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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of inhomogeneities on the tensile and compressive mechanical properties of paperboard

Hagman, Anton January 2016 (has links)
The in-plane properties of paperboard have always been of interest to paper scientists. Tensile properties are crucial when the board is fed through converting machines at high speeds. Compressive properties are essential in the later use. Inhomogeneities affect both the compressive and tensile properties. For the tensile properties, it is the inherent heterogeneity of the paperboard that might cause problems for the board-maker. Varying material properties, through the thickness of the paperboard, are on the other hand used to achieve high bending stiffness with low fiber usage. It is of interest to know how this practice affects the local compressive properties. Papers A and B aims to address this, while C, D and E focus on in-plane heterogeneities. Paper A investigates the mechanism that causes failure in the short span compression test (SCT). It was concluded that the main mechanism for failure in SCT is delamination due to shear damage. In paper B the effect of the through-thickness profiles on the local compression strength was examined. It was concluded that the local compression is governed by in-plane stiffness and through thickness delamination. The latter was in turn dependent on the local shear strength and in-plane stiffness gradients. In paper C the tensile test is investigated with focus on sample size and strain distributions. The strain behavior was dependent on the length to width ratio of the sample and was caused by activation of local zones with high strainability. Paper D focuses on the strain zones seen in C. The thermal response in paper was studied. It was observed that an inhomogeneous deformation pattern arose in the paper samples during tensile testing. It was concluded that the heat patterns observed coincided with the deformation patterns. It could be shown that the formation was the cause of the inhomogeneous deformation. In final paper, E, the virtual field method was applied on data from C. / Egenskaperna hos ett kartongark kan grovt delas upp i två kategorier: i-planet egenskaper och ut-ur-planet egenskaper. I-planet egenskaperna har länge varit ett område som pappersmekanister och andra pappersforskare visat intresse för. Anledningen till detta är att de är avgörande för hur väl det går att konvertera kartongen till färdiga förpackningar, samt hur väl de förpackningarna klarar sin uppgift. Dragegenskaperna prövas när kartongen dras genom tryck- och konverteringsmaskiner i hög hastighet. Tryckegenskaperna spelar stor roll för hur väl en förpackning klarar att staplas och hålla sitt innehåll intakt. Inhomogeniteter påverkar både drag och tryckegenskaper. Papprets naturliga variation påverkar dragegenskaperna hos kartongen och kan orsaka problem för kartongmakarna. Särskilt när utvecklingen går mot mer avancerade kartong utseenden. Å andra sidan så använder sig kartongmakare flitigt av egenskapsvariationer genom tjockleken på kartongen, när dom vill åstadkomma böjstyva kartonger utan att slösa med fibrer. I detta fall är det intressant att veta hur de lokala kompressionsegenskaperna påverkas av kartongens ut-ur-planet profil. Det första två uppsatserna i denna avhandling, A och B, handlar om just detta. Uppsatserna C, D och E avhandlar hur i-planet variationer påverkar kartongens egenskaper. I Artikel A undersöks vilka skademekanismer som aktiveras under ett kortspannskompressionstest (SCT). Tre flerskiktskartonger undersöktes. De hade valts så att de hade distinkt olika skjuvstyrkeprofiler. Kartongerna karakteriserades och datan användes som materialdata i en finit element modell av SCT-testet. Modellen bestod av skikt, betraktade som kontinuum, mellan vilka det fanns kohesiva ytor. Huvudmekanismen i SCT var att kartongen delaminerade på grund av skjuvskador. Den andra uppsatsen, Artikel B, var en fortsättning på den första. Denna gång undersöktes fem flerskiktskartonger framtagna så att de hade olika skjuvstyrka beroende på positionen i tjockleksled. Det konstaterades att kompressionsegenskaperna lokalt styrs av skjuvstyrkeprofilen och styvhetsgradienter. Vidare konstaterades det att mekanismerna innan kartongen delaminerar är, i huvudsak, elastiska. Den tredje artikeln, Artikel C, fokuserade på hur dragprov på kartong påverkas av provstorleken och töjningsvariationen. Tre olika flerskiktskartonger användes som provmaterial och provbitar med olika storlek analyserades. Förutom dragprov så användes digital image correlation (DIC) för analysen. Det visade sig att den globala töjbarheten varierade med storleken på provet beroende på kvoten mellan längd och bredd. DIC visade att detta i sin tur berodde på att zoner med hög töjbarhet aktiverades i provet. Dessa zoner hade samma storlek oberoende av provstorlek och påverkade därför den totala töjbarheten olika mycket. Artikel D undersöker töjningszonerna som sågs i Artikel C samt hur de påverkas av kreppning. Vidare undersöktes pappersproverna med hjälp av termografi. Termografin visade att varma zoner uppstod i proven när det töjdes. Zonerna blev synliga när provet töjdes plastiskt. Termografi kördes parallellt med DIC på några prover. Det visade sig att de varma zonerna överenstämde med zoner med hög lokal töjning. Vidare kunde det visas att dessa zoner övenstämde med papperets mikrostruktur, formationen. En finit element analys av hur papper med olika formation töjs gjordes. Delar av provningen gjordes på kreppade papper som har högre töjbarhet. Det visades sig att någon form av skada hade överlagrats på papprets mikrostruktur under kreppningen, och att den deformationen återtogs när pappret töjdes. I den sista artikeln, Artikel E, behandlas hur VFM (Virtual Field Method) kan användas på DIC-data från kartong. DIC-datan som användes hämtades från Artikel C. Detta gjordes för att visa på hur olika VFM-formuleringar kan användas för att karakterisera styvhetsvariationen hos kartong. Provet delades upp i tre subregioner baserat på den axiella töjningsgraden. VFM-analysen visade att dessa subregioners styvhet och tvärkontraktionstal sjönk monotont, men att skillnaden mellan regionerna ökade med ökande spänning. även om endast ett prov undersöktes, så indikerade resultaten att områden med hög styvhet endast förbättrar de mekaniska egenskaperna marginellt. Analysen visade också att även om subregionerna inte är sammanhängande, så har dom liknande mekaniska egenskaper. / <p>QC 20160429</p>

