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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A reportagem nas r?dios comerciais de Natal-RN

Barros, Cezar Macedo 23 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-06T21:55:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CezarMacedoBarros_DISSERT.pdf: 1390389 bytes, checksum: 898df5c4903bff415e5dee54bdfdf9d4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-08T23:13:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CezarMacedoBarros_DISSERT.pdf: 1390389 bytes, checksum: 898df5c4903bff415e5dee54bdfdf9d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-08T23:13:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CezarMacedoBarros_DISSERT.pdf: 1390389 bytes, checksum: 898df5c4903bff415e5dee54bdfdf9d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-23 / Esta disserta??o tem como objetivo investigar o espa?o destinado ? radiorreportagem e as condi??es de produ??o nos radiojornais das emissoras comerciais que operam em frequ?ncia modulada (FM), na cidade de Natal-RN. Atrav?s de observa??o emp?rica preliminar, percebeu-se que este formato jornal?stico ? pouco presente na programa??o das emissoras comerciais de r?dio local, sem aprofundamento da cobertura jornal?stica. A pesquisa toma por base o conte?do veiculado em quatro radiojornais di?rios transmitidos por emissoras de perfil comercial. Levanta-se a hip?tese de que a crise pela qual atravessam as empresas jornal?sticas pode justificar a falta de investimento na reportagem radiof?nica. O estudo de caso (YIN, 2005) partiu de pesquisa bibliogr?fica, visando a constru??o de um modelo te?rico de refer?ncia sobre o formato estudado, a partir do que prop?em Prado (1989), Bespalhok (2006), Meditsch (2007), Lopes (2013) e Ferraretto (2014). A metodologia tamb?m incluiu escuta de conte?do veiculado durante uma semana nos quatro radiojornais analisados, observa??o participante e entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais que produzem os referidos programas. Verificaram-se oito ocorr?ncias com caracter?sticas similares ?s da radiorreportagem, todas veiculadas em apenas um dos programas analisados. Segundo os entrevistados, o formato ? pouco utilizado porque geraria custos altos ?s empresas, que n?o t?m condi??es de arcar com essa despesa. A pesquisa inferiu ainda que, al?m da falta de vis?o empresarial, h? acomoda??o dos profissionais que poderiam produzir radiorreportagens mesmo com a pouca estrutura dispon?vel. Por fim, esta disserta??o aponta a necessidade de se investir mais no radiojornalismo local com vistas a melhorar a qualidade das informa??es veiculadas nas emissoras comerciais de Natal-RN e na capacita??o dos estudantes de Jornalismo para utilizarem as potencialidades do r?dio com m?ximo aproveitamento. / This thesis aims to investigate the space of radio reporting and production conditions in radio newscasts in commercial stations operating in modulated frequency (FM) in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Through preliminary empirical observation, it was observed that this journalistic style (radio reportage) is hardly present in the schedule of local commercial radio stations, with a lack of in-depth news coverage. The research is based on the content broadcast in four daily radio news programs transmitted by commercial stations. It raises the hypothesis that the crisis that cuts across journalistic companies could be justified by the lack of financial funding in in-depth news reporting. The starting point for the case study (Yin, 2005) was a bibliographical research, for building a theoretical model of reference for the studied style, based on Prado (1989), Bespalhok (2006), Meditsch (2007), Lopes (2013) and Ferraretto (2014). The methodology also included listening to content broadcast during a week in the four analyzed news programs, participant observation and interviews with professionals who produce these programs. There were eight events with similar characteristics to radio reporting, all broadcast in just one of the analyzed programs. According to the interviewees, the format is rarely used because it would generate high businesses costs, which are prohibitively high for the stations. The research also inferred that besides the lack of entrepreneurial vision, there is accommodation of the professionals who could produce news stories even with little structure available. Finally, this work points out the need to invest more on local radio journalism to improve the quality of the information provided on commercial broadcasters in Natal and the training of journalism students to use radio's potential to maximum use.

