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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Analysis and Design of Phase-tunable Low-Power Low-Phase-Noise I/Q Signal Sources for Analog Phase Calibrated Transceivers

Chamas, Ibrahim 06 1900 (has links)
Due to the demand for low-cost, small-form factor and large-scale integration of system-on-chip wireless transceivers, the image-reject, zero-IF and low-IF receiver architectures have become the main topologies used in mainstream wireless communication systems. Consequently, signal sources with quadrature phase outputs [quadrature oscillators (QOs)] are therefore essential, and their phase noise, driving capability, tuning range, oscillation frequency, and power consumption have a major impact on the overall receiver performance. Additionally, it is required that the QO synthesize precise I/Q waveforms across the signal bandwidth over process, voltage, and temperature variations for adequate image-rejection and signal modulation/demodulation. While the use of symmetrical layout and large inter-digitated devices minimize both systematic and random mismatches, this solution alone may not succeed in achieving the stringent performance requirements dictated by modern wireless standards particularly as the technology scales into the sub-100nm regime, necessitating both phase and gain calibration of the mismatched I/Q channels post-fabrication. Given the necessity for precise RF quadrature signal synthesis, the goal of this work is to investigate low-power low-phase-noise quadrature oscillator (QVCO) topologies with an integrated phase calibration feature. The first part of this work focuses on the analysis and modeling of cross-coupled LC QVCOs. The analysis focuses on understanding the oscillator basic performance characteristics, design trade-offs, phase-noise performance, effect of including phase shift in the coupling paths, and on examining the quadrature accuracy in presence of process variations. New design parameters and circuit insight are developed and a generalized first order linear model and a one-port model are proposed. Particularly, we introduce the concept of an effective core and coupling transconductances to explain various oscillator properties. Additionally, a new incremental circuit element — the quadrature resistance — is introduced to evaluate the effect of coupling on the open-loop quality factor and hence on the oscillator phase noise performance. Mechanisms affecting the mode selectivity are identified and modeled. A qualitative and quantitative study of the effect of mismatch on the phase imbalance and amplitude error is presented. Particularly, closed-form intuitive expressions of the phase imbalance and amplitude error are derived and verified via circuit simulation. Based on our understanding of the various mechanisms affecting the quadrature accuracy, the second part of this work introduces a very efficient quadrature phase calibration technique based on the disconnected-source parallel-coupled LC QVCO topology. The phase-tunable LC QVCO (PT-QVCO) achieves an ultra-wide I/Q phase tuning range without affecting the relative amplitude error or consuming additional power or chip area. Additionally, in restoring the phase balance, it is observed that the proposed method restores the phase noise performance to its optimal value which presents a potential advantage over classical calibration techniques. Time domain measurements performed on a 5 GHz prototype show that I/Q signals with phase error up to ~±30°, beyond which the VCO cores are unlocked, can be driven to perfect quadrature phase. The PT-QVCO can be tuned from 3.87-4.45 GHz at the negative mode and 4.4-5.4 GHz at the positive mode, a total of ~1.5 GHz. The fabricated circuit including pad structures occupies an area of 1.1x0.7 mm² and drains 18mW (excluding buffer circuits) from a 1.8 V supply voltage. The third part of this work introduces a new low-power, low-phase-noise super harmonic injection-coupled LC QVCO (IC-QVCO) topology. Analysis of the waveform accuracy reveals an inverse dependence of the quadrature error on the tank quality factor thus allowing circuit optimization for both low phase noise and precise quadrature synthesis. Additionally, a tunable tail filter (TTF) is incorporated to calibrate the residual quadrature imbalance in presence of a 3-σ variation in the device parameters. An X-band IC-QVCO prototype with a TTF implemented in a 0.18μm RF CMOS process, achieves a measured phase noise figure-of-merit ranging from 177.3 to 182.6 dBc/Hz along the 9.0 to 9.6 GHz frequency tuning range while dissipating only 9mW from the 1.8V supply. The TTF reduces both the 1/f² and 1/f³ phase noise and calibrates the residual phase error within ±11° post-fabrication without affecting the relative amplitude error or the phase noise performance. The circuit performance compares favorably with recently published work. In the fourth part of this work, we explore the implementation of LC QVCOs as potential I/Q sources at millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies. Among the several design challenges that emerge as the oscillator frequency is scaled into the MMW band, precise quadrature synthesis and adequate frequency tuning range are