Spelling suggestions: "subject:"independence"" "subject:"lndependence""
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The Strucplot Framework: Visualizing Multi-way Contingency Tables with vcdHornik, Kurt, Zeileis, Achim, Meyer, David 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper describes the "strucplot" framework for the visualization of multi-way contingency
tables. Strucplot displays include hierarchical conditional plots such as mosaic,
association, and sieve plots, and can be combined into more complex, specialized plots for
visualizing conditional independence, GLMs, and the results of independence tests. The
framework's modular design allows flexible customization of the plots' graphical appearance,
including shading, labeling, spacing, and legend, by means of "graphical appearance
control" functions. The framework is provided by the R package vcd.
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Revisorers förtroende och oberoende : Hur påverkas dessa faktorer av rådgivning? / Auditor´s trust and independence : How are these factors affected by non-audit services?Kemborn, Viktoria, Persson Wärme, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisorsyrket bygger till stor del på förtroende, dels från klienter (bolag) men också från bolagens intressenter till de finansiella rapporterna. Det handlar också om att revisorn ska granska bolagens räkenskaper på ett oberoende sätt, där det till viss del handlar om att ge rådgivning. I takt med att revisorsyrket automatiserats, visar forskning på att rådgivningen börjar ta mer plats. Förtroendet bygger på att revisorn är oberoende, och tidigare forskning pekar på att revisorns utförande av rådgivning påverkar deras oberoendeställning negativt. Det finns även forskning som understryker positiva aspekter med att revisorn utför rådgivning. Med anledning av det finns det en pågående debatt om revisorns dubbla roller som rådgivare och oberoende granskare. Problemformulering: Hur upplever revisorer att deras förtroende- och oberoendeställning påverkas av att de utför rådgivning? Syfte: Undersöka revisorers upplevelser om hur deras förtroende- och oberoendeställning påverkas av att utföra rådgivning. Anledningen till det är för att få bättre insikt ur revisorernas perspektiv, eftersom flera tidigare studier har varit väldigt kritiska i frågan. Metod: En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts. Datainsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta stycken auktoriserade revisorer. Urvalet av de auktoriserade revisorerna var strategiskt då de valdes med anledning av deras specifika befattning. Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar på att revisorerna upplever att förtroende från intressenter påverkas negativt av att utföra rådgivning, då de ansåg att förtroendet från dem är förenat med en ren revision. Revisorerna upplevde vidare att rådgivningen istället har en positiv inverkan på deras förtroende från klienterna. Anledningen är för att de ansåg att rådgivningen bygger upp en relation till klienten, och därmed också ett förtroende. Gällande revisorns faktiska oberoende, upplevde de inte att den påverkades av att ge rådgivning, då de ansåg sig ha integritet och förmågan att vara professionella. Det synbara oberoendet upplevde de istället påverkades negativt, då de ansåg att utomstående kan få en negativ bild av revisorns oberoende vid utförandet av rådgivning. / Background: The audit profession is largely built on trust, partly from their clients (a company) but also from stakeholders to a company’s financial reports. The purpose of the profession is also about to review a company’s financial reports in an independent way, where consultation to the client is a small part. Research has shown that the automatization of the profession, has led to an increase in consultation. The trust for the auditor is built on independence, and research has shown that consultation has a negative impact on the independence. There is also research that brings up positive aspects with consultation. On that occasion, there is an ongoing debate about the auditors’ two roles as both consultants and independent reviewer. Questions: How do auditors experience that their trust and independence is affected by execute non-audit services? Purpose: Examine how auditors experience that their trust and independence is affected by execute non-audit services. The reason to that is to get a better insight from the auditors’ perspective, since several earlier researches has been vastly critical in the question. Method: A qualitative method has been used. The data has been consisted of eight semi-structured interviews with authorized auditor. They were strategically selected to achieve the purpose of the study. Results and conclusion: The study shows that the auditor’s experienced trust from stakeholders is negatively affected by non-audit services, because they thought that the trust from the stakeholders is built on audit that is made independent. Furthermore, the auditors experienced that the non-audit services has a positive impact on the trust from their clients. The reason to that is because of the relationship that they argued that the non-audit services gave, which they meant also led to trust. The auditor’s independence in fact, did they not experience it was affected by the non-audit services. They considered themselves to have integrity and the ability to be professional in that situation. The auditors did though experience that the independence in appearance was negatively affected by the non-audit services. They claimed that an outsider could get a negative picture of the auditors’ independence, when they execute non-audit services.
