Spelling suggestions: "subject:"colective surgery"" "subject:"collective surgery""
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Public Health Service Rationing for Elective Surgery in New Zealand: 2004-2007Valentine, Samuel Millward January 2011 (has links)
The New Zealand health system is two-tiered with elective treatments are performed by both publicly funded state hospitals and by private hospitals. Publicly funded operations are rationed using a prioritisation system which was introduced in 1998 to curtail expanding waiting lists for elective surgery. One of the aims of the new booking system was to generate national tools for prioritising patients in order to improve the equality of access to public elective surgery throughout New Zealand. However, priority scoring systems were not implemented in a consistent manner and access to elective surgery remains very unequal. Despite large media attention and a high public profile, waiting times have attracted little research in medical geography or within the wider social sciences community. The subject has been partly reserved for public health commentators within the medical field, who have found that variation in waiting times has much to do with the referral practices of physicians, the management of waiting lists by District Health Board (DHB) staff and the amount of private practice that occurs within each district. Most notably several studies have identified that in areas associated with high private admissions, patients tend to suffer higher waiting times for the same procedures in the public hospital system. This study examines the performance of the New Zealand Booking System (NZBS) during the years 2004 to 2007 to assess the equitable delivery of publicly funded elective surgery procedures. Waiting times (NBRS) and admissions (NMDS) datasets were sourced from the New Zealand Health and Information Service (NZHIS) of The Ministry of Health. Mean and Median waiting times were compared spatially between each of New Zealand’s 21 DHBs, compared with Australian waiting times and then broken down into five common medical specialties. Waiting times were then analysed by ethnicity, level of material deprivation and other individual factors using data from the 2006 New Zealand Census. Finally, rates of admissions were calculated for the public and private hospital sectors during the study period. These were used to correlate waiting times results with the amount of private practice in each DHB. ACC cases were extracted from the dataset to avoid bias in waiting times as much of this work is contracted out to the private sector and not subject to lengthy waiting times for treatment. A number of medical specialists and hospital administrators were interviewed to discuss results, explain prioritisation tools and management practices.
Results showed large variations in the median waiting times of New Zealand DHBs. A north south gradient is observed in which southern DHBs suffer longer waits for care. Vastly better results were observed for Australian public hospitals than those seen in New Zealand. For waiting times as determined by individual factors, Maori and Pacific Island patients and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds suffered longer waiting times nationwide although, in certain DHBs inequalities for access to elective surgery were exacerbated. However, ethnic differences were more pronounced than socio-economic variations. Admissions results showed significant positive correlations between the amount of private practice and the waiting times experienced in each DHB which are supported by previous research. Feedback from interviews confirmed inconsistency in the use of scoring tools, manipulation occurring on behalf of the DHB management to achieve performance goals set by the Ministry of Health and provided some further explanation of the other quantitative results. Access to elective surgery is determined partly by location of residence, ethnicity, deprivation and where hospital resources are located but most importantly by the willingness to pay for treatment within the private hospital sector and the ability to manipulate the public prioritisation system.
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Avaliação das demandas física e mental no trabalho do cirurgião em procedimentos eletivosDiniz, Raimundo Lopes January 2003 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o trabalho de cirurgiões de um hospital de Porto Alegre, RS, durante procedimentos eletivos de pequeno, médio e grande porte, visando o estudo das possíveis relações entre as demandas física e mental e a idade e a experiência do cirurgião. Inicialmente, foi feito um mapeamento de constrangimentos ergonômicos relacionados ao trabalho cirúrgico e, num segundo momento: i) o nível de demanda física imposta aos cirurgiões eletivos por meio de uma técnica de avaliação de posturas (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), da Freqüência Cardíaca (FC), da Pressão Arterial (PA) (sistólica e diastólica) e do nível de hormonal (Noradrenalina) e; ii) o nível de demanda mental envolvida no trabalho por meio do nível hormonal (cortisol, Adenocorticotrófico – ACTH e Adrenalina e, também, por meio da FC e PA). De maneira geral, ficou evidente que, independentemente do tipo de cirurgia, há a presença de carga física de pouca intensidade e de carga mental de média intensidade entre os cirurgiões. Os resultados apontaram, também, que os cirurgiões mais jovens (menos experientes) apresentam mais esforço mental do que físico, principalmente nas cirurgias de grande porte, e os mais experientes têm mais esforço físico nas cirurgias de pequeno porte e menos esforço mental, em comparação aos mais jovens (menos experientes), nas cirurgias de grande porte. / This research has as its main objective to evaluate the relationships between both physical and mental workloads and age and experience related to surgeon’s work. The data collection was conducted at a hospital in Porto Alegre, State of RS, during elective surgeries of low, moderate and high levels of complexity. At first, a survey of ergonomics constraints related to surgical work was carried out. The objected were: i) to investigate the physical demand level by means of posture assessment technique (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), Heart Rate (HR), Blood Pressure (BP) (systolic and dyastolic) and cathecolamines (Noradrenaline); ii) to investigate the mental demand level through assessment of hormonal levels (cortisol, adenocorticotrophic - ACTH and cathecolamines – adrenaline) as well as HR and BP. The results indicated low physical workload and moderate mental workload amongst surgeons. It was found that the workload (physical and mental) was not dependent on the type of surgery performed. Also, the results suggested that the youngest surgeons (novice) have more mental effort than physical effort, mostly in surgeries of high complexity level, as opposed to the oldest surgeons (seniors) who have more physical effort during surgeries in low level of complexity and low mental effort in surgeries in high level of complexity.
