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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualidade fisiológica e associação de Fusarium spp. a sementes de sorgo sacarino / Physiological quality and association of Fusarium spp. With seeds of sweet sorghum

Müller, Juceli 07 April 2017 (has links)
The present work aims to determine the physiological and sanitary quality of Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds, as well as to identify pathogens associated with seed, their transmission to seedlings and the subsequent pathogenicity of isolates obtained, In addition, molecularly identify the fungal species pathogenic to this crop. The experiments were carried out in the Teaching and Seed Research Laboratory (TSRL), of the Plant Engineering Department; In the Elocy Minussi Phytopathology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, and at the Biological Institute of São Paulo. Sweet sorghum seeds were used, all without chemical treatment. Sanitary quality was evaluated by sanity test, and physiological characteristics by germination and vigor tests (seedling length, dry mass, emergence, rate of emergence and accelerated aging). It was performed the test of transmission of the pathogens associated to the seeds and the subsequent pathogenicity of the obtained isolates, culminating with the molecular characterization of the identified pathogens, in which were sequenced the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) genomic regions and the Elongation Factor 1 - alpha (TEF1-α) gene. The design used was the completely randomized design, with four cultivars of Sweet sorghum (BRS 506, F19, BRS 511 and BRS 509); For the evaluation of pathogenicity, the factorial scheme is represented by four cultivars and three isolates of Fusarium spp., besides the witness. The seeds of the BRS 509 cultivar were considered to have lower physiological quality than the other cultivars. The DNA sequencing allowed identifying the Fusarium thapsinum species as a pathogenic agent in the sweet sorghum crop, and proven its transmission via seeds. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de cultivares de sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), bem como identificar os patógenos associados à semente, sua transmissão às plântulas e a posterior patogenicidade de isolados obtidos, além disso, identificar molecularmente as espécies fúngicas patogênicas a esta cultura. Os experimentos foram realizados no Laboratório Didático e de Pesquisas em Sementes (LDPS), do Departamento de Fitotecnia; no Laboratório de Fitopatologia Elocy Minussi, do Departamento de Defesa Fitossanitária e, no Instituto Biológico de São Paulo. Foram utilizadas sementes de sorgo sacarino, todas sem tratamento químico. A qualidade sanitária foi avaliada pelo teste de sanidade, e as características fisiológicas por meio dos testes de germinação e de vigor (comprimento de plântulas, massa seca, emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência e envelhecimento acelerado). Foi realizado o teste de transmissão dos patógenos associados à semente e a posterior patogenicidade dos isolados fúngicos obtidos, culminando com a caracterização molecular dos patógenos identificados, na qual foram sequenciadas as regiões genômicas Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) e o gene do fator de elongação 1-α (TEF1α). O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro cultivares de sorgo sacarino (BRS 506, Fepagro 19, BRS 511 e BRS 509); já para a avaliação da patogenicidade, o esquema fatorial foi representado pelas quatro cultivares e três isolados de Fusarium sp., além da testemunha. As sementes da cultivar BRS 509 foram consideradas de qualidade fisiológica inferior as demais cultivares. O sequenciamento de DNA permitiu identificar a espécie Fusarium thapsinum como agente patogênico na cultura do sorgo sacarino, sendo comprovada sua transmissão via sementes.

Evidence of Ecological Speciation in <em>Phacelia</em>.

Glass, Pamela Michele 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Phacelia purshii Buckley and P. fimbriata Micheaux are two species that are nearly morphologically indistinguishable. Seed germination experiments showed that the high elevation endemic, P. fimbriata requires lower temperatures to trigger germination. Following interspecific crosses, pollen tubes enter ovules and maternal tissue of the gynoecium matures but hybrid diploid and triploid organs fail to develop. DNA sequences from the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed region showed that P. fimbriata and P. purshii comprise a monophyletic clade but that P. fimbriata is more differentiated from related species. In contrast, P. purshii supported significantly higher levels of intraspecific polymorphism. Phacelia fimbriata and P. purshii are sister species with similar morphology but they are unable to hybridize, they are differentiated in physiological characteristics related to environment, and they inhabit different elevations. This pattern of relationship and differentiation suggests P. fimbriata may be the product of ecological speciation.

Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): análise do segundo espaçador interno transcrito (ITS2) do DNA ribossômico e da susceptibilidade à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. / Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): analysis of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA and the susceptibility to infection by Plasmodium vivax.

