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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employee fairness perceptions of a performance management system

Matlala, Manoko Magdeline 28 September 2011 (has links)
This study deals with the employee fairness perceptions of their performance management system in a South African organisation. The concept of justice, with particular reference to procedural, distributive and interactional justice, is used as a guide in assessing employee perceptions of fairness of the organisations’ performance management system. A qualitative approach was used to gain an in-depth understanding of employee perceptions of fairness based on their personal experiences of the organisation’s performance management system. Data was obtained through extensive semi structured interviews with 20 employees who had been with the organisation and participated in the performance management system for 5 or more years. All interviews were transcribed and assessed using a thematic analysis. The overall findings show that there are negative fairness perceptions of the performance management system as assessed according to the three organisational justice factors of procedural, distributive and interactional justice. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology) / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Interaktion mellan logoped och barn vid nybesök : Strategier för kontaktetablering, kvarhållande av uppmärksamhet i aktivitet och aktivitetsbyte / The Interaction between Speech Language Pathologists and Children at First Visit : Strategies for Establishment of Contact, Maintenance of Attention in Tasks and Shifting Activities

Engdahl, Elin, Sjögren, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka hur logopeder administrerar nybesök med barn vad gäller etablering av kontakt, kvarhållande av uppmärksamhet i aktiviteter och aktivitetsbyte. Undersökningsmaterialet utgjordes av två videoinspelade barnnybesök hos två logopeder vardera, inspelade på en logopedmottagning belägen i sydöstra Sverige. Materialet grovtranskriberades och därefter valdes intressanta fenomen ut som fintranskriberades i enlighet med konversationsanalytiska principer (CA-principer). Efter nybesöken skickades ett frågeformulär med sex frågor till de deltagande logopederna per e-post. Strategier som nyttjades för kontaktskapande av de deltagande logopederna var att initialt skapa en lekfull situation och sedan fokusera på de medföljande vuxna. Därefter försökte logopederna åstadkomma en symmetrisk interaktion med barnen, genom att exempelvis använda identitetsmarkörer. Barnens koncentration i uppgifter upprätthölls bland annat genom uppmärksamhetssignaler, pauser, utlovande av belöning samt beröm. Aktivitetsbyte skedde vanligen gränsmarkerat och följde ett liknande mönster med förberedande stimuli, undanplockande av föregående aktivitets föremål och slutligen introduktion av den nya aktiviteten. Dock förekom även byten av mindre uppenbar karaktär, vilka ibland orsakade missförstånd. I svaren till frågeformulären framkom att logopederna hade förvärvat strategier och kunskap om administrering av nybesök genom yrkeserfarenhet. Logopederna använde även tillvägagångssätt som ej omnämndes, vilka därför kan ses som intuitiva. / The study objective was to investigate how speech language pathologists (SLPs) establish contact with children, maintain their attention in tasks and shift activities at first visit. The material consisted of four video recordings in which two SLPs and four children participated. Two visits per participating SLP were recorded at a speech and language therapy clinic in the south-east part of Sweden. The material was transcribed and analyzed using an approach influences by Conversation Analysis (CA) in order to identify occurring phenomena.  The SLPs were interviewed by email after the video recorded sessions. The result shows that both SLPs used a playful approach at the beginning of the visit to establish contact with the children. Then the SLPs began focusing on the adult, thereafter creating symmetric dialogs with the children, for instance by using identity markers. The maintaining of children’s focus was achieved through different attention calls, breaks, promised awards and praises. The most common strategy used by both SLPs, to gain a successful shift, was by clarify the switch. Initially the SLP introduced the new task with a stimuli, then they removed objects from the previous activity and finally the SLP presented the new task. However some strategies for changing activities were less apparent for the children, which sometimes caused misunderstandings. According to the questionnaires the strategies used were acquired from experience through “trials and errors”. However, not all strategies observed were mentioned by the SLPs in the questionnaires.

