overview of different models of education for these children and<br />legal documents supporting the inclusion. The problem of inclusive education was given<br />special consideration and the situation in our country regarding the education of these<br />children was presented. The basic aspects of inclusive education were analysed:<br />attitudinal-value orientations towards these children, roles of teachers and peculiarities of<br />instruction, interactions of children with developmental difficulties with their peers, and<br />partnership between school and parents of these children. We provided an overview of<br />similar research studies published in our country and the surroundings. In the second part<br />of the paper, we presented the research whose goal was to establish the possibilities and<br />limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary<br />schools based on studying the attitudes, experiences and opinions of teachers, principals,<br />expert associates and parents of other children about this process, the implicit pedagogies<br />of teachers and assessment of factors that can facilitate or aggravate this process.<br />Dependent variables in the research are linked with the implementation of the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education, educational profile, years of service, and educational level<br />of parents. It is pointed out to the key possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of<br />children with developmental difficulties in our schools. The results indicate that the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education had a positive influence on attitudes of teachers and parents<br />towards this process. Recommendations for preparation of schools and teachers are<br />provided, as well as the guidelines for further research in this area. The main practical<br />implications of the research refer to the initial education of teachers and their further<br />professional improvement in this field.</p>

?Pol?tica Institucional de Inclus?o de estudantes com necessidades espec?ficas do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Par? ? Campus Tucuru?? / "Institutional Policy of Inclusion of students with specific needs of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Par? - Campus Tucuru?"

Branch, Elizabeth Cristina nascimento 22 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-03T12:53:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Elizabeth Cristina Nascimento Branch.pdf: 2601975 bytes, checksum: 14b0f9db97013cecabeac9f85d0d8423 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T12:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Elizabeth Cristina Nascimento Branch.pdf: 2601975 bytes, checksum: 14b0f9db97013cecabeac9f85d0d8423 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-22 / In the search for knowledge and understanding of the inclusive movement, we investigate how the movement of inclusion in education by a Campus of a Federal Institute, located in the State of Par?, in the city of Tucuru?, is investigated as being assimilated and incorporated in the documents, as well as in the conceptions and practices . The Index for Inclusion (BOOTH & AINSCOW, 2011) was used as a reference for the explanation of the exclusions and their relation with inclusion, which includes the inclusion in its three dimensions: the construction of cultures, the development of policies and the orchestration of practices (Santos & Oliveira, 1999), Santos & Paulino (2008), Santos, Melo & Fonseca (2009) and Santos, Silva & Fonseca (2009). 2010), since they are the authors who have been broadening the discussions about inclusion as a universal right to education. The Content Analysis technique (BARDIN, 2010) was used to read Declarations that deal with inclusion, such as the Jomtien World Conference on Education for All (1990); the World Conference on Specific Educational Needs of Salamanca (1994); the national and local legislations that underpin Inclusive Education within IFPA, the Tec Nep Program and the Institutional Development Plan (IDP). The results showed that some of the institution's servants, despite manifesting inclusive ideals, recognize practices that are exclusive to their institutional work. They also revealed that the institution in its practice does not perceive the inclusive process as a space for legitimate participation, with respect to equal opportunities and respect for human diversity, showing that much needs to be changed, especially the institutional culture of isolation and non-participation among the institution's employees, even though in their official documents they presented inclusive actions and planning. / Na busca pelo conhecimento e compreens?o do movimento inclusivo, investigamos como s?o assimilados e incorporados nos documentos, assim como, nas concep??es e pr?ticas o movimento de inclus?o em educa??o por um Campus de um Instituto Federal, localizado no Estado do Par?, na cidade de Tucuru?. Como referencial para a explica??o das exclus?es e suas rela??es com a inclus?o foi utilizado o Index para a Inclus?o (BOOTH & AINSCOW, 2011) que compreende a inclus?o em suas tr?s dimens?es: a constru??o de culturas, o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas e a orquestra??o de pr?ticas inclusivas e os estudos em di?logo com as reflex?es de Santos (2000, 2001, 2003, 2010), Santos & Oliveira (1999), Santos & Paulino (2008), Santos, Melo & Fonseca (2009) e Santos, Silva & Fonseca (2010), por serem os autores que v?m ampliando as discuss?es acerca da inclus?o como direito universal ? educa??o. Foi utilizada a t?cnica de An?lise de Conte?do (BARDIN, 2010) para leitura das Declara??es que versam acerca da inclus?o, tais como: a Confer?ncia Mundial de Educa??o para Todos de Jomtien (1990); a Confer?ncia Mundial sobre Necessidades Educativas Espec?ficas de Salamanca (1994); as legisla??es nacionais e locais que fundamentam a Educa??o Inclusiva no ?mbito do IFPA, o Programa Tec Nep e o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI). Os resultados, evidenciaram que alguns servidores da institui??o, apesar de manifestarem ideais inclusivos, reconhecem praticas excludentes em seu fazer institucional. Revelaram tamb?m que a institui??o, em sua pr?tica, n?o percebe o processo inclusivo como espa?o de participa??o leg?tima, com respeito ? igualdade de oportunidades e respeito ? diversidade humana evidenciando que muito precisa ser mudado, em especial, a cultura institucional de isolamento e n?o participa??o entre os servidores da institui??o, apesar de, em seus documentos oficiais apresentarem a??es e planejamento inclusivos

