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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fabrication de semiconducteurs poreux pour am??liorer l'isolation thermique des MEMS

Newby, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : L???isolation thermique est essentielle dans de nombreux types de MEMS (micro-syst??mes ??lectro-m??caniques). Elle permet de r??duire la consommation d?????nergie, am??liorer leurs performances, ou encore isoler la zone chaude du reste du dispositif, ce qui est essentiel dans les syst??mes sur puce. Il existe quelques mat??riaux et techniques d???isolation pour les MEMS, mais ils sont limit??s. En effet, soit ils ne proposent pas un niveau d???isolation suffisant, sont trop fragiles, ou imposent des contraintes trop importantes sur la conception du dispositif et sont difficiles ?? int??grer. Une approche int??ressante pour l???isolation, d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, est de fabriquer des pores de taille nanom??trique dans le silicium par gravure ??lectrochimique. En nanostructurant le silicium ainsi, on peut diviser sa conductivit?? thermique par un facteur de 100 ?? 1000, le transformant en isolant thermique. Cette solution est id??ale pour l???int??gration dans les proc??d??s de fabrication existants des MEMS, car on garde le silicium qui est d??j?? utilis?? pour leur fabrication, mais en le nanostructurant localement, on le rend isolant l?? o?? on en a besoin. Par contre sa porosit?? cause des probl??mes : mauvaise r??sistance chimique, structure instable au-del?? de 400??C, et tenue m??canique r??duite. La facilit?? d???int??gration des semiconducteurs poreux est un atout majeur, nous visons donc de r??duire les d??savantages de ces mat??riaux afin de favoriser leur int??gration dans des dispositifs en silicium. Nous avons identifi?? deux approches pour atteindre cet objectif : i) am??liorer le Si poreux ou ii) d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. La premi??re approche consiste ?? amorphiser le Si poreux en l???irradiant avec des ions ?? haute ??nergie (uranium, 110 MeV). Nous avons montr?? que l???amorphisation, m??me partielle, du Si poreux entra??ne une diminution de sa conductivit?? thermique, sans endommager sa structure poreuse. Cette technique r??duit sa conductivit?? thermique jusqu????? un facteur de trois, et peut ??tre combin??e avec une pr??-oxydation afin d???atteindre une r??duction d???un facteur cinq. Donc cette m??thode permet de r??duire la porosit?? du Si poreux, et d???att??nuer ainsi les probl??mes de fragilit?? m??canique caus??s par la porosit?? ??lev??e, tout en gardant un niveau d???isolation ??gal. La seconde approche est de d??velopper un nouveau mat??riau. Nous avons choisi le SiC poreux : le SiC massif a des propri??t??s physiques sup??rieures ?? celles du Si, et donc ?? priori le SiC poreux devrait conserver cette sup??riorit??. La fabrication du SiC poreux a d??j?? ??t?? d??montr??e dans la litt??rature, mais avec peu d?????tudes d??taill??es du proc??d??. Sa conductivit?? thermique et tenue m??canique n???ont pas ??t?? caract??ris??es, et sa tenue en temp??rature que de fa??on incompl??te. Nous avons men?? une ??tude syst??matique de la porosification du SiC en fonction de la concentration en HF et le courant. Nous avons impl??ment?? un banc de mesure de la conductivit?? thermique par la m??thode ?? 3 om??ga ?? et l???avons utilis?? pour mesurer la conductivit?? thermique du SiC poreux. Nous avons montr?? qu???elle est environ deux ordres de grandeur plus faible que celle du SiC massif. Nous avons aussi montr?? que le SiC poreux est r??sistant ?? tous les produits chimiques typiquement utilis??s en microfabrication sur silicium. D???apr??s nos r??sultats il est stable jusqu????? au moins 1000??C et nous avons obtenu des r??sultats qualitatifs encourageants quant ?? sa tenue m??canique. Nos r??sultats signifient donc que le SiC poreux est compatible avec la microfabrication, et peut ??tre int??gr?? dans les MEMS comme isolant thermique. // Abstract : Thermal insulation is essential in several types of MEMS (micro electro-mechanical systems). It can help reduce power consumption, improve performance, and can also isolate the hot area from the rest of the device, which is essential in a system-on-chip. A few materials and techniques currently exist for thermal insulation in MEMS, but these are limited. Indeed, either they don???t have provide a sufficient level of insulation, are too fragile, or restrict design of the device and are difficult to integrate. A potentially interesting technique for thermal insulation, which has been demonstrated in the literature, is to make nanometer-scale pores in silicon by electrochemical etching. By nanostructuring silicon in this way, its thermal conductivity is reduced by a factor of 100 to 1000, transforming it into a thermal insulator. This solution is ideal for integration in existing MEMS fabrication processes, as it is based on the silicon substrates which are already used for their fabrication. By locally nanostructuring these substrates, silicon is made insulating wherever necessary. However the porosity also causes problems : poor chemical resistance, an unstable structure above 400???C, and reduced mechanical properties. The ease of integration of porous semiconductors is a major advantage, so we aim to reduce the disadvantages of these materials in order to encourage their integration in silicon-based devices. We have pursued two approaches in order to reach this goal : i) improve porous Si, or ii) develop a new material. The first approach uses irradiation with high energy ions (100 MeV uranium) to amorphise porous Si. We have shown that amorphisation, even partial, of porous Si leads to a reduction of its thermal conductivity, without damaging its porous structure. This technique can reduce the thermal conductivity of porous Si by up to a factor of three, and can be combined with a pre-oxidation to achieve a five-fold reduction of thermal conductivity. Therefore, by using this method we can use porous Si layers with lower porosity, thus reducing the problems caused by the fragility of high-porosity layers, whilst keeping an equal level of thermal insulation. The second approach is to develop a new material. We have chosen porous SiC: bulk SiC has exceptional physical properties and is superior to bulk Si, so porous SiC should be superior to porous Si. Fabrication of porous SiC has been demonstrated in the literature, but detailed studies of the process are lacking. Its thermal conductivity and mechanical properties have never been measured and its high-temperature behaviour has only been partially characterised. We have carried out a systematic study of the effects of HF concentration and current on the porosification process. We have implemented a thermal conductivity measurement setup using the ???3 omega??? method and used it to measure the thermal conductivity of porous SiC. We have shown that it is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk SiC. We have also shown that porous SiC is chemically inert in the most commonly used solutions for microfabrication. Our results show that porous SiC is stable up to at least 1000???C and we have obtained encouraging qualitative results regarding its mechanical properties. This means that porous SiC is compatible with microfabrication processes, and can be integrated in MEMS as a thermal insulation material.