Segmentation of the Brain from MR Images

Caesar, Jenny January 2005 (has links)
<p>KTH, Division of Neuronic Engineering, have a finite element model of the head. However, this model does not contain detailed modeling of the brain. This thesis project consists of finding a method to extract brain tissues from T1-weighted MR images of the head. The method should be automatic to be suitable for patient individual modeling.</p><p>A summary of the most common segmentation methods is presented and one of the methods is implemented. The implemented method is based on the assumption that the probability density function (pdf) of an MR image can be described by parametric models. The intensity distribution of each tissue class is modeled as a Gaussian distribution. Thus, the total pdf is a sum of Gaussians. However, the voxel values are also influenced by intensity inhomogeneities, which affect the pdf. The implemented method is based on the expectation-maximization algorithm and it corrects for intensity inhomogeneities. The result from the algorithm is a classification of the voxels. The brain is extracted from the classified voxels using morphological operations.</p>

Segmentation of the Brain from MR Images

Caesar, Jenny January 2005 (has links)
KTH, Division of Neuronic Engineering, have a finite element model of the head. However, this model does not contain detailed modeling of the brain. This thesis project consists of finding a method to extract brain tissues from T1-weighted MR images of the head. The method should be automatic to be suitable for patient individual modeling. A summary of the most common segmentation methods is presented and one of the methods is implemented. The implemented method is based on the assumption that the probability density function (pdf) of an MR image can be described by parametric models. The intensity distribution of each tissue class is modeled as a Gaussian distribution. Thus, the total pdf is a sum of Gaussians. However, the voxel values are also influenced by intensity inhomogeneities, which affect the pdf. The implemented method is based on the expectation-maximization algorithm and it corrects for intensity inhomogeneities. The result from the algorithm is a classification of the voxels. The brain is extracted from the classified voxels using morphological operations.