Marrelli, Mauro Toledo 28 March 2000 (has links)
Resultados anteriores sugerem que existem diferenças biológicas entre espécimens de Anopheles oswaldoi capturados no Estado do Acre e os do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Esta espécie tem sido apontada como um importante vetor de malária em localidades do Peru e Acre. Entretanto, em Rondônia, somente um número pequeno de A. oswaldoi alimentados em pacientes com malária desenvolveram infecção nas glândulas salivares. Além disso, há suspeita de que espécimens identificados como A. oswaldoi, capturados em áreas abertas em Costa Marques, Rondônia, são na verdade A. konderi, e que A. oswaldoi sensu stricto estaria restrito a áreas de florestas. Estes dados, juntamente com as dificuldades encontradas na identificação de anofelinos do grupo Oswaldoi, baseadas em critérios morfológicos, sugerem que espécimens de A. oswaldoi são membros de um complexo de espécies crípticas. A distinção de espécies crípticas de insetos vetores é de grande importância, já que diferentes membros em um complexo podem exibir diferenças na ecologia, capacidade vetorial e resposta a medidas de controle. Análise de sequências de DNA, particularmente da região do ITS2 do cistron do DNA ribossômico, tem sido usada como um caracter diagnóstico em alguns grupos de espécies crípticas, tornando-se um instrumento para estudos taxonômicos e filogenéticos. A primeira parte deste estudo teve o objetivo de determinar as diferenças encontradas nas sequências de ITS2 de espécimens de A. oswaldoi capturados em várias localidades da América do Sul. As regiões dos ITS2 destes anofelinos foram amplificadas usando oligonucleotídeos iniciadores conservados das regiões 5.8S e 28S e os produtos de PCR foram clonados e sequenciados. Os ITS2 de todos os mosquitos capturados tiveram tamanho aproximado de 350 nucleotídeos, com aproximadamente 53% de conteúdo de GC. Análise do alinhamento destas sequências, mostrou similaridade variando entre 87% e 100%, e a análise de uma árvore de similaridade, neighbor-joining, produzida com p-distance usando as diferenças nas sequências de ITS2, separou estes espécimens em quatro grupos. Um deles está provavelmente relacionado ao A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, e um outro pode estar relacionado à espécie A. konderi. Os outros dois grupos podem corresponder a espécies cuja identificação morfológica permanece para ser esclarecida no complexo A. oswaldoi. Estes dados são evidências de que espécimens de A. oswaldoi estão incluídos em um complexo de espécies crípticas e que identificação por DNA pode resolver estas questões taxonômicas. A. konderi tem sido considerado uma sinonímia de A. oswaldoi. Embora estágios adultos e imaturos destas espécies de anofelinos apresentem características morfológicas idênticas, aspectos encontrados na genitália masculina podem distinguir estes taxa. A segunda parte deste estudo foi conduzida com o objetivo de comparar a susceptibilidade de A. oswaldoi s.s. e de A. konderi à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. A susceptibilidade foi baseada na proporção de mosquitos com oocistos e esporozoítos. Os anofelinos foram capturados no Acre e em Rondônia para obtenção de progênies F1. Após a emergência dos adultos, as genitálias masculinas dos mosquitos de cada progênie foram dissecadas e examinadas. Todas progênies originadas dos mosquitos capturados em Rondônia corresponderam a A. konderi, enquanto que cerca de 85,0% das progênies do Acre eram A. oswaldoi s.s.. Estas progênies F1 de A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi e A. darlingi foram alimentadas simultaneamente com sangue infectado com P. vivax. Estes mosquitos foram dissecados 10-12 dias após infecção e examinados para verificação da presença de oocistos e esporozoítos. Tanto A. oswaldoi s.s. como A. konderi apresentaram oocistos nos tratos digestivos, entretanto, a porcentagem de tratos digestivos positivos para oocistos foi maior em A. oswaldoi s.s. (13,8%) do que em A. konderi (3,3%). Esporozoítos foram encontrados somente nas glândulas salivares de A. oswaldoi s.s., com 6,9% de positividade. As taxas de infecção nos controles A. darlingi foram de 22,5% a 30,0%, para ambos oocistos e esporozoítos. Estes resultados indicam que A. oswaldoi s.s. pode transmitir P. vivax e sugerem que esta