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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation des efforts dans un ancrage courbe collé acier/composites / Optimization of stresses in an adhesive bonded curved joint (Steel/composite)

Chafi, Haysam 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux composites connaissent un intérêt croissant dans la majorité des secteurs de l’industrie en raison de leur faible poids propre et de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes. Cependant, l’utilisation de ces matériaux a nécessité de conduire en parallèle des réflexions sur leur assemblage avec d’autres matériaux qui a donné naissance au développement de la technologie d’assemblage par collage structural. Cette technique qui permet de pouvoir assembler des matériaux de nature différente en limitant par exemple l’augmentation du poids propre de la structure n’est pas encore totalement maîtrisée. Pour cela, des développements sur la qualification des efforts d’adhésion ou sur la compréhension de la durabilité sont encore nécessaires. Cette thèse aborde la problématique de l’optimisation des assemblages collés et vise en particulier à étudier de manière plus précise l’utilisation de la courbure afin d’optimiser le transfert des efforts au sein du joint de colle. Deux types de colle, présentant l’une un comportement élastique fragile et l’autre un comportement élastoplastique ont été étudiés dans ce travail sur les différents volets analytique, numérique, et, expérimental. Il s’est avéré que la plasticité de l’adhésif semble améliorer la capacité de résistance du joint collé et sera alors un paramètre essentiel dans leur optimisation. Une étude de la géométrie courbe des joints collés acier/composite a été ensuite menée et il ressort de cette étude que cette géométrie est efficace pour augmenter la résistance d'un joint collé à la rupture. De plus, afin d’approfondir les connaissances sur le comportement mécanique du joint collé courbe, et en absence d’étude bibliographique suffisante sur ce type de collage, nous avons ensuite eu recours à la modélisation par la méthode des zones cohésives pour pouvoir aussi valider l’atout de la géométrie courbe par rapport à la géométrie plane. Ce travail s’est enfin intéressé à la durabilité mécanique de cette solution en abordant la thématique de la fatigue ; même si des investigations supplémentaires seront nécessaires, nous avons d’ores et déjà constaté que l’optimisation du joint par l’utilisation d’une colle élastoplastique et une géométrie courbe permet d’améliorer le comportement en fatigue de l’assemblage collé / Composite materials are gaining increasing interest in most of the industry sectors due to their low self-weight and their interesting physico-chemical properties. However, the use of these materials called for parallel reflections on their assembly with other materials which gave rise to the development of the structural bonding technology. This technique which allows to assemble materials of different natures by limiting, for example, the increase in the self-weight of the structure, is not fully mastered yet. For this purpose, further development on the qualification of the adhesion forces or on the understanding of durability are still necessary. This thesis addresses the problem of the optimization of adhesive bonded joints and aims in particular to study, more precisely, the use of the curvature in order to optimize the transfer of forces within the bonded joint. Two types of adhesive, one exhibiting a fragile elastic behavior and the other an elastoplastic behavior, have been studied in this work on the various analytical, numerical, and experimental aspects. We presumed that the plasticity of the adhesive appears to improve the strength of the bonded joints and; hence, shall be considered as an essential parameter in their optimization. A study of the curved geometry of the steel / composite bonded joints was then carried out, where it emerged that this geometry was effective in increasing the strength of the bonded joint and its ultimate capacity. Moreover, in order to extend the knowledge on the mechanical behavior of the curved bonded joints, and in the absence of sufficient bibliographical references on this type of bonding, we then resorted to the modeling by using the cohesive zone method to also validate the advantage of the curved geometry with respect to the plane geometry. This work finally focuses on the mechanical durability of this solution by addressing the fatigue thematic; even if additional investigations are needed, we have already found that the optimization of the joint by the use of an elastoplastic adhesive, and a curved geometry can improve the fatigue behavior of the adhesive bonded joints

Le transfert inter-organisationnel de compétences entre joint-venture euro-algériennes et entreprises mères européennes / Inter-organizational transfer of skills between Euro-Algerian joint ventures and European parent companies.

