Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inertia."" "subject:"enertia.""
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Skivbolagens död och återuppståndelse : En studie om svenska skivbolags verksamhet och självupplevda relevans efter digitaliseringen av skivindustrinRamkloo, Jesper, Sätermo, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
The record industry has been around for just over 100 years and it’s an industry that mostly has been growing and growing ever since its inception. New technology has always pushed the industry forwards and helped it grow bigger and bigger with almost each year. But when the internet came in the early 2000’s it changed everything. It caused a stir in the industry when the music consumers now had the possibility to rip CD's, download music files illegally and share them with the world for free. In desperate actions to try to save the record labels from going bankrupt they did all in their power to fight the change. What eventually happened was that other actors came in and saved the business with services that embraced the change from a physical way of consuming music, to a new digital one. This is a study of how that change has been perceived and affected the record labels and their ways of working. By using Paul Hirschs modell charting the organization of the pop music industry and the four processes that Tschmuck describes as the core activities of a record label, we’ve interviewed six record labels in the Stockholm area in an attempt to describe the new core activities and organization of the industry now that the digitization has changed the way the customers consume music. Our findings show that the value added chain that Hirsch modelled has changed drastically, with several actors losing importance in it, while others actors has traded places. The core activities that Tschmuck described remains the same, but the ways they are executed has become more effective thanks to the new technology.
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Amélioration du confort d'été dans des bâtiments à ossature par ventilation de l'enveloppe et stockage thermique / Summer confort improvement in wooden frame building by wall and roof ventilation and thermal storageBrun, Adrien 26 January 2011 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, d'importants efforts ont été réalisés sur l'amélioration de la performance énergétique des bâtiments qui représentent le premier poste de consommation énergétique en France. Les exigences de la nouvelle réglementation thermique 2012 illustrent bien ces évolutions avec une consommation conventionnelle d'énergie primaire comprenant l'ensemble des postes (chauffage, climatisation, éclairage, ventilation, eau chaude sanitaire), déduction faite de l'électricité produite sur place, qui devra être inférieure à 50 kWh.m2.an-1 d'énergie primaire. La réponse à cette nouvelle exigence se fera par l'adoption de technologies constructives conduisant à une consommation pour le chauffage équivalente aux constructions dites « passives » (environ 15 kWh.m2.an-1) et dont le recours à la climatisation est limité voir inexistant. Il s'agit pour cela de limiter toutes les contributions à l'échauffement du bâtiment et éventuellement de lui adjoindre un système de rafraichissement à coefficient de performance élevé. Après avoir montré par l'exemple qu'un bâtiment à ossature à faible inertie en métropole, par sa capacité de stockage thermique limitée, est prédisposé à des problèmes de surchauffe, nous avons construit cette thèse autour de deux axes d'amélioration, dédiés aux constructions à ossature, que sont : - La limitation des charges solaires transmises au travers de l'enveloppe en faisant appel à une spécificité des constructions à ossature qu'est la présence d'un espace naturellement ventilé en sous-face du parement extérieur que nous utiliserons afin d'extraire une partie des charges solaires incidentes; - Le couplage de ces bâtiments « légers » à un échangeur air/masse qui contient l'inertie nécessaire au maintien des conditions de confort estivales lorsque la réduction de température nocturne le permet. Basée sur une approche numérique et expérimentale en vrai grandeur et en conditions réelles, nous proposons d'aborder tour à tour chacune de ces stratégies d'amélioration du confort qui trouvent leurs applications aussi bien en climat chaud et sec qu'en climat tropical. / Building sector is the most important energy consumer in France, and one of the field where there is the highest potential for improvement. In recent years, building energy consumption has been the subject of continuously up-dated regulations aimed at reducing its impact. As an example, the latest national thermal regulation (RT 2012) makes it compulsory to respect the limits previously introduced by RT 2005 as a voluntary label, corresponding to the definition of guil{Low energy consumption buildings} (BBC); in order to get such a label, a building should have a primary energy consumption lower than 50 kWh.m2.an-1, calculated by making a balance between consumptions (heating, cooling, domestic hot water, lighting, ventilation) and local electricity production. In order to respond to this new requirement, appropriate architectural and technological solutions have to be used. As a results, heating needs should be limited to approximately 15 kWh.m2.an-1 - by improving the building insulation or by adopting passive solar techniques - and summer thermal comfort should be achieved with a minimum primary energy waste. Therefore, internal heat gains and external solar transmission must be limited and, if necessary, low energy cooling systems could be used. In the present work, we firstly studied the case of a low thermal inertia building. The simulation results show that this construction typology is subject to uncomfortable temperature swing. Afterwards, two propositions leading to the improvement of summer thermal comfort were developed. The first, dedicated to warm and humid climates, consists in limiting solar transmission through the wall by using a gap, generally integrated in a timber frame structure, to eliminate part of the absorbed heat by means of natural ventilation. Then, the increase of the building thermal inertia through the association of an air/mass storage system was assessed, which is especially suitable in warm and dry climates. Both propositions were based both on numerical studies and on experimentation performed on a full-scale test rig installed at CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building research).
