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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stimulating intrinsic motivation: Brain-based pedagogy for the second-language writing classroom

Kucia-Stauder, Kristin Marie 01 January 2006 (has links)
Examines how the cognitive and biological perspectives of Intrinsic Motivation (IM) could collaboratively engage second language (L2) students in the university writing classroom. Brain-structures and body systems specifically associated with intrinsic motivation are detailed, and brain-based learning strategies are outlined. Concludes with a sample application for the university writing classroom that reflects a brain-based approach to L2 learning.

Skäl till att små och medelstora företag arbetar med hållbarhet : en kvalitativ studie utifrån ett ekonomiskt, legalt, etiskt och filantropiskt perspektiv

Jovanovic, Andrea, Stjernbecker, Elina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka små och medelstora företags skäl till att arbeta med hållbarhet ochstudien utgår ifrån ett ekonomisk, legalt, etiskt och filantropiskt perspektiv. Som utgångspunkt har lagarangående hållbarhetsrapportering, frivilliga standarder och den teoretiska referensramen använts.Teorierna som används är intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, Carrolls (1991) CSR-pyramid samt Grimstad et al. (2020) Strukturmodell. För att undersöka studiens syfte används semistruktureradeintervjuer där fyra företag som arbetar med hållbarhet eller hållbarhetsrapporterar intervjuas. Sedanpresenteras den insamlade empirin för att därefter analyseras och diskuteras. I analysen jämfördesföretagens svar utifrån perspektiven med hjälp av teorierna. En slutsats som studien antyder är attföretagen visade på starkast ekonomiska skäl för att arbeta med hållbarhet. Vidare visar studien att etiskaskäl är det som har näst mest påverkan på små och medelstora företag. Slutligen tyder studien på attlegala och filantropiska skäl förekommer lika ofta men att företagen gör fler filantropiska handlingar vilketgör att det filantropiska perspektivet har större koppling till CSR enligt studiens resultat. Studiens förstabidrag är ett teoretiskt bidrag som bidrar till vidare teori och det kan hjälpa vägleda vid fortsatta studier.Vidare bidrar studien med ett empiriskt bidrag som ger nya djupare insikter till skäl som små ochmedelstora företag kan ha angående varför företagen väljer att arbeta med hållbarhet. Slutligen görstudien ett mindre praktiskt bidrag som antyder att små och medelstora företag inte känner press att blipåverkade av framtida lagkrav. / The purpose of the study is to explore small and medium sized enterprises' reasons for working withsustainability and the study is based on an economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic perspective. Thestudy uses laws concerning sustainability reporting, voluntary standards and the theoretical framework asbasis for conducting the study. The theories used were, stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, Carroll’s(1991) the pyramid of CSR and Grimstad el at. (2020) structural model. To research the study’s purposea semi-structured interview method is used and four companies that either work with sustainability or CSRreport where interviewed. Thereafter the study's empirical data was presented and then analyzed. In theanalysis the companies answers were compared through the perspectives and with help of the theories.One conclusion is that the company's show most economic reasons for working with sustainability.Furthermore, the findings show that ethical reasons are the second largest impacting aspect for SME.Lastly the study suggests that legal and philanthropic reasons occur a similar amount of times butcompanies perform more philanthropic activities which means that the philanthropic perspective has agreater impact in relation to CSR. The study’s first contribution is a theoretical contribution that expandsand helps guide future studies. Furthermore, the study’s empirical contribution gives new deeper insightsinto the reasons SME can have for working with sustainability. Lastly the study makes a smaller practicalcontribution that suggests that SMEs do not feel impacted from future legal requirements.

Intrinsic Properties and Ion Channels Contributing to Dual Frequency Oscillations

Snyder, Ryan Richard 22 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Williams, Matthew Anthony 09 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Space and its dis-contents : new directions for intrinsicality, substance and dimensionality