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The Strucplot Framework: Visualizing Multi-way Contingency Tables with vcdMeyer, David, Zeileis, Achim, Hornik, Kurt January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This paper describes the `strucplot' framework for the visualization of multi-way contingency tables. Strucplot displays include hierarchical conditional plots such as mosaic, association, and sieve plots, and can be combined into more complex, specialized plots for visualizing conditional independence, GLMs, and the results of independence tests. The framework's modular design allows flexible customization of the plots' graphical appearance, including shading, labeling, spacing, and legend, by means of graphical appearance control (`grapcon') functions. The framework is provided by the R package vcd. (author's abstract) / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics
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Retrieval-induced forgetting in kindergartners: Evaluating the inhibitory account2015 August 1900 (has links)
Repeatedly retrieving information from memory can induce forgetting of related, un-retrieved information below baseline, an effect termed retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF; Anderson, Bjork & Bjork, 1994). The inhibitory account of RIF (e.g., Anderson, 2003) has received extensive support in the literature, especially through studies designed to empirically test inhibitory-based principles of RIF in adults. These principles include cue independence (RIF persists in the absence of the cue used during practice), interference/competition dependence (inhibition serves to resolve interference/competition between the cue and associated items during practice), strength independence (RIF is not strictly due to a target strengthening and competitor forgetting trade-off), retrieval-specificity (retrieval attempts are required to create the interference/ competition responsible for triggering inhibition), and output interference independence (RIF persists when output interference is controlled). However, competition-based explanations do not require an inhibitory component and can also account for many adult RIF findings. Very little RIF research has examined young children’s memory, whose immature memory systems might not be capable of demonstrating an inhibitory-driven effect. This dissertation filled this gap in the literature by thoroughly evaluating the inhibitory account of RIF in kindergartners (Ks). Two groups of Ks completed two RIF tasks that tested cue independence, competition/interference dependence, and strength independence in the first experiment, and retrieval-specificity, output interference independence, and strength-independence again in the second experiment. When a novel cue was used to test final memory (Experiment 1), and when a cue-free recognition test was used that controlled for output interference (Experiment 2), no RIF was found. These results, along with correlational evidence of strength dependence, favour a competition-based account of Ks’ RIF. Implications for inhibition theory and the potential development of RIF are discussed.
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Geographies of youth citizenship and national identity : a case study of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and the Scottish independence referendumDuckett, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
The year 2014 welcomed two major events of national importance for Scotland, the Glasgow Commonwealth Games and the Scottish Independence Referendum. These national sporting and political events provided Scotland and its citizens with an opportunity to display the nation on the world stage and decide upon its geopolitical future. While the referendum was widely acknowledged as a significant ‘once in a generation' event for all voters, it also marked the first time extension of the franchise in a major UK public ballot to those aged 16 and 17 years old. Therefore, this thesis draws upon the Glasgow Commonwealth Games and Independence Referendum as a lens to investigate understandings of youth citizenship and national identity among a generation of newly enfranchised 16 and 17 year old voters, living in the city of Glasgow, located at the epicentre of these events. First, the thesis examines how ideas of Scotland presented through the Games resonated with young people's conceptions of the nation. Second, the discussion explores how the Games and Referendum prompted young people to consider the future of the nation. Third, the thesis considers how young people mobilised their vote as newly enfranchised citizens through the Referendum. Fourth, the thesis aims to inform, and be informed by, current theories of the geographies of citizenship and national identity. Overall, the thesis concludes by providing a timely and original analysis of the geographies of youth citizenship and national identity through an exploration of the reconfigured interstitial political space that these young people occupied during the referendum.