Batman: uma luz sobre o cavaleiro das trevas - media??es, midiatiza??es, transmidiatiza??es

Tavares, Dickson de Oliveira 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-04T13:54:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DicksonDeOliveiraTavares_DISSERT.pdf: 86563692 bytes, checksum: ec9d734742561daa0af23361e9a66692 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-12T14:51:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DicksonDeOliveiraTavares_DISSERT.pdf: 86563692 bytes, checksum: ec9d734742561daa0af23361e9a66692 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T14:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DicksonDeOliveiraTavares_DISSERT.pdf: 86563692 bytes, checksum: ec9d734742561daa0af23361e9a66692 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Nos estudos da m?dia, as trocas simb?licas entre a produ??o e a recep??o permitem compreender como funcionam as engrenagens da ind?stria cultural. Em rela??o ao personagem Batman, nascido nas hist?rias em quadrinhos nos anos 1930, este estudo busca seguir o fluxo temporal em conex?o com o universo midi?tico, mergulhado no repert?rio imag?tico e simb?lico da cultura de massa com base da singularidade de sua trajet?ria. Ao problematizar a trajet?ria midi?tica do personagem Batman, analisa sua condi??o de media??o com adapta??es para o meio televisivo e cinematogr?fico identificando os discursos narrativos em contextos hist?rico-culturais distintos, com destaque para o percurso de midiatiza??o e de transmidiatiza??o, relativizando a rela??o entre autor-obra-leitor, sob a luz dos estudos culturais de John B. Thompson, das media??es de Jes?s Mart?n-Barbero, da narratividade de Umberto Eco, do conceito da Jornada do Her?i de Joseph Campbell e Christopher Vogler e os estudos sobre as narrativas transm?dia de Henry Jenkins e Carlos A. Solari. / In media studies, the symbolic exchanges between production and reception allow to understand how the cultural industry works. Related to the character Batman, born in comic books in the 1930s, this research aims to follow the temporal flow in connection with the media universe, immersed in the imagery and symbolic repertoire of mass culture through the uniqueness of his trajectory. Discussing Batman's mediatic trajectory, it analyzes his condition of mediation through his adaptations to the television and cinematographic medium, identifying the narrative discourses in distinct historicalcultural contexts, focusing on mediatization and transmidiatization, relativizing the relation between author-work based on John B. Thompson's cultural studies, Jes?s Mart?n-Barbero's mediations, Umberto Eco's narrativity, Joseph Campbell's and Christopher Vogler's hero journey concept, and studies on transmedia storytelling of Henry Jenkins and Carlos A. Solari.

Marketing pol?tico e m?dias sociais: as estrat?gias utilizadas no facebook e twitter de C?ssio Cunha Lima PSDB/PB, nas elei??es de 2014

