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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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De l’intuition à la formalisation de la pensée musicale : retour sur 11 œuvres composées dans le cadre du doctorat = From intuition to formalization of musical thought : a look back at 11 works within a doctoral framework

Jeric, Margareta 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse revient sur les onze œuvres musicales ayant jalonné mon parcours compositionnel et marqué le développement de ma pensée de créatrice. J’ai divisé la production de ces sept années de doctorat en trois sections, correspondant à trois phases distinctes de l’évolution de mon langage. Ce parcours est un passage graduel d’une pensée intuitive vers une pensée de plus en plus structurée. Bailo, String Quartet no.1, et Con fuoco sont les œuvres composées durant la première phase. La deuxième phase a mené à la composition de deux pièces où sont juxtaposées musique instrumentale et musique électroacoustique : le Concerto pour clarinette et bande et Impressions pour basson et bande. Afin d’arrimer ces deux mondes disparates, l’approche intuitive a tranquillement été écartée au profit d’une meilleure organisation des paramètres à travers l’introduction de la formalisation. La troisième phase correspond à une exploration plus rigoureuse de la formalisation par l’entremise de modèles. Quatre modèles sont abordés dans cette thèse; soit le modèle de l’objet sonore, le modèle de la linguistique, le modèle du timbre et le modèle de l’art visuel. Dans le modèle de l’objet sonore, utilisé dans la pièce Nevaliashka, la formalisation se construit autour d’un jouet duquel j’extrais le plus d’information possible. Utilisé dans les opéras Les bottes jaunes et The Feast of Nemesis, le modèle linguistique aborde la sémantique et phonétique des différentes langues. Le modèle du timbre, que l’on retrouve dans FLAW/LESS et Transition, s’attarde à la corporéité des instruments traditionnels et à leurs potentialités acoustiques. L’écriture instrumentale y est pensée comme une sculpture de timbres et la méthodologie est dérivée de celle généralement utilisée pour la composition de la musique électroacoustique. Enfin, avec le modèle de l’art visuel, mis en valeur dans la pièce Galženjaki, je m’intéresse aux interactions entre art visuel et littérature, de même qu’à la manière de transposer ce dialogue en musique. / This thesis returns to the eleven musical works that marked my compositional journey as well as my development as an artist. I divided the production of these seven years of doctoral studies into three sections, corresponding to three distinct phases of the evolution of my language. This journey is a gradual transition from an intuitive approach to musical writing to a more structured approach. Bailo, String Quartet no.1, and Con fuoco were composed in the first phase. The second phase led to two pieces in which instrumental music and electroacoustic music were juxtaposed: the Concerto pour clarinette et bande and Impressions for bassoon and tape. In order to bridge the gap between these two distinct worlds, intuition gradually gave way to a better organization of parameters through the introduction of formalization. The third phase corresponds to a more rigorous exploration of formalization through the use of models. Four models are addressed in this thesis; the sound object model, the linguistics model, the timbre model and the visual arts model. In the sound object model, used in the Nevaliashka piece, formalization is built around an object of everyday life from which a maximum of information is extracted and analyzed. Used in the operas Les bottes jaunes and The Feast of Nemesis, the linguistics model incorporates the semantics and phonetics of different languages into the compositional process. The timbre model, found in FLAW/LESS and Transition, focuses on the corporeality of traditional instruments and their acoustic potential. Instrumental writing is thought of as a sculpture of timbres and follows the methodology generally used in electroacoustic music composition. Finally, with the visual arts model, highlighted in the Galženjaki piece, I analyze the interactions between visual arts and literature and attempt to translate this dialogue into music.