Kindgesentreerde spelterapie en sandkasspelterapie met 'n kind met die Aspergersindroom / D Faul

Faul, Dinelle January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research the therapeutic outcomes achieved by a five year-old boy with Asperger Syndrome (AS), by means of non-directive processes of child centred play therapy (CCP) and sand tray play therapy (STP). In this investigative-descriptive qualitative research design, a saturated, holistic, intrinsic single case study was used as research method. The therapeutic process, events and outcomes of a unique single case within the context of AS, non-directive play therapy and the interactional-pattern analysis (IPA), are described. This study was motivated by the fact that the researcher disposed of data for a unique single case study that could contribute meaningfully to the need for a research database that describes effective therapeutic interventions and outcomes with children with AS. From the perspective of Rogerian person-centred theory (RPT), the literature study focused on an integrated discussion of AS, CCP and STP by means of 17 interpersonal variables of the interactional-pattern analysis (IPA). The following data sources was investigated: interviews with parents and teachers; CCP-sessions of J recorded on video; photos of some of J’s STP-sessions and the therapists’ process notes. Triangulation was used to evaluate the various categories of therapeutic outcomes from different viewpoints and to give meaning to them. The conclusions indicated that this boy with AS had used the non-directive processes of CCP and STP to achieve various therapeutic outcomes in the areas of: imaginary play; dramatic play; social interaction with the therapist, parents, family, teachers, his peer group and with strangers; traumatic experiences during visits to the doctor and bath times; identification, expressing and regulating emotions; and minimising acting out behaviour. Therapeutic outcomes have been demonstrated in 8 IPA-variables, namely: empathy, defining of relationships, potential to evoke acceptance or rejection, sincere interest and congruent conduct, control, emotional distance, problem solving and aspects relating to the presenting problem. The conclusion was reached that the conduct of the boy with AS as well as his mother and the therapist, played a mutual role in achieving his therapeutic outcomes within the 17 IPA-variables. The unstructured process of the non-directive play (CCP and STP) was utilised by a young child with AS to achieve therapeutic outcomes that relate to his everyday existence. A final conclusion is that involving the boy’s mother in his therapy and utilising an adapted Filial play program, enabled the mother to make emotional contact with her son and to diminish conflict between them. Guidelines for therapists are suggested with regard to non-directive responding in therapeutic contexts as found in this study. Furthermore, the contribution of this research to Psychology as science and discipline, is presented. Limitations of this study are indicated and recommendations for further research are made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Psigologie))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Le refus en interaction : une approche syntaxique et séquentielle de la négation / Rejection in interaction : towards a syntactic and sequential approach to negation

Ursi, Biagio 20 December 2016 (has links)
Ancrée dans une perspective interactionnelle, cette thèse présente une analyse du phénomène de refus. À partir de sa caractérisation en tant que deuxième partie de paire adjacente, nous avons constitué une collection d’occurrences, issues de corpus audiovisuels documentant plusieurs types d’interaction (conversations entre amis, préparations de repas, interactions en site commercial, visites guidées). Nous avons proposé une transcription détaillée des extraits retenus, qui rend compte des productions verbales ainsi que de la multimodalité. Sous le double angle de vue de la linguistique interactionnelle et de la macrosyntaxe aixoise, nous avons mené une analyse combinée afin de proposer des caractérisations à la fois séquentielles et syntaxiques des actions initiatives et réactives dans les échanges comportant un refus. La première partie analytique de la thèse porte sur le refus d’un objet, la deuxième partie examine le refus d’une réponse incorporée dans la formulation d’une demande de confirmation. Nous avons ainsi fait dialoguer dans une démarche opérationnelle deux approches qui opèrent dans le champ de la langue parlée en interaction. Les analyses multimodales et interactionnelles nous ont conduit à l’individuation de motifs séquentiels, pour lesquels nous avons également pu dégager une caractérisation macrosyntaxique. Dans ce travail, la négation est étroitement liée à la réalisation du refus, elle est considérée à la fois à travers les ressources verbales qui permettent de l’exprimer et dans ses manifestations physiques (secouements de tête, gestes manuels, expressions mimiques). / Our research focuses on rejection in conversation, from an interactional linguistic perspective. Rejection is sequentially characterized as a second pair part. Our analysis is based on a collection of instances from naturally occurring video data (ordinary conversations, dinner conversations, interactions in commercial settings, meal preparations, guided tours). We propose a fine-grained transcription of conversational excerpts, taking into account multimodal and verbal resources. From a perspective relying on interactional linguistics and Aix macrosyntax, we carry out a mixed analysis in order to study both sequential and syntactic characterizations of initiative and reactive actions in sequences involving rejection.The first part of our study focuses on the rejection of concrete offers dealing with objects, the second part concerns rejections of candidate answers dealing with confirmation requests. Our research is grounded in talk-in-interaction and we mobilize two approaches that operate in this field. The multimodal and interactional analysis allows us to highlight sequential patterns, which can also be characterized in macrosyntactic terms. In our data, negation is closely connected to the realization of rejection: it is considered both through the verbal resources that enable it to be expressed and in its physical manifestations (head shakes, hand gestures, facial expressions).

