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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv kvality informací na uspokojování informačních potřeb uživatelů oborového portálu "Aspekty náhradní výchovy (ANV.cz)" / The impact of quality of information on fulfilling the information needs of users of the "Aspekty náhradní výchovy (ANV.cz)" domain-specific portal"

Dvořák, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled "The impact of quality of information on fulfilling the infor- mation needs of users of the "Aspekty náhradní výchovy (ANV.cz)" domain-specific portal" analyzes the information needs of web portal users and evaluates the quality of the in- formation contained therein using a variety of different methods. The thesis summarizes concepts of information of quality and information needs, describes the issues of measuring quality of information and elaborates on the motivation and possibilities of research on in- formation needs and increasing quality of information. The first part of the thesis defines the terms of information behavior, information need and quality of information. This chapter describes the aforementioned concepts, the possibilities of their research, measurement and evaluation and suggests the general relationship between quality of information and fulfil- ling information needs. This part also lists other possible methods of identifying information needs which were not used in the thesis. The second part describes the web portal ANV.cz, especially the circumstances of its creation and development, with an emphasis on its current state and the description of its technical solutions. This part also establishes and describes the various portal user target groups. The...

A Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Analysis of Information Needs of Rural Healthcare Providers at the East Tennessee State University

Wallace, Rick L., Woodward, Nakia J. 12 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Longitudinal Cross-sectional Analysis of Information Needs of Rural Health Care Providers

Wallace, Rick L., Woodward, Nakia J. 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Longitudinal Cross-sectional Analysis of Information Needs of Rural Health Care Providers

Wallace, Rick L., Carter, Nakia J., Qiu, Kefeng (Maylene) 18 May 2009 (has links)
Objective: This longitudinal cross-sectional study was designed to give a picture of the Northeast Tennessee rural health care providers’ information needs. Methods: The population of this study was the health care providers in Northeast Tennessee outside the TriCities urban area. It is in the 15-county service area of the East Tennessee State University Quillen College of Medicine Library’s outreach and includes no one from a community larger than 25,000. The names of physicians were gathered from the Tennessee State Licensing Verification Database and personal knowledge of the librarians. The surveys were administered to registered nurses (RNs) from a list from the Tennessee Center for Nursing. A P=0.05 was obtained. The questionnaires were sent out by mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope. A cutoff date was set for 2 weeks for the return of the surveys. Surveys that came in after the cutoff date were accepted up to 1 month. A cover letter was included to explain the purpose of the survey. The data were analyzed in terms of central tendencies and dispersions of distributions. The data are displayed in the report by means of frequencies and percentages. Results: This study compared rural information needs and practices in the same geographic area twelve years apart. This has given valuable information as to how the information needs and practices of this group have changed. This study will enable the librarians to change their outreach strategies to reflect the new reality. Conclusions: Our purposes as medical librarians do not change. However, the environment of our service changes constantly. Longitudinal cross-sectional studies give the opportunity to obtain “snapshots” of a service environment to see how they change over time

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of NETAHEC in Meeting These Needs

Wallace, Rick L. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of an AHEC in Meeting These Needs

Wallace, Rick L. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Vi måste våga fråga