Etude du comportement hors et sous irradiation aux ions d'un gainage combustible REP innovant base zirconium revêtu de chrome / Study of the behavior before and after ion irradiation of chromium coated zirconium alloy for use as an innovative nuclear fuel cladding in LWRs

Wu, Alexia 26 October 2017 (has links)
Dans les Réacteurs à Eau Pressurisée (REP), en conditions hypothétiques accidentelles d'Accident de Perte de Réfrigérant Primaire, les gaines de combustible en alliage de zirconium subissent une oxydation importante à haute température. Pour ralentir ce phénomène, le CEA développe et étudie des gaines innovantes revêtues de chrome. Cependant, l'intégrité du revêtement doit être maintenue en service et notamment sous irradiation aux neutrons. L'objectif principal de la thèse est d'étudier le comportement sous irradiation de ce concept de gainage. On s'intéresse en particulier à la microstructure de l'interface Zr/Cr avant et après irradiation puisque cette dernière régit l'adhérence du dépôt au substrat. Des irradiations aux ions ont été effectuées afin de simuler le dommage causé par les neutrons dans un REP. Une approche multi-échelle est utilisée pour caractériser les échantillons avant et après irradiation. En particulier, la Microscopie Electronique en Transmission (MET) a permis de caractériser finement la microstructure de l'interface Zr/Cr. Un premier type d'interface Zr/Cr est observé et montre la présence de phases nanométriques de types Zr(Fe,Cr)2 C14 et ZrCr2 C15. Après irradiation, la phase C14 serait stabilisée, au détriment de la phase C15, par ségrégation du fer à l'interface. Pour une seconde interface, obtenue dans des conditions de dépôt différentes, seule la phase C15 est observée. Sous irradiation in-situ au MET, une dissolution de cette phase est constatée. Dans tous les cas, la conservation des continuités de plans cristallographiques à travers l'interface avant et après irradiation permet de conclure à une bonne adhérence du revêtement au substrat. / In Light Water Reactors (LWR) under hypothetical accidental conditions such as LOss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), zirconium alloy fuel claddings undergo significant oxidation at high temperatures. To limit this phenomenon, innovative chromium coated nuclear fuel claddings are studied at CEA. However, the integrity under neutron irradiation of such coating for in-service conditions must be preserved..The main objective of this PhD work is to study the behavior under ion irradiation of this new cladding concept. We especially focus on Zr/Cr interface microstructure evolution under irradiation, since the latter controls the adhesion of the coating to the substrate. Ion irradiations were performed to simulate the damage caused by neutrons in LWR. A multi-scale approach is used to characterize the samples before and after irradiation. In particular, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was used to characterize, at an atomic scale, the microstructure of the Zr/Cr interface. A first type of Zr/Cr interface is observed and shows the presence of nanometric phases of Zr(Fe,Cr)2 C14 and ZrCr2 C15 types. After irradiation, the C14 phase seems to be stabilized over the C15 phase, by segregation of iron at the interface. For a second interface, obtained using different deposition conditions, only C15 phase is observed. Under in-situ TEM irradiation, dissolution of the C15 phase is observed. Whatever the Zr/Cr interface type, preservation of the continuity of crystallographic planes before and after irradiation throughout the interface is demonstrated and thus induces a good adhesion of the coating to the substrate.

