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透過後設論述觀念教授高中生英文閱讀之研究 / The Use of Metadiscourse to Teach High School Students' Reading Comprehension楊憶琴, Yang, Yih-chin Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 本行動研究以八十位桃園縣立某高中二年級兩班社會組學生為本實驗教學之對象。將兩班學生分成實驗組和控制組,同時在實驗組班級中,依據其在英語分級測驗的成績分配出高分組和低分組。
(二) 兩組受試者先進行閱讀理解的前測,並填寫一份有關其已知語言學習策略之問卷,實驗組學生接受十二週後設論述觀念的閱讀教學,而控制組學生只接受一般高中英文課程教學。
(三) 此外,實驗組學生並填寫有關於後設論述觀念的前後問卷,兩組受試者前後測成績皆以獨立及相依樣本t 檢定統計方法來分析學生的成績。 問卷的結果以百分比形式及統計卡方方法表列;百分比同質性檢定用來分析高分組和低分組學生們對於後設論述觀念教授的不同反應。 統計顯著水準.05 用於所有分析中以決定顯著差異是否存在。
(四) 最後,實驗組受試者須填寫一份有關於他們對後設論述觀念教授的觀感以及策略應用之問卷。
(一) 實驗組和控制組間其閱讀表現並有顯著差異。 實驗組學生因有後設論述觀念教授而在閱讀表現上有顯著提升。
(二) 實驗組的高分組與低分組在前後測閱讀表現有顯著差異。 高分組及低分組學生皆因有後設論述觀念教授而在閱讀表現上有顯著提升。尤其對高分組學生閱讀表現助益更大
(三) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生對於後設論述觀念教授在閱讀表現上的效益抱持肯定態度。高分組及低分組學生皆持正面態度。
(四) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生認為對於後設論述基模中的文本後設論述觀念的學習,較優於人際間後設論述觀念的學習。
(五) 問卷結果顯示,大部分實驗組學生認為,應用文本後設論述中的連接轉折詞及順序詞 對於提升他們英文閱讀能力幫助極大。
(一) 本研究在實際高中英文閱讀教學情境中進行,僅以研究者所任教之兩個班級為對象,目的在於透過後設論述觀念教授高中生英文閱讀之研究,探討此教學方法應用於台灣高中學生在英語閱讀學習之成效及可能遭遇的學習瓶頸。因此,若欲據以推論其它不同學校與不同程度學生之教學應用,尚需進ㄧ步探究。
(二) 國外文獻多數討論後設論述觀念與英文作文教學應用,有關於和英語閱讀學習成效的文獻則極為稀少。本研究根據研究結果,提出後設論述觀念教授與第二外語英語閱讀教學意涵上的探討,提供台灣英語教師教學策略的的思考和想法。 / This study explores whether if there are significant effects of metadiscourse schema on senior high EFL students’English reading comprehension. The study further investigates if there are significant effects of metadiscourse schema on reading comprehension for students with different language proficiency levels. It also reports the students’responses to metadiscourse schema on: the textual and interpersonal aspects.
The subjects are eighty second-graders from Y.F. Senior High School in Taoyuan County. They are equally divided into the experimental and control groups based on the statistical s-shape distribution. The experimental group is further categorized into high-and low-proficiency subgroups based on the score of the placement test. Subjects in the experimental group take the instruction of metadiscourse schema for reading comprehension in twelve weeks. All subjects take the pre-and post-test for reading comprehension and fill in Questionnaire I.
The independent and dependent-sample t-test is used to analyze the subjects’ scores in the tests. The results of Questionnaire II are tabulated in terms of frequency and percentage. The results of Questionnaire II between high-and low-proficiency groups are analyzed by the test of homogeneity of proportions. Besides, the results of Questionnaire III also be discussed and analyzed. The .05 level of significance is used in all analysis as the criterion level for determining a significant difference.
The major findings in this study are summarized as follows:
1.There is a significant difference in the reading performance between the experimental and control groups. When metadiscourse schema is instructed to the experimental group, the EG subjects have the significant improvement in reading performance.
