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American and Canadian Parents' Perceptions of Virtual Education: A Case Study of K-12 Students Living in Saudi ArabiaLackey, Karen Michelle 08 1900 (has links)
This exploratory study investigates how American and Canadian parents living in Saudi Arabia perceive enrolling their children in an online virtual school. This research is relevant to North Americans living and working overseas and how these parents access educational opportunities for their children. North American parents living in Saudi Arabia with children have limited local educational options. If parents decided not to enroll their child in traditional private local international education, alternatives include boarding school, homeschool, or online school. Of the surveyed participants, 68% of parents had enrolled their children in online education or expressed interest in enrolling their children in online education but many lack information and knowledge about online education. A qualitative study analyzed participants in semi-structured interviews. Besides academic satisfaction, the most common reasons for alternative education are the lack of available competitive sports and the arts, including theatre and music. Four themes emerged from the data. Parent satisfaction about their children's education shifts from positive to negative around 8th or 9th grade. Parents are, in general, unwilling to take a risk on an unproven online school. Local private international schools are the focal point of extra-curricular activities and social events, but families lack connections and a supportive environment within the local Saudi Arabian community. Overall, parents do view full-time online education as a viable option for K-12 education; however, perhaps not for their children. Though standalone online classes, within a traditional face-to-face school, was received positively by many families.
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Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika / An educational-psychological exploratory investigation on third culture kids in South-AfricaBester, Dierdré 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie handel oor derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika met die fokus daarop om die fenomeen aan ouers, kinders, onderwysers, sielkundiges en ander belangstellendes bekend te stel.
Derdekultuur-kinders is die term wat geskep is om kinders te benoem wat vir 'n tydperk tydens hulle ontwikkelingsjare saam met hulle ouers in die buiteland deurbring en hul daar vestig, maar weer na hul vaderland terugkeer. 'n Derdekultuur word geskep indien die kinders dele van hul ouers se kultuur en dele van die kultuur van die gasheerland integreer ten einde geredelik in die gasheerland te funksioneer. Die probleem ontstaan egter wanneer hierdie kinders na hul vaderland terugkeer, aangesien hulle dan nie meer binne hul portuurgroep inpas nie.
Die aantal derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse konteks het sedert 1994 met rasse skrede vermeerder, aangesien al hoe meer internasionale maatskappye Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland in diens neem en Suid-Afrikaanse ambassades in bykans elke land in die wêreld gevestig is. Die tendens om gesinne saam op die internasionale plasing te neem, veroorsaak dat kinders in verskeie lande gevestig word en in hierdie tydperk aan 'n internasionale en bevoorregte leefwyse blootgestel word.
In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om die profiel van derdekultuur-kinders, hul kulturele identiteitsvorming en omgekeerde kultuurskok met hul terugkeer na hul land van oorsprong, te ondersoek.
'n Empiriese studie is onderneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die profiele en omgekeerde kultuurskok waaraan Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders blootgestel word, vergelyk met dié soos beskryf in die literatuurstudie. Op grond van die inligting verkry uit vraelyste en individuele onderhoudvoering, en inligting verkry uit die literatuurstudie, is riglyne vir 'n hulpprogram saamgestel waarmee ouers hulle derdekultuur-kinders tydens hulle terugkeer na Suid-Afrika kan ondersteun. Terapeute sonder internasionale ondervinding sal ook hierdie hulpprogram nuttig kan vind.
Die studie bevestig dat:
* die profiel van Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders grootliks met dié van ander lande ooreenstem;
* Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders problematiese her-aanpassing by hul terugkeer na hul paspoortland ondervind;
* ouers en terapeute bemagtig moet word om derdekultuur-kinders met hul heraanpassingsprobleme te ondersteun. / This study deals with Third Culture Kids in South Africa, focusing on introducing the phenomenon to parents, children, teachers, psychologists and other concerned parties.
“Third Culture Kids” is the term used to describe children who have spent a number of their developmental years with their parents abroad, after which they return to their country of origin. A third culture is created when children integrates the culture of their parents together with the culture of the host country in order to function readily in the host community. The problem arises when the children return to their home country as they then encounter problems adapting and fitting into the local community.