Síntese, engenharia de defeitos e caracterização óptica de nanofios de ZnO

Lisevski, Caroline Inês January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi otimizado o processo de crescimento de nanofios de ZnO pelo método vapor-líquido-sólido. As nanoestruturas obtidas foram caracterizadas quanto às suas propriedades ópticas através de medidas de fotoluminescência (PL) e modificações foram realizadas através de recozimentos em vácuo e atmosferas de Ar, O2 e forming gas (FG) como também de irradiação por feixes de íons de He+ e Au+. Além disso, foi estudada a influência do substrato tanto na morfologia dos nanofios quanto nas propriedades ópticas. Também foi depositado através de sputtering um filme de SiO2 sobre os nanofios de ZnO e então submetidos a recozimento em atmosfera de Ar. Quanto à sua morfologia, os nanofios foram caracterizados através das técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de transmissão (TEM). Como crescidos, os nanofios possuem diâmetro aproximado de 40 nm e polaridade Zn quando crescidos em safira c-plane. Os nanofios recozidos em diferentes atmosferas apresentaram redução da intensidade de PL na banda do visível quando submetidos aos recozimentos em vácuo, Ar e FG. Já quando recozido em atmosfera oxidante, a intensidade de emissão no visível apresentou um aumento. Nos nanofios irradiados foi observado que, após a irradiação com íons de He+, não houve mudanças na estrutura cristalina e de superfície dos nanofios. Entretanto após a irradiação/implantação com íons de Au+ a rugosidade dos nanofios apresentou alterações. Foram obtidos os espectros de PL à temperatura ambiente das nanoestruturas irradiadas e observa-se que, após a irradiação, a banda de defeitos de todas as amostras apresenta redução quando comparada com a amostra como crescida. O espectro de PL obtido das amostras de nanofios de ZnO após a deposição de SiO2 apresenta uma redução da banda do visível quando comparado com a amostra como crescida, além de um aumento na emissão no pico do UV. Após recozimentos em atmosfera de Ar, observou-se que a banda do UV aumenta até a temperatura de 700 °C, sendo reduzida para a temperatura de 900 °C. Já o pico na região do visível tem sua intensidade aumentada com o aumento da temperatura de recozimento. Através de imagens de TEM, observou-se a formação de uma estrutura do tipo core-shell, sendo o core composto pelo nanofios de ZnO e o shell pelo filme de SiO2. As nanoestruturas de ZnO crescidas em diferentes substratos revelaram que, além da morfologia ser diferente, alguns substratos favorecem a formação de determinados tipos de defeitos pontuais, mesmo que o crescimento seja dado sob as mesmas condições e simultaneamente. Foi iniciada, também, a construção de um dispositivo para medidas elétricas em nanofios de ZnO. Medidas preliminares foram realizadas com nanofios antes e após irradiação de íons de He+ e foi observado um aumento na condutividade da nanoestrutura. / In this work the growth process of ZnO nanowires by vapor-liquid-solid method was optimized. The obtained nanostructures were characterized by photoluminescence measurements (PL) and modifications were performed by annealing in vaccum and Ar, O2 and forming gas (FG) atmospheres as well He+ and Au+ ions irradiation. Furthermore, the influences of the substrate in morphology on the optical properties of nanowires were studied. Through sputtering was deposited a SiO2 film over ZnO nanowires and then submitted to Ar annealing. Regarning the morphology, nanowires were characterized by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. The as grown, nanowires have about 40 nm diameter and Zn polarity when grown on sapphire c-plane. The nanowires annealed in different atmospheres showed reduction in PL intensity in visible band emission when submitted to vaccum, Ar and FG annealing. When they were annealed in O2 atmosphere, the visible band emission increased compared to the sample as grown. In irradiated nanowires was observed that, after He+ ion irradiation, no changes were observed in the crystalline structure and surface of nanowires. However, after Au+ ions irradiation/implantation, the surface roughness of nanowires has been changed. PL spectra at room temperature of irradiated nanostructures were obtained and it was observed that, after irradiation, the defect band emission of all samples shows reduction of intensity when compared to as grown sample. PL spectra for ZnO nanowires after SiO2 deposition shows a reduction of visible band emission when compared to as grown sample, besides an increase in UV band emission. After annealing in Ar atmosphere, it was observed that UV band emission increases until 700 °C temperature, being reduced for 900 °C annealing temperature. In respect to visible peak, the intensity has increased with temperature annealing increasing. Through TEM images, it was observed a core-shell structure formation, with ZnO nanowires as core and SiO2 film as shell. ZnO nanostructures grown in different substrates reveals that, besides being morphologically different, some substrates favors the formation of certain types of point defects, even if growth is given under the same conditions and at the same time. It was started the built of a device to electrical measurements in ZnO nanowires. Prelimiary measurements were performed with nanowires before and after He+ ion irradiation and it were observed an increasing in nanostructure conductivity.

