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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mer imaginaire ; : suivi de Le monde imaginaire du héros dans Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) et Peter Pan (James. M. Barrie) : symbolisme et parcours introspectif de l'aventure merveilleuse / Monde imaginaire du héros dans Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) et Peter Pan (James. M. Barrie)

Lagacé, Sabrina 13 December 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 14 juillet 2023) / Le projet de création Mer imaginaire a pour objectif de transposer l'imaginaire d'une petite fille qui ne connaît pas le sentiment d'avoir un foyer familial et qui a dû, avec les années, se forger une identité sans l'aide de figures parentales. Tout au long de l'histoire, Sophia, une orpheline de onze ans, écrit des lettres pour ensuite les envoyer dans l'océan. Les nombreuses bouteilles à la mer sont une manière pour elle de se confier, de ne pas oublier. Elles représentent ce qu'elle n'ose dire à personne, même à Greg, son ami imaginaire. Un jour, Sophia s'enfuit du centre d'accueil et par un inexplicable phénomène, entre dans un monde parallèle qui la ramène en 1993, où elle fait la rencontre de sa mère alors que celle-ci est enceinte d'elle. À travers la découverte des événements qui expliquent la perte de sa mère, la narratrice nous fait sortir de la réalité pour nous présenter la manière dont elle perçoit les situations. Les diverses péripéties que traversent Sophia et Greg dans un univers qu'ils ne semblent pas maîtriser totalement vont, au final, éclairer les raisons pour lesquelles elle est orpheline. À la suite d'un événement tragique, le destin transporte la petite Sophia en 2021. Cette fois-ci, Sophia tombe face à face avec son double, c'est-à-dire avec elle-même, mais à l'âge de vingt-huit ans. Elle découvre également que Greg, du vrai nom de Grégory, est en fait le grand frère qu'elle aurait eu si sa mère n'avait pas fait une fausse couche. Ainsi, nous suivons Sophia grandir et vivre chaque étape de sa vie, tentant de se libérer des émotions reliées aux événements du passé. / Le monde imaginaire du héros dans Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) et Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie) : symbolisme et parcours introspectif de l'aventure merveilleuse. Dans cette partie réflexive du mémoire, je m'intéresse aux diverses significations du monde imaginaire créé par le personnage central (le héros) dans les œuvres Le Petit Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) et Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie). Je compare les deux œuvres à l'étude avec ma création du projet de mémoire Mer imaginaire. Nous analysons ainsi le parcours émotionnel et introspectif de ces trois enfants : Le Petit Prince, Peter et Sophia. Mon essai se concentre sur comment et pourquoi le héros choisit de traduire la réalité, de transformer la perception d'objets réels en objets métaphoriques, voire merveilleux; comment, par l'allégorie, il arrive à faire voyager le lecteur et à l'inclure dans son aventure extraordinaire. Le but du projet de réflexion est de comprendre l'origine du personnage qui choisit de s'évader dans un monde fictif. Qui est Peter derrière Peter Pan ? Qui est le petit garçon derrière le Petit Prince ?

L'influence conservatrice dans la structure d'une pensée politique : Joseph-Mathias Tellier, 1892-1916

Hubert-Rouleau, Jean-François 25 April 2018 (has links)
La carrière politique de Joseph-Mathias Tellier s'inscrit, dans l'histoire québécoise, comme la lutte d'un homme pour la conservation d'une idéologie sérieusement remise en question à cette époque. Élu député conservateur à la fin du XIXe siècle, Tellier n'a de cesse, au cours de ses quelque 24 ans passés à l'Assemblée législative, de défendre une vision idéologique empreinte d'un conservatisme qui ne cadre plus avec le bond en avant que le Québec s'apprête à prendre. Prônant des thèmes comme la colonisation, vantant les mérites d'une économie agricole, dénonçant les méfaits d'une industrialisation massive, s'opposant à l'instruction obligatoire, Tellier cherche, à travers ces luttes, à mobiliser les forces conservatrices de la Province. Ainsi s'explique son alliance avec les nationalistes de Bourassa. Il ne parviendra pas toutefois à réaliser son objectif et, comme tous les autres membres de l'élite conservatrice de la province, il assistera impuissant à l'évolution inévitable du Québec. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

