Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interpersonal conflict"" "subject:"interpersonal konflict""
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Conflict Resolution Strategies in Young Children: Do They Do What They Say?Leventhal, Julie Erin 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined the consistency between verbal responses to hypothetical conflict scenarios and the actual conflict resolutions techniques children apply in everyday play. Twenty-one children were interviewed and observed in order to determine their conflict resolution strategies. During the interview process, each child was asked to finish 6 hypothetical conflict scenarios. During the observation portion, each child was observed in 2 conflict scenarios. Significant (p < .05) differences were found with regards to verbal responses for 3 scenarios, verbal and behavioral responses of females (females exhibited more socially acceptable conflict resolution strategies in their verbal responses, yet less socially acceptable conflict resolution strategies in their behavioral responses), and socially acceptable responses to conflict in verbal strategies. Results were discussed in light of previous research comparing gender differences and peer relationships to conflict resolution strategies.
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Testing and Expanding an Emotion-Centered Model of Workplace Aggression: The Moderating Effects of Perceived Intensity and Social Support in the WorkplaceAllen, Josh 18 June 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the mediating effects of job-related negative emotions on the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes. Additionally, the moderating effects of workplace social support and intensity of workplace aggression are considered. A total 321 of working individuals participated through an online survey. The results of this thesis suggest that job-related negative emotions are a mediator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, with full and partial mediation supported. Workplace social support was found to be a buffering variable in the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes, regardless of the source of aggression (supervisor or co-worker) or the source of the social support. Finally, intensity of aggression was found to be a strong moderator of the relationship between workplace aggression and outcomes.
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Challenging the boundaries of academic discourseWilliams, Charles Henry 01 January 2000 (has links)
This thesis suggests other ways of helping students resist blind submission to the discourse of the university. The primary objective is to discuss meaningful ways of transforming composition classrooms into counter hegemonic cultural environments where students can critically examine the complications of cultural dynamics and power relations within the communication process.
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Men's ambivalence toward sexy versus traditional womenWheeler, Melissa Yuki 01 January 2001 (has links)
This thesis examines ambivalent attitudes toward sexy and traditional women.
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Coparenting/Divorce education: A program evaluationMaline, Sandra Kay 01 January 2003 (has links)
The study conducted, sought to assess the effectiveness of an established divorce education program in reducing parental conflict and increasing cooperative coparenting relationships among former spouses and also to assess the participant satisfaction with the program's format.
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Impact of foster care on Hispanic/Latino foster mothers' marital relationshipCopenhaguen, Mario David 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of foster care services on Hispanic/Latino foster mothers' marital relationship.
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Cultural fluency in the eye of the storm : a mediation case studyBinder, Heidi A. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The eye of the storm is the calm center amidst chaos where, metaphorically speaking, mediators often begin their work. Recent research has advocated for a more holistic, relational, culturally inclusive approach to the mediation process. Such an approach requires conflict fluency as well as cultural fluency for effective mediation. This thesis explores how the intervention strategies of mediation may be enhanced through increased cultural understanding. Current theories of intercultural conflict transformation and intercultural communication are reviewed. Conflict fluency is understood through a mediation perspective. Cultural fluency is understood through cultural identity, cultural values, communication styles, and conflict styles.
A case study follows the theoretical review of the literature. In this case study, a small community mediation center illustrates what is happening in the field today regarding the relationship between culture and conflict. The case study involves a 6 holistic analysis of the organization, seeking to understand intercultural competence at all levels. This includes an analysis of keystone materials, a survey of mediators, Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) results, and interviews with mediators as well as organizational leadership.
The thesis concludes with a list of recommendations that may be useful to this community mediation center as well as other similar organizations. Amongst these recommendations are potentially useful training items such as intercultural conflict styles, critical moment dialogues, and other intercultural tools designed to increase mediator competence in intercultural communication.
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Medling av interpersonella konflikter på Arbetsplatsen : – en litteraturstudie / Mediation of interpersonal workplaceconflicts : – A Literature ReviewAdler, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Litteraturstudien undersöker hur medling fungerar som verktyg för att lösa interpersonellakonflikter på arbetsplatser samt hur empowerment påverkar de berörda parterna. Medling innebär att en eller flera neutrala parter assisterar de tvistande parterna att nå en överenskommelse. Litteraturstudien omfattar forskning publicerad mellan 2003 och 2022.Syftet är att undersöka upplevelserna av professionell medling i interpersonella konflikter på arbetsplatser samt hur medling fungerar för att lösa dessa konflikter. Litteraturstudien byggerpå systematisk genomgång av vetenskapliga artiklar där relevanta artiklar har analyserats genom tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att medling har möjligheter att förebygga konflikter och hjälpa parterna att lösa dessa konflikter. Medlingsprocessen ger individen en känsla av handlingsutrymme och makt då de tvistande parterna gemensamt arbetar fram lösningar på konflikten. Kritiken mot medling tar upp dess svårigheter att hantera maktobalanser. Medling kan maskera organisatoriska problem på arbetsplatsen och riskerar att underminera formella rättsprocesser när sådana skulle behövas.Slutsatserna av litteraturstudien är att medling har potentialen att fungera som ett verktyg för empowerment i interpersonella konflikter på arbetsplatser, men måste användas medmedvetenhet om dess begränsningar och risker.
