Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inflation "" "subject:"conflation ""
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Armut in GeorgienGabidsaschwili, B., Gelaschwili, Simon January 2007 (has links)
Poverty is currently wide spread in Georgia. This paper is dedicated to an analysis of the causes, the extent and the intensity of poverty in Georgia. With a strong focus on the period after Shevardnadze’s presidency, the paper shows how poverty has grown in the past 15 years. In spite of a rising per capita income, the variance within the distribution of income is also increasing. The widening gap between high and low incomes represents a danger for the Georgian society and is associated with high unemployment rates, a lack of education for entire societal strata and rising criminality. In addition, high inflation rates affect mainly low income groups. Apparently, the Rose Revolution of 2003 did not lead to an attenuation of poverty but rather intensified it.
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Empirical Essays in Macroeconomics and FinanceHolmberg, Karolina January 2012 (has links)
Derivation and Estimation of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Small Open Economy This paper explores how well Swedish inflation is explained by a New Keynesian Phillips Curve. As the real driving variable in the Phillips Curve, a measure of firms' real marginal cost is compared to the traditional output gap. The results show that, with real marginal cost in the Phillips Curve equation, the point estimates generally have the expected positive sign, which is less frequently the case with the output gap. However, with both real marginal cost and the output gap, it is difficult to pin down a statistically significant relationship with inflation. Firm-Level Evidence of Shifts in the Supply of Credit This paper examines empirically whether firms are subject to shifts in credit supply over the business cycle. Shifts in the supply of credit are identified by exploring how firms substitute between commitment credit -- lines of credit -- and non-commitment credit. The results show that firms on average rely more on commitment credits when monetary policy is tight and when the financial health of banks is weaker. The results are consistent with a bank lending channel of monetary policy and with shifts in the supply of credit following deteriorations in banks' balance sheets. Lines of Credit and Investment: Firm-Level Evidence of Real Effects of the Financial Crisis This paper studies how the 2008 financial crisis affected corporate investment in Sweden through its effect on credit availability. The approach is to compare investments of firms before and after the onset of the crisis as a function of their ex ante sensitivity to a credit supply shock, controlling for fundamental determinants of investments. Sensitivity to a credit supply shock is measured as credit reserves, defined as unused credit on lines of credit. The results indicate that the decline in investment following the crisis was not exacerbated by a contraction in the supply of credit.
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Cosmoparticle Physics and String TheorySjörs, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with phenomenological and theoretical aspects of cosmoparticle physics and string theory. There are many open questions in these topics. In connection with cosmology we would like to understand the detailed properties of dark matter, dark energy, generation of primordial perturbations, etc., and in connection with particle physics we would like to understand the detailed properties of models that stabilize the electroweak scale, for instance supersymmetry. At the same time, we also need to understand these issues in a coherent theoretical framework. Such a framework is offered by string theory. In this thesis, I analyze the interplay between Higgs and dark matter physics in an effective field theory extension of the minimally supersymmetric standard model. I study a theory of modified gravity, where the graviton has acquired a mass, and show the explicit implementation of the Vainshtein mechanism, which allows one to put severe constraints on the graviton mass. I address the question of Planck scale corrections to inflation in string theory, and show how such corrections can be tamed. I study perturbations of warped throat regions of IIB string theory compactifications and classify allowed boundary conditions. Using this analysis, I determine the potential felt by an anti-D3-brane in such compactifications, using the explicit harmonic data on the conifold. I also address questions of perturbative quantum corrections in string theory and calculate one-loop corrections to the moduli space metric of Calabi-Yau orientifolds. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows:<strong> </strong>Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.</p>
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Penningpolitik med prisstabilitet som primärt mål : en studie med fokus på Bundesbank och ECB / Monetary Policy Aiming for Price-Stability as Primary Objective : a Study Focused on the Bundesbank and the ECBHenriksson, Martin January 2001 (has links)
Av flera anledningar har i många länder mål för prisstabilitet ersatt den aktiva stabiliseringspolitiken där mål för nationalprodukt och sysselsättning stått i centrum. Centralbanker bedriver och har bedrivit penningpolitik för att uppnå prisstabilitet på olika sätt och det ärdenna fråga som står i fokus i denna uppsats. Detta aktualiseras ytterligare då den europeiska centralbanken (ECB) är i ett startskede vad det gäller att bedriva penningpolitik med prisstabilitet som primärt mål. I detta perspektiv är det av intresse att studera Bundesbank närmare då denna under relativt lång tid bedrivit penningpolitik inriktad på prisstabilitet. För att belysa frågan om penningpolitik har, efter en teoretisk presentation, en empirisk studie av Bundesbank genomförts. Den studerade perioden sträcker sig från 1975 fram till 1996. Grunden för arbetet är följande frågeställningar: (1)Hur framgångsrik har Bundesbank varit med sin penningpolitik? (2)I vad mån har monetarismens läror satt sina spår i Bundesbanks penningpolitik? (3)Diskussion om ECB:s framtid med beaktande av de kunskaper studiet av Bundesbank ger. Bundesbank kan sägas ha bedrivit penningpolitik med prisstabilitet som primärt mål relativt framgångsrikt. Vissa fakta talar för att det är Bundesbanks styrka som institution, där transparens och trovärdighet spelat en stor roll, som ligger bakom framgången. Monetarismen kan sägas ha lämnat ett avtryck i Bundesbanks penningpolitik i form av en viss överhängande prägel på den penningpolitiska designen. I praktiken är dock spåren från monetarismen vaga. Penningmängdens betydelse vid genomförandet av penningpolitiken kan ifrågasättas. Den kanske viktigaste lärdomen är nog hur Bundesbank fungerat som institution.