Éche o que hai! Um estudo sobre os dativos interacionais galegos / Éche o que hai! A study on the Galician interactional datives.

Souza, Cecilia Farias de 22 August 2017 (has links)
Enquanto pronomes que vão além da codificação dos participantes de um evento denotado pelo verbo, os dativos interacionais codificam os interlocutores de uma interação no evento de fala. O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever os processos semântico-pragmáticos envolvidos no uso dos dativos interacionais galegos. Para isso, baseei-me nos estudos de Jakobson (1936), Janda (1988, 1993), Langacker (1987, 2008), Wierzbicka (1988), entre outros, para descrever o processo de conceitualização de um evento marcado pelo caso dativo, definir um protótipo para o caso dativo e descrever algumas de suas extensões semânticas partindo do modelo teórico da Gramática Cognitiva (Langacker, 1987, 1991, 2008), da Teoria dos Protótipos (Rosch, 1973, 1978, 1999) e das discussões sobre extensões semânticas via processos de metáfora e metonímia (Lakoff, 1897; Lakoff e Johnson, 1980; Evans e Green, 2006). Os dados utilizados nesta pesquisa vieram de corpora informatizados, o TMILG Tesouro Medieval Informatizado da Lingua Galega e o TILG Tesouro Informatizado da Lingua Galega, e de gravações e anotações feitas de interações com falantes de galego. A partir desses dados, foi elaborada uma pesquisa on-line para verificar as possibilidades de usos e interpretações dos dativos interacionais. Esta dissertação mostra duas funções dos dativos interacionais: o dativo interacional de interesse e o dativo interacional de solidariedade. Ambos mapeiam a relação semântica do caso dativo para a esfera do ato de fala e se referem aos interlocutores da interação, mas o fazem de forma diferente. Enquanto o dativo de interesse indica a afetação indireta ou uma avaliação sobre o evento narrado, o dativo de solidariedade atua como um convite para o destinatário se envolver com o conteúdo do enunciado (Janda, 1988, 1993; Maldonado, 1994; Álvarez, 1997; Fried, 2011). Ao utilizar os dativos interacionais, o falante estabelece relações entre um dos interlocutores e o evento narrado. Desse modo, os pronomes dativos também podem ser marcadores de (inter)subjetividade que selecionam um participante da fala como um colaborador ou um compartilhador de opinião (Traugott, 2009; Haddad, 2013). / As pronouns that go beyond the codification of participants in an event denoted by a verb, interactional datives encode the interlocutors of an interaction in the speech event. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the semantic-pragmatic processes involved in the use of Galician interactional datives. To do so, I have employed the works of Jakobson (1936), Janda (1988, 1993), Langacker (1987, 2008), Wierzbicka (1988), among others, in order to describe the process of conceptualizing an event marked by the dative case, to define the prototype associated with the dative case and to describe some of its semantic extensions, based on the Cognitive Grammar framework (Langacker, 1987, 1991, 2008), Prototype Theory (Rosch, 1973, 1978, 1999), and discussions on semantic extensions through metaphor and metonymy (Lakoff, 1897, Lakoff and Johnson 1980, Evans and Green, 2006). The data under analysis are from TMILG Medieval Treasury Computerized of Galician Language and TILG Treasury Computerized of Galician Language, and from recordings and notes collected in interactions with Galician native speakers. An online reading test was developed as to verify the possibilities of uses and interpretations of interactional datives. In this thesis, I claim the functions of Galician interactional datives are twofold: the interactional dative of interest and the interactional dative of solidarity. Both functions map the semantic relationship of the dative case onto the sphere of the speech act and refer to the interlocutors of the interaction, but in rather different ways. While the dative of interest indicates indirect affectation or an evaluation of the narrated event, the dative of solidarity acts as an invitation for the addressee to get involved with the content of the utterance (Janda, 1988, 1993, Maldonado, 1994; Álvarez, 1997; Fried, 2011). In using interactional datives, the speaker establishes a relationship between one of the interlocutors and the narrated event. In this way, dative pronouns can also be considered (inter)subjectivity markers, which select a speech participant as a collaborator or opinion sharer (Traugott, 2009; Haddad, 2013).