Eufrauzino, Lara de Figueiredo 18 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-26T00:34:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LaraDeFigueiredoEufrauzino_DISSERT.pdf: 30308301 bytes, checksum: bf514e9dbc21b91c7bbf4d101b49d4ab (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-08T20:15:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LaraDeFigueiredoEufrauzino_DISSERT.pdf: 30308301 bytes, checksum: bf514e9dbc21b91c7bbf4d101b49d4ab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-08T20:15:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LaraDeFigueiredoEufrauzino_DISSERT.pdf: 30308301 bytes, checksum: bf514e9dbc21b91c7bbf4d101b49d4ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho se prop?e a compreender o processo e as pr?ticas das estrat?gias de marketing pol?tico aplicadas ?s m?dias sociais facebook e twitter de um candidato a governador da Para?ba nas elei??es de 2014. Visando atingir o prop?sito desta pesquisa, foi realizado um estudo de caso tendo como objeto de an?lise a campanha online do candidato a governador da Para?ba, C?ssio Cunha Lima - PSDB, em 2014. O estudo de caso se deu a partir da constru??o de um perfil biogr?fico e pol?tico do candidato. Esta pesquisa tamb?m fez uso da etnografia virtual. Para tanto, foram monitoradas as m?dias sociais facebook e twitter desse pol?tico, com o aux?lio do programa de captura de imagens - Greenshot, atrav?s da cria??o de categorias de an?lise pr?-definidas, como, por exemplo, agenda, prest?gio e apoio, campanha negativa, engajamento, entre outras. O per?odo escolhido para o monitoramento dos perfis oficiais de C?ssio Cunha Lima foi entre os dias 24 de agosto e 28 de outubro de 2014, pois comporta o per?odo pr?, durante e p?s-elei??o onde observou-se maior n?vel de movimenta??o do candidato e de sua equipe de marketing nas m?dias sociais selecionadas para an?lise. / This dissertation aims to analyze and understand the process and practices of political marketing strategies applied to social media facebook and twitter C?ssio Cunha Lima - PSDB candidate for governor of Para?ba, in the 2014 elections The work is divided into three parts . The first two chapters, both of theoretical nature, underlie the discussion about the use of the Internet as a campaign space and political marketing campaign as well as the different communication strategies and electoral marketing already presented in the literature. Following, is dedicated to a topic for the presentation of the methodology and subsequently makes the discussion of empirical data analysis. Finally, we present the conclusions. The analysis takes as its starting point the models Figueiredo et al. (1998) and Albuquerque (1999) to observe the traditional strategies and suggests the inclusion of typically recorded on the Internet strategies. The methodology used for the analysis was the qualitative and quantitative content from variables that we list different campaign strategies. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, we conducted a case study as an analytical object online campaign C?ssio Cunha Lima. The case study took place from the construction of a candidate's biographical and political profile, presented and discussed in the text. This research also made use of virtual ethnography. Therefore, were monitored social media facebook and twitter that political, with the help of image capture program - Greenshot by creating pre-defined categories of analysis, for example, calendar, prestige and support, negative campaign , engagement, among others. The period chosen for monitoring the candidate's official profiles was from 24 August to 28 October 2014, because it holds the pre, during and post-election where there was greater candidate drive level and his team marketing in social media selected for analysis. The results indicate that mobilization strategy (online and offline), merged with the promotion schedule, it is predominant in the social media Cassio. They also indicate that they do not show the failure of the campaign of the candidate in 2014.

O protagonismo feminino proativo nas narrativas audiovisuais de fic??o cient?fica