The number of Third Culture Kids in the South African context has increased dramatically since 1994, as international companies employed more South Africans abroad and many new South African Embassies were established all over the world. The tendency of having the family accompanying the parents to other countries results in the children residing in various countries and being exposed to an international and privileged lifestyle
This study consists of a literature study of the profile and cultural identity-formation of Third Culture Kids, as well as the reverse culture shock they experience on their return to their country of origin.An empirical study is conducted to establish how South African Third Culture Kids‟ profiles compare with that of the literature and whether they are affected by reverse culture shock upon their return to South Africa. The information, gathered by means of a survey and individual interviews and from the literature study, was then used to compile guidelines for a programme with which parents would be able to assist their Third Culture Kids during the repatriation to their country of origin. Therapists without international experience would also be able to benefit from using this programme to assist Third Culture Kids.
The study confirms that: the profiles of South African Third Culture Kids have commonalities with those described in the literature; South African Third Culture Kids experience problems on re-entry adapting to the culture of the country of origin; parents and therapists should be empowered to assist and support Third Culture Kids with problems relating to their return to their passport country / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkundige)
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ACT Raising Safe Kids親職教育方案於臺灣家庭的應用––探討親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯與改善 / The implementation of ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Taiwan: Exploring parenting stress and its positive changes and relationship with child behavioral problems黃薏靜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國心理學會(APA)暴力預防處與美國幼兒教育協會所共同發展的ACT親職教育方案(Adults and Children Together- Raising Safe Kids Program)為範本,將一個在美國與世界各地發展將近15年的方案首度引進臺灣並應用於臺灣的家庭中,期待能夠藉由這一套社會認知取向的預防性介入「ACT親職教育方案」來增進父母的親職教養態度與知識,降低父母親的親職壓力,並進一步了解親職壓力與兒童行為問題的關聯性。
本研究採用無母數統計法Wilcoxon等級檢定與Mann-Whitney U檢定,檢驗親職壓力感受在前測、後測及追蹤測量之間的差異,另以Spearman相關分析檢視親職壓力與兒童行為問題之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示,ACT親職教育為實驗組家長帶來正向的影響發生在三個月後的追蹤測量,特別是在「困難兒童分量表」的親職壓力上有顯著的改善,且親職壓力總分與兒童行為整體問題呈現高度正相關。 / This study investigated whether the ACTdults and Children Together: Raising Safe Kids (ACT-Rprogram causes effects on reducing parenting stress and examined the correlation between parenting stress and child behavioral problems. The ACT program, developed by American Psychological Association in collaboration with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is a child maltreatment prevention program for parents of young children.
Twenty-three parents having children aged 0-12 completed the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Twelve of these parents took part in eight-week ACT-RSK program and learned effective parenting including child development, anger management, social problem-solving skills, non-violent discipline and effects of violent media on children. The remaining eleven parents were placed on the wait listreceived treatment as usual. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann–Whitney U test were used to respectively compare the intra-group data and inter-group data. Results indicated a positive impact especially on the difficult child subscale of parenting stress during three-month follow-up. Qualitative data collected through open questions in three-month follow-up questionnaire also demonstrated that parents perceived numerous benefits to the ACT-RSK program and felt less stress in the area of parent-child interaction.