No Olimpo da inclusão: a importância da afetividade para a educação de pessoas com deficiência visual

Barbosa, Irenilson de Jesus 02 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irenilson Barbosa (irenilsonjb@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-13T20:00:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado- Irenilson Barbosa.pdf: 2235899 bytes, checksum: 13cb0e5e1d592c8321f5ae24382fe54b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-09-19T15:11:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado- Irenilson Barbosa.pdf: 2235899 bytes, checksum: 13cb0e5e1d592c8321f5ae24382fe54b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-19T15:11:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado- Irenilson Barbosa.pdf: 2235899 bytes, checksum: 13cb0e5e1d592c8321f5ae24382fe54b (MD5) / Esta pesquisa qualitativa em perspectiva multirreferencial aborda a importância da afetividade na educação de pessoas com deficiência visual em Salvador. O estudo se insere na discussão sobre o paradigma socioeducacional inclusivo que, já há alguns anos, vem se instalando na realidade educacional brasileira, assim como no contexto internacional. Trata-se de uma abordagem com referencial teórico nos estudos de Henri Wallon sobre a psicogênese da pessoa completa, especialmente no que se refere à dimensão afetiva e suas repercussões no processo ensino-aprendizagem, com base no materialismo histórico dialético. Utiliza como objeto de estudo os depoimentos de pessoas com deficiência visual coletados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em áudio, transcritas e submetidas ao método de Análise de Conteúdo proposto por Laurence Bardin. A pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender o modo como os sujeitos com deficiência visual refletem sobre a importância da afetividade para a sua inclusão na escola e na sociedade. Os sujeitos contribuíram com depoimentos que retratam suas historias de vida escolar e em sociedade, experiências e perspectivas sobre temas como afetividade, inclusão, ensino-aprendizagem, formação de professores. Visando tornar a discussão mais lúdica e atrativa aos leitores comuns, utiliza figuras da mitologia grega relacionadas à Hefesto – a divindade do Olimpo que possuía uma deficiência física, de lá foi expulsa e posteriormente retomou seu lugar, graças às suas habilidades com a metalurgia. Os sujeitos são nomeados como personagens da mitologia e o texto cita episódios de histórias míticas nas epígrafes e transições dos capítulos. Além de arejar a abordagem acadêmica, reduzindo o lado hermético que caracteriza este tipo de texto, essa medida visa provocar reflexões relacionadas ao universo simbólico e às percepções subjetivas que circundam o tema em estudo. O trabalho apresenta breve histórico de estudos sobre o tema da afetividade, o estado da arte das pesquisas sobre educação especial e inclusão no Brasil e no contexto baiano e descreve os procedimentos da análise do conteúdo, apresentando as categorias emergentes das falas dos sujeitos em seus depoimentos. O estudo revela que os sujeitos da pesquisa refletem sobre a afetividade atribuindo-lhe sentidos relacionados às atitudes dos atores educacionais, ao cuidado, ao acolhimento, visando mudanças atitudinais que favoreçam o processo ensino-aprendizagem e a inclusão escolar e social da pessoa com deficiência. O trabalho culmina com a tese de que a afetividade é vista pelos sujeitos como um conjunto de atitudes relacionadas ao processo de aproximação, cuidado e acolhimento dos educandos para seu desenvolvimento, humanização e inclusão educacional, atribuindo papel preponderante aos professores e a princípios de convivência com a diversidade e a diferença na escola e na sociedade. Palavras-chave: 1. Inclusão em educação. 2. Afetividade. 3. Educação Especial. 4. Pessoa com deficiência. 5. Educação Inclusiva. / RESUMEN Esta investigación cualitativa en perspectiva multi-referencial aborda la importancia de la afectividad en la educación de las personas con discapacidad visual en Salvador. El estudio se incluye en la discusión del paradigma social y educativo inclusivo que, desde hace algunos años, ha sido la instalación en la realidad educativa de Brasil, así como en el contexto internacional. Es una aproximación a los estudios teóricos de Henri Wallon en la psicogénesis de toda la persona, especialmente con respecto a la dimensión afectiva y su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, basado en el materialismo histórico dialéctico. Se utiliza como un objeto de estudio de los testimonios de las personas con discapacidad visual recogidos en las entrevistas semiestructuradas, grabadas en audio, transcritas y sometidas al método de análisis de contenido propuesto por Laurence Bardin. La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo los sujetos con discapacidad visual reflexionar sobre la importancia