Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inertia."" "subject:"enertia.""
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Strong interaction between two co-rotating vortices in rotating and stratified flowsBambrey, Ross R. January 2007 (has links)
In this study we investigate the interactions between two co-rotating vortices. These vortices are subject to rapid rotation and stable stratification such as are found in planetary atmospheres and oceans. By conducting a large number of simulations of vortex interactions, we intend to provide an overview of the interactions that could occur in geophysical turbulence. We consider a wide parameter space covering the vortices height-to-width aspect-ratios, their volume ratios and the vertical offset between them. The vortices are initially separated in the horizontal so that they reside at an estimated margin of stability. The vortices are then allowed to evolve for a period of approximately 20 vortex revolutions. We find that the most commonly observed interaction under the quasi-geostrophic (QG) regime is partial-merger, where only part of the smaller vortex is incorporated into the larger, stronger vortex. On the other hand, a large number of filamentary and small scale structures are generated during the interaction. We find that, despite the proliferation of small-scale structures, the self-induced vortex energy exhibits a mean `inverse-cascade' to larger scale structures. Interestingly we observe a range of intermediate-scale structures that are preferentially sheared out during the interactions, leaving two vortex populations, one of large-scale vortices and one of small-scale vortices. We take a subset of the parameter space used for the QG study and perform simulations using a non-hydrostatic model. This system, free of the layer-wise two-dimensional constraints and geostrophic balance of the QG model, allows for the generation of inertia-gravity waves and ageostrophic advection. The study of the interactions between two co-rotating, non-hydrostatic vortices is performed over four different Rossby numbers, two positive and two negative, allowing for the comparison of cyclonic and anti-cyclonic interactions. It is found that a greater amount of wave-like activity is generated during the interactions in anticyclonic situations. We also see distinct qualitative differences between the interactions for cyclonic and anti-cyclonic regimes.
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不同快慢節奏之音樂刺激對午間睡眠後之睡眠遲惰效果、情緒以及生理激發狀態的影響 / The Effects of the Fast and Slow Tempo Music on Sleep Inertia, Mood and Arousal after a Short Daytime Nap周重佑, Chou, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:睡眠遲惰(sleep inertia)指的是剛由睡眠中醒來的一種現象,在這段轉換期間內,個體的警覺力較低、心智較為遲緩,認知和行為表現都較差。過去針對睡眠遲惰的研究顯示,睡眠遲惰是從一個較低生理激發的狀態到較高生理激發的漸進式轉換過渡階段。若睡眠遲惰是與較低的生理激發狀態有關,則若能提高個體的激發狀態,應能減少睡眠遲惰的負面影響。從過去的文獻中可發現,快節奏的音樂可以提高個體的生理激發。因此,本研究針對音樂的節奏快慢做操弄,探討生理激發狀態在睡眠遲惰所扮演的角色,比較不同快慢節奏的音樂刺激對於睡眠遲惰效果的影響。
方法:12名年齡介於18到31歲之間的受試者參與此研究。受試者在20分鐘小睡被喚醒後,分次接受快節奏音樂、慢節奏音樂、以及無音樂控制情境等三種情境安排。睡醒後的實驗期間為1小時,受試者每10分鐘被要求進行加法作業及填寫卡羅連斯加睡意量表(Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)、視覺類比量表(visual analog scales)、以及情緒評估等主觀量表,總計六次。同時,他們的腦電波(electroencephalogram)、心率變異率(heart rate variability)、膚電反應(skin conductance responses)、指溫等生理反應亦被記錄。
結果:受試者在認知表現或主觀評量上的確顯現出睡眠遲惰的效果,其加法作業的完成題數隨著時間增加,而主觀睡意則隨著時間減少。快節奏音樂情境比慢節奏音樂情境有顯著較高的主觀激發程度,並有較清醒的評量。在生理測量部分,受試者在快節奏音樂情境中有顯著較高的非特定刺激引起之膚電反應(Non-specific skin conductance responses)和腦電波較多beta波的趨勢。然而,儘管受試者的主觀評量會受到音樂刺激的影響而有不同,其認知表現並沒有出現類似的效果。
結論:本研究發現藉由音樂提高激發狀態,可使主觀睡意評量降低,但認知表現並不受到影響。此分離的現象顯示睡眠遲惰的消散不能以單一的生理激發狀態來解釋,而必須考慮多種歷程機制同時運作的可能性。 / Objective:Sleep inertia (SI) is a transitional state occurring immediately after awakening from sleep that are associated with sleepiness, decreased alertness and decrement in cognitive performance. It has been suggested that SI may be due to a decline in arousal level. Therefore, it was hypothesized that factors likely increasing arousal would reduce the effects of SI. Previous studies showed that fast-tempo music may enhance the level of arousal. The present study was conducted to clarify the role of arousal in SI by exposure to music with different tempos.