A organização textual da crônica de notícia / News chronicle textual organization

Gabriel Junior, Milton 18 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Milton Gabriel Junior.pdf: 38668438 bytes, checksum: 2b650f3e1036c352ff5c94ccd731f499 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis is situated on Textual Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis with socio cognitive aspect, and it aims is to contribute to general studies of chronicle published in Brazilian newspapers. Specific objectives are: 1. Analyzing daily chronicle from the textual schema raised and organized by Gisele Scafuro in order to check which textual changes provide the text chronicles news 2) Describing the news textual chronicle scheme by its categories and their textual ordering rules, 3) Searching the textual construction s chronicler s opinion, 4) Analyzing the journalistic opinion on the news construction and its relations with the chronicler opinion, in order to privilege intertextual figures. The research is focus on national chronicle. Their structures are totally different from others and there is an originality that set them apart from other chronicle published in other countries. In Brazil, chronicle appears in the folhetim-variedade a kind a part of the newspaper that present varieties and entertainment, consolidating itself as a place where there are the heterogeneous tests, the novel, the prose poem. This mixture of genres that gives the Brazilian chronicle characteristic, turning into a specific genre. Progressively chronicles, as the newspaper, will specialize in specific section, gradually, the daily chronicle is modified in chronicles news, allowing the chronicler express his opinion about a fact reported in the newspaper. The analysis material was collected in the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo in their different sections. The methodological procedure is the theoretical analytical and its point of departure is the canonical categories of argumentative structure: premise, hypothesis, explanation and conclusion, thus they are the ones who organize an opinionated text. The results provided conclude that: 1. the chronicler s opinion presents similarity to the newspaper ideology company , but it presents dissimilarity to the journalistic news, 2. the opinion of the chronicler is constructed based on the Social Cognition, is routine or because reported 3. The textual categories establish a relationship between the unexpected news, the popular news already published and Social Cognitions / Esta Dissertação está situada na Linguística Textual e na Análise Crítica do Discurso com vertente sociocognitiva, e tem por objetivo geral contribuir com os estudos das crônicas brasileiras publicadas em jornal. São objetivos específicos: 1. Analisar crônicas do cotidiano a partir do esquema textual levantado e organizado por Gisele Scafuro, a fim de verificar quais as modificações textuais que propiciam o texto crônica de notícias; 2. Descrever o esquema textual da crônica de notícia por categorias textuais e suas regras de ordenação; 3. Buscar a construção textual da opinião do cronista; 4. Analisar a opinião jornalística na construção da notícia e suas relações com a opinião do cronista, de forma a privilegiar figuras intertextuais. A pesquisa está delimitada às crônicas nacionais, já que elas apresentam uma originalidade que as diferenciam de outras crônicas publicadas em outros países. No Brasil, a crônica aparece no folhetimvariedade, consolidando-se como espaço heterogêneo onde convivem o ensaio, o conto, o poema em prosa. Esta aglutinação de gêneros que dá as características da crônica brasileira, tornando-a um gênero específico. Progressivamente a crônica, como o jornal, vai se especializando em cadernos específicos; aos poucos, a crônica do cotidiano é modificada em crônica de notícia, possibilitando que o cronista manifeste a sua opinião a respeito de um fato noticiado no jornal. O material de análise foi coletado nos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S. Paulo, em seus diferentes cadernos. O procedimento metodológico é o teórico-analítico tendo por ponto de partida as categorias canônicas da estrutura argumentativas: premissa, hipótese, justificativa e conclusão, pois são elas que organizam um texto opinativo. Os resultados obtidos propiciam dizer que: 1. A opinião do cronista apresenta similitude com a ideologia da empresa jornal, mas apresenta dissimilitude com a notícia jornalística; 2. A opinião do cronista se constrói através da Cognição Social seja pelo cotidiano ou pelo fato noticiado; 3. As categorias textuais estabelecem uma relação entre o inusitado da notícia, o conhecido da notícia já publicada e o Marco das Cognições Sociais

