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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manufatura avançada: a influência da estratégia da manufatura e da percepção de affordances / Smart manufacturing: the influence of manufacturing strategy and affordances perception

Vieira, Ricardo Caruso 16 October 2017 (has links)
O termo Indústria 4.0 tornou-se, nos últimos anos, frequente nas discussões relativas à indústria. Sua origem é o programa alemão Industrie 4.0, que buscou fortalecer a competitividade do parque industrial do país aplicando novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação, à manufatura. Iniciativas semelhantes também foram criadas em outros países, como a americana Industrial Internet ofThings. No Brasil, o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) e a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) conduzem programas de incentivo à pesquisa, sob o nome de Manufatura Avançada. Conceitos como cadeias de suprimentos integradas e Cyber-PhysicalProduction Systems (CPPS), aliados a aplicações de tecnologias como Internet ofThings e inteligência artificial, são comuns a todas essas iniciativas, com expectativas de grandes ganhos em flexibilidade da produção, em qualidade e em eficiência. A relação entre adoção tecnológica e impactos em negócio, porém, é apontada como indireta e complexa, pelos pesquisadores de gestão de sistemas de informação e gestão de operações. A literatura da gestão de operações aponta que, para o esperado impacto em desempenho, as tecnologias adotadas devem estar alinhadas com as prioridades competitivas e com o modelo de produção da companhia. Dessa forma, não são viáveis recomendações genéricas de adoção de sistemas que não levem em conta o segmento de atuação e o mercado atendido pela empresa. Outro fator importante é a aplicação de tecnologias que tenham surgido fora do ambiente industrial e não sejam familiares às equipes de tecnologia desse ambiente. Artefatos tecnológicos, quanto utilizados em diferentes contextos, apresentam capacidades diferentes. Da sociologia da tecnologia, o termo affordance determina a possibilidade de ação de um agente quando em contato com um determinado objeto. Uma ferramenta tecnológica pode permitir a seu usuário uma gama de diferentes ações, dependentes de seus objetivos e conhecimentos. Uma régua de cálculo, por exemplo, permite a realização de uma série de operações matemáticas a um utilizador que conheça seus mecanismos, mas tem pouca utilidade a usuários sem conhecimentos prévios sobre seu funcionamento. No contexto da manufatura avançada, a percepção dos affordances das novas tecnologias, para modelar suas aplicações, exigirá novos conhecimentos, hoje detidos por diferentes equipes da companhia. Com base nas teorias de affordances e de estratégia de operações este trabalho utilizou um framework como ponto inicial para a realização de estudos de caso, em cinco projetos, em três empresas brasileiras de grande porte. Para que o impacto de diferentes estratégias de manufatura nas tecnologias adotadas pudesse ser estudado, foram selecionadas empresas de segmentos distintos, representativos do parque brasileiro: açúcar e álcool, montagem de eletrônicos e bebidas. A disponibilidade de amplo conhecimento tecnológico se mostrou uma preocupação central dos gestores que buscam a implantação de projetos de Manufatura Avançada; sua ausência é muitas vezes vista como uma barreira para a adoção de recursos como sistemas com inteligência artificial. Nos casos estudados, alguns dos projetos só foram viabilizados com a formação de equipes muldisciplinares, capazes de lidar com combinações inovadoras de tecnologias de sistemas de informação e automação industrial ou agrícola. Esse resultado é condizente com a teoria de affordances que posiciona o conhecimento do usuário como central para a percepção das oportunidades de adoção de novas tecnologias. deaffordances. Empresas com diferentes prioridades estratégicas decidiram pela adoção de sistemas com diferentes características, demostrando que a Manufatura Avançada não pode ser vista como um conjunto único e rígido de abordagens. Projetos em atividades com maior pressão por redução de custos apresentaram grande ênfase na integração vertical, ao passo que a procura por maior flexibilidade leva à busca de recursos para integração horizontal. Novas tecnologias se mostraram capazes, ou demonstraram possuir affordances, não só para habilitar novas funcionalidades, mas para proporcionar recursos a custos expressivamente menores que suas predecessoras. Foram observados exemplos onde tecnologias de menor custo permitiram a expansão de projetos implantados parcialmente no passado ou, ainda, a implantação de projetos em áreas com características que os tornavam anteriormente financeiramente inviáveis. Em razão desses resultados, o framework proposto sofreu revisão passando a incluir a adoção de novas tecnologias por questões relacionadas a custo e à formação de equipes muldisciplinares. Esse novo framework é apresentado como a contribuição final deste trabalho, que se espera possa servir der base para futuras investigações sobre o tema. / Industry 4.0 has become a very common term in recent discussions about the industry. It was originated in the Industrie 4.0 German program, which aims to strengthen their national industrial park competitiveness using new information and communication technologies to the manufacturing. Similar initiatives were created in different countries, such as the American Industrial Internet of Things. The Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) andtheEmpresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) are conducting in Braziltechnologyresearch incentive program, withthenameManufatura Avançada (Smart Manufacturing). In all these initiatives, concepts like integrated supply chains and Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), can be found with the same expectations of great improvements in productions flexibility, quality, and efficiency. The information systems management and operations management researchers say that the relationship between technology adoption and business impacts indirect and complex. The operations management literature shows that the adopted technologies have to be aligned with the competitive priorities and the company production model to generate the expected impact. Thereby generic system adoption recommendations are not possible, only taking account the company segment and its attended market. The application of technologies that have emerged outside the industrial environment and are not familiar with the technology teams of that environment is another important factor. If the utilization context of the technological artifact changes, their capabilities became different. The term affordance, in the technology sociology, is an agent action possibility when in when in contact with a given object. A technological tool can allow its users a range of different actions, depending on their goals and knowledge. A slide rule, for example, allows a series of mathematical operations to be performed by a user who knows their mechanisms, but has little use for users without prior knowledge of their operation. In the ManufaturaAvançada context, the technologies affordance perception, that shapes their applications, will require new knowledge, present in different departments today. Based on the affordance and operations strategy theories, this work applies a framework as a starting point for case studies conduction in five projects in three large Brazilian companies. In order to study the impact of different manufacturing strategies on technology adoption, were selected companies from different market segments that represent well the Brazilian industry: sugar and ethanol, electronics assembly, and beverages. The availability of extensive technological knowledge has been proven to be a central concern of managers seeking the implementation of Advanced Manufacturing projects. Its absence is often seen as a barrier to the adoption of features such as artificial intelligence systems. In the studied cases, some of the projects were only made possible by the formation of multidisciplinary teams capable of dealing with innovative combinations of information systems technologies and industrial or agricultural automation. This result is consistent with the theory of affordances where the user knowledge is central to the perception of the opportunities of adoption of new technologies. Companies with different strategic priorities decided to adopt systems with different characteristics, demonstrating that ManufaturaAvançadacan not be seen as a single and rigid set of approaches. Projects, in high pressure for cost reduction activities, have a great emphasis on vertical integration, while searching for greater flexibility leads to horizontal integration. New technologies have proved capable, or demonstrated to have affordances, not only to enable new features, but to provide features at significantly lower costs than their predecessors. Examples were observed where lower cost technologies allowed the expansion of partially implemented projects or the implementation of projects in areas with characteristics that made them previously financially infeasible Due to these results, the proposed framework underwent revision, including the adoption of new technologies due to costs and the formation of multidisciplinary teams. This new framework is presented as the final contribution of this work, which is expected to serve as the basis for future research on the subject.