espécie é mais susceptível que A. konderi. Embora A. oswaldoi s.s. seja uma espécie exofílica e zoofílica, este anofelino pode estar envolvido na transmissão da malária humana como parece estar ocorrendo no Estado do Acre. / Previous results have suggested that biological differences could exist between specimens of Anopheles oswaldoi captured in the State of Acre and those from the State of Rondônia, Brazil. This species has been appointed as an important malaria vector in localities of Peru and Acre. However, in Rondônia, only a very low percentage of A. oswaldoi fed on malaria patients developed salivary gland infections. In addition, it was suspected that specimens identified as A. oswaldoi captured in open clearings in Costa Marques, Rondônia, were actually A. konderi, and that A. oswaldoi sensu stricto would be restricted to forested areas. These data, together with the difficulties found to identify anophelines of the Oswaldoi group based on morphologic criteria suggest that specimens of A. oswaldoi are members of a complex of cryptic species. The distinction of cryptic species of insects is of critical importance, since different members in a Complex could exhibit differences in ecology, vectorial capacity and response to control measures. DNA sequence analysis and particularly that of the ITS2 region of the rDNA cistron has provided diagnostic characters in some groups of cryptic species becoming a general tool for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. The first part of the present study was undertaken to determine the extent of differences over the ITS2 sequence of specimens of A. oswaldoi s.l. captured in several localities of South America. The ITS2 of these anophelines were amplified using conserved primers of the 5.8S and 28S regions, cloned and sequenced. The lengths of ITS2 of all mosquitoes captured were about 350 nucleotides, with about 53% GC content. Analysis of the alignment of the sequences, which showed that the similarity varied between 87% and 100%, and analysis of a neighbor-joining tree produced with p-distance using the ITS2 sequences, separated these specimens in four groups. One of them is probably related to A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, and another one can possibly be related to A. konderi. The other two groups may correspond to species the morphologycal identification of which remains to be clarified in the A. oswaldoi complex. These data are evidences that specimens of A. oswaldoi are included in a complex of cryptic species and that the DNA identification could solve some taxonomic questions. A. konderi has been currently considered to be a synonym of A. oswaldoi. Although adults and immature stages of both these anopheline species have identical morphological characters, features of the male genitalia can distinguish these taxa. The second part of this study was conducted in order to compare the susceptibility of A. oswaldoi s.s. and of A. konderi to infection by Plasmodium vivax. The susceptibility was based on the proportion of mosquitoes with oocysts and sporozoites. Anophelines were captured in the State of Acre and Rondônia and used to obtain F1 progenies. After emergency of adults, male genitalia of mosquitoes of each family were dissected. All families originated from mosquitoes captured in Rondônia corresponded to A. konderi, while about 85.0% of the families from Acre were A. oswaldoi s.s.. F1 progeny of field-captured A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi and A. darlingi were fed simultaneously on P. vivax infected blood. Mosquitoes were dissected on day 10-12 after infection and examined for the presence of oocysts and sporozoites. Both A. oswaldoi s.s. and A. konderi developed oocysts in midguts, however, the percentage of oocyst-positives in A. oswaldoi s.s. (13.8%) was higher than in A. konderi (3.3%), and only A. oswaldoi s.s. developed salivary infection with sporozoites (6.9% of positivity). Infection rates in A. darlingi ranged from 22.5% to 30.0% for both oocysts and sporozoites. These results indicate that A. oswaldoi s.s. can transmit P. vivax and suggest that it is more susceptible than A. konderi. Although A. oswaldoi s.s. is an exophilic and zoophilic species, it may be involved in human malaria transmission as it seems to be occuring in the State of Acre.