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Avaliação das demandas física e mental no trabalho do cirurgião em procedimentos eletivosDiniz, Raimundo Lopes January 2003 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o trabalho de cirurgiões de um hospital de Porto Alegre, RS, durante procedimentos eletivos de pequeno, médio e grande porte, visando o estudo das possíveis relações entre as demandas física e mental e a idade e a experiência do cirurgião. Inicialmente, foi feito um mapeamento de constrangimentos ergonômicos relacionados ao trabalho cirúrgico e, num segundo momento: i) o nível de demanda física imposta aos cirurgiões eletivos por meio de uma técnica de avaliação de posturas (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), da Freqüência Cardíaca (FC), da Pressão Arterial (PA) (sistólica e diastólica) e do nível de hormonal (Noradrenalina) e; ii) o nível de demanda mental envolvida no trabalho por meio do nível hormonal (cortisol, Adenocorticotrófico – ACTH e Adrenalina e, também, por meio da FC e PA). De maneira geral, ficou evidente que, independentemente do tipo de cirurgia, há a presença de carga física de pouca intensidade e de carga mental de média intensidade entre os cirurgiões. Os resultados apontaram, também, que os cirurgiões mais jovens (menos experientes) apresentam mais esforço mental do que físico, principalmente nas cirurgias de grande porte, e os mais experientes têm mais esforço físico nas cirurgias de pequeno porte e menos esforço mental, em comparação aos mais jovens (menos experientes), nas cirurgias de grande porte. / This research has as its main objective to evaluate the relationships between both physical and mental workloads and age and experience related to surgeon’s work. The data collection was conducted at a hospital in Porto Alegre, State of RS, during elective surgeries of low, moderate and high levels of complexity. At first, a survey of ergonomics constraints related to surgical work was carried out. The objected were: i) to investigate the physical demand level by means of posture assessment technique (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), Heart Rate (HR), Blood Pressure (BP) (systolic and dyastolic) and cathecolamines (Noradrenaline); ii) to investigate the mental demand level through assessment of hormonal levels (cortisol, adenocorticotrophic - ACTH and cathecolamines – adrenaline) as well as HR and BP. The results indicated low physical workload and moderate mental workload amongst surgeons. It was found that the workload (physical and mental) was not dependent on the type of surgery performed. Also, the results suggested that the youngest surgeons (novice) have more mental effort than physical effort, mostly in surgeries of high complexity level, as opposed to the oldest surgeons (seniors) who have more physical effort during surgeries in low level of complexity and low mental effort in surgeries in high level of complexity.
