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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Study Of female in Jin Ping Mei--fom the Viewpoint of Marital Relations and Sexual desire

Kuo, Mei-ling 05 December 2005 (has links)

Female Religious Practices, Agency, and Freedom in the Novel Jin ping mei

Beaudoin, Crystal Marie 11 1900 (has links)
In the patriarchal milieu of sixteenth-century China, women demonstrated agency in their families and communities through their religious practices. Male family members typically performed Confucian rites related to ancestor veneration; yet there were many opportunities for women to participate in practices associated with other religious traditions. In this study, I will elucidate the religious roles of women during the late Ming dynasty (1368—1644 CE). Using the cultural-historical method, I will demonstrate the ways in which women gained agency and freedom from social conventions through their religious practices. By comparing literary sources with historical documents, I will validate the use of my major literary source, Jin ping mei, to study the religious practices in sixteenth-century China. This study will provide scholars with a nuanced understanding of gender roles within upper-class families in early modern China. Women were not simply passive, submissive members of a Confucian society; rather, they often gained authority and autonomy within their families and communities. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 au travers de l’étude historique et critique de ses traductions anglaises et françaises / Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 through a historical and critical study of its translations in English and French / 《金瓶梅》英文和法文翻譯史與翻譯批評研究

Li, Shiwei 24 November 2016 (has links)
Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅, œuvre controversée dès son apparition à la fin du XVIe siècle, fut très tôt reconnue comme une des œuvres phare du roman chinois en langue vulgaire, notamment par Feng Menglong 馮夢龍 (1574-1646) qui le désigna comme un des Si da qishu 四 大奇書 (Quatre grands livres extraordinaires). De nombreux mystères à son sujet restent encore débattus aujourd’hui, parmi lesquels l’identité de son auteur, l’authenticité de ses éditions, ou les interprétations possibles de ce roman. La réputation exécrable dont il continue de souffrir en Chine continentale ne l’a pas empêché de susciter l’intérêt des premiers sinologues français et anglais et ceci dès 1816. En prenant pour point de départ une analyse des sources et une synthèse des hypothèses en cours concernant Jin Ping Mei et ses interprétations, notre thèse fera le point sur toutes les adaptations et traductions en anglais et en français de l’ouvrage, notamment en mettant en parallèle les deux meilleures traductions intégrales dont nous disposons actuellement, à savoir en français, celle d’André Lévy (1985), et en anglais, celle de David Tod Roy (de 1993 à 2013). Cette confrontation nous permettra de distinguer les différentes interprétations de l’ouvrage retenues par les traducteurs, et d’exposer les stratégies mises en place par eux pour le traduire. Un aspect crucial de notre travail consistera à souligner dans notre critique les positions interprétatives des traducteurs, et le potentiel interprétatif qui résulte de leurs choix. Loin de vouloir appliquer à ces traductions un jugement de valeur, nous espérons au contraire offrir une meilleure compréhension de la profondeur de cette œuvre si complexe et controversée. / Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅, one of the greatest masterpieces of the vernacular Chinese fiction, faced controversy ever since it appeared at the end of the 16th century. Scholars like Feng Menglong馮夢龍 (1574-1646) recognized the novel to be exceptional early on, placing it amongst the Si da qishu 四大奇書 (Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel). However, there still is a halo of unresolved mysteries around Jin Ping Mei, despite the fact that it has been the focal point of numerous studies. Some questions remain unsolved, such as the identity of its author, the authenticity of its editions, or its possible interpretations. Despite the bad reputation that the novel still suffers from in mainland China, its raised the interest from French and English sinologists as soon as 1816. Ever since, the novel has been the subject of partial translations and adaptations highly perfectible. Starting with an analysis of the sources and a synthesis of current hypothesis about the book and its interpretations, our thesis will then focus on all the adaptations and translations of the novel in English and in French, to ultimately confront the two best integral translations available to that day, namely André Lévy’s (1985) and David Tod Roy’s (1993 to 2013). This confrontation will allow us to distinguish the interpretations that translators had of the novel, and to expose the strategies they resorted to. A crucial part of our work will be to underline the interpretative positions of both translators, and the interpretative potential that results from their choices. Our goal is not to judge of the value of said translations, but rather to offer a better understanding of the depth of Jin Ping Mei. / 自十六世紀末問世以來,《金瓶梅》一直都是一部有爭議的作品。作為一部中國古代通俗長篇小說的著作,以及被馮夢龍稱為“四大奇書”之一,《金瓶梅》至今為止仍存在許多未解之謎。雖然對作品的相關研究日漸增多,但是關於作者的身份、版本以及對作品的闡釋等問題尚未達成共識。直至今日,《金瓶梅》在中國仍臭名昭著,但是這並不妨礙它在國外的流傳。早至1816 年,這部作品便引起了法國第一位漢學家的注意。兩個世紀以來,在法國紛紛出現了各種選段翻譯、改寫以及問題種種的不完整的法譯本。同樣,《金瓶梅》在英美國家的傳播之路也是漫長而艱難。該論文首先對《金瓶梅》的文學特色以及作品闡釋的問題進行相關探討,然後對《金瓶梅》所有翻譯和改寫的法譯本和英譯本進行研究,特別是對該作品的兩個完整的法譯本(André Lévy 雷威安 1985 年譯成)和英譯本(David TodRoy 苪效衛 1993 年至2013 年五卷本) 進行對比研究。通過對這些譯本的研究,我們能深入地了解譯者對作品的闡釋,他們採用的翻譯策略,以及他們譯本的優劣性。該論文的研究重點是譯者對作品闡釋的主體性,以及他們的翻譯策略給譯本讀者對原著理解帶來的影響。我們的研究並不是為了對譯本進行質量的評估,而是通過對譯本的研究來讓我們對《金瓶梅》這一複雜而極具爭議的作品有更深層的了解。