among the hardest to achieve. After describing the limitation of using an MOS varactor and a digitally controlled switch capacitor array for frequency tuning, we propose an alternative frequency tuning technique based on the fundamental operation of LC QVCOs. The off-resonance operation, which is defined by the coupling network, suggests varying the coupling current to achieve frequency tuning. In essence, by modifying the bias current of the coupling transistors (G<sub>Mc</sub>-tuning), a wide and linear frequency tuning range can be achieved. Extensive simulation results of a 60 GHz prototype, implemented in a 90 nm commercial RF CMOS process, demonstrates a 5 GHz of frequency tuning range (57.5 GHz → 62.5 GHz), a tuning sensitivity of 1GHz/mA, and a 4dB improvement in the phase noise compared to a varactor solution. Finally, the Appendix includes recent research work on the analysis and design of g<sbu>m</sub>-boosted common-gate low-noise amplifiers (CG-LNAs). While this topic seems to diverge from the main theme of the dissertation, we believe that the comprehensive analysis and the originality of the circuit design introduced in this work are worth acknowledging. / Ph.D. / While resting in bed due to illness, the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens keenly observed that the pendulums of two clocks hanging on the wall moved synchronously when the clocks were hung close to each other. He concluded that these two oscillatory systems were forced to move in unison by virtue of mechanical coupling through the wall. In essence, each pendulum injected mechanical vibrations into the wall that was strong enough to lock the adjacent pendulum into synchronous motion. Injection locking of oscillatory systems plays a critical role in communication systems ranging from frequency division, to generating clocks (oscillators) with finer phase separation, to the synthesis of orthogonal (quadrature) clocks. All communication systems have the same basic form. Firstly, there will some type of an information or data source which can be a keyboard or a microphone in a smartphone. The source is connected to a receiver by some sort of a channel. In wireless systems, the channel is the air medium. Moreover, to comply with the FCC and 3GPP requirements, data can only be transmitted wirelessly within a predefined set of frequencies and with stringent emission requirements to avoid interference with other wireless systems. These frequencies are generated by high fidelity clock sources, also known as oscillators. Consider a group of people sharing the same room and hence the same channel want to share information. Without regulating the “loudness” of each communicating ensemble, the quality of communication can be severely impaired. Moreover, it is to be expected that information can be shared more efficiently if each pair is allocated non-overlapping timeslots – speak when others are quiet. Called time orthogonality, all wireless systems require precise orthogonal (quadrature) clock sources to improve the communication efficiency. The precision of quadrature clocks is determined by the amplitude and phase accuracy. This dissertation takes a deep dive into the analysis and implementation of high accuracy quadrature (I/Q) clock sources using the concept of injection locking. These I/Q clocks or oscillators, also known as quadrature voltage controlled oscillators (QVCOs), have gained enormous popularity in the last decade. The first part of this work focuses on the analysis and modeling of QVCOs. The analysis focuses on understanding the oscillator basic performance characteristics, and on examining the quadrature accuracy in presence of process variations. New design parameters and circuit insight are developed and a generalized first order linear model and a one-port model are proposed. A qualitative and quantitative study of the effect of mismatch on the phase imbalance and amplitude error is presented. Particularly, closed-form intuitive expressions of the phase imbalance and amplitude error are derived and verified via circuit simulation. Based on our understanding of the various mechanisms affecting the quadrature accuracy, the second part of this work introduces a very efficient quadrature phase calibration technique based The phase-tunable QVCO (PT-QVCO) achieves an ultra-wide I/Q phase tuning range without affecting the oscillator other performance metrics. The proposed topology was successfully verified in silicon using a 5GHz prototype. The third part of this work introduces a new low-power, low-phase-noise injection coupled QVCO (IC-QVCO) topology. An X-band IC-QVCO prototype was successfully verified in a 0.18m RF CMOS process. In the fourth part of this work, we explore the implementation of QVCOs as potential I/Q sources at millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies. Among the several design challenges that emerge as the oscillator frequency is scaled into the MMW band, precise quadrature synthesis and adequate frequency tuning range are among the hardest to achieve. After describing the limitation of using an conventional frequency tuning techniques, we propose an alternative approach based on the fundamental operation of QVCOs that outperforms existing solutions.

