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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MensuraÃÃo de Desempenho nas OrganizaÃÃes: a GestÃo de Indicadores na Biblioteca de CiÃncias Humanas da UFC / Performance measurement in the organizations: the Management of Pointers in the Biblioteca de CiÃncias Humanas of the UFC

Maria Josineide Silva Gois 09 May 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Este estudo apresenta o tema mensuraÃÃo de desempenho organizacional por meio da gestÃo estratÃgica de indicadores como instrumento de controle da informaÃÃo gerencial. Tem por objetivo desenvolver e aplicar uma sistemÃtica de mensuraÃÃo de desempenho para a biblioteca. A pesquisa utiliza-se do mÃtodo funcionalista e caracteriza-se por ser ao mesmo tempo descritiva e de finalidade prÃtica. Os fundamentos orientadores desta busca sÃo documentos do Sistema Nacional de AvaliaÃÃo do Ensino Superior â SINAES, que institui a avaliaÃÃo nas instituiÃÃes de ensino superior pÃblicas, e a norma ISO 11.620/2004, que difunde o conhecimento sobre como a mediÃÃo de desempenho pode ser efetivada na biblioteca. A investigaÃÃo foi realizada na Biblioteca de CiÃncias Humanas da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, tendo sido abordados os aspectos relativos à anÃlise do produto, do sistema de entrega e dos processos. O instrumento desenvolvido mostrou-se eficiente e de fÃcil aplicaÃÃo, pois as fontes de informaÃÃo necessÃrias encontram-se disponÃveis e acessÃveis no cotidiano da biblioteca e resultou em informaÃÃes consistentes e preciosas para os gestores. Conclui-se que o uso da sistemÃtica de mensuraÃÃo de desempenho à um instrumento eficaz de controle e acompanhamento da informaÃÃo gerencial, respaldando a tomada de decisÃo segura e o planejamento organizacional, portanto, a sua disseminaÃÃo deve ser estimulada / The aim of this study is to present the subject âorganizational performance mensurationâ through strategic management of indicators as instruments to control management information. It has as a purpose to develop and to apply performance mensuration taxonomy for the library. The research uses the functionalist approach and it is characterized for being descriptive and at the same time of practical aim. The guide basis for such investigation is the Sistema Nacional de AvaliaÃÃo do Ensino Superior â SINAES, which institutes evaluation in higher education public institutions and the ISO standard 11620/2004 which spread knowledge on how performance measurement can be accomplished in the library. The Investigation was carried out at the Biblioteca de CiÃncias Humanas of the Universidade Federal do Cearà and aspects concerning the analysis of the product, the delivery systems as well as of the processes were approached. The instrument developed was showed to be efficient and of easy application, whereas the necessary information sources seem to be accessible and available in the routine of the library and resulted in consistent and precious information for managers. As a conclusion we can say that the performance systematic mensuration use is an efficient tool of control and accompaniment of management information, supporting the safe decision taking and the organizational planning, therefore, its dissemination must be encouraged