Methods:Twelve healthy young adults, aged 18 to 31 years, participated in the study. All subjects went through three conditions: a fast-tempo music, a slow-tempo music, and a control (no music) conditions. Music stimuli were applied to subjects awaked from a 20-mins nap, and the subjects were given an addition task and asked to rate their level of subjective sleepiness and arousal on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), visual analog scales (VAS) and emotional rating scales 6 times over an hour. During the test period, their physiological arousal state was recorded, including electroencephalogram (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV), skin conductance responses (SCR), finger temperature.
Results:The effects of SI on cognitive throughput and subjective ratings were evident. Their performance on the addition task increased and sleepiness decreased over time. Subjective sleepiness was significantly reduced and physiological arousal level measured by non-specific skin conductance responses (NS-SCRs) and EEG beta power were elevated when the participants were exposed to fast-tempo music. However, cognitive performance was not influenced by music exposure.
Conclusion:The present findings suggest that increased arousal level during SI by manipulating music stimuli may decrease subjective sleepiness but have no impact on cognitive performance. This dissociative effect suggests that the dissipation of sleep inertia may not be a function of a general arousal level. Rather, there may be multiple processes that are responsible for different aspects of SI.
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Zkušenosti učitele se změnou přesvědčení o vyučování matematice / Teachers' experiences with changes in educational believes in mathematicsHlavatá, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
Teachers' experiences with changes in educational believes in mathematics Abstract: Goal of this master thesis is monitoring of changes in the educational style of the teacher. The change is described at nearly annual, personal experiences of the teacher from the first year of primary school. On the experience, in which it attempts to move from transimising way of teaching mathematics to teach by using methods of teaching oriented to building of schemes. Processing of the topic, she is looking for the answer of the question, if the change of educational style of the teacher, can help to change the pupil's attitudes to taughted object, in this case to mathematics. Whether use of methods of teaching oriented to building of schemes, will lead to pupil's more interested in problem solving, not only in mathematics. She figuring out how long time period the teacher needs to change her access to teaching as well as pupils. Key words: teacher-pupil interaction, problem as tool for pupils'activation, overcoming inertia in education
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Detections of seven faint g-ray pulsars and constraints on neutron star moments of inertia with the Fermi–LAT / Détection de sept pulsars gamma faibles et contraintes sur le moment d'inertie des étoiles à neutrons avec le Fermi-LATHou, Xian 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le Large Area Telescope (LAT) à bord du satellite Fermi, lancé le 11 Juin 2008, est sensible au rayonnement gamma de20 MeV à plus de 300 GeV. 148 pulsars gamma à ce jour ont été détectés avec le Fermi-LAT, dont 117 sont détaillés dansle Deuxième Catalogue de Pulsars gamma de Fermi (2PC). Les pulsars forment la plus grande classe de sources au GeVdans la Voie Lactée. Les études de pulsars gamma apportent des contraintes importantes sur les modèles d’émission gamma etpermettent des percées dans notre compréhension des pulsars.Cette thèse présente des détections de sept pulsars gamma faibles déjà connus en radio, dont quatre jeunes ou d’âgesmoyens et trois millisecondes (MSP). L’analyse spectrale et la caractérisation des courbes de lumiére sont décriteset comparées à la population de 2PC. Ces détections ont l’intérêt particulier de sonder et d’étendre l’espace desparamètres de la population actuelle. Elles illustrent la distorsion inhérente dans 2PC et