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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A legitimidade do Minist??rio P??blico para propor a????o civil p??blica em mat??ria tribut??ria

Milhomem, Eduardo Borges 24 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-08-09T16:27:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoBorgesMilhomemDissertacao2016.pdf: 1205417 bytes, checksum: afc9b0c3f5e23392aeca9f6e745e55c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-08-09T16:27:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoBorgesMilhomemDissertacao2016.pdf: 1205417 bytes, checksum: afc9b0c3f5e23392aeca9f6e745e55c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-09T16:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoBorgesMilhomemDissertacao2016.pdf: 1205417 bytes, checksum: afc9b0c3f5e23392aeca9f6e745e55c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-24 / This paper approaches the legitimacy of the Public Prosecutor's Office to file civil actions in the public interest on tax matters. Regarding such theme, the first subject to be addressed herein shall be the prohibition contained in sole paragraph of Article 1 of the Public Interest Civil Action Act, which prohibits the use of such instrument in claims involving taxes. Such rule, when confronted with the constitutional principle of non-obviation of jurisdiction, in its collective dimension, is deemed as unconstitutional in this paper, because, in such case, a collision of fundamental rights capable of justifying such a restriction of access to the collective action, could not be verified. Along with the legal issue, this research analyzes the precedents of the Supreme Federal Court on the subject, once it was verified that, already in the systematization of general repercussion, the court denied the legitimacy of the Public Prosecutor's Office to file civil actions in the public interest in favor of taxpayers, whereas such actions were admitted when the participation of the Public Prosecutor's Office was in favor of tax authorities. It turns out that after confronting such decision with the specialized doctrine, including previous precedents of the Supreme Federal Court itself, it appears that none of the commands, i.e., the one lacking standing (in the case of actions in favor of taxpayers), and the one with standing (in the case of defense of the tax authorities) should be regarded in a restrictive way, as if worthy of being relativized, because it is necessary to verify, in a concrete case, if there is social interest capable of supporting the legitimacy of the Public Prosecutor's Office. In the case of actions defending taxpayers, such social interest can be demonstrated both by the social dimension inherent to the majority of tax relations and by the broad scope of the claim discussed herein, or even by the taxpayers??? condition. Regarding the demands in favor of tax authorities, although the conclusion is similar, it is more restrictive considering that the legitimacy of the Public Prosecutor's Office shall be characterized only when there is evidence of the existence of primary public interest justifying the actions of the ???parquet???. / O trabalho versa sobre a legitimidade do Minist??rio P??blico para propor a????o civil p??blica em mat??ria tribut??ria. Para avan??ar em tal tem??tica, aborda-se, inicialmente, a veda????o contida no par??grafo ??nico do artigo 1?? da Lei da A????o Civil P??blica, que pro??be a utiliza????o do instrumento em pretens??es que envolvam tributos. Regra esta que, ao ser confrontada com o princ??pio constitucional da inafastabilidade de jurisdi????o em sua dimens??o coletiva, ?? considerada inconstitucional neste estudo. Isso porque n??o se verifica na hip??tese uma colis??o de direitos fundamentais apta a justificar tal restri????o de acesso ao processo coletivo. Al??m da quest??o legal, a presente pesquisa analisa a jurisprud??ncia do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o assunto, verificando-se que a corte, j?? na sistem??tica da repercuss??o geral, negou a legitimidade do Minist??rio P??blico para propor a????o civil p??blica em favor do contribuinte ao passo que admitiu tais a????es quando a atua????o do Minist??rio P??blico for em favor do Estado. Ocorre que, ap??s confrontar tais julgados com a doutrina especializada e inclusive com precedentes do pr??prio supremo, constata-se que tais comandos, de ilegitimidade (no caso de a????es em favor do contribuinte) e de legitimidade (no caso de defesa da Fazenda P??blica), n??o devem ser vistos de forma taxativa, merecendo relativiza????es. Isso porque ?? necess??ria uma verifica????o se, no caso concreto, existe interesse social apto a fundamentar a legitimidade do Minist??rio P??blico. No caso das a????es em defesa do contribuinte, esse interesse social pode ser demonstrado tanto pela dimens??o social inata ?? maioria das rela????es tribut??rias, como pelo largo alcance da pretens??o discutida, ou ainda, pela condi????o dos contribuintes. Com rela????o ??s demandas em favor do Patrim??nio P??blico, a conclus??o ?? semelhante, todavia, mais restritiva, tendo em vista que a legitimidade do Minist??rio P??blico ficar?? caracterizada somente quando se evidenciar a exist??ncia de interesse p??blico prim??rio que justifique a atua????o do parquet.

