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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Antimony Doping in Iron Chalcogenides

Nagendra, G M January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is organized in to six chapters. The contents of each chapter are briefly summarized in the following sections. Chapter 1 introduces different Fe-based superconductors. Within a very short span of their discovery, they quickly expanded to include six different crystal structures. The crystal structure of these systems and their Tc’s are discussed in this chapter. In particular, the properties of Fe1+yTe are described with specific reference to isovalent doping and nonisovalent doping using different elements that affect the superconducting transition in this material. In chapter 2, the basic principles of growth and characterization techniques are explained. These are: 1. Modified Bridgman technique, 2. X-ray diffraction technique, 3. Electron Probe Micro Analyzer to determine chemical composition, 4. SQuID – For magnetization measurements, 5. Closed cycle refrigerator and He Cryostat – for resistivity measurements. The fabrication of high temperature furnace for Bridgman setup is also discussed. Crystal growth and characterization of parent Fe1+yTe and Sb doped Fe1+yTe system are discussed in chapter 3 and chapter 4 respectively. Details of crystal growth by modified Bridgman technique are described here. The characterization includes analysis of crystalline phase, structure and composition. Detailed structural information is extracted from Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction and the composition analyzed using EPMA. Temperature dependence of magnetization and transport behavior are also discussed. The ideal doping range of Sb in Fe1+yTe is defined in this chapter. In chapter 5, the effect of Sb doping of Fe1.05Te0.50Se0.50 is investigated. The crystal growth and characterization of the new superconductor, Fe1.05Te0.50Se0.48Sb0.02 are deliberated. The superconducting transition observed in transport measurements at zero field and the magnetic field dependence of transition temperatures are discussed. Estimation of upper critical Page|vi|Preface field using Ginzburg-Landau theory as well as the field dependence of magnetization of this crystal is explained in this chapter. The thesis concludes with a chapter on summary and outlook on all investigations. Finally, the scope of future work is outlined in the last section.

Transportmessungen an Supraleitenden Eisenpniktiden und Heusler-Verbindungen

Bombor, Dirk 05 September 2014 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Resultate elektronischer Transportmessungen von supraleitenden Eisenpniktiden und ferromagnetischen Heusler-Verbindungen diskutiert. Die Eisenpniktide sind eine neuartige Klassen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern, deren Eigenschaften sich aus einem Zusammenspiel von Supraleitung und Magnetismus ergeben. Während die sogenannten 122-Pniktide Antiferromagnetismus aufweisen und unter Dotierung in einen supraleitenden Zustand übergehen, konnte in dotiertem LiFeAs Ferromagnetismus beobachtet werden. Undotiert hingegen zeigt dieses Material interessante supraleitende Eigenschaften. Die Heusler-Verbindungen sind u.a. durch ihren Ferromagnetismus bekannt. Das hier untersuchte Co2FeSi ist einer der stärksten Ferromagnete. Der in diesem Material vorhergesagte vollständig spinpolarisierte elektronische Transport, d.h. alle Leitungselektronen besitzen den gleichen Spin, konnte nachgewiesen werden. Die hier genannten Eigenschaften können exzellent mit der Methode der elektronischen Transportmessungen untersucht werden. Deren Ergebnisse aus Messungen an Einkristallen werden in dieser Arbeit diskutiert. / In this work, results of electronic transport measurements are discussed for superconducting iron pnictides as well as for ferromagnetic Heusler compounds. The iron pnictides are a recently discovered class of high temperature superconductors where magnetism might play a crucial role. While the 122-pnictides show antiferromagnetism and migrate to the superconducting state upon doping, ferromagnetism has been observed in doped LiFeAs. On the other hand, in the undoped state this material shows interesting superconducting properties. Among other propierties, Heusler compounds are well known due to their ferromagnetism. Co2FeSi, which was investigated in this work, is one of the strongest ferromagnets. Beside this, one predicts this compound to be a half-metallic ferromagnet with completely spin polarized electronic transport where all conducting electrons have the same spin. The here addressed properties can well be investigated with the method of electronic transport measurements, whose results on single crystals are discussed in this work.