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Värmereglering utifrån byggnadens tidskonstant i en värmetrög fastighet : Prognostiseringar utav värmeenergianvändningen och dess ekonomiska kostnaderBerner Wik, Petter January 2018 (has links)
För att pådriva utvecklingen mot ett mer hållbart Gävle kommer Gävle Energi AB implementera en ny säsongsbaserad kapacitetsmodell ifrån årsskiftet 2019. Som ska skapa ekonomiska incitament för energieffektivisering i fastigheter inom Gävles fjärrvärmenät. Denna studie kartlägger värmeenergianvändningen i en fastighet som riskerar en förhöjd totalkostnad för fjärrvärmen till följd av den nya prismodellen. Målet med studien är att reducera värmeenergianvändningen utan att investera i fastigheten, vilket möjliggörs genom att värmeenergitillförseln till fastigheten regleras. Genom att programmera ett års historisk data av temperaturer, solinstrålning, el- och värmeeffekter så prognostiseras värmetillförseln på samma sätt som fastighetens styrsystem Kabona Eco-pilot. Styrsystemet tillämpar en flytande inomhustemperatur vilket bidrar till att fastighetens värmetröghet inkluderas i värmeregleringen. Studien inkluderar två prognoser som jämförs med den verkliga värmeenergianvändningen och den nya kapacitetsprismodellen. Prognos 1 är baserad på en årscykel och prognos 2 baseras på intervallet november 2017 till mars 2018. Syftet med prognos 2 är att tillämpa en strategisk värmelaststyrning för att sänka värmekapacitetsbehovet vid -10˚C. Prognos 1 indikerar att en värmeenergibesparing på 26% kan uppnås. Prognosen tar hänsyn till solinstrålning och vissa delar utav den interna värmegenereringen. Utan att Diös fastigheter AB investerat i några energibesparingsåtgärder prognostiseras en besparing på 44 700SEK under ett års drift. Fastigheten har idag energiprestanda energiklass D och kommer efter besparingen att kunna uppnå energiklass C. Prognos 2 indikerar att en kapacitetsreducering kan uppnås motsvarande 46,1% samtidigt som den rörliga värmeenergianvändningen minskar. Totalt sett finns en besparingspotential på 47,8% och 216 700 SEK under perioden 2017-11-01 till 2018-03-31, dock med följd att inomhustemperaturen sjunker. / In order to continue the development towards a more sustainable city of Gävle, Gävle Energi AB will implement a new season-based capacity model by the year 2019. It creates economic incentives for energy efficiency in real estate’s within Gävle's district heating network. This report investigates how the heat energy is used for a building that risks an increased heat energy cost, due to the new pricing model. The aim of the study is to reduce the heat energy usage without investing in the building, which is made possible by regulating the thermal energy supply to the building. By programming one year of historical data of temperatures, solar radiation, power- and heat effects the heat supply is forecasted the same way as the building's control system Kabona Eco-pilot is working. The control system applies a floating indoor temperature, which contribute that the thermal inertia of the building is included in the heat load control. The study includes two forecasts that are compared to the actual heat energy use and the new capacity price model. Forecast 1 is based on an annual cycle and forecast 2 is based on the range of November 2017 to Mars 2018. The aim of forecast 2 is to apply a strategic heat load control to reduce the heat capacity needed at -10˚C. Forecast 1 indicates a potential heat energy saving of 26% even though Diös Fastigheter AB does not invest in any energy saving technology. A saving of approximately 44 700 SEK is forecasted for the annual cycle. The building has an energy class D and has the potential to achieve energy class C after the change of control system parameters. Forecast 2 indicates a potential capacity reduction corresponding to 46,1% while the variable heat energy consumption decreases. Overall, there is an approximated heat energy saving potential of 47,8%, which corresponds to 216 700 SEK, during the range of 2017-11-01 to 2018-03-31. Due to the consequence of a lower indoor temperature.