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Den svarta paraden : Emo-kulturens uttryck och intention,tolkat i termer av uppror / The Black Parade : The expressions and intensions of emo subculture, interpreted in terms of rebellionHägg, Alice January 2017 (has links)
Emotional hardcore är subkulturen som gick från undergroundrörelse med nära kopplingar till punken till att bli en extremt kommersialiserad subkultur. Emos efter millennieskiftet har beskrivits som deprimerade och destruktiva, och deras kultur som potentiellt farlig för unga människor. I den här uppsatsen kommer emo-kulturens uttryck och intention att undersökas, framförallt kommer fokus att ligga på hur samtalet om motstånd, psykisk ohälsa och känslor såg ut. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem personer som rört sig i emo-kulturen, analyser av text från Bilddagboken och privata bloggar framträder en mer komplex bild av emos. Kulturen rymmer både normskritiska och livsbejakande inslag, även om scenen inte värjer sig för tunga ämnen som självdestruktivitet och depression. Emos synliggjorde sina känslor och personliga uttryck men krävde också respekt och acceptans från sin omgivning. Deras närvaro öppnar upp för en debatt om utseendenormer och psykisk ohälsa som fortfarande är aktuell. / Emotional hardcore is the subculture which went from underground movement with close ties to punk rock to become an extremely commercialized subculture. The emos of the post-millennial emo culture have been described as depressed and destructive, and their culture as potentially dangerous to young people. This essay is exploring the expressions and intentions of the emo culture, with a focus on the discourse on rebellion, mental health and feelings. Qualitative interviews with five former members of the Swedish emo-community, textual analyses from the social media Bilddagboken (Dayviews) and private blogs form a more complex picture of emos. The emo culture contains both norm critical and life affirmative elements, even if the scene doesn’t shield itself from difficult subjects like self-harm and depression. Emo kids made both their feelings and personal expressions visible and demanded respect and acceptance from their surroundings. Their presence open up for a debate about standards of appearance and metal health that is still relevant.
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Kids take charge : reflections on an emergent motif in school stories for young adultsMalisch, Sherrie Lee January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : In this thesis, I explore the kids-take-charge (KTC) motif within recent school stories
produced for young adult audiences, situated in terms of a genealogy of school stories. The
corpus of school stories includes English- and French-language works produced as fiction, film,
or life-writing, both for teens and adults in Canada, the US, and the UK. This thesis identifies the
historical and ideological shifts that may have given rise to the motif. School stories lend
themselves to the identification of some of the distinct models of selfhood and ‘coming into
one’s own’ that have figured prominently in works about and for adolescents in various
sociocultural contexts. The research question that is asked is: Why is this type of story emerging
now, and what social purposes might it serve? The question is inspired by the possible impact of
power relations on youth in society, discussed in Disturbing the Universe: Power and
Repression in Adolescent Literature by Roberta Trites, who suggests that power is everywhere in
young adult literature because power is the key category of the adolescent experience. The thesis
also draws on the work of theorists such as Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Beverly Lyon
Clark, Henry Giroux, George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley, among others.
The corpus includes the following works: The Lightning Thief, part of the Percy Jackson
series by American author Rick Riordan; Schooled, by Canadian-born author Gordon Korman;
the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling; High School Musical, a film that appeared in movie
theatres and was shown on the Disney Channel; Harriet’s Daughter by M. NourbeSe Philip; and
variations on the classic residential and early school stories as they travelled to the New World,
such as Louisa May Alcott's Jo's Boys; Thomas Hughes' Tom Brown School Days, LM
Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, and Ralph Connor's Glengarry School Days, among other
iv Chapter One establishes the contours of the KTC motif via a variety of contemporary
fictional works for young adults through contrasting the stories of change-making by young
adults in these works with patterns found both in classic British school stories of the 19th century
and in early Canadian and American variations on the theme. The chapter explores what it means
for young people to achieve an adult sense of self, and what resources they are expected to
engage in the process. The chapter also examines the kinds of models of youth selfhood and
emerging adulthood that can be linked to the KTC motif.
In Chapter Two, I argue that a qualitatively new motif concerning power and agency has
emerged within a number of school stories produced over the past two decades. As I identify it,
the KTC motif is characterized by three defining features, whether it appears in works of fantasy
or realism. First, the central protagonist must confront a problem or crisis of systemic
importance; how this challenge is resolved will affect an entire school, community, or even—in
works of fantasy—the fate of entire worlds. Second, stories that feature the KTC motif generally
de-emphasize the importance of adult mentors in preparing young people for, and guiding them
through, these challenges. Third, the KTC motif enshrines a particular notion of the ‘authentic
self’ as the source of personal power and agency: victory is assured only insofar as the central
protagonist becomes and remains ‘true’ to himself or herself. Finally, I ask what the vision of
power and agency implicit in the KTC motif could mean for young people as they move toward
becoming adult actors in a complex and globalizing world.
In Chapter Three, I examine questions that enable me to access the model of social
change, comparing these accounts to a narrative of social change in the broader world. I also
assess how adolescents are liable to view and interpret their own experiences through a global
v lens as prodigious consumers of narratives produced in a global culture. This chapter assesses the
extent to which social forms of difference and inequality, such as gender, race, and class, are
integrated into presentation of the problem and strategy/solution within the KTC motif, and how
social changes are encouraged by young protagonists.