X-ray studies of magnetism and electronic order in Fe-based materials

Hamann Borrero, Jorge Enrique 17 December 2010 (has links)
The structure and magnetism of selected compounds of the pnictides iron based superconductors with chemical formula LnO{1-x}FeAsFx (Ln = La,Sm and Ce), commonly known as 1111, and of rare earth iron borates RFe3(BO3)4 (R = Tb, Gd, Nd and Y), were studied by means of hard x-ray diffraction. For the 1111 pnictides compounds, Rietveld refinement of powder x-ray diffraction measurements at room temperature reveals, that the ionic substitution of O by F has no effect on the structure of the FeAs layers of tetrahedra, whereas the major changes takes place in the LnO layer. These changes are reflected as a shrinkage of the crystal lattice, specially in the c direction. Additionally, a study of the temperature dependent structure of the Sm and Ce-1111 compounds was performed and an estimation of the the structural transition temperature was obtained. The results of the structural measurements, combined with electrical resistivity and µSR, were used to construct the Sm and Ce-1111 phase diagrams. These phase diagrams are characterized by two regions, consisting of a spin density wave (SDW) state and a superconducting state, which are sharply separated upon doping. Considering the different Ln ion, upon F doping the transition temperatures are more efficiently suppressed in Ce-1111 as compared to Sm-1111. More intriguingly, for the Ce case, a coexistence region between static magnetism and superconductivity without an orthorhombic distortion has been observed. Further analysis of the width of the Bragg peaks reveals strong lattice fluctuations towards phase transitions, which are reflected in magnetic and transport properties. Moreover, a strong damping of the lattice fluctuations is observed at Tc for superconducting Sm-1111 samples, giving experimental evidence of competing orders towards phase transitions in the iron pnictides. Regarding the iron borates, non-resonant x-ray scattering studies have shown several new diffraction features, from the appearance of additional reflections that violate the reflection conditions for the low temperature crystal structure, to the emerging of commensurate superlattice peaks that appear below TN. A detailed analysis of the structure factors and q dependencies of the earlier reflections, demonstrate their magnetic nature. Additional resonant x-ray magnetic scattering experiments on NdFe3(BO3)4 were performed at the Nd L2,3 and Fe K edges. The results show that the magnetization behavior is different for the Nd and for the Fe sublattices. Moreover, we find that the magnetization of the Nd sublattice is induced by the Fe magnetization. The temperature dependent measurements also show a commensurate to incommensurate transition where the magnetic structure changes from a commensurate collinear structure, where both Nd and Fe moments align in the hexagonal basal plane, to an incommensurate spin helix structure that propagates along c. When a magnetic field is applied, the spin helix is destroyed and a collinear structure is formed where the moments align in a direction perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. Moreover, the critical field at which the spin helix is destroyed is the same field at which the magnetic induced electric polarization is maximum, thus, showing that the spin helix is not at the origin of the electric polarization.

An ARPES study of correlated electron materials on the verge of cooperative order