Litig?ncia de interesse p?blico: adequa??o e efetividade da tutela jurisdicional no ?mbito do controle judicial de pol?ticas p?blicas

Castro, Guglielmo Marconi Soares de 17 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T11:09:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GuglielmoMarconiSoaresDeCastro_DISSERT.pdf: 5446513 bytes, checksum: 3014c8e6c800b37fbae423494bfe25d9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-20T15:20:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GuglielmoMarconiSoaresDeCastro_DISSERT.pdf: 5446513 bytes, checksum: 3014c8e6c800b37fbae423494bfe25d9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-20T15:20:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GuglielmoMarconiSoaresDeCastro_DISSERT.pdf: 5446513 bytes, checksum: 3014c8e6c800b37fbae423494bfe25d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-17 / A enuncia??o de direitos sociais, econ?micos e culturais nos textos constitucionais ensejou o surgimento de uma nova modalidade de direitos p?blicos subjetivos, de car?ter prestacional, em face do Estado. A efetiva??o de tais direitos passa a exigir, outrossim, o estabelecimento de metas e programas, o planejamento e o desenvolvimento de a??es pelo poder p?blico. Conquanto essas tarefas sejam primordialmente realizadas por meio da atividade pol?tica, continuam a ser necessariamente orientadas pela norma constitucional, ficando sujeitas, inafastavelmente, ? possibilidade de controle jurisdicional. O exame de conformidade das pol?ticas p?blicas com os ditames constitucionais e legais, pelo Poder Judici?rio, tamb?m est? sujeito a limites e par?metros, ditados pela ordem jur?dica. A exigibilidade de direitos prestacionais perante a Administra??o P?blica, destarte, ? uma decorr?ncia necess?ria da admissibilidade do controle exercido pelos ?rg?os de jurisdi??o constitucional sobre a atua??o estatal e suas omiss?es na concretiza??o desses direitos. N?o se prescinde, para tanto, da exist?ncia de meios processuais adequados para, com efetividade, satisfazer o objeto de pretens?es visando a obten??o de presta??es materiais do Estado. Para atender, pois, ?s especificidades do debate processual acerca de pol?ticas p?blicas, torna-se premente a idealiza??o de um modelo de tutela jurisdicional do interesse p?blico, tipo de litig?ncia que apresenta estrutura diferenciada em rela??o ao processo tradicional. Impende, assim, que sejam proporcionados meios para viabilizar a coleta de dados t?cnicos, sociais, or?ament?rios e financeiros indispens?veis para formar o convencimento do julgador na fase cognitiva, bem como, para possibilitar a constru??o, em conjunto com as partes e com a colabora??o da sociedade civil, da solu??o para o lit?gio de interesse p?blico e da forma pela qual tal decis?o deve ser cumprida pelo poder p?blico. Prop?e-se, nesse sentido, que as medidas destinadas ? execu??o de pol?ticas p?blicas sejam realizadas preferencialmente mediante cronogramas negociados de cumprimento volunt?rio. Exige-se que resulte do processo, de todo modo, efetividade na implementa??o judicial de tais provid?ncias, priorizando-se as vias consensuais para a consecu??o de sua satisfa??o pela Administra??o P?blica, sem descurar do uso for?ado dos meios executivos cuja ado??o venha a mostrar-se recomend?vel. Para esse fim, as medidas sub-rogat?rias, coercitivas e punitivas, destinadas a assegurar a autoridade dos provimentos jurisdicionais, devem ser aplicadas sob enfoque diferenciado e adequado ?s particularidades dos lit?gios de interesse p?blico e ?s prerrogativas processuais do Er?rio, inclusive alcan?ando, quando cab?vel e necess?rio, o agente p?blico incumbido da efetiva??o da pol?tica p?blica. O princ?pio da proporcionalidade assume destacada fun??o na elei??o dos meios executivos adequados e suficientes para a hip?tese concreta. Nos casos complexos de lit?gios marcados por falhas estruturais, nos quais a situa??o de viola??o de direitos fundamentais encontra-se arraigada no pr?prio funcionamento do servi?o ou entidade estatal, cumpre