Rouane, Rafik 16 May 2014 (has links)
La recherche menée dans le cadre de cette thèse aborde la thématique des transferts de compétences. Plus précisément, notre recherche vise à étudier les transferts de compétences dans le cadre de relations inter-organisationnelles spécifiques, celles qu’entretiennent les joint-ventures euro-algériennes avec leurs entreprises mères européennes.La phase empirique de cette recherche a été menée dans un cadre international, en Algérie.Les résultats que nous avons présenté ont été obtenus à différents niveaux : construits théoriques à partir de la revue de littérature, modification ou validation des construits théoriques et élaboration de nouveaux construits sur la base des résultats empiriques de l’étude qualitative. Afin de mener l’ensemble des analyses à chacun de ces niveaux, nous avons  structuré l’étude des transferts de compétences suivant plusieurs dimensions : les compétences en tant qu’objet du transfert, les outils du transfert de compétences, l’organisation de la méthode de transfert, les difficultés du transfert et l’efficacité du transfert.L’apport théorique de la thèse est représenté à travers la synthèse des différents concepts mobilisés, mais également via l’identification d’une typologie des différentes méthodes de transfert, l’analyse et la classification des outils de transfert et la détermination des principaux éléments exerçant une influence sur le processus de transfert. Parallèlement, nos contribution managériales se situent, non seulement au niveau des partenaires, mais également au niveau du gouvernement local (ici : le gouvernement algérien) qui a besoin d’informations fiables lui permettant de mieux réglementer sa politique d’investissement. Mieux connaitre les difficultés du transfert de compétences, ses avantages stratégiques, les méthodes et les outils qui les accompagnent peut conduire à avoir recours à ce mode de management. Cela permet également de mieux organiser le transfert de sorte à tirer le meilleur parti de son potentiel stratégique. / The research conducted as part of this thesis addresses the topic of competencies transfer. More specifically, our research aims to study the transfer of competencies through specific inter-organizational relationships, those between Euro-Algerian joint ventures and their European parent companies.    The empirical phase of this research was conducted in an international context, Algeria.The results we presented were obtained at different levels : theoretical constructed from the literature review, modification or validation of theoretical constructs and development of new constructed on the basis of the empirical results of the qualitative study. In order to carry out all the analyzes on each level, we have structured the study of transfer of competencies along several dimensions: competencies as an object of transfer, tools competencies transfer, organization of the transfer method, the difficulties of transfer and transfer efficiency.The theoretical contribution of the thesis is illustrated through the synthesis of different concepts used, but also by identifying a typology of different transfer methods, analysis and classification tools transfer and identifying the main elements influencing the transfer process.Meanwhile, our managerial contributions are not only at the partner, but also the local government level (here: the Algerian government) who need reliable information enabling it to better regulate its investment policy. Better understand the difficulties of transferring competencies, strategic advantages, methods and tools that accompany them can lead to resort to this method of management. It also helps to organize the transfer so as to maximize its strategic potential.

Estudo da consolidação proporcional nas empresas que atuam no mercado brasileiro / Study of the proportionate consolidation on companies that are active in the Brazilian market

Furuta, Fernanda 09 November 2005 (has links)
Não existe consenso em relação à melhor forma de reconhecimento de investimentos em joint ventures na demonstração contábil consolidada da investidora. Há necessidade de adoção de uma única prática contábil, já que a falta de padronização do tratamento contábil de investimentos com controle compartilhado prejudica a comparabilidade das demonstrações contábeis consolidadas de empresas que adotam abordagens diferentes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar tanto os reflexos da adoção da consolidação proporcional nas demonstrações contábeis da investidora quanto da não adoção desse método quando há investimento de controle compartilhado. O Lucro Líquido e o Patrimônio Líquido são os únicos valores que devem ser iguais nessas demonstrações. A pesquisa empírica testou se há diferenças significativas entre os valores das contas ao ser feita adoção ou não da consolidação proporcional. O levantamento de dados foi realizado por meio do banco de dados da Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras- FIPECAFI/FEA USP, que é utilizado na edição da Revista Exame ? Melhores e Maiores. Inicialmente, foram pesquisadas as empresas que atuam no mercado brasileiro e que, no período de 1996 a 2003, apresentaram investimento com controle compartilhado. Posteriormente, na pesquisa empírica foram utilizados os dados de 2000 a 2003 que totalizaram 34 demonstrações contábeis e, a partir dessas demonstrações, foi calculado como seriam os valores caso não fosse feita a consolidação proporcional. Utilizou-se o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon e os resultados indicaram que ao nível de significância de 5%, há diferenças significativas entre os valores do ativo circulante, do realizável a longo prazo, do passivo circulante, do exigível de longo prazo, das vendas líquidas, do custo da mercadorias vendidas ou custo do produtos vendidos ou custo dos serviços prestados, do capital circulante liquido, do capital de terceiros sobre capital próprio, da liquidez corrente, da liquidez geral e da margem líquida, obtidos aplicando-se a consolidação proporcional e não a aplicando. Esses resultados confirmam a controvérsia existente na literatura acadêmica em relação às divergências de um método em relação ao outro, em termos de controle e definição de ativo e exigibilidade. Apesar de os testes estatísticos sugerirem que não há diferença significativa na composição do endividamento não é possível generalizar que seus valores não sejam diferentes. Os resultados obtidos, neste trabalho, indicam que a adoção de uma abordagem de consolidação ou outra pode fazer com que o usuário da demonstração contábil interprete de forma diferente as demonstrações consolidadas de empresas que possuem investimentos em joint venture. / There is no consensus on the best way of recognizing investments in joint ventures in the investing company?s financial statement. One single accounting practice needs to be adopted, as the lack of a standardized accounting treatment for investments in cases of shared control impairs the comparability of consolidated financial statements issued by companies that adopt different approaches. This study aims to evaluate the reflexes of adopting ? or not - the proportional consolidation method in the investing company?s financial statements in case of shared control investments. In these statements, Net Profit and Net Equity are the only figures that have to be equal. An empirical study tested for significant differences between the figures of accounts with or without proportional consolidation. Data were collected from the database of the Institute for Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research Foundation - FIPECAFI/FEA USP, which is used to publish the magazine Exame ? Melhores e Maiores. First, we examined companies active in the Brazilian market who presented shared control investments between 1996 and 2003. Next, in the empirical study, we used data from 2000 to 2003, totaling 34 financial statements, which were used for calculating figures with and without proportional consolidation. Wilcoxon?s non-parametrical test was used with a significance level of 5%. Results indicated significant differences in current and long-term assets, current and long-term liabilities, net sales, cost of goods sold or cost of products sold or cost of services rendered, working capital, index of capital of third-party investors on own capital, current and general liquidity and net margin, when calculated with and without the proportional consolidation method. These results confirm the controversy in academic literature about the differences between one method and another in terms of control and definition of assets and liabilities. Although statistical tests suggest that there is no significant difference in the composition of indebtedness, it cannot be generalized that there are no differences between the figures. The results of this study indicate that, due to the adoption of a specific consolidation approach, financial statement users may give a different interpretation to the consolidated statements of companies with joint venture investments.