Trinckauf, Jan 30 June 2014 (has links)
In this thesis the charge dynamics of correlated electron systems, in which a metallic phase lies in close proximity to an ordered phase, are investigated by means of angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The analysis of the experimental data is complemented by electronic structure calculations within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). First the charge dynamics of the colossal magnetoresistant bilayer manganites are studied. The analysis of the ARPES spectra based on DFT calculations and a Peierls type charge density wave model, suggests that charge, orbital, spin and lattice degrees of freedom conspire to form a fluctuating two dimensional local order that produces a large pseudo gap of about 450 meV in the ferromagnetic metallic phase and that reduces the expected bilayer splitting. Next, the interplay of Kondo physics and (magnetic) order in the heavy fermion superconductor URu2Si2 is investigated. The low energy electronic structure undergoes strong changes at 17.5 K, where a second order phase transition occurs whose phenomenology is well characterized, but whose order parameter could not yet be unambigeously identified. Below THO, non-dispersive quasi particles with a large scattering rate suddenly acquire dispersion and start to hybridize with the conduction band electrons. Simultaniously the scattering rate drops sinificantly and a large portion of the Fermi surface vanishes due to the opening of a gap within the band of heavy quasi particles. The observed behaviour is in stark contrast to conventional heavy fermion systems where the onset of hybridization between localized and itinerant carriers happens in a crossover type transition rather than abruptly. These experimental results suggest that Kondo screening and the hidden order parameter work together to produce the unusual thermodynamic signatures observed in this compound. Finally, the influence of charge doping and impurity scattering on the superconducting porperties of the transition metal substituted iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2 (TM = Co, Ni) is studied. Here, resonant soft X-ray ARPES is applied to see element selective the contribution of the 3d states of the TM substitute to the Fe 3d host bands. The spectroscopic signatures of the substitution are found to be well reproduced by DFT supercell and model impurity calculations. Namely, the hybridization of the dopant with the host decreases with increasing impurity potential and the electronic states of the impurtiy become increasingly localized. Simultaniously, in all simulated cases a shift of the Fermi level due to electron doping is observed. The magnitude of the shift in the chemical potential that accurs in BaFe2As2, however, is in stark contrast to the marginal doping values obtained for the impurity model, where the shift of the chemical potential is largely compensated by the influence of the increasing impurity potential. This suggests that the rigid band behaviour of TM substituded BaFe2As2 is a peculiarity of the compound, which has strong implications for the developement of superconductivity. / In dieser Arbeit wird die Ladungstraegerdynamik in korrelierten Elektronensystemen, in denen eine metallische Phase in direkter Nachbarschaft zu einer geordneten Phase liegt, mit Hilfe von winkelaufgeloester Photoelektronenspektroskopie (ARPES) untersucht. Die Analyse der experimentellen Daten wird ergaenzt durch lektronenstrukturrechnungen im Rahmen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT). Zuerst wird die Ladungstraegerdynamik in gemischtvalenten zweischichtmanganaten mit kolossalem Magnetiwiderstand studiert. Die Analyse der Photoemissionsspektren basierend auf DFT Rechnungen und einem Peierls artigem Ladungsdichtewellenmodell, legt nahe, dass die Freiheitsgrade von Ladung, Orbitalen, Spin und des Ionengitters konspirieren, um eine fluktuierende zweidimensionale lokale Ordnung zu bilden, die verantwortlich ist fuer die beobachtete Pseudobandluecke von 450 meV, und die zur Reduktion der erwarteten Zweischichtaufspaltung beitraegt. Als naechstes wird das Zusammenspiel von Kondo Physik und (magnetischer) Ordung im Schwerfermionensupraleiter URu2Si2 untersucht. Die iedrigenergetische elektronische Struktur zeigt starke Veraenderungen bei 17.5 K, wo ein Phasenuebergang zweiter Ordnungstattfindet, der phenomenologisch gut charakterisiert ist, aber dessen Ordungsparameter nocht nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden konnte. Unterhalb von THOerlangen nicht dispergierende Quasiteilchen mit gro en Streuraten abrupt Dispersion und hybridisieren mit den Leitungselektronen. Gleichzeitig sinkt die Streurate und ein gro er Teil der Fermiflaeche verschwindet durch das Oeffnen einer Bandluecke innehalb des Bandes schwerer Quasiteilchen. Das beobachtete Verhalten steht in starkem Kontrast zu dem von konventionellen Schwerfermionensystemen, in denen die Hybridisierung zwischen lokalisierten und itineranten Ladungstraegern in einem kontinuierlichen Uebergang ablaeuft, anstatt abrubt. Diese experimentellen Befunde lassen den Schluss zu, dass das zusammenspiel zwischen Kondo Abschirmung und dem unbekannten Ordnungsparameter die ungewoehnlichen thermodynamischen Signaturen in dieser Verbindung hervorruft. Abschliessend wird das Zusammenwirken von Ladungstraegerdotierung und Streuung an Stoeratomen auf die Supraleitung uebergangsmetalldotierter Eisenpniktid Supraleiter Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2 (TM = Co, Ni) untersucht. Mit Hilfe von resonantem Weichenroentgen ARPES gelingt es, elementselektiv den Beitrag der 3d Zustaende des TM Substituenten zu den Eisen 3d Wirtsbaendern zu beobachten. Die spektroskopischen Signaturen der Substitution sind mit Hilfe von DFT Rechnungen und Modelrechnungen mit zufaellig verteilten Stoeratomen gut zu reproduzieren. Insbesondere nimmt die Hybridisierung des dotierten Uebergangsmetalls und der Eisenbaender mit zunehmender Kernladungszahl ab und die elektronischen Zustaende der Stoeratome werden zunehmen lokalisiert. Gleichzeitig wird in allen gerechneten Faellen eine Verschiebung des Fermi Niveaus durch Elektronendotierung beobachtet. Der Betrag der Verschiebung des chemischen Potentials in BaFe2As2 steht allerdings in starkem Kontrast zu den Werten, die man im Falle der Modellrechnungen erhaelt, wo die Verschiebung des Fermi Niveaus durch den Einfluss des Potentials der Stoeratome groesstenteils kompensiert wird. Dies legt nahe, dass das beobachtete "rigid band" Verhalten von TM substituiertem BaFe2As2 eine Besonderheit dieser Verbindung ist, welches starke Auswirkungen auf die Ausbildung von Supraleitung hat.

