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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motinų vidinės darnos ir motinos darnos su kūdikiu sąsajos / Relations between mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s coherence with a baby

Juodienė, Daiva 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti žindančių motinų vidinę darną, motinos su kūdikiu darną ir šių veiksnių sąsajas su žindymo trukme. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti žindančių motinų vidinę darną; 2. Išanalizuoti motinos darną su kūdikiu; 3. Nustatyti motinos vidinės darnos ir motinos darnos su kūdikiu sąsajas. 3. Nustatyti darnos veiksnių ryšį su žindymo trukme. Tyrimo metodai: Tyrimo objektas – ką tik pagimdžiusios motinos ir auginančios kūdikius iki 6 mėn. Tyrimo metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrimas susidėjo iš dviejų etapų. Pirmasis tyrimas vyko pirmąją savaitę motinai pagimdžius kūdikį, antrasis – 6 mėn. po kūdikio gimimo. Tyrimui buvo atrinktos motinos, gimdžiusios KMUK, Pr. Mažylio ir Krikš��ioniškuose gimdymo namuose. Pirmojo tyrimo metu buvo apklaustos 493 motinos. Antrajame tyrime pakartotinai apklausta 141 motina. Atsako dažnis sudarė 35,6 proc. Rezultatai: Tyrimo duomenimis, motinoms kurioms kūdikis buvo planuotas, visų darnos skalės sričių ir visos skalės, balų sumos vidurkis buvo didesnis negu toms motinoms, kurioms kūdikis buvo neplanuotas (p<0,001). Išsimokslinimas statistiškai reikšmingai veikė vidinės darnos suprantamumo (p=0,006), kontroliavimo jausmų sritis (p=0,038) ir visą skalę (p=0,005). Šeimyninė padėtis siejosi tik su motinos vidinės darnos prasmingumo jausmu (p=0,003). Motinos darna su kūdikiu statistiškai reikšmingai siejosi su gimdymo eiliškumu. Motinos kurios pagimdė antrą ar trečią vaiką, turėjo stipresnį prasmingumo (p=0,055), suprantamumo jausmą (p=0,0... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To study mother‘s sense of coherence (SOC), the mother‘s coherence with a baby and influence of these factors to the duration of breastfeeding. Tasks: 1. To evaluate sense of coherence of the mothers; 2. To analyze the mother‘s coherence with a baby; 3. To evaluate relations between mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s coherence with a baby. 4. To assess the influence mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s baby coherence to the duration of breastfeeding. Methods of the study: Object of the research – mothers after their delivery and after six months. Method of the research – anonymous questionnaire survey. The research consisted of two stages. The first research was performed in the first week after the mother gave a birth to her baby, the second one – the same mothers 6 months after the baby was born. For the research, the mothers giving birth in Kaunas Medical University Hospital, Pr. Mazylis and Christian maternity home were chosen. In the first research, 493 mothers were surveyed. In the second research, 141 mothers were surveyed one more time. The response rate was 35.6%. Results: According to the data of the research, the average sum of points of the ranges of the SOC and the total SOC was higher of the mothers who had planned a baby than of these ones who had not planned a baby (p<0.001). The education influenced the ranges of comprehensibility of the SOC (p=0.006), the ranges of manageability (p=0.038) and the total scale of SOC (p=0.005). The... [to full text]

Moterų požiūris į kūdikį prenataliniu laikotarpiu (Kauno m. ir Milano, Rho (Italija)) lyginamuoju aspektu / Women’s attitude towards a baby during prenatal period (In comparative aspect of Kaunas City and Milan, Rho (Italy))

Lisinskienė, Aušra 17 May 2006 (has links)
According to Mercer (2001), motherhood of all social roles covers the widest scale of social attitudes, expectations and behavior models and reflects stages of human development – overcoming of passed stages and preparation to successive ones. Pregnant woman has a power of managing the organized matter – inside she forms physical body for incoming soul and imparts her inside traits. Definitely, it is the most important process of the creation in the world. The creator is created – a human being, who will determine our and the world’s fate. Our topical question is whether psychological-pedagogic and physical nurture of an unborn child is important for women of today’s society. As different scientists hold Fanti, Marcone (1993), future relationship with a child starts forming while in womb, therefore the grounds of this relationship are made during pregnancy (Žarskus, 2005). Hypothesis of survey Physically active women look more positively to nurture of a baby during prenatal period and their emotional condition is better. Aim of survey: To clear out the attitude of pregnant women in Kaunas City P. Mažylis, Second hospital, Public Institution “Mother, Father and Me” and Italian Azienda Ospedaliera “G. Salvini” towards the nurture of a baby during prenatal period and pregnant women’s need for physical training. Tasks of survey: 1. To reveal the attitude of Lithuanian and Italian women towards a baby during prenatal period. 2. To clear out the opinion of Lithuanian and Italian... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos efektyvumas judėjimo funkcijų atsiradimo laikui giliai ir vidutiniškai neišnešiotiems kūdikiams pagal koreguoto amžiaus rodiklius / Effectiveness of physical therapy on emergence time of motor functions with regard to extremely preterm and very preterm infants according to corrected age indicators

Šimkutė, Vaida 08 May 2006 (has links)
Infants born prior to the term of 36 gestation weeks and 6 days are considered preterm infants. The number of preterm infants in Lithuania amounts to 5 – 6% per year. The most significant health problems of such infants in the neonate period are caused by immaturity of the organs and their systems. Knowledge of a preterm infant’s psychomotoric development contributes to early notification of disorders, more effective composition of problem-orientated corrective programs and monitoring of development progress. According to the reference literature, early application of physical therapy enables recovery of as much as 50 percent of infants and improvement of the condition of the rest. The goal of this thesis is to determine within which group: in the preterm infants (extremely preterm (born within 25-30 gestation week) or very preterm infants (born within 31-36 gestation week)), physical therapy has major effect for the emergence time of motor function. The objectives of the thesis are as follows: 1. Comparison of emergence time of motor functions with regard to extremely preterm and very preterm infants within the same stage of corrected age. 2. Comparison of motor development of the extremely preterm and very preterm infant groups and within each separate group considering the gender aspect. 3. Comparison of motor development alternation of the extremely preterm and very preterm infant groups and within each separate group considering the aspect of applied surgical treatment... [to full text]

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