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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the partnership for sustainable communities as a federal shift towards integrated transportation and land use planning

Starr, Olivia L. 15 November 2010 (has links)
This report explores how, why, and to what ends the Partnership for Sustainable Development is attempting to integrate land use and transportation planning in the United States. Analysis of the Partnership’s organization and operation reveals that while the Partnership Agreement suggests that the goal is policy integration, the vague objectives in the agreement and weak linkages displayed between the Partnership members--the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation, and Environmental Protection Agency--are indicative of basic policy coordination. Historical and cultural characteristics of the departments are partly responsible for the gap between the goals and the rhetoric. To understand how integrated planning works the report examines the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Agency's current planning efforts and best practices from the European Union, where integrated planning has occurred for almost 20 years. The report ends with recommendations for the Partnership about how to learn from the experiences of the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Agency and the European Union. / text

Planejamento urbano nos tempos do SERFHAU: o processo de construção e implementação do plano diretor de desenvolvimento integrado de Franca / Urban planning in the times of SERFHAU: the process of elaboration and implementation of the master plan of integrated development - PDDI of Franca

Ferreira, Mauro 27 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho reconstrói o processo de elaboração e implementação do plano diretor de Franca desde os anos 1960, a partir das propostas e práticas desenvolvidas na Prefeitura Municipal, destacando-se trabalhos influenciados pelo IBAM em 1963 para uma reforma administrativa e de empresa privada de consultoria, o GPI - Grupo de Planejamento Integrado, a partir de 1967, para elaboração do Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Integrado - PDDI. Desenvolvemos o trabalho a partir de dois eixos principais de análise: o primeiro se refere à elaboração do PDDI pela empresa GPI, e o segundo ao processo de elaboração e implantação do plano. As análises desenvolvidas levam em consideração as críticas presentes na literatura sobre o planejamento dos anos 60 e 70. Em relação ao GPI, desvendamos seu processo de constituição como empresa de consultoria no campo do planejamento urbano, associando empresas da área de administração pública, planejamento físico-territorial e análises econômicas, e a composição de sua equipe que reuniu técnicos de alta qualificação, em boa parte vinculados à oposição ao regime militar. Mostramos que o GPI, ao reunir militantes da esquerda, permitiu uma estratégia de sobrevivência a perseguidos políticos. Quanto ao processo de elaboração e implantação do PDDI, mostramos que se desenvolveu de 1967 a 1996. O plano utilizou a metodologia adotada pelo Serviço Federal de Habitação e Urbanismo - SERFHAU, que privilegiava um diagnóstico dos problemas urbanos e racionalidade na elaboração do plano. Embora os efeitos sobre o espaço urbano destes planos tenham sido muito criticados por sua escassa eficácia, apontada por significativo número de trabalhos, a partir de entrevistas, de pesquisa em jornais locais, levantamento de legislação e de documentos elaborados pelo GPI, verificamos a realização de significativa parcela das intervenções físicas e obras contidos nos estudos e nas propostas do plano diretor, assim como de indicações referentes à reforma administrativa da Prefeitura. O impacto da reestruturação e das ações implementadas não pode ser considerado desprezível, (como a criação do distrito industrial). Verificamos ainda que o diagnóstico, longe de ser irreal, levava em conta as condições urbanas locais. O plano estabeleceu um conjunto de compromissos do governo municipal e de