Comparison of simulated and observed horizontal inhomogeneities of optical thickness of Arctic stratus

Schäfer, Michael, Loewe, Katharina, Ehrlich, André, Hoose, Corinna, Wendisch, Manfred 15 March 2021 (has links)
Two-dimensional horizontal fields of cloud optical thickness derived from airborne measurements of solar spectral, reflected radiance are compared with semiidealized large eddy simulations (LESs) of Arctic stratus performed with the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) atmospheric model. The measurements were collected during the Vertical Distribution of Ice in Arctic Clouds (VERDI) campaign carried out in Inuvik, Canada, in April/May 2012. The input for the LESs is obtained from collocated dropsonde observations of a persistent Arctic stratus above the sea-icefree Beaufort Sea. Simulations are performed for spatial resolutions of 50 m (1.6 km by 1.6 km domain) and 100 m (6.4 km by 6.4 kmdomain). Macrophysical cloud properties, such as cloud top altitude and vertical extent, are well captured by the COSMO simulations. However, COSMO produces rather homogeneous clouds compared to the measurements, in particular for the simulations with coarser spatial resolution. For both spatial resolutions, the directional structure of the cloud inhomogeneity is well represented by the model. This study was first published by Schäfer et al., 2018. / Zweidimensionale horizontale Felder optischer Dicken abgeleitet aus flugzeuggetragenen Messungen der spektralen, solaren, reflektierten Strahldichte über Arktischem Stratus werden mit teilidealisierten Large Eddy Simulationen (LES) im Atmosphärenmodel des Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) verglichen. Die Messungen stammen von der Vertical Distribution of Ice in Arctic Clouds (VERDI) Kampagne in Inuvik, Kanada, im April/Mai 2012. Fallsonden- Beobachtungen eines beständigen arktischen Stratus über dem eisfreien Beaufort Meer bilden die LES-Eingangsdaten. Die Simulationen wurden mit räumlichen Auflösungen von 50 m (1.6 km  1.6 km Gebiet) und 100 m (6.4 km  6.4 km Gebiet) durchgeführt. Makroskopische Wolkeneigenschaften (Wolkenhöhe, -ausdehnung) wurden von COSMO erfasst. Allerdings produziert COSMO verglichen zu den Beobachtungen (besonders bei grober räumlicher Auflösung) eher homogenere Wolken. Gerichtete Strukturen der Inhomogenitäten wurden mit beiden räumlichen Auflösungen gut erfasst. Diese Studie wurde als erstes von Schäfer et al., 2018 veröffentlicht.

Etude de la transparence de greffons cornéens humains : imagerie OCT, analyse par diffusion et modélisation électromagnétique / Study of transparency loss in human corneal grafts : OCT, light scattering measurement and electromagnetic modelling

Casadessus, Olivier 07 December 2012 (has links)
Prolongement central de la sclère, la cornée est la couche la plus externe de l'œil. Elle laisser pénétrer la lumière dans le globe oculaire grâce à sa propriété de transparence. Cette transparence repose sur une structure très organisée du tissu, maintenue en équilibre physiologique. Lorsque cet équilibre est rompu, notamment suite à une augmentation anormale de son taux d'hydratation et au développement d'un œdème, l'épaisseur du tissu augmente et il tend à s'opacifier. Lorsque l'œdème devient trop important, il est nécessaire de procéder à une greffe. Les cornées destinées à la greffe sont triées dans des banques de tissus, et sont en particulier soumises à une évaluation qualitative de leur transparence. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet visant à étudier les propriétés de diffusion de greffons cornéens humains, afin d'améliorer l'évaluation quantitative de leur transparence en banque des tissus ou de mieux paramétrer les lasers de découpe lors des greffes de cornées, dont les performances sont altérées à cause du phénomène de diffusion. Le comportement diffusant de la cornée est mesuré dans l'espace réfléchi, afin d'évaluer à terme la possibilité d'une caractérisation in vivo. Conjointement à la mesure de diffusion, une imagerie du volume de la cornée est réalisée grâce à un dispositif de tomographie de cohérence optique apportant une caractérisation de la structure microscopique du tissu. L'œdème et son développement sont ainsi caractérisés par l'analyse de la diffusion du tissu, de sa transparence et des hétérogénéités à l'échelle du micron. / Along with the crystalline lens, the cornea is the unique tissue being transparent in the human body. With a transmission coefficient over 90% in the visible spectrum, the main function of the cornea is to transmit the light inside the eye. This property is due to an absence of blood vessels and a very regular organization of the corneal bulk. In the case of an edema development, the cornea swells because of an abnormally high hydration. This involves a disorganization of its internal structure and an increase of the light scattering, leading to cornea haziness. When the edema is too critical, a graft is then required. In tissue banks, several criteria, such as the evaluation of the transparency, are considered in order to choose only the tissues eligible for corneal transplantation. This thesis aims to study the scattering properties of human corneal grafts in order to improve transparency evaluation in tissue banks or to lead to a better calibration of laser cuts during surgery procedure. A characterization of the scattering properties of the tissues is performed in the reflective half-space. Indeed, backscattering characterization could be used in in-situ conditions. Moreover, 3D images of the bulk of the cornea are performed using a Optical Coherence Tomography set-up. Edema developement is studied through the analysis of the scattering behaviour and of the microscopic structure of the graft. Scattering properties and microstructure are linked together through the use of an electromagnetic modelling. Maxwell's equations are solved using Born approximation, and a numerical method was adapted to perform those calculations in the case of the cornea.