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Macroscopic model and numerical simulation of elastic canopy flowsPauthenet, Martin 11 September 2018 (has links) (PDF)
We study the turbulent flow of a fluid over a canopy, that we model as a deformable porous medium. This porous medium is more precisely a carpet of fibres that bend under the hydrodynamic load, hence initiating a fluid-structure coupling at the scale of a fibre's height (honami). The objective of the thesis is to develop a macroscopic model of this fluid-structure interaction in order to perform numerical simulations of this process. The volume averaging method is implemented to describe the large scales of the flow and their interaction with the deformable porous medium. An hybrid approach is followed due to the non-local nature of the solid phase; While the large scales of the flow are described within an Eulerian frame by applying the method of volume averaging, a Lagrangian approach is proposed to describe the ensemble of fibres. The interface between the free-flow and the porous medium is handle with a One-Domain- Approach, which we justify with the theoretical development of a mass- and momentum- balance at the fluid/porous interface. This hybrid model is then implemented in a parallel code written in C$++$, based on a fluid- solver available from the \openfoam CFD toolbox. Some preliminary results show the ability of this approach to simulate a honami within a reasonable computational cost. Prior to implementing a macroscopic model, insight into the small-scale is required. Two specific aspects of the small-scale are therefore studied in details; The first development deals with the inertial deviation from Darcy's law. A geometrical parameter is proposed to describe the effect of inertia on Darcy's law, depending on the shape of the microstructure of the porous medium. This topological parameter is shown to efficiently characterize inertia effects on a diversity of tested microstructures. An asymptotic filtration law is then derived from the closure problem arising from the volume averaging method, proposing a new framework to understand the relationship between the effect of inertia on the macroscopic fluid-solid force and the topology of the microstructure of the porous medium. A second research axis is then investigated. As we deal with a deformable porous medium, we study the effect of the pore-scale fluid-structure interaction on the filtration law as the flow within the pores is unsteady, inducing time-dependent fluidstresses on the solid- phase. For that purpose, we implement pore-scale numerical simulations of unsteady flows within deformable pores, focusing for this preliminary study on a model porous medium. Owing to the large displacements of the solid phase, an immersed boundary approach is implemented. Two different numerical methods are compared to apply the no-slip condition at the fluid-solid interface: a diffuse interface approach and a sharp interface approach. The objective is to find the proper method to afford acceptable computational time and a good reliability of the results. The comparison allows a cross-validation of the numerical results, as the two methods compare well for our cases. This numerical campaign shows that the pore-scale deformation has a significant impact on the pressure drop at the macroscopic scale. Some fundamental issues are then discussed, such as the size of a representative computational domain or the form of macroscopic equations to describe the momentum transport within a soft deformable porous medium.