Develop a framework and assessing the maturity level to facilitate the transition towards Industry 4.0

Bäcklin, Josefine, Benvenuto Ekeberg, Max January 2019 (has links)
Introduction Industry 4.0 is rapidly approaching the manufacturing industry and are generating multiple challenges for the companies to overcome. Simultaneously, the customer demand is changing towards customisation and the industry requires new technology within the production system development to remain competitive. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to develop a framework and assess the maturity towards Industry 4.0 and to provide guidance for further advancement. The following two research questions were defined and answered to guide the authors: ~        RQ1: What dimensions should be considered when assessing the maturity of Industry 4.0? ~        RQ2: How could the maturity assessment of Industry 4.0 be performed?    Methodology A literature review was performed to attain previous results within the area of creating and performing maturity assessment. Further, a multiple case study was performed at a selection of case companies where semi-structured interviews, workshop and observations were used to collect empirical data. The analysis has been performed through a cross case analysis for evaluating patterns between the frame of reference and empirical findings. Frame of Reference The literature review increased the authors understanding of how a maturity assessment model functions and which parameters that creates the foundation. The review mainly focused on what set of dimensions and how many levels that can be used in relation to assess a production system. Empirical Findings The empirical findings provide an overview of the current state of production within each case company. Aspects regarding a transition towards Industry 4.0 is elaborated based on process, technology and people aspects. Analysis and Discussion The synthesis between Frame of Reference and Empirical findings contribute with important dimensions to consider when assessing the maturity model. This thesis has decided to conclude the dimensions into three headings consisting of process, technology and people.  A second contribution is a framework for a maturity assessment towards Industry 4.0, where five levels are defined for each dimension. A concluded picture visualises the case companies’ mean maturity level within each dimension of process, technology and people. Conclusions and Recommendations Provided by the maturity assessment, an initiative towards Industry 4.0 exist within the case companies, although major challenges of defining the concept of Industry 4.0 and a lack of competence is highlighted. Future recommendations are to perform a similar study with more depth into the investigations within each case company to validate the maturity assessment towards Industry 4.0 within each case company.