Diagramme de phase et corrélations électroniques dans les supraconducteurs à base de Fer : une étude par RMN / NMR study of phase diagram and electronic correlations in Iron based superconductors

Texier, Yoan 09 July 2013 (has links)
La découverte en 2008 de supraconductivité à relativement haute température (Tc,max = 56K) dans les pnictures de Fer a ravivé les questions fondamentales sur l’origine et la nature de la supraconductivité posés par les supraconducteurs non conventionnels. En particulier, la présence d’une phase antiferromagnétique à proximité de celle supraconductrice dans leur diagramme de phase pose la question du lien entre magnétisme et supraconductivité. Ces supraconducteurs à base de Fe présentent un diagramme de phase générique, mais quelques exceptions remettent en question une description qui se voudrait universelle. Nous avons choisi d’étudier ces cas particuliers grâce à une sonde locale, la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN). Nos observations nous ont non seulement permis de comprendre la raison de ces exceptions, mais aussi de s’en servir pour mieux sonder les corrélations magnétiques dans ces matériaux, un ingrédient clé pour la compréhension de la supraconductivité. Premier sujet, la coexistence de supraconductivité et de magnétisme : celle-ci a été observée dans la plupart des supraconducteurs à base de Fer de façon homogène ou inhomogène, mais toujours pour des états magnétiques à faible TN et faibles moments en accord avec des descriptions itinérantes à faibles corrélations. Pourtant un nouveau composé au Sélénium est venu remettre en cause ces conclusions en présentant une apparente coexistence homogène entre une forte supraconductivité macroscopique (Tc ≈ 30K) et un très fort antiferromagnétisme (TN ≈ 600K, moments magnétiques de valeur élevée de 3.3µB). Cette observation suggère donc une description ici plutôt en terme d’isolants de Mott contrairement aux autres supraconducteurs à base de Fer. Nos mesures RMN permettent de montrer en fait l’existence d’une séparation de phase et de statuer sur la stœchiométrie et les propriétés électroniques des différentes phases, pour finalement réconcilier ce composé et les autres familles. Deuxième exception : dans la famille archétype BaFe₂As₂, tous les dopages sur site Fer ou Arsenic ou même l’application de pression mènent à la supraconductivité, sauf dans le cas du dopage au Manganèse ou au Chrome en site Fer, qui ne provoquent pas l’apparition de la supraconductivité. Nos mesures RMN nous ont permis de sonder la nature de la transition magnétique, mais aussi l’état métallique de ces composés substitués. Nous montrons en particulier que le trou supplémentaire du Manganèse substitué à la place du Fer reste en fait localisé sur son site et se manifeste alors par un moment magnétique localisé. Cette étude du dopage par le Manganèse ouvre la voie à l’idée d’utiliser le Manganèse en faible concentration comme source de moments localisés qui polarisent magnétiquement leur environnement. Cette polarisation permet en effet de caractériser la nature même des corrélations de spin. Nous avons donc utilisé la RMN ainsi que la magnétométrie-SQUID pour mesurer cette polarisation dans des composés supraconducteurs pour sonder les corrélations de spins de ces systèmes. Nous concluons que ces corrélations sont plutôt faibles et indépendantes de la température dans les composés dopés en électrons. / The discovery in 2008 of superconductivity at a rather high temperature in the iron pnictides (Tc,max = 56K) has revived the fundamental questions about the existence and the nature of the superconducting phase raised by the unconventional superconductors. In particular, the existence of an antiferromagnetic phase that is in vicinity of the superconducting phase in the phase diagram raises questions about the link between magnetism and superconductivity. These Iron based superconductors have a generic phase diagram, but some exceptions are questioning a description that would be universal. We chose to study these cases through a local probe, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our observations have not only allowed us to understand the reasons for these exceptions, but also be used to better probe the magnetic correlations in these materials, a key ingredient for the understanding of superconductivity. First subject, the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism: it was observed in most superconductors based on iron homogeneously or inhomogeneously, but always for magnetic states at low TN and low magnetic moments in accordance with nesting descriptions with low correlations. Yet a new compound Selenium came to question these conclusions with an apparent homogeneous coexistence between a strong macroscopic superconductivity (Tc ≈ 30K) and a very strong antiferromagnetism (TN ≈ 600K, magnetic moments of high value of 3.3μB). This observation suggests a description rather in terms of Mott insulators, unlike other iron-based superconductors. Our NMR measurements show the existence of an effective phase separation and determine the stoichiometry and the electronic properties of the different phases, eventually reconciling this compound and other families. Second exception : in the archetype family BaFe₂As₂, all iron or arsenic on-site doping or even application of pressure leads to superconductivity, except in the case of Chrome or Manganese doping in Iron site, which does not cause the onset of superconductivity. Our NMR measurements have allowed us to probe the nature of the magnetic transition, but also the metallic state of the substituted compounds. We show in particular that the extra hole Manganese substituted in place of the iron is actually located on its atom and then manifested by a localized magnetic moment. This study of Manganese doping opens up the idea of using Manganese in low concentrations as a source of localized moments which magnetically polarize their environment. This polarization makes it possible to characterize the nature of the spin correlations. We used NMR and SQUID magnetometry, to measure the polarization in superconducting compounds to probe the spin correlations of these systems. We conclude that these correlations are rather low and independent of temperature in electrons doped compounds.