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Discount retail internationalisation : barriers to the deployment of glocalisationChristiansen, Hans January 2017 (has links)
The standardisations/adaptation theme is amongst the most debated within International Retailing. Much research has attended to the question of whether an MNC should adapt to local market needs or, if instead, it should emphasise the upholding of global standards to reap efficiencies. Within this debate there is much focus on resonating to market needs but less on the inheritance, history and structure of the MNC and how this affects the ability to adapt or standardise, or indeed to do both by applying the glocalisation theme. Existing research has placed less emphasis on how the MNC might be biased towards either standardising or adapting regardless of market conditions. Central to this debate is the transfer of a retail formula. It is commonly understood that the faithful replication of a retail formula means that each element of the marketing mix is copied ‘as is’ from home to host country. This can at best be a benchmark as no MNC would be able to completely copy a home-derived standard to the host market, however, some retail concepts are generically better able to perform this ideal act than others. They would attempt to standardise as much as possible, adopting a strategy that maximises replication as it seeks not to duplicate resources across borders. The key point in this attempt is whether it does so out of recognising that differences are insignificant, or if it does so because it is unable to see that the differences do matter. Seen from an institutionalisation perspective and, initially looking at the home-derived context only, one recognises the well-defined relationship and interaction between MNC and consumer culture and the position the MNC has obtained in terms of brand strength and success. It is easy to see that context will be different in the host market, but difficult to take this into account when transferring the retail formula out of the home context. More recent literature on embeddedness has addressed some of these linkages and influences which affect the way MNCs transfer their retail concepts, but the literature fails to recognise the full impact. The structural paradox embodies some of the dilemma in this discussion as it addresses the conflict between transferred operational structure and the need to adapt locally to market needs. The glocalisation theme approaches the same dilemma from a competency perspective but does not embrace what stops the MNC from being more adaptive. This research develops a model that aims to combine these perspectives. This model is deployed to three cases, all detailing the transfer of a highly standardised retail concept, hard discounting, which is an ideal platform to explore how home-derived structure is transferred and how it deals with trans-contextual dimensions across borders. The research looks critically and in-depth at how the standards applied impact on the levels of awareness paid towards the need to adapt to trans-contextual dimensions and seeks evidence that demonstrate how attention to the differences become vital to success. At the same time, the cases illustrate that the differences may alter, but the approach taken towards them remain the same. The model defines this approach as a strategic trajectory called ‘MaxRep’, which is developed out of the home context and remains aligned to this particular foreign context when transferred in on the host settings. The benchmarking of this approach against the glocalisation theme leads to the identification of gaps and definition of action to be taken to overcome these barriers to applying effective glocalisation.
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Estudo de casos sobre a inércia térmica de edificações na cidade de São Carlos. / Case study of buildings thermal inertia in Sao Carlos, SP.Dornelles, Kelen Almeida 20 April 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-04-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In this work, it was investigated the use of thermal inertia in buildings located in Sao Carlos city, SP, which presents semi-humid climate. This research aims to verify the hypothesis that the use of thermal inertia in buildings submitted to the specific climate of Sao Carlos allows to optimize the thermal performance of buildings and to reduce waste of energy to restore indoor thermal comfort. From data obtained by monitoring of seven different buildings, the thermal performance of each one was analyzed when they are submitted to typical simmer and winter conditions. To these seasons, adopting a reference day , it was estimated the heating and cooling requirement to restore the indoor comfort conditions. Besides the analyses for winter and summer seasons, it was estimated the indoor cooling and heating requirement along all moths of the year. Through this analyze, it was possible to verify the real influences of thermal inertia on the indoor comfort conditions. The results indicates that only the use of thermal inertia is insufficient to provide indoor thermal comfort conditions for buildings submitted to the specific climates of Sao Carlos. It is suggested to mach the use of thermal inertia with others passive strategies, in such a way to optimize the thermal performance of buildings. / Neste trabalho, investigou-se o uso da inércia térmica em edificações localizadas na cidade de São Carlos, SP, cujo clima pode se caracterizado como semi-úmido. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a hipótese de que a utilização da inércia térmica, em edificações submetidas ao clima específico da cidade, permite otimizar o desempenho térmico de edificações e reduzir a necessidade de sistemas artificiais de climatização para restabelece o conforto nos ambientes. Como base nos dados obtidos no monitoramento de ambientes de sete diferentes edificações, analisou-se o desempenho térmico de cada ambiente frente a condições típicas de inverno e verão. Para estes dois períodos, adotando-se um "dia de referência", fez-se o cálculo do desconforto por frio ou calor acumulado ao longo deste dia e se estimou a necessidade de aquecimento e refrigeração, para restabelecer o conforto térmico nos ambientes. Além das análises para inverno e verão, também se estimou a necessidade de aquecimento e refrigeração dos ambientes ao longo de todos os meses do ano. Esta análise permitiu verificar as reais influências da inércia térmica sobre as condições de conforto em edificações, as quais estão submetidas ao clima da cidade de São Carlos. As diversas formas de análise demonstram que apenas a utilização da inércia térmica não é suficiente para oferecer condições de conforto térmico nos ambientes, quando submetidos ao clima específico da cidade. Sugere-se que a utilização da inércia térmica seja combinada com outras estratégias de condicionamento passivo, de tal forma a otimizar o desempenho térmico das edificações.