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Avaliação das demandas física e mental no trabalho do cirurgião em procedimentos eletivosDiniz, Raimundo Lopes January 2003 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o trabalho de cirurgiões de um hospital de Porto Alegre, RS, durante procedimentos eletivos de pequeno, médio e grande porte, visando o estudo das possíveis relações entre as demandas física e mental e a idade e a experiência do cirurgião. Inicialmente, foi feito um mapeamento de constrangimentos ergonômicos relacionados ao trabalho cirúrgico e, num segundo momento: i) o nível de demanda física imposta aos cirurgiões eletivos por meio de uma técnica de avaliação de posturas (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), da Freqüência Cardíaca (FC), da Pressão Arterial (PA) (sistólica e diastólica) e do nível de hormonal (Noradrenalina) e; ii) o nível de demanda mental envolvida no trabalho por meio do nível hormonal (cortisol, Adenocorticotrófico – ACTH e Adrenalina e, também, por meio da FC e PA). De maneira geral, ficou evidente que, independentemente do tipo de cirurgia, há a presença de carga física de pouca intensidade e de carga mental de média intensidade entre os cirurgiões. Os resultados apontaram, também, que os cirurgiões mais jovens (menos experientes) apresentam mais esforço mental do que físico, principalmente nas cirurgias de grande porte, e os mais experientes têm mais esforço físico nas cirurgias de pequeno porte e menos esforço mental, em comparação aos mais jovens (menos experientes), nas cirurgias de grande porte. / This research has as its main objective to evaluate the relationships between both physical and mental workloads and age and experience related to surgeon’s work. The data collection was conducted at a hospital in Porto Alegre, State of RS, during elective surgeries of low, moderate and high levels of complexity. At first, a survey of ergonomics constraints related to surgical work was carried out. The objected were: i) to investigate the physical demand level by means of posture assessment technique (REBA – Rapid Entire Body Assessment) (HIGNETT & McATAMNEY, 2000), Heart Rate (HR), Blood Pressure (BP) (systolic and dyastolic) and cathecolamines (Noradrenaline); ii) to investigate the mental demand level through assessment of hormonal levels (cortisol, adenocorticotrophic - ACTH and cathecolamines – adrenaline) as well as HR and BP. The results indicated low physical workload and moderate mental workload amongst surgeons. It was found that the workload (physical and mental) was not dependent on the type of surgery performed. Also, the results suggested that the youngest surgeons (novice) have more mental effort than physical effort, mostly in surgeries of high complexity level, as opposed to the oldest surgeons (seniors) who have more physical effort during surgeries in low level of complexity and low mental effort in surgeries in high level of complexity.
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Kartläggnng av patienters preoperativa fastetider, dryckintag och upplevelse av törstGerber, Anna, Falk, Olivia January 2011 (has links)
Gällande riktlinjer för preoperativ fasta beskriver att patienter med liten risk för aspiration kan inta fast föda fram till sex timmar och klara drycker fram till två timmar före start av anestesi. Studier har visat att många patienter fastar längre, vilket kan ha negativ inverkan både fysiologiskt och på välbefinnandet som till exempel dehydrering, törst, illamående, huvudvärk och nedsatt insulinkänslighet. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga och beskriva preoperativa fastetider, dryckintag samt förekomst av törst hos patienter planerade för elektiv kirurgi. Strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes under fem dagar med 50 patienter som rekryterades konsekutivt på två preoperativa avdelningar. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av patienterna instruerats att inta klara drycker fram till två timmar före start av anestesi. Fastetider hos patienter med strikt fasta varierade mellan 7,75 till 13,25 timmar (median 10 och dryckintag mellan 0,5 till 7,5 glas (medelvärde 3,14; standardavvikelse 1,98). Fastetider hos patienter med flytande fasta varierade mellan 0,75 till 11,25 timmar (median 3,5 och dryckintag mellan 1 till 9 glas (medelvärde 4,31; standardavvikelse 1,91). Av de 50 intervjuade patienterna uppgav 44 % att de upplevde törst. Studiens resultat visade på en stor variation i fastetider och dryckintag där de äldsta patienterna tenderade att fasta länge och inta små mängder dryck preoperativt. / Existing guidelines for preoperative fasting means that patients with a minimal risk of aspiration can take solid food until six hours, and clear drinks until two hours before start of anesthesia. Studies have shown that many patients are fasting longer, which may be detrimental both physiologically and on wellbeing, for example, dehydration, thirst, nausea, headache and reduced insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to map and describe fasting times, beverage intake and the incidence of thirst preoperatively in patients who were undergoing elective surgery. Structured interviews were conducted over five days with 50 patients who were enrolled consecutively in two preoperative departments. The results showed that fasting times in patients with strict fasting ranged from 7.75 to 13.25 hours (MD 10) and beverage intake between 0.5 to 7.5 glasses (3.14 SD 1,98). Fasting times in patients with float fasting ranged from 0.75 to 11.25 hours (MD 3,5) and beverage intake between 1 to 9 glasses (4,31 SD 1,91). Of the 50 interviewed patients, 44 % said they experienced thirst. The results indicated a wide variation in preoperative fasting times and beverage intake, where the oldest patients tended to have long duration of fasting and intake of small amounts of beverage preoperatively. / <p>2010 felaktigt årtal titelsida</p>