Quantificando as inomogeneidades da matéria com Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts / Quantifying the Matter Inhomogeneities with Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

Busti, Vinicius Consolini 12 March 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos como os efeitos das inomogeneidades da matéria (escura e bariônica) modificam as distâncias e afetam a determinação dos parâmetros cosmológicos. As inomogeneidades são fenomenologicamente descritas pelo parâmetro de aglomeramento alpha e quantificadas pela equação da distância proposta por ZeldovichKantowskiDyer Roeder (ZKDR). Além disso, utilizando amostras de Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts, aplicamos um teste chi quadrado para vincular os parâmetros de dois modelos cosmológicos distintos, a saber: o modelo LambdaCDM plano e o modelo com criação de matéria escura fria. Para o modelo LambdaCDM plano, vinculamos os parâmetros alpha e ­OmegaM considerando um prior gaussiano para a constante de Hubble. Realizamos também uma análise detalhada envolvendo duas calibrações distintas associadas aos dados de Gamma-Ray Bursts: uma calibração para o modelo LambdaCDM plano e outra para o modelo cardassiano. Verificamos que os resultados são fracamente dependentes da calibração adotada. Uma análise conjunta envolvendo Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts permitiu quebrar a degenerescência entre o parâmetro de aglomeramento alpha e o parâmetro de densidade da matéria ­OmegaM. Considerando a calibração dos Gamma-Ray Bursts para o modelo LambdaCDM plano, o melhor ajuste obtido foi alpha = 1.0 e ­OmegaM = 0.30, com os parâmetros restritos ao intervalos 0.78 < alpha < · 1.0 e 0.26 < ­OmegaM < 0.36 (2sigma). Para o modelo com criação de matéria escura consideramos também um prior gaussiano para a constante de Hubble e as amostras de Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts (calibrados para o modelo LambdaCDM plano). A degenerescência entre o parâmetro alpha e o parâmetro de criação gamma foi novamente quebrada através de uma análise conjunta das 2 amostras de dados. Para o melhor ajuste obtivemos alpha = 1.0 e gamma = 0.61, com os parâmetros restritos aos intervalos 0.85 < alpha < 1.0 e 0.56 < gamma < 0.66 (2sigma). / In this dissertation we study how the effects of matter (baryonic and dark) inhomogeneities modify the distances thereby affecting the determination of cosmological parameters. The inhomogeneities are phenomenologically described by the clumpiness parameter alpha and quantified through the equation distance proposed by ZeldovichKantowskiDyer Roeder (ZKDR). Further, by using Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts separately, a chi-squared analysis was performed to constrain the parameter space for two distinct cosmological models, namely: the flat LambdaCDM model and the cold dark matter creation model. For the flat LambdaCDM model we have constrained the parameters alpha and ­OmegaM by considering a Gaussian prior for the Hubble parameter. A detailed analysis was also performed involving two different calibrations associated to the Gamma-Ray Bursts data: a calibration for the flat LambdaCDM model as well as for the cardassian model. We have verified that the results are weakly dependent on the adopted calibration. A joint analysis involving Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts allowed us to break the degenerescence between the clumpiness parameter alpha and the matter density parameter ­OmegaM. By considering the calibration for the flat LambdaCDM model, the best fits obtained were equal to alpha = 1.0 and ­OmegaM = 0.30 with the parameters restricted on the intervals 0.78 < alpha < 1.0 and 0.26 < ­OmegaM < 0.36 (2sigma). For the dark matter creation model we have also adopted a Gaussian prior for the Hubble constant and the Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts (calibrated for the flat LambdaCDM model) samples. The degenerescence between the clumpiness parameter alpha and the creation parameter gamma was again broken trough a joint analysis of the two data sample. For the best fits we have obtained alpha = 1.0 and gamma = 0.61 with the parameters restricted on the intervals 0.85 < alpha < 1.0 and 0.56 < gamma < 0.66 (2sigma).