Evaluation of outcomes following thermal, open and arthroscopic glenohumeral capsulorrhaphy for recurrent anterior instability

Sullivan, Jeff A. 27 April 2005 (has links)
PURPOSE: To compare glenohumeral joint position sense (JPS), concentric internal (IR) and external rotation (ER) strength, functional ability, and level of satisfaction in patients who underwent three types of glenohumeral capsulorrhaphy with age-matched controls. RESEARCH DESIGN: Four 4x2 and two 4x3 ANOVAs were used to identify differences in JPS and concentric IR/ER strength between groups: Open Capsulorrhaphy (n=21), Thermal Capsulorrhaphy (n=16), Arthroscopic Capsulorrhaphy (n=14) and Controls (n=22). Pearson correlation analyses were performed to determine the relationship between objective American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) evaluations and subjective Shoulder Rating Questionnaire (SRQ) scores. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to predict ASES and SRQ scores from various objective and subjective outcome measures. SUBJECTS: 73 adults (51 postsurgical patients, 22 healthy controls; mean age, 23.7 ± 6.8 yrs) participated in this retrospective study. The 51 patients who underwent capsulorrhaphy for recurrent, anterior glenohumeral instability were evaluated at an average of 32.1 months postsurgery. MEASUREMENTS: JPS was measured bilaterally using a reproduction of passive positioning protocol at 2 target angles: 60% and 90% of maximum passive external rotation (60% and 90% ER[subscript max]). Concentric IR and ER peak torques were measured bilaterally at 90°/sec, 180°/sec and 270°/sec. Objective postoperative function was quantified with the clinician-based ASES form, while functional status and patient satisfaction were assessed with the patient-based SRQ form. RESULTS: The accuracy of JPS in patients' surgical limbs was similar to that present in their contralateral, uninjured shoulders at both target angles. The Open group demonstrated significantly better involved-limb JPS acuity (4.2° ± 1.9°) than the Arthroscopic group (6.8° ± 3.2°) and Control group (6.6° ± 3.5°) (p<.05). However, the Open group had 31% less IR strength than Control subjects and 33% less than the Arthroscopic group, with IR peak torques significantly less in their postsurgical shoulders than their uninvolved limbs (p<.002). There was a strong, positive correlation (r =.64, p≤.001) between objective ASES and subjective SRQ scores. Patients' postoperative level of pain and ASES scores were significant predictors of their SRQ clinical scores (R=.81, p<.003). CONCLUSIONS: Glenohumeral JPS and rotator cuff strength were similar in both the postsurgical and uninvolved shoulders of the Arthroscopic and Thermal groups. Patients in the Open capsulorrhaphy group demonstrated significantly better involved-limb JPS than Arthroscopic and Control groups. The large strength deficits observed in the Open group, particularly in IR, were of significant concern. We observed a higher failure rate, more revision surgeries, and lower patient satisfaction with the Thermal capsulorrhaphy technique. Patient-based outcomes were significant predictors of operative success as measured by clinician-based evaluation. Prospective, randomized controlled studies are still needed to evaluate the outcomes of these glenohumeral capsulorrhaphy procedures over the longer term. / Graduation date: 2005