In the KTC motif, I find that self-actualization brings power—and power from within
trumps power from without, at least within cultures based on Western individualism. Exceptions
are discussed through the examples of narratives based on Caribbean-Canadian identities
(Norbese-Philip) and on indigenous identities. Contemporary school stories that follow the KTC
motif continue to have a moralizing or didactic bent, in keeping with a trend in YA literature that
underlines the agency of youth protagonists over that of adults. Where the classic school story
ultimately affirms the existing order, the KTC motif suggests that the existing power order is
corrupt. I suggest that the KTC motif may in part reflect the needs of a post-industrial,
knowledge-based economy, in which people are flexible, self-motivated, and willing to believe
that whether they succeed or fail depends not on the soundness of institutions, but on the strength
of their own unique talents and even their personal 'authenticity.' / Résumé : Dans cette thèse, j’explore le modèle de l’enfant qui prend charge "kids-take-charge (KTC)", à
travers des récits produits pour des audiences de jeunes adultes, en termes de généalogie de récits
scolaires. Le corpus des récits scolaires inclut des travaux en anglais et en français produits comme
science-fiction, film ou faits vécus, pour les adolescents et les adultes du Canada, des États-Unis
et le Royaume-Uni. Cette thèse identifie les changements historiques et idéologiques qui ont pu
causer la naissance de ce modèle. Les récits scolaires ont mené à l’identification de certains
modèles distincts d’individualité et "coming into one’s own" qui ont figurés principalement dans
les travaux sur et pour les adolescents dans des contextes socioculturels variés. La
questionrecherche qui est posée est : pourquoi ce genre d’histoire émerge maintenant, et quel but
social peut-il servir ? La question est inspirée par l’impact possible du pouvoir des relations sur la
jeunesse dans la société, examiné dans Disturbing the Universe : Power and Repression in
Adolescent Literature par Roberta Trites, qui suggère que le pouvoir est partout et la littérature de
jeunes adultes parce que le pouvoir est la catégorie clé de l’expérience des adolescents. Cette thèse
nous amène aussi au travail des théoriciens comme Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Beverly
Lyon Clark, Henry Giroux, George Herbert Mead et Charles Horton Cooley parmi tant d’autres.
Le corpus inclut les travaux suivants : The Lightning Thief, partie de la série Percy Jackson des
auteurs américains Rick Riordan; Schooled, de l’auteur canadien Gordon Korman; la série des
Harry Potter de JK Rowling; High School Musical, un film qui est apparu sur les écrans de cinéma
et qui a été diffusé sur la chaine Disney ; Harriet’s Daughter de M. NourbeSe Philip; et variations
des classiques sur les pensionnats et récits scolaires qui ont voyagé dans le temps, comme Louisa
May Alcott's Jo's Boys; Thomas Hughes' Tom Brown School Days, LM Montgomery's Anne of
Green Gables, and Ralph Connor's Glengarry School Days, pour ne nommer que ceux-là.
Le chapitre 1 établit les contours du motif "KTC” à travers une variété d’œuvres de fiction
contemporaines pour jeunes adultes en contrastant les histoires des changements faits par les jeunes
adultes dans ces travaux avec des modèles trouvés dans les classiques récits scolaires britanniques
du 19e siècle et dans les premières variations canadiennes et américaines sur le sujet. Le chapitre
examine également les types de modèles d’individualité des adolescents et jeunes adultes qui
peuvent être liés au motif “KTC”.
Au chapitre 2, je soutiens qu’un relativement nouveau concept concernant le pouvoir et l’agence
est apparu dans un certain nombre de récits scolaires produits dans les deux dernières décennies.
Comme je conceptualise le motive KTC, 3 fonctions bien définies que ce soit dans les ouvres de
fantaisie ou le réalisme. Premièrement, le personnage central doit confronter un problème ou une
crise d’importance systémique ; comment ce défi est résolu affectera une école entière, une
communauté ou même – dans les œuvres de fantaisie – le destin du monde entier.