A indústria 4.0 no Brasil : um estudo dos benefícios esperados e tecnologias habilitadoras

Dalenogare, Lucas Santos January 2018 (has links)
A Indústria 4.0 surge com o objetivo de desenvolver fábricas inteligentes, com alto grau de autonomia e flexibilidade, através da adoção de tecnologias digitais de forma integrada nas empresas e suas cadeias de valor. Ao mesmo tempo, a Indústria 4.0 promove benefícios que vão além da performance operacional, como o desenvolvimento de novas ofertas e novos modelos de negócios para as empresas. A Indústria 4.0 é originada na Alemanha, país com alta performance tecnológica, e rapidamente inspira outras iniciativas no mundo inteiro, inclusive em países emergentes como o Brasil. Estes países possuem maiores barreiras para a adoção das tecnologias relacionadas ao conceito, principalmente devido à atual situação tecnológica dos seus parques industriais. Embora a Indústria 4.0 seja um tema crescente na literatura, ainda existem grandes lacunas de estudo sobre a adoção de tecnologias relacionadas ao conceito no contexto de países emergentes, principalmente por se tratar de uma iniciativa recente. Logo, o objetivo desta dissertação é estudar o conceito da Indústria 4.0 no Brasil, de forma a entender quais são os benefícios do conceito para a performance industrial e as tecnologias habilitadoras. O trabalho tem uma abordagem quantitativa, com análises estatísticas aplicadas em dados de pesquisas surveys conduzidas em nível nacional. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: (i) identificação da relação entre as tecnologias e os benefícios esperados do conceito, (ii) identificação de disparidades entre a percepção industrial brasileira e a literatura sobre os benefícios da Indústria 4.0, (iii) identificação da abrangência do conceito da Indústria 4.0, compreendendo elementos que transcendem a manufatura avançada, e (iv) identificação de tecnologias habilitadoras para a implantação do conceito. Sob a perspectiva acadêmica, esta dissertação traz importantes contribuições para o entendimento do conceito e das tecnologias da Indústria 4.0, assim como o impacto destas na performance industrial. Do ponto de vista prático, os resultados auxiliam na compreensão de um tema de alta relevância empresarial, contribuindo com perspectivas para a diretriz estratégica das empresas à Indústria 4.0. / Industry 4.0 arises with the goal to develop smart factories, with advanced autonomy and flexibility, through the adoption of digital technologies in an integrated manner in companies and in their value chains. The Industry 4.0enables benefits beyond operational performance, as the development of new offerings and new business models for companies. Industry 4.0 was developed in Germany, a country with high technological performance, and quickly inspires other initiatives in the whole world, in developed and emergent countries such as Brazil. These countries face major barriers for the adoption of technologies related to the concept, mainly due to the current technological level of their industrial sites. Even though Industry 4.0 is a growing field in literature, there are still considerable gaps of studies about the adoption of technologies related to the concept in the context of emergent countries, mostly due to its novelty. Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the concept of Industry 4.0 in Brazil, in order to understand its benefits for industrial performance and its enabling technologies. This study has a quantitative approach, with statistical analysis of data from national surveys. The main outcomes obtained were: (i) the identification of a relation between technologies and the expected benefits of the concept, (ii) the identification of disparities between Brazilian industrial perception and the literature about Industry 4.0 benefits, (iii) the identification of a wide scope of Industry 4.0 concept, comprising elements that transcends smart manufacturing, and (iv) the identification of enabling technologies for the implementation of the concept. Under academic perspective, this dissertation brings important contributions to understand the Industry 4.0 concept and technologies, and its impact on industrial performance. As practical contributions, the results contribute for the understandings of a high relevant theme for companies, contributing with perspectives for their strategical orientation towards Industry 4.0.