del afecto para su inclusión en la escuela y en la sociedad. Los sujetos aportaron testimonios retratan sus historias de vida de la escuela y la sociedad, experiencias y puntos de vista sobre temas como el afecto, la inclusión, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, la formación del profesorado. Con el objetivo de hacer que la discusión más lúdica y atractiva para los lectores comunes, uso de figuras de la mitología griega relacionados con Hefesto - el dios del Olimpo que tenía una discapacidad física, no fue expulsado y luego volvió a su sitio gracias a sus habilidades con la metalurgia. Los sujetos son nombrados como personajes de la mitología y el texto cita episodios de historias míticas en epígrafes y las transiciones de los capítulos. Además de airear el enfoque académico, lo que reduce el lado hermético que caracteriza a este tipo de texto, esta medida tiene como objetivo provocar reflexiones relacionadas con el universo simbólico y las percepciones subjetivas que rodean el tema objeto de estudio. El trabajo presenta una breve historia de los estudios sobre el tema de la afectividad, el estado actual de la investigación sobre la educación especial y la inclusión en el contexto de Brasil y de Bahía y describe los procedimientos de análisis de contenido, con las categorías emergentes de discurso de los participantes en sus testimonios . El estudio revela que los sujetos de la investigación reflejan en la afectividad atribuir significados relacionados con las actitudes de los actores educativos, la atención, la recepción, con el objetivo cambios de actitud que favorecen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la inclusión educativa y social de las personas con discapacidad. El trabajo culmina con la tesis de que la afectividad es visto por los sujetos como un conjunto de actitudes relacionadas con el proceso de aproximación, el cuidado y la recepción de los estudiantes para su desarrollo, humanización y la inclusión educativa, dando protagonismo a los maestros y los principios de convivencia con la diversidad y la diferencia en la escuela y en la sociedad. / ABSTRACT This qualitative research in multi-referential perspective addresses the importance of affectivity in the education of visually impaired people in Salvador. The study is included in the discussion of inclusive social and educational paradigm that, for some years now, has been installing in the Brazilian educational reality, as well as in the international context. It is an approach to theoretical studies of Henri Wallon on the psychogenesis of the whole person, especially with regard to the affective dimension and its impact on the teaching-learning process, based on historical dialectic materialism. Used as an object of study the testimonials of people with visual impairment collected in semi-structured interviews, audio-recorded, transcribed and subjected to content analysis method proposed by Laurence Bardin. The research aimed to understand how the visually impaired subjects reflect on the importance of affection for their inclusion in school and in society. The subjects contributed testimonials portray their stories of school life and society, experiences and perspectives on topics such as affection, inclusion, teaching and learning, teacher training. Aiming to make the most playful and attractive discussion to common readers, use of Greek mythology figures related to Hephaestus - the god of Olympus who had a physical disability, there was expelled and later resumed his place thanks to his skills with metallurgy. The subjects are named as characters from mythology and the text cites episodes of mythical stories in epigraphs and transitions of the chapters. In addition to aerate the academic approach, reducing the Hermetic side that characterizes this type of text, this measure aims to provoke reflections related to the symbolic universe and the subjective perceptions that surround the topic under study. The work presents a brief history of studies on the subject of affectivity, the state of the art research on special education and inclusion in Brazil and Bahia context and describes the content analysis procedures, with the emerging categories of participants' speech in their testimonies . The study reveals that the research subjects reflect on the affectivity attributing meanings related to the attitudes of educational actors, care, reception, aiming attitudinal changes that favor the teaching-learning process and the educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities. The work culminates with the thesis that affectivity is seen by the subjects as a set of attitudes related to the approximation process, care and reception of students for their development, humanization and educational inclusion, giving leading role to teachers and coexistence principles with diversity and difference in school and in society.