ao juiz valer-se de metodologia apropriada, devendo o direito p?trio buscar subs?dios na experi?ncia consolidada em outros ordenamentos jur?dicos. A institui??o de procedimento pr?prio para as a??es voltadas ao controle judicial de pol?ticas p?blicas pode contribuir enormemente, ademais, para conferir ? mat?ria uma tutela adequada e efetiva. Estudo de natureza explorat?ria e descritiva, embasado em pesquisa bibliogr?fica, normativa e jurisprudencial. / The enunciation of social, economic and cultural rights in constitutional texts gave rise to the emergence of a new type of subjective public rights which must be mandatorily provided by the State. The implementation of those rights demands, also, setting goals and programs, planning and the development of actions by the government. Although these tasks are conducted primarily through political activity, they continue to be necessarily guided by constitutional law and shall be subject to the possibility of jurisdictional control. The analysis of the compliance of public policies with the constitutional and legal dictates, by the Judiciary Branch, is also subject to limits and standards setted by the legal order. The enforceability of social rights whose implementation is a government responsability, before the Public Administration, therefore, it is a necessary result of the admissibility of the control exercised by the constitutional jurisdiction organs on the state action and its omissions in the fulfillment of those rights. Therefore, the existence of appropriate legal remedies to satisfy, with effectiveness, the object of the claims, in order to obtain materials installments from the State can?t be dispensed. In order to comply the specific characteristics of the procedural discussion about the public policy, it is urgent to design a judicial protection model of the public interest, type of litigation tactics that has different structure compared to the traditional process. It is necessary, therefore, that means are provided to render viable the garnering of technical, social, budgetary and financial data, that are necessary to form the conviction of the judge in the cognitive stage, as well as to enable the construction, along the parts and with the collaboration of civil society, of the solution to the public law litigation and the way in which the decision should be complied by the government. In this sense, it is proposed that the actions aimed at implementing public policies are performed, preferably, through negotiated schedules of voluntary compliance. It is required that the process results, in any case, in the effectiveness in the judicial implementation of those providences, prioritizing consensual ways to achieving its satisfaction by the public administration, without neglecting the forced use of the executive means whose adoption will come to be recommended. To this end, the subrogatory actions, coercive and punitive, aimed at ensuring the authority of the judicial measures, should be implemented in a different approach and should be appropriate to the specific characteristics of public law litigation and to procedural prerogatives of the exchequer, including reaching, when appropriate and necessary, the public agent responsible for the execution of public policy. The principle of proportionality plays a prominent role in the selection of adequate and sufficient executives means for concrete hypothesis. In complex cases of disputes marked by structural failure, in which the situation of fundamental rights violation is rooted in the functioning of the service or state agency, the judge must make use of appropriate methodology, and should national law seek subsidies in consolidated experience in other legal orders. The establishment of a specific procedure to actions focused on judicial control of public policies can contribute greatly to giving to the matter a adequate and effective protection. Study of exploratory and descriptive nature, based on bibliographical, case law and legislation research.