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Vilken information har patienter som skall genomgå elektiv kirurgi behov av? / What information do patients who are to undergo elective surgery need?Hares, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Den information som operationssjuksköterskan förmedlar till patienten före, under och efter en elektiv kirurgisk operation kan minska patientens oro och risken för operativa komplikationer. Rätt information kan även minska antalet inställda elektiva kirurgiska ingrepp, förkorta patientens vårdtid samt minska antalet vårdskador och användningen av smärtmedicinering. Ändå är forskningen om vilken information som patienterna önskar i samband med elektiv kirurgi otillräcklig. Syftet med denna studie var därför att sammanställa kunskap om vilken information patienter som skall genomgå elektiv kirurgi har behov av. För att tillmötesgå syftet genomfördes en integrativ litteraturstudie utifrån 15 vetenskapliga artiklar baserade på kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Den integrativa litteraturstudien analyserades utifrån kvalitativ metod och strukturerades efter två huvudteman som benämndes heltäckande information samt Personcentrerad information. Resultatet visade att operationsteam och operationssjuksköterskor försökte tillmötesgå patienternas varierade och individuella behov av skriftlig och muntlig information under den preoperativa, operativa och postoperativa perioden i omsorgsvårdsprocessen. Under den preoperativa perioden ville patienterna främst få individualiserade verbala eller skriftliga svar på sina frågor. Under den postoperativa perioden ville patienterna få mer omfattande information än vad som i praktiken gavs. Patienterna ville få en så heltäckande, varierad och individanpassad verbal eller skriftlig information som möjligt. Emellertid förekom skillnader mellan operationsteamets och patienternas önskemål och sätt att tolka information. Patienterna ville få en mer personcentrerad och empatisk förståelse samt fullständig information om operationens långsiktiga resultat. När sådan information inte gavs fullt ut kunde patienterna känna sig otrygga inför operationen och ovissa i egenvården efter operationen. Slutsatsen blev därför att operationssjuksköterskan behöver ge information som tar mer hänsyn till patienternas varierade individuella informationsbehov och mer hänsyn till patienternas behov av psykologisk trygghet före/efter operationen. / The information the surgical nurse communicates to the patient before, during and after an elective surgical operation can reduce the patient's concern and the risk of operative complications. Correct information can also reduce the number of elective surgical procedures canceled, shorten the patient's care time, and reduce the number of medical injuries and the use of pain medication. Nevertheless, there is lacking research on what information patients want in conjunction with elective surgery. The purpose of this study was therefore to compile knowledge about what information patients who are to undergo elective surgery need. To meet the purpose, an integrative literature study was conducted on the basis of 15 scientific articles based on qualitative and quantitative method. The integrative literature study was analyzed using a qualitative method and structured according to two main themes called comprehensive information and person-centered information. The result showed that surgery teams and surgery nurses tried to meet patients' varied and individual needs for written and oral information during the preoperative, operative and postoperative period of the careprocess. During the preoperative period, patients primarily wanted more individualised verbal or written answers to their questions. During the postoperative period, patients wanted more comprehensive information than was provided in practice, and patients wanted as comprehensive, varied and individualized verbal or written information as possible. However, there were differences between the surgical team's and the patients' information preferences, where the patients could want a more person-centered and empathetic understanding as well as complete information about the long-term results of the operation. When such person-centered information was not fully provided, patients could feel insecure before the operation and uncertain in self-care after the operation. The conclusion was therefore that the surgical nurse needs to provide information that takes more account of the patients’ varied individual information needs and more consideration of the patients' sense of psychological security before/after the operation.