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Paredes trombe no Brasil: análise do potencial de utilização para aquecimento e refrigeração / Trombe walls in Brazil: analysis of feasibility of use for heating and coolingFernando Antonio de Melo Sá Cavalcanti 13 November 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se o desempenho térmico de um ambiente padrão a partir do uso de parede trombe com diferentes configurações e tipologias de uso, por meio de comparação com um ambiente de mesmas dimensões dotado de janelas convencionais, para oito cidades brasileiras, pois o potencial de utilização desta forma de estratégia passiva ainda é pouco estudado no Brasil. A parede trombe consiste em uma \"estufa\" entre uma parede de alta inércia térmica com aberturas inferiores e superiores e uma superfície envidraçada por onde o ambiente mantém contato com o exterior. Este dispositivo é capaz de absorver energia proveniente da radiação solar aquecendo o ar nesta estufa e este ar aquecido pode ser direcionado para o interior ou exterior da edificação a depender da finalidade. Este ar pode ser usado para aquecer o ambiente ou resfriá-lo por meio da ventilação natural. A análise deste trabalho se deu a partir de uma série de simulações computacionais utilizando o software EnergyPlus, versão 7.0 de modo a quantificar e classificar o desempenho térmico de um ambiente padrão dotado deste componente, sob as diversas configurações construtivas. Tanto para aquecimento quanto para resfriamento dos ambientes. A partir destas simulações, elaborou-se um modelo matemático simplificado capaz de quantificar a temperatura do ar no interior dos ambientes em que sejam utilizadas as paredes trombe de modo a tornar possível a utilização deste dispositivo na composição de edificações na fase de projeto, estimando seu desempenho sem que haja necessidade de novas simulações computacionais. O uso das paredes trombe melhorou o conforto térmico dos usuários em edificações localizadas no Brasil, a depender do clima onde estão inseridas, promovendo ventilação natural e aquecimento solar passivo, mesmo quando comparado com o modelo convencional de aberturas. Por fim foi elaborado um aplicativo para sistema Android em dispositivos móveis, possibilitando aos profissionais de projeto identificar a melhor tipologia para a localidade onde se deseja inserir este sistema e prever seu desempenho, contribuindo para que o potencial deste dispositivo seja investigado nas mais diversas regiões brasileiras. / This research evaluated the thermal performance of a standard environment from the use of Trombe wall with different settings and types of use, by comparison with a setting of the same dimensions equipped with conventional windows for eight Brazilian cities, because the potential the utilization of this passive strategy is still little studied in Brazil. A Trombe wall consists of a \"greenhouse\" between a wall of high thermal inertia lower and upper vents and a glazed area where the environment keeps contact with the outside. This device is capable of absorbing energy from solar radiation heating the air this greenhouse and this heated air can be directed to the interior or exterior of the building depending on the purpose. This air can be used to heat the room or cool it by means of natural ventilation. The analysis of this work was made from a series of computer simulations using EnergyPlus software, version 7.0 in order to quantify and classify the thermal performance of a standard environment with this component, under the various construction settings. Both for heating and for cooling environments. From these simulations, we elaborated a simplified mathematical model able to measure the air temperature within the environments in which they are used Trombe walls in order to make use of this device in the composition of buildings in the design stage as possible, estimating its performance without the need for new computer simulations. The use of Trombe walls improved thermal comfort of users in buildings located in Brazil, depending on the climate where they are located , providing natural ventilation and passive solar heating, even when compared with the conventional model of openings. Finally an app for Android system for mobile devices was developed, enabling professionals to identify the best design type to the location where you want to enter this system and predict its performance, contributing to the potential of this device is investigated in several Brazilian regions.