Síntese, engenharia de defeitos e caracterização óptica de nanofios de ZnO

Lisevski, Caroline Inês January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi otimizado o processo de crescimento de nanofios de ZnO pelo método vapor-líquido-sólido. As nanoestruturas obtidas foram caracterizadas quanto às suas propriedades ópticas através de medidas de fotoluminescência (PL) e modificações foram realizadas através de recozimentos em vácuo e atmosferas de Ar, O2 e forming gas (FG) como também de irradiação por feixes de íons de He+ e Au+. Além disso, foi estudada a influência do substrato tanto na morfologia dos nanofios quanto nas propriedades ópticas. Também foi depositado através de sputtering um filme de SiO2 sobre os nanofios de ZnO e então submetidos a recozimento em atmosfera de Ar. Quanto à sua morfologia, os nanofios foram caracterizados através das técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de transmissão (TEM). Como crescidos, os nanofios possuem diâmetro aproximado de 40 nm e polaridade Zn quando crescidos em safira c-plane. Os nanofios recozidos em diferentes atmosferas apresentaram redução da intensidade de PL na banda do visível quando submetidos aos recozimentos em vácuo, Ar e FG. Já quando recozido em atmosfera oxidante, a intensidade de emissão no visível apresentou um aumento. Nos nanofios irradiados foi observado que, após a irradiação com íons de He+, não houve mudanças na estrutura cristalina e de superfície dos nanofios. Entretanto após a irradiação/implantação com íons de Au+ a rugosidade dos nanofios apresentou alterações. Foram obtidos os espectros de PL à temperatura ambiente das nanoestruturas irradiadas e observa-se que, após a irradiação, a banda de defeitos de todas as amostras apresenta redução quando comparada com a amostra como crescida. O espectro de PL obtido das amostras de nanofios de ZnO após a deposição de SiO2 apresenta uma redução da banda do visível quando comparado com a amostra como crescida, além de um aumento na emissão no pico do UV. Após recozimentos em atmosfera de Ar, observou-se que a banda do UV aumenta até a temperatura de 700 °C, sendo reduzida para a temperatura de 900 °C. Já o pico na região do visível tem sua intensidade aumentada com o aumento da temperatura de recozimento. Através de imagens de TEM, observou-se a formação de uma estrutura do tipo core-shell, sendo o core composto pelo nanofios de ZnO e o shell pelo filme de SiO2. As nanoestruturas de ZnO crescidas em diferentes substratos revelaram que, além da morfologia ser diferente, alguns substratos favorecem a formação de determinados tipos de defeitos pontuais, mesmo que o crescimento seja dado sob as mesmas condições e simultaneamente. Foi iniciada, também, a construção de um dispositivo para medidas elétricas em nanofios de ZnO. Medidas preliminares foram realizadas com nanofios antes e após irradiação de íons de He+ e foi observado um aumento na condutividade da nanoestrutura. / In this work the growth process of ZnO nanowires by vapor-liquid-solid method was optimized. The obtained nanostructures were characterized by photoluminescence measurements (PL) and modifications were performed by annealing in vaccum and Ar, O2 and forming gas (FG) atmospheres as well He+ and Au+ ions irradiation. Furthermore, the influences of the substrate in morphology on the optical properties of nanowires were studied. Through sputtering was deposited a SiO2 film over ZnO nanowires and then submitted to Ar annealing. Regarning the morphology, nanowires were characterized by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. The as grown, nanowires have about 40 nm diameter and Zn polarity when grown on sapphire c-plane. The nanowires annealed in different atmospheres showed reduction in PL intensity in visible band emission when submitted to vaccum, Ar and FG annealing. When they were annealed in O2 atmosphere, the visible band emission increased compared to the sample as grown. In irradiated nanowires was observed that, after He+ ion irradiation, no changes were observed in the crystalline structure and surface of nanowires. However, after Au+ ions irradiation/implantation, the surface roughness of nanowires has been changed. PL spectra at room temperature of irradiated nanostructures were obtained and it was observed that, after irradiation, the defect band emission of all samples shows reduction of intensity when compared to as grown sample. PL spectra for ZnO nanowires after SiO2 deposition shows a reduction of visible band emission when compared to as grown sample, besides an increase in UV band emission. After annealing in Ar atmosphere, it was observed that UV band emission increases until 700 °C temperature, being reduced for 900 °C annealing temperature. In respect to visible peak, the intensity has increased with temperature annealing increasing. Through TEM images, it was observed a core-shell structure formation, with ZnO nanowires as core and SiO2 film as shell. ZnO nanostructures grown in different substrates reveals that, besides being morphologically different, some substrates favors the formation of certain types of point defects, even if growth is given under the same conditions and at the same time. It was started the built of a device to electrical measurements in ZnO nanowires. Prelimiary measurements were performed with nanowires before and after He+ ion irradiation and it were observed an increasing in nanostructure conductivity.