Deuxièmement, les récits qui représentent le concept KTC insistent généralement moins de
l’importance de mentors adultes dans la préparation et la supervision des jeunes à affronter ces
défis. Troisièmement, le concept KTC conserve la notion particulière du "soi authentique" comme
source du pouvoir personnel et agentivité : la victoire est assurée seulement dans la mesure où le
protagoniste central devient et demeure "vrai" pour lui et elle-même. Finalement, je demande
qu’est-ce que la vision du pouvoir et de l’agentivité du concept du KTC implique pour les jeunes
lorsqu’ils deviennent des acteurs adultes dans un monde complexe et globalisé.
Au chapitre 3, j’examine les questions qui me permettent d’accéder au modèle du changement
social en comparant les explications du changement social dans un monde plus large. J’évalue
aussi comment les adolescents sont susceptibles de voir et d’interpréter leur propre expérience à
travers une lentille globale comme consommateurs prodigieux de récits produits dans une culture
mondiale. Ce chapitre évalue la mesure dans laquelle les différentes formes sociales et l’inégalité,
comme le sexe, la race et la classe sociale sont intégrés dans la présentation du problème et la
stratégie/solution dans le motif KTC et comment les changements sociaux sont encouragés par les
jeunes protagonistes.
Dans le motif KTC, je constate que le développement personnel apporte le pouvoir – et le pouvoir
de l’intérieur est un atout du pouvoir de l’extérieur, au moins dans les cultures basées sur
l’individualisme occidental. Les exceptions sont traitées dans les exemples de récits basés sur les
identités Cara𝑖𝑖𝑖bes-canadiennes (Norbèse-Philip) et sur les identités indigènes. Les récits scolaires
contemporains qui suivent le motif KTC continuent d’avoir un penchant moralisateur ou
didactique, conformément à une tendance dans la littérature jeunesse qui souligne l’agentivité des
jeunes protagonistes sur celui des adultes. Où l’histoire scolaire classique affirme en fin de compte
l’ordre établi, le motif KTC suggère que le pouvoir établi est corrompu. Je suggère que le motif
KTC peut en partie refléter les besoins d’une économie post-industrielle basée sur la connaissance
dans laquelle les gens sont flexibles, motivés et décidés à croire que s’ils réussissent ou non de
dépend pas de la force des institutions, mais de leur force de caractère et même de leur propre
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La jeunesse comme enjeu politique au cinéma états-unien contemporain : pour une polis audiovisuelleTremblay, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux propriétés politiques du médium audiovisuel, et plus spécifiquement de la pratique cinématographique, devant un problème concret : la marginalisation de la jeunesse dans la société américaine contemporaine, symptomatique d’une perte d’espoir en l’avenir. Guidé par la théorie politique de Hannah Arendt, l’argumentaire consiste d’abord en deux analyses filmiques : une première de Kids (1995), réalisé par Larry Clark, porte sur l’invisibilité sociale de la jeunesse et la faculté du médium audiovisuel à confronter le spectateur. La seconde se penche sur le pouvoir systématisé auquel sont soumis les jeunes dans une institution scolaire bureaucratique, tel qu’il est mis en scène dans Elephant (2003) de Gus Van Sant, et interroge la capacité du médium à susciter la pensée chez le spectateur. Dans un troisième temps, une réflexion plus globale sur la situation actuelle de la culture cinématographique au sein du domaine audiovisuel dominé par le divertissement de masse explore la possibilité d’une polis audiovisuelle. Cette troisième et dernière partie reprend les thèmes soulevés dans les précédentes dans une perspective politique basée directement sur la pensée d’Arendt : ils donnent lieu aux questions de l’apparaître et de la durabilité du monde, qui sont les principales fonction de la polis, ainsi qu’à la question du rôle du spectateur. / This research is about the political properties of the audiovisual media, focusing on cinema as a specific practice, in front of a concrete problem: marginalized youth in contemporary American society, which is symptomatic of a loss of hope for the future. Guided by Hannah Arendt’s political theory, the arguments start with two film analyses: a first one of Larry Clark’s Kids (1995) concerns the social invisibility of youth, and audiovisual media’s faculty to confront the spectator. The second one takes a look at the systematized power to which youths are submitted in a bureaucratic educational establishment, as it is featured in Gus Van Sant’s Elephant (2003), and examines media’s capacity to bring the viewer to think. Third and last, a more overall reflection on the current situation of film culture within the audiovisual field dominated by mass entertainment explores the possibility of an audiovisual polis. This last part pursues the themes discussed in the two former ones in a politic perspective, directly based on Arendt’s thoughts: they lead to considerations on appearance and durability of the world, which are the main functions of the polis, as well as considerations on the spectator’s role.