Advanced Cluster Methods for Correlated-Electron Systems

Fischer, André 12 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, quantum cluster methods are used to calculate electronic properties of correlated-electron systems. A special focus lies in the determination of the ground state properties of a 3/4 filled triangular lattice within the one-band Hubbard model. At this filling, the electronic density of states exhibits a so-called van Hove singularity and the Fermi surface becomes perfectly nested, causing an instability towards a variety of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting states. While chiral d+id-wave superconductivity has been proposed as the ground state in the weak coupling limit, the situation towards strong interactions is unclear. Additionally, quantum cluster methods are used here to investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of iron-pnictide superconductors. The transition from a tetragonal to an orthorhombic phase is accompanied by a significant change in electronic properties, while long-range magnetic order is not established yet. The driving force of this transition may not only be phonons but also magnetic or orbital fluctuations. The signatures of these scenarios are studied with quantum cluster methods to identify the most important effects. Here, cluster perturbation theory (CPT) and its variational extention, the variational cluster approach (VCA) are used to treat the respective systems on a level beyond mean-field theory. Short-range correlations are incorporated numerically exactly by exact diagonalization (ED). In the VCA, long-range interactions are included by variational optimization of a fictitious symmetry-breaking field based on a self-energy functional approach. Due to limitations of ED, cluster sizes are limited to a small number of degrees of freedom. For the 3/4 filled triangular lattice, the VCA is performed for different cluster symmetries. A strong symmetry dependence and finite-size effects make a comparison of the results from different clusters difficult. The ground state in the weak-coupling limit is superconducting with chiral d+id-wave symmetry, in accordance to previous renormalization group approaches. In the regime of strong interactions SDW states are preferred over superconductivity and a collinaer SDW state with nonuniform spin moments on a quadrupled unit cell has the lowest grand potential. At strong coupling, inclusion of short-range quantum fluctuations turns out to favor this collinear state over the chiral phase predicted by mean-field theory. At intermediate interactions, no robust conclusion can be drawn from the results. Symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of the iron-pnictides are studied using a three-band model for the iron planes on a 4-site cluster. CPT allows a local breaking of the symmetry within the cluster without imposing long-range magnetic order. This is a crucial step beyond mean-field approaches to the magnetically ordered state, where such a nematic phase cannot easily be investigated. Three mechanisms are included to break the fourfold lattice symmetry down to a twofold symmetry. The effects of anisotropic magnetic couplings are compared to an orbital ordering field and anisotropic hoppings. All three mechanisms lead to similar features in the spectral density. Since the anisotropy of the hopping parameters has to be very large to obtain similar results as observed in ARPES, a phonon-driven transition is unlikely.