suas elites industriais para a expansão e o controle do espaço urbano; a idéia da \"modernização tecnocrática\" difundida por setores do regime militar e a metodologia do plano diretor do período do SERFHAU, de racionalidade da organização espacial do processo produtivo impuseram a organização do espaço industrial e da cidade. Aquilo que se propunha no plano diretor, como infra-estrutura geral da cidade (uma concepção de cidade \"racional\" para a acumulação capitalista), em relação ao sistema viário, aos locais para instalação da indústria e comércio, era o que o capital industrial calçadista necessitava para sua acumulação e expansão, o que motivou sua defesa e aplicação pelos setores dominantes locais, garantindo continuidade administrativa e a consolidação de uma estrutura de planejamento na prefeitura. / This work reconstructs the elaboration and implementation process of the master plan of Franca since the years of 1960s, starting from the proposals and practices developed at the Municipal City Hall, standing out works influenced by IBAM in 1963 for an administrative reform and of a private advisory company, GPI - Integrated Planning Group, starting from 1967, to the elaboration of the Master Plan of Integrated Development - PDDI. We developed the work starting from two main points of analysis: the first refers to the elaboration of the PDDI by the company GPI, and the second to the elaboration and introduction process of the plan. The developed analyses take into consideration the critics shown in the literature about the planning of the years 60 and 70. In relation to the GPI, we unmasked its constitutional process as an advisory company in the field of the urban planning, associating companies in the area of public administration, physical- territorial planning and economical analyses, and the composition of its team that gathered technicians of high qualification, most of them linked to the opposition to the military regiment. We showed that GI, when gathering militants of the left, allowed a survival strategy to the political pursued. As for the process of elaboration and implantation of the PDDI, we revealed that it was developed from 1967 to 1996. The plan used the methodology adopted by the Federal Service of Housing and Urbanization - SERFHAU, which privileged a diagnosis of the urban problems and rationality in the elaboration of the plan. Although the effects on the urban space of these plans have been criticized a lot by its scarce effectiveness, shown by a significant number of papers, starting from interviews, of researches in local newspapers, a survey of legislations and documents elaborated by the GPI, we verified the accomplishment of significant fragments of the physical interventions and works contained in the studies and in the proposals of the master plan, as well as indications referring to the administrative reform of the City Hall. The impact of the restructuring and of the implemented actions cannot be considered despicable, (like the creation of the industrial district). We still verified the diagnosis, far away from being unreal; it took into account the local urban conditions. The plan established a set of commitments of the municipal government and of its industrial elites for the expansion and the control of the urban space; the idea of the \"technocratic modernization\", spread for sections of the military regiment and the methodology of the master plan of the period of the SERFHAU, the space organization rationality of the productive process imposed the organization of the industrial space and of the city. What was intended in the master plan, as a general infrastructure of the city (a conception of rational city for the capitalist accumulation) in relation to the road and traffic system, to the places for the installation of industry and trade, it was what the industrial shoe capital needed for its accumulation and expansion, what motivated its defense and application for the local dominant sections, guaranteeing administrative continuity and the consolidation of a planning structure in the city hall.