Intelligent knowledge discovery on building energy and indoor climate data

Raatikainen, M. (Mika) 29 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract A future vision of enabling technologies for the needs of energy conservation as well as energy efficiency based on the most important megatrends identified, namely climate change, urbanization, and digitalization. In the United States and in the European Union, about 40% of total energy consumption goes into energy use by buildings. Moreover, indoor climate quality is recognized as a distinct health hazard. On account of these two factors, energy efficiency and healthy housing are active topics in international research. The main aims of this thesis are to study which elements affect indoor climate quality, how energy consumption describes building energy efficiency and to analyse the measured data using intelligent computational methods. The data acquisition technology used in the studies relies heavily on smart metering technologies based on Building Automation Systems (BAS), big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). The data refining process presented and used is called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). It contains methods for data acquisition, pre-processing, data mining, visualisation and interpretation of results, and transformation into knowledge and new information for end users. In this thesis, four examples of data analysis and knowledge deployment concerning small houses and school buildings are presented. The results of the case studies show that the data mining methods used in building energy efficiency and indoor climate quality analysis have a great potential for processing a large amount of multivariate data effectively. An innovative use of computational methods provides a good basis for researching and developing new information services. In the KDD process, researchers should co-operate with end users, such as building management and maintenance personnel as well as residents, to achieve better analysis results, easier interpretation and correct conclusions for exploiting the knowledge. / Tiivistelmä Tulevaisuuden visio energiansäästön sekä energiatehokkuuden mahdollistavista teknologioista pohjautuu tärkeimpiin tunnistettuihin megatrendeihin, ilmastonmuutokseen, kaupungistumiseen ja digitalisoitumiseen. Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopan unionissa käytetään noin 40 % kokonaisenergiankulutuksesta rakennusten käytön energiatarpeeseen. Myös rakennusten sisäilmaston on havaittu olevan ilmeinen terveysriski. Perustuen kahteen edellä mainittuun tekijään, energiatehokkuus ja asumisterveys ovat aktiivisia tutkimusaiheita kansainvälisessä tutkimuksessa. Tämän väitöskirjan päätavoitteena on ollut tutkia, mitkä elementit vaikuttavat sisäilmastoon ja rakennusten energiatehokkuuteen pääasiassa analysoimalla mittausdataa käyttäen älykkäitä laskennallisia menetelmiä. Tutkimuksissa käytetyt tiedonkeruuteknologiat perustuvat etäluentaan ja rakennusautomaatioon, big datan hyödyntämiseen ja esineiden internetiin (IoT). Väitöskirjassa esiteltävä tietämyksen muodostusprosessi (KDD) koostuu tiedonkeruusta,datan esikäsittelystä, tiedonlouhinnasta, visualisoinnista ja tutkimustulosten tulkinnasta sekä tietämyksen muodostamisesta ja oleellisen informaation esittämisestä loppukäyttäjille. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa esitellään neljän data-analyysin ja niiden pohjalta muodostetun tietämyksen hyödyntämisen esimerkkiä, jotka liittyvät pientaloihin ja koulurakennuksiin. Esimerkkitapausten tulokset osoittavat, että käytetyillä tiedonlouhinnan menetelmillä sovellettuna rakennusten energiatehokkuus- ja sisäilmastoanalyyseihin on mahdollista jalostaa suuria monimuuttuja-aineistoja tehokkaasti. Laskennallisten menetelmien innovatiivinen käyttö antaa hyvät perusteet tutkia ja kehittää uusia informaatiopalveluja. Tutkijoiden tulee tehdä yhteistyötä loppukäyttäjinä toimivien kiinteistöhallinnan ja -ylläpidon henkilöstön sekä asukkaiden kanssa saavuttaakseen parempia analyysituloksia, helpompaa tulosten tulkintaa ja oikeita johtopäätöksiä tietämyksen hyödyntämiseksi.

