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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Volframo su anglies priemaišomis dangų, naudojamų termobranduolinės sintezės reaktoriuje, tyrimas / Study of C impurity effects in W coatings for fusion applications

Bobrovaitė, Birutė 19 September 2008 (has links)
Tiriamasis darbas nagrinėja fundamentalias plazmos sąveikos su termobranduolinio reaktoriaus sienelėmis problemas. Jis atliktas bendradarbiaujant su tarptautiniais tyrimų centrais Europoje, dalyvaujančiais kuriant naujos kartos termobranduolinį reaktorių. W dangos, gautos magnetroniniu garinimo būdu, buvo paveiktos argono jonų su anglies priemaišomis spinduliuote esant skirtingiems slėgiams eksperimentiniame įrenginyje. Pagrindinis dėmesys sutelktas į teigiamų jonizuotų dalelių ir plazmos sąveiką su volframo danga anglies adsorbcijos metu ir jų poveikį volframo dangos savybėms. Darbe ištirtos ir išaiškintos sąlygos, prie kurių anglis, readsorbuota iš plazmos, efektyviai pernešama į W tūrį. Darbe parodyta, kad, vykstant vienalaikei C adsorbcijai ir joninei spinduliuotei, anglis efektyviai pernešama nuo paviršiaus į tūrį, kai W paviršius tik dalinai padengtas adsorbuota anglimi. Kai W paviršius padengtas ištisine C plėvele, anglies pernešimas nuo paviršiaus į tūrį yra blokuojamas. Gautų spinduliuote paveiktų dangų savybės buvo nagrinėjamos sekančiomis technologijomis: paviršiaus topografinė analizė atlikta naudojant skenuojantį elektroninį mikroskopą, atominės jėgos mikroskopą, dangų struktūra tirta su rentgeno spindulių difraktometru, dangų profilio analizė atlikta rusenančio išlydžio optinė spektroskopija. Panaudoti analizės metodai sudarė galimybes tirti dangų elementinę sudėtį, mikrostruktūrą, paviršiaus reljefą ir atlikti elementinės sudėties profiliavimą nuo paviršiaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation was implemented in-collaboration with international research centers in Europe, who participates in the development of new century thermonuclear reactors process. The existence of more than one plasma facing material at the ITER divertor target (CFC and W) can affect substantially the fuel retention properties of W by formation of deposited hydrocarbon layers and carbides and could lead to significant changes of the mixed-material properties with respect to that of the pure W material. The task of this work is to understand these effects by means of dedicated experimental studies to determine the influence of the various physics processes in the final erosion/redeposition pattern. The goal of the work is the fabrication of W films to be used in plasma – facing components in fusion devices, and the understanding of the mechanism of physical phenomena initiating modification of mechanical properties of W – based thin films on stainless steel substrates under Ar ion irradiation and under high-flux, low-energy H+ ions irradiation in the range of temperatures. During this work there were fabricated nanocrystalline W coatings on carbon based materials (including cfcs) using magnetron sputtering technique. Main parameters: area of deposits – 20 x 17 cm, thickness homogeneity – better than 20%, coating thickness – 3-6 µm. The microstructure of w coatings was densified by deposition under continuous ion bombardment and optimization of grain size and texture to improve... [to full text]

Ionenstrahlinduzierte selbst-organisierte Musterbildung auf einfachen Oberflächen Theorie und Experiment / Ion beam-induced self-organized pattern formation on elemental surfaces

Bobes, Omar 15 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Strain and defects in irradiated materials : a study using X-ray diffraction and diffuse scattering / Défauts et déformations au sein de matériaux irradiés : Etude par diffraction et diffusion diffuse des rayons X