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Metodické pohledy na tvorbu Jiřího Pavlici určenou dětskému posluchači a interpretovi / Methodological Perspectives on Jiří Pavlica's Work for Young Listeners and PerformersKutilová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to cover the musical work of Jiří Pavlica for young listeners and performers and to find how it could be used during music classes for children in the first years of elementary school. The theoretical part of the thesis includes Jiří Pavlica's biography, the description of the author's and performer's work for children and its relation to folklorism. The theoretical part includes also four methodologies of how to work with a folk song in the elementary school. In the practical part eight preparations for model music lessons are presented, the preparations having been devised using the four methodologies. The thesis includes also testing and commenting on the actual applicability of the preparations.
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Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika / An educational-psychological exploratory investigation on third culture kids in South-AfricaBester, Dierdré 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie handel oor derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrika met die fokus daarop om die fenomeen aan ouers, kinders, onderwysers, sielkundiges en ander belangstellendes bekend te stel.
Derdekultuur-kinders is die term wat geskep is om kinders te benoem wat vir 'n tydperk tydens hulle ontwikkelingsjare saam met hulle ouers in die buiteland deurbring en hul daar vestig, maar weer na hul vaderland terugkeer. 'n Derdekultuur word geskep indien die kinders dele van hul ouers se kultuur en dele van die kultuur van die gasheerland integreer ten einde geredelik in die gasheerland te funksioneer. Die probleem ontstaan egter wanneer hierdie kinders na hul vaderland terugkeer, aangesien hulle dan nie meer binne hul portuurgroep inpas nie.
Die aantal derdekultuur-kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse konteks het sedert 1994 met rasse skrede vermeerder, aangesien al hoe meer internasionale maatskappye Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland in diens neem en Suid-Afrikaanse ambassades in bykans elke land in die wêreld gevestig is. Die tendens om gesinne saam op die internasionale plasing te neem, veroorsaak dat kinders in verskeie lande gevestig word en in hierdie tydperk aan 'n internasionale en bevoorregte leefwyse blootgestel word.
In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie onderneem om die profiel van derdekultuur-kinders, hul kulturele identiteitsvorming en omgekeerde kultuurskok met hul terugkeer na hul land van oorsprong, te ondersoek.
'n Empiriese studie is onderneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die profiele en omgekeerde kultuurskok waaraan Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders blootgestel word, vergelyk met dié soos beskryf in die literatuurstudie. Op grond van die inligting verkry uit vraelyste en individuele onderhoudvoering, en inligting verkry uit die literatuurstudie, is riglyne vir 'n hulpprogram saamgestel waarmee ouers hulle derdekultuur-kinders tydens hulle terugkeer na Suid-Afrika kan ondersteun. Terapeute sonder internasionale ondervinding sal ook hierdie hulpprogram nuttig kan vind.
Die studie bevestig dat:
* die profiel van Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders grootliks met dié van ander lande ooreenstem;
* Suid-Afrikaanse derdekultuur-kinders problematiese her-aanpassing by hul terugkeer na hul paspoortland ondervind;
* ouers en terapeute bemagtig moet word om derdekultuur-kinders met hul heraanpassingsprobleme te ondersteun. / This study deals with Third Culture Kids in South Africa, focusing on introducing the phenomenon to parents, children, teachers, psychologists and other concerned parties.
“Third Culture Kids” is the term used to describe children who have spent a number of their developmental years with their parents abroad, after which they return to their country of origin. A third culture is created when children integrates the culture of their parents together with the culture of the host country in order to function readily in the host community. The problem arises when the children return to their home country as they then encounter problems adapting and fitting into the local community.