Advanced Cluster Methods for Correlated-Electron Systems

Fischer, André 27 October 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, quantum cluster methods are used to calculate electronic properties of correlated-electron systems. A special focus lies in the determination of the ground state properties of a 3/4 filled triangular lattice within the one-band Hubbard model. At this filling, the electronic density of states exhibits a so-called van Hove singularity and the Fermi surface becomes perfectly nested, causing an instability towards a variety of spin-density-wave (SDW) and superconducting states. While chiral d+id-wave superconductivity has been proposed as the ground state in the weak coupling limit, the situation towards strong interactions is unclear. Additionally, quantum cluster methods are used here to investigate the interplay of Coulomb interactions and symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of iron-pnictide superconductors. The transition from a tetragonal to an orthorhombic phase is accompanied by a significant change in electronic properties, while long-range magnetic order is not established yet. The driving force of this transition may not only be phonons but also magnetic or orbital fluctuations. The signatures of these scenarios are studied with quantum cluster methods to identify the most important effects. Here, cluster perturbation theory (CPT) and its variational extention, the variational cluster approach (VCA) are used to treat the respective systems on a level beyond mean-field theory. Short-range correlations are incorporated numerically exactly by exact diagonalization (ED). In the VCA, long-range interactions are included by variational optimization of a fictitious symmetry-breaking field based on a self-energy functional approach. Due to limitations of ED, cluster sizes are limited to a small number of degrees of freedom. For the 3/4 filled triangular lattice, the VCA is performed for different cluster symmetries. A strong symmetry dependence and finite-size effects make a comparison of the results from different clusters difficult. The ground state in the weak-coupling limit is superconducting with chiral d+id-wave symmetry, in accordance to previous renormalization group approaches. In the regime of strong interactions SDW states are preferred over superconductivity and a collinaer SDW state with nonuniform spin moments on a quadrupled unit cell has the lowest grand potential. At strong coupling, inclusion of short-range quantum fluctuations turns out to favor this collinear state over the chiral phase predicted by mean-field theory. At intermediate interactions, no robust conclusion can be drawn from the results. Symmetry-breaking mechanisms within the nematic phase of the iron-pnictides are studied using a three-band model for the iron planes on a 4-site cluster. CPT allows a local breaking of the symmetry within the cluster without imposing long-range magnetic order. This is a crucial step beyond mean-field approaches to the magnetically ordered state, where such a nematic phase cannot easily be investigated. Three mechanisms are included to break the fourfold lattice symmetry down to a twofold symmetry. The effects of anisotropic magnetic couplings are compared to an orbital ordering field and anisotropic hoppings. All three mechanisms lead to similar features in the spectral density. Since the anisotropy of the hopping parameters has to be very large to obtain similar results as observed in ARPES, a phonon-driven transition is unlikely.

Resolving Local Magnetization Structures by Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy / Auflösung lokaler Magnetisierungsstrukturen mittels quantitativer Magnetkraftmikroskopie

Vock, Silvia 22 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Zur Aufklärung der lokalen Magnetisierungs- und magnetischen Streufeldstruktur in ferromagnetischen und supraleitenden Materialien wurden magnetkraftmikroskopische (Magnetkraftmikroskopie-MFM) Untersuchungen durchgeführt und quantitativ ausgewertet. Für eine solch quantitative Auswertung muss der Einfluß der verwendeten MFM-Spitzen auf das MFM-Bild bestimmt und in geeigneter Weise subtrahiert werden. Hierzu wurden Spitzenkalibrierungsroutinen und ein Verfahren zur Entfaltung der gemessenen MFM-Daten implementiert, das auf der Wiener Dekonvolution basiert. Mit Hilfe dieser Prozedur können sowohl die räumliche Ausdehnung als auch die Größe der Streufelder direkt aus gemessenen MFM-Bildern bestimmt werden. Gezeigt wurde diese Anwendung für die Durchmesserbestimmung von Blasendomänen in einer (Co/Pd)-Multilage und für die Bestimmung der temperaturabhängigen magnetischen Eindringtiefe in einem supraleitendem BaFe2(As0.24P0.76)2 Einkristall. Desweiteren konnte durch die Kombination von mikromagnetischen Rechnungen und der quantitativen MFM-Datenanalyse die Existenz einer dreidimensionalen Vortex-Struktur am Ende von Co48Fe52-Nanodrähten nachgewiesen werden. Damit ist es gelungen die Tiefensensitivität der Magnetkraftmikroskopie erfolgreich in die Rekonstruktion der vermessenen Magnetisierungsstruktur einzubeziehen.