Étude et réalisation d'un oscillateur à base de VCSEL verrouillé en phase pour des applications en télécommunications / Design and implementation of a optical injection-locked VCSEL based optoelectronic oscillator for telecommunications applications

Coronel-Rico, Juan Fernando 20 June 2016 (has links)
Les oscillateurs sont présents dans tous les systèmes de communications que nous utilisons. Ils nous permettent de faire la synchronisation entre l’émetteur et le récepteur d’un message. La qualité de cette synchronisation dépend de la stabilité de l’oscillateur. Afin de caractériser cette stabilité dans le domaine fréquentiel, le bruit de phase est utilisé comme paramètre de référence. Un oscillateur qui délivre un signal avec une faible valeur de bruit de phase est un oscillateur de grande pureté spectrale. Les oscillateurs électroniques ont une bonne performance à basse fréquence. En mesure de la demande des systèmes de très haut débit, les oscillateurs électroniques ne sont pas capables de produire signaux qu’avec l’utilisation de multiplicateurs de fréquence qui ajoutent plusieurs éléments à la chaine de communication. Les systèmes hybrides permettent de prendre d’avantage la bonne performance de composants optiques en haute fréquence afin de les intégrer dans les systèmes électroniques et surmonter de cette façon-là les limitations fréquentielles des systèmes électroniques. Ce travail vise l’utilisation de la technique de verrouillage optique par injection du faisceau d’un laser maître vers la cavité d’un VCSEL sous modulation directe dans la boucle d’oscillation. La technique du verrouillage optique du VCSEL permets d’élargir la bande passante de modulation directe du VCSEL et réduire son bruit d’intensité (Relative Intensity Noise - RIN). La réduction du RIN a comme effet secondaire la réduction de la contribution du bruit additif dans l’oscillateur et, en conséquence, la réduction du bruit de phase de l’oscillateur. / Oscillators are present in all telecommunication systems. They synchronize the emitter and receiver of a message. The quality of the synchronization depends on the oscillator stability. To characterize the frequency domain oscillator stability, the phase noise of the carrier is used as figure of merit. An oscillator delivering a low phase noise carrier is a high spectral purity oscillator. Electronic oscillators are high performing at low frequencies. As communications systems require high data rate transmission, the electronic oscillators uses frequency multipliers that degrades the spectral purity of the carrier. The hybrid systems take advantage of the good performance of optical components at high frequency with the goal to be integrated in the electronic systems to overcome frequency limitation issues. This work use the optical injection locking technique by injecting the laser beam of a master laser inside the cavity of a VCSEL under direct modulation. The optical injection locking technique enlarges the direct modulation bandwidth of the VCSEL and reduces the Relative Intensity noise of the laser (RIN). The RIN reduction has as side effect the reduction of the additive noise inside the oscillator and, in consequence, reducing the oscillator phase noise.

Síntesis de frecuencias en microondas mediante sistemas PLL: aplicación a la recepción de señales emitidas por satélite hasta 30 GHz