Disentangling the Reticulate History of Polyploids in <i>Silene </i>(<i>Caryophyllaceae</i>)

Popp, Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>DNA sequences from the <i>rps16</i> intron and the <i>psbE-petL</i> spacer from the chloroplast genome, the ribosomal nuclear ITS region, and introns from the low copy nuclear genes <i>RPA2</i>, <i>RPB2</i>, <i>RPD2a</i> and <i>RPD2b</i>, are in different combinations used to infer phylogenetic relationships in <i>Sileneae</i> (<i>Caryophyllaceae</i>). Used in concert, the biparentally inherited nuclear regions are useful to distinguish between paralogy due to allopolyploidy and single gene duplications, respectively, because the latter are not expected to give rise to repeated phylogenetic patterns in potentially unlinked sequence regions. In addition, the sequences resolve previously poorly known relationships in the tribe <i>Sileneae</i>. Several independent losses and incomplete concerted evolution are inferred between the two <i>RPD2</i> paralogues in a subgroup of <i>Silene</i>.</p><p>An allopolyploid origin is suggested for the tetraploid <i>S. aegaea</i>, with the maternal ancestor from the diploid <i>S. pentelica</i> lineage, and the paternal contributor from the diploid <i>S. sedoides</i> lineage.</p><p><i>Silene involucrata</i> originated as an allotetraploid with the diploid lineage of Arctic <i>S. uralensis</i> as cytoplasmic donor and the diploid Siberian/Northeast Asian <i>S. ajanensis</i> lineage as pollen donor. A subsequent allopolyploidization with the <i>S. ajanensis</i> lineage as pollen donor and the tetraploid <i>S. involucrata</i> lineage as cytoplasmic donor resulted in the hexaploid lineage of <i>S. sorensenis sensu lato</i>.</p><p>A monophyletic origin of the North American polyploids is rejected. One lineage consists of tetraploid <i>S. menziesii</i> and its diploid allies. A separate lineage leads to a clade consisting of both diploid and polyploid Arctic, European and Asian taxa in addition to the majority of the North American polyploids. The tetraploid <i>S. californica</i> and the hexaploid <i>S. hookeri</i> are derived from separate allopolyploidization events between these two lineages.</p>

Disentangling the Reticulate History of Polyploids in Silene (Caryophyllaceae)

Popp, Magnus January 2004 (has links)
DNA sequences from the rps16 intron and the psbE-petL spacer from the chloroplast genome, the ribosomal nuclear ITS region, and introns from the low copy nuclear genes RPA2, RPB2, RPD2a and RPD2b, are in different combinations used to infer phylogenetic relationships in Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae). Used in concert, the biparentally inherited nuclear regions are useful to distinguish between paralogy due to allopolyploidy and single gene duplications, respectively, because the latter are not expected to give rise to repeated phylogenetic patterns in potentially unlinked sequence regions. In addition, the sequences resolve previously poorly known relationships in the tribe Sileneae. Several independent losses and incomplete concerted evolution are inferred between the two RPD2 paralogues in a subgroup of Silene. An allopolyploid origin is suggested for the tetraploid S. aegaea, with the maternal ancestor from the diploid S. pentelica lineage, and the paternal contributor from the diploid S. sedoides lineage. Silene involucrata originated as an allotetraploid with the diploid lineage of Arctic S. uralensis as cytoplasmic donor and the diploid Siberian/Northeast Asian S. ajanensis lineage as pollen donor. A subsequent allopolyploidization with the S. ajanensis lineage as pollen donor and the tetraploid S. involucrata lineage as cytoplasmic donor resulted in the hexaploid lineage of S. sorensenis sensu lato. A monophyletic origin of the North American polyploids is rejected. One lineage consists of tetraploid S. menziesii and its diploid allies. A separate lineage leads to a clade consisting of both diploid and polyploid Arctic, European and Asian taxa in addition to the majority of the North American polyploids. The tetraploid S. californica and the hexaploid S. hookeri are derived from separate allopolyploidization events between these two lineages.

Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): análise do segundo espaçador interno transcrito (ITS2) do DNA ribossômico e da susceptibilidade à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. / Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): analysis of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA and the susceptibility to infection by Plasmodium vivax.