《金瓶梅》敘事藝術 / The Narrative Art of Jin Ping Mei

鄭媛元, Cheng, Yuan-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
文獻學與文化研究是金學研究的大宗,二者關注的共同點是《金瓶梅》「寫了什麼」;本論文則結合評點及敘事學,整合《金瓶梅》的敘事原則,分析特定敘事筆法反覆出現的用意,有系統地探究《金瓶梅》的敘事特徵及藝術成就,亦即藉著分析敘事者「如何講述故事」,建立起藝術筆法與小說內容之間的關係。 援引敘事理論探討傳統小說,一部份的目的在於更精確地描述小說的特色,而非還原作者的意圖,或尋求完整的詮釋體系。因此,雖然西方敘事理論已發展成一套便於操作的分析方法,但本論文並不完全依循敘事理論解析《金瓶梅》,僅參酌敘事理論能與傳統評點相互呼應之處,論述用語仍以評點為主,取其切合中國文化與詮釋傳統的優點,可避免論述文字歐化之病;也保留評點特意關注,但敘事理論並未探究者。本論文章節架構則大體依照敘事理論建立,不只為了條理分明地說明評點的內涵,也注重敘事理論已經觸及,但評點論述不足的敘事特徵,藉此開拓《金瓶梅》的詮釋面向。 本論文從結構、時空、視角三個層面,析論《金瓶梅》的敘事技巧,並參酌熱奈特(Gérard Genette)的敘事理論。論文第二章便借用他對故事時間及敘事時間的區分,對敘事「延伸」(narrative scattering)的分析,以及科比利(Paul Cobley)對敘事中「期待」及「回憶」的探討,來闡釋《金瓶梅》組織段落的次序所蘊含的意義,並說明書中如何聯繫不連續的片段。本章亦探討評點中「綴合」的觀念,分析《金瓶梅》如何連接相鄰的片段。第三章援引羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barthes)「現實效應」(reality effects)的概念,分析《金瓶梅》中的「細節」及評點者的閱讀樂趣,並重新思考蒲安迪(Andrew H. Plaks)「形象迭用」的意涵。第四章則運用敘事理論中的「視角」(point of view)及「敘事情境」(narrative situatiion),重新詮釋說書人及說書情境對傳統小說的影響,並藉助「凝視」(gaze)及「偷窺」(voyeurism)理論,探討《金瓶梅》中擅以偷窺寫人物「破綻」的特徵。 透過本論文的分析可知,作者重新組織包羅萬象的現實生活,使敘事時間及故事時間之間產生對比,不但具有相互映照或延宕懸念的效果,也能涵容同一敘事時間內的諸多敘事線索。各種串接不同片段的敘事筆法,則使人物及事件間產生緊密的聯繫,形成各個事件之間互為因果,錯綜影響的關係。「說書」的情境能聯繫虛構的小說世界與真實的人生,構成小說人物種種所為被公諸於世的語境,滿足聽眾/讀者一窺究竟的好奇心與偷窺欲;以小說人物的偷窺作為敘事視角時,則能突顯敘事視角隱含的意識型態,也使讀者及評點者都成為偷窺者,獲得不同的閱讀樂趣。上述特徵與《金瓶梅》隨處可見的「擬真」描寫,以及「白描」、「沒要緊處」餘韻無窮的筆墨,共同構成《金瓶梅》逼真的時空環境與特殊的講述角度,使讀者藉著虛擬的經驗,在極短的閱讀時間之內,見證西門家的興亡盛衰,感同身受地理解「盛極而衰」及「一切皆空」的哲理。