Edvik, Emma, Oxenby, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet cancerfall ökar konstant, men tack vare förbättrade metoder för att upptäcka och behandla cancer överlever allt fler denna sjukdom. Både sjukdomen och dess behandlingar kan ge en påverkan på kroppen, men även den sexuella lusten och funktionen kan påverkas och förändras. Ett fungerande sexualliv utgör en viktig del av livskvaliteten för de flesta. Vårdpersonalen har en viktig roll i att förbereda patienten på vilka symtom de kan förvänta sig, men patienterna önskar ofta avsevärt mycket mer information än vad som ges. Syfte: Att belysa cancerpatienters behov av sexualitetsrelaterad information. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med litteratursökningar i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats ligger till grund för resultatet. Resultat: Fem teman identifierades: Samtal och information om sjukdomens påverkan och eventuella behandlingseffekter på sexuallivet, lämplig tidpunkt att ge sexualitetsrelaterad information på, lämplig person att ge sexualitetsrelaterad information, former för hur sexualitetsrelaterad information ska ges samt hinder för att få sina behov av sexualitetsrelaterad information tillgodosedda. Resultatet visade att patienter värdesatte samtal och information om sexualitet. Åsikterna varierade om när och hur denna information skulle ges. Patienterna ansåg att vårdpersonal skulle ta initiativ till diskussion om sexualitet men menade också att bristen på information ibland berodde på vårdpersonalen. / Background: Cancer incidence is constantly increasing, but survival is increasing thanks to improved diagnostic methods and better treatment. The patient´s body is affected both by the cancer and its treatment, and sexual lust and function can also be affected and altered. A functioning sex life is an important part of the quality of life of most people. Health care professionals play an important role in preparing the patient for the symptoms they can expect, but often the patients want a lot more information than is given. Purpose: To highlight cancer patients´ needs for sexually related information. Method: A literature review with literature searches in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The result is based on ten articles with quantitative and qualitative approach. Result: Five themes were identified: Conversation and information about the effects of the illness and possible effects of the treatment on sexual life, when should sexually related information be given, who should give the information, in what form, and also impediments for getting your needs of sexually related information met. The result showed that patients valued conversation and information about sexuality. Opinions about when and how this information should be given varied. The patients´ considered that health care professionals should initiate discussions about sexuality, but also meant that the lack of information was sometimes due to the health care professionals.

Erfarenheter av att vara närstående till en person som erhåller palliativ vård i livets slutskede : En litteraturbaserad studie / Experiences of being a relative to a person receiving palliative care in the end of life : A literature based study

Halwest, Harda, Zarin, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Background – Most likely, nurses will be in contact with patients and their relatives in palliative care at the end of life at some point in their careers. Studies have shown that relatives (family members or close friends) play a crucial role in palliative care, and that communication is a key factor in providing support for relatives. For optimal care provision, it is essential for nurses to consider and comprehend the experiences of relatives involved in palliative care at the end of life. Aim – The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of being relative to a person receiving palliative care in the end of life. Method – For this study a literature-based study grounded in analysis of qualitative researchwas used (Friberg, 2017). The qualitative method aims to create an understanding of individual’s experiences, perceptions, and needs. Nine scientific studies where analyzed. Results – Three themes where found; 1) The importance of communication and cooperation, 2) Respect and understanding, 3) Emotional challenges. Relatives express a need for clear and accessible information to alleviate stress and enhance their ability to support their loved ones effectively. Active involvement in care decisions and a person-centered approach were underscored as pivotal. Conclusion – The study underscores the significance of tailored information dissemination, active involvement of relatives in care decisions, and a person-centered approach to honor the dignity of patients in end-of-life care. Addressing these aspects can significantly improve the end-of-life experience for patients and their relatives. / Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva erfarenheter av att vara närstående till en person som erhöll palliativ vård i livets slutskede. Närstående påverkas betydligt av situationen då livets slutskede hos deras anhörige väcker många olika känslor och upplevelser. Efter noggrann granskning och analys av nio vetenskapliga artiklar framkom att närstående önskade att få detaljerad information och ville vara mer involverade i vårdbeslut som tas för deras anhörige. När närstående fick vara delaktiga i vården ökade deras välbefinnande. Resultatet tydliggjorde även vikten av att bevara patientens integritet genom att individanpassa vården för att säkerställa en lugn och fridfull palliativ vård i livets slutskede. Närstående uttryckte en önskan om att undvika onödigt lidande för sin anhörige. Närstående menade att detta kunde uppnås genom att deras anhörige fick smärtlindring vid behov. Dessutom efterfrågade närstående stöd från sjuksköterskan, vilket visade sig vara av stor betydelse för att hantera denna känsliga period i livet. Diskussionen belyser sjuksköterskans centrala roll i att möta närståendes behov. Detta inkluderar att patientens integritet beaktas genom att ge en respektfull vård. Diskussionen framhåller närståendes behov av stöd och sjuksköterskans roll i att tillhandahålla känslomässigt stöd och lindra lidande. Genom att bättre förstå och tillgodose närståendes behov kan sjuksköterskan skapa en mer stödjande och empatisk vårdmiljö för både patienten och deras närstående under livets slutskede.