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Preference of non-pharmaceutical preoperative anxiety reduction intervention in patients undergoing elective surgeryDagona, Sabo S., Archibong, Uduak E., McClelland, Gabrielle T. 25 December 2018 (has links)
Yes / For patients to be treated, decisions about their care must be made before treatment begins. In case of pre-operative anxiety, it is currently unknown how clinicians and patients discuss information about the issue, and it is also not known whether clinicians consider (or are ready to consider) their patients’ preferences of non-pharmaceutical pre-operative anxiety reduction interventions. At present no study has been conducted to find information on surgical patients’ preferences of, and their involvement in decisions about non-pharmaceutical interventions for reducing their pre-operative anxiety. This paper investigates elective surgical patients’ involvement in treatment decisions with the aim of finding out their preferred non-pharmaceutical pre-operative anxiety reduction interventions before they undergo elective surgery. Method: A survey method was used to collect data on patients’ preference of non-pharmaceutical preoperative anxiety reduction interventions at a tertiary health facility in Nigeria. Participants: A sample of 30 participants-17 male and 13 female, schedule to undergo surgical operations was selected using a convenient sampling method. Their ages range between 17 to 70 years (mean age = 41.03 and standard deviation = 16.09). Study design/procedure: To elicit preference of interventions, the study participants were presented with cards that contain picture of surgical patient receiving one of the non-pharmaceutical interventions used in reducing pre-operative anxiety. The pictures were presented one at a time for 30-40 seconds. The researcher then gives the participants a sheet of paper with the different interventions boldly written for the participants to rank order them according to the degree of their preferences. Through this process, data was collected from all the 30 participants. Results: The results obtained were entered into SPSS for analysis. Descriptive statistics, at 95 % confidence was calculated to estimate the percentage, mean, standard deviation and confidence intervals based on the participants’ preference of the interventions. Discussions: The findings were discussed alongside the existing literature and recommendations were offered for clinical practice and further research.
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Hur upplevs barns delaktighet i preoperativ förberedelse? : En intervjustudie med föräldrar / How are children´s involvement in preoperative preparation experienced? : An interview study with parentsRix, My, Sellborn, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Preoperativ förberdelse möjliggör barns trygghet och förhindrar oro och rädsla inför elektiv kirurgi. Barn har rätt till information och bör få den anpassad efter ålder och mognad. Föräldrars involvering i förberedelsen är avgörande för barns delaktighet. Som teoretisk referensram för studien användes Känsla av sammanhang-KASAM. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelser av möjligheterna för barns delaktighet i den proeperativa förberedelsen inför elektiv kirurgi. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats och utfördes genom enskilda intervjuer. Analysen utfördes enligt Graneheim och Lundmans modell för kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Föräldrarnas upplevelser resulterade i tre kategorier; Behovet av den preoperativa informationen, Strategier för att förbereda och skapa delaktighet samt HInder för att skapa delaktighet, med sex tillhörande underkategorier. Slutsats: Preoperativ information och förberedelse skiljs åt utifrån vilken information och förutsättningar barn och föräldrar får. Informationen bör vara barnanpassad med möjlighet för barnet att begripa, hantera och uppleva en meningsfullhet med förberedelsen. Genom tydligare grundläggande information i ett tidigt skede kan förutsättningarna för barns delaktighet öka. / Bakground: Preoperative preparation enables children´s sense of security and prevents from anxiety and fear prior to elective surgery. Children have the right to information and ought to get it adjusted to thier age and maturity. Parents´ participation in preparation is crusial for children´s involvement. As theoretical framework for the study Sence of coherence-SOC was used. Aim: Elucidate parents´ experiences of the possibilities of involving children in the preoperative preparation prior to elective surgery. Method: The study was performed with a qualitative approach and was conducted through individual interviews. The analysis was conducted according to Graneheim and Lundmans model for qualitative content analysis. Result: The parents´ experiences resulted in three categories; The need of the preoperative information, Strategies to prepare and create involvement along with Obstacles to create involvement. Conclusion: Preoperative information and preparation differs based on what kind of information and circumstances parents and children have. The information ought to be child adjusted with an opportunity for the child´s comprehensibility, manageability and experience a meaning with the preparation. By stronger foundational information in an early stage the conditions for children´s involvement can be enhanced.