J.-M. G. Le Clézio: Histoire du pied et autres faintaisies - komentovaný překlad díla rozšířený o analýzu recepce autorova díla v kontextu francouzské a české literatury / J.-M. G. Le Clézio: Histoire du pied et autres faintaisies - commented translation, the analysis of the reception of Le Clézio's writing in the context of the French and Czech litterature

Brunclíková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present an annotated literary translation of two short stories (L'arbre Yama a Barsa, ou barsaq) from the collection Histoire du pied et autres fantaisies by French author and Nobel Prize for literature winner J. M. G. Le Clézio. The first part of this thesis contains a translation of the two short stories. The second part, a commentary on the translation, includes information about the choice of the text, the author and his work, main stylistic and thematic features of the two translated texts, a list of main translation problems and strategies to solve them, the choice of the translation method and conception, the reception of Le Clézio's work in Czech literary context and an analysis of a survey among Czech publishers.

Možnosti meření spasticity dolních končetin u pacientů s DMO / Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy

Vavřinová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
Title: Measurement of lower extremities spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy Objectives: The aim of the theoretical part of this thesis is to evaluate possibilities of lower extremities spasticity measurement in adult patients with cerebral palsy. The main focus was given to the concept of French professor J.-M. Gracies: Five- step clinical assessment in spastic paresis. This unique concept presents differentiation of three main factors of motor impairment that emerge as a result of a lesion to central motor pathways: stretch sensitive paresis, soft tissue contracture and muscle overactivity. Ability to distinguish these factors is crucial for specific treatment indication. Finding a correlation between the Five-step clinical assessment in spastic paresis and muscle activity in gait measured with polyEMG was the main objective in the practical part of the thesis. Methodology: This thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part is in a form of a research on the topic of spasticity diagnosis, focused on cerebral palsy patients. The empirical part of the thesis has a form of pilot quantitative research, which was attended by 6 participants with cerebral palsy (4 men and 2 women; average age 29 years). There were 2 independent measurement made for each of them. Each...

Le mythe de Paul et Virginie dans les romans mauriciens d'expression française et dans Le chercheur d'or de J.M.G. Le Clézio

Valaydon, Vijayen. January 1900 (has links)
Version éditée d'un : Mémoire maîtrise : Lettres modernes : Paris : 199? / Bibliogr. p. 83-87.

Hidden kisses, walled gardens, and angel-kinder : a study of the Victorian and Edwardian conceptions of motherhood and childhood in Little Women, The Secret Garden, and Peter Pan /

Kirkpatrick, Leah Marie. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--James Madison University, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