Vilken information har patienter som skall genomgå elektiv kirurgi behov av? / What information do patients who are to undergo elective surgery need?

Hares, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Den information som operationssjuksköterskan förmedlar till patienten före, under och efter en elektiv kirurgisk operation kan minska patientens oro och risken för operativa komplikationer. Rätt information kan även minska antalet inställda elektiva kirurgiska ingrepp, förkorta patientens vårdtid samt minska antalet vårdskador och användningen av smärtmedicinering. Ändå är forskningen om vilken information som patienterna önskar i samband med elektiv kirurgi otillräcklig. Syftet med denna studie var därför att sammanställa kunskap om vilken information patienter som skall genomgå elektiv kirurgi har behov av. För att tillmötesgå syftet genomfördes en integrativ litteraturstudie utifrån 15 vetenskapliga artiklar baserade på kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Den integrativa litteraturstudien analyserades utifrån kvalitativ metod och strukturerades efter två huvudteman som benämndes heltäckande information samt Personcentrerad information. Resultatet visade att operationsteam och operationssjuksköterskor försökte tillmötesgå patienternas varierade och individuella behov av skriftlig och muntlig information under den preoperativa, operativa och postoperativa perioden i omsorgsvårdsprocessen. Under den preoperativa perioden ville patienterna främst få individualiserade verbala eller skriftliga svar på sina frågor. Under den postoperativa perioden ville patienterna få mer omfattande information än vad som i praktiken gavs. Patienterna ville få en så heltäckande, varierad och individanpassad verbal eller skriftlig information som möjligt. Emellertid förekom skillnader mellan operationsteamets och patienternas önskemål och sätt att tolka information. Patienterna ville få en mer personcentrerad och empatisk förståelse samt fullständig information om operationens långsiktiga resultat. När sådan information inte gavs fullt ut kunde patienterna känna sig otrygga inför operationen och ovissa i egenvården efter operationen. Slutsatsen blev därför att operationssjuksköterskan behöver ge information som tar mer hänsyn till patienternas varierade individuella informationsbehov och mer hänsyn till patienternas behov av psykologisk trygghet före/efter operationen. / The information the surgical nurse communicates to the patient before, during and after an elective surgical operation can reduce the patient's concern and the risk of operative complications. Correct information can also reduce the number of elective surgical procedures canceled, shorten the patient's care time, and reduce the number of medical injuries and the use of pain medication. Nevertheless, there is lacking research on what information patients want in conjunction with elective surgery. The purpose of this study was therefore to compile knowledge about what information patients who are to undergo elective surgery need. To meet the purpose, an integrative literature study was conducted on the basis of 15 scientific articles based on qualitative and quantitative method. The integrative literature study was analyzed using a qualitative method and structured according to two main themes called comprehensive information and person-centered information. The result showed that surgery teams and surgery nurses tried to meet patients' varied and individual needs for written and oral information during the preoperative, operative and postoperative period of the careprocess. During the preoperative period, patients primarily wanted more individualised verbal or written answers to their questions. During the postoperative period, patients wanted more comprehensive information than was provided in practice, and patients wanted as comprehensive, varied and individualized verbal or written information as possible. However, there were differences between the surgical team's and the patients' information preferences, where the patients could want a more person-centered and empathetic understanding as well as complete information about the long-term results of the operation. When such person-centered information was not fully provided, patients could feel insecure before the operation and uncertain in self-care after the operation. The conclusion was therefore that the surgical nurse needs to provide information that takes more account of the patients’ varied individual information needs and more consideration of the patients' sense of psychological security before/after the operation.

A Social Information Foraging Approach to Improving End-User Developers’ Productivity

Jin, Xiaoyu January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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