Mauro Toledo Marrelli 28 March 2000 (has links)
Resultados anteriores sugerem que existem diferenças biológicas entre espécimens de Anopheles oswaldoi capturados no Estado do Acre e os do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Esta espécie tem sido apontada como um importante vetor de malária em localidades do Peru e Acre. Entretanto, em Rondônia, somente um número pequeno de A. oswaldoi alimentados em pacientes com malária desenvolveram infecção nas glândulas salivares. Além disso, há suspeita de que espécimens identificados como A. oswaldoi, capturados em áreas abertas em Costa Marques, Rondônia, são na verdade A. konderi, e que A. oswaldoi sensu stricto estaria restrito a áreas de florestas. Estes dados, juntamente com as dificuldades encontradas na identificação de anofelinos do grupo Oswaldoi, baseadas em critérios morfológicos, sugerem que espécimens de A. oswaldoi são membros de um complexo de espécies crípticas. A distinção de espécies crípticas de insetos vetores é de grande importância, já que diferentes membros em um complexo podem exibir diferenças na ecologia, capacidade vetorial e resposta a medidas de controle. Análise de sequências de DNA, particularmente da região do ITS2 do cistron do DNA ribossômico, tem sido usada como um caracter diagnóstico em alguns grupos de espécies crípticas, tornando-se um instrumento para estudos taxonômicos e filogenéticos. A primeira parte deste estudo teve o objetivo de determinar as diferenças encontradas nas sequências de ITS2 de espécimens de A. oswaldoi capturados em várias localidades da América do Sul. As regiões dos ITS2 destes anofelinos foram amplificadas usando oligonucleotídeos iniciadores conservados das regiões 5.8S e 28S e os produtos de PCR foram clonados e sequenciados. Os ITS2 de todos os mosquitos capturados tiveram tamanho aproximado de 350 nucleotídeos, com aproximadamente 53% de conteúdo de GC. Análise do alinhamento destas sequências, mostrou similaridade variando entre 87% e 100%, e a análise de uma árvore de similaridade, neighbor-joining, produzida com p-distance usando as diferenças nas sequências de ITS2, separou estes espécimens em quatro grupos. Um deles está provavelmente relacionado ao A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, e um outro pode estar relacionado à espécie A. konderi. Os outros dois grupos podem corresponder a espécies cuja identificação morfológica permanece para ser esclarecida no complexo A. oswaldoi. Estes dados são evidências de que espécimens de A. oswaldoi estão incluídos em um complexo de espécies crípticas e que identificação por DNA pode resolver estas questões taxonômicas. A. konderi tem sido considerado uma sinonímia de A. oswaldoi. Embora estágios adultos e imaturos destas espécies de anofelinos apresentem características morfológicas idênticas, aspectos encontrados na genitália masculina podem distinguir estes taxa. A segunda parte deste estudo foi conduzida com o objetivo de comparar a susceptibilidade de A. oswaldoi s.s. e de A. konderi à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. A susceptibilidade foi baseada na proporção de mosquitos com oocistos e esporozoítos. Os anofelinos foram capturados no Acre e em Rondônia para obtenção de progênies F1. Após a emergência dos adultos, as genitálias masculinas dos mosquitos de cada progênie foram dissecadas e examinadas. Todas progênies originadas dos mosquitos capturados em Rondônia corresponderam a A. konderi, enquanto que cerca de 85,0% das progênies do Acre eram A. oswaldoi s.s.. Estas progênies F1 de A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi e A. darlingi foram alimentadas simultaneamente com sangue infectado com P. vivax. Estes mosquitos foram dissecados 10-12 dias após infecção e examinados para verificação da presença de oocistos e esporozoítos. Tanto A. oswaldoi s.s. como A. konderi apresentaram oocistos nos tratos digestivos, entretanto, a porcentagem de tratos digestivos positivos para oocistos foi maior em A. oswaldoi s.s. (13,8%) do que em A. konderi (3,3%). Esporozoítos foram encontrados somente nas glândulas salivares de A. oswaldoi s.s., com 6,9% de positividade. As taxas de infecção nos controles A. darlingi foram de 22,5% a 30,0%, para ambos oocistos e esporozoítos. Estes resultados indicam que A. oswaldoi s.s. pode transmitir P. vivax e sugerem que esta espécie é mais susceptível que A. konderi. Embora A. oswaldoi s.s. seja uma espécie exofílica e zoofílica, este anofelino pode estar envolvido na transmissão da malária humana como parece estar ocorrendo no Estado do Acre. / Previous results have suggested that biological differences could exist between specimens of Anopheles oswaldoi captured in the State of Acre and those from the State of Rondônia, Brazil. This species has been appointed as an important malaria vector in localities of Peru and Acre. However, in Rondônia, only a very low percentage of A. oswaldoi fed on malaria patients developed salivary gland infections. In addition, it was suspected that specimens identified as A. oswaldoi captured in open clearings in Costa Marques, Rondônia, were actually A. konderi, and that A. oswaldoi sensu stricto would be restricted to forested areas. These data, together with the difficulties found to identify anophelines of the Oswaldoi group based on morphologic criteria suggest that specimens of A. oswaldoi are members of a complex of cryptic species. The distinction of cryptic species of insects is of critical importance, since different members in a Complex could exhibit differences in ecology, vectorial capacity and response to control measures. DNA sequence analysis and particularly that of the ITS2 region of the rDNA cistron has provided diagnostic characters in some groups of cryptic species becoming a general tool for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. The first part of the present study was undertaken to determine the extent of differences over the ITS2 sequence of specimens of A. oswaldoi s.l. captured in several localities of South America. The ITS2 of these anophelines were amplified using conserved primers of the 5.8S and 28S regions, cloned and sequenced. The lengths of ITS2 of all mosquitoes captured were about 350 nucleotides, with about 53% GC content. Analysis of the alignment of the sequences, which showed that the similarity varied between 87% and 100%, and analysis of a neighbor-joining tree produced with p-distance using the ITS2 sequences, separated these specimens in four groups. One of them is probably related to A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, and another one can possibly be related to A. konderi. The other two groups may correspond to species the morphologycal identification of which remains to be clarified in the A. oswaldoi complex. These data are evidences that specimens of A. oswaldoi are included in a complex of cryptic species and that the DNA identification could solve some taxonomic questions. A. konderi has been currently considered to be a synonym of A. oswaldoi. Although adults and immature stages of both these anopheline species have identical morphological characters, features of the male genitalia can distinguish these taxa. The second part of this study was conducted in order to compare the susceptibility of A. oswaldoi s.s. and of A. konderi to infection by Plasmodium vivax. The susceptibility was based on the proportion of mosquitoes with oocysts and sporozoites. Anophelines were captured in the State of Acre and Rondônia and used to obtain F1 progenies. After emergency of adults, male genitalia of mosquitoes of each family were dissected. All families originated from mosquitoes captured in Rondônia corresponded to A. konderi, while about 85.0% of the families from Acre were A. oswaldoi s.s.. F1 progeny of field-captured A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi and A. darlingi were fed simultaneously on P. vivax infected blood. Mosquitoes were dissected on day 10-12 after infection and examined for the presence of oocysts and sporozoites. Both A. oswaldoi s.s. and A. konderi developed oocysts in midguts, however, the percentage of oocyst-positives in A. oswaldoi s.s. (13.8%) was higher than in A. konderi (3.3%), and only A. oswaldoi s.s. developed salivary infection with sporozoites (6.9% of positivity). Infection rates in A. darlingi ranged from 22.5% to 30.0% for both oocysts and sporozoites. These results indicate that A. oswaldoi s.s. can transmit P. vivax and suggest that it is more susceptible than A. konderi. Although A. oswaldoi s.s. is an exophilic and zoophilic species, it may be involved in human malaria transmission as it seems to be occuring in the State of Acre.