Berenguer Sau, Jordi 23 September 1988 (has links)
La tesi estudia el problema de la síntesi de freqüències en les bandes de freqüències de microones i ones mil·limètriques, i la seva aplicació al disseny dels oscil·ladors locals d'un receptor coherent per a la recepció de les *radiobalises que a 12, 20 i 30 GHz emetia el satèl·lit Olympus de l'Agència Espacial Europea (ESA), amb la finalitat de caracteritzar el comportament radioelèctric de l'atmosfera a aquestes freqüències, a partir de mesures d'atenuació i transpolarització sobre aquests senyals de test, tot això dintre del marc d'un experiment de propagació (OPEX) propiciat per l'agència.La tesi s'ha centrat en l'estudi dels sistemes de síntesis de freqüències utilitzats habitualment, i especialment en els de síntesi indirecta de freqüència basats en sistemes Phase Locked Loop (PLL) a freqüències de microones ja que són la base sobre la qual s'han dissenyat i construït els prototips de multiplicadors de freqüència que s'han desenvolupat, capaços de sintetitzar senyals en bandes de mil·limètriques, que en el nostre cas s'han restringit al marge de 1 a 29 GHz.Alguns dels multiplicadors fan ús de la detecció de fase harmònica, sistema que permet realitzar multiplicacions de freqüència d'índex imparell, evitant la utilització de divisors de freqüència en el llaç de realimentació del PLL.La tesi s'estructura en quatre parts diferenciades. La primera, amb un caire eminentment teòric, s'ofereix a manera de revisió dels aspectes del soroll de fase i dels sistemes de síntesis de freqüències existents. La segona part aborda les qüestions derivades de la síntesi de freqüències en microones mitjançant PLL's, amb descripció dels components utilitzats, per a passar a tractar dels aspectes de disseny d'un receptor coherent, els seus requisits i aplicacions. En la tercera part es presenten els multiplicadors de freqüència realitzats, la seva descripció, esquema de blocs i resultats experimentals obtinguts. I finalment, en la quarta part s'inclouen una sèrie de realitzacions derivades de la utilització de sistemes PLL a freqüències de microones, amb sincronització per injecció del VCO al senyal de referència, en aplicacions de combinació de potència i de control electrònic de fase en sistemes phased-arrays amb elements actius. / La tesis estudia el problema de la síntesis de frecuencias en las bandas de frecuencias de microondas y ondas milimétricas, y su aplicación al diseño de los osciladores locales de un receptor coherente para la recepción de las radiobalizas que a 12, 20 y 30 GHz emitía el satélite Olympus de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), con la finalidad de caracterizar el comportamiento radioeléctrico de la atmósfera a estas frecuencias, a partir de medidas de atenuación y transpolarización sobre esas señales de test, todo ello dentro del marco de un experimento de propagación (OPEX) propiciado por la agencia.La tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de los sistemas de síntesis de frecuencias utilizados habitualmente, y en especial en los de síntesis indirecta de frecuencia basados en sistemas Phase Locked Loop (PLL) a frecuencias de microondas puesto que son la base sobre la que se sustentan los prototipos de multiplicadores de frecuencia que se han desarrollado, capaces de sintetizar señales en bandas milimétricas, que en nuestro caso se han restringido al margen de 1 a 29 GHz.Algunos de los multiplicadores hacen uso de la detección de fase armónica, sistema que permite realizar multiplicaciones de frecuencia de índice impar, evitando el empleo de divisores de frecuencia en el lazo de realimentación del PLL.La tesis se estructura en cuatro partes diferenciadas. La primera, con un cariz eminentemente teórico, se ofrece a modo de revisión del tema del ruido de fase y de los sistemas de síntesis de frecuencias existentes. La segunda parte aborda las cuestiones derivadas de la síntesis de frecuencias en microondas mediante PLL's, con descripción de los componentes utilizados, para pasar a tratar de los aspectos de diseño de un receptor coherente, sus requisitos y aplicaciones. En la tercera parte se presentan los multiplicadores de frecuencia realizados, su descripción, esquema de bloques y resultados experimentales obtenidos. Y por último, en la cuarta parte se incluyen una serie de realizaciones derivadas de la utilización de sistemas PLL a frecuencias de microondas, con sincronización por inyección del VCO a la señal de referencia, en aplicaciones de combinación de potencia y de control electrónico de fase en sistemas phased-arrays con elementos activos. / The thesis studies the problem of the synthesis of frequencies in the microwave and millimeter waves frequency bands, and its application to the design of the local oscillators of a coherent receiver for the reception of the radio beacons that to 12, 20 and 30 GHz emitted the satellite Olympus from the European Space Agency (ESA), with the aim of characterizing the radio behavior of the atmosphere at these frequencies, from measurements of attenuation and transpolarisation on those signals of test, all that in the framework of a propagation experiment (OPEX) favored by the agency.The thesis has been focused on the study of the frequency synthesis systems, and especially on the indirect frequency synthesis systems based on Phase Locked Loops (PLL) at microwave frequencies, since they are the base on which the prototypes of frequency multipliers that they have been developed, capable of synthesizing signals in millimeter bands, are held that in our case they have restricted regardless of 1 to 29 GHz.Some of the multipliers make use of the harmonic phase detection system that allows carrying out frequency multiplications of odd index, preventing the use of frequency dividers in the feedback loop of the PLL.The thesis is structured in four differentiated parts. The first, with an eminently theoretical look, offers like revision of the subject of the phase noise and the methods of frequency synthesis. The second part tackles the questions derived from the synthesis of frequencies in microwaves through PLL's, with description of the used components, to pass to deal of the aspects of design of a coherent receiver, its requirements and applications. In the third part the frequency multipliers carried out, its description, schema of blocks and obtained experimental results are presented. And finally, in the fourth part a series of accomplishments are included phased-arrays derived of the use of systems PLL at frequencies of microwaves, with synchronization by injection of the VCO to the reference signal, in applications of power combination and of electronic phase control in systems with active elements.

