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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The decline of Fowler's Toad (Bufo fowleri) in southern Louisiana: molecular genetics, field experiments and landscape studies

Vogel, Laura Sanders 08 August 2007 (has links)
Two of the most pervasive threats to species biodiversity are invasive species and habitat loss and degradation. Invasive species are often relatively insensitive to disturbance and many expand their range into disturbed and fragmented habitats. This dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach to investigate how anthropogenic habitat disturbance is precipitating a range expansion in an invasive toad species, Bufo nebulifer, which is driving a decline in its native congener, B. fowleri. I employed a remote sensing and GIS study using historical data to compare changes in the two species distributions and habitat changes, a molecular genetic study to identify interspecific hybrids and their potential effects on the parental species, and an experimental ecology study to look at the effects of competition and predation on the two species. The results of the landscape level analyses of species' distributional changes in different disturbance levels showed that both species' distributions have changed significantly. The distributions of the two species are inversely affected by habitat disturbance; the distribution of B. fowleri in highly degraded habitat has contracted while the expansion of B. nebulifer increased substantially. The molecular genetic study successfully demonstrated the use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers to identify cryptic hybrids and their maternal lineage. Three hybrids were detected using nuclear introns and a morphologically cryptic hybrid was identified using mitochondrial DNA as the progeny of a cross that was previously thought to be inviable. Although relatively few hybrids were currently found, the identification of a cryptic hybrid implies that the rate of historical hybridization may have been drastically underestimated. Ecological studies showed that competition with B. nebulifer tadpoles had a negative effect on both body size measures and survival to metamorphosis for B. fowleri tadpoles. The addition of predators to experiment did not favor the survival of B. fowleri over B. nebulifer. Bufo fowleri's inability to compete with its invasive congener could be a driving mechanism for the decline of B. fowleri and the expansion of B. nebulifer. The methods discussed in this dissertation offer promising and practical new approaches for evaluating and managing changes in the distribution of species of conservation concern.

The origin and expansion of the eastern red fox

Kasprowicz, Adrienne Egge 13 May 2016 (has links)
When new populations are first identified in a region there are multiple potential sources: introduction of a non-native species, extra-range expansion of a nearby population, or demographic growth of a previously unnoticed species. Red foxes were absent or rare in the mid-eastern portion United States until the late 1800s. Their origins potentially include natural population increase/expansion, translocations from Europe, and, eventually, 20th century fur farming. In this study I attempt to identify the relative impact of native expansion versus human mediated introductions of both colonial era European foxes and early 20th century fur-farm foxes on the establishment of red foxes in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. I subsequently address the potential impacts of hybridization and nuclear introgression between previously separate sister taxa. Through analysis of mitochondrial DNA, I identified indigenous haplotypes, two European haplotypes, and fur-farm haplotypes; another set of haplotypes were potentially indigenous or native. In addition, I found European Y-chromosome haplotypes. Most European and fur-farm haplotypes were found near the densely human-populated coastal plain and Hudson River lowlands; most red foxes of the Appalachians and Piedmont had native eastern haplotypes. However, nuclear data does not support this division showing low genetic structure despite the broad geographic scale of our study area, attributable both to range expansion and admixture. Admixture has not had the same impact on the nuclear genome as it has in mitochondrial haplotypes leading to mito-nuclear discordance across the region. I also found evidence for differential patterns of expansion related to habitat. Specifically, the Appalachian Mountains acted as a corridor for gene flow from the northern native source into the southern Mid-Atlantic region

The effects of climate change and introduced species on tropical island streams

Frauendorf, Therese 01 August 2020 (has links)
Climate change and introduced species are among the top five threats to freshwater systems face. Tropical regions are considered to be especially sensitive to the effects of climate change, while island systems are more susceptible to species introductions. Climate-driven changes in rainfall are predicted to decrease streamflow and increase flash flooding in many tropical streams. In addition, guppies (Poecilia reticulata), an invasive fish, have been introduced to many tropical freshwater ecosystems, either intentionally for mosquito population control, or accidentally because of the aquarium trade. This dissertation examines the effects of climate-driven change in rainfall and introduced guppies on stream structure (resource and invertebrate biomass and composition) and function (nutrient recycling) in Trinidad and Hawaii. In the first data chapter we used a time series to examine how nutrient recycling of guppies changes in the first 6 years after introduction to a new habitat and to examine drivers of these changes. We found that when guppy populations establish in a new environment, they show considerable variation in nutrient recycling through time. This resulted from changes in guppy density in the first two years of introductions, and changes in individual excretion in subsequent stages. In the following chapter we utilized a rainfall gradient that mimics forecasted, climate-driven changes in precipitation and resulting changes in streamflow to examine the effects of climate change on stream food resources and macroinvertebrates. We found that the drying of streams across the gradient was associated with a decrease in resource quality and a 35-fold decline in macroinvertebrate biomass. Invertebrate composition also switched to taxa with faster turnover rates. In the third data chapter we used this same space-for-time substitution approach to determine if climate-driven changes in stream structure also affected stream function. We showed that population nutrient recycling rates declined at the drier end of our rainfall gradient as a result of drops in population densities. We also found that under the current climate scenario, community excretion supplied up to 70% of the nutrient demand, which was ten-fold lower with projected climate changes in streamflow. Lastly, since freshwater ecosystems often face multiple human impacts, including climate change and invasive species, we wanted to understand how climate-driven changes in flow might alter the impact of introduced guppies on stream ecosystems. We selected several streams with guppies and several without guppies along the Hawaii rainfall gradient to examine if the effect of guppies changed with differences in streamflow. We found that the two stressors had synergistic effects on macroinvertebrate biomass and nutrient recycling rates. We concluded that climate change appeared to enhance effects of guppies, through direct and indirect effects. Overall, this dissertation shows that both climate change and species invasion can affect stream ecosystems at multiple levels of organization. This dissertation demonstrates that the effects of anthropogenic stressors are not static through time, and emphasizes the need and utility of using several methodological approaches when measuring the temporal effects of stressors. We also underline the significance of assessing multiple stressor interactions, as more than one stressor often impacts ecosystems. / Graduate / 2019-09-01