Síntese, engenharia de defeitos e caracterização óptica de nanofios de ZnO

Lisevski, Caroline Inês January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi otimizado o processo de crescimento de nanofios de ZnO pelo método vapor-líquido-sólido. As nanoestruturas obtidas foram caracterizadas quanto às suas propriedades ópticas através de medidas de fotoluminescência (PL) e modificações foram realizadas através de recozimentos em vácuo e atmosferas de Ar, O2 e forming gas (FG) como também de irradiação por feixes de íons de He+ e Au+. Além disso, foi estudada a influência do substrato tanto na morfologia dos nanofios quanto nas propriedades ópticas. Também foi depositado através de sputtering um filme de SiO2 sobre os nanofios de ZnO e então submetidos a recozimento em atmosfera de Ar. Quanto à sua morfologia, os nanofios foram caracterizados através das técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de transmissão (TEM). Como crescidos, os nanofios possuem diâmetro aproximado de 40 nm e polaridade Zn quando crescidos em safira c-plane. Os nanofios recozidos em diferentes atmosferas apresentaram redução da intensidade de PL na banda do visível quando submetidos aos recozimentos em vácuo, Ar e FG. Já quando recozido em atmosfera oxidante, a intensidade de emissão no visível apresentou um aumento. Nos nanofios irradiados foi observado que, após a irradiação com íons de He+, não houve mudanças na estrutura cristalina e de superfície dos nanofios. Entretanto após a irradiação/implantação com íons de Au+ a rugosidade dos nanofios apresentou alterações. Foram obtidos os espectros de PL à temperatura ambiente das nanoestruturas irradiadas e observa-se que, após a irradiação, a banda de defeitos de todas as amostras apresenta redução quando comparada com a amostra como crescida. O espectro de PL obtido das amostras de nanofios de ZnO após a deposição de SiO2 apresenta uma redução da banda do visível quando comparado com a amostra como crescida, além de um aumento na emissão no pico do UV. Após recozimentos em atmosfera de Ar, observou-se que a banda do UV aumenta até a temperatura de 700 °C, sendo reduzida para a temperatura de 900 °C. Já o pico na região do visível tem sua intensidade aumentada com o aumento da temperatura de recozimento. Através de imagens de TEM, observou-se a formação de uma estrutura do tipo core-shell, sendo o core composto pelo nanofios de ZnO e o shell pelo filme de SiO2. As nanoestruturas de ZnO crescidas em diferentes substratos revelaram que, além da morfologia ser diferente, alguns substratos favorecem a formação de determinados tipos de defeitos pontuais, mesmo que o crescimento seja dado sob as mesmas condições e simultaneamente. Foi iniciada, também, a construção de um dispositivo para medidas elétricas em nanofios de ZnO. Medidas preliminares foram realizadas com nanofios antes e após irradiação de íons de He+ e foi observado um aumento na condutividade da nanoestrutura. / In this work the growth process of ZnO nanowires by vapor-liquid-solid method was optimized. The obtained nanostructures were characterized by photoluminescence measurements (PL) and modifications were performed by annealing in vaccum and Ar, O2 and forming gas (FG) atmospheres as well He+ and Au+ ions irradiation. Furthermore, the influences of the substrate in morphology on the optical properties of nanowires were studied. Through sputtering was deposited a SiO2 film over ZnO nanowires and then submitted to Ar annealing. Regarning the morphology, nanowires were characterized by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. The as grown, nanowires have about 40 nm diameter and Zn polarity when grown on sapphire c-plane. The nanowires annealed in different atmospheres showed reduction in PL intensity in visible band emission when submitted to vaccum, Ar and FG annealing. When they were annealed in O2 atmosphere, the visible band emission increased compared to the sample as grown. In irradiated nanowires was observed that, after He+ ion irradiation, no changes were observed in the crystalline structure and surface of nanowires. However, after Au+ ions irradiation/implantation, the surface roughness of nanowires has been changed. PL spectra at room temperature of irradiated nanostructures were obtained and it was observed that, after irradiation, the defect band emission of all samples shows reduction of intensity when compared to as grown sample. PL spectra for ZnO nanowires after SiO2 deposition shows a reduction of visible band emission when compared to as grown sample, besides an increase in UV band emission. After annealing in Ar atmosphere, it was observed that UV band emission increases until 700 °C temperature, being reduced for 900 °C annealing temperature. In respect to visible peak, the intensity has increased with temperature annealing increasing. Through TEM images, it was observed a core-shell structure formation, with ZnO nanowires as core and SiO2 film as shell. ZnO nanostructures grown in different substrates reveals that, besides being morphologically different, some substrates favors the formation of certain types of point defects, even if growth is given under the same conditions and at the same time. It was started the built of a device to electrical measurements in ZnO nanowires. Prelimiary measurements were performed with nanowires before and after He+ ion irradiation and it were observed an increasing in nanostructure conductivity.