Bodies and borders : space and subjectivity in three South African texts

Mulder, F. Adele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis interrogates the relationship between body, subjectivity and space in three antipastoral novels. The texts which I will be discussing, Karel Schoeman’s This Life, Anne Landsman’s The Devil’s Chimney and J.M. Coetzee’s In the Heart of the Country, all foreground the female protagonist’s relationship to a specifically South African landscape in a colonial time-frame. The inter-relatedness between the body, subjectivity and space is explored in order to show that there is a shifting interaction between these registers in the novels. Arising from this interaction, the importance of perspective as a way of being in the world is foregrounded. The approach adopted in this study is based on the assumption that our experience depends upon how we make meaning of the world through our bodies as we encounter people, places and objects. The lived, embodied experience is always a subjective experience. The conceptual framework is derived broadly from psychoanalysis and phenomenology. My primary concern in this study is how marginal subject positions are explored in the space of the South African farm, which, traditionally, is an ideologically fraught locus of Afrikaner patriarchy and oppression. The novels are narrated by distinctive female voices, each speaking differently, but all having the effect of undermining and exposing the hegemony of the patriarchal farm space. In all three novels the question of genre is involved as forming the space of the text itself. The novels speak to the tradition of the plaasroman and the pastoral and, in doing so, open up a conversation with the past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die verhouding tussen die liggaam, subjektiwiteit en ruimte ondersoek in drie romans wat teen die pastorale literêre tradisie spreek. Die betrokke romans is This Life deur Karel Schoeman, The Devil’s Chimney deur Anne Landsman en In the Heart of the Country deur J.M. Coetzee. Die romans speel af in ‘n koloniale tydperk waar die vroulike protagonis se verhouding met die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap op die voorgrond gestel word. Die verwantskap tussen die liggaam, subjektiwiteit en ruimte word ondersoek om die interaksie tussen hierdie drie konsepte ten toon te stel. Wat vanuit hierdie interaksie voortspruit is die ontologiese rol wat perspektief speel as wyse om met die wêreld te verkeer. Hierdie studie benader die romans vanuit die siening dat die mens se ervaring afhang van hoe hy/sy die wêreld verstaan deur die interaksie tussen die liggaam en ander mense, ruimtes en objekte. Die beliggaamde ervaring is dus ‘n subjektiewe ervaring. Die konsepsuele raamwerk van hierdie ondersoek is afgelei van psigoanalise en fenomenologie. Die kern van hierdie studie is om te ondersoek hoe die posisie van die randfiguur in die ruimte van die Suid-Afrikaanse plaas ten toon gestel word. Die plaas is tradisioneel ‘n ideologiese bestrede ruimte van Afrikaner patriargie en onderdrukking. Die romans word verhaal deur drie kenmerkende en verskillende vroulike stemme wat dien om die hegemonie van die patriargale opset op die plase te ondermyn en ontbloot. Die vraagstuk van genre is in al drie romans betrokke aangesien genre die ruimte van die teks self uitmaak. Die romans spreek teen die tradisie van die plaasroman en die pastorale roman en tree sodoende in gesprek met die verlede.

Borrowing identities : a study of identity and ambivalence in four canonical English texts and the literary responses each invokes

Steenkamp, Elzette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The notion that the post-colonial text stands in direct opposition to the canonical European text, and thus acts as a kind of counter-discourse, is generally accepted within post-colonial theory. In fact, this concept is so fashionable that Salman Rushdie’s assertion that ‘the Empire writes back to the Centre’ has been adopted as a maxim within the field of post-colonial studies, simultaneously a mission statement and a summative description of the entire field. In its role as a ‘response’ to a dominant European literary tradition, the post-colonial text is often regarded as resorting to a strategy of subversion through inversion, in essence, telling the ‘other side of the story’. The post-colonial text, then, seeks to address the ways in which the western literary tradition has marginalised, misrepresented and silenced its others by providing a platform for these dissenting voices. While such a view rightly points to the post-colonial text’s concern with alterity and oppression, it also points to the agonistic nature of the genre. That is, within post-colonial theory, the literature of Empire does not emerge as autonomous and self-determining, but is restricted to the role of counter-discourse, forever placed in direct opposition (or in response) to a unified dominant social order. Post-colonial theory’s continued classification of the literature of Empire as a reaction to a normative, dominant discourse against which all others must be weighed and found wanting serves to strengthen the binary order which polarises centre and periphery. This study is concerned with ‘rewritten’ post-colonial texts, such as J.M. Coetzee’s Foe, Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, Marina Warner’s Indigo, or, Mapping the Waters and Aimé Césaire’s A Tempest, and suggests that these revised texts exceed such narrow definition. Although often characterised by a concern with ‘political’ issues, the revised text surpasses the romantic notion of ‘speaking back’ by pointing to a more complex entanglement between post-colonial and canonical, self and other. These texts signal the collapse of binary order and the emergence of a new literary landscape in which there can be no dialogue between the clearly demarcated sites of Empire and Centre, but rather a global conversation that exceeds geographical location. It would seem as if the dependent texts in question resist offering mere pluralistic subversions of the logic of their pretexts. The desire to challenge the assumptions of a Eurocentric literary tradition is overshadowed by a distinct sense of disquiet or unease with the matrix text. This sense of unease is read as a response to an exaggerated iterability within the original text, which in turn stems from the matrix text’s inability to negotiate its own aporia. The aim of this study, then, is not to uncover the ways in which the post-colonial rewrite challenges the assumptions of its literary pretext, but rather to establish how certain elements of instability and subversion already present within the colonial pretext allows for such a return.

