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Mateřská škola v Čelákovicích, příprava realizace stavby / Preparation for Building RealisationSikora, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the elaboration of the construction and technology project of the kindergarden in Čelákovice. Diploma thesis contain technical report of construction and technology projet, design mechanical assembley with transportation route, design of construction site equipment, time schedule and the budget of the main building, technological prescription of the flat roof and control and test plan.
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Zdroje tepla pro vytápění občanské budovy / Heat Source for heating of Civil BuildingTrajer, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
The aim is to design an evaluate options for heating sytem for kindergarden with two floors. The project documention, investment cost and operating cost are included in this project.
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Výběr vzdělávacího zařízení z pohledu rodičů dětí docházejících do lesních školek / School choices by parents of children visiting forest kindergardensŠtanclová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This text deal with school choices by parents of children who are currently visiting forest kindergarden. This thesis is offering answers on questions: which aspects play a rule and influent parents choices of preprimary and primary schools for their children. The impact of this work is offer an insight and better understanding into phenomenon of growth of forest kindergarden and also prediction of the possible development of this institution in the future. This work recognize parents as policy active participants who are by their school choices reacting on broadly available offers from educational system. Content of this thesis is also distinction of three types of kindergarden which were recognised. Inside this different forest kindergarden were observed three atypic communities following different values and ways of life. The impact of this work is better understanding of what parents really want, what they ask and desire to get from the educational system and how they react when they can not meet their needs and preferences in the offers from educational system. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna loukaZáthurecká, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
New school buildings are designed out of area of Black Meadow in Ostrava but with very close connection with the park. This plot is situated between the river Ostravica, Black Meadow and planned living area New Karolina. It´s orientation to the south and the proximity of nature it´s also very important for the school buildings. Elementary school, secondary school , gym and kindergarden are designed as one komplex connected with platform opened to the river.
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Územní studie aktuálního rozvojového území města Kroměříže / Urban study of development area city - KroměřížSysel, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the new development of the current development area of the town of Kroměříž in its northeastern part behind the psychiatric hospital between the streets Lutopecká and Havlíčková. This territory connects the local part of Terezov and Barbořina. The aim of the study was to propose new housing for more than 1,200 inhabitants in a currently unbuilt area in accordance with a valid territorial plan. The solved territory is divided into three stages of construction. The northeastern part follows the existing housing development with two-storey apartment buildings. In the rest of the area there are designed individual houses and partly terraced houses. The area is complemented by a kindergarten, shops and a parking house. In accordance with the territorial plan there is also a park and a sports ground with a playground and a sports hall. The character of the territory is greatly influenced by some already existing engineering networks and their protection zones, the transfer of which is economically disadvantageous. Due to the marginal position of the solved territory, the study proposes the extension of the service by public transportation by another two places. The new transport link between streets Lutopecká and Havlíčková would cause a significant traffic movement to increase over the area, so the study envisages a calm traffic in the form of a maximum speed limitation of 30 km/h and the communication system consists of two-way and one-way communications. Transportation is provided by the garages belonging to family houses supported with parking along the roads. In the apartment part, parking is possible in the outdoor parking lots and to supplement the necessary capacity, the study also proposes a parking house.
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Velkoplošné systémy pro vytápění a chlazení / Heating and cooling systemsPavlíček, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is large area heating and cooling systems. Theoretical part of this thesis is focused on thermal comfort of people in interier and on theoretical calculation of heat transfer and on large area heating and cooling systems. Second part is devided to two variants. First variant is design of a heating system in kindergarden with floor heating combined with plate heating radiators. Second variant is heating system with only plate heating radiators. As source of heat is used condensing gas boiler. Part of a design is preparation of hot water. Experimental part of the thesis contains measurements of coefficient of heat transfer in floor heating and wall heating.
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Husen under bron Förskola : Houses Under the Bridge KindergardenLi, Rui-Xin January 2014 (has links)
Kindergarden - How can we create different synergies between different fields that they can benefit from each other? What different activities will suit the kindergarden? How will our perception of the kindergarden, of its need and function in society, change? In this Degree Project in Architecture I will be investigating the combination of the kindergarden together with a restaurant and a dance studio. I believe these activities will harmonize since they have overlapping benefits: We all eat, move and grow. With the new architectural activities in mind, I will further investigate the importance of the kindergarden as a part of society, more specifically our perception of what function it may, may not or could fill. I share the idea with a lot of authors, scientist that we are headed toward a society where children are kept too safe, thus minimising their chance to experience and learn to cope with a harsh reality when they grow up as adults. It's ok to get hurt to an extent, as long as they do not endanger their lives.