The number of Third Culture Kids in the South African context has increased dramatically since 1994, as international companies employed more South Africans abroad and many new South African Embassies were established all over the world. The tendency of having the family accompanying the parents to other countries results in the children residing in various countries and being exposed to an international and privileged lifestyle
This study consists of a literature study of the profile and cultural identity-formation of Third Culture Kids, as well as the reverse culture shock they experience on their return to their country of origin.An empirical study is conducted to establish how South African Third Culture Kids‟ profiles compare with that of the literature and whether they are affected by reverse culture shock upon their return to South Africa. The information, gathered by means of a survey and individual interviews and from the literature study, was then used to compile guidelines for a programme with which parents would be able to assist their Third Culture Kids during the repatriation to their country of origin. Therapists without international experience would also be able to benefit from using this programme to assist Third Culture Kids.
The study confirms that: the profiles of South African Third Culture Kids have commonalities with those described in the literature; South African Third Culture Kids experience problems on re-entry adapting to the culture of the country of origin; parents and therapists should be empowered to assist and support Third Culture Kids with problems relating to their return to their passport country / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkundige)
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Drowning prevention for children in San Bernardino CountyWilliams, Joan Marie 01 January 2002 (has links)
Drowning and near drowning is a significant problem nationwide and in San Bernardino County. Drowning in and around the home is the leading cause of accidental death of children under 5 years of age. In the United States, drowning is cited as the second most common cause of death for adolescents. This project was undertaken to help establish a funding source to develop a drowning prevention program in San Bernardino County. A request for assistance was obtained from the California Center for Childhood Injury Prevention and the California Kids' Plates Program.
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Tienda de ropa para niños - Rainbow / Children's Clothing- RainbowArteaga Diaz, Fritz Stiff, Jiménez Machacuay, Katherine Verenice, León Rodriguez, Lucia Elis, López Cedeño, Tirza Estefani, Zapata Tejada, Frank Sergio 17 June 2021 (has links)
Según información dada a RPP (2018) por Rosa Inés Castro, médico del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, dos de cada 20 niños peruanos sufren la enfermedad cutánea de dermatitis atópica que se caracteriza por la piel seca, sensible e hiperreactiva. Entre los síntomas más comunes se encuentran picazón en los ojos, nariz, cuello, brazos y piernas.
Asimismo, muchos niños son alérgicos a ciertas prendas de ropa en las épocas de verano o cambios de estación ya que entre los 2 y 10 años suelen presentar ronchas o brotes en el cuerpo. En estos casos, si no se tratan estas reacciones de manera adecuada se pueden agravar y provocar complicaciones mayores.
Rainbow es una marca de ropa dirigida a los niños, el cual tiene como objetivo brindar la mejor comodidad a los usuarios finales, ya que la calidad de los prendas que ofrece Rainbow son antialergicas y antibacteriales, para que los padres de familia encuentren la tranquilidad en las prendas que eligen para sus hijos.
La idea de negocio se llevara a cabo fisicamente, por el cual tendra una tienda ubicada en el distrito de los Olivos, el cual es un mercado muy grande y sobre todo con muchos clientes potenciales para la adquisicion de las prendas que ofrece Rainbow.
Para concluir, se considera que el proyecto es viable y rentable, ya que el analisis financiero. / According to information given to RPP (2018) by Rosa Inés Castro, a doctor at the National Children's Health Institute, two out of 20 Peruvian children suffer from atopic dermatitis skin disease characterized by dry, sensitive and hyper-reactive skin. Among the most common symptoms are itchy eyes, nose, neck, arms, and legs.
Likewise, many children are allergic to certain clothes in the summer or seasonal changes since between 2 and 10 years of age they usually have hives or breakouts on the body. In these cases, if these reactions are not treated properly, they can worsen and cause major complications.
Rainbow is a clothing brand aimed at children, which aims to provide the best comfort to end users, since the quality of the garments offered by Rainbow are antiallergic and antibacterial, so that parents can find peace of mind in the clothes they choose for their children.
The business idea will be carried out physically, for which it will have a store located in the district of Los Olivos, which is a very large market and above all with many potential clients for the acquisition of the garments that Rainbow offers.
To conclude, the project is considered viable and profitable, since the financial analysis. / Trabajo de investigación
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