Airline Integrated Planning and Operations

Gao, Chunhua 09 May 2007 (has links)
Efficient integrated/robust planning and recovery models were studied. The research focus was to integrate fleet assignment and crew scheduling, and, in addition, to provide solutions robust to real time operations. The contributions include: (1) To understand how schedule development and fleet assignment stages influence crew scheduling performance, schedule analysis methods were proposed to evaluate the crew friendliness of a schedule for a given fleet. (2) To meet the computational challenges of crew scheduling in integrated planning, a duty flow model was proposed which can efficiently find suboptimal legal pairing solutions. (3) A new robust crew scheduling method based on spoke purity was proposed. Computational results indicated that with little or no extra cost, a more robust crew pairing solutions can be expected. (4) By imposing station purity, an integrated and robust planning model which integrates fleet assignment and crew connections was proposed. The impact of crew base purities and fleet purities on FAM profit, crew scheduling, and computational efficiency were investigated. (5) Airline integrated recovery method was studied. A recovery scope for integrated recovery was proposed to limit the ripple effect caused by disruptions. Based on the defined recovery scope, a new integrated recovery model and Bender¡¯s decomposition solution approach was studied.

Making Sense of Integrated Planning : Challenges to Urban and Transport Planning Processes in Sweden

Tornberg, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
The shaping of spatial structures at the urban, regional and national levels involves numerous kinds of actors and planning activities. In recent years, calls for crosssectoral coordination and integrated planning approaches echo extensively across different fields of planning. However, experiences from planning situations around Sweden and elsewhere reveal great challenges to such ambitions. This thesis explores key conditions for an integrated approach to urban and transport planning, focusing on the relationships between public professional actors and agencies involved in the interface between urban and transport planning and strategy making, at the local and national level in Sweden. The theoretical framework is based on communicative planning theory and theories on sensemaking. The empirical material emanates from the project The Livable City, a collaboration project between three Swedish municipalities and national authorities responsible for transport and urban planning in Sweden. The aim of The Livable City was to develop knowledge about integrated planning of the built environment and transport systems and to develop integrated processes for coordination of different interests, demands and needs. Case studies were conducted, based on document studies, interviews and observations. The results from this study illustrate various aspects of how plans and strategies in a multiperspective environment need to make sense to actors with different perspectives on what planning is all about. A sensemaking perspective on planning suggests that plans and strategies to promote an integrated approach to planning will always be partial and selective despite ambitions for these to be comprehensive or holistic. Commitment, reification and participation have in the cases proven to be useful concepts to understand the sensemaking aspect of planning practice. Interactive processes may inform the shaping of perspectives and can therefore be an element in efforts to promote integrated approaches to urban and transport planning, although the extent to which this may be achieved is highly dependent on contextual conditions and will vary from case to case. / QC 20111125


ADRIANA LEIRAS 15 June 2011 (has links)
[pt] A natureza incerta e os altos incentivos econômicos do negócio de refino são forças motrizes para melhorias nos processos de planejamento das refinarias. Decisões tomadas na cadeia do petróleo diferem principalmente na gama de atividades (integração espacial) e no horizonte de planejamento (integração temporal). O objetivo desta tese é abordar o problema da integração da cadeia do petróleo sob incerteza em diferentes níveis de decisão. Modelos de programação matemática tático e operacional são propostos. O modelo tático maximiza o lucro esperado da cadeia de suprimentos e aloca metas de produção para as refinarias considerando restrições logísticas. O modelo operacional maximiza o lucro esperado de cada refinaria determinando a quantidade de material processada por unidade de processo em um dado período. Ambos os modelos são lineares estocásticos de dois estágios, onde a incerteza é incorporada nos parâmetros dominantes de cada nível (preço e demanda no nível tático e suprimento de petróleo e capacidade das unidades no nível operacional). A integração espacial é discutida no nível tático (considerando a cadeia de suprimentos), enquanto a integração temporal é discutida na interação entre os dois níveis. Duas abordagens de integração temporal são consideradas: hierárquica, onde o fluxo de informações é somente do modelo tático para o operacional, e iterativa, onde há retorno do nível operacional para o tático. Um estudo de escala industrial foi conduzido para demonstrar os benefícios da integração em ambiente estocástico. Resultados são oferecidos no contexto de um estudo usando dados da indústria brasileira do petróleo para demonstrar a eficácia das abordagens propostas. / [en] The uncertain nature and high economic incentives of the refining business are driving forces for improvements in the refinery planning process. Decisions made at the oil chain differ mainly in the range of activities (spatial integration) and planning horizon (temporal integration). This thesis purpose is to address the problem of the oil chain integration under uncertainty at different decision levels. Tactical and operational mathematical programming models are proposed. The tactical model maximizes the expected profit of the supply chain and allocates the production targets to refineries taking logistics constraints into account. The operational model maximizes the expected profit of each refinery determining the amount of material that is processed at each process unit in a given period. Both models are two-stage stochastic linear programs where uncertainty is incorporated in the dominant random parameters at each level (price and demand at the tactical level and oil supply and process capacity unit at the operational level).Spatial integration is discussed at the tactical level (considering supply chain), whereas the temporal integration is discussed in the interaction between the two levels. Two temporal integration approaches are considered: hierarchical, where the flow of information is only from the tactical to the operational model, and iterative, where there is feedback from the tactical to the operational model. An industrial scale study was conducted to discuss the benefits of integration in a stochastic environment. Results are offered in the context of a study using data from the Brazilian oil industry to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