Intelligent information services in environmental applications

Räsänen, T. (Teemu) 22 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract The amount of information available has increased due to the development of our modern digital society. This has caused an information overflow, meaning that there is lot of data available but the meaningful information or knowledge is hidden inside the overwhelming data smog. Nevertheless, the large amount of data together with the increased capabilities of computers provides a great opportunity to learn the behaviour of different kinds of phenomena at a more detailed level. The quality of life, well-being and a healthy living environment, for example, are fields where new information services can assist the creation of proactive decisions to avoid environmental problems caused by industrial activity, traffic, or extraordinary weather conditions. The combination of data coming from different sources such as public registers, companies’ operational information systems, online sensors and process monitoring systems provides a fruitful basis for creating new valuable information for citizens, decision makers or other end users. The aim of this thesis is to present the concept of intelligent information services and a methodological background in order to add intelligence using computational methods for the enrichment of multidimensional data. Moreover, novel examples are presented where new significant information is created and then provided for end users. The data refining process used is called data mining and contains methods for data collection, pre-processing, modelling, visualizing and interpreting the results and sharing the new information thus created. Information systems are a base for the creation of information services, meaning that stakeholder groups have access only to information but they do not own the whole information system that contains measurement systems, data collecting, and a technological platform. Intelligence in information services comes from the use of computational intelligent methods in data processing, modelling and visualization. In this thesis the general concept of such services is presented and concretized using five cases that focus on environmental and industrial examples. The results of these case studies show that the combination of different data sources provides fertile ground for developing new information services. The data mining methods used such as clustering and predictive modelling together with effective pre-processing methods have great potential to handle the large amount of multivariate data in this environmental context also. A self-organizing map combined with k-means clustering is useful for creating more detailed information about personal energy use. Predictive modelling using a multilayer perceptron (MLP) is well suited for estimating the number of tourists visiting a leisure centre and to find the correspondence between pulp process characteristics and the chemicals used. These results have many indirect effects on reducing negative concerns regarding our surroundings and maintaining a healthy living environment. The innovative use of stored data is one of the main elements in the creation of future information services. Thus, more emphasis should be placed on the development of data integration and effective data processing methods. Furthermore, it is noted that final end users, such as citizens or decision makers, should be involved in the data refining process at the very first stage. In this way, the approach is truly customer-oriented and the results fulfil the concrete need of specific end users. / Tiivistelmä Informaation määrä on kasvanut merkittävästi tietoyhteiskunnan kehittymisen myötä. Käytössämme onkin huomattava määrä erimuotoista tietoa, josta voimme hyödyntää kuitenkin vain osan. Jatkuvasti mitattavan datan suuri määrä ja sijoittuminen hajalleen asettavat osaltaan haasteita tiedon hyödyntämiselle. Tietoyhteiskunnassa hyvinvointi ja terveellisen elinympäristön säilyminen koetaan aiempaa tärkeämmäksi. Toisaalta yritysten toiminnan tehostaminen ja kestävän kehityksen edistäminen vaativat jatkuvaa parantamista. Informaatioteknologian avulla moniulotteista mittaus- ja rekisteritietoa voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi ennakoivaan päätöksentekoon jolla voidaan edistää edellä mainittuja tavoitteita. Tässä työssä on esitetty ympäristöalan älykkäiden informaatiopalveluiden konsepti, jossa oleellista on loppukäyttäjien tarpeiden tunnistaminen ja ongelmien ratkaiseminen jalostetun informaation avulla. Älykkäiden informaatiopalvelujen taustalla on yhtenäinen tiedonlouhintaan perustuva tiedonjalostusprosessi, jossa raakatieto jalostetaan loppukäyttäjille soveltuvaan muotoon. Tiedonjalostusprosessi koostuu datan keräämisestä ja esikäsittelystä, mallintamisesta, tiedon visualisoinnista, tulosten tulkitsemisesta sekä oleellisen tiedon jakamisesta loppukäyttäjäryhmille. Datan käsittelyyn ja analysointiin on käytetty laskennallisesti älykkäitä menetelmiä, josta juontuu työn otsikko; älykkäät informaatiopalvelut. Väitöskirja pohjautuu viiteen artikkeliin, joissa osoitetaan tiedonjalostusprosessin toimivuus erilaisissa tapauksissa ja esitetään esimerkkejä kuhunkin prosessin vaiheeseen soveltuvista laskennallisista menetelmistä. Artikkeleissa on kuvattu matkailualueen kävijämäärien ennakointiin ja kotitalouksien sähköenergian kulutuksen pienentämiseen liittyvät informaatiopalvelut sekä analyysi selluprosessissa käytettävien kemikaalien määrän pienentämiseksi. Näistä saadut kokemukset ja tulokset on yleistetty älykkään informaatiopalvelun konseptiksi. Väitöskirjan toisena tavoitteena on rohkaista organisaatioita hyödyntämään tietovarantoja aiempaa tehokkaammin ja monipuolisemmin sekä rohkaista tarkastelemaan myös oman organisaation ulkopuolelta saatavien tietolähteiden käyttämistä. Toisaalta, uudenlaisten informaatiopalvelujen ja liiketoimintojen kehittämistä tukisi julkisilla varoilla kerättyjen, ja osin yritysten hallussa olevien, tietovarantojen julkaiseminen avoimiksi.