Forest health economics : Management of forest pests and pathogens in conditions of global change / Économie de la santé des forêts : gestion des ravageurs et des pathogènes forestiers dans un contexte de changement global

Petucco, Claudio 04 July 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la détérioration de la santé des forêts a entraîné des épidémies fréquentes des ravageurs et pathogènes. Ces phénomènes menacent la capacité des forêts à fournir des biens et services écosystémiques à la société. Il est donc nécessaire de maintenir la santé des arbres et de réduire les effets des parasites et des agents pathogènes. Cette thèse considère trois problèmes de gestion du point de vue économique : l'invasion actuelle, l'invasion attendue d'un agent pathogène, et les attaques d'un parasite endémique. À partir de ces trois problèmes de gestion, la thèse vise à évaluer les impacts des ravageurs et des pathogènes forestiers et à informer sur la manière dont les ressources peuvent être réparties de façon optimale pour assurer la fourniture de biens et de services par la forêt à long terme.Les invasions biotiques ont un impact sur les prix des produits du bois du fait des chocs d'approvisionnement qui, à leur tour, influencent les choix de gestion forestière. Ceci permet d'introduire des effets de réaction entre les dynamiques écologiques et de marché. Le premier article vise à évaluer ces impacts en combinant un modèle d’équilibre partiel avec des modèles de diffusion spatiale et de mortalité, calibrés pour représenter le dépérissement du Frêne en France (causé par le pathogène Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). Les résultats montrent que les impacts dépendent généralement de la distribution des ressources, de la propagation du pathogène et de la structure du marché. On observe que les choix d’adaptation des gestionnaires forestiers (c'est-à-dire les choix de régénération et de récolte) sont une composante non négligeable de la perte de volume totale.Le deuxième article est axé sur la surveillance et le contrôle d’une invasion attendue. La surveillance et la détection précoce des espèces envahissantes sont importantes pour atténuer les dommages et réduire les coûts de contrôle. Dans le cas où plusieurs propriétaires sont concernés, l’effort de surveillance des propriétaires plus proches du point d'introduction n’est pas optimal, car il ne prend pas en compte les effets négatifs de l'invasion dans les propriétés voisines. Grâce à un jeu différentiel, combiné à un modèle épidémiologique, nous avons calculé la solution non coopérative et coopérative. Nous avons conçu un paiement monétaire pour soutenir la coopération en fonction d'une décomposition intertemporelle du système de négociation de Nash. Les résultats nous montrent que ce paiement garantit que l’accord entre les deux propriétaires est crédible et incitatif. Le modèle est calibré pour l’éventuelle invasion du nématode du pin (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) dans le Massif Landais.L'objectif principal du troisième article est d'adapter la gestion forestière aux perturbations biotiques et abiotiques. On combine le modèle classique de Faustmann avec un modèle dynamique de population de ravageurs et un modèle de tempête pour calculer l'âge de coupe optimale et le bénéfice actualisé en séquence infinie (BASI) pour différents scénarios de perturbations. Le modèle est appliqué aux dégâts de la chenille processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) dans les Landes. Nos résultats ont montré que les tempêtes ont tendance à réduire l'âge optimal de la récolte, alors que le parasite tend à l'augmenter. Les éclaircies augmentent la rentabilité et constituent une stratégie de couverture efficace contre les deux risques. Dans le troisième article, nous avons introduit une règle de décision cut-or-keep pour modéliser le problème du propriétaire forestier après une tempête. Ces implications en termes de gestion sont étudiées plus en détail dans le quatrième article. Notre règle de décision conduit à des gains plus élevés (dans environ 75% des cas) qu’en suivant la règle, généralement utilisée en économie, qui consiste à couper et à replanter les arbres survivants indépendamment du niveau de dégâts. / In recent decades, the deterioration of forest health resulted in frequent pests’ outbreaks and the diffuse pathogens’ presence. These phenomena threaten forests’ ability to supply ecosystem goods and services to the society. It is therefore necessary to maintain tree health and reduce pest’s and pathogen’s impacts. This thesis approaches three management problems from an economic perspective such as the current invasion and the incumbent invasion of a forest pathogen as well as the outbreaks of a native pest. Starting from these three pest and pathogen management problems, the thesis aims at assessing the impacts of forest pests and pathogens and, secondly, informing how resources can be optimally allocated for assuring the long-term provision of good and services.Pest and pathogens invasions have an impact on the prices of wood products via supply shocks, which, in turn, influence forest management choices, thus introducing feedback effects between market and ecological dynamics at a large scale. The first paper aims at evaluating these impacts by combining a recursive partial equilibrium model with spatial-explicit pathogen-spread and pathogen-induced mortality models calibrated to represent the ash dieback in France (caused by the pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). Results showed that impacts are not homogeneous across regions and generally depend on the resource distribution, pathogen spread and market structure. We observed that the behavioural adaptation of forest managers (i.e., regeneration and harvesting choices) is a non-negligible component of the total standing volume loss.The second paper focusses on monitoring and control of an incumbent invasion. Monitoring and early detection of invasive species is important to mitigate the damages and reduce the control costs. However, when multiple decision-makers are involved, the monitoring effort of frontier landowners (landowners closer to the introduction point) is suboptimal because it does not consider the negative impacts of the invasion spreading to neighbouring properties. Through a two-player differential game combined with an epidemiological compartmental model, we computed the non-cooperative and the cooperative solution. We designed a monetary payment to sustain cooperation based on an intertemporal decomposition of the Nash bargaining scheme. We showed that this payment assured time-consistent outcomes, meaning that the ex-ante agreement between the two landowners was credible and self-enforcing. The model was calibrated for the possible invasion of the pine wilt nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) in south-western France.In the last two papers, the analysis is downscaled from the landscape level to the stand level and concentrates on a native defoliator pest. The main objective of the third paper is to adapt forest management to biotic and abiotic disturbances. The classic Faustmann model was combined with a pest population model and a windstorm model to compute the optimal rotation age and the land expectation value (LEV) for different disturbances scenarios. The model was calibrated for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) plantations in south-western France and Pine Processionary Moth (PPM, Thaumetopoea pityocampa) cyclical outbreaks. Our results showed that storms tend to reduce the optimal harvest age, whereas PPM tends to increase it. Overall, the impact of PPM on the rotation length prevails and, here, risks increase rather than decrease the optimal rotation length. Thinnings increased profitability and constitute an effective hedging strategy against both risks. In the third paper, we introduced a cut-or-keep decision rule to model the forest owner problem after a storm event. Its economic and management implications are further investigated in the fourth paper. Unlike previous economic studies which assumed clearing and replanting regardless of the level of damages, the cut-or-keep condition led to higher payoffs in roughly 75% of the cases.