Walker-Dale, Heather January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines key areas in ontology through the intersection of metaphysics and physics. I argue that modern physics gives us good cause to look for new metaphysical models in place of the classical conceptions of ‘object' and ‘space'. Part I addresses the object in itself, wherein I argue that physics, along with various philosophical concerns, encourages us to re-evaluate the intrinsic/ extrinsic distinction in favour of new classifications. In particular, I use conclusions of relativity theory and the acquisition of mass via the Higgs field as indications of the inadequacy of intrinsicality, concluding that the distinction is more trouble than it is worth. Part II examines the intersection of objects and space, wherein I criticise substantivalism and promote singular fundamental ontologies like relationalism and supersubstantivalism. I examine phenomena like spatial expansion and field theory as well as separability issues more generally to emphasise the lack of rationale for a substance dualism of ‘object material' and ‘space material'. I also challenge the coherence of substantivalism's ‘occupation relation' and the ease of interpreting mathematical models into physical terms. I conclude that, again, the classical notion of ‘object' and its substantival framework are misplaced and should be put aside in favour of developing monistic ontologies. Part III looks at space in itself and the properties commonly attributed to it. I explore issues of separability using key experiments, and what makes spaces ‘physically real', before an extended examination of dimensions and dimensionality, highlighting the confusion physicists express toward such a ubiquitous concept in modern physical theories. I also explore how we use dimensions and reasons for adopting realist or instrumentalist approaches toward them, arguing that much more work should be focused on this area. I conclude with ways in which physics motivates new metaphysical models and suggest improvements for future methodological partnerships.

Order under the guise of chaos: functional neuroanatomy of the somatosensory "barrel" cortex of the reeler mutant mouse

Guy, Julien 01 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Inre motivation kopplat till empowerment som ledningsprincip : En kvalitativ studie på ett konsultföretag med en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur

Kjellgren, Sara, Briding, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Allt sedan insikten om att de anställdas produktivitet är ett resultat av hur pass motiverade de är har teorier utvecklats i syfte att förklara vad som motiverar dem. Tidigare forskning har utvecklat dessa teorier, vilka visar hur en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur, där ansvaret är fördelat och sprider sig i en horisontell riktning, tenderar att öka den inre motivationen. Forskning visar också hur företag som tillämpar empowerment som ledningsprincip, där medarbetarna blir bemyndigade att självständigt ansvara över sitt arbetssätt påverkar de anställda att känna inre motivation. Det har även visat sig att organisationens struktur och ledningsprincip har en större påverkan när arbetstagarna har en utbildning eller är professionella och kunniga, då dessa personer tenderar att starkare drivas av inre motivation. Då en väsentlig del av detta forskningsområde endast är baserat på kvantitativa studier är denna kvalitativa studie ämnad till att bidra med en djupare kunskap. Genom att utföra en fallstudie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer som metod på ett företag som definierar sig själva som en platt organisation med empowerment som ledningsprincip, är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för hur en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur med empowerment som ledningsprincip är kopplat till medarbetarnas inre motivation. Vidare har studien till syfte att lyfta fram nya betydande begrepp inom detta område. Utifrån den teori som ligger till grund för studien har nyckelbegrepp plockats ut som andra relevanta teorier även gör anspråk på. Dessa teorier tillsammans med tidigare forskning binds samman till en egenutvecklad modell där också nya begrepp behandlas. Vad resultatet visar är att den decentraliserade organisationsstrukturen ger stora förutsättningar för att kunna tillämpa empowerment som ledningsprincip vilket bidrar till att medarbetarna upplever empowerment och inre motivation. Vad som även är genomgående för studiens resultat är att de utvalda begreppen, medarbetarskap och organisationskommunikation har en betydande påverkan på samtliga nyckelbegrepp. Den egenutvecklade modellen med dess utvalda begrepp illustrerar hur empowerment som ledningsprincip leder till inre motivation. Vad som ytterligare behandlats i studien är hur ledningen i företag som tillämpar empowerment som ledningsprincip, tar tillvara och tillfredsställer medarbetarskapet, samt upprätthåller en god organisationskommunikation för att få bästa möjliga utfall när det kommer till inre motivation. Detta är något som vidare forskning inom detta område kan ta i beaktning. / All since the realization that productivity is a result of how motivated employees are, theories have evolved to explain what motivates them. Prior research claims these theories, and shows how a decentralized organizational structure, where responsibility is shared and spread in a horizontal direction, tends to increase the intrinsic motivation. Research also shows how companies applying empowerment as a management principle, which means that the employees are empowered to work independently and be responsible about their work, contributes the employees to feel intrinsic motivation. Research also shows that organizational structure and management policy has a greater impact when employees have an education, are professional and knowledgeable, as these people tend to be stronger driven by internal motivation. As an essential part of this area of research is only based on quantitative studies, this qualitative study intended to contribute to a deeper knowledge than what previous studies have succeeded. By doing a case study of a company that defines itself as a flat organization with empowerment as a management policy, the purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how a decentralized organizational structure with empowerment as a management policy is linked to employees' intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, the study aims to highlight new important concepts in this area. Based on the theory underlying the study, key concepts have been picked out that other relevant theories also claims. These theories along with previous research are linked together into a proprietary model with the new concepts taken into consideration. What the results shows is that the decentralized organizational structure has given great conditions for the application of empowerment as a management policy which has helped employees experience psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation. What also pervade the result of the study is that the new highlighted concepts, teamwork and organizational communication has a significant impact on all key concepts. This shows how the proprietary model with all the selected concepts has a decisive role in how empowerment as a management policy leads to intrinsic motivation. What is further treated in this study is whether the management of the companies that applies empowerment as a management policy, takes advantage of and satisfy the teamwork, as well as maintaining a good organizational communication to get the best possible outcomes when it comes to intrinsic motivation. This is something that further research in this area should take into account.