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Patienters erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet som prehabilitering inför planerad kirurgi : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences of physical activity as prehabilitation prior to elective surgery : a non-systematic literature reviewSandberg, Diana, Grahn, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Fysisk aktivitet innebär all form av kroppslig rörelse som möjliggörs av skelettmuskulaturens arbete. Med träning avses fysisk aktivitet som har ett specifikt mål. Patienter som ägnar mer tid åt sin hälsa genom att motionera upplever ett bättre fysiskt såväl som psykiskt välmående. Det har visats att patienter som upplever en känsla av kontroll över sitt välmående, tack vare den fysiska aktiviteten, även ser sjukvårdsinsatser som mer effektiva. Fysisk aktivitet, om den så bara är kortvarig, inför en operation har visats minska patienternas postoperativa komplikationer och därmed förkortat deras vårdtid. Genom att studera vad som motiverar, eller hindrar, patienterna till att utföra fysisk aktivitet kan vårdpersonal utveckla sitt preoperativa omvårdnadsarbete och således minska patienters lidande samt bidra till en snabbare återhämtning. Syfte Var att beskriva patientens erfarenhet av ordinerad fysisk aktivitet inför planerad kirurgi. Metod Studien är en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som har inkluderat 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metodansats. CINAHL och PubMed var de databaser som användes för att hitta de inkluderade artiklarna. Sophiahemmets Högskolas bedömningsunderlag användes för att granska artiklarnas kvalitet. Resultatet analyserades genom en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat I litteraturöversiktens resultat identifierades två huvudkategorier; Aspekter som påverkar genomförandet av fysisk aktivitet samt Motivatorer till följsamhet av fysisk aktivitet följt av åtta underkategorier. Resultatet visade betydelsen av personcentrerad vård där man ser till hela människan när fysisk aktivitet ordineras. En kontinuerlig kontakt med hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal, stöd från omgivningen och uppsättning av realistiska mål var betydande motivatorer. Slutsats Patienternas erfarenheter av ordinerad fysisk aktivitet inför planerad kirurgi kan, från denna icke-systematiska litteraturöversikts resultat, ses som övervägande positiva. Subjektiva fysiska såväl som psykiska hälsomarkörer förbättrades samtidigt som känslan av kontroll över deras egen situation, och behandling, förstärktes. Den goda kontakten som uppstod, patient och vårdgivare emellan, visade sig utgöra en betydande faktor för följsamheten till den fysiska aktiviteten. Upplevda negativa erfarenheter av prehabiliteringen kunde härledas till bristande information och bristande rådgivning och uppföljning från hälso- och sjukvården. / Background Physical activity means any form of bodily movement that is made possible by the work of the skeletal muscles. Exercise refers to physical activity that has a specific goal. Patients who devote more time to their health by exercising experience better physical as well as psychological well-being. It has been shown that patients who experience a sense of control over their well-being, thanks to the physical activity, also see healthcare interventions as more effective. Physical activity, if only for a short period, before an operation has been shown to reduce patients' postoperative complications and thereby shorten their length of stay. By studying what motivates, or prevents, patients from performing physical activity, healthcare professionals can develop their preoperative nursing work and thus reduce patients' suffering and contribute to a faster recovery. Aim The aim of this study was to describe the patients experiences of prescribed physical activity prior to elective surgery. Method The study is a non-systematic literature review that has included 15 original scientific articles with both a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach. CINAHL and PubMed were the databases used to find the included articles. Sophiahemmet University assessment basis document was used to review the quality of the articles. The result was analyzed through an integrated data analysis. Results In the results of the literature review, two main categories were identified; Aspects that influence the implementation of physical activity as well as Motivators for adherence to physical activity followed by eight subcategories. The results showed the importance of person-centered care where the whole person is considered when physical activity is prescribed. Continuous contact with healthcare professionals, support from the environment and setting realistic goals were significant motivators. Conclusions The patients' experiences of prescribed physical activity before planned surgery can, from the results of this non-systematic literature review, be seen as predominantly positive. Subjective physical as well as mental health markers improved while the sense of control over their own situation, and treatment, was enhanced. The good contact that arose between patient and caregiver proved to be a significant factor for compliance with the physical activity. Perceived negative experiences of the prehabilitation could be derived from a lack of information and a lack of advice and follow-up from the healthcare.