Writing, reading ... reconciliation? : the role of literature in post-apartheid South Africa

Bonthuys, Eugene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Socially responsible writing has been a feature of South African literature for many years. Under apartheid, many novels dealt with apartheid, as it was one of the main features of our social landscape. The end of apartheid did not however bring about the end of a need for socially responsible writing. South Africa is still faced with many problems, one of which is reconciliation. This thesis investigates whether reconciliation may have become a new theme in South African novels, and whether these novels could playa role in assisting the process of reconciliation in the country. For this purpose, three South African works are analysed, namely Country of My Skull by Antjie Krog, Smell of Apples by Mark Behr and Disgrace by J .M. Coetzee. The introduction attempts to explain the psychological discourse surrounding reconciliation, especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and parallels that may exists. The main body presents detailed readings of the three works, with the focus being on the presentation of reconciliation in the works, and the role that the individual works could play in assisting the reader in coming to terms with his or her feelings of guilt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir baie jare was apartheid die onderwerp van baie Suid Afrikaanse skrywers aangesien dit die mees problematiese element van Suid Afrikaanse samelewing was. Die einde van apartheid het egter nie die einde van alle probleme beteken nie. Een van die belangrike probleme is versoening. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die moontlikheid dat versoening die nuwe tema in Suid Afrikaanse letterkunde geword het en ofhierdie werke 'n bydrae kan lewer tot werklike versoening. Vir hierdie doel word drie werke behandel, naamlik Country of My Skull deur Antjie Krog, Smell of Apples deur Mark Behr en Disgrace deur J .M. Coetzee. Die inleiding poog om die sielkundige diskoers om versoening te verduidelik, veral rondom posttraumatiese stres, en die ooreenkomste wat mag voorkom. Die hoofdeel van die tesis bestaan uit 'n diepgaande bespreking van die drie werke, met die fokus op versoening in die werk, maar ook die rol wat die werke kan speel om die leser deur sy ofhaar skuld gevoelens te help.

The family in Shakespeare's plays: a study of South African revisions

Hjul, Lauren Martha January 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides a detailed consideration of the family in Shakespeare’s canon and the engagement therewith in three South African novels: Hill of Fools (1976) by R. L. Peteni, My Son’s Story (1990) by Nadine Gordimer, and Disgrace (1999) by J. M. Coetzee. The study is divided into an introduction, three chapters each addressing one of the South African novels and its relationship with a Shakespeare text or texts, and a conclusion. The introductory chapter provides an analysis of the two strands of criticism in which the thesis is situated – studies of the family in Shakespeare and studies of appropriations of Shakespeare – and discusses the ways in which these two strands may be combined through a detailed discussion of the presence of power dynamics in the relationship between parent and child in all of the texts considered. The three chapters each contextualise the South African text and provide detailed discussions of the family dynamics within the relevant texts, with particular reference to questions of authority and autonomy. The focus in each chapter is determined by the nature of the intertextual relationship between the South African novel and the Shakespearean text being discussed. Thus, the first chapter, “The Dissolution of Familial Structures in Hill of Fools” considers power dynamics in the family as an inherent part of the Romeo and Juliet genre, of which William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is but a part. Similarly, the impact of a socio-political identity, and the secrecy it necessitates, is the focus of the second chapter, “Fathers, Sons and Legacy in My Son’s Story” as is the role of Shakespeare and literature within South Africa. These concerns are connected to the novel’s use of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, King Lear, and Hamlet. In the third chapter, “Reclaiming Agency through the Daughter in Disgrace and The Tempest”, I expand on Laurence Wright’s argument that Disgrace is an engagement with The Tempest and consider ways in which the altered power dynamic between father and daughter results in the reconciliation of the father figure with society. The thesis thus addresses the tension between parental bonds and parental bondage

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