Mayer, Carolina Aires 10 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-02-15T12:33:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CarolinaAiresMayer_DISSERT.pdf: 23929552 bytes, checksum: 1ba8c4df1502a819cc347530726560ce (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-19T20:53:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CarolinaAiresMayer_DISSERT.pdf: 23929552 bytes, checksum: 1ba8c4df1502a819cc347530726560ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-19T20:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarolinaAiresMayer_DISSERT.pdf: 23929552 bytes, checksum: 1ba8c4df1502a819cc347530726560ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-10 / O presente estudo visa desenvolver um modelo de an?lise de personagem, no caso, do protagonismo feminino nas narrativas audiovisuais, identificando a presen?a desse protagonismo, de forma proativa, e seu desempenho na narrativa. A partir do conceito de Protagonismo Feminino Proativo, considera-se uma protagonista feminina aquela que participa ativamente da trama, desempenhando ou n?o papel de lideran?a, representada de forma equivalente aos protagonistas masculinos, exercendo influ?ncia e relev?ncia nos acontecimentos da narrativa. O recorte escolhido foi o universo da fic??o cient?fica, no qual o g?nero dist?pico est? em evid?ncia nas produ??es audiovisuais. Utiliza como objetos de an?lise os filmes Jogos Vorazes (2012); Em Chamas (2013); A esperan?a: Parte 1 (2014); A esperan?a: o final (2015). Para analisar o arco narrativo dessa distopia, recorre ao esquema adaptado por Vogler (2015) da Jornada do Her?i, de Joseph Campbell. Na an?lise da protagonista Katniss, contextualiza a forma??o da identidade com base em Castells (2013) e Butler (2016), utilizando o m?todo an?lise de conte?do, que investiga os fen?menos simb?licos por meio da codifica??o e da categoriza??o. O procedimento adotado ? o estudo de caso, tendo por base os Estudos Narrativos (estudos da m?dia) e os estudos feministas a fim de identificar estruturas, elementos e similaridades nas pe?as audiovisuais analisadas. Como t?cnica de coleta de dados, a partir da perspectiva dos estudos feministas, apresenta a compila??o de dados colhidos por meio de entrevistas, visando identificar percep??es de diferentes p?blicos sobre o objeto emp?rico (Jogos Vorazes), gerando 1119 entrevistas. Os resultados apontam diverg?ncias sobre a presen?a do protagonismo feminino no audiovisual percebido por homens e mulheres, assim como as principais caracter?sticas positivas e negativas percebidas pelo p?blico. A diverg?ncia entre os olhares masculinos e femininos sobre a mulher mediada evidencia o desequil?brio nas representa??es de g?nero do audiovisual. / The present study aims to develop a model of analysis of female protagonism in audiovisual narratives. The model intends to identify the presence of proactive female protagonism and its performance within the narrative. Based on the concept of Proactive Feminine Protagonism, the female protagonist is an active participant in the plot, playing or not a leadership role, represented in an equivalent way to the male protagonists, and exerting influence and relevance in the events of the narrative. The chosen cut was the universe of science fiction, in which the dystopic genre is evidenced in the audiovisual productions. The films Hunger Games (2012) are used as analysis objects; Catching Fire (2013); The Hope: Part 1 (2014); The hope: the end (2015). To analyze the narrative arc of these dystopias, we use the scheme adapted by Vogler (2015) from Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. In the analysis of the protagonist Katniss (Hunger Games); contextualizes the formation of identity based on Castells (2013) and Butler (2016). Using the content analysis method, it investigates symbolic phenomena through coding and categorization. The procedure adopted is the case study, A through Narrative Studies (in the media) and the feminist studies to identify structures, elements and similarities in the analyzed audiovisual pieces. As a data collection technique, from the perspective of feminist studies, it presents the compilation of data collected through interviews, aiming to identify perceptions of different publics about the empirical object (Voracious Games), generating 1119 interviews. The results point to divergences about the presence of female protagonism in the audiovisual perceived by men and women, as well as the main positive and negative characteristics perceived by the public. The divergence between the masculine and feminine looks on the mediated woman evidences the imbalance in the representations of gender of the audiovisual.

Cartografia da mobilidade jornal?stica: os impactos do uso dos dispositivos dos dispositivos m?veis digitais na rotina de produ??o do jornalista em Natal (RN/Brasil)