marquent la transition de lapremière phase (pulsars brillants) à la seconde phase (pulsars faibles) d’opération de Fermi. Le développement desmodèles théoriques et un recensement complet de la population galactique des étoiles à neutrons bénéficieront de plusde détections de pulsars faibles dans les années à venir.Certains pulsars gamma dans 2PC manifestant de grande efficacité gamma sont étudiés dans cette thèse. L’examen desdifférents paramètres qui influencent l’efficacité conduit à quelques candidats pour lesquels un plus grand momentd’inertie est nécessaire afin de résoudre le paradoxe de grande efficacité. Les observations de Fermi en rayons gamma ontl’air à apporter des contraintes indépendantes sur le moment d’inertie et les équations d’état des étoiles à neutrons. / The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi satellite, launched on June 11 2008, is sensitive to g raysfrom 20 MeV to over 300 GeV. gamma-ray pulsations from 148 pulsars to date have been detected with the Fermi-LAT, 117are detailed in the Second Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Pulsar Catalog (2PC). Pulsars are by far the largest GeV sourceclassin the Milky Way. Studies of the increasing gamma-ray pulsar sample bring important constraints on theoretical gamma-rayemission models and enable breakthroughs in our understanding of pulsars.This thesis presents detections of seven faint gamma-ray pulsars that are already known at radio wavelengths, includingfour young or middle aged pulsars and three millisecond pulsars (MSPs). Spectral analysis and light curve characterizationsare detailed and compared to the 2PC sample. These detections have the special interest of allowing us toprobe and extend the parameter space of the current population. They illustrate the inherent bias in 2PC and mark thetransition from the early part (bright pulsars) to the later part (faint pulsars) of the Fermi mission. Theoretical modeldevelopments and a complete census of Galactic neutron star populations will benefit from more detections of weakpulsars in the years to come.Some high gamma-ray efficiency pulsars in 2PC are studied in this thesis. Investigations on different parameters whichinfluence the efficiency result in a few candidates for which a large moment of inertia is necessary to cure the highefficiency paradox. Fermi gamma-ray observations seem to bring independent constraints on the moment of inertia andequations of state of neutron stars
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Détection de communautés dans les réseaux d'information utilisant liens et attributs / Community detection in information networks using links and attributesCombe, David 15 October 2013 (has links)
Alors que les réseaux sociaux s'attachent à représenter des entités et les relations existant entre elles, les réseaux d'information intègrent également des attributs décrivant ces entités ; ce qui conduit à revisiter les méthodes d'analyse et de fouille de ces réseaux. Dans ces travaux, nous proposons des méthodes de classification des entités du réseau d'information qui exploitent d'une part les relations entre celles-ci et d'autre part les attributs les caractérisant. Nous nous penchons sur le cas des réseaux à vecteurs d'attributs, où les entités du réseau sont décrites par des vecteurs numériques. Ainsi nous proposons des approches basées sur des techniques reconnues pour chaque type d'information, faisant appel notamment à l'inertie pour la classification automatique et à la modularité de Newman et Girvan pour la détection de communautés. Nous évaluons nos propositions sur des réseaux issus de données bibliographiques, faisant usage en particulier d'information textuelle. Nous évaluons également nos approches face à diverses évolutions du réseau, notamment au regard d'une détérioration des informations des liens et des attributs, et nous caractérisons la robustesse de nos méthodes à celle-ci / While social networks use to represent entities and relationships between them, information networks also include attributes describing these entities, leading to review the analysis and mining methods for these networks. In this work, we discuss classification of the