Resolving Local Magnetization Structures by Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy

Vock, Silvia 09 May 2014 (has links)
Zur Aufklärung der lokalen Magnetisierungs- und magnetischen Streufeldstruktur in ferromagnetischen und supraleitenden Materialien wurden magnetkraftmikroskopische (Magnetkraftmikroskopie-MFM) Untersuchungen durchgeführt und quantitativ ausgewertet. Für eine solch quantitative Auswertung muss der Einfluß der verwendeten MFM-Spitzen auf das MFM-Bild bestimmt und in geeigneter Weise subtrahiert werden. Hierzu wurden Spitzenkalibrierungsroutinen und ein Verfahren zur Entfaltung der gemessenen MFM-Daten implementiert, das auf der Wiener Dekonvolution basiert. Mit Hilfe dieser Prozedur können sowohl die räumliche Ausdehnung als auch die Größe der Streufelder direkt aus gemessenen MFM-Bildern bestimmt werden. Gezeigt wurde diese Anwendung für die Durchmesserbestimmung von Blasendomänen in einer (Co/Pd)-Multilage und für die Bestimmung der temperaturabhängigen magnetischen Eindringtiefe in einem supraleitendem BaFe2(As0.24P0.76)2 Einkristall. Desweiteren konnte durch die Kombination von mikromagnetischen Rechnungen und der quantitativen MFM-Datenanalyse die Existenz einer dreidimensionalen Vortex-Struktur am Ende von Co48Fe52-Nanodrähten nachgewiesen werden. Damit ist es gelungen die Tiefensensitivität der Magnetkraftmikroskopie erfolgreich in die Rekonstruktion der vermessenen Magnetisierungsstruktur einzubeziehen.:Introduction 6 1 Contrast formation in Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) 9 1.1 Type of interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1.1 Relevant interaction forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1.2 Magnetic interaction mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2 Basic magnetostatics of the tip-sample system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2.1 General magnetostatic expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2.2 Description of the tip sample system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.2.3 Magnetostatics in Fourier space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 Instrumentation 20 2.1 Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.1 Measurement principle and operation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.2 Dynamic mode SFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2 Lift mode MFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3 Non-contact MFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.4 Vibrating Sample Magnetometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3 Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy 28 3.1 The challenge of MFM image inversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1.1 Description of the problem and state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1.2 The point probe approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.3 The transfer function approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.2 Tip calibration: Adapted Wiener deconvolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.2.1 Details of the procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.2.2 Evaluation of possible errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.3 Noise measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.4 MFM probes and their specific characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.5 Calibration samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.6 Detection of tip-sample modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4 Quantitative MFM with iron filled carbon nanotube sensors (Fe-CNT) 56 4.1 The monopole character of Fe-CNT sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.1.1 Calibration within the point probe approximation . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.1.2 Calibration results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.1.3 Quantitative MFM on a [Co/Pt]/Co/Ru multilayer . . . . . . . . . 62 4.2 Inplane sensitive MFM with Fe-CNT sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.2.1 Bimodal MFM technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.2.2 Comparison between calculated and measured in-plane contrast . . 66 5 Quantification of magnetic nanoobjects in MFM measurements 70 5.1 Bubble domains in a [Co/Pd]80 multilayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5.1.1 Micromagnetic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.1.2 MFM image simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.1.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.2 Quantitative assessment of the magnetic penetration depth in superconductors 78 5.2.1 Comparison of methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.2.2 Experimental determination of the temperature dependent penetration depth in a BaFe2(As0:24P0:76)2 single crystal . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6 Magnetization studies of CoFe nanowire arrays on a local and global scale 87 6.1 Revisiting the estimation of demagnetizing fields in magnetic nanowire arrays 88 6.1.1 Available approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 6.1.2 Calculation of demagnetizing fields in nanowire arrays . . . . . . . . 91 6.2 Micromagnetic Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.3 Combination of demagnetizing field calculations and micromagnetic simulation100 6.4 Experimental details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 6.5 Global hysteresis measurements of CoFe nanowire arrays with varying length 104 6.6 Local magnetic characterization of a CoFe nanowire array by quantitative MFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 6.6.1 Magnetic structure of individual nanowires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 6.6.2 Magnetization reversal of the nanowire array . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 6.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Conclusions and Outlook 119 Bibliography 121 Acknowledgements 135

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