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Är en introvert revisor mer oberoende än en extrovert? : en kvantitativ studie beträffande sambandet mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och oberoende / Is an introvert auditor more independent than an extrovert? : a quantitative study regarding the relationship between auditors’ personality traits and independenceLe, Stina, Nilsson, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Revisorns oberoende är sedan länge ett omdiskuterat ämne. Brist på oberoende har tidigare orsakat flera större företagsskandaler och lett till att allmänheten förlorat förtroende för revisionsprofessionen. Därefter har ett flertal förändringar skett genom att olika regleringar har införts, vilka bland annat har syftat till att stärka oberoendet. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara huruvida det finns ett samband mellan revisorers personlighetsdrag och deras förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Denna studie undersöker hypoteser som har skapats utifrån befintlig teori och har därmed en kvantitativ ansats. För att undersöka revisorers personlighetsdrag har femfaktormodellen använts, som består av fem olika dimensioner vilka undersöker en individs grundläggande personlighetsdrag. För att undersöka oberoendet har tre vinjettfrågor tillämpats. Vinjettfrågorna lyckades inte mäta graden av oberoende tillsammans och således bör studiens resultat tolkas med försiktighet. Resultaten av denna studie indikerar att personlighetsdragen neuroticism, öppenhet för erfarenhet och vänlighet skulle kunna ha en påverkan på revisorers förmåga att bibehålla oberoendet. Sambanden som återfinns är emellertid svaga. Vidare återfinns inga samband mellan extraversion samt samvetsgrannhet och oberoendet, vilket talar för att personlighetsdragen påverkar oberoendet i mycket låg utsträckning. Slutligen är revisorers personlighetsdrag ett forskningsområde som kan vidareutvecklas. / The independence of the auditor is since a long time a debated topic. Lack of independence has earlier caused several major corporate scandals and led to the public losing trust in the audit profession. Afterwards, several changes have been made through implementation of various regulations which among other things aim to strengthen the independence. The purpose of this paper is to explain whether there is a relationship between auditors’ personality traits and their ability to remain independent. This study tests hypotheses which have been created through existing theory and thus, has a quantitative approach. To examine auditors’ personality traits, the five-factor model of personality traits has been used which consists of five dimensions that explain an individual's fundamental personality traits. To examine the independence, three vignette questions have been used. The vignette questions did not manage to measure the level of independence together and consequently, the study’s results need to be interpreted with caution. The findings of the study indicate that the personality traits neuroticism, openness to new experience and agreeableness might have an impact on the auditors’ ability to maintain the independence. However, the found relationships are weak. Furthermore, no relationships can be found between extraversion, conscientiousness and the independence which suggests that personality traits affect the independence to a very low extent. Lastly, the auditors’ personality traits are a research area that can be further developed.
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Tvingande byrårotations påverkan på total revisionskvalitet : En studie av såväl faktiska som synbara aspekter i Sverige / Mandatory audit-firm rotation and its effect on audit quality : A study in Sweden combining aspects of audit quality in fact with audit quality in appearanceBengtsson, Christoffer, Thorell, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Härlett ur finansiella skandaler har revisorns oberoende i allmänhet ifrågasatts och som åtgärd har EU-kommissionen via ett revisionspaket påfört regler om tvingande byrårotation för företag av allmänt intresse. Den relationella uppdragstiden mellan revisionsbyråer och klienten har således tidsbegränsats. Härav följer diskussioner såväl inom revisionsbranschen som inom litteraturen kring huruvida en sådan tidsbegränsning kommer påverka revisionskvaliteten. I samma diskussioner förekommer inte bara uttalanden om revisorns faktiska och synbara oberoende då även revisorns kompetens diskuteras som beroende faktorer till revisionskvaliteten. Uppsatsen kommer därmed beakta såväl faktiska som synbara aspekter kring begränsade uppdragstiders påverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att komplettera redan befintliga diskussioner inom det vetenskapliga forskningsområdet som berör uppdragstiders påverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Syftet uppfylls genom att på byrånivå studera hur begränsade uppdragstider påverkar revisionskvaliteten ur såväl faktiska som synbara aspekter. Metod: Multipel logistisk regression kommer analysera insamlad data från årsredovisningar och revisionsberättelser mot faktisk revisionskvalitet. Samtidigt har en enkät utformats, vilken avser att studera tredje parts uppfattning kring synbar revisionskvalitet. Teorikapitlet kommer ligga till grund för såväl definitioner som analyser. Slutsatser: Via analysen av uppsatsens resultat för såväl den faktiska revisionskvaliteten som för den synbara revisionskvaliteten tillåts en samlad slutsats kring total revisionskvalitet. Vad avser faktisk revisionskvalitet ses inte uppdragstidens längd på byrånivå ha någon signifikant påverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Därav förmodas inte revisorns oberoende eller kompetens beröras nämnvärt av lagändringen. Dock diskuteras en indirekt påverkan på revisorns faktiska oberoende varför faktisk revisionskvalitet ändock torde anses positivt påverkad. Tredje part medger att lagändringen upplevs få en positiv effekt på synbar revisionskvalitet trots att revisorn upplevs göra avkall på sin kompetens till förmån för ett stärkt oberoende. Således förväntas den totala revisionskvaliteten bli stärkt av begränsade uppdragstider i relationen mellan revisionsbyråer och klienter. / Abstract Background: Derived from financial scandals the independence of the auditor has publicly been questioned and as a result the EU Commission regulated mandatory audit-firm rotation for public companies. Thus, the audit firm and client relationship has been limited. Hence, discussions within the accountancy profession as well as within the literature surrounding the possible effects the change in regulation might have on audit quality. Not only statements surrounding the auditors’ independence of mind and independence in appearance occur in these discussions but also the competence of the auditor as a dependent factor to audit quality. The paper will hereby consider quality aspects in fact as well as in appearance related to mandatory audit-firm rotation and its impact on audit quality. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to complement existing discussions within the scientific area concerning the effects mandatory audit-firm rotation have on audit quality. The purpose is met while a study on firm-level is conducted combining aspects in fact with aspects in appearance related to a limitation in the length of the firm-client relationship. Method: A multiple logistic regression will be used to analyze data from annual reports and audit opinions against audit quality in fact. A survey has been designed, which intends to study external third parties’ perception of audit quality in appearance. The literature chapter will form the basis for definitions as well as analyzes. Conclusions: Through an analysis of the papers result for both audit quality in fact and audit quality in appearance, a comprehensive conclusion of total audit quality can be made. In regard to audit quality in fact, our result show no significant effect between the length of the firm-client relationship and audit quality. Hence, neither the auditor’s independence nor competence are assumed to be substantially affected by the change in regulation. However, an indirect impact on the auditor’s independence in fact is discussed, which is why audit quality in fact might still be considered to be positively affected. Third parties perceive that the change in regulation positively affects audit quality in appearance despite the fact that the auditor is seemed to sacrifice competence in favour of improved independence in appearance. Thus, the total audit quality is expected to be improved by the mandatory audit-firm rotation.
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Testy nezávislosti pro mnohorozměrná data / Tests of independence for multivariate dataKudlík, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Tests of independence for multivariate data Author: Bc. Michal Kudlík Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Ing. Marek Omelka, PhD., Department of Probability and Mathema- tical Statistics Abstract: This thesis is an overview of tests of independence for multidimensi- onal data. The report includes tests on independence of categorical and conti- nuous random variables, tests assuming normal distribution of data, asymptotic nonparametric tests and permutation tests with application of the Monte Carlo method. This thesis shows the suitability of tests with properly chosen real data and checks significance level and compares the strength of the selected tests by simulation study while using appropriate statistical software. Based on the simu- lation study the thesis discusses an appropriateness of the use of different tests for different situations. Keywords: independence, permutation and asymptotic tests of independence, Monte Carlo method, simulation study 1
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Testning the Adaptive Market Hypothesis on the OMXS30 Stock Index: 1986-2014 : Stock Return Predictability And Market ConditionsSvensson, Louise, Soteriou, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
We evaluate the validity of the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) in a Swedish context by testing for stock return predictability on the OMXS30 stock index between 1986 and 2014 using daily returns and monthly two year moving subsamples. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the AMH in a Swedish context. Three tests for linear independence based on Lo and MacKinlay (1988) variance ratio test, namely the Chow and Denning joint test as well as Wright (2000) joint rank and sign tests are used. We also test for non-linear independence using the BDS test statistics. Presented in our findings is evidence of time-varying predictability where stock returns go through periods of return predictability and non-predictability. When evaluating the different market conditions (volatility, bull, bear, up, down and normal markets) we find that these different market conditions govern the degree of stock return predictability in different ways. Our findings support the AMH on the OMXS30 stock index and in contrast to previous research regarding market efficiency on the Swedish stock market, we do not find persistent stock return predictability over the short and long term.
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The Relationship between Judicial Independence and Ethnic ConflictLaoye, Oluwagbemiso T. 05 1900 (has links)
The relationship between judicial independence and the levels of ethnic conflicts in developing countries has remained a significant research area due to increased cases of the conflicts with lack of judicial independence in the countries. Judicial independence is seen as an essential element of democracy in that an independent judiciary can act as an arbiter between different groups and institutions. The main aim of this study was to examine the relationship between judicial independence and ethnic conflicts empirically. Greater judicial independence should be associated with less ethnic conflict, because an independent court can serve as an arbiter for disputants, and thus lessen the likelihood of conflict. The study involved 128 developing countries over a 30-year period from 1981 to 2010 using secondary data sources and employing statistical methods to test the relationship between judicial independence and the levels of ethnic conflicts. Findings indicate that judicial independence has a statistically significant negative association with the levels of ethnic conflict. Therefore, this study recommends that the governments of developing countries should promote judicial independence as part of solutions for ethnic conflicts .
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