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The conceptual evolution of inflation inertia in Brazil / A evolução do conceito de inércia inflacionária no BrasilAndré Roncaglia de Carvalho 17 July 2015 (has links)
This work aims to contribute to the wider body of research in history of economics in Brazil by focusing on the conceptual evolution of inflation inertia. Its motivation lies in the conceptual gap that appeared, following disinflation in 1994, between the stabilization debates carried out in the 1980s and the way economists in Brazil began to describe downwardly rigid inflation patterns from the 1990s onwards. More precisely, we explore the \"inertial inflation episode\" as a chapter in a longer tradition of adaptations, to country-specific realities, of theoretical influences coming from the economics profession at the international level, in the late 1970s, when the inertial inflation hypothesis was brought to the fore. Our narrative reveals that this stubborn inflationary phenomenon had been previously dealt with in the debates in Latin America about growth and inflation back in the 1950s and 1960s, where a host of contributions sprung from various traditions, which were gradually synthesized by the saw-tooth model of real wages, also known as Simonsen-Pazos mechanism. We analyze the recurrent opposition between a monetarist- and a heterodox structuralist-type of thinking in their two rounds, in the 1950s and again in the 1980s. The connection between these two opposing schools is operated by the contributions by Mario Henrique Simonsen and the self-declared neo-structuralist economists at PUC-Rio. Based on a careful and detailed analysis of the latter\'s modeling strategies and conclusions, we show that, along the 1980s, these economists gradually shift towards a more ecumenical approach, inviting monetarist elements into their analyses while downplaying the relevance of the inertial component. Finally, when the 1990s came, the rise of a macroeconomic consensus began to conceptualize \"inflation inertia\" as the time delay between a real or monetary shock and the response by price level changes, leaving the concept of \"inflation persistence\" to account for the deviations of inflation away from its equilibrium value, a view that undergirds how most Brazilian economists now understand this phenomenon. We assess how \"inflation inertia\" has been understood in the aftermath of the monetary reform in Brazil in 1994, by analyzing the backstage papers that circulated within the economic team in charge of the Real Plan. We conclude that there are elements of continuity between the two rounds as regards the concept of inertia, but that they are now stripped of their previous dense historical and institutional substance. / O presente trabalho busca contribuir para a literatura de história do pensamento econômico brasileiro, ao estudar a transformação do conceito de inércia inflacionária no Brasil desde os debates sobre estabilização na década de 1980 até o período pós-Real, mudança essa que permanece inexplicada pela literatura. Mais precisamente, o trabalho busca verificar a hipótese de que a inflação inercial não passou de um episódio de uma longa tradição de adaptações teóricas de influências oriundas de economistas estrangeiros, em especial na década de 1970, quando a hipótese de uma inflação inercial foi levantada. Nossa narrativa revela que o fenômeno da rigidez inflacionária já havia sido previamente compreendido e teorizado nos debates na América Latina, nas décadas de 1950 e 1960, quando inúmeras contribuições foram eventualmente sintentizadas no modelo de rendas contratuais sob inflação no formato de \"dente-de-serra\", ou o assim chamado mecanismo Simonsen-Pazos. A narrativa adota a controvérsia entre monetaristas e estruturalistas em seus dois momentos como eixo da análise, para mostrar como o desaparecimento dessa oposição coincide com a emergência do consenso macroeconômico em escala internacional. Baseando-se em uma análise cuidadosa e detalhada das contribuições dos economistas neo-estruturalistas da PUC-Rio e da onipresente influência de Simonsen como um sintetizador das contenciosas escolas, o trabalho apresenta evidências documentais de uma transformação estruturalista da segunda geração. Ao longo dos anos 1980, esses economistas gradualmente convergiram para uma abordagem mais ecumênica com relação aos monetaristas, reduzindo a importância do componente inercial da inflação e ampliando a relevância de aspectos usualmente associados à ortodoxia econômica. Finalmente, no período pós-Real, passa a predominar no país um conceito de inércia inflacionária que constrasta com a visão anterior dos economistas atuando no referido plano de estabilização. Esse novo conceito está associado à emergência da \"nova síntese neoclássica\", na qual a inércia é compreendida como o atraso na resposta dos níveis de preço a choques monetários ou reais, enquanto o conceito de persistência inflacionária representa desvios duradouros da inflação com relação ao seu nível de equilíbrio. Para compreender se essa mudança pode ser considerada uma ruptura com relação ao passado, analisam-se os artigos que circularam nos bastidores do Plano Real dentro da equipe econômica. Nosso trabalho conclui que há elementos de continuidade entre os dois momentos no que se refere ao conceito de inércia, os quais aparecem agora com uma representação analítica desprovida da substância histórica e institucional que o conceito outrora abarcava.