Channagiri, Jayanth 04 December 2015 (has links)
Les faisceaux d'ions, sont communément utilisés dans le cadre de l'étude des matériaux du nucléaire dans le but de reproduire, dans une certaine mesure, les différentes sources d'irradiations auxquelles sont soumis ces matériaux. L’interaction des ions avec la matière induit la formation de défauts cristallins le long du trajet de ces ions, associée à d'importantes déformations au sein de la zone irradiée. L'un des principaux enjeux de l'industrie électro-nucléaire consiste en l'encapsulation, à long terme, des déchets nucléaires. La zircone yttriée (YSZ) est un des matériaux qui pourrait être utilisé comme matrice inerte pour la transmutation des actinides. Par conséquent, la compréhension du comportement d’YSZ sous différentes conditions d'irradiations est d'une importance capitale.Cette thèse est décomposée en deux parties distinctes. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons utilisé plusieurs techniques avancées de diffraction des rayons X (DRX) dans le but de caractériser les défauts et déformations au sein de la zone irradiée des cristaux étudiés. Les profils de déformations et de défauts ont été modélisés par des fonctions B-splines cubiques et les données DRX ont été simulées en utilisant la théorie dynamique de la diffraction couplée à un algorithme de recuit simulé généralisé. Cette démarche a été appliquée au cas des monocristaux d'YSZ irradiés par des ions Au 2+ dans une large gamme de températures et de fluences. Les résultats ont été comparés avec ceux de la spectroscopie de rétrodiffusion de Rutherford en mode canalisé (RBS/C) obtenus pour les mêmes échantillons.La deuxième partie est consacrée au développement d'un modèle spécifique pour calculer la distribution bidimensionnelle d'intensité diffractée par des monocristaux irradiés de grandes dimensions et présentant des distributions de défauts réalistes. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons mis en œuvre une approche de calcul parallèle haute performance (basée à la fois sur l'utilisation de processeurs multi-cœurs et de processeurs graphiques) afin de réduire les durées de calcul. Cette approche a été utilisée pour modéliser les cartographies X de l'espace réciproque de monocristaux d’YSZ présentant des défauts de structure complexe. / Ion beams are commonly used in the framework of nuclear materials in order to reproduce, in a controlled way, the different sources of irradiation that these materials are submitted to. The interaction of ions with the material induces the formation of crystalline defects along the path of these ions,associated with high strains in the irradiated region. One of the main issues of the electro-nuclearindustry is the encapsulation of the long-term nuclear waste. Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is one of the materials that can be used as an inert matrix for the transmutation of actinides and therefore,understanding its behaviour under different conditions of irradiation is of utmost importance.This thesis is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part of this work, we have used advanced X-raydiffraction (XRD) techniques in order to characterize the strain and the damage levels within the irradiated region of the crystals. The strain and the damage profiles were modelled using B-splines functions and the XRD data were simulated using the dynamical theory of diffraction combined with a generalized simulated annealing algorithm. This approach was used to study YSZ single crystals irradiated with Au 2+ ions in a wide range of temperatures and fluences. The results were compared with the RBS/C results obtained for same samples.The second part of the thesis is devoted to the development of a specific model for calculating the two-dimensional XRD intensity from irradiated single crystals with realistic dimensions and defectdistributions. In order to achieve this goal, we have implemented high-performance parallel computing (both multi-processing and GPU-based) to accelerate the calculations. The approach was used to successfully model the reciprocal space maps of the YSZ single crystals which exhibit a complex defect structure.

Swift heavy ion irradiation of polyester and polyolefin polymeric film for gas separation application