Phase Control By Injection Locking

Sener, Goker 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Phase control in microwave circuits is an impotant process. Especially, in certain applications such as phase array antennas, it is the main principle of opeation. In antenna arrays, each array element is fed by an individual oscillator. By controlling the phase of each oscillator, the radiation pattern and the RF power can be combined in space in certain directions. For such applications, phase shifters have been utilized extensively. However, their high costs, difficulties in design and efficiency are impotant disadvantages. More recently, another technique, &quot / Injection Locking&quot / or &quot / Phase Locking&quot / suggests to use a single reference signal injected into each oscilator element. Through this signal, the phase of the individual oscillators can be controlled and set to a desired value. Therefore, power combining in space or known as &quot / Spaial Power Combining&quot / is possible by using &quot / Phase Locking&quot / of individual oscillator elements. In this thesis, this new phase control technique is examined in theory and in application of a 1GHz oscillator system. A reference signal is injected into a voltage controlled oscillator, and the phase progression is obtained by tuning the oscilator&#039 / s free running frequency.

Integrated Cmos Iq Upconverter/Downconverter for an X-Band Phased-Array Radar Application

Johnson, Ryan C 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the design and measurement of an X-band IQ up/down converter that has been fabricated on a 180nm RF CMOS process. This converter includes components for mixing, frequency doubling, quadrature generation, amplification, and limiting. The specific circuit topologies used include passive double-balanced mixers, RC polyphase filters, and injection locked LC oscillators. The converter is part of a transceiver chain that will make up the dedicated circuitry for each active antenna element of a phased-array radar. An active antenna element combines a radiator with its own transceiver subsystem. A phased-array radar, NetRad, is under development at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and will require thousands of active antenna elements. This motivates the need for low-cost integrated solutions. A silicon-based RF CMOS process provides a low-cost candidate technology to fulfill this requirement.

Injection Locking Of Semiconductor Mode-locked Lasers For Long-term Stability Of Widely Tunable Frequency Combs

Williams, Charles 01 January 2013 (has links)
Harmonically mode-locked semiconductor lasers with external ring cavities offer high repetition rate pulse trains while maintaining low optical linewidth via long cavity storage times. Single frequency injection locking generates widely-spaced and tunable frequency combs from these harmonically mode-locked lasers, while stabilizing the optical frequencies. The output is stabilized long-term with the help of a feedback loop utilizing either a novel technique based on Pound-Drever-Hall stabilization or by polarization spectroscopy. Error signals of both techniques are simulated and compared to experimentally obtained signals. Frequency combs spaced by 2.5 GHz and ~10 GHz are generated, with demonstrated optical sidemode suppression of unwanted modes of 36 dB, as well as RF supermode noise suppression of 14 dB for longer than 1 hour. In addition to the injection locking of actively harmonically mode-locked lasers, the injection locking technique for regeneratively mode-locked lasers, or Coupled OptoElectronic Oscillators (COEOs), is also demonstrated and characterized extensively.

Modelagem de diodos laser de Fabry-Pérot travados por injeção de sinal óptico externo para uso em redes WDM-PON. / Modelling of diodes lasers Locked Fabry-Pérot óptical signal injection for use in external networks WDM-PON.

Duarte, Ulysses Rondina 14 April 2011 (has links)
A disponibilização de fontes ópticas multi-comprimento de onda de baixo custo certamente é um dos aspectos fundamentais para viabilizar a implantação de redes WDMPON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing-Passive Optical Network). Na literatura, são encontradas propostas de algumas tecnologias para a construção de tais dispositivos como a utilização de fontes ópticas sintonizáveis, uso de um vetor de lasers DFB (Distributed Feedback Laser) ou, até mesmo, o fatiamento espectral de uma fonte de banda larga. Contudo, essas propostas apresentam custo elevado, ou limitações de operação, tornando-se inapropriadas para a aplicação de interesse. Uma alternativa que vem sendo amplamente utilizada é o travamento óptico de diodos laser de Fabry-Pérot (FP-LD - Fabry-Pérot laser diode), realizado por meio da injeção de sinal óptico externo provindo do fatiamento espectral de uma fonte de banda larga. O travamento óptico possibilita o controle espectral do FP-LD, e o seu baixo custo torna essa fonte óptica atrativa na implantação de redes WDM. O entendimento do mecanismo de travamento torna-se, então, crucial na descrição da dinâmica de tais fontes ópticas. Desta forma, nesta dissertação, foi desenvolvido o estudo dos modelos matemáticos que descrevem a dinâmica de lasers travados, assim como foi investigado o desempenho de redes WDM-PON empregando estas fontes ópticas. / The availability of low cost multi-wavelength optical sources is certainly one of the fundamental aspects to allow the deployment of WDM-PON networks. Several technologies for the implementation of such optical sources are discussed in the literature, including tunable lasers, DFB arrays and spectral slicing of a broadband light source. However, those propositions suffer from high cost or operational limitations. One alternative is the optical injection locking of a Fabry Pérot laser diode (FPLD), in which the external optical injection signal is obtained from the spectral slicing of a broadband light source. This option has been widely investigated because the optical injection locking process allows for the FP-LD optical spectral control and wavelength selection. In addition, the low cost of such device makes this optical source an attractive solution for WDM-PON widespread deployment. In this context, the understanding of the locking mechanism becomes important in the optimization of such optical sources. Thus, in this dissertation, we conducted a study of mathematical models that describe the dynamics of locked lasers as well as investigated the performance of WDM-PON based on those optical sources.