Planejamento urbano nos tempos do SERFHAU: o processo de construção e implementação do plano diretor de desenvolvimento integrado de Franca / Urban planning in the times of SERFHAU: the process of elaboration and implementation of the master plan of integrated development - PDDI of Franca

Mauro Ferreira 27 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho reconstrói o processo de elaboração e implementação do plano diretor de Franca desde os anos 1960, a partir das propostas e práticas desenvolvidas na Prefeitura Municipal, destacando-se trabalhos influenciados pelo IBAM em 1963 para uma reforma administrativa e de empresa privada de consultoria, o GPI - Grupo de Planejamento Integrado, a partir de 1967, para elaboração do Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Integrado - PDDI. Desenvolvemos o trabalho a partir de dois eixos principais de análise: o primeiro se refere à elaboração do PDDI pela empresa GPI, e o segundo ao processo de elaboração e implantação do plano. As análises desenvolvidas levam em consideração as críticas presentes na literatura sobre o planejamento dos anos 60 e 70. Em relação ao GPI, desvendamos seu processo de constituição como empresa de consultoria no campo do planejamento urbano, associando empresas da área de administração pública, planejamento físico-territorial e análises econômicas, e a composição de sua equipe que reuniu técnicos de alta qualificação, em boa parte vinculados à oposição ao regime militar. Mostramos que o GPI, ao reunir militantes da esquerda, permitiu uma estratégia de sobrevivência a perseguidos políticos. Quanto ao processo de elaboração e implantação do PDDI, mostramos que se desenvolveu de 1967 a 1996. O plano utilizou a metodologia adotada pelo Serviço Federal de Habitação e Urbanismo - SERFHAU, que privilegiava um diagnóstico dos problemas urbanos e racionalidade na elaboração do plano. Embora os efeitos sobre o espaço urbano destes planos tenham sido muito criticados por sua escassa eficácia, apontada por significativo número de trabalhos, a partir de entrevistas, de pesquisa em jornais locais, levantamento de legislação e de documentos elaborados pelo GPI, verificamos a realização de significativa parcela das intervenções físicas e obras contidos nos estudos e nas propostas do plano diretor, assim como de indicações referentes à reforma administrativa da Prefeitura. O impacto da reestruturação e das ações implementadas não pode ser considerado desprezível, (como a criação do distrito industrial). Verificamos ainda que o diagnóstico, longe de ser irreal, levava em conta as condições urbanas locais. O plano estabeleceu um conjunto de compromissos do governo municipal e de suas elites industriais para a expansão e o controle do espaço urbano; a idéia da \"modernização tecnocrática\" difundida por setores do regime militar e a metodologia do plano diretor do período do SERFHAU, de racionalidade da organização espacial do processo produtivo impuseram a organização do espaço industrial e da cidade. Aquilo que se propunha no plano diretor, como infra-estrutura geral da cidade (uma concepção de cidade \"racional\" para a acumulação capitalista), em relação ao sistema viário, aos locais para instalação da indústria e comércio, era o que o capital industrial calçadista necessitava para sua acumulação e expansão, o que motivou sua defesa e aplicação pelos setores dominantes locais, garantindo continuidade administrativa e a consolidação de uma estrutura de planejamento na prefeitura. / This work reconstructs the elaboration and implementation process of the master plan of Franca since the years of 1960s, starting from the proposals and practices developed at the Municipal City Hall, standing out works influenced by IBAM in 1963 for an administrative reform and of a private advisory company, GPI - Integrated Planning Group, starting from 1967, to the elaboration of the Master Plan of Integrated Development - PDDI. We developed the work starting from two main points of analysis: the first refers to the elaboration of the PDDI by the company GPI, and the second to the elaboration and introduction process of the plan. The developed analyses take into consideration the critics shown in the literature about the planning of the years 60 and 70. In relation to the GPI, we unmasked its constitutional process as an advisory company in the field of the urban planning, associating companies in the area of public administration, physical- territorial planning and economical analyses, and the composition of its team that gathered technicians of high qualification, most of them linked to the opposition to the military regiment. We showed that GI, when gathering militants of the left, allowed a survival strategy to the political pursued. As for the process of elaboration and implantation of the PDDI, we revealed that it was developed from 1967 to 1996. The plan used the methodology adopted by the Federal Service of Housing and Urbanization - SERFHAU, which privileged a diagnosis of the urban problems and rationality in the elaboration of the plan. Although the effects on the urban space of these plans have been criticized a lot by its scarce effectiveness, shown by a significant number of papers, starting from interviews, of researches in local newspapers, a survey of legislations and documents elaborated by the GPI, we verified the accomplishment of significant fragments of the physical interventions and works contained in the studies and in the proposals of the master plan, as well as indications referring to the administrative reform of the City Hall. The impact of the restructuring and of the implemented actions cannot be considered despicable, (like the creation of the industrial district). We still verified the diagnosis, far away from being unreal; it took into account the local urban conditions. The plan established a set of commitments of the municipal government and of its industrial elites for the expansion and the control of the urban space; the idea of the \"technocratic modernization\", spread for sections of the military regiment and the methodology of the master plan of the period of the SERFHAU, the space organization rationality of the productive process imposed the organization of the industrial space and of the city. What was intended in the master plan, as a general infrastructure of the city (a conception of rational city for the capitalist accumulation) in relation to the road and traffic system, to the places for the installation of industry and trade, it was what the industrial shoe capital needed for its accumulation and expansion, what motivated its defense and application for the local dominant sections, guaranteeing administrative continuity and the consolidation of a planning structure in the city hall.