A New Insight into Data Requirements Between Discrete Event Simulation and Industry 4.0 : A simulation-based case study in the automotive industry supporting operational decisions

Mirzaie Shra, Afroz January 2019 (has links)
Current industrial companies are highly pressured by growing competitiveness and globalization, while striving for increased production effectiveness. Meanwhile, flustered markets and amplified customer demands are causing manufacturers to shift strategy. Hence, international companies are challenged to pursue changes, in order to continue being competitive on global markets. Consequently, a new industrial revolution has taken place, introduced as Industry 4.0. This new concept incorporates organizational improvement and digitalization of current information and data flows. Accomplished by data from embedded systems through connected machines, devices and humans into a combined interface. Thus, companies are given possibilities to improve current production systems, simultaneously saving operational costs and minimizing insufficient production development. Smart Factories, being the foundation of Industry 4.0 results in making more accurate and precise operational decisions from abilities to test industrial changes in a virtual world before real-life implementation. However, in order to assure these functions as intended, enormous amount of data must be collected, analysed and evaluated. The indicated data will aid companies to make more self-aware and automated decisions, resulting in increased effectiveness in production. Thus, the concept will clearly change how operational decisions are made today. Nowadays, Discrete Event Simulation is a commonly applied tool founded on specific data requirements as operational changes can be tested in virtual settings. Accordingly, it is believed that simulation can aid companies that are striving for implementing Industry 4.0. As a result, data requirements between Discrete Event Simulation and Industry 4.0 needs to be established, while detecting the current data gap in operational context. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse the data requirements of Discrete Event Simulation and Industry 4.0 for improving operational decisions of production systems. In order to justify the purpose, the following research questions has been stated:   RQ1: What are the data challenges in existing production systems? RQ2: What data is required for implementing Industry 4.0 in production systems? RQ3: How can data requirements from Discrete Event Simulation benefit operational decisions when implementing Industry 4.0?   The research questions were answered by conducting a case study, in collaboration with Scania CV AB. The case study performed observations, interviews and other relevant data collection to accomplish the purpose. In parallel, a literature review focusing on data requirements for operational decisions was compared to the empirical findings. The analysis identified the current data gap in existing production systems, in correlation to Industry 4.0, affecting the accuracy of operational decisions. In addition, it was shown that simulation can undoubtedly give positive outcome for adaptation of Industry 4.0, and a clear insight on data requirements.

Cultura de projeto da Quarta Revolução Industrial : cenários de atuação do Design frente as tecnologias da indústria 4.0

Palmitessa, Giulio Federico 28 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-03-07T16:01:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Giulio Federico Palmitessa_.pdf: 6271067 bytes, checksum: 3d3eb16867fd7e332026766517559cb3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-07T16:01:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giulio Federico Palmitessa_.pdf: 6271067 bytes, checksum: 3d3eb16867fd7e332026766517559cb3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-11-28 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar possíveis cenários de atuação da cultura de projeto, frente ao crescente uso de tecnologias do âmbito da Quarta Revolução Industrial (QRI). Nesse sentido, propõe-se a organização de um quadro de síntese, como paradigma da atuação da disciplina neste contexto, em relação ao potencial entre as novas tecnologias da indústria 4.0 e as capacidades (capabilities) do Design de vislumbrar cenários de futuro e desejados. O trabalho verifica os valores e definições da Cultura de Projeto frente as potencialidades processuais e materiais de atuação do Design, e busca, investigar a dimensão da inovação no cenário da QRI. A pesquisa é de teor qualitativo, realizado através um roteiro de 7 entrevistas semiestruturado, gravadas e analisadas com software utiliza a tecnologia de CAQDAS. Os resultados evidenciam duas abordagens da Cultura de Projeto: um processo que antecipa os fenômenos do futuro, através competências ligadas a intuição percepção de simular novos cenários e, por contra um processo que prevê e imagina a dimensão de projeto, como sequencias de ações que usam a eficácia e controle. / This work aims to identify possible scenarios for the performance of the project culture, in light of the growing use of technologies from the Fourth Industrial Revolution (QRI). In this sense, it is proposed the organization of a synthesis framework, as a paradigm of the discipline's performance in this context, in relation to the potential between the new technologies of industry 4.0 and the capabilities of the Design to envision future and desired scenarios. The work verifies the values and definitions of the Project Culture against the procedural and material potential of Design and seeks to investigate the innovation dimension in the IRB scenario. The research is qualitative, carried out through a script of 7 semistructured interviews, recorded and analyzed using software using CAQDAS technology. The results show two approaches to Project Culture: a process that anticipates the phenomena of the future, through skills linked to intuition perception of simulating new scenarios and, by contrast, a process that predicts and imagines, the project dimension, as sequences of actions which use effectiveness and control.

