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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing knowledge sharing of extreme weather induced impacts on land transport infrastructure : Case study of the Swedish Transport Administration

Rydstedt Nyman, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Extreme weather events and effects of climate change are threats to the transport sector’s functionality and safety. Risk management in this context implies a necessity to focus on the connection between near-term experiences and coping strategies on one hand, and long-term adaptation analyses on the other. How learning from past events and subsequent knowledge sharing can be adopted is a question that needs to be explored, discussed and tested. A systematic approach to lessons learned calls for measures of investigation, reporting, planning, implementation and evaluation. A qualitative case study approach was used in this thesis. In the first paper the practices of accident investigation in operation and maintenance were inventoried within the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). Three accident investigation methods were applied and tested on a cloudburst event, causing flooding in a railway tunnel in Sweden. In the second paper, semi-structured interviews, documents, and archival records were used as means for penetrating deeper into the attitudes and understanding of lessons learned concerning extreme weather events within a procured public-private partnership. The results of the two studies showed weak signals of feedback on lessons learned. Partly, these weak signals could be traced back to weak steering signals. Various obstacles impeded learning curves from lessons learned. The obstacles were of both hard and soft values, e.g. resources in time and equipment, systematic investigation methods, incentives for lessons learned, education and knowledge, values, norms and attitudes towards how and why identified problems should be solved. Successful knowledge sharing requires that close attention is paid to such obstacles and that an adaptive approach is adopted. / Den pågående och framtida klimatförändringen sätter press på aktörer att möta risker som associeras med klimatförändring. Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra med kunskap om lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom offentlig förvaltning av landtransportinfrastruktur. Eftersom lärande och kunskapsöverföring är grundläggande för planering och beslutsfattande om strategier och åtgärder som främjar ett robust transportsystem. Målet för detta arbete är att belysa lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom och mellan olika organisationer i det svenska samhället. Det socio-tekniska systemperspektivet - som används som analysram i båda studierna ger en djupare förståelse för bakomliggande faktorer. En kvalitativ ansats, som omfattar intervjuer, deltagande observationer och dokumentanalys, har används i detta licentiatarbete. I den första studien belyses möjligheten att använda sig av industriella utredningsmetoder på naturolyckor i en svensk kontext av en översvämning i en järnvägstunnel. De industriella utredningsmetoderna visade sig vara användbara för utredning av konsekvenser efter skyfall, med olika metodologiska fördelar och nackdelar. Den andra studien utforskar hur Trafikverkets verksamhetsområde Underhåll arbetar med lärande kopplat till väderextremer; hur de fångar upp erfarenheter och kunskap som finns hos kontrakterade entreprenörer, samt hur entreprenörerna uppfattar att lärande och erfarenhetsåterföring sker. Resultatet från båda studierna visar på både svaga styrsignaler och svaga återkopplingssignaler, vilket medför svaga lärandekurvor. Olika hinder sågs ligga bakom med svaga styr- och återkopplingssignaler bl.a. resurser i tid och processer, systematik i utredning av naturolyckor, incitament att lära av varandra, utbildning och kunskap, värderingar normer och attityder till hur och varför identifierade problem ska lösas. Ett adaptivt förhållningssätt innebär att man behöver ta hänsyn till dessa hinder på ett systematiskt sätt. / The agreement in Paris in 2015 was an historic manifestation that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This licentiate thesis targets different aspects of learning as a strategy for coping and building adaptive capacity. Road infrastructure and maintenance in relation to extreme weather are used as the physical context and the Swedish Transport Administration as a case to study. Paper I shows the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II shows the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. The paper describes a parallel of systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned.  In both papers the socio-technical perspective approach was used to highlight aspects of learning from and investigating damage due to extreme weather at different tiers in society. The socio-technical perspective provides an understanding of how decisions and legislation that affect our actions and behavior today may have been taken in different time and space settings. This thesis contributes to concept and theory building regarding the socio-technical system approach. / <p>Paper 2 ingick i licentiatuppsatsen som manuskript, nu publicerat.</p>

Enseignement des sciences, méthode scientifique, la formation de l’esprit critique : contribution à une anthropologie des pratiques de l’enseignement des sciences à l’ère du numérique / Science teaching, scientific method, the training of critical mind