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Valutaomräkning av dotterföretag i höginflationsländer / Revaluation of subsidaries in highly inflationated countriesKrantz, Pernilla, Svensson, Annika January 2004 (has links)
Bakgrund: En ökad internationalisering och fler dotterföretag i länder med hög inflation har inneburit att svenska företag utsätts för olika risker såsom valutarisker och köpkraftsdifferenser. En redovisad vinst i utlandet betyder inte alltid en vinst i moderbolagets valuta. I slutet av 80-talet var val av metod mer eller mindre godtyckligt och det finns olika åsikter om hur omräkningen ska gå till. Att företagen använder olika metoder försvårar jämförbarheten. I och med ett EU-beslut kommer Sverige och övriga EU-länder från 2005 tillämpa IASBs internationella redovisningsrekommendationer, vilket innebär vissa förändringar som svenska koncerner måste ta ställning till. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att klargöra vilka metoder som används för omräkning av dotterföretag i länder med hög inflation, vilka konsekvenser valet av metod ger samt tänkbara orsaker till varför en metod väljs framför en annan. Undersökningen ska också utreda skillnader mellan lagar och rekommendationer som gäller idag och IASBs rekommendationer som ska gälla från 2005. Avgränsningar: Undersökningen omfattar svenska koncerner som 2003-12-31 var noterade på A- och Attract 40-listan och deras årsredovisningar som publicerats mellan 1 april, 2003 och 31 mars, 2004. Undersökningen är avgränsad från alla rekommendationer utom RR 8 IAS 21 och 29 samt FAS 52. De koncerner som inte uppgivit i sin årsredovisning att de har dotterbolag i länder med hög inflation behandlas inte i undersökningen. Genomförande: En studie av de företags årsredovisningar som angett att de har dotterföretag i länder med hög inflation har gjorts. För att komplettera denna studie har en enkätundersökning genomförts av dessa koncerner. Olika simuleringar på ett fiktivt dotterföretag har också gjorts för att illustrera skillnader och konsekvenser av olika val av omräkningsmetod. Slutsatser/Resultat: Koncerner använder tre olika metoder vid valutaomräkning på dotterbolag i länder med hög inflation; dagskursmetoden på köpkraftkorrigerade räkenskaper, den monetära metoden samt tvåstegsmetoden. Faktorer som påverkar val av omräkningsmetod kan delas in i interna och externa faktorer. Till de externa faktorerna hör de svenska rekommendationerna och den internationella kontext som dotterbolaget verkar i. Några faktorer har både en extern och en intern påverkan och dessa är internationella rekommendationer och påverkan på resultat och ställning. De interna faktorerna är praktiska synpunkterna och dotterbolagets funktionella valuta. De rekommendationer som tillämpas i Sverige är redan anpassade efter IASBs redovisningsrekommendationer och den största förändringen är att endast en metod blir tillåten, dagskursmetoden på köpkraftsjusterade räkenskaper.
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Identifying the Determinants of Exchange Rate Movements : Evaluating the Real Interest Differential ModelPetersson, Annsofie January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Identifying the determinants of exchange rate movements : Evaluating the real interest differential modelPetersson, Annsofie January 2005 (has links)
Trying to find explanations to movements in the exchange rate is something that econo-mists have been dealing with to a great extend lately. Especially since the break down of the Bretton Wood system in the early 1970’s, when many countries introduced a floating sys-tem instead. One of the most famous and often tested models is Jeffery A. Frankel’s Real Interest Differential (RID) model from 1979. This paper investigates which of the variables included in the model are affecting move-ments in the exchange rate for Sweden, the UK and Japan against the US dollar between January 1995 and December 2004. The variables in question are money supply, industrial production, interest rate and inflation differential. The model has purchasing power parity and uncovered interest parity as underlying theoretical assumptions, two main building blocks of open macro economics, and when combined, they can offer a relationship be-tween changes in the exchange rate and the interest rate differential. The results show that the variable interest rate differential constitutes a significant explana-tory variable for exchange rate movements regarding all three countries included in the model. Both Sweden and the UK have also, in accordance with the RID model, the ex-pected negative sign on the coefficient. The results regarding the other variables are mixed between the countries, but it can in general be said that the model seems to be able to ex-plain movements in the exchange rate to a certain degree.