Transformação digital na indústria: indústria 4.0 e a rede de água inteligente no Brasil. / Digital transformation in the industry: industry 4.0 and the smart network water on Brasil.

Marcelo Teixeira de Azevedo 10 March 2017 (has links)
Atualmente vive-se uma transformação digital na indústria, que está sendo referenciada como uma nova revolução e conhecida como a quarta revolução industrial. Essa nova revolução foi precedida por três anteriores, sendo que a primeira foi baseada no carvão como fonte de energia, impulsionando, assim, as máquinas a vapor e transformando o trabalho artesanal em automatizado; posteriormente, houve a segunda revolução industrial, baseada em conceitos de eletricidade para atingir a produção em massa; já a terceira revolução industrial baseou-se em sistemas eletrônicos e computacionais, tendo como o seu maior expoente os sistemas Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition (SCADA), que foram utilizados para aprimoramento e eficiência da linha de produção. Hoje, vive-se no limiar da quarta revolução industrial, que se apoia fortemente nas tecnologias habilitadoras, tais como: Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) e cloud computing. Essas tecnologias, trabalhando cooperativamente, são utilizadas para promover a transformação digital descrita nas visões ao redor do mundo, entre as quais se destacam: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium e Manufatura Avançada. A presente pesquisa visa caracterizar as tecnologias habilitadoras, as visões da transformação digital e o cenário Brasil para esta nova realidade. O objetivo central é a definição de uma plataforma de transformação digital aplicada ao cenário da indústria de Utilities. Para a identificação do setor industrial, optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário direcionado às indústrias da região metropolitana de Campinas. Esse questionário serviu para traçar o nível de conhecimento, aderência e perfil profissional desejado pelas empresas relacionadas com a transformação digital. Na análise do questionário para o grupo estudado, verificou-se desconhecimento estratégico sobre a transformação digital e resistência para aplicação dos novos conceitos na cadeia de suprimentos existente. Para suprir esta necessidade e como prova de conceito foi proposta uma plataforma para transformação digital para a questão da água, com o objetivo de alcançar uma gestão eficiente dos recursos atrelada ao uso racional da água. Para a definição da plataforma foi realizado o levantamento de todo o processo de uma planta de tratamento de água, implantada nos moldes da terceira revolução industrial, de modo a melhorar o processo aplicando-se os conceitos da transformação digital na nova plataforma definida. Como resultado, o estudo de caso contribuiu para o projeto PURA-USP juntamente com o projeto SafeCity, do convênio Huawei-USP no âmbito do conceito de cidades inteligentes, integrando a transformação digital na gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos no campus USP da capital. Adicionalmente, inseriu-se a capacitação técnica também no projeto Huawei-USP, denominada Centro de Internet do Futuro, habilitando e capacitando os profissionais para as novas tecnologias. / Nowadays, there´s a digital transformation in the industry, which is being referred to as a new revolution, known as the fourth industrial revolution. This new revolution was preceded by three previous ones, the first one was based on coal as a way of source energy, boosting the steam engines and turning the manual labor into automated; posteriorly the second industrial revolution was based on electricity concepts to achieve mass production; and the third industrial revolution, which was based on electronics and computer systems, having as its greatest exponent the systems Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and programmable logic controllers (PLC), which were used for improvement and production line efficiency. Today we are on the bound of the fourth industrial revolution, which strongly supports itself at enabling technologies, such as: Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) and cloud computing. These technologies are working cooperatively used to promote digital transformation described in the sights around the world, between them are: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium and Advanced Manufacturing. This research aims to characterize the enabling technologies, the visions of the digital transformation and Brazil scenario for this new reality. The main objective is the definition of a digital transformation platform applied in the industry scenario. To identify the industry it was chosen the application of a questionnaire targeting the industries at the metropolitan region of Campinas. This questionnaire was used to trace the level of knowledge, adherence and professional profile required of companies related to digital transformation. In the questionnaire analysis for the group in the scope there was strategic unfamiliarity about the digital transformation and resistance to application of new concepts in the existing supply chain. To meet this need and as a proof of concept, a platform for digital transformation for the water issue was proposed with the objective of achieve an efficient management of resources linked to the rational use of water. For the platform definition was performed a survey of the whole process of a water treatment plant that was implemented along the lines of the third industrial revolution and improved the process by applying the concepts of digital transformation in the new set platform. The case study aimed to contribute to the PURA-USP project, integrating the digital transformation in the efficient management of water resources on campus USP capital. Additionally, technical training was also included in the Huawei-USP project, denominated the Future Internet Center, enabling and training professionals for new technologies.