Utbredningen av den invasiva växten skunkkalla (Lysichiton americanus Hultén & St. John 1931) i Fylleån

Robak Enbratt, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Invasive alien species is one of the biggest threats to biodiversity worldwide. American Skunk-cabbage (Lysichiton americanus) is an invasive alien plant originating from North America. It has become naturalised in several European countries, including Sweden. American Skunk-cabbage is a threat to other plants as it forms dense stands and outcompetes native vegetation by shadowing. It is believed that the biggest population of Skunk-cabbage in Sweden is along Fylleån in Halland. The aim with this report is to map the distribution of Skunk-cabbage in a section of the stream and to examine different methods for control and eradication of the weed. A survey was performed along a section of the stream between the dates 30th April – 8th May 2019. The survey was executed from Ryaberg to Torsaberga (13 km). The search area was comparted into 6 locations. The highest point where Skunk-cabbage was found upstream in Fylleån was at location 6. A total of 4157 individual plants were found along a stretch of 6km and 34 km of the stream is believed to be affected by the invasion. A majority of the plants grows in marshland. Both mechanical and chemical control are used when eradicating Skunk-cabbage. The most common method is digging by hand. This is also the method that I recommend in the event of an eradication campaign in Fylleån. No eradication efforts will be performed in Fylleån during 2019 due to restricted economical resources. Different projects are under development for the purpose of future eradication of Skunk-cabbage in Halland. / Invasiva främmande arter är ett av de största hoten mot biodiversiteten globalt. Gul skunkkalla (Lysichiton americanus) är en invasiv främmande växt från Nordamerika. Arten är naturaliserad och etablerad i flera europeiska länder, däribland Sverige. Skunkkalla har en förmåga att konkurrera ut andra arter genom skuggning. Den bildar täta och stora bestånd och tränger på så vis undan annan växtlighet. Sveriges största bestånd av skunkkalla förmodas finnas längs med Fylleån i Hallands län. I bevarandeplanen för Natura 2000-området Fylleån finns en punkt om att man behöver ta ställning till de stora bestånden av skunkkalla i ån. Den här rapporten behandlar både utbredning och kartläggning av skunkkalla i en utvald del av Fylleån, samt bekämpningsmetoder för arten. Kartläggning av utbredningen har skett genom en inventering längs med ån. Inventeringen utfördes mellan Ryaberg och Torsaberga (13km) mellan datumen 30/4 – 8/5 2019. 4157 plantor av skunkkalla hittades längs en sträcka av 6km mellan Ryaberg och Fröbökekvarn. Fyndplatserna delades in i 6 lokaler. Lokal 6 är den högsta fyndplatsen av skunkkalla i Fylleåns lopp. 3,4 mil av ån bedöms vara påverkad av invasionen. Den vanligaste växtplatsen längs med ån bedöms vara sumpmark. I bekämpning av skunkkalla använder sig av både mekanisk och kemisk bekämpning. Den vanligaste använda bekämpningsmetoden visade sig vara bortgrävning för hand. Det är också den metoden jag förespråkar vid en eventuell utrotning i Fylleån. På grund av brist på ekonomiska resurser kommer inte någon utrotning att ske i Fylleån 2019. Olika projekt är nu under konstruktion för framtida bekämpning i länet.