A comunica??o p?blica no r?dio e a cobertura do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff: um estudo de caso sobre A Voz do Brasil

Moura, Deyse Alini de 13 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-08-01T14:27:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-08T13:28:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T13:28:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-13 / O r?dio, um dos mais tradicionais meios de comunica??o de massa, ? um dos recursos utilizados pelas institui??es p?blicas brasileiras para a divulga??o de suas a??es. ? o caso do informativo radiof?nico A Voz do Brasil, utilizado como ferramenta de comunica??o pelo governo federal brasileiro desde 1935. Esta disserta??o se prop?e ao estudo do comportamento do radiojornal durante um cap?tulo recente da pol?tica brasileira: o processo de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Com o estudo de caso adotado como m?todo de investiga??o, com base em Yin (2005) e Gil (2009), e com a aplica??o das t?cnicas de an?lise de conte?do, entrevista, e pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental para a coleta e tratamento dos dados, foi poss?vel verificar e classificar o tipo de cobertura dado pelo programa ao tema dentro do conceito de comunica??o p?blica governamental. Com base em Duarte et al. (2012), Bucci (2008; 2013; 2015), Jaramillo (2012), Rothberg (2011), Moraes J?nior (2013) e outros foi poss?vel, ainda, analisar as defini??es de comunica??o p?blica e de interesse p?blico. Com o aux?lio de Ferraretto (2007), Ortriwano (1985; 2003) e Zuculoto (2012) procurou-se, tamb?m, apresentar as principais caracter?sticas da comunica??o radiof?nica e o trajeto da radiofonia p?blica no Brasil, com vistas ? maior compreens?o do papel desempenhado pelo objeto de estudo junto ? sociedade. / Radio, one of the traditional mass media outlets, is a resource widely used by Brazilian public institutions to publicize their activities and provide people the access to information, which is constitutionally guaranteed. The radio broadcast known as A Voz do Brasil is used as a communication tool by the Brazilian federal government since 1935. This masters thesis intends to study through A Voz do Brasil?s coverage on a recent chapter of Brazilian political history and its importance to the national government: Dilma Rousseff presidential impeachment. This research adopted the guidelines Yin (2005) and Gil (2009) as a method plus the application of literature and documents, content analysis and interview for the collection and processing of data techniques. It was possible to verify and classify the type of news coverage on the show based on the government communication concept. Based on Duarte et al. (2012), Bucci (2008; 2013; 2015), Jaramillo (2012), Rothberg (2011), Moraes J?nior (2013) and others, it was also possible to analyse the definitions of public communication and public interest. Guided by Ferraretto (2007), Ortriwano (1985; 2003) and Zuculoto (2012) this thesis tried to present the radio broadcast main characteristics and its timeline in Brazil for a better understanding of the study object's function to society.

Comunica??o p?blica e marketing pol?tico na gest?o p?blica municipal

Silva, ?lida Raquel Merc?s da 14 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElidaRMS_DISSERT.pdf: 2121129 bytes, checksum: a588269dcbb9d940a7267a0f2c55eb74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-14 / Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion / Baseado nas defini??es de Comunica??o P?blica, Marketing Pol?tico, Informa??o de Interesse P?blico e na Comunica??o como Ferramenta de Governan?a, o estudo observa o uso da se??o de not?cias dos sites das Prefeituras de Natal e Mossor?, no Rio Grande do Norte, no tocante ao fortalecimento da cidadania e incentivo ? gest?o participativa, a partir da caracteriza??o das mat?rias como pe?as de Marketing Pol?tico e Comunica??o P?blica. A coleta de dados da pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada de agosto a setembro de 2011 e a an?lise do conte?do demonstrou que a apropria??o da coisa p?blica para uso pessoal ? uma realidade, apesar das exig?ncias legais, em detrimento de a??es estrat?gicas de comunica??o e de governan?a para resultados, a partir da difus?o de informa??es de interesse p?blico e do estabelecimento do canal de comunica??o entre Estado, Governo e Sociedade. Elementos deste estudo sugerem a necessidade de novas pesquisas para aprofundar a discuss?o

Teoria da despesa p?blica: uma leitura ?tico-constitucional em busca do poss?vel da reserva