Estratégias conversacionais em Lua Nua, de Leilah Assumpção: a interação e os conflitos de uma relação conjugal

Artur, Catia Regina Ribeiro 17 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Catia Regina Ribeiro Artur.pdf: 777122 bytes, checksum: c473db4af43a1e87f1617306da75e774 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Literary texts usually try to meet the readers expectations structures, which refers to the type of language used in dialogue, allowing the analysis of oral marks and conversational strategies that are part of the linguistic reality inside. This study aims to examine the conversational strategies used by the characters of the play Moon Naked, by Leilah of Assumption, which facilitate the interaction processes and the achievement of communication goals of the participants. For this purpose, it will seek to check the starting purposes of the characters and the conversational strategies chosen to develop them; monitor the management of production or reception of elocutions during the conversation; observing the projection of "I" and the alignment of participants in interaction to maintain self-image; and analyzing the results of the strategies employed throughout the conversation. The main theoretical frameworks that underlie the analysis are: the theory of "Analysis of Literary Conversation" developed by Preti (2004), concepts of the frame, footing and face proposed by Goffman (1989, 2002, 2012) and the study of interactional control by Fairclough (2001). The research results indicated that the repertoire of conversational strategies of each participant made possible them to deal with a conflict situation, but the self-defense capability and aplomb was decisive so that one of them was more successful in their purpose on this occasion / Os textos literários, geralmente, procuram atender às estruturas de expectativas dos leitores no que se refere ao tipo de linguagem utilizado em diálogos, possibilitando a análise de marcas de oralidade e estratégias conversacionais que fazem parte da realidade linguística em seu interior. Este trabalho se propõe a analisar as estratégias conversacionais utilizadas pelas personagens da peça teatral Lua Nua, de Leilah Assumpção, que facilitem os processos interacionais e o alcance dos objetivos comunicacionais dos participantes. Para tanto, procurar-se-á verificar os propósitos iniciais das personagens e as estratégias conversacionais escolhidas para desenvolvê-los; acompanhar o gerenciamento da produção ou recepção das elocuções, durante a conversação; observar a projeção do eu e o alinhamento dos participantes na interação para manutenção da autoimagem; e analisar os resultados das estratégias empregadas ao longo da conversação. Os principais referenciais teóricos que embasam a análise são: a teoria da Análise da Conversação Literária desenvolvida por Preti (2004), as noções de enquadre, footing e fachada propostas por Goffman (1989, 2002, 2012) e o estudo sobre controle interacional de Fairclough (2001). Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o repertório de estratégias conversacionais de cada participante possibilitou a eles lidar com uma situação conflituosa, porém a capacidade de autodefesa e aprumo foi decisiva para que um deles fosse mais bem sucedido em seus propósitos, nessa ocasião