Adeniyi, Olushola Rotimi January 2015 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The combination of ion track technology and chemical etching as a tool to enhance polymer gas properties such as permeability and selectivity is regarded as an avenue to establish technology commercialization and enhance applicability. Traditionally, permeability and selectivity of polymers have been major challenges especially for gas applications. However, it is important to understand the intrinsic polymer properties in order to be able to predict or identify their possible ion-polymer interactions thus facilitate the reorientation of existing polymer structural configurations. This in turn can enhance the gas permeability and selectivity properties of the polymers. Therefore, the choice of polymer is an important prerequisite. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) belongs to the polyester group of polymers and has been extensively studied within the context of post-synthesis modification techniques using swift heavy ion irradiation and chemical treatment which is generally referred to as ‘track-etching’. The use of track-etched polymers in the form of symmetrical membranes structures to investigate gas permeability and selectivity properties has proved successful. However, the previous studies on track-etched polymers films have been mainly focused on the preparation of symmetrical membrane structure, especially in the case of polyesters such as PET polymer films. Also, polyolefins such as polymethyl pentene (PMP) have not been investigated using swift heavy ions and chemical etching procedures. In addition, the use of ‘shielded’ material on PET and PMP polymer films prior to swift heavy ion irradiation and chemical etching to prepare asymmetrical membrane structure have not been investigated. The gas permeability and selectivity of the asymmetrical membrane prepared from swift heavy ion irradiated etched 'shielded' PET and PMP polymer films have not been determined. These highlighted limitations will be addressed in this study. The overall objective of this study was to prepare asymmetric polymeric membranes with porous surface on dense layer from two classes of polymers; (PET and PMP) in order to improve their gas permeability and selectivity properties. The research approach in this study was to use a simple and novel method to prepare an asymmetric PET and PMP polymer membrane with porous surface and dense layer by mechanical attachment of ‘shielded’ material on the polymer film before swift heavy ion irradiation. This irradiation approach allowed for the control of swift heavy ion penetration depth into the PET and PMP polymer film during irradiation. The procedure used in this study is briefly described. Commercial PET and PMP polymer films were mechanically ‘shielded’ with aluminium and PET foils respectively. The ‘shielded’ PET polymer films were then irradiated with swift heavy ions of Xe source while ‘shielded’ PMP polymer films were irradiated with swift heavy ions Kr. The ion energy and fluence of Xe ions was 1.3 MeV and 106 respectively while the Kr ion energy was 3.57 MeV and ion fluence of 109. After swift heavy ion irradiation of ‘shielded’ PET and PMP polymer films, the attached ‘shielded’ materials were removed from PET and PMP polymer film and the irradiated PET and PMP polymer films were chemically etched in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4 + CrO3) respectively. The chemical etching conditions of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PET was performed with 1 M NaOH at 80 ˚C under various etching times of 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes. As for the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PMP polymer film, the chemical etching was performed with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 solution, etching temperature was varied between 40 ˚C and 80 ˚C while the etching time was between 40 minutes to 150 minutes. The SEM (surface and cross-section micrograph) morphology results of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP films showed that asymmetric membranes with a single-sided porous surface and dense layer was prepared and remained unchanged even after 12 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution as in the case of PET and 2 hours 30 minutes of etching with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 as observed for PMP polymer film. Also, the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film showed the presence of pores on the polymer film surface within 3 minutes of etching. After 12 minutes chemical etching with 1 M NaOH solution, the dense layer of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film experienced significant reduction in thickness of about 40 % of the original thickness of as-received PET polymer film. The surface morphology of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film by SEM analysis revealed finely distributed pores with spherical shapes for the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film within 6 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution. Also, after 9 minutes and 12 minutes of etching with 1 M NaOH solution of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film, the pore walls experienced complete collapse with intense surface roughness. Interestingly, the 12 minutes etched swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated PET did not lose its asymmetrical membrane structure despite the collapse of the pore walls. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film, SEM morphology analysis showed that the pores retained their shape with the presence of defined pores without intense surface roughness even after extended etching with 7 M H2SO4 + 3 M CrO3 for 2 hours 30 minutes. Also, the pores of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer films were observed to be mono dispersed and not agglomerated or overlapped. The SEM cross-section morphology of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film showed radially oriented pores with increased pore diameters in the PMP polymer film which indicated that etching was radial instead of lateral, and no through pores were observed showing that the dense asymmetrical structure was retained. The SEM results revealed that the pore morphology i.e. size and shape could be accurately controlled during chemical etching of swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated PET and PMP polymer films. The XRD results of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET revealed a single diffraction peak for various times of chemical etching in 1 M NaOH solution at 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes. The diffraction peak of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET was observed to reduce in intensity and marginally shifted to lower angles from 25.95˚ 2 theta to 25.89˚ 2 theta and also became broad in shape. It was considered that the continuous broadening of diffraction peaks due to an increase in etching times could be attributed to disorderliness of the ordered region within the polymer matrix and thus decreases in crystallinity of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET polymer film. The XRD analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer films indicated the presence of the diffraction peak at 9.75˚ 2 theta with decrease in intensity while the diffraction peaks located at 13.34˚, 16.42˚, 18.54˚ and 21.46˚ 2 theta disappeared after chemical etching in acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4 + CrO3) after 2 hours 30 minutes. The TGA thermal profile analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET did not show the evolution of volatile species or moisture at lower temperatures even after 12 minutes of etching in 1 M NaOH solution in comparison with commercial PET polymer film. Also, it was observed that the swift heavy ion irradiated layered’ etched PET polymer film started to undergo degradation at a higher temperature than untreated PET which resulted in an approximate increase of 50 ˚C in comparison with the commercial PET polymer film. The TGA results of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film revealed an improvement of about 50 ˚C in thermal stability before thermal degradation even after etching in acidified chromium trioxide for 2 hours 30 minutes at 80 ˚C. Spectroscopy (IR) analysis of the swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP polymer films showed the presence of characteristic functional groups associated with either PET or PMP structures. The variations of irradiation and chemical etching conditions revealed that the swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated etched PET polymer film experienced continuous degradation of available functional groups as a function of etching time and also with complete disappearance of some functional groups such as 1105 cm-1 and 1129 cm-1 compared with the as-received PET polymer film which are both associated with the para-substituted position of benzene rings. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer film, spectroscopic (IR) analysis showed significant variations in the susceptibility of associated functional groups within the PMP polymer film with selective attack and emergence of some specific functional groups such as at 1478 cm-1, 1810 cm-1 and 2115 cm-1 which were assigned to methylene, CH3 (asymmetry deformation), CH3 and CH2 respectively Also, the IR results for swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP polymer showed that unsaturated olefinic groups were the dominant functional groups that were being attacked by during etching with acidified chromium trioxide (H2SO4+CrO3) which is an aggressive chemical etchant. The gas permeability analysis of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET and PMP polymer films showed that the gas permeability was improved in comparison with the as-received PET and as-received PMP polymer films. The gas permeability of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PET increased as a function of etching time and was found to be highest after 12 minutes of chemical etching in 1 M NaOH at 80 ˚C. In the case of swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ etched PMP, the gas permeability was observed to show the highest gas permeability after 2 hours 30 minutes of etching in H2SO4 + CrO3 solution. The gas permeability analysis for swift heavy ion irradiated ‘shielded’ PET and PMP polymer films was tested for He, CO2 and CH4 and the permeability results showed that helium was most permeable compared with CO2 and CH4 gases. In comparison, the selectivity analysis was performed for He/CO2 and CH4/He and the results showed that the selectivity decreased with increasing in etching time as expected. This study identified some important findings. Firstly, it was observed that the use of ‘shielded’ material on PET and PMP polymer films prior to swift heavy ion irradiation proved successful in the creation of asymmetrical polymer membrane structure. Also, it was also observed that the chemical etching of the ‘shielded’ swift heavy ion irradiated PET and PMP polymer films resulted in the presence of pores on the swift heavy ion irradiated side while the unirradiated sides of the PET and PMP polymer films were unaffected during chemical etching hence the pore depth could be controlled. In addition, the etching experiment showed that the pores geometry can be controlled as well as the gas permeability and selectivity properties of swift heavy ion ‘shielded’ irradiated etched PET and PMP polymer films. The process of polymer bulk and surface properties modification using ion-track technology i.e. swift heavy ion irradiation and subsequent chemical treatment of the irradiated polymer serves to reveal characteristic pore profiles unique to the prevailing ion-polymer interaction and ultimately results in alteration of the polymer characteristics.