Genética de populações aplicada à  biologia da invasão: um panorama da invasão da rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus) / Population genetics applied to invasion biology: a panorama of the bullfrog invasion (Lithobates catesbeianus)

Cohen, Gabriel Jorgewich 15 March 2018 (has links)
Invasões biológicas tem um papel cada vez mais importante nas políticas ambientais, visto que espécies invasoras desempenham uma crescente influência sobre novos ambientes onde são introduzidas, podendo gerar grandes impactos naturais e financeiros. Estudos na área da biologia da invasão se fazem extremamente necessários para remediar e evitar novas introduções. Dentre as metodologias aplicadas ao estudo das invasões biológicas, a genética de populações apresenta diversas ferramentas uteis para responder perguntas relevantes nos esforços de controle de espécies invasoras. No presente trabalho usamos recursos moleculares aplicados à genética de populações da rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), o anfíbio invasor mais disseminado no planeta. Através deste estudo foi possível compreender mais sobre a estrutura genética das populações invasoras do Brasil e do mundo, além de seu histórico de invasão e sua população nativa de origem. Entender e contextualizar as características e motivos que levam ao sucesso de uma invasão biológica é importante para esforços de combate a pragas e para evitar que outros invasores se fixem em novos ambientes. Este trabalho levantou novos conhecimentos que podem e devem ser usados em políticas de combates à invasão da rã-touro / Biological invasions play an increasingly important role in environmental policies as invasive species represent a growing impact in new environments where they are introduced, potentially causing large natural and financial problems. Studies in the field of invasion biology are extremely necessary to remedy and prevent new introductions. Among the methodologies applied to the study of biological invasions, population genetics presents several useful tools to answer relevant questions in efforts to control invasive species. In the present work we used molecular resources applied to the genetics of populations of the American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), the most widespread invasive amphibian on the planet. Through this study it was possible to understand more about the genetic structure of the invasive populations in Brazil and in the world, and its history of invasion and its native population of origin. Understanding and contextualizing the characteristics and motives that lead to the success of a biological invasion is important for pest control efforts and to prevent other invaders from focusing on new environments. This work has raised new knowledge that can and should be used in policies to combat Bullfrog invasion