2.There are significant differences for the high-and low-proficiency groups in the experimental group between Questionnaire II before and after the metadiscourse instruction. HPG gain more benefit from the instruction of metadiscourse schema than LPG.
3.The results of Questionnaire III on the students’ responses to metadiscourse schema show that most subjects’ perception of the effects of metadiscourse schema on the reading performance is positive.
4.EG subjects gain more benefit from the instruction of the textual metadiscourse than the interpersonal metadiscourse.
5.The results of Questionnaires II on the instruction of metadiscourse schema indicate that logical connectives and frame markers in the textual metadiscourse are the features most frequently used by senior high EFL students
Based on the above-mentioned findings, pedagogical implications are provided and further research suggested.
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中研院近史所檔案館數位保存後設資料項目建置之研究王文英 Unknown Date (has links)
考量需求與館藏數位檔特性,中研院近史所檔案館保存後設資料項目雖以四種保存後設資料核心項目為基礎,在建置時仍做了部分修正與更動。(1) 保存後設資料的功能以協助保存決策制定及執行為主,不考慮提供使用的部分,也儘量不與原有後設資料重複;(2) 描述層級訂在系列層級;(3) 更動史項目,綜合NLA及Cedars之優點。限於系統功能限制,保存後設資料仍無法自動產生,也暫時不與數位檔及原有後設資料連結。
根據研究結果,對近史所檔案館及其他典藏機構提出下列建議:(1)制定數位保存政策及計畫;(2) 測試保存方法及保存後設資料項目;(3)留意相關科技及標準的發展趨勢;(4) 保存後設資料應儘量以自動、同步方式產生;(5) 明確定義描述規範。此外,對於數位保存後設資料及保存方法應再深入了解,並尋求跨領域合作機會。
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澳門初中不同年級聽障學生後設認知與代數解題歷程之相關研究 / Correlational study of the metacognition and algebraic problem-solving competence among deaf of hearing-difficulty students who are studying in different junior secondary grade in Macao董志文 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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新北市國民中小學校長評鑑之後設評鑑研究 / Meta-evaluation of Elementary School and Junior High School Principal Evaluation in New Taipei City吳佳珊, Wu, Chia Shan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:校長評鑑、後設評鑑、後設評鑑標準 / The purpose of this research is to realize the implement status of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City, and to explore the elementary school and junior high school principals’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements.
The study adopted questionnaire survey, and the tool was “Questionnaire of meta-evaluation of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City”. The research subjects were elementary school and junior high school principals who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were surveyed. A total of 36 questionnaires were distributed; 31 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 2 principals and 1 faculty who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation.
According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings:
1.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by accuracy, feasibility, and utility dimension.
2.In the propriety dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
3.In the utility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
4.In the feasibility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
5.In the accuracy dimension, there are 2 significant differences in the educational background and the number of school classes. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
6.It’s feasible to implement the principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City, but it should be strengthened in the evaluation plan reflects community expectation, evaluation finding uses, the proposal of evaluation reporting is consistent with the different schools’ characteristics. Evaluation process taking into account the qualitative and quantitative data collection.
7.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City can truly reflects principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to assist principals who examine their merits and shortcomings.
Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources.