Andrade, Alice Oliveira de 08 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-02T15:27:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AliceOliveiraDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 3291030 bytes, checksum: a11f48d7839d0b9b259c5ce1d10d4834 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-06T13:09:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AliceOliveiraDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 3291030 bytes, checksum: a11f48d7839d0b9b259c5ce1d10d4834 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T13:09:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AliceOliveiraDeAndrade_DISSERT.pdf: 3291030 bytes, checksum: a11f48d7839d0b9b259c5ce1d10d4834 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-08 / Investiga-se acerca dos impactos configurados pela pr?tica do jornalismo m?vel digital, no qual tecnologias m?veis, como smartphones e tablets, s?o apropriados pelos jornalistas nas vertentes da produ??o e distribui??o de suas rotinas laborais. Os dispositivos m?veis digitais, com suas estruturas h?bridas, miniaturizadas e com possibilidade de conex?o sem fio ? Internet (WiFi, 3G e 4G), s?o instrumentos cada vez mais presentes no processo de constru??o do conte?do informativo pelas empresas jornal?sticas. Isso ocorre porque tais aparelhos reconfiguram as no??es espa?o-temporais de desenvolvimento e dissemina??o dos materiais produzidos, proporcionando uma produ??o mais c?lere e instant?nea. Contudo, essa atividade tem modificado o modus operandi das corpora??es jornal?sticas, a rela??o dos profissionais com a tecnologia, o surgimento de novas potencialidades ligadas aos formatos e linguagens dos produtos jornal?sticos e a exig?ncia, por parte do mercado, de um perfil profissional diferenciado. Neste trabalho, visamos a elabora??o de uma Cartografia da mobilidade jornal?stica, inspirados pelas virtualidades anal?ticas da Cartografia Simb?lica (SANTOS, 2011) associada ? entrevista, pesquisa bibliogr?fica e registro fotogr?fico para a coleta de dados. Tendo em vista a aproxima??o com o objeto de pesquisa, todos os processos foram totalmente realizados com dispositivos m?veis. Como campo emp?rico de pesquisa, optamos por um recorte em ?mbito local e estudamos as empresas Tribuna do Norte e Novo, ambas atuantes nas plataformas impressa e digital. Neste trabalho, o foco est? na dimens?o das pr?ticas sociais da cultura do jornalismo m?vel. Como resultados, analisamos a forma??o de comportamentos que se tornaram simb?licos a partir dessa pr?tica, os quais foram analisados por meio de um vi?s reflexivo ?anal?tico, que s?o: o jornalista polivalente-indolente; os n?veis de conte?do; a pr?tica do selfiejornalismo; o rep?rter de imagem; a abertura dos canais informacionais; e o jornalismo de reda??o. / This masters dissertation investigate the practice?s impacts of digital mobile journalism, in which mobile technologies, such as smartphones and tablets, are appropriated by journalists in the production and distribution of their routines at job. Digital mobile devices, with their hybrid-miniaturized structures and the possibility of wireless Internet connection (WiFi, 3G and 4G), are increasingly present instruments in the process of construction of information content by journalistic companies. This situation happens because such devices reconfigure spatiotemporal notions of the development and dissemination of the materials produced, providing a faster and more instantaneous production. However, this activity has modified the modus operandi of journalistic corporations, the relationship of professionals with technology, the emergence of new potentialities linked to the formats and languages of journalistic products and the demand by the market for a differentiated professional profile. In the presentreport, we aim to prepare a Cartography of journalistic mobility, inspired by the analytical virtualities of Symbolic Cartography (SANTOS, 2011) associated to the interview, bibliographical research and photographic record for data collection. Looking for the approach to the research object, all processes were totally accomplished with mobile devices. As an empirical field of research, we opted for a cut in the local scope and studied the companies Tribuna do Norte and Novo, both active in the printed and digital platforms about journalism. In this work, the focus is on the social dimension of the mobile journalism culture. As results, we observed the formation of behaviors that became symbolic from this practice, that were analyzed through a reflexive -analytic approach, which are: the polyvalent-indolent journalist; content levels; the practice of selfiejournalism; the image reporter; the opening of information channels; and the newsroom journalism.

Ventos do desenvolvimento: o in?cio da cobertura sobre energia e?lica no jornal Tribuna do Norte

Holanda, Juliana Sampaio Pedroso de 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-04T13:54:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaSampaioPedrosoDeHolanda_DISSERT.pdf: 2880107 bytes, checksum: ed485fef9bbe5efe4aa75abfcb8b2f91 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-12T15:04:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaSampaioPedrosoDeHolanda_DISSERT.pdf: 2880107 bytes, checksum: ed485fef9bbe5efe4aa75abfcb8b2f91 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T15:04:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaSampaioPedrosoDeHolanda_DISSERT.pdf: 2880107 bytes, checksum: ed485fef9bbe5efe4aa75abfcb8b2f91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / O presente estudo analisa o modo como o jornal impresso potiguar Tribuna do Norte acompanhou as mudan?as da matriz energ?tica do Rio Grande do Norte, com a implanta??o do primeiro parque e?lico no estado, em janeiro de 2004. Para isso, analisam-se as publica??es sobre o tema entre o per?odo de janeiro de 2003 a janeiro de 2004, utilizando a An?lise Cr?tica do Discurso, sob a ?tica de Norman Fairclough, como instrumento metodol?gico para an?lise de texto e a semi?tica de Roland Barthes para an?lise de imagem. De acordo com os crit?rios jornal?sticos de noticiabilidade e de agendamento, entende-se que o per?odo estudado foi prop?cio para a divulga??o da tem?tica e?lica na m?dia potiguar. O estudo mostra que a quest?o foi subutilizada e que as publica??es priorizaram debates econ?micos ante a pauta ambiental. Avalia-se que as aus?ncias e os silenciamentos midi?ticos n?o foram casuais, mas produtos de interesses pol?ticos e econ?micos. / The present study analyses the way in which the newspaper Tribuna do Norteaccompanied the changes in the energy matrix of Rio Grande do Norte, following the implementation of the first wind farm in the state, in January 2004. For this, the texts published about the theme between January 2003 and January 2004 are analysed, using the Critical Discourse Analysis, according to Norman Fairclough's point of view, as a methodological tool for text analysis and Roland Barthes's semiotics for image analysis. According to the journalistic criteria of noticiability and agenda, it is understood that the period studied was favorable to the dissemination of the wind issue in the media. The study shows that the subject was underutilized and that the publications prioritised economic debates before the environmental agenda. It is evaluated that the absences and the media silences were not casual, but products of political and economic interests.