Genetic diversity and susceptibility to Vip3Aa20 protein in Brazilian populations of Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) / Diversidade genética e suscetibilidade à proteína Vip3Aa20 em populações brasileiras de Helicoverpa armigera e Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Leite, Natália Alves 12 April 2016 (has links)
Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was officially reported in Brazil in 2013. This species is closely related to Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and has caused significant crop damage in Brazil. The use of genetically modified crops expressing insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) has been one of the control tactics for managing these pests. Genetically modified maize expressing Vip3Aa20 was approved to commercial use in Brazil in 2009. Understanding the genetic diversity and the susceptibility to B. thuringiensis proteins in H. armigera and H. zea populations in Brazil are crucial for establishing Insect Resistance Management (IRM) programs in Brazil. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: (a) to infer demographic parameters and genetic structure of H. armigera and H. zea Brazil; (b) to assess the intra and interspecific gene flow and genetic diversity of H. armigera and H. zea; and (c) to evaluate the susceptibility to Vip3Aa20 protein in H. armigera and H. zea populations of Brazil. A phylogeographic analysis of field H. armigera and H. zea populations was performed using a partial sequence data from the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. H. armigera individuals were most prevalent on dicotyledonous hosts and H. zea individuals were most prevalent on maize crops. Both species showed signs of demographic expansion and no genetic structure. High genetic diversity and wide distribution were observed for H. armigera. A joint analysis indicated the presence of Chinese, Indian, and European lineages within the Brazilian populations of H. armigera. In the cross-species amplification study, seven microsatellite loci were amplified; and showed a potential hybrid offspring in natural conditions. Interespecific analyses using the same microsatellite loci with Brazilian H. armigera and H. zea in compare to the USA H. zea were also conducted. When analyses were performed within each species, 10 microsatellites were used for H. armigera, and eight for H. zea. We detected high intraspecific gene flow in populations of H. armigera and H. zea from Brazil and H. zea from the USA. Genetic diversity was similar for both species. However, H. armigera was more similar to H. zea from Brazil than H. zea from the USA and some putative hybrid individuals were found in Brazilian populations.Tthere was low gene flow between Brazilian and USA H. zea. The baseline susceptibility to Vip3Aa20 resulted in low interpopulation variation for H. zea (3-fold) and for H. armigera (5-fold), based on LC50. H. armigera was more tolerant to Vip3Aa20 than H. zea (≈ 40 to 75-fold, based on CL50). The diagnostic concentration for susceptibility monitoring, based on CL99, was fairly high (6,400 ng Vip3Aa20/cm2) for H. zea and not validated for H. armigera due to the high amount of protein needed for bioassays. Implementing IRM strategies to Vip3Aa20 in H. armigera and H. zea will be of a great challenge in Brazil, mainly due to the low susceptibility to Vip3Aa20 and high genetic diversity and gene flow in both species, besides a potential of hybrid individuals between H. armigera and H. zea under field conditions. / Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) foi oficialmente reportada no Brasil em 2013. Esta espécie é estreitamente relacionada a Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) e tem causado danos significativos nas culturas no Brasil. O uso de plantas geneticamente modificadas, que expressam proteínas inseticidas de Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner), tem sido uma das táticas de controle para o manejo dessas pragas. O milho geneticamente modificado que expressa Vip3Aa20 foi aprovado para comercialização no Brasil em 2009. O entendimento da diversidade genética e da suscetibilidade às proteínas de B. thuringiensis em populações de H. armigera e H. zea no Brasil são cruciais para o estabelecimento de programas de Manejo da Resistência de Insetos (MRI). Assim, os objetivos desse estudo foram: (a) inferir parâmetros demográficos e estrutura genética de H. armigera e H. zea no Brasil; (b) avaliar o fluxo gênico intra e interespecífico e a diversidade genética em H. armigera e H. zea; e (c) aferir a suscetibilidade de populações brasileiras de H. armigera e H. zea a proteína Vip3Aa20. Uma análise filogeográfica de populações de campo de H. armigera e H. zea foi realizada com o uso de sequências do gene citocromo c oxidase I (COI). Indivíduos de H. armigera foram mais prevalentes em dicotiledôneas e H. zea na cultura do milho. Ambas as espécies mostraram sinais de expansão demográfica e ausência de estrutura genética. Alta diversidade genética e ampla distribuição foram observadas em H. armigera. Análises conjuntas indicaram a presença de linhagens da China, Índia e Europa em populações brasileiras de H. armigera. A partir de um estudo de amplificação cruzada de microssatélites, sete locos amplificaram em ambas as espécies e evidenciaram a possibilidade de hibridização no campo. Estes mesmos locos foram usados para análises interespecíficas de H. armigera e H. zea do Brasil em comparação a H. zea dos EUA. Nas análises para cada espécie, 10 microssatélites foram usados para H. armigera e oito para H. zea. Alto fluxo gênico intraespecífico foi detectado em populações de H. armigera e H. zea. A diversidade genética foi similar em ambas as espécies. H. armigera foi mais similar a H. zea do Brasil que dos EUA e possíveis híbridos foram encontrados nas populações brasileiras. Houve um baixo fluxo gênico entre populações brasileiras e americanas de H. zea. A linha-básica de suscetibilidade a Vip3Aa20 resultou numa variação interpopulacional baixa em H. zea (3 vezes) e em H. armigera (5 vezes), baseada na CL50. H. armigera foi mais tolerante a Vip3Aa20 que H. zea (≈ 40 to 75 vezes, baseado na CL50). A concentração diagnóstica, baseada na CL99, foi bastante alta (6.400 ng Vip3Aa20/cm2) para H. zea e não validada para H. armigera devido à alta quantidade de proteína necessária para os bioensaios. A implementação de estratégias de MRI a Vip3Aa20 em H. armigera e H. zea serão um grande desafio no Brasil, principalmente devido à baixa suscetibilidade a Vip3Aa20 e alta diversidade genética e fluxo gênico em ambas as espécies, além da possibilidade de indivíduos híbridos entre H. armigera e H. zea nas condições de campo.