Systematic approaches to overcoming limitations of MAPK pathway inhibition in melanoma

Konieczkowski, David Joseph 10 October 2015 (has links)
Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive, incurable cancer with historically few therapeutic options. The discovery that 60% of melanomas harbor the oncogenic BRAF_V600E mutation, which constitutively activates the MAPK pathway, has provided a promising new therapeutic axis. Although MAPK pathway inhibitor therapy has shown striking clinical results in BRAF_V600-mutant melanoma, this approach faces three limitations. First, 10-20% of BRAF_V600-mutant melanomas never achieve meaningful response to MAPK pathway inhibitor therapy (intrinsic resistance). Second, among BRAF_V600-mutant melanomas initially responding to MAPK pathway inhibitor therapy, relapse is universal (acquired resistance). Third, approximately 40% of melanomas lack BRAF_V600 mutations and so are not currently candidates for MAPK pathway inhibitor therapy. We sought to address each of these problems: by characterizing the phenomenon of intrinsic MAPK pathway inhibitor resistance, by finding ways to perturb mechanisms of acquired MAPK pathway inhibitor resistance, and by identifying novel dependencies in melanoma outside of the MAPK pathway. Intriguingly, the NF-kappa B pathway emerged as a common theme across these investigations. In particular, we establish that MAPK pathway inhibitor sensitive and resistant melanomas display distinct transcriptional signatures. Unlike most BRAF_V600-mutant melanomas, which highly express the melanocytic lineage transcription factor MITF, MAPK pathway inhibitor resistant lines display low MITF expression but high levels of NF-kappa B signaling. These divergent transcriptional states, which arise in melanocytes from aberrant MAPK pathway activation by BRAF_V600E, remain plastic and mutually antagonistic in established melanomas. Together, these results characterize a dichotomy between MITF and NF-kappa B cellular states as a determinant of intrinsic sensitivity versus resistance to MAPK pathway inhibitors in BRAF_V600-mutant melanoma. In separate investigations, we have shown that, NFKB1 p105, a member of the NF-kappa B family, intimately regulates levels of COT, a known effector of resistance to MAPK pathway inhibitors. Moreover, we have used shRNA screening to nominate particular nodes within the NF-kappa B pathway, including MYD88 and IRF3, as candidate melanoma lineage-specific dependencies. Cumulatively, although these studies use diverse approaches to investigate the limitations of MAPK pathway inhibitor therapy in melanoma, they converge in nominating the NF-kappa B pathway as a previously underappreciated feature of melanoma biology and suggest the relevance of this pathway for future investigation.