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Elaboração de um manual de reserva de concentrados de hemácias para cirurgias eletivas no Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal / Development of a packed red blood cell ordering schedule for elective surgeries at Hospital de Base of the Federal DistrictLopes, Renata Vernay 24 October 2018 (has links)
O maior consumo de concentrados de hemácias está relacionado a pacientes que enfrentam procedimentos cirúrgicos. A solicitação de reserva de concentrados de hemácias para cirurgia em quantidades muito além do necessário sobrecarrega a Agência Transfusional, configura desperdício de recursos humanos, danos ao erário e prejuízo ao paciente, haja vista que muitos hemocomponentes são reservados para cirurgias, mas poucos são utilizados. A dificuldade no transporte e armazenamento dos hemocomponentes em condições adequadas fora da Agência Transfusional é fato que agrava essa situação e aumenta o desperdício, pois muitos hemocomponentes são solicitados, não são utilizados e retornam ao Serviço de Hemoterapia sem condições de serem reintegrados ao estoque. Tendo em vista que o Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal é a unidade hospitalar com o maior quantitativo em solicitação de reservas de concentrados de hemácias, e por ser recomendável que cada Serviço de Hemoterapia desenvolva seu protocolo específico e personalizado, o objetivo desse estudo é criar um manual de reserva de concentrados de hemácias para procedimentos invasivos, com o quantitativo de hemocomponentes a serem reservados para cada tipo de cirurgia, visando promover o uso racional do sangue no referido hospital. Para isso foi realizado um levantamento dos dados de cirurgias realizadas no Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal nos meses de fevereiro a julho de 2015. Em cada cirurgia foi analisado se houve solicitação e utilização de reserva de hemocomponentes. Com os dados obtidos foi calculado o índice de pacientes transfundidos para cada tipo de cirurgia, sendo confeccionado o manual, que consiste em um quadro com a conduta hemoterápica a ser adotada em cada tipo de cirurgia, se nenhuma, ou realização de tipagem e pesquisa de anticorpos irregulares, ou realização de prova de compatibilidade e reserva de concentrado de hemácias. Foi calculada a quantia aproximada de recursos com insumos que seria economizada caso fosse adotada a conduta sugerida no ano estudado. Para que o manual seja efetivamente aplicado tanto no momento de realizar a solicitação da reserva quanto no momento de preparar a reserva, deve haver uma sistemática de implantação do manual no ambiente hospitalar, com orientações quanto ao correto preenchimento do tipo de cirurgia no mapa cirúrgico e na requisição de reserva ao Banco de sangue. É importante a reavaliação periódica e comparação das solicitações de reservas de concentrados de hemácias para cirurgias eletivas com o cenário do ano anterior. O sucesso na implementação deste manual depende da compreensão e colaboração de uma equipe multidisciplinar de cirurgiões, anestesistas e colaboradores da Agência Transfusional. / Optimizing blood ordering and transfusion has been largely discussed because of patient\'s safety and money constraints. The highest use of red blood cells in a hospital is related to surgical procedures. The preoperative blood order in quantities much higher than necessary, overloads the Blood bank, which configures wasted human resources, wasted public resources and can cause injury to the patient. In most hospitals many blood components are reserved for surgeries, but few are used. The difficulty in transporting and storing the blood components in suitable conditions outside the Blood bank aggravates this situation and increases the costs. Many blood components are requested but not used and return to the blood transfusion service without conditions to be reintegrated into the stock. Considering that Hospital de Base of the Federal District Brazil is the one with the highest quantity of preoperative crossmatching orders in our state, the purpose of this study was to create a maximum blood ordering schedule (MBOS) for elective surgeries. MBOS has been established since 1977 and should be based on recommendation that each hospital may develop for its specific needs. This MBOS should recommend the maximum packed red blood cell quantity to be reserved for each type of surgery, aiming to promote the rational use of blood in the hospitals. For that, a survey of the data of surgeries performed at the Hospital de Base was carried out from February to July 2015. For each surgery, we analyzed if there was a request and use of a packed red blood cell. With the data obtained, the index of patients transfused for each type of surgery was calculated, and the manual was elaborated, consisting of a chart with hemotherapy decision to be adopted in each type of surgery. The manual included 3 types of recommendations for blood bank staff: none, type and screen only, or crossmatch units of packed red blood cells. The approximate amount of resources that would be saved if the suggested strategy were adopted in 2015 were also calculated. The idea is to have a systematic implementation of the manual in the hospital considering the moment of ordering blood products and the moment of adopting the strategy proposed at the blood bank. Some improvements are needed such as guidelines with suggestions including the complete and accurate filling of the surgical map (exact type of surgery) and implementation of a better blood ordering system with more information about patients and surgeries. This kind of manual most be reviewed periodically since surgical procedures can change over time with new techniques been included in the therapeutic strategies. The success in implementing this manual depends on the consent and collaboration of a multidisciplinary team including surgeons, anesthesiologists, and blood bank staff.
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