Bombus terrestris chegará ao Brasil? Um estudo preditivo sobre uma invasão em potencial / Will Bombus terrestris reach Brazil? A predictive study about a potential invasion

Acosta, André Luis 24 June 2015 (has links)
A abelha Bombus terrestris é um eficiente polinizador, prestando importantes serviços ecossistêmicos na Europa e adjacências, onde é nativa. Suas colônias têm sido criadas em larga escala para polinização agrícola, as quais são comercializadas internacionalmente, inclusive em países fora de sua área de ocorrência nativa. Deliberada ou acidentalmente a espécie tem sido introduzida em ambientes alóctones, em muitos casos tornando-se invasora. Quando invasora, a espécie é um potencial vetor de doenças e um competidor com outras abelhas; vários impactos têm sido relatados em áreas invadidas ao redor do mundo. Na América do Sul, a espécie foi inicialmente introduzida em ambientes naturais no Chile, mas rapidamente a invasão se espalhou; atualmente é encontrada ocupando ambientes naturais na Argentina. A elevada capacidade invasiva da espécie e a alta velocidade de sua expansão, conforme tem sido relatada por pesquisadores, levantou a possibilidade de a espécie alcançar o Brasil por meio de corredores ambientais favoráveis que se conectam com áreas já invadidas, gerando preocupações sobre potenciais impactos aos sistemas naturais e agrícolas. Esta pesquisa empregou uma abordagem interdisciplinar, integrando uma variedade de métodos analíticos oriundos de diferentes áreas da ecologia e os mais avançados recursos de sistemas de informações geográficas para detectar globalmente as áreas susceptíveis à invasão por Bombus terrestris, considerando-se também as mudanças climáticas. Para o sul da América do Sul foram identificados os corredores de invasão que poderão permitir a espécie se espalhar e alcançar Brasil a partir de locais invadidos. Para o Brasil, foram identificados os municípios mais vulneráveis à entrada da espécie, e também aqueles que estão na rota de expansão da invasão Brasil adentro. Para os municípios brasileiros, por sua vez, foram verificadas as culturas agrícolas e as espécies de Bombus nativas que a invasora poderá interagir ao longo da rota de invasão potencial; com estas informações foram apontadas áreas prioritárias, subsidiando o planejamento de monitoramento e ações de controle do processo de invasão, mas também medidas preventivas e mitigadoras de impactos ambientais e econômicos após a invasão, caso venha a ocorrer. / The bee Bombus terrestris is an efficient pollinator, providing important ecosystem services in Europe and surrounding areas, where it is a native species. Their colonies have been reared in large-scale for agricultural pollination, which are internationally traded, including for countries outside its native range. The species has been deliberately or accidentally introduced into non-native environments, becoming invasive in many cases. When invasive, the species is a potential vector of diseases and competes with other bees for resources; many impacts have been reported in invaded countries around the world. In South America, the species was introduced in natural environments of Chile at first, but the invasion was quickly spread; nowadays it is found living in natural environments of Argentina. The high invasiveness of the species and the high speed of its invasive expansion, as has been reported by researchers, raised the possibility of the species reach Brazil through suitable environmental corridors that are connected with areas already invaded, raising the concerns about potential impacts to natural and agricultural systems. An interdisciplinary approach was used in this research, composing a variety of analytical methods from different areas of ecology and applying the most advanced resources of geographic information systems to detect areas susceptible to invasion by Bombus terrestris at global scale, considering also climate change. For the southern South America, the corridors of invasion that could allow the spreading of the species and that potentially reach Brazil were identified. For Brazil, the most susceptible municipalities at the entrance of the species have been identified, and also those that are on the route of expansion inside the country. For Brazilian municipalities, crops and native species of Bombus that the invasive species can interact with along the potential invasion route were verified; with this information, priority areas were identified, supporting the planning of monitoring and control actions of the invasion process, but also preventive and mitigating measures of environmental and economic impacts after the invasion, if it eventually occurs.

Invasão por cães domésticos (Canis lupus familiaris) na Mata Atlântica: efeitos da perda de habitat e da intensificação agrícola / Invasion by domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in the Atlantic Forest: effects of habitat loss and agriculture intensification