Análise quântica da evolução de inomogeneidades em espaços curvos. / Analysis of quantum evolution of inhomogeneities in curved spaces.

Hugo Carneiro Reis 29 August 1995 (has links)
Utilizando a representação funcional de schrodinger e um ansatz gaussiano simples, obtemos um conjunto de equações finitas para a matéria e gravitação em espaços homogêneos e inomogêneos. / Using the formalism of functional Schrödinger representation and a simple Ansatz, we obtain a set of finite equations to the matter and gravitation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous spaces.

Análise quântica da evolução de inomogeneidades em espaços curvos. / Analysis of quantum evolution of inhomogeneities in curved spaces.

Reis, Hugo Carneiro 29 August 1995 (has links)
Utilizando a representação funcional de schrodinger e um ansatz gaussiano simples, obtemos um conjunto de equações finitas para a matéria e gravitação em espaços homogêneos e inomogêneos. / Using the formalism of functional Schrödinger representation and a simple Ansatz, we obtain a set of finite equations to the matter and gravitation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous spaces.

Netzwerkheterogenität und kooperative Bewegung: Untersuchung von Netzwerken unterschiedlicher Vernetzungsmechanismen mit dynamischer Lichtstreuung

Eckert, Franziska 02 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Struktur von Netzwerken wird durch die Wahl der Netzwerkaufbaureaktion, der Ausgangsmoleküle und der Reaktionsbedingungen bestimmt. Es ist schwierig, wenn nicht gar unmöglich, geeignete Reaktionsparameter zu finden, die zum Aufbau homogener Netzwerkstrukturen führen. Die unterschiedliche Reaktivität der Ausgangsmoleküle resultiert in Unregelmäßigkeiten innerhalb der Netzwerkstruktur, z. B. durch inhomogene Verteilung der Vernetzungspunkte. Als Maß für die Heterogenität eines Netzwerkes kann die Streuintensität herangezogen werden. Diese besteht bei Netzwerken aus einem dynamischen und einem statischen Teil. In stark heterogenen Netzwerken überwiegt die statische Komponente der Streuintensität, die dynamischen Beiträge sind gering. Bei homogeneren Strukturen überwiegt die dynamische Komponente. Deshalb kann der Beitrag dynamischer Konzentrationsfluktuationen zur Gesamtstreuintensität als Maß für den Grad der Heterogenität dienen. Die meisten Netzwerke werden durch radikalische Copolymerisation von Monomeren und Vernetzern synthetisiert. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Reaktivitäten sind die entstehenden Strukturen stark heterogen. Die Verwendung anderer Mechanismen zum Netzwerkaufbau bietet eine Möglichkeit, homogenere Netzwerke zu erhalten. Vor allem die Vernetzung polymerer Ketten, ausgehend von einer homogenen halbverdünnten Lösung, ist eine strategisch interessante Variante. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses der chemischen Zusammensetzung, der Netzwerkaufbaureaktion, der Polymerkonzentration und der Netzwerkdichte auf die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften (kooperative Diffusionskoeffizienten Dcoop) und die Netzwerkstruktur (Heterogenität) unterschiedlicher Netzwerksysteme. Am Beispiel von Polyacrylsäure (PAS) Netzwerken (radikalische Vernetzung) und Poly(styrol-co-maleinsäureanhydrid) (PScoMSA) Netzwerken (Vernetzung polymerer Lösungen) wurden zwei Netzwerksysteme untersucht, die sich hinsichtlich ihrer Aufbaureaktion unterscheiden. Mittels klassischer Netzwerkanalyse können diese Systeme sehr gut charakterisiert werden. Die kooperativen Diffusionskoeffizienten sowie die Netzwerkheterogenität wurden durch dynamische Lichtstreuung bestimmt.