Advanced Interferometry for Gravitational Wave Detection

Shaddock, Daniel Anthony, Daniel.Shaddock@jpl.nasa.gov January 2001 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate advanced techniques for the readout and control of various interferometers. In particular, we present experimental investigations of interferometer configurations and control techniques to be used in second generation interferometric gravitational wave detectors. We also present a new technique, tilt locking, for the readout and control of optical interferometers. ¶ We report the first experimental demonstration of a Sagnac interferometer with resonant sideband extraction (RSE). We measure the frequency response to modulation of the length of the arms and demonstrate an increase in signal bandwidth of by a factor of 6.5 compared to the Sagnac with arm cavities only. We compare Sagnac interferometers based on optical cavities with cavity-based Michelson interferometers and find that the Sagnac configuration has little overall advantage in a cavity-based system. ¶ A system for the control and signal extraction of a power recycled Michelson interferometer with RSE is presented. This control system employs a frontal modulation scheme requiring a phase modulated carrier field and a phase modulated subcarrier field. The system is capable of locking all 5 length degrees of freedom and allows the signal cavity to be detuned over the entire range of possibilities, in principle, whilst maintaining lock. We analytically investigate the modulation/demodulation techniques used to obtain these error signals, presenting an introductory explanation of single sideband modulation/demodulation and double demodulation. ¶ This control system is implemented on a benchtop prototype interferometer. We discuss technical problems associated with production of the input beam modulation components and present several solutions. Operation of the interferometer is demonstrated for a wide range of detunings. The frequency response of the interferometer is measured for various detuned points and we observe good agreement with theoretical predictions. The ability of the control system to maintain lock as the interferometer is detuned is experimentally demonstrated. ¶ Tilt locking, a new technique to obtain an error signal to lock a laser to an optical cavity, is presented. This technique produces an error signal by efficient measurement of the interference between the TEM00 and TEM10 modes. We perform experimental and theoretical comparisons with the widely used Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique. We derive the quantum noise limit to the sensitivity of a measurement of the beam position, and using this result calculate the shot noise limited sensitivity of tilt locking. We show that tilt locking has a quantum efficiency of 80%, compared to 82% for the PDH technique. We present experimental demonstrations of tilt locking in several applications including frequency stabilisation, continuous-wave second harmonic generation, and injection locking of a Nd:YAG slab laser. In each of these cases, we demonstrate that the performance of tilt locking is not the limiting factor of the lock stability, and show that it achieves similar performance to the PDH based system. ¶ Finally, we discuss how tilt locking can be effectively applied to two beam interferometers. We show experimentally how a two beam interferometer typically gives excellent isolation against errors arising from changes in the photodetector position, and experimentally demonstrate the use of tilt locking as a signal readout system for a Sagnac interferometer.