A comunica??o p?blica no r?dio e a cobertura do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff: um estudo de caso sobre A Voz do Brasil

Moura, Deyse Alini de 13 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-08-01T14:27:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-08T13:28:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T13:28:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeyseAliniDeMoura_DISSERT.pdf: 2297700 bytes, checksum: c3ec3813d7ddd21875c5a077f61a4994 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-13 / O r?dio, um dos mais tradicionais meios de comunica??o de massa, ? um dos recursos utilizados pelas institui??es p?blicas brasileiras para a divulga??o de suas a??es. ? o caso do informativo radiof?nico A Voz do Brasil, utilizado como ferramenta de comunica??o pelo governo federal brasileiro desde 1935. Esta disserta??o se prop?e ao estudo do comportamento do radiojornal durante um cap?tulo recente da pol?tica brasileira: o processo de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Com o estudo de caso adotado como m?todo de investiga??o, com base em Yin (2005) e Gil (2009), e com a aplica??o das t?cnicas de an?lise de conte?do, entrevista, e pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental para a coleta e tratamento dos dados, foi poss?vel verificar e classificar o tipo de cobertura dado pelo programa ao tema dentro do conceito de comunica??o p?blica governamental. Com base em Duarte et al. (2012), Bucci (2008; 2013; 2015), Jaramillo (2012), Rothberg (2011), Moraes J?nior (2013) e outros foi poss?vel, ainda, analisar as defini??es de comunica??o p?blica e de interesse p?blico. Com o aux?lio de Ferraretto (2007), Ortriwano (1985; 2003) e Zuculoto (2012) procurou-se, tamb?m, apresentar as principais caracter?sticas da comunica??o radiof?nica e o trajeto da radiofonia p?blica no Brasil, com vistas ? maior compreens?o do papel desempenhado pelo objeto de estudo junto ? sociedade. / Radio, one of the traditional mass media outlets, is a resource widely used by Brazilian public institutions to publicize their activities and provide people the access to information, which is constitutionally guaranteed. The radio broadcast known as A Voz do Brasil is used as a communication tool by the Brazilian federal government since 1935. This masters thesis intends to study through A Voz do Brasil?s coverage on a recent chapter of Brazilian political history and its importance to the national government: Dilma Rousseff presidential impeachment. This research adopted the guidelines Yin (2005) and Gil (2009) as a method plus the application of literature and documents, content analysis and interview for the collection and processing of data techniques. It was possible to verify and classify the type of news coverage on the show based on the government communication concept. Based on Duarte et al. (2012), Bucci (2008; 2013; 2015), Jaramillo (2012), Rothberg (2011), Moraes J?nior (2013) and others, it was also possible to analyse the definitions of public communication and public interest. Guided by Ferraretto (2007), Ortriwano (1985; 2003) and Zuculoto (2012) this thesis tried to present the radio broadcast main characteristics and its timeline in Brazil for a better understanding of the study object's function to society.