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Influência da inércia de rotação e da força cortante nas freqüências naturais e na resposta dinâmica de estruturas de barras / Influence of rotary inertia and shear deformation in the natural frequencies and dynamic response of framed structuresJaime Florencio Martins 04 December 1998 (has links)
A clássica teoria de Euler-Bernoulli para vibrações transversais de vigas elásticas é sabido não ser adequada para vibrações de altas freqüências, como é o caso de vibração de vigas curtas. Esta teoria assume que a deflexão deve-se somente ao momento fletor, uma vez que os efeitos da inércia de rotação e da força cortante são negligenciados. Lord Rayleigh complementou a teoria clássica demonstrando a contribuição da inércia de rotação e Timoshenko estendeu a teoria ao incluir os efeitos da força cortante. A equação resultante é conhecida como sendo a que caracteriza a chamada teoria de viga de Timoshenko. Usando-se a matriz de rigidez dinâmica, as freqüências naturais e a resposta dinâmica de estruturas de barras são determinadas e comparadas de acordo com resultados de quatro modelos de vibração. São estudados o problema de vibração flexional de vigas, pórticos e grelhas, bem como o problema de fundação elástica segundo o modelo de Winkler e também a versão mais avançada que é o modelo de Pasternak. / Classical Euler-Bernoulli theory for transverse vibrations of elastic beams is known to be inadequate to consider high frequency modes which occur for short beams, for example. This theory is derived under the assumption that the deflection is only due to bending. The effects of rotary inertia and shear deformation are ignored. Lord Rayleigh improved the classical theory by considering the effect of rotary inertia. Timoshenko extended the theory to include the effects of shear deformation. The resulting equation is known as Timoshenko beam theory. The natural frequencies and dynamic reponse of framed structures are determined by using the dynamic stiffness matrix and compered according to these theories. The flexional vibration problems of beams, plane frames and grids are analysed, as well problems of elastic foundation according the well known Winkler model and also the more general Pasternak model.
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A novel methodology for high strain rate testing using full-field measurements and the virtual fields methods / Une méthodologie originale d’essai dynamique avec mesures plein champ et méthode des champs virtuelsZhu, Haibin 10 March 2015 (has links)
Ce travail se concentre sur le développement d'une procédure expérimentale d’essai mécanique à haute vitesse de déformation de matériaux. La nouveauté de ce travail est l'utilisation de champs d’accélération mesurés comme cellule de force, évitant la nécessité des mesures des forces externes. Pour identifier les paramètres constitutifs des matériaux testés à partir des mesures de champs, la méthode champs virtuels (MCV) basé sur le principe des puissances virtuelles (PPV) est utilisée. En dynamique, avec la MCV, il est possible de définir des champs virtuels qui mettent à zéro les puissances virtuelles des forces externes. Au lieu de cela, l'accélération obtenue grâce à une double dérivation temporelle des déplacements peut être utilisée comme une cellule de force. Enfin, les paramètres élastiques peuvent être identifiés directement à partir d’un système linéaire qui se construit en réécrivant le PPV avec autant de champs virtuels indépendants que d’inconnues à identifier. Cette procédure est d'abord validée numériquement par des simulations éléments finis puis mise en œuvre expérimentalement en utilisant deux configurations d’impact différentes. Les résultats confirment que effets inertiels peuvent être utilisés pour identifier les paramètres des matériaux sans la nécessité de mesurer la force d’impact, et sans exigence de déformations uniformes comme dans les procédures actuelles basées sur le montage de barres d’Hopkinson. Ces nouveaux développement ont le potentiel de mener à de nouveaux essais standards en dynamique rapide / This work focuses on the development of a novel experimental procedure for high strain rate testing of materials. The underpinning novelty of this work is the use of the full-field acceleration maps as a volume distributed load cell, avoiding the need for impact force measurement. To identify the constitutive parameters of materials from the full-field data, the Virtual Fields Method (VFM) based on the principle of virtual work is used here. In dynamics, using the VFM, it is possible to define particular virtual fields which can zero out the virtual work of the external forces. Instead, the acceleration obtained through second order temporal differentiation from displacement can be used as a load cell. Finally, the elastic parameters can be identified directly from a linear system which is built up through rewriting the principle of virtual work with as many independent virtual fields as unknowns. Thus, external force measurement is avoided, which is highly beneficial as it is difficult to measure in dynamics. This procedure is first numerically validated through finite element simulations and then experimentally implemented using different impact setups. Both results confirm that inertial effects can be used to identify the material parameters without the need for impact force measurements, also relieving the usual requirements for uniform/uniaxial stress in SHPB like test configurations. This exciting development has the potential to lead to new standard testing techniques at high strain rates
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