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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika životního pojištění zaměstnanců vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Problems of Life Insurance of Employees in Selected Company

Čípová, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
This Master's thesis is engaged in questions of the life insurance of employees in the selected compeny. It includes a draft of the current state of the employee's insurance, insurance compeny offer in scope of life insurance, their comparision for engaged criteria and recommendations for improvement of insurance protection.

Problematika pojistné ochrany Obce Albrechtice / Problems of Insurance Protection of the Municipality of Albrechtice

Ficner, Libor January 2010 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with evaluation of insurance protection of the Municipality of Albrechtice. The target of this work is to analyze the risk, which endangers the Municipality of Albrechtice and to compare analysis results to existing insurance protection and possibilities offered by other competitors. The proposals of insurance protection improvement of Municipality of Albrechtice in future are included.

Dealing with the ORSA : A Dynamic Risk-Factor Based Approach for the Small, Swedish Non-Life Insurer / Att handskas med ORSAn : En dynamisk riskfaktor-baserad metod för små, svenska skadeförsäkringsbolag

Sahlin, Carl, Hugner, Carl-Johan January 2013 (has links)
The Own Risk and Solvency Assessment, ORSA, is referred to as the heart of the regulation to be for European insurance companies - Solvency II. The aim of the ORSA process is to provide an overall and holistic view of the insurer’s risks by analyzing their current financial status and business strategy at hand. There is no predefined way to implement this process, which means that the companies are forced to develop a model themselves, as they see fit. In collaboration with a regional insurance company in Sweden we develop a structure and framework for an ORSA-model, flexible enough to be used by similar insurers yet standardized enough to overcome the issue of constrained resources within these smaller organizations. We apply a risk-factor based approach and tie together a balance sheet projection and stress testing, designed to be further developed as the individual insurer see fit. The suggested approach yields partially satisfying results and we consider the model to be particularly well-suited for assessing risk in the context of the small, non-life insurer. / Den egna risk- och solvensutvärderingen, ORSA, kallas hjärtat av det kommande regelverket för europeiska försäkringsbolag - Solvens II. Syftet med ORSA-processen är att ge en övergripande helhetsbild av försäkringsgivarens risker genom att analysera deras finansiella ställning och affärsstrategi. Det finns inget fördefinierat sätt att genomföra denna process, vilket innebär att företagen tvingas att utveckla en modell på egen hand, på ett sätt som de finner lämpligt. I samarbete med ett regionalt försäkringsbolag i Sverige utvecklar vi en struktur och en grund för en ORSA-modell. En modell som är tillräckligt flexibel för att kunna användas av liknande försäkringsgivare men samtidigt standardiserad nog att lösa problemet med begränsade resurser i dessa mindre organisationer. Vi tillämpar en riskfaktor-baserad metod, prognostiserar resultat- och balansräkning för bolaget och utför stresstester. Metoden är utformad för att utvecklas vidare av den enskilde försäkringsgivaren så som de finner lämpligt. Den föreslagna metoden ger delvis tillfredsställande resultat och vi anser att det är en grund väl lämpad att använda som utgångspunkt för att konstruera riskmätningsmetoder för små, skadeförsäkringsbolag.


陳豐年, chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有關保險證券化(Insurance Securitization)之發展可謂為國際金融市場上之一項革命,而巨災債券乃為保險連結型證券之大宗,此一分散、消化巨災損失之新興金融技術,對於日益捉襟見肘的巨災風險再保險人而言,無疑成為了新的活水源頭。回顧我國,自從於八十八年九月歷經九二一大地震摧殘後,驚覺天然巨災之可怕,亟思研擬分散巨災損失之對策。就風險移轉之技術層面而言,引進巨災債券制度不失為一可行之良方。然巨災債券並無法直接適用於我國去年七月新通過之「金融資產證券化條例」,因此遂滋生若欲引進巨災債券制度時,我國現行法規架構應如何加以調整此一重大問題。又特殊目的再保險人(Special Purpose Reinsurer, SPR)所發行之巨災債券究為保險商品,抑或純粹為一種證券?監理機關對其又應採如何之監理架構,始能有效率地加以監理?而我國相關之稅制對此亦應採取如何之態度,方能吸引外資於我國進行巨災債券交易?此等皆國際保險監理上亦迭生爭議之議題,殊值研究。 因此,本文以下希望能借助比較法等研究方式,指出我國未來如欲繼受巨災債券此一制度時,應如何調整現存的法規架構與監理制度以符需求。希冀能對將來催生巨災債券制度提供一參考的方向。本文架構,安排如下: 第一章為緒論。闡述本文之研究動機與研究目的、研究範圍、研究方法,以及研究架構。 第二章討論國際金融市場上日益興起的「證券化」趨勢。本文先行整理各家學說見解對「證券化」之定義,再提出自身看法,並將巨災債券融入「證券化」的體系中,俾使其定位清晰,以利日後之理解推論。最後,再簡單介紹美、英兩國之證券化歷程,以使證券化之說明能更加完整。 第三章討論保險證券化於保險市場之崛起因素及該市場未來之展望。按保險證券化之興起背景,乃因傳統再保險市場之承保能量不足,保險業者用之因應頻繁之巨災及萎縮之再保險市場承保能量的替代方案,其主要類型有保險連結型固定收益證券、交易所的巨災選擇權及保險連結型資本融資證券三種。展望未來,雖然保險證券化商品有保險風險之不同質性等諸多挑戰,但無庸置疑的,保險證券化已是未來保險及再保險產業發展的新趨勢。 第四章討論巨災債券之交易架構及發展現況。按巨災債券交易架構者,簡單來說,係以欲進行風險移轉的分保人或一般企業所設立之特殊目的再保險人(或特殊目的保險人)為核心,向外放射出四個交易關係所架構而成。該四個交易關係乃:(一)為與分保人之間的再保險交易(或保險交易);(二)為與利率市場上其他交易者間進行利率交換交易;(三)為與投資人之間的債券交易;(四)為與信託業之間的信託交易。另外,東京海上火災保險公司的地震風險證券化等等著名的巨災債券交易案例,均將於本章內作詳細之介紹。 第五章討論巨災債券之法規架構。由於巨災債券交易所涉之法規眾多,未免紛雜,本章乃將此大致區分為二大種類而加以討論:第一,為當事人間之法律關係:主要涉及美國商品交易法、期貨交易實務法、證券法、證券交易法、投資公司法、信託法及保險法;第二,為相關稅捐法制:主要為我國之證券交易稅條例、加值型與非加值型營業稅法及所得稅法。 第六章討論巨災債券交易之相關監理議題。按巨災債券交易之相關監理議題,通常涉及監理權限就應歸屬於何一機關?投資人是否應接受保險業監理法令之拘束?等等問題。最後,本章亦將提及新進的監理立法例-即美國伊利諾州保險交易所(Illinois Insurance Exchange)與美國保險監理官委員會(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, NAIC)之受保護帳戶公司模範法(Protected Cell Company Model Act)、NAIC特殊目的再保險機制模範法(Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicle Model Act)及百慕達一九九八年保險修正法,以便完整呈現整個巨災債券監理之全貌。 第七章討論我國於引進巨災債券制度時所可能面臨之法規與監理制度相關議題。就我國現行法規制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券此一新興風險移轉方法,將面臨到許多挑戰與衝擊。諸如金融資產證券化條例並無法直接適用於巨災債券、我國是否可以於國內設置特殊目的再保險人,以及如何在國內外公開發行或私募巨災債券等等問題均是。其次,再就我國保險監理制度而言,如欲引進巨災債券制度則勢必亦需對整套保險監理制度作出適度之調整,方能竟全功,本章亦將詳究之。 第八章為結論。本章將擷取前揭各章討論之結果加以彙整,俾供將來我國引進巨災債券制度之參考。