Att samsas om samordning : En studie av bebyggelse- och transportplanering

Jacobsson, Christine January 2021 (has links)
Att en samordnad bebyggelse- och transportplanering skapas anses vara eftersträvansvärt, men det har konstaterats att det finns bristande verktyg för att en sådan planering ska kunna skapas. Denna studie har undersökt hur en samordnad bebyggelse- och transportplanering skapas samt vilka faktorer som främjar en sådan planering. Detta har gjorts genom fallstudier av två olika projekt där införandet av Bus Rapid Transit i Örebro respektive Regionalt Superbusskoncept i Östra Göinge har studerats. Av studien framkom att en grundläggande aspekt för att skapa en samordnad planering är att två eller flera aktörer är ömsesidigt beroende av varandra för att kunna uppnå sina individuella mål. Hur detta sedan har skapat en samordnad planering har skett genom att detta ömsesidiga beroende har identifierats. Studien visar att en tradition av samordning och arbetskulturer som främjar samordning, alternativt att en gemensam organisation skapas för att hantera frågor som kräver samordning ligger till grund för att möjligheten till samordning identifieras. De faktorer som visats främja en samordnad planering stämmer väl överens med teorin Co-action. Vad som även framkommit i studien är att det inte är tillräckligt att dessa faktorer uppfylls mellan organisationer, utan de behöver även uppfyllas inom organisationerna. Ytterligare faktorer som visats främja samordning är avtal alternativt stark politisk beslutskraft, långsiktighet, goda personliga relationer och stort kontaktnät, samtidighet i genomförandefasen, ett tydligt koncept samt medvetenhet om vilka formella ramverk som kan ha en påverkan på aktörernas handlingsutrymme. Slutligen är det av stor vikt att ha en förståelse för den rådande kontextens påverkan på dessa faktorer då samordning är en informell planering vilket medför att förutsättningarna och behoven av samordning kan se olika ut i varje fall. / The creation of an integrated building and transport planning is considered desirable, but it has been established that there are insufficient tools for such planning. This study has examined how an integrated building and transport planning is created and which factors promote such planning. This has been done through case studies of two different projects, the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit in the Swedish municipality of Örebro and Regional Super bus concept in the Swedish municipality of Östra Göinge. The study shows that a fundamental aspect of creating an integrated planning is that actors are interdependent to be able to achieve their individual goals. How this creates an integrated planning is done by identifying this interdependence. The study shows that a tradition of collaboration and organizational norms that promote collaboration, or the creation of a mutual organization that works with issues that require collaboration, are tools for identifying the possibility of an integrated planning. The factors that have been shown to promote an integrated planning correspond well with the theory of Co-action, although what also emerged in the study is that it is not enough that these factors are met between organizations, they also need to be met within the organizations. Additional factors that have been shown to promote coordination are agreements or strong political decision-making power, long-term perspective, good personal relationships and large network of contacts, simultaneity in the implementation, a strong concept, and awareness of formal institutions impact on the possibility to integrate planning. Finally, it is important to understand the influence of the prevailing context on these factors given that an integrated planning is an informal planning process, meaning that the conditions and needs to create such planning can differ in each case.