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Good fences make good neighbours : a qualitative, interpretive study of human–baboon and human–human conflict on the Cape PeninsulaTerblanche, Renelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Picturesque Cape Town is the epitome of an urban/nature interface but one within which
chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) face slander for transgressing both the socially constructed
human/animal and nature/culture divide, and/or the actual, physical borderlines associated with
these divides. The difficulties associated with retaining baboons in nature, because of their ability to
traverse physical boundaries, have led to human–baboon conflict. Even though research focusing on
baboon biology on the Cape Peninsula is abundant, comparatively little attention has been paid to
the human aspects of the conflict. By making use of a social constructionist theoretical framework, I
wished to establish what attitudes and values play a defining role in different social constructions of
chacma baboons, specifically those who often cross the urban/nature divide; what these different
social constructions are; whether they differ among the various stakeholders that were included in
this research; and whether there is a willingness amongst stakeholders to adjust to, accommodate, or
at least understand “other” social constructions. The research is strongly motivated by a suggestion
in the literature that human–human conflict underpins human–wildlife conflict.
The main data collection method used in this research project was personal, semi-structured
interviews with members of various stakeholder groups that are involved in the Cape Peninsula’s
“baboon debate”, i.e. governmental institutions, nongovernmental organisations, researchers,
representatives of residential associations, local residents and journalists. In order to increase the
trustworthiness of my data and to gain an enhanced understanding of the complex social
interactions, practices and belief systems which are embedded within human–baboon conflicts, I
also analysed the discourse embedded in numerous forms of documentation that refer to the Cape
Peninsula’s baboons.
The findings from this research provide evidence that conflicts over beliefs and values,
conflicts of interest, and conflicts over process are the prominent underlying causes of human–
human conflict regarding baboons and baboon management on the Cape Peninsula. Conflicts over
beliefs and values seem to underpin all types of human–human conflict regarding baboons on the
Cape Peninsula, as human–baboon conflict is riddled with the Cartesian dualisms of urban (or
culture) versus nature; human versus animal; biocentrism versus anthropocentrism; and rationalism
versus affective social action. The opposition between the two ontologies of rationalism and
affective social action, which reflect divergent ways of thinking about baboons and are central to
individual’s support of certain baboon-management techniques, is especially pronounced.
Moreover, the ability of the Cape Peninsula’s baboons to transgress the nature/culture, and even the
human/animal, borderline not only leads to conflict between humans and baboons, but also among
This thesis recommends that, in order to effectively address human–human conflict over
beliefs and values, as well as human–baboon conflict, the numerous stakeholders on the Cape
Peninsula should identify a common significance of baboons. While I would refrain from declaring
that human–human conflict is the actual source of human–baboon conflict, addressing the human
dimensions of human–wildlife conflict remains an important though neglected issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skilderagtige Kaapstad is die toonbeeld van ’n stedelike/natuur skeidingsvlak, maar een
waarbinne die Kaapse bobbejane (Papio ursinus) beswadder word, omdat hulle die sosiaalgekonstrueerde
mens/dier en natuur/kultuur skeidslyn en/of die werklike, fisiese grens wat met
hierdie skeidslyn geassosieer is, skend. As gevolg van hul vermoë om fisiese grense te oorkruis, het
die probleme met die inperking van bobbejane in die natuur tot mens–bobbejaan konflik gelei.
Ondanks die feit dat navorsing met die fokus op bobbejaan-biologie op die Kaapse Skiereiland
volop is, is relatief min aandag geskenk aan die menslike aspekte van die konflik. Deur gebruik te
maak van ’n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese teoretiese raamwerk, wou ek vasstel watter ingesteldhede
en waardes ’n bepalende rol speel in verskillende sosiale konstruksies van Kaapse bobbejane, veral
diegene wat dikwels die stedelike/natuur skeidingsvlak oorkruis; wat hierdie verskillende sosiale
konstruksies is; of hulle verskil tussen die verskeie rolspelers wat ingesluit is in hierdie
navorsingsprojek; en of daar ’n bereidwilligheid is onder belanghebbendes om aan te pas by
“ander” sosiale konstruksies, dit tegemoet te kom, of ten minste te verstaan. Die navorsing is sterk
gemotiveer deur ’n voorstel in die literatuur dat mens–mens konflik mens–wildlewe konflik
Die hoof data-insamelingsmetode wat in hierdie navorsingsprojek gebruik is, was persoonlike,
semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met lede van verskillende belanghebbende groepe wat betrokke is
in die Kaapse Skiereiland se “bobbejaandebat”, d.w.s regeringsinstellings, nieregeringsorganisasies,
navorsers, verteenwoordigers van residensiële verenigings, plaaslike
inwoners en joernaliste. Ten einde die betroubaarheid van my data te versterk en om ’n beter begrip
te ontwikkel van die ingewikkelde sosiale interaksies, praktyke en oortuigings wat ingebed is in
mens–bobbejaan konflikte, het ek ook die diskoers ontleed wat ingebed is in talle vorme van
dokumentasie wat verwys na die Kaapse Skiereiland se bobbejane.
Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing verskaf bewyse dat konflikte oor oortuigings en
waardes, konflikte van belang, en konflikte oor prosesse die prominente onderliggende oorsake van
mens–mens konflik rakende bobbejane en bobbejaanbestuur op die Kaapse Skiereiland is. Konflikte
oor oortuigings en waardes blyk onderliggend te wees aan alle vorme van mens–mens konflik ten
opsigte van bobbejane in die Kaapse Skiereiland, aangesien mens–bobbejaan konflik deurtrek is
met die Cartesiese dualismes van stedelike (of kultuur) teenoor die natuur; mens teenoor dier;
biosentrisme teenoor antroposentrisme; en rasionalisme teenoor affektiewe sosiale aksie. Die
teenoorgesteldheid tussen die twee ontologieë van rasionalisme en affektiewe sosiale aksie, wat
uiteenlopende maniere van dink oor bobbejane weerspieël en sentraal is tot individue se
ondersteuning van sekere bobbejaanbestuurtegnieke, is veral ooglopend. Verder lei die vermoë van
die Kaapse Skiereiland se bobbejane om die natuur/kultuur en selfs die mens/dier grenslyn te
oorkruis, nie slegs tot konflik tussen mense en bobbejane nie, maar ook tussen mense.
Hierdie tesis beveel aan dat, ten einde mens–mens konflik rakende oortuigings en waardes,
asook mens–bobbejaan konflik, aan te spreek, moet die talle belanghebbendes in die Kaapse
Skiereiland ’n gemeenskaplike betekenis van bobbejane identifiseer. Terwyl ek myself sou weerhou
om te verklaar dat mens–mens konflik die wesenlike bron van mens–bobbejaan konflik is, bly die
menslike dimensies van mens–wildlewe konflik ’n belangrike, dog verwaarloosde kwessie
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Interpersonella konflikter på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om verksamma arbetstagares upplevda interpersonella konflikterKarlsson, Felicia, Schloenzig, Rebecka, Torstensson, Mathilda January 2019 (has links)
Background: Interpersonal conflict may have a significant impact in organizations since blue collar-workers can spend time and effort on other things then their main duties. This can lead to less profitability for the organizations, that is why this is something worth exploring. Previous studies shows that many factors work together to create interpersonal conflicts between blue collar-workers. The purpose of this study was to examine if interpersonal conflicts has any significant correlation with interpersonal relations, experienced supervisor support, well-being, age and years in the workplace and if there is any gender differences. Methodology: This study was implemented on 67 blue-collar workers (42 men and 25 women) from five different organizations in the south of Sweden. To examine the result this study used a survey. The survey had three demographic questions: gender, age and years in the workplace. Four validated questionnaires was used as instruments to measure if interpersonal conflicts had any correlation with the examined variables: Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale (ICAWS), Interpersonal Conflict in Organization Scale (ICOS), Social Support Scale (SSS) and Job-related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS) Result: The result showed that interpersonal conflicts had a significant correlation with interpersonal relationships, experienced supervisor support, well-being and years at workplace. The result showed that interpersonal conflicts had no significant correlation with age. The gender differences were further tested in the variables but did not find any statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The result of this study confirms that interpersonal conflicts correlates with interpersonal relations, experienced supervisor support, well-being and years in the workspace. / Bakgrund: Interpersonella konflikter kan ha stor betydelse för en organisation eftersom verksamma arbetstagare tid och prestation kan läggas på annat och ta fokus från deras huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter. Detta kan i sin tur leda till lägre lönsamhet för organisationer och är därför intressant att undersöka. Tidigare studier har visat att det finns många faktorer som samspelar för att en interpersonell konflikt ska uppstå verksamma arbetstagare emellan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om interpersonella konflikter har ett samband med interpersonella relationer, upplevt ledarskapsstöd, välmående, ålder och år på arbetsplatsen samt om det finns en könsskillnad. Metod: Studien genomfördes på 67 verksamma arbetstagare (män 42 och kvinnor 25) från fem olika företag i en mindre stad i södra Sverige. Studien använde tre demografiska frågor: kön, ålder och år på arbetsplatsen. Fyra validerade test användes som mätinstrument för att undersöka om interpersonella konflikter hade ett samband med ovanstående faktorer, Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale (ICAWS), Interpersonal Conflict in Organization Scale (ICOS), Social Support Scale (SSS) och Job-related Affective Well-Being Scale (JAWS). Resultat: Resultatet visade att interpersonella konflikter har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med interpersonella relationer, upplevt ledarskapsstöd, välmående och år på arbetsplatsen. Inget statistiskt signifikant samband hittades mellan interpersonella konflikter och ålder. Vidare testades ifall det fanns några könsskillnader inom de olika faktorerna, men inga statistiskt signifikanta könsskillnader hittades. Slutsats: Resultatet bekräftar att interpersonella konflikter har ett samband med interpersonella relationer, upplevt ledarskapsstöd, välmående och år på arbetsplatsen
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