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A model for managing pension funds with benchmarking in an inflationary marketNsuami, Mozart January 2011 (has links)
<p>Aggressive fiscal and monetary policies by governments of countries and central banks in developed markets could somehow push inflation to some very high level in the long run. Due to the decreasing of pension fund benefits and increasing inflation rate, pension companies are selling inflation-linked products to hedge against inflation risk. Such companies are seriously considering the possible effects of inflation volatility on their investment, and some of them tend to include inflationary allowances in the pension payment plan. In this dissertation we study the management of pension funds of the defined contribution type in the presence of inflation-recession. We study how the fund manager maximizes his fund&rsquo / s wealth when the salaries and stocks are affected by inflation. In this regard, we consider the case of a pension company which invests in a stock, inflation-linked bonds and a money market account, while basing its investment on the contribution of the plan member. We use a benchmarking approach and martingale methods to compute an optimal strategy which maximizes the fund wealth.</p>
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Criterion-referenced measurement for educational evaluation and selectionWikström, Christina January 2005 (has links)
In recent years, Sweden has adopted a criterion-referenced grading system, where the grade outcome is used for several purposes, but foremost for educational evaluation on student- and school levels as well as for selection to higher education. This thesis investigates the consequences of using criterion-referenced measurement for both educational evaluation and selection purposes. The thesis comprises an introduction and four papers that empirically investigate school grades and grading practices in Swedish upper secondary schools. The first paper investigates the effect of school competition on the school grades. The analysis focuses on how students in schools with and without competition are ranked, based on their grades and SweSAT scores. The results show that schools that are exposed to competition tend to grade their students higher than other schools. This effect is found to be related to the use of grades as quality indicators for the schools, which means that schools that compete for their students tend to be more lenient, hence inflating the grades. The second paper investigates grade averages over a six-year period, starting with the first cohort who graduated from upper secondary school with a GPA based on criterion-referenced grades. The results show that grades have increased every year since the new grading system was introduced, which cannot be explained by improved performances, selection effects or strategic course choices. The conclusion is that the increasing pressure for high grading has led to grade inflation over time. The third paper investigates if grading practices are related to school size. The study is based on a similar model as paper I, but with data from graduates over a six-year period, and with school size as the main focus. The results show small but significant size effects, suggesting that the smallest schools (<300 students) are higher grading than other schools, and that the largest schools (>1000 students) are lower grading than other schools. This is assumed to be an effect of varying assessment practices, in combination with external and internal pressure for high grading. The fourth and final paper investigates if grading practices differ among upper secondary programmes, and how the course compositions in the programmes affect how students are ranked in the process of selection to higher education. The results show that students in vocationally oriented programmes are higher graded than other students, and also favoured by their programmes’ course compositions, which have a positive effect on their competitive strength in the selection to higher education. In the introductory part of the thesis, these results are discussed from the perspective of a theoretical framework, with special attention to validity issues in a broad perspective. The conclusion is that the criterion-referenced grades, both in terms of being used for educational evaluation, and as an instrument for selection to higher education, are wanting both in reliability and in validity. This is related to the conflicting purposes of the instruments, in combination with few control mechanisms, which affects how grades are interpreted and used, hence leading to consequences for students, schools and society in general.
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Exchange rate variation and inflation in Nigeria ( 1970 - 2007 )Okhiria, Onosewalu, Saliu, Taofeek January 2008 (has links)
This study examines the impact of exchange rate on inflation in Nigeria economy between 1970 and 2007. We analyzed the trend of inflation and exchange rate in the last 38 years by evaluating the relationship between government expenditure, money supply, Oil revenue, exchange rate and inflation as the dependent variables. We adopted the Augmented Dickey- Fuller to carry out the unit root test and co integration with Johansen test. Our result shows that the individual variables are integrated order one, that is a unit root exist. This means that each variable tends to follow a random walk. On the other hand, inflation rate, exchange rate, oil revenue, government spending and money supply are co integrated. This revealed a strong relationship among the variables though inflation rate and exchange rate show no long term relationship, but short term relationship seems to exist between them.
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