Quantificando as inomogeneidades da matéria com Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts / Quantifying the Matter Inhomogeneities with Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

Vinicius Consolini Busti 12 March 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos como os efeitos das inomogeneidades da matéria (escura e bariônica) modificam as distâncias e afetam a determinação dos parâmetros cosmológicos. As inomogeneidades são fenomenologicamente descritas pelo parâmetro de aglomeramento alpha e quantificadas pela equação da distância proposta por ZeldovichKantowskiDyer Roeder (ZKDR). Além disso, utilizando amostras de Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts, aplicamos um teste chi quadrado para vincular os parâmetros de dois modelos cosmológicos distintos, a saber: o modelo LambdaCDM plano e o modelo com criação de matéria escura fria. Para o modelo LambdaCDM plano, vinculamos os parâmetros alpha e ­OmegaM considerando um prior gaussiano para a constante de Hubble. Realizamos também uma análise detalhada envolvendo duas calibrações distintas associadas aos dados de Gamma-Ray Bursts: uma calibração para o modelo LambdaCDM plano e outra para o modelo cardassiano. Verificamos que os resultados são fracamente dependentes da calibração adotada. Uma análise conjunta envolvendo Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts permitiu quebrar a degenerescência entre o parâmetro de aglomeramento alpha e o parâmetro de densidade da matéria ­OmegaM. Considerando a calibração dos Gamma-Ray Bursts para o modelo LambdaCDM plano, o melhor ajuste obtido foi alpha = 1.0 e ­OmegaM = 0.30, com os parâmetros restritos ao intervalos 0.78 < alpha < · 1.0 e 0.26 < ­OmegaM < 0.36 (2sigma). Para o modelo com criação de matéria escura consideramos também um prior gaussiano para a constante de Hubble e as amostras de Supernovas e Gamma-Ray Bursts (calibrados para o modelo LambdaCDM plano). A degenerescência entre o parâmetro alpha e o parâmetro de criação gamma foi novamente quebrada através de uma análise conjunta das 2 amostras de dados. Para o melhor ajuste obtivemos alpha = 1.0 e gamma = 0.61, com os parâmetros restritos aos intervalos 0.85 < alpha < 1.0 e 0.56 < gamma < 0.66 (2sigma). / In this dissertation we study how the effects of matter (baryonic and dark) inhomogeneities modify the distances thereby affecting the determination of cosmological parameters. The inhomogeneities are phenomenologically described by the clumpiness parameter alpha and quantified through the equation distance proposed by ZeldovichKantowskiDyer Roeder (ZKDR). Further, by using Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts separately, a chi-squared analysis was performed to constrain the parameter space for two distinct cosmological models, namely: the flat LambdaCDM model and the cold dark matter creation model. For the flat LambdaCDM model we have constrained the parameters alpha and ­OmegaM by considering a Gaussian prior for the Hubble parameter. A detailed analysis was also performed involving two different calibrations associated to the Gamma-Ray Bursts data: a calibration for the flat LambdaCDM model as well as for the cardassian model. We have verified that the results are weakly dependent on the adopted calibration. A joint analysis involving Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts allowed us to break the degenerescence between the clumpiness parameter alpha and the matter density parameter ­OmegaM. By considering the calibration for the flat LambdaCDM model, the best fits obtained were equal to alpha = 1.0 and ­OmegaM = 0.30 with the parameters restricted on the intervals 0.78 < alpha < 1.0 and 0.26 < ­OmegaM < 0.36 (2sigma). For the dark matter creation model we have also adopted a Gaussian prior for the Hubble constant and the Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts (calibrated for the flat LambdaCDM model) samples. The degenerescence between the clumpiness parameter alpha and the creation parameter gamma was again broken trough a joint analysis of the two data sample. For the best fits we have obtained alpha = 1.0 and gamma = 0.61 with the parameters restricted on the intervals 0.85 < alpha < 1.0 and 0.56 < gamma < 0.66 (2sigma).

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