後設現象:《金瓶梅》續書書寫研究 / Meta-discourse: a study of the Sequels of Jin Ping Mei

鄭淑梅 Unknown Date (has links)
《金瓶梅》續書包括《續金瓶梅》、《隔簾花影》、《三續金瓶梅》以及《金屋夢》四部小說,它們雖是依據續衍對象而被收編於同一續書群體之內,但卻各有其回應原著、前作以及時代的姿態,呈現出殊異的面貌,可說是各以不同角度在閱讀、傳播與書寫過程中展開對創作、批評的思辯。而本文即是針對此批橫跨有清一代的《金瓶梅》續書群進行個別的書寫現象考察,指出小說續書因立足於原著以及其他續書之上,在回應原著之餘,也與先前的續書有所聯繫,閱讀前作所可能產生的競爭/遊戲心態,使小說的字裡行間除了反映其時的審美效應之外,亦不時地顯露出高度自覺的創作、思考痕跡,具有「後設」的況味,而此正是本文聚焦之所在。 在章節安排上,第二章是以清初丁耀亢的《續金瓶梅》為對象,由於其體例特殊,又具鮮明的易代色彩,故此章由丁耀亢的創作意識及文類意識切入,從創作者的多重身分與視角、情節正文與邊緣文字,乃至於結合當時的社會、歷史背景以觀,以一種主、客體間交互作用的觀照來詮解《續金瓶梅》的書寫現象,把握其文本特質與後設思維。第三章則以傳播、接受的角度切入,分析據《續金瓶梅》增刪而成的兩部續書——《隔簾花影》及《金屋夢》,由增刪的內容來尋索在清初以及清末民初這兩個截然不同時空下,刪改本對原著和之前續書的接受,探求隱藏在增刪背後的意味,及其與原著、之前續書間糾葛牽纏的關係。 第四章主要是探討清中葉的《三續金瓶梅》,以此書的別名《小補奇酸誌》所透露的「小補」、「奇酸」作為思索進路,首先是在續衍的脈絡下檢視作者「如何補」《金瓶梅》,亦即如何將其對前作的理解轉化為續衍的策略,造就一種與之既相關又相悖的微妙狀態;其次是從閱讀與接受版本看《三續金瓶梅》的思想涵化;最後則是在前述的基礎上,釐清文中的互文、解構……等現象。第五章為結論,總述以上幾部《金瓶梅》續書的書寫現象,並提出本論文的觀察:《金瓶梅》續書的後設思維表現為若干相似但卻又不盡相同的書寫現象,「後設」並非意味這批續書具有的單一的、本質性的定義,而是揭示它們總是朝向無限的可能性展開,無法自我封閉,但是又具有彼此關涉、連繫的特質。 / Although all the four sequels to Jin Ping Mei, including Xu Jin Ping Mei, Ge Lian Hua Ying, San Xu Jin Ping Mei, and Jin Wu Meng, are based on the same original, Jin Ping Mei, and belong to the same category, each has its different concerns in the aspects of echoing the original, echoing the previous works and echoing its time. In other words, the four sequels start distinct arguments on creating and criticizing through reading, disseminating, and the process of writing. This thesis observes individually the writing phenomenon of sequels to Jin Ping Mei, which flourished in Qing Dynasty, and argues that the sequels standing beyond the original and other sequels not only echo the original, but also connect other previous sequels. Thus, the competing/playing response might be caused by reading the previous works makes the lines respond the sense of beauty of its time, and simultaneously appears the highly consciousness of writing and thinking. The meta-discourse it contains in the process is what this thesis focuses on. Chapter 2 discusses Ding Yao Kang’s Xu Jin Ping Mei due to its special format and its obvious color of dynastic changeover. From Ding Yao Kang’s consciousness of writing and genre, this chapter interprets this writing phenomenon of meta-discourse with the subject/object relationship from the writer’s multi-identity, from the text and the preface and postscript to the social context and historical background. Chapter 3 analyzes other two sequels, Ge Lian Hua Ying and Jin Wu Meng, based on and with additions and deletions of Xu Jin Ping Mei, from the perspectives of dissemination and reception. The additions and deletions shows the different receptions in early Qing dynasty and in the end of Qing, and also, the interwoven relationship implied in the additions and deletions, the original, and the previous sequels can be found. Chapter 4 first observes San Xu Jin Ping Mei in mid-Qing dynasty from its alias Xiao Bu Qi Suan Zh. Its “Xiao Bu” and “Qi Suan” offers to examine how the writer mends Jin Ping Mei through the way of making sequels, that is, it offers to examine how to transfer the understanding of previous works into a policy of sequels, and it achieves a contradictious state of being relevant and being opposite. Second, how San Xu Jin Ping Mei is influenced by reading and reception would be observed. Finally, the intercontextuality and deconstruction would be indicated based on the aforementioned arguments. Chapter 5 concludes that the meta-discourses presented in the writing phenomena of the four sequels of Jin Ping Mei presented are equivalent but not exactly the same. The meta-discourse does not confine the definition to be unitary and essential; rather, it illuminates their unlimited possibility of extension, which is not completely independent but interweaves to one another.

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