Applications of the Josephson mixer : ultrastrong coupling, quantum node and injection locking in conversion / Applications du mixeur Josephson : couplage ultrafort, nœud quantique et verrouillage par injection en conversion

Marković, Danijela 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les circuits supraconducteurs sont parmi les technologies de l'information quantique les plus avancées. Ils ont aujourd'hui atteint la maturité qui offre un grand degré de contrôle et une large gamme d'interactions qui peuvent être précisément réalisées sur mesure. Le mixeur Josephson est un exemple de circuit supraconducteur qui effectue le mixage à trois ondes aux fréquences micro-ondes. Dans cette thèse, trois expériences, où le mixeur Josephson est utilisé pour trois applications différentes sont décrites. D'abord, nous avons réalisé le couplage ultrafort effectif entre deux modes bosoniques afin d'étudier les propriétés de l'état fondamental de ce système, tels que le squeezing à un mode et à deux modes du champ radié. Ensuite, nous avons construit un nœud quantique, capable de créer et distribuer de l'intrication sur un réseau quantique micro-onde, alors que de stocker et relâcher de l'information quantique à demande. Nous avons intégré un qubit de mesure dans ce dispositif pour augmenter le degré de contrôle sur son état quantique. Finalement, nous avons poussé le mixeur Josephson au delà du seuil de l'oscillation paramétrique, où nous avons démontré une technique inhabituelle de verrouillage par injection en conversion de fréquence dans ce dispositif non-dégénéré. / Superconducting circuits stand among the most advanced quantum information processing platforms. They have nowadays reached a maturity that offers a high level of controllability and a large variety of interactions that can be precisely designed on demand. The Josephson mixer is one such superconducting device that performs three-wave mixing at microwave frequencies. In this thesis, we describe three experiments in which the Josephson mixer was used for different applications. First, we have realized an effective ultrastrong coupling of two bosonic modes that allowed us to study the ground state properties of this system, such as the single mode and the two mode squeezing of the emitted radiation. Second, we have built a quantum node, able to generate and distribute entanglement over a microwave quantum network, as well as to store and release quantum information on demand. We have integrated an ancilla qubit to this device in order to increase the degree of control over the quantum state of the system. Finally, we have pushed the Josephson mixer beyond the parametric oscillation instability threshold, where we have demonstrated an atypical injection locking technique that relies on coherent frequency conversion in this non-degenerate device.

Modelagem de diodos laser de Fabry-Pérot travados por injeção de sinal óptico externo para uso em redes WDM-PON. / Modelling of diodes lasers Locked Fabry-Pérot óptical signal injection for use in external networks WDM-PON.

Ulysses Rondina Duarte 14 April 2011 (has links)
A disponibilização de fontes ópticas multi-comprimento de onda de baixo custo certamente é um dos aspectos fundamentais para viabilizar a implantação de redes WDMPON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing-Passive Optical Network). Na literatura, são encontradas propostas de algumas tecnologias para a construção de tais dispositivos como a utilização de fontes ópticas sintonizáveis, uso de um vetor de lasers DFB (Distributed Feedback Laser) ou, até mesmo, o fatiamento espectral de uma fonte de banda larga. Contudo, essas propostas apresentam custo elevado, ou limitações de operação, tornando-se inapropriadas para a aplicação de interesse. Uma alternativa que vem sendo amplamente utilizada é o travamento óptico de diodos laser de Fabry-Pérot (FP-LD - Fabry-Pérot laser diode), realizado por meio da injeção de sinal óptico externo provindo do fatiamento espectral de uma fonte de banda larga. O travamento óptico possibilita o controle espectral do FP-LD, e o seu baixo custo torna essa fonte óptica atrativa na implantação de redes WDM. O entendimento do mecanismo de travamento torna-se, então, crucial na descrição da dinâmica de tais fontes ópticas. Desta forma, nesta dissertação, foi desenvolvido o estudo dos modelos matemáticos que descrevem a dinâmica de lasers travados, assim como foi investigado o desempenho de redes WDM-PON empregando estas fontes ópticas. / The availability of low cost multi-wavelength optical sources is certainly one of the fundamental aspects to allow the deployment of WDM-PON networks. Several technologies for the implementation of such optical sources are discussed in the literature, including tunable lasers, DFB arrays and spectral slicing of a broadband light source. However, those propositions suffer from high cost or operational limitations. One alternative is the optical injection locking of a Fabry Pérot laser diode (FPLD), in which the external optical injection signal is obtained from the spectral slicing of a broadband light source. This option has been widely investigated because the optical injection locking process allows for the FP-LD optical spectral control and wavelength selection. In addition, the low cost of such device makes this optical source an attractive solution for WDM-PON widespread deployment. In this context, the understanding of the locking mechanism becomes important in the optimization of such optical sources. Thus, in this dissertation, we conducted a study of mathematical models that describe the dynamics of locked lasers as well as investigated the performance of WDM-PON based on those optical sources.

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