Integrated Production and Distribution Scheduling

Viergutz, Christian 14 July 2011 (has links)
Integrated production and distribution scheduling has emerged as an important research topic in the areas of combinatorial optimization and supply chain management. In this thesis we consider problems that occur frequently in the manufacturing of products with a short lifespan or in make-to-order business models, where the production is triggered only if a corresponding customer order is received. The focus is put on the coordination of production and distribution processes to meet the requirements of the customers as closely as possible while at the same time maximizing the revenues of the manufacturer. We analyze a basic production and distribution model and study several extensions in order to incorporate more restrictions from practice. These model extensions lead to complex scenarios that make the class of considered problems very challenging to solve. We address their complexity by developing appropriate heuristic solution methods based on meta-heuristics such as tabu search or iterated local search. Moreover, we evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms on a set of test instances. Practical applications in which the previously mentioned problems need to be solved include the production and transportation of certain intermediate products like adhesive materials in chemical industry and the delivery of ready-mix concrete from a production plant to several construction sites by a fleet of delivery trucks.


CASSIA DANIELE DOS SANTOS SILVA 21 February 2013 (has links)
[pt] A necessidade de integração entre os vários componentes de uma cadeia de suprimento e o SEOP (Sales and Operations Planning) são conceitos amplamente conhecidos pelas empresas, entretanto muitas vezes é difícil alinhar os conceitos teóricos às necessidades e aos processos reais das empresas. O foco deste trabalho é o planejamento operacional da cadeia logística de abastecimento de petróleo e derivados de uma empresa petrolífera. A empresa utiliza um modelo de programação linear determinístico para elaboração do plano. Foram monitorados os desvios entre o realizado e o planejado de diversos parâmetros que influenciam no plano, como preços internacionais, volume de produção de petróleo, demanda de alguns derivados e disponibilidades de unidades de refinaria. Após análise desses desvios, utilizou-se o modelo de programação linear da empresa para elaborar uma série de sensibilidades, retroalimentando o modelo, com a utilização dos erros médios das variáveis. Por fim são agrupadas as informações sobre realizado x planejado x sensibilidade (plano modificado) à incerteza. Os resultados mostram que o plano modificado considerando à incerteza das variáveis através dos erros médios históricos possibilita um planejamento mais robusto, onde o resultado deixa de ser um valor ótimo determinístico e se apresenta como uma faixa de valores bons. / [en] The need for integration between the various components of the supply chain and the SEOP (Sales and Operations Planning) are concepts widely known by the companies, however it is often difficult to align theoretical concepts to the real needs and processes of companies. The focus of this work is the operational planning of the logistics supply chain of petroleum and derivatives of an oil company. The company uses a deterministic linear programming model for development of the plan. The parameters´ deviations between real and planning data, which influence the plan, as international prices, volume of oil production, demand for some oil derivatives and availability of refinery units were monitored. After analyzing of these deviations, we used the linear programming model of the company to develop a range of sensitivities, feeding back the model, using the mean errors of the variables. Finally the information of real x plan x modified plan (planned sensitivity) with uncertainty are grouped. The results show that the modified plan considering the uncertainty of the variables through the historical average errors enables a more robust planning, where the result is no longer a deterministic optimal value and it presents itself as a good range of values.