Läsundervisning på mellanstadiet : En studie om svensklärares arbete och förutsättningar att stimulera elevers läsglädje

Nässén, Malin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to study how teachers develop pupils' motivation to read. Using qualitative interviews, three Swedish middle school teachers describe their experiences regarding pupils' motivation to read. They comment on how they attempt to stimulate motivation and the conditions and circumstances they experience while carrying out their work. As a basis for the teacher interviews, their pupils completed a web based survey about how they value reading as an activity and how they see themselves as readers. An analysis of the interviews raises several issues for discussion: pupils have different needs, good readers are described through their abilities, not through their experiences or reading habits, and teachers feel they can be limited to implement the teaching they think is necessary to promote reading abilities. The discussion of these results will consider the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and consider who is responsible for motivating pupils to read. / SoSyfoftotetot momedod exoxamomenonsosarorbobetotetot äror atottot sostotudoderora hohuror lolärorarore arorbobetotaror foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja elolevoverorsos loläsosmomototivovatotionon. GoGenonomom kokvovalolitotatotivova inontoterorvovjojueror bobesoskokrorivoveror totrore sosvovenonsoskoklolärorarore popå momelollolanonsostotadodietot sosinona erorfofarorenonhohetoteror ocochoh arorbobetote foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosmomototivovatotionon, sosamomtot dode foförorutotsosätottotnoninongogaror dode upoppoplolevoveror atottot dode hoharor foföror atottot gogenonomomfoförora sosådodanon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog. SoSomom unondoderorlolagog totilollol lolärorarorinontoterorvovjojuerornona bobesosvovaroraror doderorasos elolevoveror enon wowebobbobasoseroradod enonkokätot omom hohuror dode vovärordoderoraror loläsosnoninongog sosomom akoktotivovitotetot ocochoh hohuror dode soseror popå sosigog sosjojälolvova sosomom loläsosarore. Anonalolysosenon avov inontoterorvovjojuerornona lolyfoftoteror etottot foflolerortotalol fofrorågogoror foföror dodisoskokusossosionon: elolevoveror hoharor ololikoka bobehohovov, gogododa loläsosarore bobesoskokrorivovsos vovia foförormomågogoror ocochoh inontote loläsosinontotroresossose elolloleror loläsosvovanonoror, ocochoh lolärorarornona momenonaror atottot dode kokanon kokänonnona sosigog bobegogroränonsosadode atottot gogenonomomfoförora dodenon unondoderorvovisosnoninongog dode totycockokeror äror nonödodvovänondodigog foföror atottot fofrorämomjoja loläsosutotvovecockoklolinongog. DoDisoskokusossosiononenon avov roresosuloltotatotetot rorefoflolekoktoteroraror övoveror inonrore ocochoh ytottotrore momototivovatotionon ocochoh vovemom sosomom äror anonsosvovarorigog foföror atottot momototivoverora elolevoveror totilollol loläsosnoninongog.

Calcium-mediated change in neuronal intrinsic excitability in weakly electric fish: biasing mechanisms of homeostatis for those of plasticity

George, Andrew Anthony 20 August 2010 (has links)
Although the processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating neural information have been extensively studied at the synaptic level far less attention has been given to the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to change in the intrinsic excitability of neurons. More importantly, how do these mechanisms of plasticity integrate with ongoing mechanisms of regulation of neural intrinsic excitability and, in turn, homeostasis of entire neural circuits? In this dissertation I describe the underlying mechanisms that contribute to persistent neural activity and, more globally, sensorimotor adaptation using weakly electric fish as my model system. Weakly electric fish have evolved a behavior adaptation known as the jamming avoidance response (JAR), and it is this adaptation that allows the organism to elevate its own electrical discharge in response to intraspecific interactions and subsequent distortions of the animal’s electric field. The elevation operates over a wide range and in vivo can last tens of hours upon cessation of a jamming stimulus. I demonstrate that the underlying mechanisms of the adaptation are mediated by calcium-dependent signaling in the pacemaker nucleus and that calcium-mediated phosphorylation plays an important role in the regulation of the long-term frequency elevation (LTFE). I demonstrate using an in vitro brain slice preparation from the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus that the engram of memory formation depends on the cooperativity of calcium-dependent protein kinases and protein phosphatases. In addition, I show that the memory formation (in the form of LTFE) does not depend on the continued flux of calcium, but rather the phosphorylation events downstream of NMDA receptor activation. Moreover, I describe the differences in the expression of protein phosphatases and protein kinases as they relate to species-specific differences in sensorimotor adaptation. It is important to note that this is the first time that the cooperativity between different isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) have been shown to play a role in graded long-term change in neuronal activity and, in turn, providing the neural basis of species-specific behavior. The neural adaptation of the electromotor system in weakly electric fish provides an excellent model system to study the underlying cellular and molecular events of vertebrate memory formation. / text

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