Experimental study on the fragmentation of adenine and porphyrin molecules induced by low energy multicharged ion impact / Étude expérimentale de la fragmentation des molécules adénine et porphyrine induite par collisions avec des ions multichargés à basse énergie

Li, Bin 27 August 2010 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une étude expérimentale de la fragmentation en phase gazeuse des biomolécules, adénine (H5C5N5) et porphyrine FeTPPCl (C44H28N4FeCl), induite par collision avec des ions à basse énergie. La distribution de population pour chaque voie de dissociation a été mesurée en fonction de l'énergie d'excitation des ions moléculaires parents avec la méthode CIDEC (Collision Induced Dissociation under Energy Control). Dans les collisions entre Cl+ à 3keV et adénine (Ade), le schéma de fragmentation de Ade2+ est dominée par la perte de H2CN+ et les émissions successives de HCN. La distribution de l'énergie des Ade2+ parents confirme la dynamique des émissions successives. Une voie de dissociation spécifique, à savoir l'émission successive de H2CN+ et HC2N2 est observée. Les schémas de fragmentation des ions moléculaires FeTPPCl1+, 2+, 3+ sont étudiés dans des collisions avec Kr8+ à 80 keV. Il est constaté qu’indépendante de l'état de charge initiale de FeTPPClr+ (r=1, 2, 3), la perte de Cl0 constitue la première étape de la chaîne de dissociation, tandis que l’état de charge initiale des molécules joue un rôle important dans les étapes suivantes de la dissociation. Dans les collisions avec H+ et F+ à 3keV, dû à un effet de fenêtre de réaction dans les processus de production d’ions négatifs, des schémas de fragmentation très différents sont observés pour FeTPPCl2+. Grâce à la mesure de l’énergie interne des molécules parents, la perte de nH2 est observée et analysée. De plus, le rendement de production d'ions négatifs, mesuré à environ 1% dans des collisions F2+-Ade à 30 keV, est étudié dans ce travail en utilisant une nouvelle approche expérimentale. / In this work, the Collision Induced Dissociation under Energy Control method was extended to study the fragmentation of gas-phase biomolecules adenine (H5C5N5) and porphyrin FeTPPCl (C44H28N4FeCl). The population distribution for each dissociation channel has been experimentally determined as a function of the excitation energy of the parent molecular ions at a well-determined initial charge state. In collisions between Cl+ and adenine (Ade) at 3keV, the fragmentation pattern of Ade2+ is dominated by the loss of H2CN+ and the successive emission of HCN. The energy distribution of the parent dications confirms the successive emission dynamics. A specific decay channel is observed, i.e., the emission of a charged H2CN+ followed by the emission of HC2N2. In Kr8+-FeTPPCl collisions at 80keV, parent ions FeTPPCl1+,2+,3+ are observed, along with the corresponding decay patterns. It is found that in the first step the dominant low-energy-cost decay channel is the emission of Cl0 independent of the initial charge state of FeTPPClr+ (r=1-3). For the resulted dication FeTPP2+, the dominant fragmentation channel is the neutral evaporation; for the trication however, the dominant fragmentation channel is the asymmetrical fission. In the case of H+ and F+ impact at 3keV, due to the different reaction windows opened in the two collision systems, different fragmentation patterns are observed. Furthermore, nH2 loss processes are observed. Additionally, the production yield of the negative ion emerged in F2+-Ade collision at 30keV is measured to be about 1% using a new experimental approach.