entities in an information network. Classification operate simultaneously on the relationships and on the attributes characterizing the entities. We look at the case of attributed graphs where entities are described by numerical feature vectors. We propose approaches based on proven classification techniques for each type of information, including the inertia for machine learning and Newman and Girvan's modularity for community detection. We evaluate our proposals on networks from bibliographic data, using textual information. We also evaluate our methods against various changes in the network, such as a deterioration of the relational or vector data, mesuring the robustness of our methods to them
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Investigation of Kelvin-like solid foams for potential engineering applications : an attractive set of geometrical and thermo-hydraulic properties / Etude sur les mousses solides de Kelvin pour des applications industrielles : influence des propriétés géométriques et thermo-hydrauliquesKumar, Prashant 26 September 2014 (has links)
Les mousses à cellules ouvertes ont diverses applications industrielles, par exemple pour des échangeurs de chaleur, des réacteurs structurés, la filtration, la catalyse, récepteurs solaires volumétriques en raison de leurs propriétés uniques telles qu'une importante porosité et une surface spécifique élevée. Pour déterminer théoriquement la surface spécifique géométrique et les relations entre les paramètres géométriques de mousses, une corrélation mathématique généralisée a été développée. A cet effet, la géométrie de la tetrakaidecahedron a été utilisé et différentes formes de sections transversales de brins de structures en mousse ont été pris en compte de façon explicite. La corrélation dérivée pour prédire les propriétés géométriques peut facilement être étendue à des formes différentes. Des simulations numériques 3-D à l'échelle des pores ont été réalisées pour étudier la perte de charge et la conductivité effective thermique. L'écoulement du fluide à travers la mousse à cellule ouverte a été réalisé dans trois régimes différents: les régimes de Darcy, transitoire et inertiel. L'importance des propriétés géométriques sur les caractéristiques d'écoulement de fluide et leurs inclusions dans les corrélations proposées pour prédire la perte de charge est discutée. La question « Les paramètres d'Ergun peuvent-ils avoir des valeurs numériques constantes ou non ? » est discutée. Trois différentes corrélations étaient dérivées pour prédire la conductivité thermique effective à la fois isotrope et anisotrope des mousses. Les paramètres géométriques de la matrice de mousse étaient introduits dans les corrélations pour prédire la conductivité thermique effective. / Open cell foams have diverse industrial applications e.g. heat exchangers, structured reactors, filtration due to their unique properties such as high porosity and high specific surface area. In order to theoretically determine the geometric specific surface area and relationships between geometrical parameters of isotropic open cell foams, a generalized mathematical correlation was developed. For this purpose the tetrakaidecahedron geometry was used and different shapes of strut cross-sections of foam structures were taken explicitly into account. The derived correlation to predict geometrical properties can be easily extended to different strut shapes. 3-D numerical simulations at pore scale were performed to study the pressure drop characteristics and effective thermal conductivity. Fluid flow through open cell foam was performed in three different regimes: Darcy regime, transition regime and inertia regime. Importance of geometrical properties on fluid flow characteristics and their inclusion in the proposed correlations for predicting pressure drop is discussed. "Can Ergun parameters have constant numerical values or not" is also extensively discussed. Three different correlations were derived to predict the effective thermal conductivity for both, isotropic and anisotropic open cell foams. Geometrical parameters of foam matrix were introduced in the correlations to predict effective thermal conductivity.