Key words:principal evaluation;meta-evaluation;meta-evaluation standards
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The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in English Writing in Senior High School / 後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的成效鄒美芸, Tsou,Mei-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的學習成效。研究者以桃園縣立永豐高中五年某班中的四十二位學生為對象,進行為時一學期共十五週,每週兩節課的實驗。教學實驗進行之前,全體學生接受研究者改編自Schraw and Dennison (1993),O’ Neil and Abedi (1996),Wey(1998) 所編製的後設認知量表,實施後設認知量表前測,並接受作文的前測。研究者根據作文前測的成績區分出能力高、中、低三組於教學實驗結束之後施以訪談。全體學生並於教學實驗結束之後,再度接受後設認知量表與作文的後測。以觀察其在策略教學後英文寫作表現與後設認知行為的差異情形。
2.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效增加高中生在英文寫作中的後設認知 程度。
有鑑於此,本研究建議高中英文教師應用後設認知教學策略於高中英文作文教學中。 / This researcher explored the effectiveness of the metacognitive strategy instruction in senior high school writers’ performance, based on the theories of metacognitive strategies. Forty-two high school students in Yung-feng were selected to be subjects. Adapted from Schraw and Dennison’s Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (1993), O’ Neil and Abedi’s State Metacognitive Inventory (1996) and Wey’s Writing Self-Assessment Questionnaire (1998), Mtacognitive Awareness Questionnaires before and after Instruction, were used to measure students’ metacognitive awareness. To assess the effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on writing performance, forty-two pieces of writing were assigned in class and then scored based on criteria by the CRESST writing score guide: overall impression, quality and scope of content, organization and presentation of content, and mechanics. The Pair-Sample T test was performed to test the hypotheses in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on the students’ writing performance. (2) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on students’ metacognitive awareness. (3) Students’ writing performance proved correlated to their metacognitive awareness. (4) Students’ attitudes towards the metacognitive strategy instructions were generally positive. Thus, we recommend that metacognitive strategy instruction be used in English writing in senior high school.
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台灣生活型態量表效率的後設統合分析簡南山 Unknown Date (has links)
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記憶、想像與歷史的疊印:電影《好男好女》的真實與虛構林慧婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬對侯孝賢的電影《好男好女》做電影風格與電影語言的進行分析,針對的主題為在於影片真實與虛構的畫分界線、身份認同的困惑、多義與多義,研究中主要利用的理論有三,分別是後設理論、眾聲喧嘩與互文性、敘事理論中的觀點與認同。透過電影內逐場逐鏡分析,本研究發現侯孝賢以其豐富的電影語彙,模糊了真實與虛構,並且也利用影片中角色的角色扮演,讓劇中主角—梁靜的身份認同變得不固定而流動,而劇中主角身份認同的變動,也帶著觀眾穿越古今,穿越虛實;同時帶給觀眾出戲疏離與入戲認同的可能。另外,影片中的影像、音樂與語言,相互配合,發散著種種不可化約於一的訊息,帶給電影更多層的意義。 / This thesis analized the style and cinematic language of Hou Hsiao-hsien’s film Good men, Good Women. Three issues are discussed : the difference between reality and fiction, confusion of identifications and heteroglossia. The main theories being adapted in the thesis are meta-theory, heteroglossia, intertextuality and narration in the film . With a close analysis of scenes in the film, the author shows how Hou manipulates the cinematic lexicon to blur the line of reality and fiction. Liang Jing, the leading actress in the film , is performing Jiang Biyu and she feels that hereself is becoming the woman she interprets. Self-identity of Liang Jing is changeable in the film .Viewers experience engagement and detachment through watching performance which lies between reality and fantasy. In addition, contesting ideological languages, songs and images express multi-vocalization and polysemy in the film.
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漢語親子假裝遊戲中之後設溝通 / Metacommunication in Mandarin Mother-Child Pretend Play邱康雯, Qiu, Kang Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要在探討漢語親子假裝遊戲 (pretend play) 中的後設溝通(metacommunication),研究問題如下:1. 不同年齡的幼兒使用哪些後設溝通策略(metacommunicative strategies) 來架構其假裝遊戲?2. 在幼兒所使用的策略中有哪些語言表徵 (linguistic features)?3. 不同年齡的幼童使用後設溝通策略時是否會有發展上的差異?研究結果發現不同年齡的幼兒後設溝通策略的運用的確呈現發展上的差異,年齡較大的孩童在運用後設溝通策略架構假裝遊戲的技巧比年齡較小的孩童來的熟練與複雜,而這些策略運用上的不同則可能是因為語言及認知發展上的差異導致而成 ◦ / This thesis aims to investigate how children with different age initiate, maintain, and terminate pretend play through metacommunication. There are three research questions proposed: first, what metacommunicative strategies are used to organize children’s pretend play? Second, what are the linguistic features of these metacommunicative statements? Finally, does children’s use of metacommunication display a developmental trend? Participants included in the present study are two Mandarin-speaking children. Both are female. One aged two years and nine months old and the other is four years and five months old. Analytic framework adopted in this thesis is mainly derived from Giffin’s model. Giffin (1990) advanced a framework