Frigeri, Enrico 15 August 2013 (has links)
Invasões biológicas são consideradas uma das maiores ameaças atuais à biodiversidade global. O cão doméstico é hoje o carnívoro mais abundante no mundo, e tem invadido áreas de vegetação nativa, podendo causar impactos negativos à fauna silvestre através da predação, competição e transmissão de doenças. A partir de dois extensos bancos de dados obtidos através de armadilhas fotográficas, esta dissertação pretende contribuir com o entendimento das causas e consequências da invasão por cães domésticos de remanescentes florestais e agroflorestas na Mata Atlântica. A dissertação está organizada em dois capítulos. No primeiro, usamos dados obtidos em duas paisagens rurais do Planalto Atlântico de São Paulo com diferentes proporções de florestas remanescentes, e (1) descrevemos o tipo de manejo e as características dos cães que visitam fragmentos florestais, (2) comparamos, entre estas paisagens, a frequência e horário de visitas e o tamanho de grupos de cães invasores assim como os fatores determinantes da intensidade de invasão, e (3) investigamos o impacto da intensidade de invasão sobre a distribuição de mamíferos silvestres de maior porte. No segundo capítulo, usamos dados obtidos em um mosaico agroflorestal do Sul da Bahia, e (4) verificamos se a conversão de florestas nativas em agroflorestas e a intensificação das agroflorestas favorecem a invasão por cães domésticos, e (5) se a invasão por estes animais está mais associada à presença humana nas agroflorestas do que nas florestas. Em conjunto, os resultados dessa dissertação sugerem que: (1) a intensidade da invasão por cães em paisagens antropizadas de Mata Atlântica é altíssima, tanto em termos do número de indivíduos e de visitas como em termos do número de sítios ocupados; (2) a invasão é favorecida pelo tipo de manejo dos animais, que são em grande parte criados soltos, e parece estar fortemente associada à presença do homem; (3) a intensidade de invasão afeta negativamente a distribuição de um maior número de espécies de mamíferos de maior porte do que a perda de 40% de floresta na paisagem; (4) características dos remanescentes florestais associadas à perda de habitat (quantidade e qualidade dos remanescentes) são mais importantes que a pressão de propágulo para determinar a intensidade da invasão; (5) a intensificação do manejo de agroflorestas acentua a invasão. Visto que a intensificação de agroflorestas e de outros sistemas agrícolas vem se acentuando globalmente e que, apesar da diminuição das taxas de desmatamento das florestas tropicais nos últimos anos, a maior parte das áreas remanescentes é constituída de vegetação degradada ou secundária, a quantidade de áreas susceptíveis à invasão e os danos causados por cães domésticos devem aumentar no futuro. / Biological invasions are considered one of the most important threats to global biodiversity. Domestic dogs, the most abundant carnivore in the world, are known to invade areas of native vegetation and impact wildlife through competition, predation and disease transmission. Drawing on two extensive dataset obtained through camera-trapping, this dissertation intends to contribute to the understanding of the causes and consequences of the invasion by domestic dogs of forests fragments and agroforests in the Atlantic Forest. The dissertation is organized into two chapters. In the first chapter, we use data from two rural landscapes of São Paulo Atlantic Plateau with different proportions of remaining forests, and (1) describe the management and the characteristics of dogs that visit forest fragments, (2) compare, between these landscapes, the frequency and time of visits, the size of groups of invading dogs, and the drivers of invasion intensity, and (3) investigate the impacts of invasion intensity on the distribution of native large mammals. In the second chapter, using data from an agroforestry mosaic in southern Bahia, we investigate (4) if the conversion of native forests into agroforests and agroforestry intensification favor the invasion by dogs, and (5) if invasion by these animals is more associated with human presence in agroforests than in forests. Our findings highlight that: (1) the intensity of the invasion by dogs in human-modified landscapes in the Atlantic Forest is extremely high, both in terms of the number of individuals and of visits and in terms of the number of occupied sites; (2) invasion is favored by the type of management, with dogs kept free, and seems to be strongly associated with the presence of humans; (3) invasion intensity negatively affects the distribution of a larger number of large mammals than the loss of 40% of forest in the landscape; (4) characteristics of forest fragments associated with habitat loss (quantity and quality of remnants) are more important than propagule pressure to determine the intensity of invasion; (5) management intensification in agroforests intensifies invasion. As intensification of agroforestry and other agricultural systems has increased globally and, despite the decrease in the rates of deforestation in recent years, most tropical forest remnants consist of degraded or secondary vegetation, the amount of areas susceptible to invasion and the damages caused by domestic dogs should increase in the future.

Controle mecânico da herbácea exótica invasora lírio-do-brejo (Hedychium coronarium Koenig) no parque estadual turístico do Alto Ribeira - PETAR, SP / Invasive alien species White-lily (Hedychium coronarium Koenig) physical control at Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira PETAR, SP