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The conceptual evolution of inflation inertia in Brazil / A evolução do conceito de inércia inflacionária no BrasilCarvalho, André Roncaglia de 17 July 2015 (has links)
This work aims to contribute to the wider body of research in history of economics in Brazil by focusing on the conceptual evolution of inflation inertia. Its motivation lies in the conceptual gap that appeared, following disinflation in 1994, between the stabilization debates carried out in the 1980s and the way economists in Brazil began to describe downwardly rigid inflation patterns from the 1990s onwards. More precisely, we explore the \"inertial inflation episode\" as a chapter in a longer tradition of adaptations, to country-specific realities, of theoretical influences coming from the economics profession at the international level, in the late 1970s, when the inertial inflation hypothesis was brought to the fore. Our narrative reveals that this stubborn inflationary phenomenon had been previously dealt with in the debates in Latin America about growth and inflation back in the 1950s and 1960s, where a host of contributions sprung from various traditions, which were gradually synthesized by the saw-tooth model of real wages, also known as Simonsen-Pazos mechanism. We analyze the recurrent opposition between a monetarist- and a heterodox structuralist-type of thinking in their two rounds, in the 1950s and again in the 1980s. The connection between these two opposing schools is operated by the contributions by Mario Henrique Simonsen and the self-declared neo-structuralist economists at PUC-Rio. Based on a careful and detailed analysis of the latter\'s modeling strategies and conclusions, we show that, along the 1980s, these economists gradually shift towards a more ecumenical approach, inviting monetarist elements into their analyses while downplaying the relevance of the inertial component. Finally, when the 1990s came, the rise of a macroeconomic consensus began to conceptualize \"inflation inertia\" as the time delay between a real or monetary shock and the response by price level changes, leaving the concept of \"inflation persistence\" to account for the deviations of inflation away from its equilibrium value, a view that undergirds how most Brazilian economists now understand this phenomenon. We assess how \"inflation inertia\" has been understood in the aftermath of the monetary reform in Brazil in 1994, by analyzing the backstage papers that circulated within the economic team in charge of the Real Plan. We conclude that there are elements of continuity between the two rounds as regards the concept of inertia, but that they are now stripped of their previous dense historical and institutional substance. / O presente trabalho busca contribuir para a literatura de história do pensamento econômico brasileiro, ao estudar a transformação do conceito de inércia inflacionária no Brasil desde os debates sobre estabilização na década de 1980 até o período pós-Real, mudança essa que permanece inexplicada pela literatura. Mais precisamente, o trabalho busca verificar a hipótese de que a inflação inercial não passou de um episódio de uma longa tradição de adaptações teóricas de influências oriundas de economistas estrangeiros, em especial na década de 1970, quando a hipótese de uma inflação inercial foi levantada. Nossa narrativa revela que o fenômeno da rigidez inflacionária já havia sido previamente compreendido e teorizado nos debates na América Latina, nas décadas de 1950 e 1960, quando inúmeras contribuições foram eventualmente sintentizadas no modelo de rendas contratuais sob inflação no formato de \"dente-de-serra\", ou o assim chamado mecanismo Simonsen-Pazos. A narrativa adota a controvérsia entre monetaristas e estruturalistas em seus dois momentos como eixo da análise, para mostrar como o desaparecimento dessa oposição coincide com a emergência do consenso macroeconômico em escala internacional. Baseando-se em uma análise cuidadosa e detalhada das contribuições dos economistas neo-estruturalistas da PUC-Rio e da onipresente influência de Simonsen como um sintetizador das contenciosas escolas, o trabalho apresenta evidências documentais de uma transformação estruturalista da segunda geração. Ao longo dos anos 1980, esses economistas gradualmente convergiram para uma abordagem mais ecumênica com relação aos monetaristas, reduzindo a importância do componente inercial da inflação e ampliando a relevância de aspectos usualmente associados à ortodoxia econômica. Finalmente, no período pós-Real, passa a predominar no país um conceito de inércia inflacionária que constrasta com a visão anterior dos economistas atuando no referido plano de estabilização. Esse novo conceito está associado à emergência da \"nova síntese neoclássica\", na qual a inércia é compreendida como o atraso na resposta dos níveis de preço a choques monetários ou reais, enquanto o conceito de persistência inflacionária representa desvios duradouros da inflação com relação ao seu nível de equilíbrio. Para compreender se essa mudança pode ser considerada uma ruptura com relação ao passado, analisam-se os artigos que circularam nos bastidores do Plano Real dentro da equipe econômica. Nosso trabalho conclui que há elementos de continuidade entre os dois momentos no que se refere ao conceito de inércia, os quais aparecem agora com uma representação analítica desprovida da substância histórica e institucional que o conceito outrora abarcava.