Planejamento integrado da cadeia de suprimentos da indústria do petróleo baseado em agentes holônicos. / Holonic agents-based integrated planning of the oil industry supply chain.

Marcellino, Fernando José de Moura 24 May 2013 (has links)
A área do petróleo é uma das que mais podem se beneficiar da melhoria de eficiência da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. Entretanto, o comportamento dinâmico de tais cadeias é muito complexo para ser modelado de forma analítica. Por outro lado, estas cadeias mostram várias características intrínsecas em comum com sistemas multiagentes, que oferecem a flexibilidade necessária para modelar as complexidades e a dinâmica das cadeias de suprimentos reais sem a necessidade de premissas muito simplificadoras. Como o problema de gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos apresenta uma estrutura recursiva, torna-se ainda mais conveniente usar um modelo baseado em agentes holônicos, que mostram uma estrutura do tipo fractal. Além disso, o tipo de relacionamento entre as entidades da cadeia e a necessidade de uma otimização global sugerem modelar suas interações na forma de restrições. Por esta razão, esta tese propõe um modelo distribuído de otimização através da definição de um novo problema denominado Problema de Satisfação de Restrições Holônico com Otimização (HCOP), que é baseado nos conceitos do Problema de Satisfação de Restrições Distribuído com Otimização (DCOP) e agentes holônicos. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um meta-algoritmo baseado no algoritmo DTREE para solucionar este tipo de problema, onde vários algoritmos disponíveis de otimização centralizados podem ser embutidos e integrados de tal forma a obter a configuração mais adequada para cada caso. Assim, uma típica cadeia de suprimentos da indústria do petróleo foi modelada como um HCOP, e foi desenvolvido um protótipo que implementa o meta-algoritmo proposto em um ambiente que integra sistemas de otimização de produção e logística, que são representativos em relação a situações reais. Finalmente foram realizados experimentos sobre um estudo de caso da empresa PETROBRAS, que permitiram a verificação da viabilidade deste modelo e a comprovação de suas vantagens em relação às abordagens convencionais. / The oil area is one of those that may most benefit from the improved efficiency of supply chain management. However, the dynamic behavior of such chains is too complex to be modeled analytically. Moreover, these chains show several intrinsic characteristics in common with multiagent systems, which offer the required flexibility to model the complexities and dynamics of real supply chains without rather simplifying assumptions. As the problem of managing the supply chain has a recursive structure, it becomes more convenient to use a model based on holonic agents, which show a fractal-type structure. Furthermore, the type of relationship between entities in the chain and the need for global optimization suggest to model their interactions in the form of constraints. For this reason, this thesis proposes an optimization distributed model by defining a new problem called Holonic Constraint Optimization Problem (HCOP), which is based on concepts from Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problem (DCOP) and holonic agents. In addition we developed a meta-algorithm based on DTREE algorithm for solving this type of problem, where several algorithms available for centralized optimization algorithms can be embedded and integrated so as to obtain the most suitable configuration for each case. Thus, a typical supply chain of the petroleum industry was modeled as a HCOP, and we developed a prototype that implements the meta-algorithm in an environment that integrates the optimization systems for production and logistics, which are representative in relation to actual situations. Finally experiments were performed on a case study of the company PETROBRAS, which allowed the verification of the feasibility of this model and the proof of their advantages over conventional approaches.

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