Evaluation of material properties of mechanically alloyed SUS304L with Zr addition / 粉末冶金法で作製したZr添加型SUS304L鋼の材料特性評価

Daniel, Geoffrey Morrall 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第21889号 / エネ博第390号 / 新制||エネ||75(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー変換科学専攻 / (主査)教授 木村 晃彦, 教授 星出 敏彦, 教授 今谷 勝次 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

A Study on Physical Property Changes in Dielectric and Semiconductor Materials Induced by Ion Irradiation During Plasma Processing / プラズマプロセス中のイオン照射により誘起される絶縁体および半導体材料の物性変化に関する研究

Hamano, Takashi 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24612号 / 工博第5118号 / 新制||工||1979(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 / (主査)教授 江利口 浩二, 教授 嶋田 隆広, 教授 鈴木 基史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Ion-beam mixing of Fe/Si bilayers / Ionenstrahkmischen von Fe/Si Dopelschichten

Milinovic, Velimir 27 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental study on the fragmentation of adenine and porphyrin molecules induced by low energy multicharged ion impact

Li, Bin 27 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, the Collision Induced Dissociation under Energy Control method was extended to study the fragmentation of gas-phase biomolecules adenine (H5C5N5) and porphyrin FeTPPCl (C44H28N4FeCl). The population distribution for each dissociation channel has been experimentally determined as a function of the excitation energy of the parent molecular ions at a well-determined initial charge state. In collisions between Cl+ and adenine (Ade) at 3keV, the fragmentation pattern of Ade2+ is dominated by the loss of H2CN+ and the successive emission of HCN. The energy distribution of the parent dications confirms the successive emission dynamics. A specific decay channel is observed, i.e., the emission of a charged H2CN+ followed by the emission of HC2N2. In Kr8+-FeTPPCl collisions at 80keV, parent ions FeTPPCl1+,2+,3+ are observed, along with the corresponding decay patterns. It is found that in the first step the dominant low-energy-cost decay channel is the emission of Cl0 independent of the initial charge state of FeTPPClr+ (r=1-3). For the resulted dication FeTPP2+, the dominant fragmentation channel is the neutral evaporation; for the trication however, the dominant fragmentation channel is the asymmetrical fission. In the case of H+ and F+ impact at 3keV, due to the different reaction windows opened in the two collision systems, different fragmentation patterns are observed. Furthermore, nH2 loss processes are observed. Additionally, the production yield of the negative ion emerged in F2+-Ade collision at 30keV is measured to be about 1% using a new experimental approach.