Integrace žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem do české základní školy / Integration of students with a different mother tongue into a Czech elementary school

Procházková, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the integration of pupils with another mother tongue into the Czech elementary school. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part is based on professional literature and provides basic information on the number of foreigners in the Czech Republic, migration, categories of foreigners and legislation related to the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic. It also deals with the term of a pupil with another mother tongue, as well as the legislation related to the education of these pupils in the Czech Republic. It describes in detail how to integrate a pupil with another mother tongue into school. At the end of the theoretical part of the thesis are described barriers that prevent inclusion of pupils and activities that would facilitate integration. The aim of the empirical part of the thesis is to find out how the integration of pupils with a different mother tongue into the Czech elementary school from the point of view of pedagogues and teachers assistants is taking place. The research survey is of good quality. Data are obtained through semi-structured interviews with 4 teachers and 4 teacher assistants. Among the main findings of the research is that a key factor in integrating the pupil is his family, which can help with inclusion and...

Avaliação funcional de interações sociais favoráveis e desfavoráveis à inclusão de crianças em escola regular

Junqueira, Priscila Haanwinckel 27 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:46:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5279.pdf: 943153 bytes, checksum: c93bebc87973507d387f3b809ef7e18d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-27 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Research shows that children with visual handicap may develop isolation and other difficulties in social interactions, which may disrupt the process of inclusion in school. The theoretical and practical field of social skills shows that such interactions can be classified as pro- and noninclusive behaviors. Also, the frequency of such behaviors depend on the interactions (or lack thereof) between teacher and student, which are usually established by the teacher. There is currently a lack of observational studies in social skills and social competence. Thus, it is important to examine the social interaction of blind children in the school environment -- in particular using direct observation, since this method provides important data to perform a functional evaluation of pro- and noninclusive behaviors that will identify conditions that are both favorable and unfavorable to the process of inclusion. Direct observation was complemented by reports from parents and teachers, as well as self-reports and sociometric evaluations. This study aimed to: (1) Functionally describe the pro- and noninclusive social performances of two blind children in interaction with their peers and teachers in terms of antecedents and consequences; (2) Define, through measuring scales: the social skills repertoire, behavior problems, academic competence, and the sociometric status of included children; (3) Link pro- and noninclusive behaviors to social skills indicators, behavior problems, and sociometric status of children. The study participants were two children, a boy and a girl, both nine years old and diagnosed with congenital blindness. Participants were enrolled in public, regular education schools, and were filmed in the classroom environment during Portuguese classes and free activities suggested by the researcher. The observed performances were described in terms of antecedents, responses and consequences, and the percentage of correlation between the responses and events was identified. The Social Skills Evaluation System (SSRS-BR) was used with parents and teachers, as well as with the children, to obtain information on the children's behaviors. Furthermore, the children's classmates underwent a sociometric evaluation. The analysis of data collected through direct observation of behavior indicates that around 70% of performances emitted in classroom interactions were classified as proinclusive. This information is contradictory when compared to data from SSRS-BR and from sociometric evaluation. In general, the observed children were socially competent in their social interactions at school, which does not guarantee their full inclusion in this environment. / Pesquisas apontam que crianças com deficiência visual podem apresentar isolamento e outras dificuldades de interação social que comprometem o processo de inclusão escolar. O campo teórico-prático das habilidades sociais mostra que estas podem ser caracterizadas como comportamentos pró-inclusivos ou anti-inclusivos e que a frequência de ambos depende das condições interativas de ensino, em geral dispostas pelo professor. A literatura aponta para uma carência de estudos de observação em habilidades sociais e competência social. Desta forma, é importante estudar a interação social das crianças cegas no ambiente escolar, principalmente por meio de observação direta, pois este método provê informações importantes para se efetuar uma avaliação funcional dos comportamentos pró e anti-inclusivos identificando possíveis condições favoráveis ou desfavoráveis ao processo de inclusão. A observação direta foi complementada por dados de relato obtidos com diferentes pessoas (pais, professores), auto-relato e avaliação sociométrica (colegas). Este estudo teve como objetivos: (1) Descrever funcionalmente os desempenhos sociais pró e anti-inclusivos de duas crianças cegas em interação com seus colegas e professores, em termos de seus antecedentes e consequentes; (2) Caracterizar por meio de escalas de medidas, o repertório de habilidades sociais, os problemas de comportamento, a competência acadêmica e o status sociométrico das crianças incluídas; (3) Relacionar os comportamentos pró e anti-inclusivos aos indicadores de habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e status sociométrico das crianças. A pesquisa foi realizada com duas crianças, ambas com nove anos de idade (um menino e uma menina), diagnosticadas com cegueira congênita e matriculadas em escolas públicas da rede regular de ensino. Utilizou-se o recurso de filmagem no ambiente da sala de aula (aulas de português e atividade livre proposta pela pesquisadora). Os desempenhos observados foram descritos, em termos de antecedentes, respostas e consequentes, identificando-se a percentagem de correlação entre as respostas e os eventos. Para a avaliação via escalas, foi utilizado o Sistema de Avaliação de Habilidades Sociais (SSRS-BR), obtendo informações sobre os comportamentos das crianças por meio dos pais, professores e auto-relato. Além disso, foi realizada avaliação sociométrica pelos colegas de sala das crianças. A análise dos dados coletados com observação direta do comportamento indica que a maior parte, cerca de 70%, dos desempenhos emitidos em interação na sala de aula foram classificados como pró-inclusivos. Esse dado, quando comparado aos resultados do SSRS-BR e avaliação sociométrica, apresenta contradições, com a avaliação das professoras e concordância com a avaliação pelos pares. De maneira geral, as crianças observadas conseguem ser socialmente competentes nas suas interações sociais na escola, o que não garante a sua total inclusão nesse ambiente.