comprising seven metacommunicative strategies: enactment, ulterior conversation, underscoring, storytelling, prompting, implicit pretend structuring, and overt proposals to pretend. Results indicate that there are six metacommunicative strategies adopted by children during pretend play: enactment, ulterior conversation, underscoring, prompting, implicit pretend structuring, and overt proposals to pretend. Both children show a strong bias in favor of within-frame metacommunication during pretend play. In addition, there are linguistic features observed in these metacommunicative strategies. These linguistic features display children’s discrepancies in language development before and after three years old. Besides, how children with different age organize their pretend play through metacommunication is quite different. It has been observed that a four-year-old adopts ulterior conversation and overt proposals to pretend to initiate pretend play. On the other hand, a two-year-old child uses ulterior conversation and implicit pretend structuring as her play initiation strategies. As for play maintaining, older children develop various sub-plots or recapitulate the action format in order to sustain their play. Unlike older children, younger children’s ability to maintain pretend play is limited. However, it is observed that children as young as two years old are able to re-introduce the play theme into the dialogue after play partner’s interruption or digression. Furthermore, a four-year-old gives some concluding statements to end her pretend play while a two-year-old does not. As a result, the overall organization of older children’s pretend play is more complete than younger children’s. Our findings reveal the developmental trend of children’s use of metacommunication in pretend play and this developmental trend is closely related to children’s language and cognitive development.
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國文教學優異之國中教師知識管理與創意教學後設認知之個案研究陳玫芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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後設認知閱讀策略訓練對國中生英語閱讀理解及態度的效益研究 / The effects of metacognitive reading strategy training on English reading comprehension and attitudes of junior high school students曾鈺惠, Tseng, Yu Hwei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新竹縣某國中的一個七年級班級30位學生為研究對象,將學生分為高分組及低分組。這些學生接受為期四週的三種後設認知閱讀策略訓練 (分別為文意圖像策略、預測策略、總結策略)在英語閱讀上之運用。
1. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練能有效提升高分組及低分組兩組在後設認知閱讀策略上的使用。
2. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練有助於改善高分組及低分組的英語閱讀理解,學生們對後設認知閱讀策略訓練在閱讀理解方面的效益,皆抱持肯定的態度,尤其是低分組學生。
3. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練有助於高分組及低分組的學生,尤其是低分組學生,建立更正確的英語閱讀觀念。
4. 大部分的學生對於後設認知閱讀策略訓練的效益皆表示肯定的態度,並且樂於運用這些後設認知閱讀策略於英語閱讀上,且樂於學習新的閱讀策略。
最後,根據實驗的結果提供一些教學上的建議。 / The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of metacognitive reading strategy training (MRST) on junior-high-school students’ EFL reading. Specifically, the differences of metacognitive reading strategy use between HPG and LPG, perceptions of reading, English reading comprehension, and their responses to the metacognitive reading strategy training (MRST) are probed.
The participants of this study were thirty junior high school students from one seven-grade class in Shingchu C. The participants were divided into high-proficient group and low-proficient group. These participants received the four-week training (MRST) with three metacognitive reading strategies (semantic mapping, prediction, and summarizing) in reading English texts. In the data collection, the differences between HPG and LPG in metacognitive reading strategy use in the pre-treatment and post-treatment were compared and analyzed qualitatively. Also, HPG and LPG students’ reading performance in reading comprehension tests between the pre-treatment and post-treatment were analyzed quantitatively. In addition, students’ perceptions toward the effects of the MRST were analyzed qualitatively.
Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. The MRST was effective in enhancing both HPG and LPG readers’ metacognitive awareness of strategy use.
2. The MRST helped improve both HPG and LPG readers’ comprehension in reading English texts, and students, especially LPG, had positive attitude toward the effectiveness of the MRST in improving reading comprehension.
3. The MRST helped both groups of students, especially LPG readers, have more correct perceptions toward English reading.
4. Most of the students exhibited positive attitude toward the effectiveness of the MRST and showed their willingness to apply the learned metacognitive reading strategies as well as to learn new reading strategies in English reading.
Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.
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