'n Geskiedenis van die kerklied in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Fourie, Francois Paul. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die lied en musiekinstrumente speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die Bybel. Die Moseslied (Eks 15) word in die Psalms aangehaal en kulmineer in die 11 nuwe 11 lied van Openbaring - die lied van die "nuwe" hemel en die 11 nuwe 11 aarde wat verlostes saam sal sing. Die brandende vraag wat "reg" of hoegenaamd standpunt ingeneem moet perspektief (die Woord van God) "verkeerd" is en of daar word, word uit 'n Bybelse beantwoord, gegrond op die beginsel van die Reformasie: ecclessia reformata semper reformandum. Die geskiedenis van die lied van die vroee kerk tot by die Ref ormasie word kursories behandel. Die lied wat in die geskiedenis uit die mond van die gelowige, die lidmaat gehaal is en aan die priesters oorgelaat is, word deur Luther weer teruggeplaas in die mond van die gelowige. Dit blyk dat Calvyn, tsv die Ref ormasie slagspreuk, in sommige aspekte van sy beskouing van die kerklied, steeds 'n Roomse standpunt bly handhaaf en net tot by die vroee kerk "gereformeer" het. Slegs sgn "heilige" liedere, direk uit die Bybel, musiek sender instrumentale begeleiding, kon gebruik word. Saam met ons voorsate, wat van oa Nederland gekom het, het ons liederebundels gekom. Van Riebeeck het met die Datheense Psalter (die amptelike Nederlandse kerklied) wat later deur die 1805- "Evangelische Gezangen" aangevul is, geland. Agv die "cuius regio eius religio"-beginsel het die Hollandse kerklied voorkeur bo Lutherse ea kerkliedere gekry. Die 1805-"Evangelische Gezangen", alhoewel dit hartlik verwelkom is, het gelei tot misnoee in Colesberg en later in Rustenburg, wat op sy beurt gelei het tot kerkskeuring. Die "Evangelische Gezangen" was ook, naas die Bybel en die Psalmboek die metgesel van die Trekkers, kommandolede (Anglo-Boereoorlog) en die krygsgevangenes in die konsentrasie- en krygsgevangenekampe. In die kampe was daar baie tyd vir die sing en skep van gewyde liedere. Nie-goedgekeurde bundels en die vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans (1933) het aanleiding gegee dat liederebundels hersien moes word. Die 1937 (Totius-beryming), die 1944 Gesangboek, die 76/78-Psalmboek en die 1978 Gesangboek was die resultaat. 'n Dualistiese standpunt, dat sekere liedere geskik is vir kerkgebruik en ander slegs vir buite-kerkgebruik (die 1984- Jeugsangbundel) het aanleiding gegee tot die publikasie van SOM en Jeugsangbundel 2, 1993. Huidig gebruik talle gemeentes 'eie' bundels tsv sinodale besluite dat slegs SOM en JSB2 naas die Psalm- en Gesangboek gebruik mag word. Die verskyning van die Proefsangbundel 1998 (IKSA) lei 'n nuwe fase van die kerklied in SA in as die Ned Herv Kerk ook begin om "nuwe" liedere op die proef te stel. Vos, Strydom, Huisamen, Konig, Kloppers, ea het in resente jare evaluerings oor die kerklied gedoen. Die "ou", die "nuwe" en die kontemporere kerklied (veral met verwysing na die NG Kerk) m6et almal plek kry in die musiekskat van die 21ste eeu. / The hymn and musical instruments play a cardinal role in the Bible. The Song of Moses (Ex 15) is used in Psalms and in Revelation 15:3. The question with regards to what is acceptable and unacceptable and whether it is at all imperative to take a defendant stance, is clarified from a Biblical point of view. It is based on the Reformation-principle: ecclesia reformata semper reformandum. The History of the 'Song' Hymn in the early church up to the Reformation is shortly mentioned. The "songs" (Hymns) of the believer were in the course of history transferred to the priests and were only in the Reformation once again bestowed on the believer by Luther. It would appear that Calvin, despite the slogans of the Reformation continued to postulate a Catholic point of view with regard to the Hymns and that the Reformation was restricted to the early church. Only socalled holy songs, direct from the Bible and songs without instruments/accompaniment could be usedo The collection of 'songs' (Hymns) of the Dutch Reformed Church is an inheritance from the Netherlands. It was Van Riebeeck who brought in the ''Datheense Psalter'' . Later, the 1805 - "Evangelishe Gezangen" were added to it. Owing to the cuius regio eius religio-principle, the Dutch Church Hymn was given preverance. Although heartily welcomed, the "1805-Evangelische Gezangen" lead to a split in the Church. The "Evangelische Gezangen" (Hymns), and the Psalmbook were used by the 'Trekkers' , the 'Kommando' s' , (Anglo Boer war) and in the Consentration and prisoners of war camps. In the camps was ample time for singing and composing new sacred songs. 'Non-approved' song books and the translation of the Bible in Afrikaans (1933) gave rise to the birth of various Hymn and Psalter books. Youth Praise and Worship books were also published. The Dutch Reformed Church opinion that certain songs in the formal Church inappropriate and should gatherings. struggles with the dualistic are suitable for worshipping service while other are only be used at informal / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