Specifika vzdělávání osob se sociálním znevýhodněním / Specificity of education social disadvantaged child

Macháčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Specificity of education social disadvantaged child SUMMARY: This thesis deals with familiarity and experience of teachers and the principal of special education stream with the integration of socially disadvantaged pupils. The work deals with the reputation of so-called "Common Education" in the professional community of teachers, special education teachers and other educational staff. It also deals with experienced teachers with the integration of these pupils. It also dedicates level of awareness about who is a disciple of underprivileged knowledge and methods that can help this integration. Finally, the work deals with the familiarity of an amendment to the Education Act no. 82/2015 and knowledge of individual impacts on working with the student. Furthermore, the work deals with the degree of acceptance of compulsory attendance in the final year of nursery school and the abolition of preparatory classes. Also, the work deals with the possibilities that offers teachers plan educational support. KEYWORDS: Common education, amendment 82/2015, inclusion, special education, social disadvantage, socially disadvantaged pupils, plan educational assistance, canceling preparatory classes.

Subjektivní hodnocení doškolovacích akcí v oblasti inkluzivní TV pedagogy ZŠ / Subjective evaluation of training courses in the field of inclusive physical education by primary school educators

Šírerová, Karina January 2021 (has links)
Title: Subjective evaluation of training courses in the field of inclusive physical education by Primary school educators Objectives: The main objective of the diploma thesis is to examine the subjective evaluation of inclusive PE training courses by the Primary school educators. Methods: The subjective evaluation of postgraduate education in the field of inclusive PE by the educators of Prague Primary schools was surveyed through empirical research, which was carried out within the Movement for Inclusion Project. An anonymous survey of our own design containing 22 survey questions was used to monitor the opinions and attitudes of Primary school educators. A total of 19 respondents (18 women and 1 man), who met the requirements for inclusion in the target research group, completed the survey via Google Forms. Results: According to the thesis, all participants in the research have perceived an increase in competencies for working with SEN (specific educational needs) pupils. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of full-time and distance forms of additional training were mapped. The participants (except three) agreed that they had studied the course books sent as part of distance training courses. Respondents consider the desire to enrich their existing knowledge to be the greatest...

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