O lide na notícia jornalística impressa e suas estratégias interacionais / The lead in the news and its interactional strategies

Codesseira, Regina Helena Alves 15 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Regina Helena Alves Codesseira.pdf: 741122 bytes, checksum: ba8125aea4e979e12be9cc1c68a2b344 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e categorizar as estratégias interacionais presentes na construção dos lides das notícias jornalísticas impressas produzidos por dois jornais paulistas de grande circulação: O Estado de S.Paulo e o Jornal da Tarde Buscamos respaldo teórico no dialogismo interacional proposto por Mikhail Bakhtin nas idéias a cerca da função do leitor formuladas por Eco e Maingueneau, e discutimos a questão do envolvimento entre os interlocutores Sob essa perspectiva teórica tivemos embasamento para analisar a organização estrutural do lide que não segue a formulação tradicional estruturada no princípio da relevância e então levantar as estratégias interacionais presentes nesses lides que visam a construir o envolvimento do leitor com a notícia jornalística Por meio da análise da amostra chegamos a basicamente dois recursos que podem ser utilizados pelo jornalista para interagir e seduzir o seu leitor: ou mexer com o imaginário dele construindo lenta e detalhadamente uma cena em sua mente ou dirigir-se diretamente a ele criando assim uma idéia de que os interlocutores mantêm uma conversação face a face

Éche o que hai! Um estudo sobre os dativos interacionais galegos / Éche o que hai! A study on the Galician interactional datives.

Cecilia Farias de Souza 22 August 2017 (has links)
Enquanto pronomes que vão além da codificação dos participantes de um evento denotado pelo verbo, os dativos interacionais codificam os interlocutores de uma interação no evento de fala. O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever os processos semântico-pragmáticos envolvidos no uso dos dativos interacionais galegos. Para isso, baseei-me nos estudos de Jakobson (1936), Janda (1988, 1993), Langacker (1987, 2008), Wierzbicka (1988), entre outros, para descrever o processo de conceitualização de um evento marcado pelo caso dativo, definir um protótipo para o caso dativo e descrever algumas de suas extensões semânticas partindo do modelo teórico da Gramática Cognitiva (Langacker, 1987, 1991, 2008), da Teoria dos Protótipos (Rosch, 1973, 1978, 1999) e das discussões sobre extensões semânticas via processos de metáfora e metonímia (Lakoff, 1897; Lakoff e Johnson, 1980; Evans e Green, 2006). Os dados utilizados nesta pesquisa vieram de corpora informatizados, o TMILG Tesouro Medieval Informatizado da Lingua Galega e o TILG Tesouro Informatizado da Lingua Galega, e de gravações e anotações feitas de interações com falantes de galego. A partir desses dados, foi elaborada uma pesquisa on-line para verificar as possibilidades de usos e interpretações dos dativos interacionais. Esta dissertação mostra duas funções dos dativos interacionais: o dativo interacional de interesse e o dativo interacional de solidariedade. Ambos mapeiam a relação semântica do caso dativo para a esfera do ato de fala e se referem aos interlocutores da interação, mas o fazem de forma diferente. Enquanto o dativo de interesse indica a afetação indireta ou uma avaliação sobre o evento narrado, o dativo de solidariedade atua como um convite para o destinatário se envolver com o conteúdo do enunciado (Janda, 1988, 1993; Maldonado, 1994; Álvarez, 1997; Fried, 2011). Ao utilizar os dativos interacionais, o falante estabelece relações entre um dos interlocutores e o evento narrado. Desse modo, os pronomes dativos também podem ser marcadores de (inter)subjetividade que selecionam um participante da fala como um colaborador ou um compartilhador de opinião (Traugott, 2009; Haddad, 2013). / As pronouns that go beyond the codification of participants in an event denoted by a verb, interactional datives encode the interlocutors of an interaction in the speech event. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the semantic-pragmatic processes involved in the use of Galician interactional datives. To do so, I have employed the works of Jakobson (1936), Janda (1988, 1993), Langacker (1987, 2008), Wierzbicka (1988), among others, in order to describe the process of conceptualizing an event marked by the dative case, to define the prototype associated with the dative case and to describe some of its semantic extensions, based on the Cognitive Grammar framework (Langacker, 1987, 1991, 2008), Prototype Theory (Rosch, 1973, 1978, 1999), and discussions on semantic extensions through metaphor and metonymy (Lakoff, 1897, Lakoff and Johnson 1980, Evans and Green, 2006). The data under analysis are from TMILG Medieval Treasury Computerized of Galician Language and TILG Treasury Computerized of Galician Language, and from recordings and notes collected in interactions with Galician native speakers. An online reading test was developed as to verify the possibilities of uses and interpretations of interactional datives. In this thesis, I claim the functions of Galician interactional datives are twofold: the interactional dative of interest and the interactional dative of solidarity. Both functions map the semantic relationship of the dative case onto the sphere of the speech act and refer to the interlocutors of the interaction, but in rather different ways. While the dative of interest indicates indirect affectation or an evaluation of the narrated event, the dative of solidarity acts as an invitation for the addressee to get involved with the content of the utterance (Janda, 1988, 1993, Maldonado, 1994; Álvarez, 1997; Fried, 2011). In using interactional datives, the speaker establishes a relationship between one of the interlocutors and the narrated event. In this way, dative pronouns can also be considered (inter)subjectivity markers, which select a speech participant as a collaborator or opinion sharer (Traugott, 2009; Haddad, 2013).