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Kiderly : - ett sällskapsspel med fokus på mötet mellan äldre och yngreEdgren, Julia January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle lider många äldre av ofrivillig ensamhet. Effekterna av den ofrivilliga ensamheten leder till sämre välmående och utveckling av sjukdomar, både psykiskt och fysiskt. Livslängden på människan ökar tillsammans med belastningen på samhället och vården. Trots detta minskas omkostnaderna på äldrevården. Det ökade geografiska avståndet mellan familjemedlemmarna har gjort att barnens mor- och farföräldrar utesluts mycket mer från barnens liv än för 100 år sedan. Ändå finns det studier på att barn som har den äldre generationen i sin samvaro utvecklar färre sociala problem. Gävle kommun har ett pågående projekt där de ska kombinera skolverksamhet med äldrevård i samma byggnad. I inspiration från detta har examensarbetet utforskat hur en produkt kan öka och förenkla interaktionen mellan förskolebarn och boende på vård- och omsorgsboende. Den utforskande delen med intervjuer har ökat förståelsen för användarna och deras behov. Konceptet är byggt på att skapa ett naturligt möte hos äldre på vård och omsorgsboende och förskolebarn som har olika förutsättningar. Resultatet av arbetet blev Sällskapsspelet Kiderly som är anpassat efter målgruppernas olika behov och förutsättningar. Spelets fokus ligger på att hjälpa förskolebarn och boenden på vård och omsorgsboende till ett naturligt möte som uppmuntrar till konversation. / In today's society, many older people suffer from involuntary loneliness. The effects of involuntary loneliness lead to poorer well-being and the development of diseases, both mental and physical. The lifespan of people increases together with the burden on society and healthcare. Despite this, the costs of care for the elderly are reduced. The increased geographical distance between the family members has meant that the children's grandparents are much more excluded from the children's lives than 100 years ago. Nevertheless, there are studies that children who have the older generation in their company develop fewer social problems. Gävle Kommun has an ongoing project where they will combine school activities with elderly care in the same building. Inspired by this, the degree project has explored how a product can increase and simplify the interaction between preschool children and residents in care and nursing homes. The exploratory part with interviews has increased the understanding of the users and their needs. The concept is based on creating a natural meeting of elderly people in care and nursing homes and preschool children who have different conditions. The result of the work was the board game Kiderly, which is adapted to the target groups' different needs and conditions. The game's focus is on helping preschoolers and residents in care and nursing homes to a natural meeting that encourages conversation.
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Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna loukaChroustová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis was design of educational building complex in Ostrava, Černá louka. Design is divided into two buildings- the main building(primary and secondary school) and kindergarden building. Main entrance into the complex is oriented to the catchment area - new living in Nová Karolina. Subsidence of the Kindergarten object creates landscaped space in front of schools. The green belt for sport and recreation was preserved along the river. Form the main object corresponds with the surrounding buildings - closed block with an inner atrium. The block opens and decreases towards the river, as well as kindergarten object. The facade of the building is special architectural concrete with the ability to clean the air - pierced around the windows. Gllass is used towards atrium and the river. Colours facade is enlivened by yellow surfaces lining by the windows, for common areas are used flat glass glossy green panels. Operation of the main building is divided into 4 units. Primary school is oriented towards the river and it is typical for square classrooms and a large corridor. Secondary school, coupled with the high school is located in 2nd and 3rd floor in the atrium arrangement of corridors with classrooms. Next part is gymnasium oriented to the Černá louka. Facilities of the school is located in the 1st floor. The dominant element is spatially banked dining room that opens into the atrium.
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Im Miteinander von Generationen : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung einer intergenerationellen Begegnung aus missiologischer Perspektive / Togetherness of generations : an empiric-theological research of intergenerational encounters from the perspective of missiologyGeppert-Enriquez, Johanna Wally Ernestine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in English and German / Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit den Erfahrungen, die Senioren im Alter von 60plus in einem evangelischen Kindergarten im niedersächsischen Apen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kindern machen, wenn sie ihre Ressourcen an Wissen und Zeit ehrenamtlich einbringen. Das Engagement der Senioren in der Generationenarbeit erfolgt in Form von Workshops und weiteren verschiedenen Projekten und versteht sich als gemeinwesendiakonisches Projekt in Kooperation zwischen Kirche und Kindergarten. Die Studie untersucht die subjektiven Erfahrungen der ehrenamtlich tätigen Senioren mit Kindern, die aus den intergenerationellen Begegnungen hervorgehen und deutet diese auf ihre missionstheologische Relevanz. Unter Rückgriff auf praktisch-theologische Erkenntnisse aus der Lebenswelt der Senioren gehen wichtige Ergebnisse in die in der kontextuellen Theologie und Missiologie verorteten Arbeit ein. Diese münden wiederum in praktische Empfehlungen zur generationenübergreifenden Arbeit für Kirche und Kommune. / The current study aims at investigating the experiences of elderly at the age of 60plus, when contributing with their knowledge and time during their work with children. As a research setting, an evangelic kindergarden has been selected in Apen, the northern part of Lower Saxony, Germany. The engagement of seniors in this so-called generation work is understood as a diaconal practical project which is defined as social welfare work. It is implemented in form of different projects and performed in cooperation with the church and the kindergarden. The research explores firstly, the subjective experiences of the volunteering seniors during their intergenerational encounters. Secondly, the inter generational encounters are furthermore analyzed regarding its missiological-theological relevance. Practical theological insights, gained by analyzing the seniors’ lifeworld, result as relevant for the research in the domain of contextual theology and missiology. Finally, the results lead to practical recommendations for intergenerational work for both the church and community. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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