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Influência da inércia de rotação e da força cortante nas freqüências naturais e na resposta dinâmica de estruturas de barras / Influence of rotary inertia and shear deformation in the natural frequencies and dynamic response of framed structuresMartins, Jaime Florencio 04 December 1998 (has links)
A clássica teoria de Euler-Bernoulli para vibrações transversais de vigas elásticas é sabido não ser adequada para vibrações de altas freqüências, como é o caso de vibração de vigas curtas. Esta teoria assume que a deflexão deve-se somente ao momento fletor, uma vez que os efeitos da inércia de rotação e da força cortante são negligenciados. Lord Rayleigh complementou a teoria clássica demonstrando a contribuição da inércia de rotação e Timoshenko estendeu a teoria ao incluir os efeitos da força cortante. A equação resultante é conhecida como sendo a que caracteriza a chamada teoria de viga de Timoshenko. Usando-se a matriz de rigidez dinâmica, as freqüências naturais e a resposta dinâmica de estruturas de barras são determinadas e comparadas de acordo com resultados de quatro modelos de vibração. São estudados o problema de vibração flexional de vigas, pórticos e grelhas, bem como o problema de fundação elástica segundo o modelo de Winkler e também a versão mais avançada que é o modelo de Pasternak. / Classical Euler-Bernoulli theory for transverse vibrations of elastic beams is known to be inadequate to consider high frequency modes which occur for short beams, for example. This theory is derived under the assumption that the deflection is only due to bending. The effects of rotary inertia and shear deformation are ignored. Lord Rayleigh improved the classical theory by considering the effect of rotary inertia. Timoshenko extended the theory to include the effects of shear deformation. The resulting equation is known as Timoshenko beam theory. The natural frequencies and dynamic reponse of framed structures are determined by using the dynamic stiffness matrix and compered according to these theories. The flexional vibration problems of beams, plane frames and grids are analysed, as well problems of elastic foundation according the well known Winkler model and also the more general Pasternak model.
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Imagerie infrarouge thermique haute résolution : potentiels et limitations pour la géologie / High resolution thermal infrared imaging : potential and limitations for earth sciencesGaudin, Damien 12 July 2012 (has links)
Le rayonnement infrarouge thermique (7.5-14 μm) permet de mesurer à distance la température de surfaces géologiques. Les capteurs de type “microbolomètre”, de bas prix et d’utilisation facile, sont de plus en plus utilisés pour cartographier sur le terrain des anomalies de température. Cependant, des phénomènes tels que l’opacité de l’atmosphère et les réflexions de la surface viennent modifier le signal. De plus, les images doivent être ajustées géométriquement pour être cartographiées. Après avoir proposé un protocole de correction géométrique et radiométrique des mesures, et quantifié les incertitudes résiduelles, quelques exemples sont étudiés pour définir les potentiels et les limites de l’infrarouge thermique en sciences de la Terre. Son potentiel pour la détection de la ligne de rivage a été utilisé lors d’une marée montante pour reconstituer le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) d’une plage de l’Aber Benoît (Bretagne). D’autre part, un modèle informatique a été développé pour mesurer l’influence de la rugosité sur la température de la surface des planètes. Il a été appliqué au calcul de l’inertie thermique de Mars et de l’astéroïde (2867) Šteins. Enfin, les images infrarouges sont utilisées pour quantifier le flux de chaleur d’une zone sub-fumerollienne de la Soufrière. Ainsi, l’imagerie thermique infrarouge montre un fort potentiel, partiellement inexploité par les études actuelles, notamment pour la cartographie quantitative des contrastes de température à haute résolution. A haute fréquence, elle permet d’étudier la dynamique des phénomènes géologiques. / Thermal infrared (7.5-14 μm) enables the measurement of temperature far fromgeological surfaces. Microbolometers devices are increasingly used in the field in order to mapthermal anomalies. However, phenomena such as atmospheric opacity and surface reflections disturb the electromagnetic signal. In addition, images have to be geometrically adjusted to fit with geographical models. A processing chain is here suggested in order to correct the radiometry and the geometry of images, and the uncertainties are computed. Then, its potential and limitations are considered, through a few examples. First, it has been used in order to detect the waterline evolution of a mud shore during a rising tide, which enables to reconstruct a digital elevation model. Then, a computer model has been developed to study the roughness effects on the surface temperature and on the thermal inertial calculation on Mars and on the (2867) Šteins asteroid. Finally the heat flux of a sub-fumarolian zone has been computed in La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles).Thus, thermal infrared remote sensing is very useful in quantitatively mapping the temperatures anomalies with a high resolution. High frequency studies should enable the survey of geological phenomena.