Towards saturation of detection efficiency in superconducting single-photon detectors at 4.2 K using local helium ion irradiation

Martinez, Glenn 25 September 2021 (has links)
Superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPDs) are the leading detectors in terms of high-speed single-photon counting and high detection efficiency (DE). One factor that limits the DE is the critical current Ic, which is the maximum current before the superconductor switches to the normal state. Increasing device’s bias current towards the Ic can improve the DE. However, the device’s Ic is reduced due to constriction and current crowding at the edges of the wire. Typically, this is caused by fabrication defects. Locally suppressing superconductivity at these defects can potentially lessen the occurrence of current crowding. In this thesis, we used the beam from the helium ion microscope (HIM) and measured the Ic to observe the effects of locally irradiating specific areas on a SSPD wire. Due to the HIM’s small spot size and high collimation, we can control the superconducting gap precisely at the center and edges of the wire. Suppressing the edges can potentially reduce current crowding and increase the device’s critical current while suppressing the center can improve detection sensitivity for photons incident at that location. Our results showed that the irradiated devices had reduced Ic compared to unirradiated devices for both cases. We then extend this method of local suppression of superconductivity to explore an alternative method of fabricating SSPDs by directly writing the device on the superconducting thin film. This can enable the fabrication of devices without the use of lithography resist. In our experiment, we fabricated a 3 μm wire using optical lithography that was disconnected at the center and connected it by writing a single 1 μm wire with the He+ ion beam. We measured the Ic for samples with and without the 1 μm wire pattern and observed that the Ic decreased as we increased the ion dose. Overall, this work aims to contribute to the continuing investigation of the detection mechanism for SSPDs and the improvement of nanofabrication methods using the HIM.

Topography-controlled alignment of DNA origami nanotubes on nanopatterned surfaces

Teshome, Bezuayehu, Facsko, Stefan, Keller, Adrian 02 December 2019 (has links)
The controlled positioning of DNA nanostructures on technologically relevant surfaces represents a major goal along the route toward the full-scale integration of DNA-based materials into nanoelectronic and sensor devices. Previous attempts to arrange DNA nanostructures into defined arrays mostly relied on top-down lithographic patterning techniques combined with chemical surface functionalization. Here we combine two bottom-up techniques for nanostructure fabrication, i.e., self-organized nanopattern formation and DNA origami self-assembly, in order to demonstrate the electrostatic self-alignment of DNA nanotubes on topographically patterned silicon surfaces. Self-organized nanoscale ripple patterns with periodicities ranging from 20 nm to 50 nm are fabricated by low-energy ion irradiation and serve as substrates for DNA origami adsorption. Electrostatic interactions with the charged surface oxide during adsorption direct the DNA origami nanotubes to the ripple valleys and align them parallel to the ripples. By optimizing the pattern dimensions and the Debye length of the adsorption buffer, we obtain an alignment yield of ~70%. Since this novel and versatile approach does not rely on any chemical functionalization of the surface or the DNA nanotubes, it can be applied to virtually any substrate material and any top-down or bottom-up nanopatterning technique. This technique thus may enable the wafer-scale fabrication of ordered arrays of functional DNA-based nanowires.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung von magnetisch heterogenen Schichten und Elementen

Martin, Norbert 25 October 2011 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden magnetisch heterogene, weichmagnetische Schichten hergestellt und in ihren magnetischen Eigenschaften gezielt modifiziert. Zu Beginn wurden in makroskopischen Bereichen Strukturen mit lateral in Streifen modulierter magnetischer Anisotropie im Mikrometermaßstab hergestellt, um den Einfluss der inneren Grenzflächen auf die magnetische Hysterese zu charakterisieren. Dazu wurden über Ionenimplantation in einer funktionalen Deckschicht lokal zusätzliche mechanische Spannungen generiert, ohne die intrinsischen Eigenschaften der magnetischen Schicht zu verändern. Mit der entwickelten Methode können rein über das gezielte Induzieren mechanischer Spannungen hybride magnetische Eigenschaften mit periodisch alternierenden, magnetisch leichten Achsen erzeugt werden. Im mesoskopischen Bereich beeinflussen zusätzlich die äußere Form und die Größe der magnetisch heterogenen Elemente die magnetischen Eigenschaften. In dieser Dissertation wurde für streifenstrukturierte Quadrate ein analytisches Modell entwickelt, um die Wechselwirkungen von Grenzflächen innerhalb der Elemente und der lateralen Elementgrenzen auf das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten zu simulieren. Das modellierte Ummagnetisierungsverhalten wurde mit experimentell gemessenen Daten unterlegt und bestätigt. Im Vergleich zwischen Modell und Experiment zeigte sich, dass die Größe der externen Felder, bei denen die Magnetisierung innerhalb der Elemente schaltet, voneinander abweicht. Dies ist bedingt durch die bevorzugte Nukleation magnetischer Domänen an den lateralen Begrenzungen der quadratischen Elemente. Ein Aspekt, der die Nukleation von Domänen wesentlich beeinflusst, ist die Form der lateralen Begrenzung. Durch gezielte Manipulation des Kantenwinkels wurde das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten weichmagnetischer Kreisscheiben gesteuert. Dabei nukleiert der für Kreisscheiben charakteristische Vortexzustand bevorzugt in Elementen mit abgeschrägten Kanten. Die Gesamtheit der Daten zeigt, dass die magnetischen Eigenschaften heterogener Strukturen nicht nur von den Eigenschaften der Ausgangsmaterialien abhängen, sondern entscheidend von den Größen und Formen der Strukturierungen und der Elemente bestimmt werden.