Maciel, Luísa Almeida 10 January 2012 (has links)
Invasões biológicas consistem em uma séria ameaça à biodiversidade. Apesar de sua presença já antiga entre os processos naturais, atividades humanas agravaram o problema das invasões nas últimas décadas e levaram essa ameaça às áreas naturais. A maioria das Unidades de Conservação brasileiras já enfrenta as consequências de introduções arbitrárias de espécies. O Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira PETAR convive com a herbácea invasora lírio-dobrejo (Hedychium coronarium) e seus impactos há décadas. Sem predadores naturais, o lírio-dobrejo se desenvolve mais rapidamente que espécies nativas e é capaz de invadir florestas de dossel fechado, limitando a sobrevivência de plântulas e brotos nativos. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as condições físicas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da espécie, investigar possíveis impactos microclimáticos e testar diferentes métodos mecânicos de controle e erradicação. Foram instalados oito blocos randomizados em cada uma das duas áreas de estudo. Cada bloco constituise de uma parcela de 1m² de cada um dos três tratamentos. Cinco hipóteses foram testadas: 1) uma resposta melhor de controle é obtida ao remover a planta por inteiro; 2) uma resposta melhor de controle é obtida ao remover a planta por inteiro repetidamente; 3) grande quantidade de biomassa de H. coronarium provoca diferentes condições de umidade e temperatura na região sob suas folhas; 4) quanto maior a oferta luminosa, maior o desenvolvimento de biomassa de H. coronarium; 5) arranquio favorece a recuperação da vegetação das nativas. As técnicas de manejo foram: corte raso (R), arranquio (U) e arranquio repetido (M). Subsequentemente visitas mensais registraram a resposta da comunidade herbácea por meio de parâmetros individuais de H. coronarium como altura, diâmetro basal, área basal, volume e número de folhas assim como parâmetros de toda a parcela, como número de indivíduos, cobertura vegetal relativa de H. coronarium, número de indivíduos mortos e cobertura vegetal de demais espécies. Parâmetros abióticos também foram levantados: umidade, temperatura, intensidade luminosa e cobertura de copa. Temperatura e umidade foram medidas a 0,1m (altura próxima ao solo) e a 1,5m (altura acima da vegetação herbácea), obtendo-se os índices U e T respectivamente. A análise estatística compreendeu a técnica de análise de variância com medidas repetidas e regressão linear. Os melhores resultados de controle da população de H. coronarium vieram dos tratamentos de arranquio, tanto M quanto U, e não foi diagnosticada qualquer diferença estatística entre ambos. Quanto às espécies nativas, os tratamentos que apresentaram maior regeneração foram M e U, sem qualquer diferença estatística entre si. Não há relação significativa entre T ou U e a quantidade de biomassa, tampouco entre cobertura de copa e biomassa. Quanto à intensidade luminosa, existe relação significativa com a quantidade de biomassa produzida. O arranquio manual é uma boa opção de controle da espécie e também para a regeneração de espécies nativas. Áreas mais iluminadas apresentam maior potencial de crescimento de colônias de lírio-do-brejo e devem, portanto, ser priorizadas. É aconselhável a aplicação de técnicas de restauração florestal junto à erradicação das espécies exóticas, a fim de evitar a disponibilização de áreas para novas invasões biológicas. / Biological invasions pose an enormous threat to biodiversity nowadays. Besides its old presence among natural processes, human activities have worsened the problem by multiplying considerably the exchange of seeds and propagules and pushed this threat onto natural habitats. Brazilian protected areas are highly exposed to biological invasions and most of them already face consequences of inadverted introductions. PETAR state park deals with the plant invader white ginger (Hedychium coronarium) and its impacts for decades. Also referred to as ginger lily, the species belongs to the zingiberaceae family and was introduced for ornamental purposes. Free from natural enemies, white ginger develops faster than native species and is able to invade into closed canopy forests, limiting native saplings and seedlings survival. This study aims to understand which are the environmental conditions that favour H. coronarium development, investigate eventual impacts onto microclimate conditions and testing different physical control and eradication techniques. Eight casualized blocks were installed at each of the two selected study areas. Each block consists of one 1m² plot for each of the three treatments. Five hypothesis were tested: 1. better control responses when removing the whole plant, including its rhizome; 2. better control responses when removing the whole plant more than once; 3. great amounts of H. coronarium biomass determine diverse humidity and temperature conditions beneath the leafs; 4. the higher the light offer, the more H. coronarium biomass growing; 5. hand pulling is more favorable to native vegetation recovery. Control techniques were slashing/cutting (R), hand pulling (U) and hand pulling three times (M). Monthly visits registered individual data from H. coronarium such as height, basal stem diameter, basal area, volume and number of leaves, as well as plot data such as density, H. coronarium vegetation cover, density of dead individuals and native vegetation cover. Environmental (abiotic) parameters measured were: temperature, humidity, light intensity and canopy coverage. Temperature and humidity were measured at 0,1m (soil height) and 1,5m (height above herbaceous vegetation), so that U and T were obtained. Statistical analysis included Repeated Measures ANOVA and Linear Regression. The best H. coronarium population control results came from hand pulling treatments, both M and U, as there was no statistical difference diagnosed between the two of them. Concerning the native species, the treatments presenting more native vegetation recovery were both M and U, without any statistical difference between them. No relationship was found between T or U and biomass, nor canopy cover and biomass. On the other hand, light intensity presented significant relationship with biomass. Hand pulling is an efficient choice for white ginger control and native species restoration. Sites with higher light intensities should be prioritized for management as they potentially favor a higher biomass production. As the main goal of exotics control is always to favor native vegetation recovery to original conditions, it is essential to consider restoration techniques along with exotics control, to prevent re-invasion of vacant areas.

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