Návrh na zlepšení pojištěnosti města Vyškov / Proposal to Improve Insurance for a City Vyškov

Kamínková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis is target the tackle the questions insurance portfolio Vyškov town in Moravia. The aim of this work is to analyze the risk of the city, to compare existing insurance protection, with the possibilities offered by a competitor with regard to the property and responsibility of the city and to propose such an insurance portfolio, which would correspond in all ideas of the members of the city and which would minimize the risk

How Unlucky People Continue to be Unlucky: : A Study of the Predictive Capabilities of Insurance Claim Data / Hur Olycksdrabbade Människor Fortsätter vara Olycksdrabbade: : En Studie av de Prediktiva Förmågorna hos Anspråksdata inom Försäkring

Gustavsson, Jacob, Lövgren, Alex January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor thesis in the field of mathematical statistics was carried out in collaboration with an upcoming insurance start-up, Hedvig, and had the objective of investigating the predictive capabilities of different types of insurance claims. This was done through regression analysis, and more specifically the area in regression analysis called generalized linear models. Logistic regression was employed as the modeling technique, and data points were modeled in various ways to then be used to fit models in order to determine the most optimal one based on some pre-determined statistical evaluation metrics. The final model had an accuracy of above 96%, and the results showed that certain types of claims had a bigger contribution to the probability of a claim occurring the next period. This study contributes to the understanding of the predictive capabilities of insurance claim data and provides insights that could aid in the development of more accurate and efficient insurance pricing models. / Denna kandidatuppsats inom området matematisk statistik utfördes i samarbete med ett nyetablerat försäkringsföretag, Hedvig, och hade som syfte att undersöka den prediktiva förmågan hos olika typer av ersättningsanspråk. Detta gjordes genom regressionsanalys, och mer specifikt det område inom regressionanalys som kallas generaliserade linjära modeller. Logistisk regression användes som modelleringsteknik, och datapunkterna modellerades på olika sätt för att sedan skapa modeller, med syfte att fastställa den mest optimala modellen utifrån vissa förutbestämda statistiska utvärderingsmått. Den slutliga modellen hade en exakthet på över 96%, och resultaten visade att vissa typer av anspråk bidrog i större utsträckning till sannolikheten för att ett anspråk skulle inträffa under nästa period. Den här studien bidrar till förståelsen av den prediktiva förmågan hos data på ersättningsanspråk och ger insikter som kan bidra till utvecklingen av mer exakta och effektiva modeller för prissättning av försäkringar.

Pojistná smlouva a pojištění právní ochrany / Insurance Policy and the Legal Expenses Insurance

Beran, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
1.Summary - review in English The above-mentioned work comprises of two basic issues that are connected together, namely commentary on Insurance Policy Act as general introduction into the field of insurance policies and consequent and special issue of legal expenses insurance interpretation. The basic meaning of it was to introduce not only the provisons concerning insurance policies, but also to show one of the insurance policies type in details, what could be hardly possible or satisfactory without preceding description of the Insurance Policy Act. Thus, complete summary of this work will be divided into two parts; first would be the part concerning Insurance Policy Act and second would be the part concerning legal expenses insurance. 1.1.Insurance Policy Act - Summary The first part of this work concerned, as mentioned above, the Insurance Policy Act, whereas my primary aim was to interpret provisions of this act that were worth it and point out namely on imperfections of the existing legislature. It wasn't and wouldn't be of any significant value just to copy and paste individual provisions of the act, therefore, this work aimed primarily on introduction of new ideas and as a basis for that served a confrontation with the actual wording and its interpretation, whereas plain consent with what was...

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