Einfluss der Bestrahlung mit energiereichen Teilchen auf die Härte von Fe-Cr-Legierungen

Heintze, Cornelia 14 January 2013 (has links)
Ferritisch/martensitische Cr-Stähle und deren oxiddispersionsverfestigte Varianten gehören zu den potenziellen Konstruktionswerkstoffen für Komponenten zukünftiger kerntechnischer Einrichtungen, wie z. B. Fusionsreaktoren und Spaltreaktoren der IV. Generation, die Strahlungsfeldern mit hohem Neutronenfluss ausgesetzt sind. Ein Hauptproblem dieser Materialgruppen ist das Auftreten des Spröd-duktil-Übergangs und dessen maßgeblich durch die Strahlenhärtung verursachte Verschiebung zu höheren Temperaturen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Bestrahlungsverhalten von binären Fe-Cr-Modelllegierungen untersucht, die ein vereinfachtes Modell für ferritisch/martensitische Cr-Stähle darstellen. Dabei werden Bestrahlungen mit Eisenionen zur Simulation der durch Neutronen hervorgerufenen Schädigung verwendet. Die auf wenige Mikrometer begrenzte Eindringtiefe der Ionen macht es erforderlich, dass für dünne Schichten geeignete Charakterisierungsmethoden eingesetzt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sind das Nanohärtemessungen und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM). Im Ergebnis liegen die bestrahlungsinduzierte Härteänderung der Schicht in Abhängigkeit von Chromgehalt, Bestrahlungsfluenz und –temperatur sowie, für ausgewählte Zustände, quantitative TEM-Analysen vor. Zusammen mit begleitenden Ergebnissen von Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuexperimenten an neutronenbestrahlten Proben der gleichen Werkstoffe ermöglichen sie die Identifizierung von bestrahlungsinduzierten Versetzungsringen und nm-großen α’-Ausscheidungen als Quellen der Strahlenhärtung. Im Rahmen eines vereinfachten Modells, das auf Orowan zurückgeht, werden die Hindernisstärken dieser Gitterbaufehler für das Gleiten von Versetzungen abgeschätzt. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt ausblickartig eine Erweiterung des Untersuchungsgegenstands auf komplexere Situationen hinsichtlich der Bestrahlungsbedingungen und des Werkstoffs. Durch das Einbeziehen simultaner und sequentieller Bestrahlungen mit Eisen- und Heliumionen kann gezeigt werden, dass der Effekt von Helium auf die Strahlenhärtung von der Bestrahlungsreihenfolge abhängt und dass der simultane Eintrag fusionsrelevanter Mengen von Helium zu einer Verstärkung der Strahlenhärtung führt, die auf einem synergistischen Effekt beruht. Für Cr-Stähle mit 9 % Cr und deren oxiddispersionsverfestigte Varianten wird kein grundlegend anderes Bestrahlungsverhalten beobachtet als für binäres Fe-9at%Cr. Es gibt jedoch Hinweise, dass Oxid-dispersionsverfestigung die Strahlenhärtung unter bestimmten Bedingungen reduzieren kann. Im Ergebnis der Arbeit zeigt sich, dass Ionenbestrahlungen in Kombination mit Nanohärtemessungen zu einem vertiefenden Verständnis der Strahlenhärtung in Werkstoffen auf Fe-Cr-Basis sowie zu einer effektiven Materialvorauswahl beitragen können. Voraussetzung ist, dass der Eindruckgrößeneffekt und der Substrateffekt auf geeignete Weise in Rechnung gestellt werden.

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