Dervis, Philip 08 December 2016 (has links)
« Penser global, agir local » cette formule employée lors du premier sommet sur l’environnement en 1972, semble synthétiser l’esprit du développement durable. A l’heure d’Internet comment une vision globale du Monde influence-t-elle l’action locale que représente l’enseignement des sciences ? Pour rendre compte de ce que pourrait être la vie d’un enseignant de science à l’heure du numérique, nous avons mené une étude ethnographique participante en redevenant professeur de physique-chimie dans un collège du Haut-Var. Durant ces années, tout en occupant une vraie place dans la vie de l’établissement, nous avons interrogé l’objet science, son histoire, ses acteurs, sa médiatisation, sa présence dans notre environnement, à l’école, et des enjeux de société qu’il représente. Et bien sûr, époque et moyens obligent, en s’inspirant de ce qui existait sur le Web, nous avons mis en place et entretenu un blog pédagogique de science : Découvrir et mesurer le Monde. / “Think global, act local” this formula used at the first environmental summit in 1972, seems synthesize the mind of sustainable development. Today, at Internet age, when we teach science, is required to have a global vision of the world for local action teaching. At Internet time, how a global vision of the World influences local action like science teaching? For report what could be the science teacher life in this digital age, we conducted an ethnographic participant study by becoming a physical chemistry professor in a middle school in the Haut-Var, in France. During those years, while occupying a real place in the life of the school, we questioned the science object, its history, its actors, its media coverage, and its presence in our environment, school and his social challenges. And of course, require time and resources, drawing from what existed on the Web, we have set up and maintained a blog pedagogical science: Discover and measure the World.

En kvalitativ granskning utifrån kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik av 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar med utgångspunkt i barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer

Hall, Camilla, Sjögren, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, utifrån en kritisk-saklig utredningsmetodik, granska hur familjerättssekreterare presenterar och bedömer barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer i 16 vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar. Utredningarna är gjorda av familjerätten i Örebro kommun. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har den kvalitativa metoden dokumentgranskning använts i kombination med en semistrukturerad intervju. Studien visar att barn under nio år regelmässigt fråntas rätten att göra sin röst hörd samt att ett vuxet barnperspektiv genomsyrar utredningstexterna. Konsekvensen blir att barnets perspektiv osynliggörs och utelämnas. Språket har en avgörande betydelse för hur våldsproblematik hanteras, våldet tenderar att tonas ner eller ignoreras helt i bedömningen. Våld i nära relationer relateras inte till barnets mående, anknytning eller föräldraförmåga. Det är inte heller något som diskuteras eller tas hänsyn till i bedömningen. Den kritiskt-sakliga utredningsmetodiken har genom sina teoretiska begrepp varit ett grundläggande verktyg i studiens analys och diskussion. Detta har kombinerats med den lagstiftning som reglerar familjerättens uppdrag samt anknytningsteori och barnets bästa. Studien ämnar bidra till reflektion, inspiration och upplysning rörande barnets bästa och våld i nära relationer i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesutredningar. Förhoppningsvis kan studien även bidra till att öka barnens inflytande i vårdnadstvister, stärka deras ställning och göra deras röster hörda. / The aim of the thesis is to examine, based on critical-factual investigation methodology, how family law secretary’s presents and assess “child’s best” and domestic violence in 16 custody-residence- and contact investigations. The investigations are made by family law in Örebro. To reach the aim of the study and the research questions the qualitative method document review was used in combination with a semi-structured interview. The results of the study showed that children younger than nine years routinely were denied the right to have their voices heard and also that an adult child’s perspective permeates the investigations. The consequence is that the child's perspective became ​​invisible or omitted. Language has an important part in how violence is handled, it tends to be grayed or ignored in the assessment. Domestic violence is not either related to the child’s wellbeing, attachment theory or parenting skills. That is also something that is not discussed or taken into consideration in the assessment. The critical-factual investigation methodology through its theoretical concepts has been a fundamental tool in the analysis and discussion. This has been combined with the law that regulates the family law assignment, attachment and “child´s best”. The study intends to contribute to a reflection, inspiration and enlightenment concerning “child´s best” and domestic violence in custody-, residence- and contact investigations. Hopefully, the study also helps to increase the children's interests in custody disputes, strengthen their position and to make the children´s voices heard.

The effect of cooperative learning on the development of learners' science process skills: a case study

Rapudi, Mashapa Alpheus 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study was motivated by the lack of in-service training in cooperative learning and science process skills whereas both are emphasized in the new natural sciences curriculum. The aims of the study were to determine the influence of cooperative learning on the development of science process skills. Two classes were selected from two rural schools for inclusion as case studies of this research. These classes were taught using the Jigsaw and Group Investigation methods of cooperative learning respectively. Pre- and post-tests were administered on the two classes and the influence of these methods on learners' achievement on four process skills were determined. Mixed results were found with regard to the influence of the two cooperative learning methods on the development of learners' process skills of observation, controlling variables, graphing and experimenting. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

The effect of cooperative learning on the development of learners' science process skills: a case study

Rapudi, Mashapa Alpheus 30 June 2004 (has links)
This study was motivated by the lack of in-service training in cooperative learning and science process skills whereas both are emphasized in the new natural sciences curriculum. The aims of the study were to determine the influence of cooperative learning on the development of science process skills. Two classes were selected from two rural schools for inclusion as case studies of this research. These classes were taught using the Jigsaw and Group Investigation methods of cooperative learning respectively. Pre- and post-tests were administered on the two classes and the influence of these methods on learners' achievement on four process skills were determined. Mixed results were found with regard to the influence of the two cooperative learning methods on the development of learners' process skills of observation, controlling variables, graphing and experimenting. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

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