'n Geskiedenis van die kerklied in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Fourie, Francois Paul 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die lied en musiekinstrumente speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die Bybel. Die Moseslied (Eks 15) word in die Psalms aangehaal en kulmineer in die 11 nuwe 11 lied van Openbaring - die lied van die "nuwe" hemel en die 11 nuwe 11 aarde wat verlostes saam sal sing. Die brandende vraag wat "reg" of hoegenaamd standpunt ingeneem moet perspektief (die Woord van God) "verkeerd" is en of daar word, word uit 'n Bybelse beantwoord, gegrond op die beginsel van die Reformasie: ecclessia reformata semper reformandum. Die geskiedenis van die lied van die vroee kerk tot by die Ref ormasie word kursories behandel. Die lied wat in die geskiedenis uit die mond van die gelowige, die lidmaat gehaal is en aan die priesters oorgelaat is, word deur Luther weer teruggeplaas in die mond van die gelowige. Dit blyk dat Calvyn, tsv die Ref ormasie slagspreuk, in sommige aspekte van sy beskouing van die kerklied, steeds 'n Roomse standpunt bly handhaaf en net tot by die vroee kerk "gereformeer" het. Slegs sgn "heilige" liedere, direk uit die Bybel, musiek sender instrumentale begeleiding, kon gebruik word. Saam met ons voorsate, wat van oa Nederland gekom het, het ons liederebundels gekom. Van Riebeeck het met die Datheense Psalter (die amptelike Nederlandse kerklied) wat later deur die 1805- "Evangelische Gezangen" aangevul is, geland. Agv die "cuius regio eius religio"-beginsel het die Hollandse kerklied voorkeur bo Lutherse ea kerkliedere gekry. Die 1805-"Evangelische Gezangen", alhoewel dit hartlik verwelkom is, het gelei tot misnoee in Colesberg en later in Rustenburg, wat op sy beurt gelei het tot kerkskeuring. Die "Evangelische Gezangen" was ook, naas die Bybel en die Psalmboek die metgesel van die Trekkers, kommandolede (Anglo-Boereoorlog) en die krygsgevangenes in die konsentrasie- en krygsgevangenekampe. In die kampe was daar baie tyd vir die sing en skep van gewyde liedere. Nie-goedgekeurde bundels en die vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans (1933) het aanleiding gegee dat liederebundels hersien moes word. Die 1937 (Totius-beryming), die 1944 Gesangboek, die 76/78-Psalmboek en die 1978 Gesangboek was die resultaat. 'n Dualistiese standpunt, dat sekere liedere geskik is vir kerkgebruik en ander slegs vir buite-kerkgebruik (die 1984- Jeugsangbundel) het aanleiding gegee tot die publikasie van SOM en Jeugsangbundel 2, 1993. Huidig gebruik talle gemeentes 'eie' bundels tsv sinodale besluite dat slegs SOM en JSB2 naas die Psalm- en Gesangboek gebruik mag word. Die verskyning van die Proefsangbundel 1998 (IKSA) lei 'n nuwe fase van die kerklied in SA in as die Ned Herv Kerk ook begin om "nuwe" liedere op die proef te stel. Vos, Strydom, Huisamen, Konig, Kloppers, ea het in resente jare evaluerings oor die kerklied gedoen. Die "ou", die "nuwe" en die kontemporere kerklied (veral met verwysing na die NG Kerk) m6et almal plek kry in die musiekskat van die 21ste eeu. / The hymn and musical instruments play a cardinal role in the Bible. The Song of Moses (Ex 15) is used in Psalms and in Revelation 15:3. The question with regards to what is acceptable and unacceptable and whether it is at all imperative to take a defendant stance, is clarified from a Biblical point of view. It is based on the Reformation-principle: ecclesia reformata semper reformandum. The History of the 'Song' Hymn in the early church up to the Reformation is shortly mentioned. The "songs" (Hymns) of the believer were in the course of history transferred to the priests and were only in the Reformation once again bestowed on the believer by Luther. It would appear that Calvin, despite the slogans of the Reformation continued to postulate a Catholic point of view with regard to the Hymns and that the Reformation was restricted to the early church. Only socalled holy songs, direct from the Bible and songs without instruments/accompaniment could be usedo The collection of 'songs' (Hymns) of the Dutch Reformed Church is an inheritance from the Netherlands. It was Van Riebeeck who brought in the ''Datheense Psalter'' . Later, the 1805 - "Evangelishe Gezangen" were added to it. Owing to the cuius regio eius religio-principle, the Dutch Church Hymn was given preverance. Although heartily welcomed, the "1805-Evangelische Gezangen" lead to a split in the Church. The "Evangelische Gezangen" (Hymns), and the Psalmbook were used by the 'Trekkers' , the 'Kommando' s' , (Anglo Boer war) and in the Consentration and prisoners of war camps. In the camps was ample time for singing and composing new sacred songs. 'Non-approved' song books and the translation of the Bible in Afrikaans (1933) gave rise to the birth of various Hymn and Psalter books. Youth Praise and Worship books were also published. The Dutch Reformed Church opinion that certain songs in the formal Church inappropriate and should gatherings. struggles with the dualistic are suitable for worshipping service while other are only be used at informal / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Playing, learning, and using music in early Middle Indiana

Peterson, Erik C. January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis is a study of how people in the nine counties of central Indiana learned, appreciated, and performed music from 1800 to 1840. A concluding proposal for a public history application of this research is included.

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