Growth and biodegradation by Sporidiobolales yeasts in vanillin-supplemented medium

González Gaarslev, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
Studies of biodegradation in lignins by basidiomycetes yeasts show the conversion of lignin in various degradation products among which vanillin, a valuable substance, suggested to be a strong inhibitor of both fermentation and growth of yeasts, stands. Sporidiobolales yeasts used in these experiments were aimed to be identified by their highly conserved ITS region as well as studied in vanillinsupplemented medium through, vanillin-supplemented plates, TLC and Neubauer’s chamber to find out which, among the several isolates tested, were the most resistant ones, understand how they take up vanillin and how their growth is affected by the presence of the phenolic compound. Two strains were identified as Rhodotorula babjevae. One of them, L4, together with LS22, Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae, could withstand and biodegrade high concentrations of vanillin, producing biodegradation products with Rf values similar to the ones know for vanillic acid and vanillyl alcohol. Better growth in medium supplemented with small doses of vanillin was found, as well as disparity among the same species and their metabolic features, therefore, herbicides resistance was suggested as a reason for strains divergence. Further morphological-species comparison could also describe if there exist a relation between them. / Estudios sobre la biodegradación de ligninas por levaduras basidiomicetes muestran la conversión de lignina en distintos productos de degradación, entre los cuales se encuentra la vainillina, un fuerte inhibidor de la fermentación y el crecimiento de levaduras. Las levaduras Sporidiobolales utilizadas en estos experimentos han intentado ser identificadas a través de la región ETI, muy conservada, además de estudiadas en medios suplementados con vainillina mediante placas suplementadas con vainillina, CCF y cámara de Neubauer para averiguar cuáles son las cepas más resistentes, entender cómo metabolizan la vainillina y cómo su crecimiento se ve afectado por la presencia de dicho compuesto. Dos cepas fueron identificadas como Rhodotorula babjevae. Una de ellas, L4, junto con con la cepa LS22, Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae, pudieron soportar y biodegradar elevadas concentraciones de vainillina, originando productos de biodegradación con valores de Rf similares a los del ácido vanílico y alcohol vanílico previamente conocidos. Se encontró un crecimiento mejor en medios suplementados con pequeñas dosis de vainillina además de una disparidad entre mismas especies y sus características metabólicas, así, herbicidas han sido sugeridos como una posible causa en dicha divergencia. Una futura comparación morfología-especie podrá describir si existe relación entre ambos.