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Paredes trombe no Brasil: análise do potencial de utilização para aquecimento e refrigeração / Trombe walls in Brazil: analysis of feasibility of use for heating and coolingCavalcanti, Fernando Antonio de Melo Sá 13 November 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se o desempenho térmico de um ambiente padrão a partir do uso de parede trombe com diferentes configurações e tipologias de uso, por meio de comparação com um ambiente de mesmas dimensões dotado de janelas convencionais, para oito cidades brasileiras, pois o potencial de utilização desta forma de estratégia passiva ainda é pouco estudado no Brasil. A parede trombe consiste em uma \"estufa\" entre uma parede de alta inércia térmica com aberturas inferiores e superiores e uma superfície envidraçada por onde o ambiente mantém contato com o exterior. Este dispositivo é capaz de absorver energia proveniente da radiação solar aquecendo o ar nesta estufa e este ar aquecido pode ser direcionado para o interior ou exterior da edificação a depender da finalidade. Este ar pode ser usado para aquecer o ambiente ou resfriá-lo por meio da ventilação natural. A análise deste trabalho se deu a partir de uma série de simulações computacionais utilizando o software EnergyPlus, versão 7.0 de modo a quantificar e classificar o desempenho térmico de um ambiente padrão dotado deste componente, sob as diversas configurações construtivas. Tanto para aquecimento quanto para resfriamento dos ambientes. A partir destas simulações, elaborou-se um modelo matemático simplificado capaz de quantificar a temperatura do ar no interior dos ambientes em que sejam utilizadas as paredes trombe de modo a tornar possível a utilização deste dispositivo na composição de edificações na fase de projeto, estimando seu desempenho sem que haja necessidade de novas simulações computacionais. O uso das paredes trombe melhorou o conforto térmico dos usuários em edificações localizadas no Brasil, a depender do clima onde estão inseridas, promovendo ventilação natural e aquecimento solar passivo, mesmo quando comparado com o modelo convencional de aberturas. Por fim foi elaborado um aplicativo para sistema Android em dispositivos móveis, possibilitando aos profissionais de projeto identificar a melhor tipologia para a localidade onde se deseja inserir este sistema e prever seu desempenho, contribuindo para que o potencial deste dispositivo seja investigado nas mais diversas regiões brasileiras. / This research evaluated the thermal performance of a standard environment from the use of Trombe wall with different settings and types of use, by comparison with a setting of the same dimensions equipped with conventional windows for eight Brazilian cities, because the potential the utilization of this passive strategy is still little studied in Brazil. A Trombe wall consists of a \"greenhouse\" between a wall of high thermal inertia lower and upper vents and a glazed area where the environment keeps contact with the outside. This device is capable of absorbing energy from solar radiation heating the air this greenhouse and this heated air can be directed to the interior or exterior of the building depending on the purpose. This air can be used to heat the room or cool it by means of natural ventilation. The analysis of this work was made from a series of computer simulations using EnergyPlus software, version 7.0 in order to quantify and classify the thermal performance of a standard environment with this component, under the various construction settings. Both for heating and for cooling environments. From these simulations, we elaborated a simplified mathematical model able to measure the air temperature within the environments in which they are used Trombe walls in order to make use of this device in the composition of buildings in the design stage as possible, estimating its performance without the need for new computer simulations. The use of Trombe walls improved thermal comfort of users in buildings located in Brazil, depending on the climate where they are located , providing natural ventilation and passive solar heating, even when compared with the conventional model of openings. Finally an app for Android system for mobile devices was developed, enabling professionals to identify the best design type to the location where you want to enter this system and predict its performance, contributing to the potential of this device is investigated in several Brazilian regions.
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