Interorganisatoriska projekt: - Hanteringen av interagerande osäkerhet

Hildén, Linda, Zschiedrich, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Interagerande osäkerhet är ett viktigt ämne, men ytterst lite forskning har gjorts om dess påverkan på samarbete i interorganisatoriska projekt. Studien fokuserar på frågeställningen på vilka sätt hanteras interagerande osäkerhet i interorganisatoriska projekt. För att kunna besvara på vilka sätt interagerande osäkerhet påverkar samarbete i interorganisatoriska projekt, använde studien ett organisationsperspektiv. Denna studie använder ett deduktivt perspektiv genom att granska litteratur om interagerande osäkerhet, interorganisatoriska projekt och förankring. En fallstudie beträffande hur interagerande osäkerhet kan förebyggas gjordes genom kvalitativ metod. Insamlingen av data bestod av grundliga intervjuer angående teman samarbete, osäkerhet, krishantering och förtroende. Studien drar slutsatsen att interagerande osäkerhet har en påverkan på samarbete och att förebyggande redskap kan reducera den interagerande osäkerheten. Studien bidrar med utveckling och redskap för att hantera interagerande osäkerhet. / Interactional uncertainty is a relevant subject, but very little research has been done about the impacts on cooperation in interorganizational projects. The study focuses on the main question in which ways are interactional uncertainty handled in interorganizational projects. To answer the question an organizational perspective was used to explore in what ways interactional uncertainty affects cooperation within interorganizational projects. This study uses a deductive perspective by examining literature concerning interactional uncertainty, interorganizational project and embeddedness. A case study regarding how interactional uncertainty can be prevented was implemented through a qualitative method. The collection of data consisted of in-depth interviews concerning the themes cooperation, uncertainty, crisis management and trust. This study concludes that interactional uncertainty has an impact on cooperation and that preventative gear can reduce the interactional uncertainty. The study contributes with development and tools for managing interactional uncertainty.

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