Ekologie hub, asociovaných s tlejícím dřevem v ekosystémech přirozených lesů / Ecology of deadwood-associated fungi in the ecosystems of nature-like forests

Zrůstová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Dead wood plays an important role in forest ecosystems in the context of C dynamics, nutrient cycling, forest regeneration and biodiversity. Decaying wood sustains biodiversity by providing habitats and energy for fungi, bacteria, invertebrates, and many other organisms. Dead wood is resistant to decomposition and its decay is driven mainly by filamentous fungi. Community structure of wood- inhabiting fungi changes during decomposition, but the relationship between substrate quality and decomposer community is still poorly understood. This work studied fungal community composition with respect to tree species, stage of decay, volume and physico-chemical properties (such as pH, carbon and nitrogen content) of dead wood. Fungi were identified using next generation sequencing approaches - 454-pyrosequencing and Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Tree species, volume of dead wood (branches x logs) and stage of decay were the main variables affecting fungal community composition. Higher enzyme activities and content of fungal biomass indicate faster colonization of small branches than tree trunks by fungi. Fungal community composition, wood chemical properties and enzyme activities changed during decomposition. Both content of nitrogen and fungal biomass increased during decomposition. Enzyme activites peaked...

Populační struktura zlatohlávka tmavého Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761) a fylogeneze rodu Oxythyrea Mulsant, 1842 / Population structure of flower chafer Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761) and phylogeny of the genus Oxythyrea Mulsant, 1842

Vondráček, Dominik January 2012 (has links)
Eleven species are distinguished in the genus Oxythyrea Mulsant, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) nowadays. They are not divided into subspecies. Diversity of the genus is concentrated in the Mediterranean and Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761) inhabit a wide area in the western Palearctic Region. It was observed in last decades, that O. funesta retreated from central Europe to south and then recolonized it back including new areas in northern regions. Master thesis is focused on resolving population structure of O. funesta and partial phylogeny of the genus Oxythyrea using molecular genetic methods. 145 individuals of O. funesta and 15 individuals of five other species of the genus Oxythyrea appear in analysis. We acquired sequences of mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I (807 bp), cytochrome b (381 bp) and nuclear gene internal transcribed spacer 1 (946 bp) from these specimens. The results of phylogenetic analysis confirmed so far the only one existing interpretation of relationships within the genus Oxythyrea based on morphological data. We also confirmed complicated relationships between O. funesta and O. pantherina, which also appear in the historical development of their taxonomy. We detected different genetic lineage in Sicily, southern Italy and Tunisia using phylogenetic trees and haplotype...

Charakterizace společenstva hub, podílejícího se na rozkladu opadu v jehličnatých lesích Národního parku Šumava / Charakterizace společenstva hub, podílejícího se na rozkladu opadu v jehličnatých lesích Národního parku Šumava

Žifčáková, Lucia January 2012 (has links)
Understanding of carbon cycling in coniferous forests that represent a large carbon sink is crucial for our understanding of natural processes under global climate change. Recognition of fungi as fundamental decomposers can contribute to this understanding. Fungi are able to decompose numbers of substrates and possess a variety of enzymes to do so In this study I present litter decomposing fungi in mountain spruce forest from national park Šumava. The aim of my thesis was to follow succession and community changes of fungi from the early stages of decomposition of Picea abies needles until degradation of organic matter in the organic horizon of the soil. This aim was accomplished partly by recording the extracellular enzyme production of fungi in different stages of decomposition from needles attached to the twigs of a fallen tree to a litter material in later stages of decomposition on the soil surface. In addition to testing of fungi on their natural substrata - needle litter, enzyme activities were also measured in laboratory agar cultures, which allow comparison of diverse fungi with different origins. Enzyme activities were aimed at enzymes decomposing cellulose and compounds found in litter. Although ecology of endophytic and saprothrophic fungi suggest differences in enzyme production, these...

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