Mechanical Properties and Radiation Tolerance of Ultrafine Grained and Nanocrystalline Metals

Sun, Cheng 03 October 2013 (has links)
Austenitic stainless steels are commonly used in nuclear reactors and have been considered as potential structural materials in fusion reactors due to their excellent corrosion resistance, good creep and fatigue resistance at elevated temperatures, but their relatively low yield strength and poor radiation tolerance hinder their applications in high dose radiation environments. High angle grain boundaries have long been postulated as sinks for radiation-induced defects, such as bubbles, voids, and dislocation loops. Here we provide experimental evidence that high angle grain boundaries can effectively remove radiation-induced defects. The equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) technique was used to produce ultrafine grained Fe-Cr-Ni alloy. Mechanical properties of the alloy were studied at elevated temperature by tensile tests and in situ neutron scattering measurements. Enhanced dynamic recovery process at elevated temperature due to dislocation climb lowers the strain hardening rate and ductility of ultrafine grained Fe-Cr-Ni alloy. Thermal stability of the ultrafine grained Fe-Cr-Ni alloy was examined by ex situ annealing and in situ heating within a transmission electron microscope. Abnormal grain growth at 827 K (600°C) is attributed to deformation-induced martensite, located at the triple junctions of grains. Helium ion irradiation studies on Fe-Cr-Ni alloy show that the density of He bubbles, dislocation loops, as well as irradiation hardening are reduced by grain refinement. In addition, we provide direct evidence, via in situ Kr ion irradiation within a transmission electron microscope, that high angle grain boundaries in nanocrystalline Ni can effectively absorb irradiation-induced dislocation loops and segments. The density and size of dislocation loops in irradiated nanocrystalline Ni were merely half of those in irradiated coarse grained Ni. The results imply that irradiation tolerance in bulk metals can be effectively enhanced by microstructure refinement.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung von magnetisch heterogenen Schichten und Elementen

Martin, Norbert 29 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden magnetisch heterogene, weichmagnetische Schichten hergestellt und in ihren magnetischen Eigenschaften gezielt modifiziert. Zu Beginn wurden in makroskopischen Bereichen Strukturen mit lateral in Streifen modulierter magnetischer Anisotropie im Mikrometermaßstab hergestellt, um den Einfluss der inneren Grenzflächen auf die magnetische Hysterese zu charakterisieren. Dazu wurden über Ionenimplantation in einer funktionalen Deckschicht lokal zusätzliche mechanische Spannungen generiert, ohne die intrinsischen Eigenschaften der magnetischen Schicht zu verändern. Mit der entwickelten Methode können rein über das gezielte Induzieren mechanischer Spannungen hybride magnetische Eigenschaften mit periodisch alternierenden, magnetisch leichten Achsen erzeugt werden. Im mesoskopischen Bereich beeinflussen zusätzlich die äußere Form und die Größe der magnetisch heterogenen Elemente die magnetischen Eigenschaften. In dieser Dissertation wurde für streifenstrukturierte Quadrate ein analytisches Modell entwickelt, um die Wechselwirkungen von Grenzflächen innerhalb der Elemente und der lateralen Elementgrenzen auf das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten zu simulieren. Das modellierte Ummagnetisierungsverhalten wurde mit experimentell gemessenen Daten unterlegt und bestätigt. Im Vergleich zwischen Modell und Experiment zeigte sich, dass die Größe der externen Felder, bei denen die Magnetisierung innerhalb der Elemente schaltet, voneinander abweicht. Dies ist bedingt durch die bevorzugte Nukleation magnetischer Domänen an den lateralen Begrenzungen der quadratischen Elemente. Ein Aspekt, der die Nukleation von Domänen wesentlich beeinflusst, ist die Form der lateralen Begrenzung. Durch gezielte Manipulation des Kantenwinkels wurde das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten weichmagnetischer Kreisscheiben gesteuert. Dabei nukleiert der für Kreisscheiben charakteristische Vortexzustand bevorzugt in Elementen mit abgeschrägten Kanten. Die Gesamtheit der Daten zeigt, dass die magnetischen Eigenschaften heterogener Strukturen nicht nur von den Eigenschaften der Ausgangsmaterialien abhängen, sondern entscheidend von den Größen und Formen der Strukturierungen und der Elemente bestimmt werden.

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