Souza, Jos? Carlos Dantas Teixeira de 15 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseCDTS_DISSERT.pdf: 2389245 bytes, checksum: 8dd5cb96307ea8277eb987de871f5bdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Brazilian law passes through a crisis of effectiveness commonly attributed to the extravagance of fundamental rights and public shortage. However, public finances are not dogmatically structured to solve the conflicts around the limitations of public spending. There are ethical conditioning factors, like morality, proportionality and impartiality, however, these principles act separately, while the problem of public shortage is holistic. Also, the subjectivity of politics discretionary in the definition of public spending, which is supported in an indeterminate concept of public interest, needs material orientation about the destination of public funds, making it vulnerable to ideological manipulation, resulting in real process of catching rights. Not even the judicial activism (such as influx of constitutionalism) is shown legally appropriate. The Reserve of Possible, also presents basic ethical failure. Understanding the formation of public shortage is therefore essential for understanding the crisis of effectiveness of state responsibilities, given the significant expansion of the state duty of protection, which does not find legal technique of defense of the established interests. The premise of argument, then, part of the possibility of deducting minimal model ethical of desire to spend (public interest) according to objective parameters of the normative system. Public spending has always been treated disdainfully by the Brazilian doctrine, according to the legal character accessory assigned to the monetary cost. Nonetheless, it is the meeting point between economics and law, or is in the marrow of the problem of public shortage. Expensive Subjects to modernity, as the effectiveness of fundamental rights, pass necessarily an ethical legal system of public spending. From the ethical principles deducted from the planning, only the democratic principle guides the public spending through the approval of public spending in the complex budget process. In other words, there is an ethical distancing of economic reality in relation to state responsibilities. From the dogmatic belief of insufficiency, public spending is evaluated ethically, according to the foundations of modern constitutionalism, in search of possible of the financial reserve, certain that the ethics of public economy is a sine qua non condition for legal ethics. / O direito brasileiro passa por uma crise de efetividade comumente atribu?da ? extravag?ncia de direitos fundamentais e ? escassez p?blica. Mas as finan?as p?blicas n?o est?o dogmaticamente estruturadas para solucionar os conflitos em torno das limita??es do disp?ndio p?blico. H? condicionamentos ?ticos, como a moralidade, a proporcionalidade e a impessoalidade, contudo esses princ?pios atuam isoladamente enquanto o problema da escassez p?blica ? hol?stico. Al?m disso, o subjetivismo da discricionariedade pol?tica na defini??o do gasto p?blico, amparado que ? no indeterminado conceito de interesse p?blico, carece de orienta??o material quanto ? destina??o da verba p?blica, tornando-o vulner?vel a manipula??es ideol?gicas, do que resulta um verdadeiro processo de captura de direitos. Nem mesmo o ativismo judicial (como influxo do constitucionalismo) se mostra juridicamente adequado. A Reserva do Poss?vel, igualmente, apresenta falha ?tica elementar. Entender a forma??o da escassez p?blica ?, portanto, primordial para a compreens?o da crise de efetividade dos deveres estatais, haja vista a crescente expans?o do dever estatal de tutela, o qual n?o encontra t?cnica jur?dica de defesa dos interesses consagrados. A premissa argumentativa, ent?o, parte da possibilidade de dedu??o de modelo m?nimo ?tico da vontade de despender (interesse p?blico) segundo par?metros objetivos do sistema normativo. A despesa p?blica sempre foi tratada com desd?m pela doutrina brasileira em fun??o do car?ter legal acess?rio atribu?do ao custo monet?rio. Nada obstante, ? o ponto de encontro entre Economia e Direito, ou seja, est? na medula do problema da escassez p?blica. Assuntos caros ? modernidade, como a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais, passam necessariamente por um sistema ?tico-jur?dico do disp?ndio p?blico. Dos princ?pios ?ticos deduzidos do ordenamento, apenas o princ?pio democr?tico orienta o disp?ndio p?blico, atrav?s da aprova??o da despesa p?blica em complexo processo or?ament?rio. Ou seja, h? um distanciamento ?tico da realidade econ?mica em rela??o aos deveres estatais. A partir da cren?a de insufici?ncia dogm?tica, a despesa p?blica ? sabatinada eticamente, segundo os fundamentos do Constitucionalismo Moderno, em busca do poss?vel da reserva financeira, certo de que a ?tica da economia p?blica ? condi??o sine qua non para a ?tica jur?dica

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