Perspectivas para constru??o do document?rio dial?gico

Santos, Alexandre Ferreira dos 06 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-01-14T20:24:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlexandreFerreiraDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2002356 bytes, checksum: 90f7932ad264ea9a8a5bcbd024ac2c36 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-01-19T20:46:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlexandreFerreiraDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2002356 bytes, checksum: 90f7932ad264ea9a8a5bcbd024ac2c36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-19T20:46:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlexandreFerreiraDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 2002356 bytes, checksum: 90f7932ad264ea9a8a5bcbd024ac2c36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / Essa pesquisa apresenta uma an?lise dos aspectos e potencialidades dial?gicas presentes no cinema document?rio. Procuramos identificar a utiliza??o dos elementos constitutivos da linguagem audiovisual como forma de compreender a produ??o de sentido no document?rio. Analisamos o cinema document?rio e sua constru??o numa perspectiva dial?gica. Para constituir o corpus de nossa pesquisa selecionamos os documentaristas Bernardo Luiz, Mary Land Brito e Paulo Laguardia e analisamos suas respectivas obras: Vivo, Sangue do Barro e Cais do Sert?o, a fim de conhecer suas experi?ncias, estrat?gias e a??es durante o processo de produ??o de um document?rio. Como escolha metodol?gica, utilizamos a fenomenologia e a etnografia. Nossa reflex?o tem como subs?dio as experi?ncias dos documentaristas, os filmes escolhidos para an?lise e as teorias sobre document?rio (LABAKI, 2005; LINS, 2008, NICHOLS, 2005; PENAFRIA, 2009), cultura (HALL, 2003), dialogismo (BUBER, 2001; FREIRE, 1987), comunica??o e media??o (MART?N-BARBERO, 1997) e leitura de document?rio (ODIN 1984) / This research presents an analysis of the issues and dialogic potential present in documentary filmmaking. We seek to identify the use of the elements of visual language as a way of understanding the production of meaning in the documentary. We analyze the documentary film and its construction in a dialogical perspective. To constitute the corpus of our research we selected three filmmakers and their works (one of each) in order to know their experiences and strategies and actions during the process of producing a documentary. Our reflection is to grant the experiences of the filmmakers , the films chosen for analysis and theories of documentary ( LABAKI , 2005; LINS , 2008 NICHOLS , 2005; PENAFRIA , 2009) , culture (HALL , 2003) , dialogism ( BUBER 2001 , FREIRE , 1987) , communication and mediation ( MARTIN-BARBERO , 1997) and reading documentary ( ODIN 1984)

Divulga??o cient?fica para empoderamento institucional: o discurso da revista Darcy e a midiatiza??o da academia