Research portfolio

Boois, Yvonne January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

A mobile phone solution for ad-hoc hitch-hiking in South Africa

Miteche, Sacha Patrick January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of mobile phones in organizing ad-hoc vehicle ridesharing based on hitch-hiking trips involving private car drivers and commuters in South Africa. A study was conducted to learn how hitch-hiking trips are arranged in the urban and rural areas of the Eastern Cape. This involved carrying out interviews with hitch-hikers and participating in several trips. The study results provided the design specifications for a Dynamic Ridesharing System (DRS) tailor-made to the hitch-hiking culture of this context. The design of the DRS considered the delivery of the ad-hoc ridesharing service to the anticipated mobile phones owned by people who use hitch-hiking. The implementation of the system used the available open source solutions and guidelines under the Siyakhula Living Lab project, which promotes the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in marginalized communities of South Africa. The developed prototype was tested in both the simulated and live environments, then followed by usability tests to establish the viability of the system. The results from the tests indicate an initial breakthrough in the process of modernizing the ad-hoc ridesharing of hitch-hiking which is used by a section of people in the urban and rural areas of South Africa.

A comparison of web-based technologies to serve images from an Oracle9i database

Swales, Dylan 18 June 2013 (has links)
The nature of Internet and Intranet Web applications has changed from a static content-distribution medium into an interactive, dynamic medium, often used to serve multimedia from back-end object-relational databases to Web-enabled clients. Consequently, developers need to make an informed technological choice for developing software that supports a Web-based application for distributing multimedia over networks. This decision is based on several factors. Among the factors are ease of programming, richness of features, scalability, and performance. The research focuses on these key factors when distributing images from an Oracle9i database using Java Servlets, JSP, ASP, and ASP.NET as the server-side development technologies. Prototype applications are developed and tested within each technology: one for single image serving and the other for multiple image serving. A matrix of recommendations is provided to distinguish which technology, or combination of technologies, provides the best performance and development platform for image serving within the studied envirorunent. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in


27 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- VoIP-System Upgrade und Erweiterung - Umzug des Monitoring-Dienstes Centreon - Metaprogrammierung für heterogene verteilte Systeme - Weiterbildungsangebote des MZ und ZIH - ZIH-Kolloquium - Training zum Forschungsdatenmanagement Mitteilung aus dem Dezernat 6 - Umzug Student Lifecycle Management (SLM) ins LZR - ZIH-Publikationen - Veranstaltungen


27 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- Neuer Dienst zum Datentransfer - Aktuelle Informationen zu Thunderbird - Neues Zertifikat für Mail-Server - Stand VoIP-Ausbau TUD - Deep Learning with Keras - Girls@Informatik - ZIH-Publikationen - Veranstaltungen


06 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- Telefondaten im Self-Service-Portal - Inbetriebnahme neuer Loadbalancer im LZR - Migration des SharePoint-Dienstes - ZIH-Windows-Poolmodell in Tharandt - CeBIT 2017: Digitale Transformation - Big-Data in Business - Save the Date! Mitteilung aus dem Dezernat 4 - Anfragen über das OTRS-Ticketsystem möglich - ZIH-Publikationen - Veranstaltungen


27 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
- Abschaltung/Migration Mailinglisten-Server RKS15 - Abschaltung Mailrelay-Server - Inbetriebnahme eines Daten-Gateways - Data Analytics für Industrie 4.0 - ZIH-Kolloquium - Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2017 - ZIH auf der ISC'17 - ZIH-Publikationen - Veranstaltungen

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