Robust repair methods of primary structures in composite

Ramström, Marcus, Gungner, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
A request of material change when performing repairs on composite parts of SAABs JAS 39 Gripen has lead to the initiation of this project. The aim is to create a quicker and more robust repair method. The requested method of repair is to use a direct-cured repair patch made of CFRP fabric instead of CFRP tape and to mount the patch with a scarf joint, see Figure 1.1. The fabric patch should then provide a robust quasi-isotropic repair, where the operator not is dependent of complete design data such as ply-directions etc. Today tape repairs are made on tape laminate and fabric repairs made on fabric laminate. The new method is to repair tape laminate with a fabric patch. This project will evaluate the possibility of implementing this method. The work started with a literature study to find out how repairs in composite parts of the airframe are being performed today. SAABs in-house analytical tools were then used to try to predict the results and examine some of the details in the questions at issue. Finite element models were then constructed to simulate a previous physical test program conducted to validate a repair method using a step joint and a direct-cured repair patch. If the FE models could show similar results as the physical tests the results from the FE models then can be assumed to be credible. The results of this project indicate that the change from fabric to tape in the repair patch can be done without disturbing the load path of a quasi isotropic composite laminate. Fabric repairs in orthotropic composite plates results in a knock-down of about 40%. The use of a scarf joint instead of a step joint should also work well as the repair patches show similar strains in the centre of the patches. The difference between step joint and scarf joint is the strain near the edge of the patch. It increases with scarf joint and it may lead to an earlier fibre failure in the repair patch. Results from the analysis of the bonded joint indicate that a scarf joint yields in a lower and more evenly distributed shear stress than the step joint. This indicates that the bonded joint in the step joint will reach failure earlier then the scarf joint.

Stress Analysis on Adhesive Bonded Joint of Composite Tube due to Torsion

Wang, Wei-Te 07 September 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is aimed to predict that what kind of adhesive bonded joint of composite tube the can obtain more efficient structure. APC-2 sixteen-layer laminates of AS-4/PEEK were used as adherends, including cross-ply [0/90]4S and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45]2S laminates. And we use two different kinds of adhesive bonded joints, including stepped lap joint and scarf lap joint. On the aspect of numerical analysis, we employ finite element method incorporate with the software of ANSYS 5.5.1 to obtain the distribution of stress on adhesive bonded joint. In this thesis, there are two kinds of geometrical shape on stepped lap joint. The bonded layer height h that is vertical to the axis of the composite tube is 2mm and 5mm. There are also two kinds of the geometrical shape on scarf lap joint. The angle £\ between the bonded layer and the axis of the composite tube is 30¢Xand 45¢X.The boundary condition on one side of the composite tube is assumed to be fixed. The other side of the composite tube is due to torsion. According to the numerical result, the stepped lap joint with h=5mm and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] occurs minimum von Mises stress, and we predict this kind of joint can sustain the maximum external load and obtain better efficiency. In this thesis, the geometrical shape, size and the direction of laminates of the joint will effect the distribution of stress.

A gnathologic assessment of the effect of orthodontic treatment on mandibular position a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science in Orthodontics ... /

Liu, Jeffrey C. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references.

Redevelopment of Yeung Uk Road complex : market as activity generator /

Nip, Wing-ki, Vicky. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes special report study entitled: Thick wall. Includes bibliographical references.


Schiffer, Michael B. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

The joint effects-based contracting execution system: a proposed enabling concept for future joint expeditionary contracting execution

Poree, Kelley, Curtis, Katrina, Morrill, Jeremy, Sherwood, Steven 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. / MBA Professional Report / This purpose of this Master's of Business Administration Professional Report is to deliver an enabling concept future joint expeditionary contracting execution. The Commanding General of the Joint Contracting Vommand-Iraq/Afghanistan )JCC-I/A) pioneered Effects-Based Contracting (EBC) during the Enable Civil Authority phase of Operation Iraqi Freedon to align tactical contracting efforts with the strategic objectives of the Combatant Commander's Campaign Plan. JCC-I/A accomplished this by integrating contingency contracting officers into the warfighters' operational planning cycles, linking contracting efforts with desired strategic operational effects and prioritizing contracting work based on the warfighters' main effort. This report applies components of EBC and the Systems Engineering Process (SEP), and with them, introduces the general framework for the Joint Effects-based Contracting Execution System (JEBCES), and a researcher proposed Phase-based Acquisition Capability (PBAC) to enable forward-leaning, responsive expeditionary contract support. This framework emphasizes providing the future Joint Expeditionary Contracting Force with a rapidly deployable, pre-awarded acquisition capability, creating greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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