Rossetti, Emili Adami 22 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-03-10T21:34:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EmiliAdamiRossetti_DISSERT.pdf: 3321045 bytes, checksum: c3d8977fc6bca2bfc8534511e4b2304d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-17T22:07:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EmiliAdamiRossetti_DISSERT.pdf: 3321045 bytes, checksum: c3d8977fc6bca2bfc8534511e4b2304d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-17T22:07:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EmiliAdamiRossetti_DISSERT.pdf: 3321045 bytes, checksum: c3d8977fc6bca2bfc8534511e4b2304d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-22 / A ci?ncia tem se mantido em posi??o hegem?nica entre as diversas formas de conhecimento que possibilitam perceber nosso entorno. Ap?s um movimento de introvers?o do campo cient?fico, que oportunizou o empoderamento da academia, ? crescente a discuss?o, na atualidade, sobre a necessidade de se divulgar o conhecimento da ?rea para a sociedade. Nosso estudo se prop?e a observar o discurso de divulga??o cient?fica institucional, levando em considera??o as condi??es hist?ricas que possibilitaram a emerg?ncia da ci?ncia como leg?tima observa??o da natureza e do homem, bem como a outorga de credibilidade ? m?dia. Para tanto, temos como objeto de estudo os textos de editoriais da revista Darcy, de divulga??o cient?fica e cultural da Universidade de Bras?lia. Voltamo-nos para a observa??o do discurso de compartilhamento de saber pela m?dia, abordando, para tal, os conceitos de campo, de Bourdieu, e de ?profana??o?, de Agamben, em conson?ncia com no??es da ?rea de comunica??o organizacional. Al?m deles, os conceitos de dispositivo, discurso e saber-poder empregados t?m como base os estudos da escola francesa que os associam ? necessidade de se pensar o poder como rela??o entre o discursivo e o n?odiscursivo, tendo Michel Foucault como importante expoente deste pensamento. A pesquisa, apoiada da An?lise do Discurso de escola francesa, leva-nos a perceber um processo de m?tua valida??o dos discursos cient?fico e jornal?stico, que se associam ao fortalecimento da pr?pria institui??o e do pr?prio campo cient?fico, em textos que t?m como pano de fundo o fortalecimento da imagem e da reputa??o institucionais. / Science has remained in hegemonic position among the various forms of knowledge that enable us perceive our surroundings. After a growing movement of introversion of the scientific field, which enabled the empowerment of the academy, it is growing today the discussion about the need to spread knowledge of this area to society. Our study aims to observe the discourse of institutional science communication, taking into account the historical conditions that made possible the emergence of science as legitimate observation of nature and of man and also the credibility granted to the media. Therefore, we have as our study object the editorials of the Darcy magazine, for scientific and cultural journalism of the University of Brasilia. We focused on observing the discourse of knowledge sharing by the media, using the concepts of field, from Bourdieu?s work, and Agamben?s "profanation" together with notions from the organizational communication area. Also, the concepts of dispositive, discourse and knowledge-power used are based on the studies from the French school which associate them to the need of thinking power as a relation between what is and what is not said, having Michel Foucault as an important exponent of this area. The research, which uses as a method the Discourse Analysis, shows us a process of mutual validation of the scientific and journalistic discourses, which contribute to the strengthening of the institution itself as well as the scientific field, in texts which have as a backdrop the institutional image and reputation.

Profiss?o Rep?rter: um estudo de caso das representa??es sobre o nordeste brasileiro / Profiss?o Rep?rter: a case study of representations of the brazilian northeast

Alencar J?nior, Ubiratan Nascimento de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-09T19:31:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UbiratanNascimentoDeAlencarJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 777766 bytes, checksum: 69ddb442856cc32d92e8b803a53d873b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-09T22:46:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 UbiratanNascimentoDeAlencarJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 777766 bytes, checksum: 69ddb442856cc32d92e8b803a53d873b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T22:46:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 UbiratanNascimentoDeAlencarJunior_DISSERT.pdf: 777766 bytes, checksum: 69ddb442856cc32d92e8b803a53d873b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / A pesquisa define-se como um Estudo de Caso que toma como objeto central o programatelevisivo Profiss?o Rep?rter, exibido semanalmente pela Rede Globo, ?s ter?as-feiras, nafaixa de hor?rio das 23h40min. A meta foi identificar, em tr?s epis?dios do programa, sempreju?zo da observa??o criteriosa de outras edi??es, a presen?a ou n?o das teorias deautorreferencialidade, a for?a do contrato midi?tico, bem como quais as representa??essociais. O objetivo foi perceber, fazendo uso de metodologias complementares, qual, de fato,? o ?nordeste? apresentado pelo programa, sempre com a preocupa??o de discutir o que aunidade ou parte considerada (o corpus) sugere a respeito do ?todo? e n?o a formata??o deconceitos que generalizem o tema, ao considerar a abrang?ncia da produ??o televisiva e seussentidos. / Research is defined as a Case Study that central object the TV show Profession Reporter, appears weekly by Rede Globo, on Tuesdays, in the 23:40 time range. Empirical basis, the research makes the questioning of journalism and social representations through it articulated for the construction of approaches to what is defined as "Brazilian Northeast." In this goal, the study seeks to drive a multiplicity of angles and methods to illuminate specific aspects of the case study, as well as areas that intersect in the production of meaning. The Job Reporter is built, as well as the appropriate object to analyze the theories of self-referentiality and the strength of the media contract, given the overlap in the derived logical not factual genres and related entertainment that format or feed back what is established in the course of time, as the "real" features of this regional space.

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