Průmysl 4.0 v logistice / Industry 4.0 in logistics

FARION, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe the possibilities of use of chosen methods and approaches of Industry 4.0 in logistics with a focus on material and information flows, which include the analysis of key factors for successful implementation of new chosen methods and approaches within the fourth industrial revolution. In the literature review, the industrial revolutions are mentioned and the notions Industry 4.0 and logistics are defined. The practical part deals with the analysis of the results from the primary data collected via questionnaire survey and the analysis of deep semi-structured interviews from which the conclusions and recommendations were drawn. The dissertation may serve as a guide to the issues of the fourth industrial revolution in logistics and for companies that are considering the implementation of new technologies in logistics.

Predictive maintenance with machine learning on weld joint analysed by ultrasound

Hedkvist, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Ever since the first industrial revolution industries have had the goal to increase their production. With new technology such as CPS, AI and IoT industries today are going through the fourth industrial revolution denoted as industry 4.0. The new technology not only revolutionises production, but also maintenance, making predictive maintenance possible. Predictive maintenance seeks to predict when failure would occur, instead of having scheduled maintenance or maintenance after failure already occurred. In this report a convolutional neural network (CNN) will analyse data from an ultrasound machine scanning a weld joint. The data from the ultrasound machine will be transformed by the short time Fourier transform in order to create an image for the CNN. Since the data from the ultrasound is not complete, simulated data will be created and investigated as another option for training the network. The results are promising, however the lack of data makes it hard to show any concrete proof.

Robot Racking : A Racking Solution for Autonomous Production

Envall, Zakarias January 2018 (has links)
As an engineering student, the most natural way of summarizing this thesis project is by relating it to a mathematical equation. The solution to this equation is given, and it is in the form of a racking concept that enables the use of robots. The other side of the equation is however a bit more complex. This side contains several undefined variables, which can only be solved by delving into various theoretical fields and exploring unchartered depths of the creative space.The project’s main objective is to design a concept rack for Gestamp HardTech in Luleå, Sweden, for storage and in-house transport of the beams which are produced at the HardTech facility. The rack is meant to be loaded both into and out of by robots and should suit an as wide array of beams as possible. To determine the possibilities and limitations of the rack’s robot-user, several automation aspects are researched, centered on industrial robots and machine vision. The beams which are produced at the Gestamp HardTech Luleå production plant today are analyzed, whereby twelve of them are ultimately chosen for the rack’s design to be focused on. What follows this is a creative process consisting of a creative idea-generating phase, an evaluative phase focused on implementation of the ideas, and a refinement phase where the rack concept is finalized. The process includes various methods of idea generating, a great deal of sketching, physical testing of the concepts, and finally CAD-modeling. The result, named 4.0-Rack, is in the form of a modular rack-concept which balances the aspects of flexibility, by suiting ten of the reviewed beams, with a high packing-grade, providing a mean packing-grade of 83% in relation to the way the beams are currently packed.

Industry 4.0 : Challenges when implementing Smart Factory / Industri 4.0 : Utmaningar vid en implementering av smarta fabriker

Renström, Anton, Broomé, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Industry 4.0 and the smart factory concept are both relevant for academia and companies. Many are talking about it but few understand the challenges that exist before, during, and after an implementation. The thesis aim is to map out the largest challenges with an implementation and also dive deeper into the question of which competence that will be required in a smarter production. To address these questions a qualitative study with thirteen interviews has been conducted, ten of which with practitioners and three with experts in the area. From the interviews the following findings and conclusions could be drawn. Firstly, the largest challenges with implementing industry 4.0 and smart factories will be, large CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) investments, organisational change management, and cyber threats. Secondly, Industry 4.0 is not going to be a revolution it is more going to be an evolution. Thirdly, implementing the smart factory concept is linked to a lot of uncertainty and especially uncertainty related to which competences that will be required. No one can with certainty define exactly what competences that are required but an education in IT and statistics with an analytical mindset will be key elements. There is also a model for how companies are recommended to think when filling vacancies created in the transition to a smarter production in the analysis chapter.

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